Australian Times weekly newspaper | 8 April 2013

Page 1

9 - 15 April 2013 Issue: 458

ANZAC DAY What’s on in London

Community P5


AFL hopefuls triumphant against Europe sport P16

paul kelly

The man behind the myth entertainment P9


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NGA bid for UK paintings

n Prime

Minister Julia Gillard has described Opposition Leader Tony Abbott as an “economic simpleton” over his comments on proposed super changes.

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott are continuing their war of words on superannuation and each other’s economic management credentials, despite being on separate continents. Speaking from a business forum in China, the prime minister called Mr Abbott an “economic simpleton” after his comment last week that the government’s super changes had “shades of Cyprus about it”. On Friday, the government announced a series of superannuation reforms including a 15 per cent tax on super earnings over $100,000, a measure it says will affect only 16,000 high-income earners. Ms Gillard said Mr Abbott’s remark was “a crazy statement that no person of reason could make”. Finance Minister Penny Wong joined in the attack on Sunday, saying Mr Abbott “behaves as a one-man wrecking ball”. “This is a man who wants to be the prime minister of the country,

making economically reckless statements,” Senator Wong told Sky News. “For all my criticisms of (John) Howard and (Peter) Costello, can you imagine John Howard trying to damage confidence in the economy and in superannuation to make a political point?” The government said on Friday the superannuation measures would save more than $10 billion over the next decade, when combined with an already announced increase to the contributions tax rate for those earning more than $300,000. As part of the changes, concessional contributions caps would also be increased for the over 60s from $25,000 to $35,000. Mr Abbott defended linking the super changes to the economic crisis in Cyprus. “It’s very important that all governments understand that money in superannuation accounts doesn’t belong to the government,

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On fun, frivolity and kissing Royals | P4

THE NATIONAL Gallery of Australia has announced a bid to acquire iconic eighteenth century British paintings currently the subject of a UK export ban. The works, The Kongouro from New Holland (a kangaroo) and Portrait of a Large Dog (a dingo), were painted by British animal painter George Stubbs in 1772. The British Government has imposed a temporary export ban to allow time for a British institution to raise the estimated £5.5 million to acquire the oil paintings. Dr Ron Radford AM, Director of the National Gallery of Australia, said in a statement: “These paintings should be in Australia, in the national art collection which is the largest and most balanced collection of Australian art. They should belong to the people of Australia.” The naturalist Sir Joseph Banks travelled to Australia in 1768 to 1771 with Captain Cook on the Endeavour. He returned to the UK with the skin of a large kangaroo and presumably one of a dingo, ...continued on p3

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2 | News

9 - 15 April 2013

Are Aussies bigger whingers than the Poms? n

A new survey shows Australians have reported lower levels of wellbeing than their British counterparts, despite a stronger economy. By Paul Bleakley

Publisher: Bryce Lowry Editor: Alex Ivett Production/Design: Jackie Lampard News Editor: Paul Bleakley Business Editor: Sepi Roshan Contributors: Catherine Burrell, Tim Martin, Georgia Dawes, Phillip Browne, Michelle McCue, Erin Somerville, George Katralis, Lee Crossley, Jacqui Moroney, Will Fitz-gibbon, Chris Arkadieff, Bronwyn Spencer, Daniel Shillito, Mat Lyons,

Nicole Crowley, Alex Bruce-Smith, Sandra Tahmasby, Tyson Yates, Amber Rose, Jennifer Perkin, Josh Reich, Shannon Loves, Charlie Inglefield, Kris Griffiths, AJ Climpson-Stewart, Thomas Jones, Michael McCormick, Alistair Davis, Will Denton, Jennifer Lawton, Chloe Westley, Simon Kleinig Directors: P Atherton, J Durrant N Durrant, R Phillips and A Laird

Additional content: Who are we? Australian Times is written and compiled by young Australian journalists living in the UK. Contributing on a volunteer basis, they are uniquely placed to reflect the interests, opinions and attitudes of our community. If you would like to join us, contact Address: Unit 7C, Commodore House Battersea Reach, London SW18 1TW Tel: 0845 456 4910 Email:


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A WELLBEING survey conducted by National Australia Bank has found that Australians are less satisfied with their economic wellbeing than their British counterparts, calling into question the notion that Brits are bigger whingers than their colonial cousins. The National Australia Bank Consumer Anxiety Index found that Australia’s overall wellbeing score came in at 6.2 ratings points, trailing well behind a wellbeing score of 7.3 recorded for Brits a year earlier when the United Kingdom was facing the prospect of a double-dip recession. The results of last year’s survey showed that British respondents rated their lives as more satisfying than Australians, recording lower anxiety levels and a higher sense of self-worth. The recently released NAB study, utilising survey responses based on the first three months of 2013, showed that Australians’ overall wellbeing decreased during their working life, with the highest satisfaction ratings recorded in both the 18-29 and the over 50s age brackets. Australians over the age of 50 recorded the highest wellbeing ratings, suggesting that happiness and satisfaction returned to the elevated levels of youth after retirement. NAB’s chief economist Alan Oster said: “Just because you’ve got a strong economy, it doesn’t mean that the people within that economy feel that they’re happy or their wellbeing is high. What I didn’t expect was that job security was considered the lowest of the

Your Say On: Stay classless, Australia Born in Melbourne, grew up in Sheffield, Yorkshire. I never encountered any kind of class division until I moved back to Australia in my late teens and worked on the north shore. Wealth and inherited wealth cause class divisions. Agreed, Britain has a head start but driving past the mansions with black 4x4s parked in the drives with the uniformed kids waiting to be driven to school, I don’t think Oz is too far behind.


On: Asian tourists racially abused on Sydney bus

Look what happened to the Aboriginal Australians and they had only been there for millenniums. “Keep Orstralia clean?” Diz

On: Xavier Rudd in Cape Town

Great article - it makes me wish that I had been lucky enough to go. Goose bumps at the thought of Mr Rudd playing buffalo soldier. :) Bekah

Every day on …

? What’s your view

things that were causing them grief … that may be reflective of the fact that unemployment is quite low in Australia.” Australian women recorded a higher response rate than men in both their overall happiness and their anxiety levels, with the most anxious group of Australians found between the ages of 30 and 49-years-old. There are suggestions that the increasing number of mothers returning to the workforce may result in the elevated level of both happiness and anxiety in Australian women revealed in the NAB’s findings. When it came to marital status, the NAB study found that defacto and married couples recorded higher satisfaction levels than their single or divorced counterparts. However, there was one group of Australians that recorded a higher wellbeing rating than those that were coupled-up. Widowed Australians recorded the highest overall wellbeing rating of all marital denominations.

Australians that were involved in full-time employment recorded higher happiness ratings than those that were unemployed, although full-time employment did not have any significant impact on their anxiety levels. Those earning between $35,000 and $50,000 recorded the highest anxiety levels, while high income earners were among the least stressed people in the country. People in professional and technical employment showed the highest levels of satisfaction when compared to Australia’s tradies and unskilled workers. Labourers recorded higher levels of general happiness than those in professional positions, however the survey revealed that they felt the higher levels of anxiety than any other working Australians. The National Australia Bank conducts a wellbeing survey on a quarterly basis, with 1007 respondents contributing to this first survey of 2013.

On: Italian delights at Trullo in Highbury

are the vested interests now? Your companions, Rupert Murdoch, George Pell and Gina Rinehart are obvious examples.

Sounds wonderful. Mouth watering description of the food, and the ambience sounds seductive. Can’t wait to try Trullo Maggie

On: “Great Australian silence” on our Western heritage, says Abbott

Really Tony? We’ve forgotten? We are awash in the ocean of our Western culture. I don’t think we can forget. And I don’t think our Judeo-Christian faith heritage is in any danger of being forgotten. However, I’m working very hard to extract its influence from politics. We have humanist values of justice, compassion and reason... so much better than a faith tradition based on dogma and scripture. Erwin

Tony, our Western heritage included the Enlightenment; a period of challenge to the old faith based culture and a challenge to the power of entrenched organisations such as religion and powerful vested interests. As well as the churches who


George Pell, Gina Rinehart, Rupert? What a line up. I’m sure I wouldn’t want them as my dinner guests. And as for Tony…I don’t want him at my table. Ever. As for his Christian values…this is the man who apparently told his daughters their virginity was a “gift to be given only to their husbands”. Hmmmm Maggie

On: Call this spring? Tips for keeping healthy in the London cold Being cold does not make you sick, nor does it increase your chances of becoming sick. Illness is associated with cold temperatures because people spend more time indoors, near other people.


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News | 3

Iconic portraits “belong to Super measures to save $10bn, says govt the people of Australia” ...continued from p1

...continued from p1 according to the National Gallery of Australia. Banks almost certainly commissioned Stubbs to paint these animals from the skins, rough sketches and verbal descriptions. The paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1773 as an account of Captain Cook’s first voyage to the Pacific and became some of the first images of “The New World” to be seen in Europe. The kangaroo image became a source of numerous popular engravings and the inspiration of the animal’s depiction on the Australian coat of arms. UK Culture Minister, Ed Vaizey, imposed the ban on 6 February following a recommendation by the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest (RCEWA). The ban will last until 5 August with an option to extend it until 5 November if a serious intention to raise funds is received. According to the Arts Council, the criteria for an export ban are: •  Is it so closely connected with

our history and national life that its departure would be a misfortune? •  Is it of outstanding aesthetic importance? •  Is it of outstanding significance for the study of some particular branch of art, learning or history? The National Gallery of Australia released a statement underlining its determination to pursue the pictures. “These icons of Australian historical and cultural heritage are inextricably linked to our national identity, and if acquired will be on permanent display at the National Gallery of Australia. If a UK buyer does not come forward the Gallery will raise funds for the acquisition.” The UK Arts Council declined to comment on this statement saying that any expressions of interest in purchasing the paintings would remain confidential until the expiry of the temporary export ban. By Michelle McCue

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it belongs to the people,” he told reporters in Sydney on Sunday. Mr Abbott hit back at Ms Gillard’s

criticism of his remarks. “The prime minister shouldn’t use an overseas trip to make domestic political comments,” he said. “The extreme language of the prime minister is unworthy of that great office.” Meanwhile Senator Wong wouldn’t say whether she had pushed for bigger changes to superannuation, only to lose the argument in cabinet. “I won’t go into that – I’m certainly never going to be one of the people that discuss what might or might not have been said in cabinet,” she said. “It is a balanced package that does

what we wanted it to do, which is look to the long term to ensure that we made the system of concessions more sustainable and we continue to build the retirement incomes of Australians, particularly lowincome Australians.” Greens leader Christine Milne told Sky News she thought the government “did lose its nerve” on super reform. She said she supported taxing super earnings over $100,000. -AAP

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4 | Exclusive Interview

From the editor’s desk > alex Ivett

I’ve always pictured the house I’ll eventually live in as being a cosy place – with big soft couches, a floor to ceiling wall of books framing a fireplace and a huge distressed wooden table taking up half the space in the open plan kitchen. A place for raucous dinner parties with friends, breakfast fry-ups and somewhere to strew the weekend papers on a lazy Sunday. Walking into Kathy Lette’s home is like walking into that ideal picture. And meeting Kathy is like finding the perfect guest of honour for one of those imagined parties. Hilarious, warm, generous and self-deprecating, the following hour is a rollercoaster romp through 23 years of London fun and frivolity. Story after story of meeting royals, literary parties at the Savoy, and indoor barbies with Kylie Minogue running round in her cossie. I’m green-eyed with jealousy and full of admiration of a life so fully lived. However, it’s not all champagne and high-kicks. Kathy also talks passionately about her love and pride for her two kids, feminism, bullying and the need for acceptance and tolerance in society of those with special needs. Kathy’s latest book, The Boy Who Fell to Earth, is the epitome of this approach. Heartfelt and packed with love for her son, on who the main character Merlin is based, it is also achingly funny, insightful and an important window into what it’s like raising a child on the autistic spectrum. Both the book, and this interview, are a must-read.



Taking an anti-Australian Melvyn Bragg to task

Indoor Aussie barbies with Salman Rushdie and Kylie & Dannii Minogue in their cossies

9 - 15 April 2013

the Expat factor

Extraordinary Aussies in the UK between mother and son, which are amazing and really touching. They’re what makes the book I think, and most them are verbatim. I am so proud of him, he’s a remarkable young man. If only we could be more accepting of people who are different. How dull it would be if we were all the same – a case of the bland leading the bland.

Kathy Lette is an Australian author who has lived in London for over 20 years. Kathy has written a number of bestselling books including Puberty Blues, How to Kill Your Husband (and Other Handy Household Hints), To Love, Honour & Betray, Mad Cows and Foetal Attraction. I suddenly found myself living in the UK. I was living in LA writing sitcoms when the writers’ strike happened in 1988. I went back to Australia and went on Hypotheticals, and met Geoff (husband Geoffrey Robertson) and suddenly my life derailed. We fell madly in love, he left his girlfriend at the time Nigella Lawson, and I moved to England. He tricked me, he said we’d just come for a year and now it’s turned into 23. I never wanted to live in Britain - what a cold, grey, gloomy, damp place. The English are eyoreesque – they think optimism is an eye disease. But I have come to love many things about living here. In Australia I was just known for Puberty Blues. I was 30, had my first grey pubic hair and was still considered an expert on teenage angst and orgasms. It was getting a bit embarrassing. Coming to England I could start from scratch. I just started from nowhere and it felt good for me to realize I could do it all on my own. Girls Night Out came out, and it was followed by Foetal Attraction and Mad Cows – the best books for Australians to read when they come here. They’re about that fish-out-of water experience, and coming to grips with the UK condescension chromosome. The Brits see us as the recessive gene, the Irish of the Pacific. They think of our record collections as criminal, not classical. All of that prejudice still exists. The great thing about being Australian in the UK, is it gives you social mobility. In Britain people are very compartmentalized by the class system, they’re born into it. My English friends can meet someone and tell within two minutes where they went to school, what they eat for breakfast, what colour underpants they’re wearing and what their sexual proclivities are. Australians can be socially Vaseline coated. The Brits have to be nice to you, just in case you’re the daughter of a rich grazier or newspaper magnate. They don’t speak English here – they speak euphemisms. You need those United Nations headphones to decode the language. They’d say things like: ‘Oh, you Australians – you’re so refreshing’, which actually means: ‘Rack off you loudmouth, colonial, nymphomaniac.’ I’d think – how dare they call me a loudmouth?! One day (in 2004) I got a call from the Savoy asking if I would like to be their writer in residence for three months. It was the first hotel to have a writer in residence program - most programs are in prisons, or libraries. They wanted to rekindle their literary links, because lots of famous authors had lived there in the past – from Oscar Wilde, to Mark Twain and Noel Coward. Of course, Kathy Lette is a

As a writer you always have to be in Margaret Mead mode, you have to try to experience everything because you never know what might be material. Although I’m a republican I agreed to go to the Royal Polo with a friend of mine. Clarence House saw my name on the list and asked if I wanted to present the cups to the Princes – obviously they were limbo low on celebs that day. Some fuddyduddy explained I had to kiss each Prince on the cheek and present the cup. I could see them looking bored, so as Prince William came towards me I thought, ‘oh I’ll have a bit of fun with this.’ I said to him: ‘Apparently I have to kiss you, do you want tongue?’ He told the others, who killed themselves laughing. Then to Prince Harry I asked: ‘Do you want tongue?’ He said: ‘Oh yeah’, and picked me up and swung me round. I’m pretty sure I felt a frisson with Harry. Who knows, if I play my cards right, I could be the future Queen of England!

Kathy lette Author

natural segue. Hotels are all about fun and frivolity, and I just had to swan about, swing from the chandeliers, and host four literary dinners. I invited Stephen Fry, Salman Rushdie (we all wore our bullet-proof bras that night), Richard E. Grant and John Mortimer. John was my literary love god. He used to call himself my toyboy, although he used to say it would take him three weeks to get a soft-on. I invented my own champagne cocktail for the menu – the “Kathy Cassis”. I put in a lot a research. Julian Barnes came to visit me, and I told him I was pleased I was going to have my own cocktail but I was slightly worried about all the men who could go around town saying that they’ve had me. Julian said: ‘Don’t worry Kathy, as long as they say you went down rather well.’ For an Englishman with pinstripe underpants, I thought that was pretty damn good! I’ve also got a Kathy Omelette– it’s an omelette with lobster legs sticking out the sides, because my legs are all I’ve got left! Australian humour is drier than an AA clinic. We have chronic scepticaemia – we’re sceptical about everything. I think it’s our way of coping, like strapping a shock absorber to the brain. I love writing Australian

characters in my books, because they’re so colourful. In my new book, The Boy Who Fell to Earth, I’ve got a lovely old aging Australian rockstar – Archie. They’re going to make a film out of it, with Emily Mortimer playing the mother, and I wonder who they’ll cast as Archie. It has to be someone knockabout, rough around the edges – an unlikely sex symbol. I’ll have to help cast by driving around town with a casting couch strapped to the roof racks.. I wrote the book to give people a greater understanding of autism. I think the best way of describing it is like the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, but from the mother’s perspective. I was planning on writing something else, but this book just started pouring out and I couldn’t stop. It’s based on my own experiences with my son, who is on the autistic spectrum. People think I’m really candid, but you should hear what I’m not telling you. This book left me feeling very exposed. I thought, am I really going to do this emotional striptease for my readers? I asked my son, and he said he loved the book. Julius said: ‘It’s a celebration of idiosyncrasies and eccentricities.’ Most of the things the character Merlin says in the book really did come out of his mouth. There are these beautiful letters in there written

One place Australians should make a pilgrimage to is the Captain Cook museum in Whitby. It’s a beautiful little town, like something out of a fairy book – all these little houses clinging onto the riverbank like periwinkles. The whole place haemorrhages history. I felt very moved when I went there. My ancestors were on the First Fleet and the Second Fleet. I call myself the crème de la crim. I’m still trying to get myself deported. Next time I’m at Buckingham Palace I’m going to impale a corgi on the end of my stiletto, and they’ll put me in the tower and send me back to Botany Bay. When the Royal Wedding was on I was doing some coverage for Channel Nine, and had my friend Toni Moon in Cronulla whip up a suit with corgis on it, with diamond encrusted tiaras on their craniums. We were invited to Buckingham Palace for some soiree because the Queen was heading to Australia on tour, and had all the Aussies down to the palace. I whacked on the corgi suit, did the mascara in the car, and lined up to meet the Queen. She was in a rigour mortis of boredom, and I stood in front of her in my corgi suit, and said ‘I hope you like my suit, I wore it just for you’. She threw her head back and laughed. I always go too far – I then said to Prince Phillip: ‘I’m slightly worried one of your corgis might try to mate with my leg’. He just said: ‘Oh get on with you’ in his gruff way. I think the royals get tired of people being sycophantic and awestruck. It’s good to be someone who can have a bit of fun. The Boy Who Fell to Earth is released in the UK on 11 April. As told to Alex Ivett.

Community | 5

Getting Ready for Anzac Day


Anzac Day in London provides plenty of opportunities for Australians to gather and commemorate Australian soldiers. By Simon Kleinig We’re now on our way into April, which means Anzac Day is just around the corner. Anzac Day — Thursday, 25 April 2013— is always a big day for Aussies and Kiwis in London. Back home Anzac Day is such a huge event that many of us miss the nationwide sweep of the occasion when we arrive in London. For Brits, their big day is Remembrance Sunday. It is a very different occasion which many Aussies find somewhat curious, with its sombre, funereal overtones, black dress and strong focus on sacrifice. Traditionally, Aussies have always used Anzac Day to remember and respect our fallen and passed military. We also see it as a day to commemorate and even celebrate our nationhood. Free of the controversy of Australia Day (which can offend indigenous Australians) Anzac Day is a uniting call to Australians of every race and creed to stand shoulder to shoulder in remembrance of past sacrifices and to celebrate our nationhood. It was on the fire-raked beaches

and slopes above Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915 that Australia was first tested as an independent nation on the world stage. It was not found wanting. The events at Gallipoli have since become a defining moment in the history of three nations: Australia, New Zealand and Turkey. For many of us, Anzac Day in London is a pleasant reminder of home and what it really means to be an Aussie or a Kiwi, as the rest of London goes about another busy day. In the grey light of dawn at Hyde Park Corner thousands of us will stand near the Australian Memorial at 5 am for a few quiet minutes of reflection and contemplation. You can play your part by making a small donation towards a Legacy pin to help support Aussie war widows living in the UK. And don’t forget to wear your sprig of rosemary as a mark of respect and remembrance on Anzac Day. After the Dawn Service many people grab a coffee or tuck into a good breakfast. Just across the road the Intercontinental Hotel (corner of Piccadilly and Park Lane) puts on a full Anzac Day breakfast at HALF PRICE for all those attending the Dawn

Service. Many people also move on to the wreath-laying service at the Cenotaph in Whitehall at 11am. It always feels like a breeze of home to see Aussie slouch hats on parade. Finally, a special Anzac Day service is held each year in Westminster Abbey at midday. But don’t be disappointed — you’ll need to reserve tickets through the Australian High Commission on their website or call 020 7379 4334. How about free trip to Gallipoli? London Legacy is running a raffle in conjunction with On-The-Go Tours and the prize is a 10 day tour of Turkey (including Gallipoli). Valued at £1700, the tour includes airfares, accommodation and most meals. To get books of 5 x £4 tickets email If you have a bit of time on your hands, why not volunteer to help sell Legacy pins on Anzac Day — or assist London Legacy generally? You’ll be working with other Aussies and really helping a good cause. If you can help please contact President Lindsay Birrell at or call 07505 145461.

South Australia hosts international brand launch at Australia House AUSTRALIA House played host to the London launch of the rebranding of South Australia in a gala event attended by prominent Australians in the UK, Aussie expats and South Australian UK supporters. Bill Muirhead, Agent General for South Australia, said the rebranding was important to help get the South Australia’s name on the international map. “South Australia had an overseas identity crisis,” he told attendees. “People always thought I came from ‘southern Australia’ or ‘southeastern Australia’.” However, he also said rebranding South Australia as “middle bottom” of Australia didn’t sound quite right and the then premier Mike Rann had rejected his initial suggestion of occupying the Northern Territory in order to rebrand as “central Australia”.

Instead, the South Australian government is promoting the state as the gateway to the rest of the nation, providing opportunities for international customers to access business, culture and industry in the area. The logo features a red map of Australia with South Australia depicted as an open door in ochre colours. Mr Muirhead said the new brand would be an improvement on the previous “brilliant blend” brand, which should have read “brilliant bland”. Launched in Adelaide last month, the brand is intended to achieve two things. “First, it says where we are”, said Mr Muirhead. “Second, it says we are an open door to Australia.”

Guests at the Australia House event included Barry Humphries, AO, CBE, and Australian author Kathy Lette. Guests were asked to raise their glass of South Australian wine in toast to the “future prosperity” of South Australia, before Australian musician Telen Rodwell played a selection of songs from his soon to be released UK album Shadowman to the crowd. The $1.3 million branding exercise is the first step towards putting South Australia on the international map, and businesses and other organisations are being encouraged to use the design in product pitches to international customers. Mr Muirhead said the logo was a way to “celebrate the fact that our doors are open for them to enjoy it with us.”

Anzac Day in London

5am Service at the Australian Memorial at Hyde Park Corner 7am Anzac Day breakfast at Intercontinental Hotel 11am Wreath-laying service at the Cenotaph in Whitehall 12pm Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey

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Image by Steve Dunlop

Get a FREE quote at or call +44 (0) 20 7397 4960 Barry Humphries and Agent-general Bill Muirhead. Image by Steve Dunlop

Agent-general Bill Muirhead and Deputy agent-general Matt Johnson. Image by Steve Dunlop

Image by Steve Dunlop

Author Kathy Lette. Image by Steve Dunlop

6 | UK Life

9 - 15 April 2013

Living like a local Manners fit for a Queen SUBCULTURE SLEUTH > PAUL BLEAKLEY

It is not as easy for an Australian living in London to find a sense of localism. It is understandable; we are strangers in a strange land, always transient and always planning our next trip abroad or weekend away. In many respects it doesn’t even matter what part of London we live in. Most of us know that we won’t be there forever, and we did not set out to find a new ‘home’ anyway. I remember the first time that I realised that I had become a local in London. I had been sitting at a pub with one of my best friends from home, enjoying the last days of summer. That was when we met Reg. We had been asked to join his table after looking after his friend’s dog – a slobbering bull terrier - while they went to get drinks. It quickly became clear was that Reg was a well-known figure in the local community. Every person that passed the pub stopped to shake his hand and have a quick chat. He wistfully told us that it was a good area, “but not if you are part of the

street life”. He was open about the fact that he had not always lived on the right side of the law, telling us that he had cleaned his act up “at least until (his) baby daughter turned eighteen”. My friend went home after a few hours, but I sat with Reg and his friends for hours after the sun went down listening to his stories about our little corner of West London. When the time came to leave, Reg walked me down the street introducing me to everyone we crossed paths with along the way. That could have been the end of the story, a chance experience with a London identity. It wasn’t. Three weeks later I was sitting by myself in the same pub, waiting for a friend and reading the paper when I heard the sound of knuckles rapping on the window. It was Reg. He had spotted me through the window and stopped to say hello and see how I was. That was the moment I discovered London localism. That was the day that I felt home.

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A recent study forces our Honeymooning Nomad to confront a few home truths about Aussie attitudes to common courtesy Honeymooning Nomad > Jacqui Moroney

People tend to laugh at me a lot. It is usually because I am telling them our unfortunate tale of broken feet and stolen passports in Paris, or about our The Hangover style weekend in Vegas. Sometimes it’s simply because I am having a #typicaljacquiday (it’s a thing) and have walked into the doorway or dropped my phone in the toilet. Either way, I seem to be the source of amusement for my friends and family around the globe. This is not something that I usually mind, but recently a few friends (and my darling hubby) laughed at me for saying “thank you” to the bus driver as I departed a London bus. This particular bus driver had not done anything to deserve my thanks and was, in fact, fairly grumpy. However, I like to think that my thanks might have brightened her day just a little. Then I read an article that claimed to have sent under cover reporters to 35 countries to assess the politeness in their biggest cities. London and Paris were tied for 15th place in the most courteous list of countries, with Auckland ranked 7th. Deservedly, New York was ranked number 1. This makes sense to me, as it is tied with London for my favourite two cities. But where was Australia represented on the list? Regrettably, Sydney was tied with Milan as number 24 on the LEAST courteous list, lumped in with the likes of Bangkok, Amsterdam and Montreal. I was saddened by this revelation as I like to think that my fellow Aussies are always polite, and that old-fashioned customer service is still evident in our friendly but

laidback life-style. Apparently not… Maybe I think too highly of my fellow Aussies? Something that became apparent after two Aussies (hubby included) laughed at me when I thanked the grumpy, old bus driver in the middle of London. While some people might think that being overly polite is insincere and humbug, I am truly a believer that being polite is all about being considerate and appreciative of others. Just like booking your transport, packing your underwear, or investigating the cultural norms of your travel destination, I believe that being courteous and polite are essential qualities for every traveler (and human being). After almost eight months of living in London, I was not surprised that London fared better than most… but tied with Paris? After our misfortunes

in Paris and being forced to deal with local police and foreign embassies while trying to replace stolen passports, I just can’t see how Paris was considered London’s equal in terms of politeness. Although in terms of pastries, Paris is your lady. While Parisians seem a little more helpful at times (once you overcome the language barrier), Londoners are certainly more polite. The English will almost always mind their Ps and Qs, politely ignore someone acting strangely on the tube and go out of their way to open doors for women. Perhaps their chivalry has been confused with being artificial and unfriendly? Either way, it seems the best way to get a Londoner to warm up to you is to chat about the unrelenting rain or unseasonal sunshine. The weather is always a favourite topic of conversation.

I guess, but the real joy comes from imagining the creative ways in which they will dispose of it. With that many balloons only one thing is certain — there’s going to be more popping than at a Pringles party. What else is on the menu? Well, funny you should use that word because a fair portion of this year’s festival revolves around the theme of Future Foods. As it turns out, if we want there to be a future, it might be an idea to start preparing our palates for the sustainable cuisine of tomorrow. Fried locust anyone? Curried grubs? Synthetic steaks? I imagine these are the delicacies on offer as part of the events such as Eating Aliens and The Adaptation Diet. I can only imagine because, honestly, I’ve steered clear. Not one for exotic tastes, I’ll just stick to eating my fill of minced heart, liver and lungs stuffed into a sheep’s stomach, thank you very much. If you do decide to try the cane toad soufflé (probably not a real thing), don’t fill up on bread — you might have trouble participating in the party games. Future Worlds is yet another theme and offers entertainment that is not so much light as it is weightless. Fit for Orbit will help you determine if you have got what it takes to travel into space. The health risks of such a journey include bone demineralisation,

body salts to crystallise in the kidney, anaemia, heart damage, blindness and cancer, but I’d be more worried about going all that way just to be Buzz Aldrin-ed at the finish line. Yep, science has certainly come a long way in 25 years. From the invention of the internet, to the Hubble Space Telescope, the discovery of the Higgs Boson (I’m guessing it’s some kind of ferocious Zimbabwean plant?) to understanding the physics behind Rolf Harris’s wobble board technique. To put it in perspective, I too am turning twenty five this year. I have just learnt how to make pesto. Still waiting on that Nobel Prize.

Saying it with science Edinburgh Expat > Tyson Yates

Here we are, smack-bang in the middle of the Edinburgh International Science Festival as it celebrates its 25th year. It’s just like any party I can remember from high school - I could never get into those without paying someone at the door either. Also there are balloons, food and entertainment, though not in the way you would expect. What an exciting week it has been so far. We’ve had live ice demonstrations, heard discussions on the topic of sun patterns, experimented with aerodynamics – and that’s just the weather. Events at this year’s festival are much more likely to surprise you. Far too fanatic for the humble ice sculpture swan, the Science Festival celebrates its birthday with a specially commissioned centrepiece – a threestory high double helix structure, made from hundreds of interwoven balloons, now sitting in the National Museum of Scotland. New York-based artist Jason Hackenwerth and his team have been working frantically in the public eye over the past week to create the biggest visual spectacle the Festival has ever seen. The finished product is impressive,

Food & Wine | 7

Coffee Cult visits Climpson & Sons

By Alex Ivett

It finally happened. A patch of sunlight appeared over London, and stayed. One bird sung, and a flower bloomed. A stranger actually smiled at another on the street. And I finally managed to drink a coffee, outside, on a bench, basking in the warm glow of vitamin D goodness – albeit while wearing a coat and beanie. For one weekend, everything was right with the world again. Let’s all admit it - it’s been a difficult winter for Australians in London. Waking up for the 67th day in a row to grey gloom and single digit temperatures, you may have even started to wonder whether the decision to move to London was actually in fact a cruel Inception-style mind trick your arch nemesis has been playing on you. Then, when you start photoshopping yourself into Instagrammed photos of your friends lolling on a beach, latte in hand as the Sydney sky turns 15 shades of pink behind them, you really start to worry. Your finger hovers over that ‘book ticket home’ button, and you start planning the farewell drinks. And yet ... you wake up one Saturday morning, the sun is out, and faith is renewed. One restorative morning spent wandering Regents canal, dawdling through Broadway Market and watching happy citizens roll in the grass of London Fields, and the ticket is cancelled. The Instagrammed photos are now of dogs gambling in the park. Of groups of strangers wearing floppy-brimmed velvet hats, pushing fixies with babies strapped to their chest

in organic cotton swapping pleasantries next to organic cheese stalls and olive buckets. Or of yourself, soaking it all up on a conveniently placed bench outside Climpson & Sons on the market strip, watching the foot traffic pass by with a expertly made latte in hand. Happy to be in London once again.

The Crucials The coffee is strong, satisfying and perfectly made by the friendly staff behind the counter. They also do soy milk, a rare find in London. The menu, drawn on a blackboard along the wall, is simple yet sufficient. Tempted as I am by the bagels – smoked salmon, chorizo or Portobello mushroom –


From the kitchen of Gordon Ramsay at Claridge’s, CHRIS ARAKDIEFF shows us a fresh twist on a staple vegetable that brings new life and colour to your table.



> CHRIS ARKadieff

The arrival of purple sprouting broccoli delivers some relief to the kitchen in early April. This tender stem vegetable adds colour to dishes and the hint that the long winter is coming to an end. Purple sprouting broccoli has a sweet earthiness and marries well

The Craic Climpson & Sons is small and woodfilled. One tiny kitchen, one bench holding the espresso machine and tempting pastries, one cosy space of wooden bench seats and tall stools (no tables), and one long line of marketgoers, dogs, bikes, babies and all the rest. Two long benches outside gives you a front row seat to the parade of chic young professionals stocking up on their artesian bread and tasting the array of wares from the friendly market stall owners. The strip is a veritable Crufts parade of pooches, colourful scarves and, on a sunny Saturday morning, general goodwill.

Purple power

with freshly grilled fish or a warm salad of anchovies and soft-centred boiled eggs. This vegetable is easily prepared. Just trim any woody ends and discard the tough outer leaves, and quickly steam or boil in salted water. This week we will use purple sprouting broccoli as a centrepiece dish, to serve amongst friends. Serve with grilled chicken, salmon, or grilled halloumi cheese for a fresh and healthy meal.

li o c c ro B g n ti u ro p S le rp Pu avocado on sourdough sounds too refreshing to refuse. It’s a perfect choice for an (almost) spring day. Fresh, soft avocado topped with sumac and crushed pistachio, with a squeeze of lime. Accompanied by another coffee in the sun, and I’m starting to feel like I’ve just got back from a holiday in Majorca.

The Connection Well, the person co-making the coffee was Australian – that counts, right? Ok, ok, you got us. We’re not as a nation entirely able to claim credit for this one. Climpson & Sons is English owned, but the owner did spend seven years in Australia perfecting his craft AND his wife is Australian. With coffee this good, it’s enough.

The Conclusion They say a change is as good as a holiday. Well, for Coffee Cult – all we needed was a good coffee, a wholesome breakfast and a patch of sun. Head to Climpson & Sons on a sunny Saturday morning, and let it restore your faith in London. Climpson & Sons 67 Broadway Market Hackney, London E8 4PH

What you need

• 450g fresh tender purple sprouting broccoli stems • 4 soft-centred boiled eggs • ½ cup freshly baked bread croutons • ½ clove garlic finely chopped • 4 salted anchovy fillets • ½ small red chilli finely diced • 4 fresh basil leaves • Extra virgin olive oil • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

What to do

• Bring a medium size pot of salted water to a rapid boil. • Blanch the broccoli for three minutes. Remove the broccoli from the pot and plunge the stems into iced water to stop the cooking process. • Allow the stems to drain for five

minutes. • Heat a fry pan, large enough to hold the broccoli, to a medium heat. Add a good splash of olive oil. • Add the garlic, chillies, anchovies and fry for two minutes until the ingredients become aromatic. • Add the broccoli stems and toss well. • Add the freshly torn basil leaves, season with salt and pepper and toss well. • Place the broccoli on a large platter for serving. • Take the eggs and slice in quarters and scatter around the platter. • Sprinkle the croutons and add additional anchovies if your guests enjoy the flavour. • Finish with a good splash of olive oil before serving. Enjoy.

8 | Entertainment

What’s On Sarah Blasko 11 April @Barbican Centre

9 - 15 April 2013

The power of Paul Kelly

INTERVIEW | Paul Kelly, folksinger, songwriter, Australian music legend. GEORGE KATRALIS talks to the man behind the myth ahead of his London show.


Paul Kelly 12 April @Cadogan Hall The Jezabels 20 April @Sebright Arms

of Forbes’,” he tells Australian Times. “I can’t really remember how it went – I remember I had a lot to drink afterwards from relief. I was incredibly nervous.”

Chet Faker 21 May @Sebright Arms Xavier Rudd 24 June @Koko

A savvy storyteller

Talking to Paul Kelly, two things become obvious. First, the man is genuine. He talks like he writes. He answers all my questions with deep thought, coupled with a story that ultimately takes me on a journey to get to the end. It’s easy to see why his songs are so good. Second, he’s not one to dwell on or get stuck in his past. His response to my glorification of his legend is simple and humble. “I’m not worried about that. I’m a writer. I’m more concerned with trying to write the next thing rather then looking back on what I’m supposed to be,” he says. “The most important thing for me is to have these songs. They are like companions I can travel with.” From ‘Dumb Things’ to ‘To Her Door’, ‘How to Make Gravy’ to ‘When I First Met Your Ma.’ It can be said Paul has quite the stash in his swag, with travel companions enough to travel the world twice over. But, in the spirit of this interview, I’m also not going to dwell on Paul’s past. You know it. You own it. And if you don’t, you should.

Tame Impala 25 June @ Hammersmith Apollo Kate Miller-Heidke 3 July @The Islington Flume 4 July @Heaven Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite 16 July @ Shepherd’s Bush Empire

For full details... ...and more Aussie gigs go to:

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Grumpy Cat @VeryGrumpyCat #ThingsThatAnnoyMe. People. @VeryGrumpyCat 3 weeks ago: single. Last week: single. Next week: single. Next month: single. Next year: single. Next decade: single. Next life: single. @VeryGrumpyCat Probably the worst thing about being a penguin is after you’re in an argument you’ll try to waddle away angrily but still look adorably cute @VeryGrumpyCat I wasn’t mad. Then you asked me 10 times if I was mad. Now I’m mad. @VeryGrumpyCat The list of people who asked for your opinion: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ @VeryGrumpyCat You’re the jelly to my burger, the knife to my soup, the glitter to my sushi, and the ketchup to my icecream. My point is, you’re worthless.

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Image by Daniel Boud

So, there I was. 18. The perfect mix of naïve, judgemental, brash, pigheaded – and a musical snob. Addicted to John Cusack’s portrayal of Rob Gordon in High Fidelity; the professional music appreciator. Or, for lack of a better word, a dickhead. I was with my one of best mates, standing in Sydney’s Centennial Park on an oddly cold day in March. With the threatening grey clouds just barely impeding the rain that was soon to sure hit, we, like thousands more, were there for one reason and one reason only. Bob Dylan. Sadly though, and much to my protest at the time, we first had to sit through some guy I had never heard of. Some guy named Paul Kelly. Now, please forgive me. Remember as you read this teenage arrogance was at an all time high. I was just old enough to know everything and dumb enough to judge anything. Honestly, I had no interest in seeing a guy who all week had been billed as ‘Australia’s answer to Dylan’. How dare they?!

“If you feel, life is a tragedy. If you think, life is a comedy. We all think and we all feel so I guess life is just both” We took our seats as Paul Kelly walked out, acoustic guitar in hand and harmonica in mouth. “Yeah, this should be good,” I said to my mate with sarcasm, thinking this lanky guy was about to perform what would be a cheesy parody at best. And then he started playing. I couldn’t tell you what his opening song was now, but needless to say I’m glad teenage arrogance didn’t get in the way of better judgement. One storytelling ballad in and this brash, pigheaded, musical snob was hooked. From then on, I was a Paul Kelly faithful, and have sung the man’s

Image by Russel Shakespeare

praises and seen him live at every chance I could since that fateful day.

Earning his place on the mantle

Folk, rock, roots, blues and storyteller. You can’t deny the man’s legend or underscore his importance to Australian music. With a still active recording catalogue that spans 19 records over a 32 year period (not even counting the eight years spent playing live before anything was even committed to tape) Paul Kelly has done the hard yards and earned his place on the mantle that is Australian music history. Now, this could well be the musical snob and proud Aussie in me coming out, but in my opinion Australia has always been at the forefront of the music industry. While England had The Beatles, we had The Easybeats. In 1976 the Sex Pistols were getting all the credit for creating Punk. However little did they know, two years earlier in 1974 Chris Bailey was busy inventing it in Brisbane with his lil’ band called The Saints. Later that same year, down in Hobart, a 19 year old kid named Paul Maurice Kelly walked onto a dimly lit stage and made his debut at a folk club named Salamanca Place. Which is where our story really begins. “They had a night where anyone could get up. I sang Dylan’s ‘Girl from the North Country’ and ‘Streets

Spring and Fall

What we will talk about is Spring and Fall, Paul Kelly’s 2013 release and 19th studio album. Strangely though it’s at this point we have to visit Paul’s past just once more. Because if it weren’t for an aspect of it, Spring and Fall would not have seen the light of day. Enter Dan Kelly. Not only is Dan Kelly Paul’s current collaborator and sparing partner, he is also Paul’s biggest fan and his nephew. “You like to play with mates, guys you can get on with. He knows my records better then I do, because he listens to them more then I do,” Paul says. “Once you make records you don’t really listen to them anymore. You play the songs, but you then get to

Image by Tony Mott

know the songs in a different way. You start singing them differently and they start evolving. “Dan knows hundreds of my songs without rehearsal. I love his playing, he’s got variety. He can be very cinematic, ambient, and supportive or he can be quite present. I never get bored playing with him.” With such praise for his young counterpart Paul began the process of writing Spring and Fall. An album which I believe to be the best he has released in quite some time. Once again, Paul has gone back to create something that moves forward. Paul says it was a conscious decision to move away from the temptation of a full band and play a more stripped back style of music. “I had assembled a group of songs that suggested it could be a storyline for the whole album, so I consciously started to think of the record as one long story and that story would be best served by some quite sparse music. “I got Dan in and our producer Greg “J” Walker joined us on double bass and we ended up with a musical trio. It was once the bass was added that the record got some direction.” Some concept albums fall into the trap of paying too much attention to over the top sounds, or just being weird for the sake of being weird. However, Spring and Fall, from its post-impressionist cover art of a content couple, to its stripped back sounds and storytelling lyrics, feels like a complete piece of work. It takes the listener on a journey they want to be part of. It has a start, and it has a finish. To listen to it out of order almost feels criminal. The beauty of this album lies in its exploration. As for Paul, I ask him - who could portray a life so serious? Maybe one like his? He quips back with a quote I’ll remember for some time to come. “My life hasn’t been too serious. It’s like they say. If you feel, life is a tragedy. If you think, life is a comedy. We all think and we all feel so I guess life is just both.” Spring and Fall is out now in the UK. Paul Kelly is playing in London at Cadogan Hall Friday 12 April 2013.

10 | Travel

9 - 15 April 2013


When visiting relatives in Armenia for the first time, SANDRA TAHMASBY discovers a unique culture, history and heritage in this oft-overlooked nation.




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I always thought I would be the one to put Armenia on the map but the Kardashians beat me to it. Although I am of Armenian heritage, the country was never top of my list of must-see places. This changed with a once-in-a-lifetime visit to the Caucasus region for a family reunion. I had always heard great stories of my Armenian background. For instance, how our famous Ararat Mountains hold the remains of Noah’s Ark run aground after the flood. What’s more, we were the first Christian nation with the formation of the Armenian Church in 301 AD. It seems this proud country of three million people has much to offer. There were also tragic tales of our history, hardship and culture and how we fought to save our

Image by Vigen Hakhverdyan

existence. As a Christian enclave within the Ottoman Empire, Armenia suffered centuries of persecution. Between 1915 and 1922, there were forced marches into the Syrian desert and Turkish pogroms which led to 1.5 million deaths and claims of genocide. In the early 1920s, Armenia was invaded by the Bolsheviks and absorbed in to the Soviet Union leading to mass emigration to North America and France. Hence, the worldwide Armenian diaspora making tourist pilgrimages to their

Travel | 11

Practical Information Take US Dollars or Euros and an ATM card. Yerevan banks will change other currencies. HSBC branch ATMs in Yerevan will give you US Dollars. A 21-day tourist visa costs US$30 and is available at the border. Museums and galleries often close on Mondays. Temperatures: can reach 40C in summer and -10C in winter (until April or May). – a US site for the worldwide Armenian community. - travel information.

ancestral homeland. Yerevan, Armenia’s capital and largest city, is lush with trees, magnificent gardens, ancient ruins, landmarks, fresh fruit and natural springs. It is made up of small villages where the locals have built houses and cultivated fresh produce. The fruit is fresh, the air is clean, and the horizon is made up of churches as far as the eye can see. Not forgetting Yerevan’s best asset – its generous people who are welcoming beyond measure. The capital is rapidly modernizing with dusty streets increasingly being replaced by high-rise buildings, cosmopolitan cafes and bars and a thriving arts scene. There is also a large choice

of traditional restaurants offering tasty kebabs, fragranced rice and casseroles. However, if you eat out with the locals and share some wine, pour the last drops in to your own glass. If you empty a bottle in to someone else’s glass, it is customary for them to buy the next bottle. My favourite place was the historical site with a statue of Saint Mesrob Mashtots teaching a student the Armenian alphabet. This revolutionary concept of 36 letters was devised in 405 AD originally as a numbering system. This was a fundamental step in strengthening the Armenian Church, the government, and ultimately the bond between

Armenians throughout the empire. If you are looking for souvenirs, head to Vernissage, Yerevan’s weekend open air flea market by the Republic Square metro station. There is a mix of traditional wares, modern art and the latest trends in the region. Handicrafts, ceramics, dolls, jewelry, embroidery, carved



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12 | Travel

9 - 15 April 2013

wood, carpets and pets are among the many treasures on offer. I loved Armenia so much that I acquired my own lifetime souvenir – a tattoo. Come to think of it, maybe I helped to put Armenia on the map in my own small way!

Image by Thomas Frederick

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Image by Vladimir Shioshvili


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Professional Life | 13

A ticket to Oz Yen shock drags Aussie Dollar down Dollar Review


For Europeans, the allure of Oz means better work opportunities and a more By Trevor Brewer rocky week for the Australian balanced lifestyle. Cristina Neagu, a ADollar was marked by the dramatic quantitative easing program Romanian living in the UK, is planning on new initiated by Japan. The Aussie currency had started the joining her British partner in Australia this post-Easter week stronger against year. She explains their decision to relocate. the greenback while weakening slightly against the British Pound. Tuesday’s Reserve Bank of Australia announcement to leave the official


It seems that the allure of working in Australia has not waned. Tourism Australia’s Best Jobs in the World marketing campaign, which closes on 10 April, has received more than 515,000 expressions of interest by nearly 300,000 individuals from 196 countries. The campaign has appealed most to Britons and Americans (both with more than 75,000 applications), followed by Italians (60,000), French (54,000) and Australians (36,000). The official Facebook page has over 400,000 likes. For some Britons, the call to Australia is much less about fun in the sun and more about better work opportunities and a more balanced life-style — when will this winter end?! So when many Aussies are moving over to the UK, I wanted to find out why Europeans are moving to Australia. I caught up with Cristina Neagu, a Romanian living in the UK, who is planning on joining her British partner, Dominic Harris, in Australia later in the year. Cristina has travelled to many other European cities and lived in Spain for six years. After deciding to study in England, Cristina booked a holiday to London to see if she liked it here. Like many of us, Cristina fell in love with London immediately. When I asked Cristina what prompted her decision to move to Australia, she said it was for love. Cristina explains: “My boyfriend has been offered a job out there and after careful consideration he decided to go for it. We’ve been doing long distance since July 2012. The reason I had not gone with him last year is because I had to finish my studies”. For Dominic, it seemed, the move to Australia came down to economics and lifestyle. Dominic had already had a taste of the Australian way of life. His father had been offered a job in Sydney and the whole family had relocated there for a few years. New job opportunities meant a move away from Australia. But the allure of the Aussie way of life was too much for Dominic, who always wanted to go back. For anyone thinking of a move to Australia, Cristina warns that in her experience “the Visa process is quite complicated”. However, Cristina admits that it is probably no more complicated than anywhere else and says that “Australia is quite open to new nationals as long as they are perceived to be adding value (financial or expertise) to the country”. Cristina is self-employed and manages operations in the events and exhibitions industry. Dominic works as a strategic partnership manager in foreign exchange. “At the moment I am in the position that I will be applying to be an extension of my partner’s 457 (Skilled Migrant Visa) due to our de-facto relationship,” Cristina explains. “We need to prove that our lives have been intertwined for over six months.

However as a back-up I can always apply for a Student Visa and enrol in a course over there.” Despite planning to move to Australia for love, Cristina remains focused on making the right career move. While she is not sure where her career path will take her, Cristina is excited about the possibilities. “The job market is fairly strong over in Australia with 71,000 jobs added to the workforce in February alone”. When I asked Cristina what she was looking forward to most about moving to Australia, she said: “Being able to live close to the city without living in a very small space. [We are] going to be living in what is essentially a fairly quiet suburban area overlooking a big nature reserve and Sydney Harbour, but just a five minute walk to a Westfield Shopping Centre, ten minutes to the beach and 15 minutes to the City for work. “I am looking forward to being able to get to the beach after work and enjoy drinks on the Harbour. There also seems to be a more balanced lifestyle between work and play. And the first thing I will do when I get there is go whale watching.” Jealous anyone? It is not all smooth sailing. One of the challenges of moving to Australia is being so far away from family - it will no longer be a three-hour plane ride. But Cristina is pragmatic. “I think everyone’s situation is different. But when you really want something, you’ll find a way to make it happen. The main thing is not to lose sight of the bigger picture.” Like most of us moving to new cities and countries, Cristina sees her move to Australia as a new chapter. “It’s all very exciting. And it’s a new beginning. I love new beginnings! You get to start fresh and hopefully avoid doing the same mistakes. My main project though is to learn a couple more languages. I’ve always wanted to learn Chinese and German. Hopefully by the time I am 35 I can say I’m fluent in six languages.” Many Aussies move to the UK to gain a greater world view, experience a different lifestyle and take advantage of opportunities. It seems that the same goes for those moving the other way to the great land down under. Sepi Roshan is Business Editor of Australian Times, and Director of Astute Coaching & Development, helping Professionals become fearless presenters and leaders. Find out more at

Exchange rates GBP/AUD: 1.476 EUR/AUD: 1.251 USD/AUD: 1.039 NZD/AUD: 1.231 08:45 GMT, 8 April 2013 traders dumped the Yen. This week, the Australian Dollar started the week lower, with weakness in the Yen still dominating market trading. Also on Monday came the announcement by Julia Gillard, while on visit to China, of a new currency agreement with Australia’s biggest trading partner. The deal allows the Aussie Dollar and Chinese Yuan to be directly traded. Australia will be just the third country with such an arrangement with China.

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cash rate unchanged steadied the market. However, when data released on Wednesday showed that the nation’s trade deficit narrowed in February, the Aussie climbed against the major currencies. The rise continued when retail and building data beat expectations. Late on Thursday though, Japan – one of Australia’s largest trading partners - unveiled fresh stimulus measures led by a massive new quantitative easing program for the Yen. Subsequently, by Friday the Aussie Dollar was falling sharply against the major currencies, being dragged down as

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Sport | 15

AFL Academy downs gallant Legion The Chargers defend Wasps ...continued from p16 Marcus Bontempelli and Joshua Kelly, son of former Kangaroos player Phil Kelly, were also dominant, as the Europeans were held scoreless for the quarter and faced a 42 point deficit at the main break. Despite a great long-range goal from Legion forward Eliot Rich in the third quarter, the Australians threatened to blow away the opposition in the second half with their creative runners Matthew Crouch and Dwayne Wilson leading the way. Glenelg ace Matthew Scharenberg bombed his second major as his team opened up an unassailable lead. They peppered the goals at will in the closing stages of the final term to run out convincing winners, as recruitment teams salivated at the prospect of scooping their slice of the premium talent at this year’s AFL National Draft. Gold Coast Suns Recruitment Manager Dom Ambrogio said the

European Legion’s competitiveness was a welcome sight as he and fellow AFL recruiters surveyed the talent on display. “The early pressure and physicality from the Europeans tested the AIS decision making,” he told Australian Times. “This is what we came to see, as it helps recruiters to understand who responds best. We’re looking to draft good decision makers, players who use the ball well, who are tough and hard-working and today gave us a good opportunity to assess those attributes.” Among those who will surely figure prominently on Draft day was Luke Reynolds, who was outstanding throughout the match. “I played a bit more down back today and got a few kicks so I’m pretty happy,” he said after the game. “I pride my game on hitting my targets, and I did that today.” And as for his assessment on the victory, Reynolds said: “Credit to the Legion team. They definitely surprised us a bit. “But in the end we were able to

Tag Rugby Festival title

play a good brand of football and enjoy the experience.” AIS-AFL Academy 15.14 (104) df European Legion 3.0 (18) Goals AIS-AFL Academy: D. Hourigan 3, J. Tsitas 3, M. Scharenburg 2, L.Perris, J.Billings, M.Crouch, D.Sheed, B. Lennon, M. Bontempelli, C.Tickner 1 European Legion: E. Rich, S. Carthy, P. Lucey 1 Best AIS-AFL Academy: L. Reynolds, M. Scharenburg, M. Crouch, J. Kelly, T. Dumont, B. Lennon, M. Bontempelli European Legion: L.Fernandez, P.Lucey, N. Scully, M.Kjoege, S. Carthy

Tomic sights top ten ranking ...continued from p16 past I haven’t really had that focus. “It’s huge for me and I proved I should be back in the (Davis Cup) team and belong here. “Now I’ve got to do the right things and step up and focus and really get going on these next few clay court tournaments and start getting my ranking up. That’s the goal.” Tomic heads into next week’s Monte Carlo Masters with an 8-13 ATP win-

loss record on clay. His best result in clay events last year was reaching the third round in Munich before losing in the second round of the French Open. After a brilliant start to the 2013 season in which he claimed a maiden ATP title in Sydney, Tomic’s form has dropped off recently. He put a disappointing showing at the Miami Masters down to illness but said the time spent training with the Davis Cup squad had been valuable. “I sort of slipped off at a few

Image by (AAP Image/Joe Castro)

tournaments when I was sick but I’m happy now,” Tomic said. “The last 10 days, I’ve knuckled down, worked hard and it’s got the best out of me.” By Liam Fitzgibbon

Possible Kiwi double for David Shillington ...continued from p16

“We built some pressure there that we didn’t do in the first half and got some repeat sets, building momentum,” Furner said. “The bloke sitting next to me (Shillington) was a big part of that. He led very well.” With the Raiders to take on the Warriors at home on Saturday and the trans-Tasman Test match in Canberra


Round 2 By Will Denton

Er…hello? Reality? Is that you? Yeah umm, just to clarify, what in damnation just happened? Beginning with facts is usually a good start when searching for clarification, so here goes. Sydney took care of the Suns and Adelaide nudged over the line against Brisbane. No surprises there. Fuelled by emotion and determination to honour a fallen brother, Port Adelaide ran over the top of the young Giants. Yep, no problems. Richmond is currently undefeated and not in 9th position on the ladder. Eh? Fremantle have been labelled ‘Premiership favourites’ after rolling the Bulldogs. What?

scheduled for 19 April, Shillington could find himself smashing up against two Kiwi forward packs in the nation’s capital in consecutive weeks. The Roosters were just 35 minutes away from becoming the second team in rugby league history to win three consecutive games without conceding a point before the Raiders ran in four second-half tries. Man-of-the-match Sam Williams had a hand in three of them. It will be a huge boost for the

RUBDOWN The Eagles lost on their own deck, when it was a bit hot and sunny, to Hawthorn. Really? You sure? North Melbourne, after kicking away to a handy 41-point lead, imploded after half time when Geelong came barnstorming home to snatch a thrilling win. Yeah? And? Well the Kangaroos are blaming the fadeout because it began to rain. Something that’s not supposed to happen at a footy ground with a roof. Ok it’s getting weird now. The explanation given was ‘the forecast said it was gonna be nice’. Mate, it’s Melbourne. As a side note, the CBD was put on tsunami watch just after the final siren only to be downgraded to a category 4 dust storm 15 minutes later. Which brings us to this – the Melbourne Demons were worse than the previous week. Now, let’s think about that. They were worse than last week. Remember last week, when a collection of radio control Russian nesting dolls operated by 22

22-year-old halfback, who admits he’s copped his fair share of criticism over the past few weeks. “I know when the team is losing that the halves come under scrutiny so I tried to stay away from it as much as possible,” Williams said. “I’m getting a bit more involved and a little bit more hands on with the ball. “I took a bit of confidence away from that.’ By David Barbeler in Canberra blind refugees probably could’ve overcome the Dees? Well I reckon just the really tiny weenie small dolls might have had a chance this week. Seriously, it was almost unbearable to witness, even though the Bombers seemed to thrive on the massacre. All credit to the true Dees supporters that actually attended the match, and stayed until the bitter end too. Hopefully they don’t ever get to see a performance like that again. Which brings us to the most anticipated home and away clash this decade. Mick’s Carlton vs. Buck’s Collingwood. It was great. Mick kept looking through the binoculars the wrong way, Buck’s double supreme pizza didn’t arrive until the 3rd quarter, Travis Cloke was taking real contested marks and Chris Yarran was kicking real goals. Mitch Robinson is still a nut bag. In the end, it was the Pies who got up, leaving Carlton winless and Mick still grumpy. Well, at least that’s a constant we can hang on to if nothing else.

Tagquila Sharks pushed The Chargers all the way in the A grade grand final The weather gods smiled on the London Try Tag Rugby community on Saturday for the 2nd annual Wasps Tag Rugby Festival. Despite the snowfall just two days earlier, taggers woke up on the weekend to moderate temperatures and beautiful sunshine. The tournament attracted a record 23 teams, with six pitches running in each timeslot. Spectators were left in no doubt there was going to be some brilliant tag rugby on display, and the teams did not disappoint. The winners for each division were as follows. A Grade (1st to 3rd placed teams): The Chargers Intermediate Cup (4th to 7th placed teams): Speight’s Intermediate Plate (8th to 11th placed teams): South West London Chargers A Intermediate Bowl (12th to 15th placed teams): Trip & Chase Beginner’s Cup (16th to 19th placed teams): South West London Chargers B Beginner’s Plate (20th to 23rd placed teams): The Chipper Rippers The Tagquila Sharks, a merger of two of London’s best teams - The Southfield Sharks and Tagquila Shots – managed to defeat the reigning champs, The Chargers, in the pool stages 6-2. However, with The Tagquila Sharks and The Chargers level at 2-2 in the final with 30 seconds remaining it was looking like the A Grade was heading for a draw. At that moment player of the tournament, Shun Tamura,

hit a great line to break through the defence and offload to London France representative, Nina Populaire, who scored the tournament winning try in fairytale fashion – allowing The Chargers to retain their 2012 Wasps Tag Rugby Festival title. Free taster sessions will be taking place at the following venues: Balham (9 April), Reading (15 April), Hyde Park (16 April), Southfields (17 April), Shoreditch Park (18 April) and East London RFC (23 April). If you would like to register for a Try Tag Rugby free taster session, go to or email info@ for more details.

Cricketers wanted Old Camdenians CC require players for the coming season. Based in Mill Hill, we have three Saturday league sides. Sunday and mid-week matches. Join us now for nets. Call Barrie 07811839658









FULL CHARGE AHEAD Chargers take out Wasps Tag Rugby Festival title P15


Revenge for Aussie youth on 125th anniversary of first Australian rules match in Europe.

By Mat Lyons A ruthless team performance saw Australia’s AIS-AFL Academy defeat a gallant European Legion by 86 points at Surry Sports Park on Saturday. The match marked the 125th anniversary of the first ever Australian rules match played on European soil. On that historic occasion in 1888, a team of Australian medical students based in Edinburgh travelled to Balham, South London, only to be defeated by the University of London team by two goals. This time around however, the Aussies exacted revenge upon their European counterparts as the very best Under 18 AFL draft hopefuls showcased their class in a spirited contest. In blustery conditions, the Academy was challenged early by a fierce Legion outfit who were ferocious with their attack on the footy. England speedster Levi Fernandez was busy from the first bounce, while Shane Carthy and Irishman Padraig Lucey capitalised on their opportunities to send a scare through the Aussie camp. As both teams wrestled for the lead, it was South Australian big man Darcy Hourigan who stamped his authority, with two goals from strong marks to ensure a 13 point quarter time buffer to the Academy. With a hearty crowd and a throng of former AFL players watching on from the sidelines, the Academy lifted a gear after the break with Port Adelaide Magpies young gun Luke Reynolds starring across half back. Reynolds was instrumental in several passages, showing great composure and precise kicking, to ensure his team extended their lead. Highly touted teammates ...continued on p15

Tomic targets clay success A confidence-building Davis Cup performance has Bernard Tomic targeting a breakthrough clay court season and a further rise up the world rankings. Statistically, clay has been Tomic’s weakest surface and he’s struggled to make an impact on it in recent years. But the 20-year-old believes his two wins on clay in Australia’s Davis Cup triumph over Uzbekistan could be a catalyst for a strong campaign leading into next month’s French Open. The world No.43 will need just that if he is to achieve his goal of cracking the world’s top 10 by the end of the year. Tomic scored strong wins over world No.46 Denis Istomin and clay court specialist Farrukh Dustov in the remote city of Namangan. “It’s huge coming to this sort of place and being able to play the tennis I’ve played,” Tomic said. “It’s not easy and you’ve really got to focus and sometimes in the ...continued on p15

Shillington furthers Test claims in win

CANBERRA prop David Shillington has put himself back in the box seat for Kangaroos selection two weeks out from the Test against New Zealand with a dominant display against the Sydney Roosters. Shillington was instrumental in the Raiders’ 24-22 comeback victory on Sunday night, making 144 metres in 14 ball carries and forcing several turnovers with his confrontational defence. An impressive Sonny Bill Williams (97m) was the only Rooster forward who made more metres throughout the entire game than Shillington’s first-half effort of 85 metres. Raiders coach David Furner singled out his co-captain’s performance as the driver behind the 16-point comeback.

HIGH QUALITY: The AFL’s hottest young talent battled it out with the European Legion. (Image: Mat Lyons)

...continued on p15

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