Studio G Magazine Winter 2009

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Mary chose to receive what God was saying to her. Receiving is taking delivery or ownership of; it is embracing something. When you receive a gift, it becomes yours. For many of us, receiving good things, such as compliments, isn’t as easy as one might think. We tend to deflect compliments. Someone can say, “I like your shirt,” and we respond, “What, this old thing?” Mary did not deflect; rather, she accepted God’s plan and surrendered to His will. To receive requires faith. We have to believe in the giver to receive. If a man in shabby clothes and worn-out shoes offered to give you a million dollars, you would probably doubt the giver’s ability and possibly offend the giver. God is giving out great gifts to women, but we’re looking at Him as though He were a homeless man wandering the streets of Dallas. I admit I am the greatest offender. When God spoke to Robert and said: “Go start a church,” I was all in. I don’t have any doubt God wants to use other people, especially my husband. But when it comes to believing God wants to use me, I wrestle with that whole concept. I didn’t wake up one day thinking, “I want to lead a women’s ministry.” Instead, I was drafted. Robert was serving as a pastor at Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie, Texas, when a decision was made that all the pastors’ wives would lead a small group. To my surprise, my group grew and kept multiplying, and before long, I was on staff as a pastor over small groups. Years later, when Gateway launched our small groups, Robert came home and said, “I volunteered you to start our women’s small group ministry because you have experience.” I not only felt drafted; I was drafted! Maybe you feel drafted to a marketplace ministry because you have to work for financial reasons. Or perhaps you feel drafted to motherhood because of the unexpected results of a pregnancy test. Whatever the case, by leaning into God’s plan, you will find your greatest joy. When you receive God’s word, there is favor. Elizabeth said to Mary, “You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what He said” (Luke 1:45). Many times along the way, I have had to say, “Lord, I am Yours—body, soul and spirit—let it be as You say.” For you, this may actually be a daily surrender.

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Protect God’s Word

When Mary received the word from the angel, she went to the hill country with haste. Going to the hill country, and more specifically to Elizabeth’s home, was a strategic move. Elizabeth’s home provided a refuge from the windstorm of words that would have most assuredly pelted Mary. We all know you can’t hide a pregnancy. At some point, the town of Nazareth would have been buzzing with Mary’s news. Mary’s visit provided more than just a refuge in that it gave her a mentor and encourager in Elizabeth. Although she didn’t have all the answers, Elizabeth took Mary in. When God begins stirring a new word in our hearts, we must protect it by surrounding ourselves with women of faith. We must also steward it. A mentor provides a wise resource and counsel to steward God’s precious gift to us. It’s so interesting that Mary sought out a woman who had also received a word from God. Elizabeth was a perfect mentor for Mary. Not only did she have godly character, but there was a spark in her walk because she was living her own impossible dream story. Everything had changed in her life as a result of God’s word to her and her husband, Zacharias. After years of barrenness, she too was miraculously pregnant. And because God’s word always gives fresh meaning to life, Elizabeth became a life-giving woman. Pink (Gateway Women) needs more Elizabeths—women who fill up and give out in ways that nourish themselves and give life to others. They know God, believe Him and live a faith-filled life. We need women who have experienced God’s divine touch to support and encourage other women that may be just a few steps behind in their walk. It’s a biblical mandate for older women to teach younger women.

Believe God’s Word

Mary also expected the impossible to be possible. Mary was not without a wavering moment. She asked, “How can this be since I am a virgin?” What Mary saw as a limitation was really a qualification. The angel encouraged her by reminding her who the giver was. He said, “For with God nothing will be impossible” (Luke 1:37). A cartoon I saw recently depicts a fourth-grade boy standing toe-to-toe and nose-to-nose with his teacher. Behind them looms a blackboard covered with unfinished math problems. With rare perception, the boy says, “I’m not an underachiever;

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