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Tiger King


Most people have heard from the Netflix famous Tiger King by now. The show is about the American subculture of big cat owners, with Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin in the lead. Their story starts with their love for big cats, especially tigers. It ends with Joe spending 22 years in jail for a murder attempt on Carole. How did it come so far? How much did the producers manipulate? And what is the opinion of people our age around the world? We interviewed some people about all this! If you don’t want to read any spoilers about the show itself, start on the next page!


Eric Goode, a nature protector, nightclub owner and documentary maker, was doing research on illegal snake business when he first learned about our two tiger loving stars Joe and Carole. Joe Exotic is a fully tattooed, gay as can be, really bad country singing, tiger park owning, politically ambitious, narcissistic madman. Carole Baskin also owns a tiger park, but she claims to care for the animals and rescue them. Goode filmed them both for years, and was sucked into the world of intrigue, fights, sex parties, crime, and in the end, a murder attempt.

The footage of this show is amazing. Almost everything was filmed, and Goode also got his hands on old footage of the park. From someone shooting himself in the head to a staff member with a torn off arm after a tiger attack, we got to see it all. You are sucked into the story with only one thought: ‘Is this for real?’ The show started with animal rights, but they get more and more shrouded in the shadow of the insane fight between Carole and Joe. The one secret ingredient to this show is that only one thing is not sure. Did Carole Baskin kill her husband or not? Everyone has their opinThe internet is full of opinions, complot ion about it now. The point of view from Joe is theories and additional material that clear from the beginning, his hate towards her is interesting to watch. Here are three is fueling his one true mission: showing the world things you must definitely see, listen what a monster she is. First, he only talks about and read: wanting her dead, but when time goes by, he 1. The wedding picture of Carole actually wants is. He’s even willing to pay someand her current husband. We don’t want to spoil too much, but it includes a tiger costume and a leash… 2. The country music of Joe Exotic one to do it for him. Watching this show is addictive, incredibly amusing and at the same time deeply disturb ing. The amount of (illegal) wildlife, drugs and weapons that are visible is fascinating. Unforon YouTube, and we also recommend tunately, not everyone liked the show. Carole the song ‘Carole Baskin’ from Dubskie. Baskin posted on her website that the whole Disclaimer: It’ll probably be stuck in thing is a lie: “There are no words for how disapyour head for the next week. pointing it is to see that the series... has had the 3. Our mini interviews with people sole goal of being as salacious and sensational from all around the world, which you as possible to draw viewers.” and “They did not can read on the next two care about truth. The unsavory lies are better for getting viewers.” 11

TIGER KING Opinions from around the world

We interviewed seven people our age around the world about their opinions oand thoughts on Tiger King (a Netflix Original series).

“I’ve watched Tiger King twice. Personally, I think the show is close to the truth, but they definitely exaggerated certain parts in order to get more views. Since I live in the USA, I know how producers and people will extend the truth a little bit in order to please an audience. What changed for me was how easy people can get they affect people. Moreover, “During the show, I’ve had so many feelings and thoughts at the same time. I’m still not sure what my opinion on everything is. On one hand, I believe that Americans tend to exaggerate a lot to get more views. On the other hand, there are also a lot of crazy Americans, Joe being one of them. The scary part about American media is that they are really good at portraying information as facts while they have changed footage in their own favor (I mean look at their president). This makes it hard for me to get a real one-sided view of Tiger King (or America in general). One thing is for sure: the show is extremely interesting and

Ashley (20) US

their hands on drugs, and how Noah (21) US a must see!” this series definitely changed my perspective on breeding. I didn’t realize how serious a problem it is. It definitely aligns with abuse towards any animal, and it showed that breeders only care about new animals and not the condition they are living in.” “I think that it is a humorous look into a serious problem that needs to be addressed in America. The commentary on Carole Baskin makes the horrible conditions that the animals live in and the slow reaction of the American legal system a bit lighter. I’ve seen real roadside zoos like the one in the show before, it’s an ongoing problem. In my opinion, this show is not a good representation of most Americans I know, however, feel like it is a good representation of Republican Americans.”


“I have watched the whole series and it’s really good and informative. I enjoyed seeing the way people interacted with the animals because it’s hard to tell if they’re domesticated or drugged. My least favorite part would be that Joe cares more about money than the animals. It definitely changed my opinion on wildlife in the USA. I knew there were some rich people who had a tiger, but I didn’t realize there was such a big market. It opened my eyes to how bad people can be with taking what’s not theirs for the sake of money and entertainment.”

Hormuzd (22) IN

“I stopped watching after a few episodes because I found it too slow and a little boring. I think the series definitely was close to the truth, because everything was being filmed live. That’s why I do believe Carole killed her husband, all evidence points this out. The series didn’t surprise me much, I’ve seen crazier things. Although, I didn’t know wildlife was such a thing in the southern parts of America.”

Varun (21) IN

Callum (20) AU

“The show feels a little unreal. It’s hard to believe that this whole world of criminal minded, big cat loving, very rich Americans, exists. I think Tiger King covers the entire industry and is successful in showing two sides of every story. The story between Baskin and Exotic is not about good and bad, but of two equally bad people in their own right who are just trying to oust each other. Moreover, I believe the show is close to the truth, as it has covered every single aspect of Joe’s personal and professional life through (unbiased) eyewitness. Joe Exotic was no saint, but Carole Baskin wasn’t any different, maybe even worse.”

“The whole show is just completely nuts. It’s really funny and I’ve watched it twice now. All the ‘Carole Baskin killed her husband’ parts are definitely my favorite. I have to say, I don’t think the show portrays the truth well, it’s really one sided. Before watching it, I already knew that America had a lot of fake news in the media. What surprised me was how common drug use is in the lower class of America. I also never realized how extreme the exotic animal market is. Now I’ve watched the whole lot, I definitely think things need to change.”