ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Offers Top High School Study Abroad Programs

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ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE Offers Top High School Study Abroad Programs

In response to a query about their services, the spokesperson of ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE commented, "We have over 1.2 million members in about 33,000 clubs around the world. Our focus is to achieve world peace, and one of the ways we get to this is through our youth exchange program, which offers students several benefits and opportunities. For every youth participating in our exchange program, we make sure to provide them with a safe environment, as this is one of the main concerns of our exchange program. Also, our low-cost scholarship program offers students the opportunity to develop themselves in a different culture and location."


ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a Rotary International youth exchange program provided for students from different locations all over the world. The youth exchange program is coordinated and managed by Rotarian volunteers. These volunteers are from different walks of life, and they consist of community leaders, entrepreneurs, and other business professionals. They believe that a key ingredient to achieving world peace is understanding people of different cultures worldwide and offering humanitarian services. Through their exchange program, students can learn new languages, become global citizens, and discover another culture. The platform coordinates over 10,000 student exchange programs yearly, and they ensure that all students are safe and secure. They do not discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, or identity.

Through standard educational platforms, students get the opportunity to develop themselves and build positive relationships with other students.

ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE provides students with summer high school student exchange programs in abroad

This exchange program lasts between a few weeks and months. It is also very appropriate for adventurous students. Students interested in this exchange program must be between the ages of 15 - 19. As this program takes place in summer when schools are not in session, it does not require any academic program. This program also involves the agreement of two families who are willing to send their child to be hosted by another family with a similar-aged child in a foreign country. One of the students will begin this program by traveling to the other country to spend three to four weeks with the family where they will be hosted.

At ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE, their Rotarian volunteers strive to maintain a safe environment for all students participating in the exchange program. Thus, they ensure to protect them from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

The spokesperson added, "Our exchange program has standard rules such as applicants must be 15 - 19 years of age at the time of their departure. They must be sponsored by a local Rotary Club and complete their application forms. We ensure to interview both guardians/parents and the students themselves in person. Students must also pass their medical and dental health exams and submit them. In some cases, students are required to meet certain application requirements and interview processes, but this is based on a student's Rotary District or Rotary Club."

About ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE: ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is a trusted youth exchange program providing students with top high school study abroad programs.

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