ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Provides High School Abroad Programs

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ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Provides High School Abroad Programs

Through different educational programs, students get to develop skills and learn new things. With youth exchange programs such as ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE, students can develop themselves through different effective and impactful programs. ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a youth exchange program that specializes in assisting students from different countries and backgrounds to develop themselves through exposure to various cultures. The youth exchange program is organized and coordinated by Rotary International, a global network of different people from all walks of life. The global network believes it can achieve goodwill and peace all over the world through humanitarian services. They have over 12 million members and 33,000 clubs worldwide, and they coordinate about 10,000 student exchanges yearly. In response to a query about their exchange programs, the spokesperson of ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE commented, “We provide youth exchange programs that are focused on building and developing students culturally and socially. Our Rotarian volunteers are committed to protecting all our participating students. They do not discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, identity, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status. Our programs are provided to help our students learn through different cultures and communities. The youth exchange programs we provide are low-cost scholarship programs, and these programs provide students with the opportunity to learn new languages, become global citizens, and understand foreign cultures.” ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a youth exchange program where students get to develop themselves through different activities within the program.

Their Rotarians, Rotarian spouses & partners, and other volunteers safeguard and protect students from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Their foreign summer exchange program is a program that involves two families sending their children to be hosted in by another family in a foreign country. Students from these families will travel to the foreign country for three to four weeks with their host families. This youth exchange program involves two families hosting one another’s children of the same age. In the next phase of this program, the two students from both families will then travel together to be hosted by the first student’s family, and this also applies to the second student. Those interested in the youth exchange program’s high school abroad programs list can visit their website. The spokesperson added, “As a leading youth exchange program, we always want to provide our students with the best experience. We have a high school study abroad program, and it is Rotary International’s Long Term Exchange Program (LTEP), which requires that students attend high school while they are on exchange. Students who can take part in this program are students who have just graduated from high school and plan to participate in the exchange program in their gap year. However, students in this category are still required to attend high school full time in their various exchange foreign countries.” ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE provides interested students, parents, and guardians with information about how to participate in their youth exchange program on their website.

About ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE: ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a leading youth exchange program that allows students from different countries to participate in high school study abroad programs.

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