17 spring strive issuu

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Why Does It Matter?

By Connie Feltham, CHT, CLC

The definition of spiritualism is the continuity of life. In other words, it means we truly never die. Spiritualism is a religion or belief that spirit is the only reality. It is the ability to become more aware and ultimately know that we are responsible for our creations. The Spiritualist’s main focus is on the ethereal plane (or also known as the heavens). To be a Spiritualist is to believe in Infinite Intelligence. You may call this God, Source, Higher Divine, or Universe. It is this Infinite Intelligence that allows us to communicate to those that have crossed over, passed, died, or gone home (as in the afterlife). A Christian’s main focus is on the Earth plane. Being a Christian is to believe in a Higher Power to resolve problems, which is then ceremoniously followed with a book of supportive literature and facts, such as the Bible. Basically, it is a formality in which a person or group practices their faithful beliefs based off the focal point that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity. There is also the phenomenon of being a Medium, which comes from the Latin word mediums – or to be in between. A Medium is someone that is able to communicate with loved ones on the other side. Essentially though, these spirits are not really on the other side, but actually


right alongside. To be clearer, Mediums are in-between the two planes of Earth and the ethereal. The cycle of life starts when we make a decision to come down and play on the Earth’s plane. We all begin as one then separate as a unique individual spirit or energy. Through a means of transportation as in our Mother’s womb. It is there that we develop our body. In order to stay and play on this planet we need a physical body so that others can see us. Once delivered we start the next stage of life which is to experience our journey fulfilling our mission or life’s purpose. Completing our mission, we then choose to release our body making our transition from which we return home. WHAT BENEFITS DO I RECEIVE? Imagine being able to tap (pray or meditate) into a Higher Intelligence and receive an answer as if you got called on the telephone. Imagine being able to close your eyes and “feel” the correct answer for a circumstance or situation. Imagine being scared to death of speaking and you tap into your Higher Source or Divine to ask for this fear to be gone. This is called getting a download. No, it is not something off the computer or Internet. In less esoteric terms, it is you receiving a message from your Spiritual Guides. It is as if you are becoming one with Source.

Protein Smoothie By Emily Parsons, Nutrition Coach SPECTRUM, Inc.


• ½ frozen banana • ½ cup frozen blueberries • 1 large handful spinach • 1 tablespoon ground flax seed • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • 1 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut • 1 scoop protein powder or ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt

We are all here to learn and grow, and being aware is more than a formality in which you have practiced growing up. It is the ability to communicate with loved ones that have experienced their journey on Earth. This matters because YOU have the ability to make a change and have choices. You have the ability to believe and have the faith that you are never alone. That you can communicate with the spirits and energies that will lead you to making confident decisions and developing your life without judgment or criticism. I would say learning about spiritualism would only be an asset to our spiritual growth. Personally, becoming aware of spirit influence and presence has significantly increased my skills and abilities in every aspect of life. THREE STEPS TO HELP YOU INCORPORATE SPIRITUALISM First Step, Keep an open mind. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. In other words your thoughts today become your actions tomorrow. Second Step, Learn the mastery of self. Realizing that nobody is perfect and to give permission, to forgive, to allow any and all to be released or embraced that serves your highest potential in life. Self comes first but you have to acknowledge self. Third Step, and my favorite is to Learn the power of meditation/ prayer. Want a better life? Practice these 3 simple steps each and every day and watch the transformation begin in your life and those around you. Has Anyone told You How AWESOME YOU are Today! Connie Feltham, CHT, CLC www.tricentertherapy.com 407-694-7667

Simply place everything in the blender and blend until smooth. This combo of ingredients with keep you satisfied for hours, while supplying plenty of vitamins and minerals. Perfect for a quick breakfast or post-workout snack

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