Spring 2011 Times Magazine

Page 22


L e t t e r f r o m t h e Vi c e P r e s i d e n t f o r C o l l e g e A d v a n c e m e n t

Dear Friend of the College,






What a fast, exhilarating, enjoyable year it has been so far! Thank you to all of you for the opportunity I have had to meet many alumni and friends of the College, both here in Minnesota and far away in places like Washington, D.C., California, Seattle, and Arizona. At every alumni event and during every visit, your pride in the College shines forth as you inquire about what’s new, remember faculty and Sisters, and encourage us to maintain the mission and vision of the College, which has not strayed in nearly 100 years. There have also been wonderful occasions when I have interacted with our VWXGHQWV )RU H[DPSOH MXVW EHIRUH ¿QDOV , WDONHG WR D FRXSOH RI VWXGHQWV RXWVLGH RI RXU RI¿FH LQ 7RZHU +DOO ZKHUH WKHUH LV D EXOOHWLQ ERDUG ZLWK information about the Science Initiative. It isn’t unusual to see students pausing in their dash between classes to take in new information about the project and see where we are in the fundraising. When I offered to show them the very latest architectural renderings we had just received, they were thrilled to review them and very excited to learn that in one year, they would have an opportunity to use this new space for their science classes, labs and gatherings with other students. Isn’t that what it’s all about – student learning? During our groundbreaking ceremony last month, we were pleased to hear from College, Monastery, Trustee, and donor representatives. (See page 6.) I was particularly struck by the passion in the remarks of Alyssa Courneya, president of the Student Senate, and Dr. Larry McGahey, dean of the School of Sciences. This building will make possible student learning in state-of-the-art laboratories, collaboration with faculty in research, and expanded community gathering space – the very essence of our mission. What a thrilling journey so far. The Initiative’s goal is to raise $6 million for the building. With help from all of you, we FXUUHQWO\ VWDQG DW PLOOLRQ .QRZLQJ WKDW WKLV ODVW VHJPHQW LV WKH PRVW GLI¿FXOW WKH 7UXVWHHV (PHULWL 7UXVWHHV DQG former Trustees have joined together to create a challenge fund. This will match gifts made now to the project to help us reach our goal. And if that’s not enough incentive, we have received an additional $10,000 challenge grant from a local foundation to encourage 1,000 donors to give $100 or more. In this way, both donor numbers and dollars are important. You can help us meet both challenges! So as we watch the bulldozers and see the construction beginning, now is the time to consider an additional gift to the Science Initiative, over and above your Tower Fund annual support. For our current and future students, let’s complete this campaign and celebrate at the ribbon cutting a year from now. Thank you for your support of the St. Scholastica experience for the students of today and tomorrow.

Margot Zelenz Vice President for College Advancement


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