Bus 405 wk 10 quiz 9 chapter 13 all possible questions

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BUS 405 WK 10 Quiz 9 Chapter 13 - All Possible Questions To Purchase Click Link Below: http://strtutorials.com/BUS-405-WK-10-Quiz-9-Chapter-13-All-Possible-Questions-BUS4059.htm

BUS 405 WK 10 Quiz 9 Chapter 13 - All Possible Questions TRUE/FALSE 1. A majority of teachers, firefighters, and police are represented by public-sector unions. 2. Favorable public-sector labor laws appear to be a significant factor encouraging growth in public-sector labor relations. 3. A major advantage of the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) was that it established the framework for labor relations in the federal government by legislation, instead of by Executive Order. 4. If a governmental unit privatizes a government service to a private business, the private employer is likely to be covered under the Labor Management Relations Act. 5. If a subject of collective bargaining is permissible, both parties are required to negotiate in good faith, even though an agreement may not be reached. 6. The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) makes it an unfair labor practice for a party to refuse or fail to cooperate in impasse procedures. 7. Like in the private sector, the market economic system controls the price, quality, and availability of most services in the public sector. 8. Supervisors and managers have been granted the right to engage in collective bargaining in some states. 9. Union negotiators have more difficulty determining "who speaks for management" in publicsector bargaining as compared to private-sector negotiations. 10. The threat of a strike seems to encourage voluntary settlement efforts at the bargaining table

while the availability of interest arbitration may reduce such incentive producing a "chilling effect" on negotiations. 11. Public-sector unionization is highest in the Northeastern, Northern, and Western regions of the United States. 12. The so-called "free rider" issue is of little concern for public-sector unions. 13. While strikes have been outlawed for most public employees, they still occur in some states. 14. The Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP) investigates any negotiation impasse presented to it but is not authorized to take any action to settle the dispute. 15. Like the private sector, federal sector labor relations has adopted the exclusive bargaining representation principle. 16. Under the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA), management is prohibited from assisting a labor organization. 17. Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the President may waive employee and union rights granted under the Civil Service Reform Act. 18. The budget tends to play a more conspicuous role in private-sector collective bargaining than it does in public-sector bargaining. 19. The "sovereignty doctrine" means that elected officials retain the authority to make decisions. 20. Under final offer arbitration (FOA), the arbitrator selects the best package settlement presented by the union or management or proposes a compromise of both positions by splitting the difference. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) was established by: a. Executive Order 11838. b. the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. c. the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. d. a joint venture between Congress and union leaders. e. Congressional Order 56552.

2. The highest percent of public-sector employees who are union members exist at what level of government? a. federal b. international federal c. regional d. state e. local

3. Which of the following is a responsibility of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA)? a. leading all negotiations in the federal sector b. conducting arbitration in the federal sector c. representing federal government managers in court d. supervising elections in the federal sector e. all of these are responsibilities of the FLRA 4. Which one of the following organizations consists of one chairperson and at least six members appointed by the President that investigate any negotiation impasse presented and is authorized to take any necessary action to settle the dispute? a. Federal Service Impasse Panel b. Federal Trade Commission c. National Labor Relation Commission d. Federal Labor Relations Authority e. Federal Negotiations Service 5. The federal government agency that administers the federal relations program and adjudicates unfair labor practices is the: a. Federal Labor Relations Board. b. National Labor Relations Board. c. Civil Service Reform Board. d. Federal Labor Relations Authority. e. Federal Reserve System. 6. Which of the following has NOT contributed to the growth of public-sector unionization? a. The general public’s somewhat favorable attitude toward public-sector unionization b. The establishment and success of impasse procedures to resolve public-sector labor disputes c. Favorable public-sector labor laws d. Privatization and downsizing of public-sector jobs e. All of these have contributed to the growth of public-sector unionization

7. The public-sector employee group most likely to participate in strikes is: a. garbage collectors. b. police. c. educators. d. public utility workers. e. mass transit workers.

8. Which of the following is true about privatization? a. Where employees lacked collective bargaining rights in the public sector, privatization of their jobs has provided many of them with the opportunity to be represented by a union in the private sector. b. Privatization of public-sector jobs was begun in the 1980s under the Reagan administration. c. The Bush administration has proposed privatizing up to half of all federal public-sector jobs. d. Public-sector jobs are more likely to be privatized when the public sector union-management relationship is adversarial. e. All of these are true.

9. Which of the following is NOT considered an unfair labor practice under the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA)? a. Refusing to negotiate over a “permissible� bargaining subject b. Restraining and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights c. Encouraging or discouraging union membership d. Controlling or assisting a labor organization e. Refusing to negotiate with a designated labor organization

10. The designation granted to a labor union by the federal government that indicates that the union has been selected by secret ballot of employees to be the exclusive representative of a group of employees is called: a. multilateral bargaining. b. exclusive recognition. c. amalgamation. d. national consultation. e. empowered representation.

11. Each of the following subjects is permissible in federal-sector negotiations except: a. types and grades of positions assigned to any organizational unit.

b. management rights such as determining mission, budget, and internal security practices. c. tour of duty. d. use of technology in the workplace. e. methods and means of performing work.

12. Which one of the following strategies is NOT a strategy that is commonly used to increase a public employer's cost of continuing to disagree with a union bargaining proposal? a. A threat to "blow the whistle" on a questionable management practice. b. A threat to conduct a recall election. c. A threat to withdraw the political support of union members d. Malicious obedience or “working to rule� in order to slow down work e. All of these are commonly used strategies. 13. Which of the following is true about labor-management partnerships in the federal government? a. It has been found that federal labor-management partnerships improve labor-management communications. b. President Clinton formed the National Partnership Council (NPC) in 1993 to make recommendations concerning methods for empowering federal employees. c. President Bush dissolved the NPC in 2001 and revoked all of its standing rules and orders. d. A number of successes from federal labor-management partnerships have been documented. e. All of these statements are true.

14. The impasse resolution procedure that is acclaimed as the oldest and most frequently used in the public sector is: a. Arbitration. b. fist-fighting. c. fact finding. d. mediation. e. referendum.

15. A criticism of conventional interest arbitration is that it: a. has no finality. b. has a "narcotic effect" on the parties. c. ends with a recommendation only but is not binding. d. should be more formalized. e. can go on almost indefinitely.

16. Which of the following statements is false about the differences between the public and private sectors? a. There are frequently no good substitutes available for the products/services offered by the public sector. b. Monopolistic conditions frequently exist in the public sector. c. Market forces act to constrain union and management negotiators in the public sector in much the same way that market forces constrain their private sector counterparts. d. Productivity bargaining is especially difficult because it is so difficult to measure productivity when it comes to many public-sector services. e. All of these are false statements.

17. Using the _______________ approach, an arbitrator chooses the entirety of either the union’s or management’s final offer covering all disputed issues. a. issue-by-issue final offer arbitration (FOA) b. whole issue SOL c. whole issue final offer arbitration (FOA) d. bottom line final offer arbitration (FOA) e. total package selection final offer arbitration (FOA)

18. What is the labor relations term used to describe the involvement of multiple parties in the collective bargaining process, particularly applicable to state and local level public sector bargaining? a. Sunshine bargaining. b. Transpartite bargaining. c. Sovereignty bargaining. d. Multilateral bargaining. e. End-run bargaining. 19. Which of the following statements about the rights and obligations of public-sector employees is NOT correct? a. Because citizens indirectly pay public-sector workers’ salaries, employers have to be mindful of the image that employees project. b. Public-sector employees’ political activities and off-the-job behavior are regulated more closely than most private-sector workers. c. A public-sector employee’s rights to expression and association cannot be limited any more than the similar rights of private-sector workers. d. Tenured public-sector employees have the right to be informed of the charges against them and have an opportunity to respond before they can be fired. e. A public-sector employee’s First Amendment right to expression cannot be overruled simply by the employer’s need for efficient work operations.

20. State laws that allow citizens to observe the collective bargaining process are referred to as: a. sunshine laws. b. blue laws. c. sunset laws. d. watergate laws. e. fishbowl laws.

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