WasteBasedGlazedBrick Project report

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Contents 4 phase 1 Material Research on potential waste material supply, visiting production side, lab scale testing;

6 testing on the factory side Introduction to the manufacturing of WasteBasedBrick, brick production, set up the first recipes of the glazes;

10 Pilot project Commissioned project of StoneCycling by Van Bommel Museum;

16 large scale production phase 2 Introduction to a new partner ABO Global, waste material supply, large scale testings

20 defining the collection Selection of colors, testing the recipes on stability and quality, temperature checks;

28 communication report Overview of publications, reports, newsletter about the project and follow up;

32 presentation during ddw2021 Presentation of selected colors at Dutch Design Week 2021, collecting the responses and feedback; Industrial landscape, Zilverschoonrandwijk Heteren



Phase 1 material

knowledge but to create a unique project especially for StoneCycling and use the specifics of the bricks they have in the collection. Proposed from the company side, the idea was to introduce and make use of the materials that are part of the recipes of WasteBasedBrick, to make the supply chain and use of waste even more efficient. First tests took place in the studio in Eindhoven and later on repeated at the production side in Zilverschonrandwijk.

In this chapter there is an itroduction to the partners of the project, process, materials sourcing and first small scale tests

This project started in November 2020 when I was invited to visit StoneCycling production side in Zilverschoon Randwijk. I introduced to the company unique ceramic glazes and experiments on the implementation of waste streams in the ceramic process. I proposed three directions we could potentially use as a starting point of this project. Since I had a large experience in the past with the development of waste glazes, I wanted to implement this

To make a little step out, I would like to give a little introduction about the partners of the project. StoneCycling creates building materials from waste, with a positive impact on the planet. StoneCycling’s WasteBasedBricks® and WasteBasedSlips® are being used for the façade, interior wall cladding, 4

Right: Zilverschoon Randwijk lab facility, Studio Mixtura sampling


Left: fabrication of fresh bricks, dry bricks before the glaze application Right: handforming of bricks;

testing on a factory side

and flooring in projects around the world. Zilverschoon Randwijk started producing traditional, handformed, restoration stones in 2000. These restoration stones were initially produced alongside the production of approximately eight million mechanically hand-molded stones. 6

However, at the end of 2002, a conscious decision was made to discontinue the mechanical handmolding branch and to continue producing only restoration stones as Zilverschoon Randwijk. Because it is a restoration stone and every stone is unique, Zilverschoon Randwijk only produces to order and not in stock. 7

‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure’

Top Left: Bricks on drying racks; Bottom left: Waste from overspray provided by D-Tile; D-Tile product line;


These two parties unite in order to produce and offer sustainable alternatives for the bricks. Exactly the combination of handcrafted and technological approaches allow such a project as WasteBasedGlazed brick to happen. I was able to get access to all the facilities and get the right away results of the testing, which helped enormously to speed up the process. In my search for suitable materials source for our project, I got to know Erik Jan from the company D-Tile in Velp. It is a small-scale business that has a very beautiful colorful line of specialshaped ceramic tiles.

When I first visited their facility in Velp I was amazed by the efficiency of the process. I was aware that in general, each ceramic manufacture has waste materials during the production, but the quantities and quality of these streams were for us to discover. Although the amount of waste that D-tile is producing is minimal, there is still a sufficient amount for the implementation in the glazes as a source of color. We have collected the overspray material from D-Tile, these are the leftover materials after the production of each color. Every time the new color was produced, the old had to be discarded and stored.In a usual 9

Right: Process of handmade brick shaping Zilverschoon Randwijk

special shape and glaze

First project proof of concept

Pilot Project

practice, these waste streams would be first dried and then baked at the temperature around 800C. This process is required to be able to damp the waste in the construction waste container. Regulations are strict to the chemical waste which is not treated right. My question as a designer was, how can we turn these waste streams into something useful. Erik Jan agreed to let us collect the samples for the first experiments. Potentially this direction would mean for the D-Tile an energy save, for the burning of the waste and costs for the disposal of construction waste. 10

Left: Special shape of a WasteBasedBrick

For StoneCycling that could potentially bring the cost saving on the pigments for the glazes. StoneCycling founders Tom van Soest and Ward Massa are both born and raised in the city of Venlo and met the architect at WasteBuild in Amsterdam. Here, BiermanHenket showed great interest in the glazed shine brick slips made within the project partnership. to announce our collaboration on a part of the interior wall cladding for this project. BiermanHenket challenged StoneCycling to make a bespoke product for the historical building by upcycling

local waste streams. For example, Venlo-based glass recycling company Scheuten will deliver a local waste stream of recycled glass to be used as a glazing on top of the Shine WasteBasedSlips®. It has been our intention not only to design a beautiful and functioning museum building, but to let the new function for this building also be an impulse for the city. Museum van Bommel van Dam will become a new meeting place in Venlo for students, visitors, tourists and all Venlo residents. Since the project was so unique, we decided to use this moment to create an eye-catcher with the glazes. Using very limited waste resources from D-Tile allow us to recreate one of a kind color combination that we 11

unpredictible results

Left: mix of the glaze Middle: special brick mold Right: a brick before the firing

would not be able to repeat. The architects selected the colors for the project: green, blue, yellow, and nude. After careful selection of colors, we made the recipes. In addition to the glazes, we also added the parts of the old building in the recipe to give a special texture. Results were very nice, the building was officially open in September 2021. More

about the reactions and publications about the project in the chapter Communication. Van Bommel Museum project also made us realize that the waste stream from D-Tile are suitable for a small scale unique application but not convenient to recreate a large scale production. That is why the decision was made to look to other partners. Movie presentation https://vimeo.com/646373452





large scale production In this chapter we describe the process of sourcing the materials and first small scale tests

In early February 2021 I was introduced to a company ABO Global and the PhD. researcher Veronica Caprai. ABO Global specialized in valorization and trading of by-products, mainly from iron and steel industry. With location s in Belgium, France and Germany ABO provide solutions for partners in Europe, Middle East and Asia. The portfolio of ABO covers a wide range of by-products, incinerated scraps, minerals, and negative value products. The moto of the company

Value in waste

is: ‘If it would be easy, everyone would do it.’ When I first got accented with ABO Global my interest was to find a stable source of mineral residues which can substitute the coloring for the new range of glazes. I received a portfolio that contained 10 potentially interesting slags, among which have been chosen once with a high content of metal oxides and relatively fine particle size. The selection falls on Millscale A3 Conventionally, an oxidation layer is formed on the surface of steel plates during the hot and cold rolling process. Due to the accelerated corrosion deriving from its inhomogeneous coverage, this layer is removed from steel plates and collected in the form of mill scale. Mainly composed of iron-based 16

abo global

Right: Zilverschoon Randwijk material stock

phases, the mill scale is blue-black in color and presents a flaky particle shape. In total, about 13.5 million tons/year of mill scale are produced in the world, amounting to about 4% of rolled product generated. Due to the possible content of lubricants, the recycling 17

Right: ABO Global Facility Red Oxide, Slag F, Millscale Left: ABO Global CEO

by products from metallurgical industries

of mill scale represents a great challenge for steel mills. Slag F

The metallurgical slag is a residue deriving from a secondary zinc recycling process. It is mainly composed of calcium and iron based phases, but also a minor content of Zn can be found. It presents a granular rounded shape, caused to the characteristic processing and the following water cooling. The accumulation of this slag represents a concern for the zinc industry, as it corresponds to the 60% of the total mass of the zinc residue processed. Despite the worldwide

yearly production of about 2 million tons, the reutilization of this residue remains very limited. Red Oxide The red oxide is a residue deriving from the pyro hydrolysis (acid regeneration process), taking place in steel plants. Mainly characterized by iron based phases (Hematite 18

“If it would be easy, everyone would do it.” ABO Global


Right: testing different application techniques.

colors of waste

Designing the production method

defining the collection

- Fe2O3), the red oxide has a typical brown-red colour, and has a dust-like particle size (< 200 μm). Although the high content of iron, this residue is not easily recycled, mainly due to the lower request compared to the amount produced. In 2014 for instance, about 12 million tons/year of red oxides were produced by acid pickling. Nevertheless, only 10% was reused as alternative raw materials within steel mills. 20

Left: First big coloring on a white Wastebasedbrick.

These materials we implemented in the recipes up to 30% to create a wide variation of coloring and textures. In this stage the big scale testing at Zilverschoon Randwijk was possible as materials were in abundance. Big scale test was performed 2 times: on the yellow and on the red color Wastebasedbrick. In total, we produced and glazed about 1000 brick slips over the period of large scale testing. Each time not only the glaze recipe consistency was tested but also the reaction on the tempreture differences in the gas industrial

kilns. The temperature may vary from 30-100C per kiln. Another big challenge we were facing during the scaling up of the process is the application of the glaze on the surface of a Wastebasedbrick and brick slip. Since the facility of Zilverschoon Randwijk is mainly focused on a production of brick, glazing 21

“Nowadays we say waste is a king. It is nothing like normal materia. A lot of time you get unexpected results. But we actually like it and see it as an asset.” Tom Suest StoneCycling

Application of a glaze

Left: Mixing the recipes for small testing, reproduction for a big scale test.


processes were new for the factory. Such techniques as tolling, spraying and deeping were tested and analyzed. The most suitable and consistent results were achieved by a technique of deeping the surface to a constantly steering mixture of a glaze. It was decided to keep this method until the orders on a product would not reach certain amount per month, then the factory will invest in modernization of the glaze fountain belt to be able to glaze large amounts per day. Particularity of the wastebased glazes are the heavy particles that need to be gradualy dispersed on the surface of a brick. This was achieved by the additions to the mix design and constant mixing of the glaze.

After several attempts, the final 7 recipes for the new collection were defined. The names for the glazed bricks were given according to the main spices because the colors so much resonate with the natural color of herbs. Cardamom - a stunning architectural glazing with hints of green, yellow and brown; Cloves - Warm brown / red glazed bricks for a sophisticated look; Juniper Berry - these blue glazed bricks will look great in any design project; Marjoram a very unique, warm purple glazed brick; Mint - almost white glazed bricks with a subtle hint of green; Saffron green glazed bricks for a surprising element in design. StoneCycling 23

Right: Innovation Pannel StoneCycling

1. 2. 3.

After the clay extrusion, the bricks are fabricated and then dried on a wooden rack In 48-62 Hours the bricks are ready for glazing drying of 24 Hours, the bricks are placed in the kiln and fired at the temperature of 1050-1060C for about 12 Hours.

Left: Glaze mix with ABO Global Red Oxide; Right: WasteBasedBrick slip is deeped into the glaze;


innovation pannel

is committed to their mission: moving towards beautiful building materials made from 100% upcycled waste with a positive carbon impact on the planet. The implication of this mission is to continuously investing time, money, and creativity in improving existing products. At the same time, StoneCycling is researching and developing new building materials to broaden our product range. We believe that better products come from collaborations with stakeholders across the entire value chain: from demolition companies to real estate developers and architects. That is why every year,

StoneCycling is selecting 30 architects from across Europe to join the Innovation Panel. Each architectural bureau receives a box with WasteBasedGlazedBrick samples to be able to get the look and feel of the material and get to know the story behind the project.

“Moving towards beautiful building materials made from 100% upcycled waste with a positive carbon impact on the planet”. StoneCycling

P26,27 Right: Cardamom, Juniper Berry, Mint, Marjoram; Left: Saffron;




Overview of publications, reports, newsletter about the project and follow up;

podcast Waste

communication report

podcast with subject Waste. In this episode, Maarten Westerveen goes in lively discussion with me and founder of StoneCycling Tom Suest. We uncover the process and the drive within the project Wastebasedglazedbrick. In this chapter, I would like to review the publications and communication results of the project. The New Material podcast investigates the practices of (new) material designers within the context of Dutch industry, landscape, and economy. A journey that reveals how design research into materials, their properties, and applications sheds light on the entire manufacturing process and supports a better understanding of the conditions of production. Studio Mixtura took part in one of the 28

Left: Poster New Material Het Nieuw Instituut Photo credits: Sas Schilten Right: Alchemist Designer Vanabbe Museum

During DDW 2021 Studio Mixtura was invited to give a talk at Vanabbe Museum together with 3 other finilists of the New Material Awards Basse Stittgen and Roos Meerman. On this occasion, ‘designer alchemists’ including Daria Biryukova, explore our eternal search for alternative materials

and unlimited energy. During the presentation, I highlighted the project and results we have achieved. https://podtail.com/ podcast/new-material/ new-material-1-waste/


“Waste with Taste”

Dutch Day in Warsaw

Circular Week is an international campaign which consists a series of events and initiatives devoted to the subject of circular economy and sustainable development that take place throughout Europe. The Circular Week’s goal is to promote the idea of a circular economy, support sustainable business models and establish cooperation between interested stakeholders.

Right: Dutch Day in Warsaw, Sustainable Manufacturing, WasteBasedGlazedBrick; Left: Studio Mixtura

Studio Mixtura was invited to be a guest speaker at the Circular Week 2021 in Warsaw. The specific topic of the Dutch Panel was Sustainable Manufacturing, where I was presenting recent projects and the main example was the WasteBasedGlazedBrick.


“It is a responsability of Recycling companies to make the waste as appealing as possible”


DDW 2021

Presentation of selected colors at Dutch Design Week 2021, collecting the responses and feedback

Dutch Design Week is the best platform to present and to test a new product. For the presentation I have designed the podium space that can show the experimental part of the project, final selection of colors and the pilot project Van Bommel Van Dam museum in Venlo. For 7 days, we collected valuable information regarding the type of product people choose and what is important for them. We wanted

Right: presentation stand at Yksi Expo



to share the experience of the project and the value of waste streams and implementation in a brick manufacturing. During Dutch Design Week we also presented the process movie and the movie about the Van Bomel van Dam museum, Venlo. The exhibition location at Yksi Expo has received around 45,000 visitors in 9 days of Dutch Design Week.

Left: Presentation during DDW2021 Yksi Expo Photo: Jeroen van der Wielen; Leonne Cuppen




The results of the project Van Bommel van Dam were very satisfactory. The opening took place in Spring 2021 and since then the museum is open for public.

BiermanHenket presenteert plan Museum van Bommel van Dam [architectenweb.nl] Plannen nieuw Museum van Bommel van Dam Venlo door BiermanHenket gepresenteerd [dearchitect.nl]

Media Mentions Museum van Bommel van Dam na bijna 5 jaar weer open [omroepvenlo. nl]

Presentatie definitief ontwerp nieuw Museum van Bommel van Dam [venloonline.nl]

Definitief ontwerp museum Van Bommel van Dam enthousiast ontvangen [biermanhenket.nl]

Ontwerpvisie nieuw museum van Bommel van Dam gepresenteerd [venlo.nieuws.nl]

Herbestemming Postkantoor Naar Museum Van Bommel Van Dam Veelbelovend Van Start [nicodebont.nl] Left: official opening of Van Bommel van Dam museum


Schetsen voor nieuw museum gepresenteerd [omroepvenlo.nl]

Museum van Bommel van Dam Venlo [biermanhenket.nl]

Oud-suppoost ontwerpt nieuw Museum van Bommel van Dam [limburger.nl] 37

Left: Publication

Left: Publication

Right: Publication


Wohnen 360


Left bottom:

Right bottom:

Director of Museum

Movie produciton

Van Bommel van Dam,


official opening



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