ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Provides Gap Year Travel Programs for Students

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ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Provides Gap Year Travel Programs for Students

When students are exposed to educational and practical experiences, they get to develop themselves in a lot of areas. ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a youth exchange program provided for students from different backgrounds and countries. The program is coordinated by Rotary International, a global network consisting of people from different walks of life who believe in building goodwill and peace all over the world through humanitarian services. The global network/community has over 12 million members, with over 33,000 clubs around the world. Through their trained Rotarian volunteers, they can coordinate up to 10,000 student exchanges yearly. They are dedicated to protecting and ensuring the safety of every participating student. These Rotarians also do not discriminate based on gender, race, sexual orientation, identity, religion, or socioeconomic status. In response to a query about their exchange program, the spokesperson of ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE commented, “Our program offers students a lifetime of adventure, as it is a lowcost scholarship program tailor-made for them. This allows students to develop themselves, learn a new language, become global citizens, and understand foreign cultures. Parents need not be perturbed about the safety of their children, as we work with a very strict statement of conduct. We do our best to create a safe environment for our participants, and we ensure Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses & partners, and other volunteers safeguard and protect them from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.” ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is committed to providing students with programs that offer them impactful experiences and help them develop.

Their gap year travel programs for students is a program for students who have graduated from high school and are waiting to enroll in college or the university. Students who are seniors in high school and will be graduating next spring are also allowed to participate in the ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE study abroad program. However, this is as long as they will not exceed age 19 at the time they are to graduate. The gap year program also does not require any academic credits, as they are structured to be less stressful for students. The spokesperson added, “The foreign summer exchange program we provide for students is also known as the short-term summer abroad exchange program. This program is specifically provided for students who love adventure and do not want to spend all of their school year abroad. This program is available for students between the ages of 15-19. It ranges from several weeks to a few months, and it usually holds in the summer when school is not in session. This program is also administered and coordinated by Rotary volunteers, and this helps to keep the program’s cost low. However, the cost of this program varies based on the district and country where the exchange occurs. At ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE, guardians and parents are expected to handle certain expenses for their wards. These include travel insurance, round-trip airfare, language camp or cultural orientation, and an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.

About ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE: ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a trusted youth exchange program in the USA organized and managed by Rotary International.

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