GCSE Choices Guide

Page 39

French Controlled Assessment Students must complete Controlled Assessment tasks for speaking and writing in French. They must complete two written tasks and two recorded spoken tasks by the end of Year 11. Teachers spend several lessons teaching the topics on the previous page, and when the unit is complete there will be the opportunity to do a Controlled Assessment task. For example, the topic ‘ma ville’ (my town) will be taught over several lessons. Students will then be set a task to write a blog about their town and will be given a maximum of 6 lessons to produce a draft. Students can take their draft home to learn, but work must be completed in class. The level of control during assessment preparation is ‘medium/ high’, meaning students can ask teachers for clarification of the task but no direct help can be given. After adequate preparation time, students will have to write up their work from memory in silence, in a session of one hour. They are allowed a dictionary and an A4 ‘prompt’ sheet on which they can include a maximum of 30 words and some images to help them. For spoken tasks, students must complete two of the following – a discussion of a photo, a one minute presentation followed by a discussion or an ‘interaction’ (essentially an unscripted role-play.) Spoken tasks are recorded and must last between 4 – 6 minutes. Students are allowed a 30 words promptsheet, but no dictionary during the recording of the task. All work has to be authenticated as the student’s own. Written tasks are marked by Edexcel and spoken tasks are marked internally by teachers.

French Revision

French Revision Tips

Students will be expected to revise their notes and classwork regularly in order to memorise the large amounts of vocabulary and grammar necessary for learning a foreign language. Students are encouraged to attend GCSE revision sessions every Wednesday after school to work on any areas of concern (practising speaking/ questions about grammar/ reading and listening practise, etc.) Past papers are completed in Year 11 so students know exactly what to expect and revise for the listening and reading exams.


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During the Easter Holidays 2013 a half day revision session for GCSE French will be provided. Students can volunteer to attend. 6. 7.

Ensure all vocabulary and grammar is noted down accurately and neatly so it can be referred back to for revision purposes. Keep exercise books safe and don’t lose them once they are filled up! Improve your memory by trying techniques such as learning lists of vocabulary to music; word association; repetition to a rhythm. Practise exam techniques by answering past paper questions and self marking using the exam mark scheme (see Edexcel website or ask your teacher.) Use websites such as www.langaugesonline to improve your understanding of grammar, or BBC Bitesize revision for general reading practise. Ask your teacher for French magazines or reading material to expand your vocabulary. Practise speaking with a friend and record yourselves on an MP3 player

How Parents Can Help at Home 1. Ask your son/daughter regularly what they have been learning in French. 2. Try to have a conversation with your son/ daughter in French, or just get them to speak to you! 3. Encourage them to do some extra reading or use the websites recommended above. 4. Buy a revision guide such as the Letts/ Lonsdale GCSE French Revision Guide (£4.99 from www.lettsandlonsdale.com, ISBN - 139781906415648)


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