How To Stay Safe During Your GapYear Abroad?

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How To Stay Safe During Your GapYear Abroad?

Getting sick, having your wallet stolen, or being scammed are the top fears in the minds of students when they are planning to join gap year travel programs. But these fears should not prevent you from enjoying a fantastic gap year while enjoying amazing experiences. So we have listed some of the gap year safety considerations to make sure that you have a safe trip while having lots of fun and learning adequately. These tips will help you to keep your gap year hassle and trouble-free.

Safety measures before you travel

• Prepare your itinerary in advance, and do not forget to leave a copy of it with your family.

• Remember that no tourist board can guarantee a safe trip, but some destinations are generally considered safer than others. You can check a foreign travel advice guide to understand the travel warnings, safety, security, and entry requirements.

• Ensure that you have the accommodation booked for at least the first night and make a note of the hostel’s or hotel’s contact details. It will come in handy in case you are delayed and need to reschedule.

• You can also aim to arrive at your destination during the day so that you can find your way around in broad daylight.

• When you join gap year travel programs, ensure you also get relevant gap year insurance.

• You may add key phone numbers to your phone, including the emergency services number of your destinations, your insurance provider’s contact details, and your policy number. In addition to saving them in your phone, you should write down these numbers and keep them hidden in your bag. It is advised that you email all this information to yourself. You may also photograph or scan your passport in color and mail it to yourself so that you have a copy in case of an emergency.

• Do not forget to buy an emergency travel first aid kit that will stay in your bag. Before you start your journey, research the local cultures and customs of the destination. Determine whether any clothes could offend. So see that you have appropriate things to wear before you arrive at the place. Remember that there are certain places where you may not be allowed to photograph certain people or things.

• Have your visas and vaccinations sorted, and do not pack anything valuable. Of course, this does not include your phone and wallet but do not pack expensive and sentimental jewelry, clothes, and other items.

Staying safe in a foreign country

Before you arrive, familiarize yourself with the destinations and note where you can get help. In case you get lost, ask for help in a well-lit place. Avoid walking on your own in the dark.

Avoid hitch-hiking and always book safe transportation. If you are traveling alone, let someone know where you are going and when you could be back. Do not move around with huge sums of cash or valuables.

If you are booking transport, excursions, and tours with local providers, make sure that you choose them carefully. Look for reputable and safe suppliers rather than the cheapest.

Keep your belongings safe

Find ways to keep your wallet, passport, and phone close to your body and hidden. Do not have them sticking out of your back pocket. You can find a lot of thief-proof bags, anti-theft devices, bag locks, etc., which can provide complete safety and peace of mind.

You may look for bags you can wear across your body, a bum bag, or a money belt hidden under your clothes. You may also opt for a lightweight rucksack that can be worn on your front and try to avoid a single-strap bag worn over one shoulder. Make sure that you avoid keeping everything in one place. For instance, you can keep your bank card in a money belt and a small amount of cash in your bag. Another option is carrying a fake wallet that contains a few banknotes and coins.

The best way to be safe from theft would be to avoid looking like a target. This includes showing large wads of cash when you get your money out. Also, avoid walking around with your phone in your hand.

Being in touch with your family

Your parents will still worry about you no matter how well-prepared you are. So keep them informed about your whereabouts. Stay in constant touch with them by emailing, texting, or calling. Make sure that you let them know when you move to a new area. Before you travel, do not forget to check out the roaming charges for your phone. Some destinations may offer you cheaper options for pay-as-you-go phones abroad.

The bottom line

These are a few of the most important things to remember when you travel abroad for your gap year. Some careful planning can prevent you from major consequences so that you can have a fun and safe trip.

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