St Therese Parish and School of Deephaven

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························································ Dear Parishioner, It is an honor to serve at a parish and school that joyfully proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ with heartfelt worship, exceptional educational opportunities and passionate service. Thank you for being a part of our blessed Catholic parish! At St. Therese, our goal is to help people of all ages encounter the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Pope Francis says so beautifully, “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus Christ” (Evangelii Gaudium, 1). We cannot help but be filled with joy when we encounter Christ in His Church. This booklet is our story of how God has blessed St. Therese over the years, and how He is active at our parish and school today. It also describes how God is leading us into the future. As you look through this booklet, my prayer is that you will discover how God is calling you to help build and strengthen our parish and school as the Body of Christ. You are a vital part of making St. Therese a joyful, strong and vibrant community! The Holy Spirit is blowing at St. Therese. Be not afraid to ask the Lord what talents He has given you to share. Have confidence that He wants you to share in His mission of bringing about His Kingdom where you live and work. Remember the spiritual principle: The more you give of yourself away in love, the more you will receive. Thank you for being a part of St. Therese! Be assured of my prayers for you and your family. May God grant you many graces and bless you abundantly for your willingness to make St. Therese a place where Jesus Christ is celebrated, lived and loved. Blessings,

Rev. Leonard Andrie Pastor

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························································ CLERGY


Reverend Leonard Andrie Pastor

Lauren Caton Principal

Reverend Michael McClellan Parochial Vicar

Sue Bokros Administrative Assistant

MUSIC Jeff Judge Director of Music Cole Thomas Music Assistant EARLY LEARNING CENTER

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Kathleen Ritter Director of Operations and Finance Diane Swenson Office Coordinator

Jo Ellen Begalke Director of Full Day Program

Jeanne Ferrian Network Administrator

Emily Rohla Half Day Preschool Coordinator

Sharon Smieja Bookkeeper

FAITH FORMATION Liz Lammers Director of Faith Formation Katrina Siebels Youth Minister

Geri Korman Administrative Assistant/ Receptionist DJ Joarnt Maintenance

Angie Wilz Confirmation Coordinator

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························································ St. Therese Church and School is a powerful Catholic witness committed to vibrant growth by living out Jesus Christ’s call to “Go and make disciples” (Matt 28:19) through our sacramental life, prayer, evangelization, catechesis, fellowship, service and stewardship. Sacramental life: We encounter Christ in the sacraments, which sanctify and empower us. Prayer: We seek intimacy with God, where He shares His Heart with us and we share our hearts with Him. Evangelization: We share the Good News that God loves us, gave His life for us, and is risen from the dead. Catechesis: We transmit the Gospel as the Church understands, celebrates, and lives it. Fellowship: We create ways to build relationships in Christ. Service: We seek to imitate Jesus who sacrificed everything to serve others. Stewardship: We recognize all our gifts come from the Lord and we give back to Him in gratitude.

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························································ LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

5 p.m. Mass 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Mass 7 a.m. Mass 3:30 p.m. Mass at Deephaven Woods 8 a.m. Mass 7 a.m. Mass 7 a.m. Mass 8 a.m. Mass


Saturday 8:30-9:30 a.m.; 4:00-4:30 p.m. Wednesday 5:00-6:00 p.m.


These sacramental celebrations are encounters with God’s grace giving us what we need to live our Christian life and bring God’s love to others. Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is the entrance into the life of God. Whether baptized as infants or adults, Baptism cleanses us from original sin, makes us members of the Church and adopted children of God. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Sacrament of Confirmation The Sacrament of Confirmation deepens our baptismal gifts and equips us for active participation in the worship and apostolic life of the Church. It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation for Catholics. In Confirmation, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Contact Person: Angie Wilz at 952-261-0564

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Sacrament of Eucharist The Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is the heart of the Church’s life. Our celebration of the Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a meal. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist: body, blood, soul and divinity. As we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563 Communion for the home bound: Parish Office at 952-473-4422

Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Confession, reconciles the sinner to God and the Church through God’s unconditional mercy and forgiveness. Reconciliation is available every Wednesday at 5 p.m. and every Saturday a 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Sacrament of Anointing the Sick The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, sometimes known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a sacrament of healing and comfort when undergoing suffering. It can be received when someone is in danger of death, seriously sick or before surgery. Contact Persons: Fr. Andrie or Fr. McClellan at 952-473-4422

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Sacrament of Holy Orders In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, or Ordination, the man being ordained by the bishop is given the grace and spiritual power to sanctify others through the administration of the sacraments. Contact Person: Fr. Andrie at 952-261-0579

Sacrament of Marriage The Sacrament of Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that joins one man and one woman totally to each other in complete self-gift. Marriage is a sacred covenant and lifelong commitment that both unites and leads to new life. Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA is a process during which persons who wish to join the Catholic Church study with the RCIA team, their sponsors and the members of the St. Therese Parish in preparation for being received fully into the Catholic Church. Contact Person: Fr. McClellan at 952-261-0575

Funeral Ministry When a loved one dies, we provide pastoral support and help make arrangements for the funeral. Contact Person: Diane Swenson at 952-261-0569

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························································ VOLUNTEER MINISTRIES ········································ Altar Servers Assists the priest at Mass (children in grades 5+). Contact Person: Fr. McClellan at 952-261-0575

Art & Environment Plans, executes, maintains and evaluates the seasonal environment of the church, chapel and gathering space. Contact Person: Sharon Nicpon at 952-470-2181;

Cantors (through audition with Music Director) Rehearses and sings the Responsorial Psalm and other ritual responses at liturgies. Contact Person: Jeff Judge at 952-261-0567

Child Care for Parish Events Offers quality child care for children (12 weeks through 12 years) while their parents or guardians are attending parish sponsored events. Contact Person: Jo Ellen Begalke at 952-261-0587

Children’s Choir Children who share their musical talents and singing voices at liturgies. Contact Person: Norma Jean Macosko at 952-300-8834;

Choir Leads the assembly in uplifting and heartfelt music of all styles, including acapella, at liturgies. Contact Person: Jeff Judge at 952-261-0567

Christmas Box Project Team Annual outreach program to fill, pack, and deliver 110+ Christmas boxes filled with essential supplies (e.g., toiletries, towels, mittens, and socks) for families served by the ICA Food Shelf. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

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························································ Christmas Giving Tree Project Team Annual service program, benefiting five different organizations serving families by purchasing specific requested gifts for their patrons, including toys, clothing and gift cards. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Circles of the Little Flower Dedicated women working together to help St. Therese and other organizations with spiritual and financial assistance (St. Martha’s, St. Catherine’s and St. Elizabeth’s Circles). Contact Person: Darlene Lacey at 952-935-2769;

Community Caring for Life Provides opportunities for parishioners to expand their awareness of key issues regarding the sacredness of life in all stages. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Community Resource Ministry (Foodshelf/Financial Assistance/Grief/Mental Health) Connects parishioners with community resources for mental health issues, marriage separation and divorce, grief resources and shelters. Contact Persons: Geri Korman or Diane Swenson at 952-473-4422

Eucharistic Adoration Time for quiet prayer, meditation and contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament (one hour per week). Contact Person: Linda Lucke at 952-476-1803;

Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers – Homebound and Hospital Ministry Distributes the Body and Blood of Christ to build the faithful in faith, hope and charity. Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Assists the priest and deacon in distributing the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord at Mass. Contact Person: Diane Swenson at 952-261-0569

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Faith Formation (FF) Catechist Team Over 50 volunteer catechists provide the spiritual and catechetical direction to more than 300 youth in Faith Formation. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Funeral and Bereavement Provides pastoral and spiritual support to parishioners who have lost a loved one. Contact Person: Diane Swenson at 952-261-0569

Greeters and Ushers Warmly welcomes parishioners and visitors, hands out worship programs and assists with the weekly collection. Contact Person: Michael Ferderer at 952-935-8162;

Handbell Choir Twelve to sixteen ringers committed to enhancing the liturgy with bell ringing. Contact Person: Cindy Bandur at 612-419-6267;

Instrumental Musicians (brass, string, wind, percussion) Plays as often as are able at Sunday (and vigil) liturgies and feast days to enhance the liturgy. Contact Person: Jeff Judge at 952-261-0567

Lectors Proclaims the Word of God and present the prayers of the faithful at the liturgy. Contact Person: Diane Swenson at 952-261-0569

Loaves and Fishes Prepares, transports and serves supper at Holy Rosary Church in South Minneapolis every other month on Wednesday evening. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Marriage Annulment Ministry Provides pastoral, spiritual and logistical support for parishioners who have questions regarding the annulment process. Contact Person: Fr. Andrie at 952-261-0579

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Marriage Preparation Ministry (Fully Engaged Program) Provides pastoral, spiritual, and sacramental support for couples desiring to receive the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (at least six months preparation). Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

Meal Ministry Prepares and delivers meals for our priests. Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

Men’s Group Men’s ministry calling every confirmed man in the parish to grow in Catholic manhood and brotherhood with other Catholic men. Contact Person: Fr. Andrie at 952-261-0579

New Parishioner Ministry Helps create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere to all new and established parishioners of St. Therese. Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Parent volunteer group that serves as a liaison between parents, teachers and administration at St. Therese School. Contact Person: Debbie Trent at 612-991-7887;

Parish Finance Council Ensures the proper and just fiscal administration, business, personnel and property management in response to the communities’ commitment of time, talent and treasure. Contact Person: Charlie Marini at 952-938-5652;

Parish Pastoral Council Serves as an advisory board to the pastor to create a Catholic faith based vision and strategy for the health of St. Therese parish. Contact Person: Bruce Van Sloun at 612-963-7586;

Parish Stewardship Council Fosters, promotes, recognizes and celebrates the sharing of time, talent and resources for St. Therese. Contact Person: Rick DesLauriers at 612-865-3706;

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Pavers Project Honors those whose names are inscribed on bricks at the entrance of the parish. Contact Person: John Thomas at 952-936-2195;

RCIA Team Provides theological, spiritual and sacramental support to understand Catholic Faith for transitioning into the Church. Contact Person: Fr. McClellan at 952-261-0575

Resurrection Voices (funeral choir) Provides sacred music for funeral liturgies (rehearses one half-hour before the liturgy begins). Contact Person: Terri Fleischhacker at 952-935-7537;

Sacristans Prepares the sacred vessels for Mass and assist priests after Mass. Contact Person: Joan Lee at 612-618-0894;

Sacristy Laundry Collects purificators and towels from Mass during the week to wash and iron them. Contact Person: Mona Deny at 952-939-0014;

School Advisory Committee Advises the pastor and principal in matters concerning the school, including policies and procedures. Contact Person: Lauren Caton at 952-261-0603

School Marketing Committee Builds awareness with the goal to increase enrollment for our school, child care and preschool program. Contact Person: Tracy Gilbert at 612-749-9735;

Senior Luncheons Bi-monthly senior luncheons with catered meals and engaging talks. Contact Persons: Geri Korman or Diane Swenson at 952-473-4422

Seven Sisters Apostolate Prayerfully supports our parish priests by offering at least one Holy Hour of prayer per week. Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

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Sharing and Caring Hands Prepares, transports and serves a hot noon meal the second Monday of every other month to Mary Jo Copeland’s Sharing and Caring Hands. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

St. Stephen’s Breakfast Ministry Prepares, transports and serves breakfast guests of St. Stephen’s men’s shelter the fourth Sunday of every month. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

St. Therese/Feed My Starving Children Parish Meal Pack Parish-wide outreach program working with FMSC’s Meal Pack option to pack meals on-site at St. Therese. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Wedding Coordinators Plays an important role in working with the wedding couple to manage the logistics of the wedding day. Contact Person: Geri Korman at 952-473-4422

West Suburban Grief Coalition Provides support with other Christian communities for persons who are grieving from losses such as the death of a loved one, a friend, suicide or a significant life change. Contact Person: West Suburban Grief Coalition Coordinators at 763-545-1108;

Women’s Group Participates in gatherings with women such as an annual retreat, book club, prayer and other group selected activities. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Youth Ministry Core Team A core team of trained high school and adult volunteers to assist in planning and implementing mentoring and spiritual direction for youth during small group time, service and mission. Contact Person: Katrina Siebels at 952-261-0566

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OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVICE ·································· Building and Grounds Committee Assists with building and maintenance repairs. Contact Person: Kathleen Ritter at 952-261-0580

Bulletin Stuffers Helps stuffing the bulletin each week for news and event communication. Contact Person: Darlene Lacey at 952-935-2769;

Gardening Ministry Helps on a weekly basis from May to October to maintain our garden for the local food shelf. Contact Person: Linda Ruelle at 952-201-2491;

Parish Event & Office Volunteers Helps with various needs of the office and parish including, but not limited to, hospitality on Sundays or other events. Contact Persons: Geri Korman or Diane Swenson at 952-473-4422

Weekly Lawn Care Helps mow the grounds on a weekly basis from May to October. Contact Person: David “DJ” Joarnt at 612-599-3339

WORSHIP AND MUSIC VOLUNTEER MINISTRIES ················ Music Library Helpers Helps keep the music and choir room organized.

Contact Person: Mary Ellen Shaughnessy at 952-474-8910;

Sound Board & Light Board Assists with the lighting and sound equipment for various events at the parish. Contact Person: Mark Fleischhacker at 952-935-7537;

Worship Aid Copier Copies worship aids for funerals, Masses and other events at the parish. Contact Person: Jeff Judge at 952-261-0567

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························································ The Faith Formation ministry welcomes families, youth and all adults to develop a living faith. This process occurs through ongoing knowledge of the faith, moral education, community life, prayer, liturgical education and service. In addition, we cultivate intergenerational relationships in which adults are empowered to pass on their Catholic faith to the youth by sharing and modeling an active Christian life. Pre-School and Kindergarten The Pre-K/K program is lectionary-based for children who will be ages 3-5 by September 1 of the current school year. Classes are held in the lower level of the St. Therese Community Room from 9:15-9:55 a.m. on most Sunday mornings from mid-September through late April. Children are taught through large group singing, prayer, crafts, drama and small group activities. Elementary Youth in grades 1-5 meet on Wednesday evenings, 4:30-5:45 p.m. or 6:307:45 p.m. Class groups of 10-12 children gather in the St. Therese School and are taught by two adult volunteer catechists. Classes meet from midSeptember through the end of April. Middle School Youth in grades 6-8 are challenged to continue Igniting their Fire by exploring and expanding their discipleship weekly on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:45 p.m. or 6:30-7:45 p.m. These EDGE gatherings will include small group conversation and prayer with an emphasis on developing a deeper relationship with Jesus. Senior High Youth in grades 9-12 are challenged to continue Igniting their Fire by exploring and expanding their discipleship weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. These Life Teen gatherings will include food, fun, small group conversation and prayer. Youth preparing for Confirmation will join small groups focused on the necessary catechesis prior to celebrating the sacrament. Once each month, National Evangelization Team (NET) Ministries will help us to dig deeper on our discipleship journeys. From 5:00-8:30 p.m., youth will be lifted up and led to an ever-deeper love of Christ and His Church. Dinner is provided.

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Youth Group All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join St. Therese’s EDGE (Grades 6-8) or Life Teen (Grades 9-12) activities. With a focus on developing relationships with Christ and peers, Youth Group is full of events for fun, fellowship and faith. Adults After Confirmation, women and men are called to a life-long commitment to grow in Christ. For women, St. Therese has an annual retreat and new opportunities for growing in friendship and faith. For men, St. Therese is participating the Archdiocesan Catholic Watchmen Movement which calls all men to grow in Catholic manhood and fraternity. For all adults, St. Therese is offering a parish wide catechesis program using Augustine Institute’s “Formed,” which includes Catholic video programs, movies and audio books to grow in knowledge of our Catholic faith.

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························································ St. Therese Child Care – 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Infants Throughout the day, all eyes will be on your little one. With the incredibly low 1:3 teacher to child ratio your infant will have their needs met quickly and enjoy personal attention. Our stimulating and safe environment allows infants to learn, play and grow. In the St. Therese Infant room, you can expect: •

A nurturing staff

Stimulating environment and positive learning experience

A focus on developing fine/gross motor skills and cognitive development

Fostering independent eating

Environment to encourage language development

Toddlers St. Therese toddlers are bright and bold! The 1:5 teacher to child ratio in the toddler room allows staff to get to know each child individually and encourage their little personalities to blossom. This amazing time of development is enhanced with art, music, dramatic play, cognitive learning, gross and fine motor development. Activities throughout the day are balanced with both active time and quieter moments. We take advantage of our amazing campus by exploring the beauty of nature, right outside our front door. Curriculum Includes: •


Literature and Music

Dramatic Play

Exploring foods

Cognitive Learning, Fine Motor and Gross Motor

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All-Day Preschool As your little one gears up for kindergarten, St. Therese guarantees our challenging curriculum and focused attention will prepare your student for a seamless transition into kindergarten. A 1:8 teacher to child ratio encourages learning by allowing for greater teacher-child interaction. Our preschool room has a structured curriculum, fostering a love of learning. Preschool teachers use weekly themes to tie together new concepts, while leveraging art, music, stories and other learning opportunities to do so. Activities throughout the day are balanced with both active time and quieter moments. We take advantage of our amazing campus by exploring the beauty of nature, right outside our front door. Some days, you might even catch a glimpse of us walking to Deephaven Woods to visit our Grandfriends! Half-Day Preschool – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The St. Therese half-day Preschool is yet another opportunity to prepare our littlest students for long-term academic success. In partnership with Nature Explore, the St. Therese Pre-K program leverages an outdoor curriculum that works in tandem with a traditional kindergarten readiness program. Based on research, we know that access to nature in an educational setting has a positive impact on student focus and learning by improving attentiveness, test scores and performance. Students have the best of both worlds in our Pre-K programs, resulting in increased academic results in the following areas: •

Critical thinking and problem solving


Language and literacy


Visual-spatial learning

Construction and engineering skills

Additional social benefits include a reduction in stress, instilling a love of nature, fostering creativity and imagination and are equally important to healthy, happy kids!

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························································ St. Therese School is a preschool through eighth grade Catholic school that welcomes all, and acknowledges the worth and dignity of each student. We believe in nurturing spiritual growth and offering excellence in education, so that each child’s unique potential is realized. Our core values are:

FAITH ····························································· We are, above all, a Catholic school. Faith is woven into every aspect of life at St. Therese School. We are a community that learns, serves, plays and prays together. •

Daily prayer - We start each day in prayer together, taking a moment to count our blessings, pray for others or simply show gratitude for our many gifts.

Weekly liturgy - Students attend mass each Wednesday together, celebrating Christ’s love as a school community. Students serve as musicians, lectors, altar servers, etc.

KNOWLEDGE ····················································· Our academic program is designed to fuel a love for learning. We believe excellence is achieved by setting high standards, providing appropriate instructional methods and monitoring achievement.

Each child who attends St. Therese will be challenged, supported and provided endless opportunities to explore his or her God-given potential. We are proud of our academics, finding most of our graduates achieving success in Honors or AP level class in high school.

SERVICE ·························································· Our students embrace a spirit of gratitude and understand that we are called to serve others. Students are active in serving others throughout the year.

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Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 5) During the elementary years, children build the foundation that will support all future learning. Whether a student is learning to read or reading to learn, we focus on the individual growth of each child. We offer a solid academic program and we emphasize virtues and skills that form good citizens, including respect, gratitude, collaboration, resilience and compassion. St. Therese students have good grades and good hearts. Middle School (Grades 6-8) Research shows that the Pre-K to eighth grade model is good for students, citing higher academic achievement, more involvement in extra-curricular activities, more opportunities to develop leadership skills, fewer reports of bullying and a strong connection to the community. While they become more independent, middle school students serve as leaders and role models. Our rigorous academic program prepares students for high school, while our emphasis on virtues and service prepares them for life. After School Care – 2:10 p.m. to 6 p.m. Students are welcomed into the Spirit Club classroom and begin the afternoon with a nutritious snack. Next up, time to get some energy out! We head outdoors (weather permitting) or inside the gym for exercise and free play. Once inside, it’s “homework time!”. Spirit Club staff guide students through their studies, ensuring homework is completed each day. After the work is done, we offer a wide variety of activities for the remainder of their time (crafts, movies, bingo, etc.). Spirit Club is also offered throughout the summer and on days school is not in session.

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························································ Deephaven Woods is a beautifully designed senior community created to adapt to each person’s changing needs and to provide seniors with exceptional living today, and the assurance of care for the future. Our continuum of independence provides charming rental apartments in a unique blend of Independent, Assisted Living, Memory Care and Care Suites. Deephaven Woods is part of the St. Therese faith community which allows it to offer a variety of faith based experiences: •

On-site chapel for reflection, meditation and worship services

Weekly Catholic Mass

Lutheran Services every other week

Weekly devotion and hymn sing

Private pastoral care visits

Intergenerational programs with students from St. Therese

Bible studies

Support group for caregivers

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························································ Annual Gala (April) A celebration of God’s gifts to St. Therese that includes dinner, auction and dancing. Contact Persons: Geri Korman or Diane Swenson at 952-473-4422

Annual Golf Tournament (June) Golfing with family and friends that includes dinner and auction at Deer Run Golf Course. Contact Person: Tim Lawler at 952-221-9052;

Augustine Institute “Formed” (September) An event that includes Catholic video programs, movies and audio books to grow in knowledge of our faith. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Cana Dinner (February 3) A celebration of marriage that includes Mass, talk, renewal of vows, dinner and dancing. Contact Persons: Tom and Katie Sullivan at 612-518-8838;

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························································ Wine & Cheese/Coffee & Donuts (the first Saturday and Sunday of every month) Family atmosphere that includes time for socializing and eating good donuts. Contact Person: Tad and Mary Shaw at 952-474-3636 or Catherine Rupp at 612-554-1506;

Men’s Gathering (December 2) Nationally known speaker Jeff Cavins presents Catholic Watchmen Bible Timeline. Contact Person: Fr. Andrie at 952-261-0579

Women’s Retreat (January) Retreat that includes Mass, talks, lunch and time for small group sharing. Contact Persons: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

Come and Encounter Christ (Sundays: Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Jan. 21, Feb. 11, Apr. 15) Regular formation for parishioners that includes brunch, education, Eucharistic Adoration and confession. Contact Person: Liz Lammers at 952-261-0563

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YEAR AT A GLANCE Fiscal Year 2017






increase in Early Learning Center enrollment

hours educating 305 youth through Faith Formation

meals packed by St. Therese parish for starving children in Haiti

of pounds of fresh food to ICA food shelf from our St. Therese garden

100% 50


women attended the first St. Therese Parish Women’s retreat


of the school’s graduating class met or exceeded grade level standards


First Communions


Confirmations ····· 24 ·····


························································ INTENTION TO GIVE 2018 ······································· Prayerfully consider a weekly donation to St. Therese Catholic Church of Deephaven. Please detach and return by January 1, 2018. Thank you for your gratitude and generosity!



In gratitude for God’s blessing, my stewardship pledge will be:


per 




Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7)

Electronic I authorize St. Therese of Deephaven to automatically withdraw my pledge amount beginning January, 2018. This remains in effect until I notify the church in writing to cancel or change my payment. Direct Withdrawal (preferred payment method)  My bank info is the same as 2017.  I have included a voided check and/or savings account # for my account.

Credit Card Charge My credit card is the same as 2017. To securely provide your credit card info go online at

Weekly/Monthy Envelopes Envelopes will be provided for your contributions. 


St. Thérèse, Flower of fervor and love, please intercede for us. Fill our hearts with your pure love of God. As we approach you and celebrate your love for Jesus, make us more aware of the goodness of God and how well He cares for His parish. Instill in us your little way of doing ordinary things with extra-ordinary love. Give us the heart of a child who wonders at life and embraces everything with loving enthusiasm. Teach us your delight in God’s ways so that divine charity may blossom in our hearts. Little Flower of Jesus, bring our petitions before God, our Father. With your confidence, we come before Jesus as God’s children, because you are our heavenly friend. As we celebrate your love for Jesus, continue to shower roses and graces upon our parish and school. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


··········································· The Church of St. Therese of Deephaven 18323 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391-3231 Parish Office: 952-473-4422 School: 952-473-4355 Early Learning Center: 952-261-0587 Email: Website: ····· 26 ·····

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