June/July 2020

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plastic, and pictures of choked-up waterways. But, on the other side of the coin we still need protective covering in medical environments (rubber has its limitations), and in arid parts of Africa, plastic buckets and containers are infinitely easier than heavy stone jars for transporting daily supplies of water over long distances (mostly by the womenfolk). We have all relied, quite innocently, on plastic food containers, packaging and more things than I can list here, all of us apparently oblivious to the harmful build-up of waste. I admire Greta Thunberg but I think she is a bit harsh on her elders, because this outcome was certainly not intended, or foreseen. Hopefully, we are all trying to do our bit, but also hopeful that safer alternatives will be found by the next generation which do not produce equally harmful effects to the environment. And now, think on this: :Life is like a Rubic Cube, your arrangements all go to plan, until you try to fit in the last bit. An on-line item on bullying: - The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break hearts. Keep all magazine plastic wraps, and use in current climate for used tissues, also for wrapping shoes when packing suitcase ( in better times!) Some are now potato starch and biodegradable for composting. Anita Buyers

I make no apologies for referring to ecological matters yet again, because they are so important to us all, and.....they fascinate me. I have been intending to air this view for a while, but this is the first opportunity. I think plastic is the new nuclear power problem! If I can expand on this rather bizarre statement, let me explain. Both are like ‘the little girl with the little curl... when they are good, they are very, very good, but when they are bad, they are horrid’. Nuclear energy, when used for the power of heating , or medical treatments, is invaluable, but when used for warfare, horrid hardly adequately describes them. (Unless you are of the view that, in 1945, war and suffering in the Far East would have gone on much longer!) Now let us look at plastic - the best thing since sliced bread. Medical hygiene would have been much harder to maintain without surgical gloves, etc, (highly pertinent at the time of writing) and less accidents from broken bottles since we had plastic (I had a nasty cut on my foot when I was about 5 years old, from a broken bottle in the sand, perhaps from a victory celebration party?). There are divided opinions on global warming, but no one can be anything but horrified at the sight of a sea mammal washed up with its inside compacted with discarded 5

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