2021 St Paul's Year Book

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Art Director/ Production Manager Proofreader (entire magazine)

Lila Price

Proofreaders (name checking and St Paul’s specific words)

Judy Clarke

Andrew Constable


HM Richardson DipBusMan – Director of International Students

MEA Benefield – Homestay Coordinator



PJ Evans BSc, PGCE, NZOIA, RYA Powerboat - Director

CW Findley BSRM, GDipTchLn, DipTraumaMan, PGCertGuid, NZOIA, NOLS WFR

– Deputy Director

RD Malcolm DipOutdoorLead, NZOIA, PHEC – Chief Instructor

Teaching Instructors


AJ How BPhEd, DipTeach, NZOIA, PHEC

EL Malcolm BSOE, DipTeach, NZOIA

BE McManus BBusSt, PGDipBusAdmin, DipTeach, NZOIA, PHEC

S Tukerangi BSportRec, DipOutdoorRec, DipTeach, NZOIA, PHEC

RA Wynn BLS, DipTeach, NZOIA Instructors

AJ Furminger NatCertBuild, PHEC


HC Munro BSOE, NZOIA Support Staff

GA Pascoe CertProfCook – Catering Manager

K Knowles CertFoodSafety – Assistant Caterer

NJ Evans BDes – Facilities & Pastoral Support

W Pickett – Catering & Facilities Support

AJ Wilcox CertFoodSafety – Administrator

T Rust – Chemical Handling


O Barratt BMus DipTeach – Woodwind

I Campbell – Singing

J Dawson BMus(Hons) – Piano

M Eade – Bagpipes

R Glessing – Woodwind

A Grady – Drums

C Greenslade BMus(Hons), PGDip, AIRMT – Piano

A Hayward BMA, GDipTeach – Drums

K Johnson DipTeach, ATCL, DTM – Speech & Drama

Sam Koretz BA – Guitar

Simon Koretz – Guitar

E Morgan – Lower Strings

C Nation BEdMus, DipTeach – Violin; Viola; String Group

M Nation BEdMus DipTeach – Ukulele

K Orbell BMus(Hons), LTCL, FRSM – Flute

S Pearce – Speech & Drama

D Shaw – Guitar

P Smith DMA – Organ

W Stoneham BMus – Trumpet; Upper Brass

G Taylor BA(Hons) – Piano

J Walters – Piano

T Wayne-Wright BMus(Hons), PGDipVocalSt – Voice


BR Heaton BFA, GDipTeach – Counsellor

LE Gillanders BNurs, MCouns – Counsellor

AK Begovich BNurs, RN – School Nurse

RA Staughton BNurs, PGCertMHN, RN – Relief Nurse

LW Churchill BEd, DipTeach – Hockey

AJ King BSpExSc – Strength & Conditioning

CG Peebles BSc, MSc – Rowing (until June)

RJ Gamble-Flint BSc(Hons) – Rowing (from July)


Business Manager

PB Welham BCom, BCompt(Hons), CA Accounts

PE Nicholls BCompt, AIMTA – Accountant (until November)

A Tan BMS, PGDipBusAdmin, GDipBusSt – Assistant Accountant

SE O’Keefe – Creditors

JG Stewart – Creditors

JL Wardrop – Debtors


JM Purvis – Executive Assistant to the Headmaster

KA Conaghan DipSocSc – Human Resources; Health & Safety

PM Ure DipCareerDev – Academic Secretary

SJ Miller GCertMC – Management Secretary (until July)

AR Vandy BTeach(Hons) – Database Project Assistant (from July)

SA Christian – Management Secretary (from August)

SJ Adern – Sports Administrator

DM Chapman – Receptionist

Marketing & Development

MC Smith DipPR, AdvCertGraphicDes – Director of Marketing and Development

VC Semmens BMediaArts, GDipTeach – Collegians’ Executive

MA Mackenzie BComm – Digital Marketing Executive

MM Good BMediaArts – Marketing Coordinator (from April)

AJ Douglas BSpC – St Paul’s Foundation

School Shop

SA Koopman– Manager

KM Jenkins

NL Waide


House Matrons

JM Wilson – Clark House

KM L’Amie – Sargood House

GM Thompson – Williams House (until April)

AB van der Walt - Williams House (from May)

Duty Staff

B Rutter

F van der Merwe MSpExSc

R Standing MSpExSc (until April)

G Eyers BSc, GDipBus (from May)

H Nankivell BComAg, PGDipStratMan

J Chicksen BPhysio


A Robinson BBus, DipFM, MFMANZ –

Facilities Manager

C Warner – Catering Manager

Facilities Hire

C Price (until April)

A Jones (from May)

Building + Construction

H Campbell

K Coles

S Jackson (until April)

J Hunt BHealthSc(Physio) (from May)

B Coxon (until July)

B Hanna (until July)

D Koetze (until July)

B Muirhead (from October)

Prep Tutor

S Schofield

Gap Tutors

T Hunt (from May)

L Robertson (from July)

Grounds & Gardens

A Beet; W Goodman; D Reidy; J Towers


Melissa Good Lead Graphic Designer Support and Timekeeping

Orders and Promotion

Michelle Smith (and Marketing)

Scott Granville

Jonathan Cameron

Printing and Distribution

Michelle Coleman (Fusion Print)

MR Oehley MBChB, PGDipTravMed, FRNZCGP – School Doctor


R Cameron – Basketball

IG Senarathne – Cricket

PS Hodder – Cricket & Rugby

KL Herbert – Football

A Wesford


R Lacey; M Hickey; S Adams; P Berkers; R Derix; S Gerrand; Heslop; E Jones; B Kaur; L Sigley;

S Singh; G Weherua; J Wilson

Cricket Curator Boyle BA(Hons), MA(EnvPlan)

L Iane (Supervisor); E De Jesus; F Faauila; R Fuentes; M Grajales Jurado; F Karnuth; M McIntosh; E Nelson; A Novaes-Giudice; L Olivera-Latapie; P Pipatsomtana; W Poonsombat; A Pussedeniya; D Williams; L Wilson Laundry

M Larsen (Supervisor); P Bunthot; J Gleeson; J Ruiz; K Wanasinha


Teenaa taatou katoa, kua tau mai nei, i teenei raa, Moorena whaanau

Chairman of the Waikato Anglican College Trust Board, Mr Andrew Johnson, staff, parents, supporters and friends of our School, and most importantly, the young men and women who collectively create and enhance the spirit and special character of our school community on a daily basis, it is my privilege to present the 62nd Headmaster’s Report for St Paul’s Collegiate School.

Aided by the sophistication of modern-day technology and the operationalisation of various on-campus Alert Level 3 health and safety measures, we connect together this morning to recognise excellence, acknowledge contribution, and celebrate a myriad of student achievements.

While doing so, today also presents an opportunity to pause and consider an academic year spanning eleven months of numerous alert level changes, periods of distance learning, but importantly, plentiful moments of human connection, including countless engaging and meaningful teacher-student interactions, house camaraderie and competition, and numerous extracurricular and service activities.

To be delivering this, my first Headmaster’s Report, looking out towards a singular camera perched towards the back of this whare karakia, our sacred space that typically is activated and alive with a mixture of laughter, candour, contemplation, and community, is both downright strange and ironical. Strange for obvious reasons, and ironic because it was only just in May this year that my family and I formally entered this chapel and stood, humbled before the full School community, as we were spectacularly welcomed into the incredible St Paul’s whaanau. Today, each of you, our whaanau, join this occasion of celebration from a variety of living rooms, office spaces, and in the case for our senior students here on campus this morning, in common rooms within your respective Houses. Regardless of your physical location currently, I am certain that you will be aware that this Senior Prizegiving is a critical component of our School’s purpose and being; for the pursuit of deeper academic knowledge, the relentless drive to execute acquired skills in both curricular and extra-curricular domains, and the continual challenge to demonstrate grit, perseverance and contribution beyond oneself, are all noble quests that should be publicly endorsed and championed.

I am also certain that our young people need to put the uniqueness of today, and this year, in perspective. Like the

majority in Aotearoa New Zealand, I have tuned in daily to consider the latest COVID numbers, the implications to regional and sector restrictions, and sound bites asking us all to be kind. I have asked our young people to be helpful. Focusing on ‘being helpful’ means individuals take accountability for using initiative, for readily assisting others, and for taking responsibility for what they can personally control. ‘Being helpful’ is also concerned with remaining in the present, not seeking to look back to attribute blame, nor too far forward to catastrophise or expend unnecessary energy. Furthermore, ‘being helpful’ is about practising perspective.

Has this year been difficult? Yes, but the digital, distance learning platform operating for St Paul’s students throughout 2021, with its screensharing and virtual breakout room functionality resulted in key curriculum content being accessible for each of our students.

Has this year been challenging? Yes, but sporting fixtures, performing arts concerts and productions, two incredibly formative Year 10 Tihoi intakes, service outreach programmes, and vibrant house competitions, have occurred. Certainly, not as many as we all would have wished for, but many none-the-less. And has this year been, to use a colloquial turn of phrase, a street fight? Yes, metaphorical bruises, blood noses and broken bones have been endured. We have seen our liberties to shop, eat and travel whenever we like restricted at times, but individual freedoms are never static nor continually attained without sacrifice.

So, for the young people of St Paul’s in 2021, through the difficulty, the challenge, and the street fight, the enduring message must be a genuine sense of hope and optimism. Our young people have continued to receive education, continued to benefit from community interactions, and have been occasionally home-bound, but not hospitalised. Their futures have not been limited by a year of uncertainty. Rather, their next chapters can be accounts of further service and success, as they pack their bountiful backpacks, crammed with supportive networks of people, strategies and skills, and they proceed to walk forward with gratitude, recognising the story continues.

Walking towards an uncertain horizon, one that guarantees nothing, is both liberating and scary. To the class of 2021, our Year 13 leavers, superbly led by Head Girl Gretal Muir, Head Boy Matthew Waddell, Deputy Head Girl Caitlin Fladgate and Deputy Head Boy Frazer Tam, I extend the School’s appreciation for the collective talents and contributions of your year group. You have been a cohort who have experienced two senior secondary school years of disruption, yet you have remained stoic and reflective in disposition. If true resiliency is acquired through struggle, this year’s leavers are well-placed to leverage off the adaptable, responsive and solutions-focused mindsets each of you have needed to develop and maintain in recent times. On a personal level, thank you Gretal, Matt, Caitlin and Frazer for not just leading the student body with thoughtfulness, integrity and energy, but moreover, for allowing me, initially an outsider, to understand from your lenses what the very heart of St Paul’s Collegiate is all about.

In recognising that 2021 is the end of an era for our Year 13

leavers, it will also stand as a significant year in the School’s history as the 10th Headmaster of St Paul’s Collegiate School, Mr Grant Lander, was farewelled in April, following 11 years of outstanding and unwavering leadership. To acknowledge the contribution of Grant Lander is no easy task. In the 2010 Collegian publication, the then class of 2010 senior student Sam Hewat wrote of a new Headmaster at the end of Year 1 - “I don’t think there is any chance of Mr Lander putting on the brakes and when you’ve got a handshake like his, why be scared of the future?” He then proceeded to note, “Not only has Mr Lander landed, he has dented the soil and hit the ground running.” Today in the heart of our campus stands The Lander Centre. Soil was definitely dented to construct it, but within its walls now live numerous interactive and innovative learning spaces fit for a future of continued high-quality teaching and learning. While a building bearing his name would never have been a remote possibility in Mr Lander’s thinking, given his outwardly focused, selfless manner, it will stand for decades to come as a testament to a much-adored leader who had the vision to place St Paul’s at the forefront of secondary education. On a personal level, I wish to acknowledge Grant and Judith for their care and concern for my family as we transitioned to the Waikato. I am in debt to Grant for his professionalism, goodwill, and willingness to share as I have assumed the role of guardian of this great school moving forward.

For a school to be led and managed by senior staff effectively, a robust and committed Board, with members who bring technical acumen and fierce advocacy on governance matters, is essential. We are incredibly fortunate to have a Board full of loyal supporters of our educational philosophy who are each focused on opportunities to enhance our School’s vision of ‘Turning Possibilities into Reality’. To each of these generous individuals, I extend my heartfelt thanks.

Of particular note, I wish to acknowledge and thank Board Chairman, Mr Andrew Johnson, for his sharp analytical approach, considered yet ambitious vision, and his strategic nous. His wise counsel and our robust working relationship is truly valued.

St Paul’s is also incredibly fortunate to have a number of critical support groups who allow the School to continue to invest in our people and our places. To the members of the St Paul’s Foundation, energetically led by Mrs Megan Smith, to our proud and growing Collegians Association, led by President Mr Brent Mexted (class of 1986), and to our generous and ever-present Parents’ Association members, led by Mr Matt Snelgrove, our sincere thanks is extended for the various ways in which you partner with and grow the School community, and its wider network, to allow for the advancement of our School’s mission.

Having a mission is of little benefit without experienced and enthusiastic individuals to activate it. What provides the students of St Paul’s with the greatest benefit, is the access to outstanding staff who teach, coach, manage, mentor, counsel and encourage, often sacrificing their own time for the betterment of the students in their care. While 2020 saw the advent of distance learning, 2021 has been the year of dual delivery, with staff teaching at times via both face-toface and remote mediums, alongside the realities of shifting

teaching programmes and assessment opportunities on a regular basis as alert level restrictions were altered. At each juncture our staff have responded with flexibility, pragmatism and an abundance of goodwill, placing the interests of students at the forefront of their thinking. I am humbled and grateful for the staff I have the pleasure of leading.

At the conclusion of the 2021 academic year, the School will say goodbye to a long-serving teacher, Mr Neil Muirhead. After 23 years of selfless service, Mr Muirhead will end his time at St Paul’s, drawing to a close an enormous and sustained chapter of contribution as an experienced Mathematics teacher, a coach and manager of countless sporting sides across numerous codes, and most notably as a passionate, professional and thoughtful senior pastoral staff member. With close to two decades of active Housemaster or Assistant Housemaster roles at St Paul’s Collegiate, Mr Muirhead is an example of an educator who has seen his role as more than just a job. He will be sorely missed.

To the members of the School’s Senior Leadership Team, and to my Executive Assistant Miss Jennifer Purvis, I offer my immense gratitude. As the transition to a new Headmaster occurred and naturally systems have evolved, coupled with the significant disruptions and uncertainty of educating in a COVID-age, I have appreciated the rigor, authenticity, capacity for change, spiritual nourishment and general good humour I have received. As 2022 ushers in a context suitable to complete a full Junior School Curriculum Review, and an opportunity to further consider and confirm a Master Campus Property Plan, we are incredibly well positioned due to our Team’s expertise and vitality. Thank you for your professional leadership and support.

In closing, I wish to thank the wonderful parents of our community for their loyal support of our educational philosophy and practice. And most importantly, I wish to thank my beautiful wife for her comfort, steadfast presence and her love.

Nothing about 2021 has been comfortable. But as it was once written:

All of us need to be taken beyond the comfort zone

That is where we find human growth and human authenticity

That is where we find love, justice and community

That is where we find hope for ourselves and our world

That is where we find our God

May each of you experience a peaceful Christmas and summer, surrounded by love and loved ones.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Teenaa koutou, teenaa koutou, teenaa taatou katoa.



Here we are at the tail end of the race of 2021! It’s like a rowing race, legs are burning, hearts racing, bodies utterly spent. Even so, the job’s not over yet!.

Until now, the going’s been tough with unexpected moves, squally winds and sudden, exasperating stoppages; all of which make for a very frustrating end to our year. 2021 has definitely been a race to rememberas much for its uncertainty as surety.

After entering the St Paul’s front gates back in 2017 as a young and rather naive Year 9 student, it didn’t take long to realise how special this place really is. Nor could I ever have imagined I would be sharing my experience with you through being in this leadership position today. However, during these past 5 years I have often reflected on just what makes the ‘St Paul’s experience’.

Strong house culture became apparent to me right from day dot. The very awkward game of touch rugby on the first day of boarding with my fresh-faced Sargood brothers soon turned into an endless sleepover with my new best mates. The early school house events on these stinking hot summer days quickly developed in us a strong sense of pride, passion and competition, giving it our everything for our house and earning the treasured respect of the seniors who seemed like walking giants to us then.

As the year progressed, we started to adapt and respond to the race St Paul’s presented. Involvement in the academic programme and many amazing opportunities made time fly as we approached completion of our first 500 metres. Next came Tihoi, the most unique and highly anticipated part of the race. Many lessons and challenges were encountered here, aiming at transitioning us from boys to men. Some of the highlights of my journey at St Paul’s were the incredible outdoor experiences we were able to undertake at Tihoi. These included helicoptering into the ranges for our white water kayaking expedition on the Mohaka river; summiting Mt Ruapehu and sleeping in a snow cave, multi-day tramps clambering through the Pureora Forest and not least of all being presented with a dead rabbit to eat after a freezing night in the bush with minimal clothes, no food and very little sleep. I must say it was tempting.

Year 11 was a big hit after two years of boys only; lots of chin fluff and dealing with all the emotional and physical

developments that come with changing from a boy to a young man. Now we were faced with a new species in the classroom - Girls! Let’s just say some found it awkward, not knowing how to act around them in this setting and occasionally feeling frustrated when they reminded the teachers they’d forgotten to give us homework! That said, our fellow sisters have helped develop an awesome cohort and really bring out the best in us as young men.

Entering the last 500 metres of the race with the finish line in sight, was our chance to embrace the many leadership opportunities on offer, enjoy the privilege of our own room in the boarding house, return on a Sunday night in mufti rather than our number ones and the opportunity to cook up some dodgy feeds in the prefects kitchen.

Throughout my journey here, I have had the opportunity to develop something that Mr Lander would often refer to as the ‘tool kit for life.’ These skills and values are a direct reflection on the operation of the school and the key cornerstones on which it runs. Somehow these values are often not taught directly, but are instilled in us through the culmination of experiences and interactions with others. So, as I leave this unique school, I’d like to briefly touch on the ‘tool kit,’ that I am so fortunate to be taking with me.

Firstly in this amazing tool kit is Ethical and Moral Judgement. Several times a week in chapel I have been given the chance to reflect and ponder the deeper meaning of existence and life. Through Rev’s ‘words of wisdom’ and strong Biblical examples, I have been able to personally identify and reflect upon my own actions and to become more aware of my interaction with others. This is how I have realised that moral judgement must be prioritised over other reactions and so I have found an appropriate pathway accordingly.

Resilience is another very valuable tool which was brought home to me in an extreme form at Tihoi. Describing my Tihoi bush survival experience as ‘freezing’ would be an understatement. It was a cold, wet night with no fire, no food, no way to tell the time, and minimal clothing, which proved to be one of the toughest challenges a young boy could face. The quote ‘tough times don’t last; tough people do,’ nicely summarises the philosophy that was applied to an experience like this. Not only did it challenge me and others physically but also helped teach me that often

the necessities are not always available and so mentally we must adjust and call on other resources or solutions. We’ve all been tested with our resilience this year - the endless weeks at home in lockdowns, the constant changes, the constant uncertainty.

Effort is also found in my kit. We are given so many opportunities here: academic, cultural, spiritual, and in sport. If you make the most of these opportunities and put all your effort in, the rewards will be huge. I have embraced many opportunities which have enabled me to become a person I could never have imagined five years ago. The St Paul’s mission statement “Turning possibilities into realities…” has certainly come true for me. A couple of my highlights include having two years in the 1st XV and winning the CNI final and competing at Maadi Cup at Lake Karapiro. For some of you it will be as simple as giving a new sport a go. Give it your all!

I’ll add one last tool of my own, and that is, the importance of Attitude, which you may remember I mentioned, when I introduced myself at the beginning of the year. Always be mindful that even a few positive comments or a word of approval or praise can make someone’s day, and as they say, ‘how you make others feel, says a lot about who you are.’

Finally, as I find myself crossing the finish line I realise that just what makes the St Paul’s experience is found in our school motto. This is taken from the Bible in St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, and translated as St Paul himself said;

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. Do all your work in love.”



I recently discovered this quote from the Dalai Lama in which he says, “Remember that sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” At times throughout 2021 I found myself saying things like “Covid has ruined my year!” As dramatic as it is, that’s how it felt for me at times. In response to these moments of self pity, my parents would tell me to be grateful for what I had.

My mum often sends me quotes and articles to provide some handy life advice. One particular one she sent to me said this. ‘We never really know whether something is bad or good. A blessing can turn out to be a curse, and misfortune oftens turns out to be a blessing. We don’t really know for sure until time passes and we have the advantage of hindsight.’

I believe this tells us to learn to trust the timing of our lives, to reflect, and look for positives. When you look back on your life you’ll likely be surprised by your own journey. Look at the things that happened that ended up working out just fine. They may have been times full of disappointment and change, but you generally make it through in one piece.

Many of our plans haven’t gone the way we might’ve liked them to this year. In particular for us Year 13s, 2021 definitely hasn’t been quite what I had imagined. The poor Auckland students really did the hard yards and we missed you over the two months you were in lockdown.

I’ve always been a firm believer in looking for silver linings, even if they can sometimes be tricky to find in the moment. Amid the fear and stress of this global crisis, there were still plenty of good moments. I would like to acknowledge however, that for some, this year

has come with very few silver linings. I am only speaking about our experience as a school community. So, even though Covid interrupted us all again in 2021, at St Paul’s, it was still a year of many silver linings, and I would like to touch on a few.

Mr Lander’s farewell assembly was one of the most amazing events I have personally ever attended. While I will be careful to not call Mr Lander leaving one of 2021’s silver linings, it is difficult to deny that the celebration of his contribution to the school was an outstanding add on to the school year! This came with an additional silver lining of the arrival of Mr Skeen, a great leader who all students were pleased to discover didn’t wreak havoc around the school, yet another silver lining!

In the boarding half of the school, $22,000 was raised by the annual charity relay, the highest amount ever recorded. As Harington Boarding Year 13s we got to finally have the ‘Hula House’ experience, and many of us were forced to improve on our woeful cooking skills. A silver lining that evolved from this for me, was that by some stroke of luck, the chicken I cooked one evening didn’t give the girls salmonella.

Adding to the list of silver linings was when the social portfolio brought Greek Gardens into the gym. Hands down the greatest ball I have ever attended and there were even teachers discussing how great it was. Something that is scarcely heard!

Thank you to the staff who put in so much extra effort over this year, in particular during the lockdowns. To us


students, you each came as a silver lining in the dark times of online school!

So in the end, looking at the many silver linings of our school year, it hasn’t actually been that bad after all! Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. Hold on through the hard times, and know that things have an uncanny way of coming right.

My St Paul’s experience has been a highlight in the short 17 years of life I have lived. Arriving through those gates in 2019 was a very nervous, easily intimidated Year 11 who hated setting goals for herself out of the fear of failure. For the girls, the bulk of us joining the school community as Year 11s, leaving the familiarity of other colleges on a hunch that St. Paul’s would give us more opportunities, closer friendships and a better education. Well, that hunch paid off. The boys welcomed us, and together as a year group we have become great mates. The knowledge, morals, and life lessons I have learnt throughout my three years here has equipped me for what’s to come, and I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to be educated at a school as great and as impactful as St. Paul’s Collegiate. I encourage all students who want something from this school to work for it, and to believe in yourselves.

I would like to thank everyone for your support this year. To the Year 13 leavers, good luck for your futures. I can’t wait to see where you all end up, you’re all great people. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to come to St Paul’s and feel so honoured to have been your Head Girl this year. It has been amazing.



The best part about being a prefect: Working closely with an amazing group of people and having the opportunity to be a leading part in the student voice. Also, having the opportunity to make changes and start initiatives within the school that benefit everyone, while working with and getting to know people who I may not have otherwise interacted with is an awesome experience. Highlights: Winning the CNI championship with the 1st XV rugby team for the 4th year in a row and being selected for and training with the NZ men’s U19 Rowing 8+. Sargood coming 2nd in house singing was also a day to remember! Favourite memory: There are too many amazing memories from my time at SPC however the experiences at Tihoi were unforgettable such as summiting Mt Ruapehu and sleeping in a snow cave, white water kayaking expeditions, and living in a house with 7 other boys for 18 weeks! I’ll also never forget the awesome time spent with my mates in Sargood House. Next year: I will be rowing and studying Business at the University of California Berkeley in San Francisco.


Deputy Head Girl, Harrington Day Prefect, Co-Head Environmental Portfolio

The best part of being a prefect: Is getting to be involved and having a say in the school’s big events. And also getting to work and interact with a wider range of students and staff. Highlight from the year: When Fitchett won Arts Day and the house choir competition and seeing how happy it made Mr Lewis and Dr McGrath. Favourite memory at St. Paul’s: Going to Christchurch for the Secondary Schools National Tennis Tournament, and getting to spend time exploring the city. Next year I am studying a Bachelor of Commerce at Canterbury University.

Best part of being a prefect: Being able to have input into decisions that are made around the school, and being given a platform to make change. As a Prefect, you get the opportunity to make the school the place you want it to be, and I think that’s pretty cool. You also get to meet and interact with a greater range of people within the school, and find out just how much work goes in behind the scenes. Highlight: The highlight of my year was Mr Lander’s Farewell Assembly. Not because he was leaving, but because it was such a great celebration of his contribution to St Paul’s. Favourite Memory: I’ve enjoyed so much over my time at school, it’s hard to pick a ‘Favourite Memory’. But something I looked forward to everyday was the morning tea times spent with the Year13 boarding girls outside of Mr Wilson’s office. Mr Wilson made sure it was our designated spot, and we gave him all the gossip in return - not that he asked for it - it was always very entertaining. Next Year: I am studying Law and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Otago University.

The best part about being a prefect has definitely been giving back to our school that has done so much for me and working with such a diverse, supportive, and inspiring team. The highlights for me this year, during another year sadly disrupted by Covid 19, were still being able to raise $20,000 for the 40hr Famine and breaking all previous records for this amount raised and also assisting with the successes of Fitchett in the house competitions this year. Favourite Memory: I’m sure many of the boys who pass through St. Paul’s all share a common favourite memory: The Tihoi Experience. In addition to this, other favourite memories include the 2018 ASPIRE Music Festival trip to Australia, typical Year 9 antics, and simply eating lunch with “the boys.” Next year I will be studying a conjoint Law and Commerce Degree at the University of Auckland.

Walther Deputy Head of Clark House, Head of International Portfolio, Sports Portfolio

During a year that has been so interrupted, I was grateful for the opportunities and chances you have to step up and act as a role model being a prefect. This has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and grow as a person in many ways, especially confidence. Highlight of the year: Setting New Zealand powerlifting records was one of my highlights of the year, which showed all of my hard work over the last few years. Favourite memory: Definitely all of the banter and mischief us boys got up to in the boarding house probably best if some of it is not mentioned. Next year I plan to study exercise and sports science with coaching at the University of Queensland.

Neisha Cooper Head of Art Portfolio, Head of Fitchett House

The best part of being a prefect is working alongside my peers to produce new ideas. Also, being a house prefect in Harrington has allowed me to get to know all the girls and be an approachable figure when they’re having a hard time or just want to talk. My absolute highlight of the year was when Fitchett won Arts Day and house choir, as this had been one of my goals since Year 11. I’ve had many memorable moments at St Paul’s, but my favourite would have to be Harrington Fashion as it was always such an incredible event and all houses put so much effort into producing such a fantastic show. I have enjoyed my time at St Paul’s and hope to stay in touch with everyone. Next year I will be studying for a Bachelor of Business at Waikato University.

Frazer Tam Deputy Head Boy

The best part about being a prefect has been having the opportunity to help organise some really amazing events like the charity relay, Harington Fashion show and the school ball. It’s been such a cool experience seeing the work and time that goes into these events. My highlight of the year would be hosting the first ever WDSG vs SPC girls boarding tug of war because although we lost, we definitely had the best spirit - and of course went all out with face paint and ribbons (meaning we certainly looked the part.) My favourite St Paul’s memory is competing in the 5-day National Hillary Challenge finals in 2020 at Tongariro National Park, as well as this year’s Charity relay where the boarding community raised an insane amount of money for Flame Cambodia. Next year, I am going to study a Bachelor of Science majoring in Food Science at Lincoln University.

Head of Hall House, Co-Head of Sports Portfolio

I suppose the most striking factor about being a prefect at St Paul’s is having the chance to give back to the school that I have been fondly a part of since Year 9. Over the years I’ve enjoyed working with the people in my house as well as the peers in my year group - whether it was house competitions or being with the prefect group, I always looked forward to participating and trying my best. If I had to take one highlight away from my whole time at school, it would have to be the moments I spent at Tihoi, creating plenty of friendships and enduring within activities I never thought I would do. For next year’s endeavours, I am studying at either Otago or Waikato Universitymajoring in a commerce degree.

The best part about being a prefect would have to be working with people you’ve never worked with before whether in portfolio meetings or even just organising an event, every interaction you learn something new about someone. The highlight was my whole year at school, getting to spend the last year with all of my mates before we all go on our own journey spanning out all over the country or the world. I’ll treasure the memories made forever, especially the ones with School House. Speaking of those memories my favourite would have to be Tihoi, I look back on it so much and am so grateful for the opportunity of going. It taught me so much about the outdoors and so much about myself. Next year I’m studying Commerce at the University of Canterbury and cannot wait to get down there.

The best part about being a prefect was the relationships formed with the other prefects, within our portfolios, with the younger students, the staff who helped us, and especially with all the girls in my house who I’ve been lucky enough to lead and get super close with. One of my highlights from this year would have to be winning bronze at the MAADI cup in our quad. After the regatta’s disappointing cancellation the previous year, we set ourselves high expectations for 2021, and we managed to exceed these throughout the season. It was an amazing achievement that took a lot of hard work, early mornings, and blistered hands but definitely paid off in the end with some unforgettable memories and lifelong friends. Some of my favourite memories from St Paul’s have come from boarding as well as our girls camp down at Tihoi. From Year 11 to Year 13, there have been so many incredible experiences, uncontrollable laughter, and lessons learnt. However, my favourite ever time from Tihoi has got to be finally getting to go water raft in Year 13 with the Williams girls, which was such a blast, chanting with our guide, getting pummeled with water and screaming down the 7 metre waterfall! Next year I am studying a Bachelor of Radiation Therapy at Otago University.

Head of Sargood House, Boarding Portfolio

I would have to say one of the best parts about being a prefect is the chance to give back from what the school has given me through my 5 years at St Paul’s. It has also been pretty cool to work with friends in house competitions and in the prefect group, hearing other people’s ideas and working as a team. The highlight of my time through St Pauls would have to be the code I’ve played and tournaments I’ve been to but also beating Hamilton Boys High in the Waikato hockey comp and winning the competition this year. Also, Sargood breaking the tradition and coming second in the house singing competition. My favourite memory is definitely being a part of the Year 13’s of Sargood House getting up to all sorts with a top bunch of lads over the past 5 years. Next year I am still undecided on what I will be doing.

Best part about being a Prefect: Having the opportunity to engage with a bigger aspect of the school, as well as being able to implement my thoughts towards decisions and discussions. It was also awesome to work alongside friends, especially in house competitions when having to help lead the house. Highlight: A key highlight of mine was the netball season. Despite not being able to finish the season and attend tournament week, I am grateful that we were able to play without restrictions for the majority of the year and have such a cohesive team where many players grew immensely. Other memories include many of the house competitions like the fashion show and house singing. I also particularly enjoyed living in the Harington Boarding Hula Houses which provide you with a flatting-like experience. Next Year: I am studying a double degree of Law and Commerce at the University of Canterbury.

Chloe Carr Paterson Co-Head of Sport, Spirit Portfolio Brandon Anderton Co-Head of Environmental Portfolio, Junior Portfolio Katie Brown Head of Harington Boarding, Co-head of Boarding Portfolio, Sports Portfolio Kuwyn Price Sam Lints

Co-Head Academic Portfolio, Environmental Portfolio, Junior Portfolio

Throughout this year I have had many valuable and memorable experiences. Personally, the best part of being a prefect was gaining a deeper understanding of the effort that goes into the operation of the school and being able to challenge myself to make the school a better place. The highlight of my year was when I travelled to Queenstown for a skiing trip. I have always found Queenstown a very exciting place to travel to and every trip I take there is always new and different. My favourite St Paul’s memory from 2021 was the first day back. I really enjoyed meeting all the new students and being reunited with everyone in the boarding house after the holidays. I reflect on it as a day when I was full of excitement and energy for the new year ahead. Over the course of 2021 I have debated different pathways for my future. After heavy deliberation I eventually decided that I wanted to study medicine. I hope to eventually become a surgeon. I believe that Auckland University is the best place for me to study medicine as I excel in very focused and competitive environments. I have learnt many lessons during my time at St Paul’s and have grown up a lot. I value the chance to take these learnings from St Paul’s into my future. St Paul’s has left a major impact on my journey and I hope that it continues to do so for many students to come in the future.

Co-Head of Spirit Portfolio, Deputy Head of House, Social Portfolio

My favourite part of being a prefect in 2021 was being in a position to help make change within different parts of the school, and being able to interact with a variety of people in the school community. My highlight of this year was having an awesome time in Sargood House and going well in the house competition. Next year I am studying a Bachelor of Agribusiness and Food Marketing at Lincoln University.

Head of Mission, Outreach and Service, Chapel Prefect, Deputy Head of Harrington Day House

The best part of being a prefect is working with the other prefects to give the student body a voice while getting to know them and also being a figure in the school that people find approachable. My highlight for 2021 would be working with everybody in the service team, to raise over $20,000 for the 40-hour famine, and have the largest numbers yet of involvement in all aspects of the service initiatives. My favourite memory would be the girl’s camps at Tihoi, so many memories that I will take away for life. Next year I will be studying a conjoint degree of Business and Law at Waikato University.

Joshua Gullery Head of Clark House, Head of Social Portfolio

The best part about being a prefect is the roles and responsibilities of leadership and what opportunities come with it. The highlight of my year was winning the CNI 1st XV championship in Taupo. I have quite a few memories over the last 5 years but a couple of my favourite memories at St Paul’s were spending quality time and getting up to no good with my mates in the Clark House dorms as well as the Tihoi Venture Program as it has transformed me into the person I am today. Next year I will be doing a building and carpentry apprenticeship in Taupo.

Kurien Full School Prefect, Chapel Prefect, Harrington House Prefect, Chapel Portfolio, Mission & Outreach Portfolio

The best part of being a prefect: Being an approachable figure in the school and making meaningful connections with a range of students and staff. This year’s highlights: Opportunity to lead the sister programme for day girls. I loved working alongside them and forming long-lasting bonds, especially during the lockdown. Fondest memories at St Paul’s: The enthusiasm during all house events with friends and, most importantly, the fashion show. Other memorable experiences include my involvement in service initiatives, girls camp at Tihoi and Race unity speeches. Next year: Planning to study Health Science at the University of Auckland or Otago.

Ludbrook Deputy Head of Williams House, Co-Head of Junior Portfolio, Academic Portfolio

For me the best part of being a prefect was being given a chance to step up and lead Williams House with the other heads and house prefects. I really enjoyed making decisions for the house that other seniors have made during the past, for example choosing the song for house music. A highlight for me was being able to play in the house band with my mates. This involved performing in front of the whole school on Arts Day which was a scary experience but I was glad to be up there with the rest of the band. Something I will always remember from my time at St Paul’s is being in the dorm with the boys. The annual Williams in-weekend is something that I would always look forward to because it meant racing the boys down the luge and spending time on the lake biscuiting and water skiing. Being an Auckland boy, I feel like I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to get to know boys from all over New Zealand and I’m sure I’ve made some lifelong friends here. Next year I am studying Engineering at Canterbury.

Personally, the best part about being a prefect would be running events and doing lunch duties. Although it didn’t seem like fun at the time, I learnt a lot from having to step up in moments that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Growing from experiences like these is all that I asked for when being a prefect. The highlight of my year was definitely having spent my remaining time at school with some of my closest friends. I knew I likely wouldn’t see many of them again so spending time with them was a blessing. My favourite memory at school would be at Tihoi. Someone had left the milk on the top of the cupboard for months and it started to leak. Often the house members would get a little milk dribble over their heads thinking there was a leak of water in the ceiling. Next year I am studying Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Otago University.

Diya Guy James Findlay Head of School House, Junior Portfolio

My roles this year were as the acting Deputy Head of House for Williams, acting Co-Head of Academics for the full school, and a member of the Boarding Portfolio. My experience of 2021 has been very positive as I have enjoyed being part of the student leadership team here, and finally being at the top of the senior school, a position which all students look forward to. I think that the best part of being a prefect would be the interactions with students with who I would not normally come in contact. Being a prefect means that you interact with all year groups and so meet many more new people. A highlight of this year would be my time in the boarding house where I interacted with my friends there. Boarding for me was a lot more than a simple place to stay and I believe that some of the friendships I made in the house will last a lifetime. Some memorable moments would be playing social hockey with friends in the winter months. Next year I am studying for a Bachelor of Commerce with a double major in Finance and Supply Chain Management at Canterbury University.

Tordoff Head of Hall House, Chapel Prefect, Social Portfolio

The best part of being a prefect is being able to give back to the school and being involved with running and organising various school events. My highlight for this year would have to be this year’s fashion show as it was so much fun working with the hall house girls. My favourite memory from St Paul’s would be going to Tihoi for girls camp and having a little bit of exposure to what the boys experience when they are at Tihoi. Next year I am going to Canterbury to study a double degree with a Bachelor of Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Laws.

Joe Grigg Head of Fitchett House, Co-Head of Junior Portfolio

Broomfield Head of Williams House, Co-Head of Boarding, Junior Portfolio

With the end to my final year at school being heavily disrupted by COVID-19 it was very fortunate that I was able to get the opportunity to be a leader of both my house and our boarding community. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to lead and have real input in our school and help put some of my own ideas in and see these suggestions come to fruition. My highlight of the year would have to be being able to raise the Taine Randell Shield as winners of the CNI rugby competition alongside competing at the Touch Nationals at the start of the year for the first time in school history where we managed to place 7th in the country. My favourite memory would have to be the countless hours spent yarning and getting up to all sorts of mischief with my Williams House Year 13s and getting to spend my time at St Paul’s surrounded by some great lads. Next year I am planning on heading to Canterbury University to study a Bachelor of Commerce and am going to be a part of the Crusaders Rugby Academy programme .

Jessica Scatchard Deputy Head of Harrington Boarding, Sport Portfolio, Spirit Portfolio, Boarding Portfolio

The best part of being a prefect was being able to have a say in special events that the school has, being able to work with a new group of people and being an approachable person for others around school. My highlight of the year would definitely have to be Maadi, because of the atmosphere, the added hype of it not happening in 2020 and of course making A-finals and medaling! It’s hard to choose a favourite memory from this year, however, something that always brightened my day was morning tea in the careers room outside Mr Wilson’s office, with the Year 13 boarding girls, often spent laughing and gossiping. Next year I am studying Engineering at either Canterbury or Waikato university.

The best part about being a prefect for me was working together with the other talented prefects to come up with new initiatives and ideas. It was great to get closer and familiar with more people in the year group and I loved working with them in all types of challenges we faced. A highlight of this year was the great time I had being part of the first XI football team. Not only was it a fun time but we also had great success in our games and tournaments. Throughout the season we became closer and closer as a team which was great to be a part of. The best memory I had at St Paul’s was my time at Tihoi. I loved making new memories with the boys in my house and being pushed outside of my comfort zone was a great experience. The highlight of Tihoi for me was my white water kayaking expedition. Next year I am travelling down to the South Island where I will be studying Engineering at the University of Canterbury.

Best parts of being a prefect: Being Head of Harington Day is a reward every day, I love knowing that people are comfortable approaching me for help or advice.

Highlights: Seeing the amount of effort the Harington girls put into every event, from Athletics to the Fashion Show, I am so proud to have been there to see each success. Favourite Memory: Spending a week away at the Maadi Cup with my rowing girls will be something I will never forget. Next year: I am going to study a Bachelor of Engineering at Waikato University.


Amongst the hard work, responsibility and pressure, my personal favourite aspect of prefecture is freedom. With the prefect platform, you can make your ideal initiatives into a reality. Applying my hopes and dreams to my portfolios allowed me to accomplish the change I wanted to see. This was a huge learning curve for me as it requires full faith in your vision, and a lot of determination to achieve it. My biggest achievement was Sargood gaining second place in the inter-house choir competition; breaking a seven-year-long tradition of coming last. Changing the culture of such a strong house was not an easy task. Turning rugby boys into singers was entertaining, to say the least, but the buy-in from the whole house made the result that much more satisfying. Hearing the house cheering during the result announcements, awe-struck after seventh place didn’t go to us, made it all worthwhile. In typical Sargood fashion, they only got more wild as the placings went up! Most of my favourite memories were made during the weekends I stayed in. While most were at home, myself and a few others were out playing man-hunt, running across the roofs of school, then staying up late telling scary stories to the point where we were convinced our wing was haunted. Although I don’t think Clark House appreciated this, stealing their PingPong table was a mission cherished dearly by the thieves involved. Having movie nights in Williams, going off on adventures to Raglan, and spending our days in PJs. Although I will treasure these memories forever, my future plans include attending Victoria University, where I will be studying a Bachelor of Law and Arts, majoring in Sociology in the hopes of becoming a politician where I aim to continue improving the world around me.

SeungBeom (Ben) Back Co-Head of International, Art Portfolio, MOS Portfolio

It has been a real privilege for me to be the Co-Head of International for 2021. The best part of this role was being able to communicate with our school’s international students. Even though they are going through hard times due to COVID-19, they provide for each other strength and encouragement through unforeseen circumstances. I am very proud of our international students and thankful that I could get to know them more through this position. Another highlight of the year would be all the music events we participated in. The Concert Band was the most memorable; I will never forget all the memories and everyone who performed with me in the band. I would also like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Mrs Ringle, who has been a great conductor for us. Lastly, one of my favourite memories includes attending camp at Tihoi Venture School in 2018. Right after coming to New Zealand, this was a unique experience and opportunity to meet new friends and explore a wide range of outdoor activities. Next year, I plan on going to university to study business administration in South Korea. Attending St Paul’s has become an unforgettable memory; I would like to thank everyone who made it a memorable experience and provided support during the time I stayed here in New Zealand.

Matire Ormsby-van Selm Head of School House, Head of Te Kaea Portfolio

The best part about being a prefect is the ability to make a change, coming into the year I knew what I wanted to achieve, the positive difference I wanted to make. Once again Covid has impacted our lives, this had a huge impact on what goals I was able to achieve, but in the end didn’t take away from the experience. My culture has always been important to me, so being able to step up and make decisions to continue to improve and implement Māori within St Paul’s has been very gratifying. If I could have improved anything I’m glad I was able to make a change to Waitangi Day. Furthermore, my role as Head of School House has also been truly rewarding, I am a big spirited person, so being house leader was always something I aspired to be. I will forever cherish the relationships I’ve built this year within my house, the Year 13’s really came together this year and made a big difference to the culture of the house.In the 3 years that I’ve attended St Paul’s, my house hasn’t always done the best in competitions, so to see the hard work we all put in this year be rewarded and to end up 3rd place overall, was truly the highlight of my year. My favourite memory; I couldn’t pick just one so coming first at Tihoi for girls camp, was the most amazing feeling. I was so proud of my girls for the effort they put in, and to see them all truly enjoying and loving what we created as a house. Secondly, the haka from the Year 11s and 12s on the last day of school, to see them all and feel the love and wairua they put into that haka, made me very emotional. I felt very appreciated and loved in that moment and forever grateful for all who I have met, all that I have learnt, and all that I will take with me on my next journey.

Deputy Head of Hamilton House, Co-Head of Spirit Portfolio, Junior Portfolio

In 2021 the highlight that I remember the most was the house haka competition, being able to lead the house to victory for the second year in a row was a memorable experience. Another highlight to mention is the leadership day I went to earlier this year listening to the likes of Richie McCaw and Dan Carter speak about what it means to be a leader and the different leading styles available. I feel the best part about being a prefect this year is working with people I wouldn’t usually talk to in past years and sharing ideas on how to improve school life for others. My favourite memory this year was winning the CNI title for the 4th year in a row. It made it more interesting trying to defend the title the past two years and being able to retain it makes it the most memorable for me, also reaching 38 caps. Another memory I could not forget is the adventure I embarked on to Tihoi, a great memorable experience I will remember for the rest of my life. Next year I will be staying in Hamilton playing for Te Awamutu Sports Rugby Club before heading to Brisbane halfway through the year to play junior Rugby League.

Niah Church-Jones

Best Parts: Being able to lead the house and create positive changes especially with Joe and Frazer, along with Neisha and Caitlin as the girls. A highlight of mine would be competing at the Hillary challenge qualifiers because it was fun running around and navigating in the outdoors for the day. As well as the friendships made from the lead up to this event and the event itself. A favourite memory of mine is just the lunch time antics and chats in the Year 13 room and even just sharing lunch with mates. It’s something that you don’t find at other schools and helps to make more friendships and have a laugh as you share a meal. Next year I am going to study Zoology and Ecology at the University of Otago.

My name is Laurence William I’Anson, I am Head of Hamilton House and also Head of Arts Portfolio for 2021. I am in both the Chapel Portfolio and the Service Portfolio. I play football and cricket and have been a member of the 1st Xl football team for about 4 years now. I was proud to be given the captaincy for the 1st Xl this year but sadly I missed a lot of the season due to injury. My favourite part about being a prefect was helping people around school and getting the chance to take on responsibilities and improve my organizational skills. A highlight for me was leading my own sermon in the Chapel as it was a big thing to overcome for me as public speaking wasn’t my forté. Next year I will be studying a Bachelor in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology at Canterbury University.

Harry Derry Chapel Prefect, MOS Portfolio, Deputy Head of Fitchett House Laurence William I’Anson Head of Hamilton House, Head of Arts Portfolio, Chapel Portfolio, Service Portfolio


Melissa Good Marketing Coordinator Lila Price Art Teacher Adam Jones Assistant Facilities Manager Ben Skeen Headmaster Adam Ross Mathematics Teacher Deputy Housemaster Sharon Christian Enrolments Coordinator Fraser Wilson Science Teacher Greg Haines Director of Teaching and Learning Drew Tierney English Teacher Daniel Scanlon Religious Studies Teacher Social Sciences Teacher
Lisa Richards Head of Finance Sam Wilkinson Director of Football Jonathan Dunlop Music Teacher Heather Fox Music Teacher Angela Vandy Database Project Assistant Ravi Sarki Duty Chef Anahia Noble Te Reo Teacher Teacher Aide Timothy Wayne-Wright Director of Choral Music Rachel Gamble-Flint Director of Rowing Isaiah Duncanson Science Teacher Indika Senarathne Director of Cricket Kieran Taylor History Teacher Harriet Norman Teacher in Charge, ESOL Head of Dance Studio


Almost 2000 years ago, the great St Paul himself encouraged the Thessalonian church to “hold fast to all that is good” and to rejoice, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances. 2021 has certainly been a year with many occasions for some and all of that. The year began well, life felt stable and secure despite the other looming shadow of Covid-19 and then Aotearoa New Zealand was plunged once more into lockdown and all the many challenges and difficulties as a consequence of that. Just like any game of football, netball or rugby, it’s been a year of two halves and at the time of writing the end seems to be some way away yet.

These are challenging and difficult times for our nation and for our school community. This year has been tough on us once again and upon our people. Yet there have been many examples of outstanding resilience and generous spirit-inspired responses to the needs of others beyond our bubbles and even beyond our national borders.

There certainly has been much to pray for, a lot to hold

onto and yet occasions for rejoicing and thanksgiving; following the lead of St Paul. As a school community, across the four cornerstones of academics, sport, culture and our Christian dimension, we have for some time now consistently developed and promoted the need for resilience in our young men and women. This year, as we saw in 2020, the need for such spiritual, mental, emotional and physical resilience was as strong as ever. As a school we promote all four of the SPC cornerstones to our school community; ensuring that our students particularly not only have a deep engagement with the academic study but also play and enjoy sport, have the opportunity for cultural activities and are able to express themselves spiritually and challenge themselves spiritually through our common life together in the Chapel of Christ the King. Throughout all of this, it is our hope and our constant prayer and endeavour that our students are able to develop their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual resilience and thus manage and engage with all that 2022 and the future have in store for them.

Yes, there are many things to challenge and threaten us; life can be confusing and anxiety-inducing at times. However through faith, hope and love, expressed in the life of Jesus, we are constantly reminded that we are not alone! There is much to hold fast to, much to pray for and yet much to give thanks for as well so that we can rejoice and celebrate the good things of God together.

May I take this opportunity to wish you every blessing for all that 2022 brings and also to give my thanks for all that you have given in 2021.

Pray, hold fast, give thanks and rejoice!




As I think back over this year and reflect on what we would call the “highlights”; upon all that has been stimulated and brought to fruition through the Chapel program of 2021, the words of scripture that come to mind from St Paul are, “God loves a cheerful giver!”

It has been a year of some remarkable selfless giving and many examples of servant leadership. Through the gifting of time, talents and resources a lot has been achieved and celebrated in 2021 in the Chapel of Christ the King.

One area that has been developed significantly, partly due to the lessons learned through the lockdown of 2020, has been the advancement in our use of technology. We now stream all of our assemblies and our Chapel services through the school’s YouTube channel. This has enabled many members of the wider school community, including parents, families and collegians, to be a part of the life of the Chapel. Whilst this might sound to be a simple operation, it involves quite an intricate technological setup as well as the skill and time of several members of staff and a number of our senior students. To those I express my sincere thanks to.

Our Chapel program during 2021 has been well served by seven excellent Chapel Prefects who have led services, read and prayed, and, most significantly, led the Chapel program under the direction and supervision of our amazing sports chaplain Wayne “Chappie” Douglas, during my five-week placement at Fairfield College in Term 2 this year. To you all, I offer my sincere thanks and acknowledge here the Chapel prefects of 2021, Marcia Graafhuis, Diya Kurien, Charlize Tordoff, Belinda Wright, Frazer Tam, Harry Derry, and Laurence I’Anson. Thanks team!

There have been some very insightful, thought-provoking, intelligent, moving and challenging Chapel services this year with some remarkable student-led services and messages delivered. I particular want to acknowledge and thank all the student leaders from the day and boarding houses who have engaged us in the Chapel with themes ranging from “Competition”, “Independence” to “Tall Poppies”.

The Chapel program has marked the highs and the lows, the poignant and the significant moments in the life of our school community. We farewelled our beloved Headmaster, Mr Grant Lander, at the end of Term 1 with a sense of loss and the delivery of a school haka that nearly brought the roof down. Yet we rejoiced with the arrival of a new Headmaster Mr Ben Skeen and his family at the beginning of Term 2 with a remarkable service of commissioning and welcome led by Archbishop Philip

Richardson. We have had several services of whole school communion, the annual pancake-making competition, creative Year 9 student-led services and celebrations of our international community and Matariki, to name but a few. We have held services of baptism to welcome new members to the Christian faith and sadly funerals to farewell the passing of great servants of the school, and I particularly acknowledge the sad passing of Mr Cam Elliot in this reflection on the year.

In the Chapel, we have promoted, celebrated and talked much of our remarkable service programs here at St Paul’s Collegiate School; ably led by mission outreach and Service Portfolio prefects Marcia Graafhuis and Frazer Tam. Our Year 11 service leaders, Genevieve Churlton and Ryan Higgins have promoted the work of the Refugee Orientation Centre.

In this sacred space, we have also held before the school the challenges presented by the annual Boarders Charity Relay and World Vision’s 40-hour famine. The Charity Relay supports the work of our overseas mission partners: Flame Cambodia who educate young people in the slums of Phnom Penh with World Vision supporting work with vulnerable people in Malawi Africa. Our two fundraising initiatives for these two remarkable charities saw the school smash all fundraising records with over $44,000 being raised in 2021 which is a remarkable achievement! In addition during the first lockdown of the year, led by our international students, over $4000 was raised for

the Hamilton Christian Foodbank. It’s been a year of remarkable generosity.

As I hope you can tell from the above, not only is the work of being a chaplain a real blessing and a privilege, as the school prayer goes, it also means working with a awesome team of people. Our student leaders have had a remarkable year and I would like to acknowledge the work at the Chapel IT team, brilliantly led by Mr Howard, who ensure that we can communicate effectively in our digital world.

It has been just over 20 years since the Chapel of Christ the King reopened in its present form in 2001, a beautiful, stunning and remarkable piece of architecture and yet it is the community that gives it its heart and the power of the Holy Spirit its strength, energy and commitment.

Thank you all for a remarkable year. Thank you for the generous gift of your time, talent and resources.

For all that 2021 has been, thanks be to God!

Mā te Atua e manaaki Ngā mihi nui Rev Peter Revd Peter Rickman Chaplain


The Serve has had a remarkable year, with numbers that have exceeded previous years. We have had the opportunity to help those with food insecurity in our own city. St Paul’s visits once a month on a Saturday evening in central Hamilton. I would like to say a big thank you to Chef Chris Warner who cooks the meals for us to deliver. Again, we had multiple dates impacted due to COVID-19, which has been very disappointing but The Serve Trust has shown their dedication through this hard time and continued to feed those who needed it throughout the lockdowns. I would like to thank Mrs Bradford, Ms Bromwich, Mr Hewitt and Rev for their continued support for this initiative and because of them, it has been able to run smoothly. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in The Serve initiative, and I am excited to see it continue to grow in the future.



The International portfolio students have worked hard this year to continue to support St Paul’s Community Fridge project. We have aimed to cook ethnic food (primarily dumplings and spring rolls) every fortnight to sell at morning tea to our staff and students. The proceeds of which are used to buy weekly fresh fruit and vegetables for the Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank. Our students have also enjoyed cooking yummy chocolate eclairs and delicious waffles to sell.

Unfortunately, Covid has proved challenging, and we have not always been able cook or sell food. Traditionally, International Week has also been a great opportunity to share and sell delicious ethnic food but alas it was cancelled this year.

We are grateful to staff who have come up with other ideas to raise money. In particular Jane Spenceley who took time out of her school holiday period to make facemasks raising an impressive $238.00 in sales which she kindly donated to the Community Fridge.

As a department we are committed to supporting this wonderful cause and assisting those less fortunate in the Waikato Community whenever we can.




Early in Term 1, the Housemasters asked for expressions of interest from our senior students to be the house representatives for their respective houses. We had a fantastic response and many houses appointed two boys and two girls as representatives. The task of the representatives would be to make sure that their house was organised for their respective visits to Fairfield or Bankwood Primary. When it came to to sign up the senior students in each house, the response was equally impressive with some houses having as many as 40 senior students volunteer their time.

Our first formal occasion was when we welcomed the Year 5 and 6 students from Bankwood and Fairfield Primary for a morning tea to launch the programme for the year. The House representatives did a fantastic job

of welcoming and hosting the two schools. Chef Warner and his team made sure that the kai was outstanding and plentiful as always. We were also able to present each school with a cheque from the proceeds of the gala held in 2020. The schools use these funds to buy computers or support students in attending their school camps.

Things got into full swing when we started visiting the schools over lunchtime on a Monday and Friday. Our students would go to classes to do shared reading with the primary students. After this, the students would go out and play lunchtime games, which is always the highlight for all involved. This year our visits were unfortunately limited during lockdowns. We are excited to get things back into full motion in 2022.




Following the success of the 2020 Charity Relay, there were certainly high expectations as we began to plan the annual event for Flame Cambodia. With a goal of $16,000, on the 16th of May, all the boarders gathered in the school chapel filled with anticipation and excitement. The morning began with a special service led by Williams House before the marathon runners took their house batons and began what would be a 6-hour event. However, the day didn’t seem to drag on as it was filled with house challenges every hour and numerous spot prizes keeping all the boarders active and engaged. As the day drew to a close it seemed the boarders’ hard work was only just beginning with this now needing to be followed up with the collection of donations. Last year the bar was set high with a record amount of fundraising, this only seemed to further motivate the boarders as they well and truly surpassed this at over $22,000. A huge thank you for all of these generous donations as well as those who made the day possible including Rev, Mr Constable, Chappie, Mr Hardman, the St Paul’s boarders, and all of the boarding house staff and supporters. Ultimately it was a very successful event as evident through the fundraising profits and we are confident this money is going to a very deserving cause once again.




After learning the basics in Technology classes during Years 11 and 12, the Year 13 Building and Construction class have now taken on their biggest project yet.

Under the watchful guidance of St Paul’s builder Adrian Wesford, these students are getting to work on school soil as they team together with other builders and contractors to build the school’s new Visual Art Block.

They work an eight-hour day once a week to gain experience as a building apprentice.

“The beauty of these classes means students get a chance to see what their potential career might look like on a job site,” says Mr Wesford. “The bonus is they can

be really proud of the work they’ve completed on school grounds for years to come.”

Being involved in the Construction class programme gives these students a good head-start in pursuing a career in the building trade. Not only are they adding this experience to their resumes, but these students are often chosen for apprenticeships in carpentry after leaving St Paul’s because of their involvement in the programme.

“Having spent a year learning these valuable skill sets, these students are now considered a desirable choice for future employers,” says Mr Wesford.




The Refugee Orientation Centre is an opportunity for Year 11 students to give back to members of the community. Year 11 students volunteer themselves to help refugee children on afternoons after school. Over the year, we get to know kids at the centre and play games with them e.g. kick a ball around or uno. Some highlights of our year have been how welcoming the kids have been to have us around, and how they always have a smile on their face no matter what. We also hosted a mid-winter party in July, and with the help of the St Paul’s Kitchen, Rev, Mr Foot and some Year 11 volunteers the event was a huge success in which the kids loved.

Once you arrive at the centre after school, you will quickly be immersed in the job of helping the kids. There is always a huge range of activities that you’ll be helping out with, such as colouring in, making bead bracelets,

crafting aeroplanes or even helping the kids with their homework for that day. You won’t be confined inside though, before you know it you’ll be outside playing a game of piggy in the middle or in a match of tag.

Throughout the year, we asked students of all years to bring in any unwanted toys that we could donate to the kids at the centre. We even asked the kids themselves what they would want and published that message in a Headmaster’s Assembly. It was rewarding to see the kids being able to have a fresh set of toys to entertain themselves and something new to do at the centre. Overall, it has been great to be involved with the Refugee Orientation Centre and we thank everyone that helped throughout the year.




Thanks to last year’s leader Ben Scanlon, we were left on the front foot with new songbooks for our St Joans Ukulele Club. Unfortunately, St Joans went back into lockdown meaning we started the year with regular rehearsals so we would be ready to return. I would like to thank Mrs Ure and Rev for their support of the running and transport for the Ukulele Club. This year we were able to get the St Joans Art Club back up and

running, in which we were able to visit the regular ladies every Wednesday lunchtime. I would like to thank Ms Bromwich and Mrs Adams who made sure we were there every Wednesday. To everyone who visited St Joans for ukulele or art, thank you for the time you spent making a difference to the residents’ days.



During a year in which we have been more disconnected than ever, the 2021 World Vision 40 Hour Famine provided an amazing and much-needed opportunity for connection, support, and love. The students of St Paul’s gallantly came together to fundraise for the impoverished citizens of sub-Saharan Africa - an undeniably worthy cause. The aim was to increase awareness and to do our part towards helping stop arguably the most devastating hunger crisis of our lifetime. Raising more than $20,000, our amazing students exceeded all expectations and raised the bar to a whole new level. Through this outstanding initiative, students were able to accomplish incredible personal feats such as climbing the Hakarimata Summit 20 times,


The Hospital Chaplaincy is a very unique service program to St Paul’s. Once a month on a Sunday morning, we visit the hospital and assist with transporting patients to and from their rooms to save the chaplains and nurses a great amount of time. This year, we took the opportunity to step further outside our comfort zones by engaging with patients all over the hospital to find out who is interested in coming. Unfortunately, COVID-19 impacted multiple hospital services as we weren’t able to attend unless we were in Level 1. I would like to say thank you to Rev, who inspires us all to give back and always help others. I am looking forward to seeing St Pauls continue to support the Hospital Chaplaincies in the future years to come.

40 reps of 40 different exercises, and producing 40 batches of baking (which were also donated to people in need). It has been a great privilege for me to support, assist and participate in this year’s 40 Hour Famine. Fundraising for such an important cause in our world today, all of our students can be proud in knowing that they each made a significant difference. Thank you all for your remarkable contribution. Of course, as every year, this year’s successful 40 Hour Famine would not have been possible without our faithful Rev. Thank you Rev for your tireless commitment, motivation, coordination, support, and especially your endless ever effervescent enthusiasm.





After a successful choir camp at Tihoi at the end of the Term 1 holidays, three of our choirs went on to compete at The Big Sing in Tauranga in June. The Big Sing is a national singing competition for secondary school choirs, and our choirs brought home the following awards:

Chamber Choir: Best Mixed Choir; Very Highly Commended

Girls Choir: Very Highly Commended

Boys Choir: Highly Commended

The Chamber Choir then went on to the Cadenza Finals held in Rotorua where they performed two programmes of music and were awarded the Korimako Award.

Some of the other highlights for the choir this year were visits to the Anglican Church in Te Awamutu and Hamilton, and a special performance by the Chamber Choir at Mr Carpenter’s wedding.

Well done to all three choirs on an outstanding performance season.




This year saw us undertake to present “Jesus Christ Superstar,” by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Famous not just for the story, but also because it was the first ever rock opera, it is always a popular choice with audiences and performers alike.

Fortunately we were able to complete the show this year, without being forced to go into a lockdown, as we were in 2020.

A new creative team saw some interesting and exciting changes to how we have done things in the past, with a greater scope for creativity and interpretation of the production itself. This saw the use of a multi level stage of scaffolding in an attempt to give the show some visual interest. It also saw us take the ageless story of Jesus’ last few days and set it in a timeless Aotearoa New Zealand with a Maaori Jesus and his disciples. As we could not change the existing words, this was a purely visual metaphor, but the parallel is powerful.

A huge thank you goes to the team of staff involved who worked incredibly hard to make this a success.

As for the students…Wow! It was a privilege to work with such a talented group of individuals. Of course there were standout performances, but it would be unfair to name them here, as the production is a true team effort with every performer and backstage person having the same level of importance to the overall success. Thank you to all of the students involved and I look forward to working with many of you again next year when we will be presenting ...




Our instrumental groups at SPCS have had an outstanding year.


In January our Concert Band, Big Band and Rock Band students met on campus for three days staying in Clark House to prepare for a busy competition season ahead. Band camp is a yearly tradition and is a great chance to get a head start before the busy school year begins. As well as preparing all of our competition music, we also had time for some fun. Thank you to Delwyn Ringle, Jane Spenceley, Duncan Smith, Jack Walters, Paul Cakebread, Adrian Hayward and Derek Shaw for helping make this event a great success.


This year the Bagels , the rock band of Jackson Mackwood, Jackson Norris, Asher Downing and William Mollard competed in Smoke Free Rock Quest 2021, and made it all the way to the regional finals with two of their own original songs. It is great seeing our rock bands compete at such a high level. Well done boys on a great season.


The Concert Band competed in two festivals this year. At the Matamata Brass Band Festival, the concert band received a silver rating and at the Hawke’s Bay Festival of Bands they received a gold rating. This year the concert

band has an especially large contingent of Year 9 and 10 students, so this was a phenomenal accomplishment.


The Big Band also had a successful year, starting with a trip to Southwell to perform and featured at St Paul’s open days. They also received a Gold rating at the Hawke’s Bay Festival of Bands in May.


Three chamber ensembles represented us this year in the New Zealand Chamber Music Competition.

Our clarinet Trio, The Bees Reeds featuring Saniya Kansal, Yeo Seo (Chloe) Park and Geoffrey Smit; and

the Reverie Trio Featuring Angelina Che, Joanna Li and Venessa Joyce, competed in the Waikato Regional competition of the NZCT Chamber Music Competition, with the Bees Reeds awarded highly commended, and the Reverie Trio awarded the best performance of a piece by a New Zealand composer which was also composed by our own piano itinerant Mr Josh Dawson.

The Four Suks , featuring Scott Zhou, Matthew Chanwai, Emily Jin and Samara Nation also competed in the Waikato Regional competition and then moved on to the Regional Finals in Auckland and won the Bronze award. It was a really successful year for our chamber ensembles.



The list of current and past St Paul’s students who have been selected for national groups is fast increasing. The Music Department has a Hall of Fame board with photos of alumni and current students who are national representatives in their musical field.


Congratulations to all the New Zealand finalists in the UNA NZ Speech Award 2021. The winner will travel to Wellington for an award presentation early next year. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 situation makes it difficult to plan a visit at this time. Here are the names of the four finalists and their schools:

Ariaan Rasheed Hut t International Boy’s School, Wellington

Isabella Etherington St Paul’s Collegiate, Hamilton

Hunter Hayes Westlake Boy’s High School, Auckland

Yusef Einahas Christ ’s College, Christchurch

The winner was: Isabella Etherington

11 2021 FITCHETT


2021 has proved to be an extremely challenging year in the field of Speech, Drama and Public Speaking at St Paul’s - as a direct result of the lockdowns as well as the limitations of a drastically reduced teaching space.

Our October Trinity examinations sadly had to be postponed until 2022, which was a massive disappointment for all students involved.

With acting pieces ranging from Shakespeare to Snoopy, poems focusing on ghosts, shacks and rats...and a fabulous range of formal speeches aimed at persuading, motivating and demonstrating, it was a real shame that the well deserved rewards of all this hard work will have to wait until the New Year.

Luckily, there were still a few highlights that were able to proceed.

Isabella Etherington (Year 11) presented an outstanding speech on “Diversity and Unity, winning the Waikato section of the Race Unity Speech Contest. Runner-up was Joanna Li (Year 12). Both girls were excellent ambassadors for the school and spoke with extreme confidence and flair.

International student, Karina Yu (Year 11) gave her take on “Finding Your Voice” in the inaugural WSD speech competition, gaining notable praise from the judges for her uplifting, well thought-out presentation. Hinting at a possible future career in politics, Ryan Higgins (Year 11) invited the current leader of the opposition, Judith Collins, to address the boarders during a formal dinner at the school. Acting as both MC and host for the entire evening, Ryan also facilitated a question and answer session between Judith and the school debating teams and is to be commended for the huge success of this rather daring venture.

My sincere thanks to all my students for your commitment and dedication... and I hope 2022 is more conducive to actual performance and presentation of your skills.



Over the last few years, Debating has been a slow burn. At the end of last year, we asked for our funds to be increased only to be told, and rightfully so, that it was not a “growth area in our school.” Armed with determination to change this, the senior students quickly put in motion a recruitment strategy; fuelled by their enthusiasm and fervour, they very quickly expanded the Debating Club from 9 members to 36! From there, a routine was established, training undertaken and skills enhanced creating one of our most successful seasons yet. Of course, COVID had its way with us as with everyone else, and our season was somewhat truncated as a result. However, this did not stop one of our three Junior Teams as well as one of our five Senior Teams both making it through to the semi-final rounds. Lawsen Harte was also selected for the prestigious Development Team - an amazing feat for a first-year senior debater. More highlights of the year included hosting the Junior Division on our campus. What a marvellous sight it was

to see a few hundred students from around Hamilton and Waipa districts descend upon our campus, able to enjoy our beautiful chapel and grounds. Another momentous occasion was when Ryan Higgins and Lawsen Harte arranged for Judith Collins to come and enjoy afternoon tea with our debaters. The open forum allowed our students to ask her questions about politics, law and all things debating. So it certainly has been without a doubt our most successful year to date. In the Waikato Debating Tournament, we are the smallest school represented, yet we had the highest number of teams, once again paying homage to the old adage, “dynamite comes in small packages”. While we farewell our two outstanding Debating Captains Frazer Tam and Hazel Hulme who leave school this year, we have plenty of depth and talent to maintain our momentum and look forward to once again, enjoying success in 2022.



2021 saw 5 groups from Year 12 prepare scenes for performance at the regional Shakespeare competition held, this year, at Hamilton Boys’ High School. There was a lot of excitement around the competition, with some very strong group scenes coming together.

Unfortunately, due to a date shift for the competition and sickness sweeping the school at the time, our entries were whittled down to only one group consisting of Max Fletcher, Seetharam Sandhyala and George Forte. The day came and they performed with aplomb, skill and passion. A performance to be proud of in a very traditional “Shakespearean” style.



Lunchtime tournaments and the Chess Ladder in 2021 will be remembered as fun and fiercely competitive. Offsite tournaments were as follows:

Chess Power Regional Tournament

Malachi Flintoff, Xiang (Sean) Chang, Zichang (Peter) Huang, Poen Hsieh, Yuchen (Daniel) Shen and Zi Xun (Stanley) Lin attended the Chess Power Hamilton Regional Tournament on Thursday 10th June, held at Fairfield Intermediate School. 72 students from 10 teams in the Waikato region were competing, each person playing 7 chess games.

Standout players of the day were Poen Hsieh and Daniel Shen each winning 4 games, and Daniel drew his last game of the tournament. Daniel was the top player of the team on the day and gained 15th place out of the 72 players at the tournament. St Paul’s Collegiate took 5th placing at the tournament, losing the 3rd equal placing to Rototuna Senior High and Fairfield College by only half a point. A credible effort by all six players on the day.

Waikato Interschool Tournament

Poen Hsieh, Daniel Shen, Stanley Lin and Peter Huang were selected to be in a team of four to play at the

Unfortunately, we were bested by an extremely high quality and creative interpretation of Othello from Boys’ High.

However, congratulations go to Max, who received a special mention from the judges and only narrowly missed out on direct entry to the national festival. I know that these boys are keen to have another crack in 2022 and I hope that they will be accompanied by some more, equally passionate Shakespeare buffs.

Waikato Interschool Tournament on Sunday 15th August at Hamilton Boys’ High School. This year there were ten teams in the tournament. The format was a 5 Round Swiss Tournament, with 25 minutes per player and 5-second increments.

Stanley had 3 wins and 1 draw, being the player from the St Paul’s Collegiate team earning the most points. As a team, they earnt 10.5 points and came 6th place. An amazing effort against some very tough opponents.




The sporting philosophy at St Paul’s Collegiate takes its lead from the Balance is Better approach suggested by Sport New Zealand. The school wishes to achieve two main goals through its sporting programme. Firstly, we would want to be consistently competitive with other similar schools in the Waikato region and beyond, challenging at a national level on a regular basis. Secondly, we want to offer the opportunity for young people to be active and social, to promote mental and physical health. Sport is an excellent vehicle to achieve this.

Term 1 was jam-packed with house activities. First up was Athletic Standards, which allows all house members to try their hand at a variety of events. This was the perfect set-up for the athletics champs that followed at Porritt Stadium a few weeks later. As always, the day turned out to be a scorcher, posing an additional challenge to the athletes. Being the first major house event of the year, everyone gave their maximum effort. Arrangements under Alert Level 2, also saw a break in tradition, with houses spaced out along the 100m track. This added great theatre and atmosphere for the athletes heading for the finish line. By the day’s conclusion, School House had amassed the most points to come out on top as champions.

Swimming champs was the next major event on the calendar. Run slightly differently to athletics, it is not until the afternoon session that the whole school descends on the pool to watch the school’s finest swimmers test their mettle. In the end, Clark House proved to be the most dominant and Laura Littlejohn and Boston Tordoff shared the “Champion of Champion’s” Cup. Cross country was up next, run in horrible conditions. The howling wind was freezing as athletes competed on the St Paul’s campus for the second consecutive year. Sargood took the title with a great team effort.

Unfortunately, this became the final sporting house event of the year, with several others cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions. Sport at St Paul’s is not the efforts of a few, but a celebration of many. Thank you to all the staff, students and supporters that make the St Paul’s sporting experience what it is.




Arts Day 2021, led by LOC Arts Mr Cameron and the wider Arts Faculty, proved another incredible day full of creative challenge, group work and collegiality.

The theme of the day was based around the concept of ‘resilience’ - in essence, this was defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and tough times. This theme was decided upon as an opportunity for us as a community to acknowledge times of difficulty that others have had to endure in a national, international, presentday and historical context.

Each house responded to this theme in different ways of their choosing.

Arts Day is an opportunity for all students to tap into their inner creative selves, to be pushed out of comfort zones and to approach situations with a new sense of open-mindedness and vulnerability. Students in 2021 gave their all to the challenges set out by the Arts Faculty: Mr Cameron, Ms Price, Mr Rawson, Ms Ringle, Ms Fox, Mr Howard and Mrs Norman; however, the ultimate testament to this success was when our new Headmaster, Mr Skeen, made a point to express his genuine thanks to students with clear acknowledgement of the high levels of engagement, enthusiasm and support for the day - Arts Day proved to be another lovely way in continuing to welcome our new Headmaster to the incredibly special and heart-warming community of St Paul’s.

With so many activities on the go, judging the competition was extremely difficult, and house-points were incredibly close! The overall placings for Arts Day 2021 were as follows:

1st - Fitchett; 2nd - Sargood; 3rd - School; 4th - Clark; 5th - Williams; 6th - Hall; 7th - Hamilton






Ika warea te one tapu

Ka hura tangata a uta

Me turaki atu ki tangata a tai

Ka hura tangata a tai

Me turaki atu ki tangata a uta

Pera hoki ra te koopere nui, i te koopere roa, i te waahi

awa, i te totoe awa

Whakamau tama i te ara, whakamau tama i te ara.

Ko Tuu, ko Rongo

Tama i aaraia te ara!

Kauraka tama e uuhia

Tukua atu tama kia putu

I waho i te taawhangawhanga

He putanga ariki no Rongo

Ki te ata tauira, e

Mai ea, mai ea, te tupua.

Mai ea, mai ea, te tawhito.

I haramai ra koe i whea?

I haramai ra koe i te whakaoti nuku, i te whakaoti rangi.

He Whakatakenga - Kaupapa Maaori

This year kaupapa Maaori has progressed in leaps and bounds - with the introduction of new initiatives.

Te Kapa Haka o Hato Paaora ki

Kirikiriroa - He Waka Eke Noa

Another Kapa Haka campaign draws to a close and we take time to reflect on the journey that was 2021 for Te Kapa Haka o Hato Paaora.

However, this year was beset with challenges aplentyhow to maintain our whaanau and our kaupapa in the face of recurring COVID-19 disruptions?

The kapa showed persistence and patience in the face of set-backs and a fluid performance schedule. However, due to safety concerns our dream of standing again at the Waikato Secondary Schools Kapa Haka competition at Claudelands Arena were dashed.

This year’s Kapa Haka campaign featured one noho marae and regular mid-week, evenings and lunch practices. Attendance was amazing as our doors opened to all that had a passion for learning, kapa haka, kai and being apart of our whaanau. In total, the group boasted on average 28 students throughout the campaign. The

Ko to manawa e, ko taku manawa e Taane ka irihia!

Whano, whano, haramai te toki, Haumi e, hui e, Taaiki e!

Nau mai te tau, haere noa te tau. Nei Te Whare Reo Maaori e tuu nei e mihi ki koutou e aku rangatira. Ko te tiimatanga o te whakaaronui ko te wehi ki a Ihoatuatinitini, whaaioio, kii tonu te rangi me te whenua i te nui o toona kororia.

Ka hiiri, ka hiiri, ko te Kiingi Maaori tuaono o te motukei taku ariki taungaroa, me toona whare kaahui ariki nui tonu - Paimaarire!

Ki oo taatou tini mate - e moe, e oki, haere.

Taatou te ngaa whakakanohitanga o oo taatou maunga, oo taatou awa, oo taatou iwi - teenaa koutou katoa.

performance bracket - that was prepared for competition - was a homage to the classic waiata and haka of yesteryear, with the exception being a new composition that pays tribute to the lessons of late Te Arikinui Te Atairanga Kaahu.

“Ko too manawa, ko tooku manawa. - Your heart and mine are one.” Students dedicated their performances to all our tupuna who have passed on. “E kore raatou e warewaretia - they will not be forgotten by us.”

The new year will hold challenges and promise aplenty with new uniforms (piupiu), a dedicated marae noho marae programme and ever-rising performance expectations.

Our sincere aroha to tutor, whaanau and Hukanui Marae - hospitality extraordinaire. To all our whaanau, who gave of their time, passion and support - mei kore ake ko koutou ko teenei kapa.

“Ki te kotahi te kaakaho ka whati, ki te kaapuia e kore e whati - if there is but one strand I will fail, but if we bind many strands we are invincible ”.

Lastly, to our kaitaataki tane and kaitaataki wahine - he manawa-aa-whenua e kore e mimiti - a well spring of aroha that will never run dry.

Noo Whea Te Mana o Te Waahine?

Naa Milana Mariu - Tau tekau maa tahi

Noo whea te mana o te waahine? Noo Papatuaanuku, tooku mana e. Noo Hine-tiitama tooku mana e. Noo Hinenuitepoo tooku mana e. Noo Hinemahuika tooku mana e.

Ko ngaa taonga tuku iho a te waahine. I rongohia whaanuihia ngaa puuraakau o ngaa ira atua waahine i aarahi nei i te orokohanganga o te ao. Ka whakatauirahia a Hineraumati, a Hinetakurua, a Hineahuone me wai atu, engari, i peeneihia a taatou whakatauira i o taatou haakui, o taatou tuupuna whaea, o taatou tuaakana, o taatou teina, a taatou tamaahine raanei? Naa te ira wahine ngaa mahi o muri e kawe ana e hia tau roa nei me te aha he mahi whakanui kore noa nei. Koia nei te pono o ngaa puuraakau ukiuki. He nui te mahi o oo taatou haakui, whaea, tuaakana, teina, tamaahine hirahira ake nei, engari kaahore raatou i whakanuia. Me taurite e hoa maa - te mana o te wahine, teenaa i te mana o te tane. Huri noa i te ao kei te ngana nei ngaa iwi ki te whakapiki ake, aa, ki te haapai i te anamata o aa raatou mokopuna whakaheke. Engari me peewhea e whai mana oo-rite ai te wahine mena ko ngaa tane noa nei kei te whakahaere i te waka? Maa te tirohanga tane ka aha? E moohio raanei te tane ki ngaa paanga a te wahine? Kua kore, i kore, ka kore - mena kaahore i mana o-rite e waha nei te wahine i aana ake koorero.

Atu i te koohanga reo ki te kura kaupapa, ki te hai kura, aa, tai noa atu ki te whare waananga ka tooia tonutia ngaa koorero puuraakau inamata. Kei eenei puuraakau, i rongo koorero taatou moo ngaa mahi maataatoa o te taane, te kaikaiwaiuu a ngaa taane kairaakau, me too raatou ekenga ki ngaa taumata rau. Engari anoo, te waahanga ki ngaa waahine oo-roto i eenei puuraakau - he ngoikore, he moroiti, he mea taumautia noatia. Maana, he waahine whai mana, he atua! Ko eenei waahine atua nei i rongonui, aa, he nui hoki aa raatou koha ki te ao. Peenei i a Hine-i-nui-te-poo, Mahuika, Hineraukatauri, Hineraumati, a wai kee atu i wehi ai ngaa nui whakaheke. He tauira pai eenei atua ki ngaa koohine aamohoa noa nei, kia wana te tuu, kia motuhake te tuu, kia maaia te tuu. Kei roto i aua puuraakau raa i noho wehi te iwi ki eenei atua, engari, kia tirohia taatou ki teenei ao, ki eenei raa nei, he aha kee ia te rerekeetanga o eenei waahine puuraakau nei ki o taatou haakui, ruruhi, whaea, tuaakana, teina? Kaahore pea a raatou mahi whaiwhaiaa, engari he mana tonu taana ki te waha i te hauora o ngaa atua ki teenei ao. He koia hoki te hinengaroa o tuahina maa ki taataahia te aapoopoo. Ka whakanui ana i ngaa waahine puuraakau raa he aha taatou i kore ai i peeraahia ngaa waahine o eenei raa nei?

Akene pea e noho ana koe me te whakaaro, he aha kee ia taana? Ko ngaa waahine hirahira katoa o tooku oranga - kaahore aa raatou mahi whaiwhaiaa peenei i ngaa atua!

Kaahore i peeraa rawa too raatou hirahira, he whaangai, he whakakaakahu noa te mahi! E hee! Hee rawa atu! He mana nui too eenei waahine, te mana nui o teenei ao nei. Too raatou manaaki, maaia, kaha, maatau, puukenga ano hoki. Noo raatou te mana ki whakahaumaru ake i te ao. Noo raatou ano te mana ki te whakatikahia te pooheehee horapa nui kua kore take te waahine, he wana kore ake nei - ko too raatou ao e here tonu naa ki te kauta, engari ano te teepu kaipaakihi. Ko ngaa whiringa nui o te ao e noho nei i ngaa ringaringa o te taane. Kaahore ia nei i rongo i te taane i ngaa uaua o te waahine, he rerekee te ao e tupu nei te taane. Ko toona aro ko toona ao me ooha hua ake. E hoa maa! Kei koonei te panonitanga nui! Me mana oo-rite te waahine ki teenaa o te taane. Kua tee kee te koitoo ki ngaa whiunga o te taane. Ahakoa oo koutou manako nui e pai ake te aapoopoohe manako te koura e kore ai e.

Kei tua o te mata rirerire he tangata kee. Koia kei o taatou ringa te oranga moo aapoopoo. Mena e riiwaru ai te mana whakahaere. Kaahore au i te hiahia kia panonihia te ture, kia waihangatia tiiriti raanei. Engari ko oowhakaaro, too tirohanga ki a au. Whakamanahia te ira waahine. Kaua e whiu noa nei i oo raatou whakaaro he kore noa e rite ki taau. Ka whawhai tonu maatou.


In Te Ao Maaori, the concept of ako means both to teach and to learn. It recognises the knowledge that both teachers and learners bring to learning interactions, and it acknowledges the way that new knowledge and understanding can grow out of shared learning experiences.

This year a waananga marae was held at Hukanui marae (Ngaati Wairere) for senior Reo Maaori students - Year’s 11 to 13. This waananga was designed to provide learning experiences in context.

There were three main foci in our waananga: Maatauranga - the development of language fluency (tuhi / koorero)

Tikanga - cultural norms and practices

Whakawhanaungatanga - connectedness

Traditional Maaori learning approached in the 21st century.


Very early on a clear and cold morning on the 10th July we arose from the warmth and comfort of our whare Tuturu-a-Papa Kaumaatua and set off for Haakarimata. At 4.35am we started our karakia and ascent of our tupuna maunga. As we have over the last 4 years we stood beneath the waterfall of Haakarimata to bless our taonga and our new Te Kaea leaders for the new year - Matire Ormsby-van Selm and Thomas Matthews. This was a moving and somber point in our Matariki celebration.

With our karakia complete we began our ascent anew. Before long we stood atop Haakarimata and sent our acknowledgements to Te Kaahui o Matariki and the new year. James Milroy and Ruby Kapene-Paitai lead our

Matariki karakia and reflections to those who had passed away in the year that was. Matua Tahau Thompson then completed the karakia and mihi to our tupuna, Matariki and the small group of people (students from Te Waanananga o Aotearoa) who had gathered to listen to our karakia and mihi.

The group returned to the marae and then made their way to The District Cafe for our celebratory kai with whaanau and aakonga. Our thanks to the amazing team at The District Cafe, Hukanui Marae. Whaea Krystal and whaanau for supporting this kaupapa - i rangatira maatou i a koutou.




Surrounded by pillars, statues and togas, this year’s Ball was an unforgettable night. The theme of Greek Gardens transformed the gym into a serene getaway for all those attending, or at least before the DJ came on stage. The Ball Committee worked tirelessly to decorate, working for 12 hours the day before turning the gym into a time machine, taking everyone back to ancient Greek times.

Every element of the Ball was rethought, with an entirely new layout leading to a better flow through the space. The dance floor raved all night, at the heart of the layout. Food floated through, feeding the masses and carried by our lovely waiters dressed in theme. The tacos which were made in front of your eyes left the teenagers in awe and wanting more. The high quality cuisine and service from the St Paul’s catering company was incredible.

Formal dances took place during the beginning of the night, with couples flooding to the floor to do the foxtrot, trying to out dance their mates. The rotation of DJs kept everyone on their toes, playing a mix of throwbacks and bangers which had the Year 12s and 13s raving all night. For those too tired to dance, the seated semi-circles worked well as a chill zone.

If you weren’t dancing or sparking conversations with others, a popular hotspot was the photo area. Formal photos with your date in front of a hanging ivy garden and seated on a marble bench or crazy photobooth photos with mates. After getting all dressed up for this stunning event, people were lining up to get their time in front of the camera. New this year, we had roaming photographers capturing people having fun in the moment. This vibrant night will never be forgotten.

Weeks of planning, meetings and work went into this grand event. A huge thank you to the Ball Committee, led by Hazel Hulme and Josh Gullery. Special mention to Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Lock, without whom the Ball would not have been possible. The result was nothing short of a success and exceeded all expectations.




2021 has been another challenging year for our International Department and our students. We are still unable to welcome new international students to our school and for many of our current students, it is the second year they have been unable to physically see their parents, siblings and extended family.

Despite these constraints our students have worked hard academically and embraced the distance learning delivery programme to the best of their ability.

Each term opportunities have arisen for us to proceed with a small number of our usual activities including our Race Relations Day Chapel Service and shared lunch in Term 1 to celebrate and acknowledge diversity within our school.

In Term 2, a trip to Hamilton’s Escape Room proved a fun challenge followed by ten pin bowling and shared pizzas for dinner. Our students had a great evening with lots of laughter. A ski trip and outdoor adventure was the ideal way for a few of our students to finish the term and let their hair down.

Unfortunately, our annual International Week activities were cancelled for Term 3. Our students were disappointed as this event is planned throughout the year and looked forward to by both international and our local students alike.

It was great to see one of our international alumni Linus Müller (Hall House 2014) represent Germany in hockey at the Tokyo Olympics earlier in the year. A very talented young man!

We have persevered with the Community Fridge whenever possible – hot dumplings are still by far the most popular with students and weekly supplies of fruit and vegetables have been provided to the Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank.

As ever, our host families have been amazing. Despite their own respective challenges during these uncertain times, they have welcomed our students and gone to great lengths to ensure they feel part of their families. The parents of our international students are very appreciative of this care, and it has been a factor many

have taken into account when deciding whether their child should remain in NZ or return home. In a recent interview with Tanya Subsompom, mother of Tian ( Nattapat) her comments were as follows:

“It was hard for us not seeing Tian for so long. We were thinking of bringing him back to study in Thailand. But because Tian has been so happy with activities at school and well taken care of by the Boswell family, we didn’t have any reservations when Tian told us he wanted to stay on in New Zealand. We see that it is best for him in every way to continue his study there. We are so grateful to Robyn, Josh and their family that they have included Tian in their family. Their compassion for Tian is a gift for us that we will always treasure.”

In a few short weeks we will farewell our senior students. Some will return to join universities in their own countries whilst others will remain in New Zealand. Wherever life takes them we wish them well and hope they will always have fond memories of their time at St Paul’s. Kia Kaha.



2021 has bought a number of blessings to the Arts Faculty at St Paul’s. This includes: staffing; the production of Jesus Christ Superstar; many of our Music students representing our school in Regional and National platforms; some of our Senior Drama students taking part in the opportunity to compete in the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival this year, with impressive feedback from the judges; and holding a successful exhibition of work from our senior Visual Art students with Soul Gallery.

At the end of Term 2 the Arts Faculty farewelled our Head of Music, Tim Carpenter and Visual Arts teacher, Jarna Adams. Tim has set foot on his next adventure, musically charged of course, in the UK, with wife and St Paul’s vocal coach, Hannah Carpenter. Jarna begins an exciting new chapter with her husband in taking over a local landscaping business. Tim and Jarna’s departure has made way for new people to join the Arts family: the very experienced Heather Fox joins us as our new Junior and Senior Music teacher, Timothy Wayne Wright as our Choral Director and Jonathan Dunlop as one of key Organists and Pianists; Delwyn Ringle has stepped into the role of Head of Music; and Lila Price joins us as our new Visual Arts teacher holding specialist skills in teaching Junior Art, Senior Design and Photography. Whilst our new staff have already settled in well, and are essentially considered part-of-the-furniture, we are excited to see them continue to make their mark on St Paul’s in 2022.

Whilst COVID caused little stress over the first few terms of 2021, we were unfortunately faced with the challenges of the virus towards the business end of the year, Term 3 and Term 4. Despite this, our students continued to show incredible levels of enthusiasm, perseverance, resilience and creative adaptability, and have as a result, maintained the ability to produce some stunning work in the space of Drama, Music and Visual Arts. Our Arts students are truly a very special group of individuals and all staff from the Faculty support me in my concluding statement: thank you to all of our Arts students this year; aroha mai, aroha atu, love received demands love returned; so many of our students have shown a genuine love and passion to develop their creative talents in the Arts this year, and it is this passion, drive and determination that supports us as staff to match you, give back, facilitate and support your learning with aroha and excitement too. We wish you all a wonderful and well deserved summer break, look forward to seeing lots of you back in our classes next year and hearing about the wonderful adventures our Year 13 students take as they embark on their next phase of life - Life-After-HighSchool!



At the end of Term 2 we farewelled Mr Carpenter as he began his big UK adventure. This meant that in Term 3 we welcomed Mrs Heather Fox to the music department and she has been a great asset to our teaching team. Mrs Fox teaches Year 9, 10, Level 1 and Level 3 music classes and joins Mrs Ringle who also teaches Year 9 and 10 classes as well as Level 2 Music.

Year 9 and 10 Music Classroom

Our Year 9 and 10 students have been busy this year, practicing the instruments that they are learning in their itinerant lessons, analysing film music, and composing using garage band and sound trap. Unfortunately most of our concerts have been online this year, but this hasn’t stopped the boys from showing their creativity in a whole new way. With online concerts and taking their itinerant lessons online, the Year 9 and 10 boys have shown great adaptability and creativity.

Level 1-3 NCEA Music Classes

Our NCEA Music students have also had to learn to be adaptable this year. With three of our five performance assessment dates cancelled due to lockdowns, our students have had to adapt to new ways of doing these critical assessments, and have worked hard taking online lessons and preparing for their end of year examinations. They have also had some great learning opportunities in the classroom, with one highlight being given the opportunity to learn about and play a harpsichord that we had the use of for a few days in Term 2. Our students have also performed to a high standard showcasing their performance skills in assemblies, national and international competitions and in our different performing ensembles.


Writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley - he of ‘Brave New World’ fame - once proposed that there are “things known and and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception” suggesting perhaps that ‘things known’ are within our realms of reality and understanding and that which is unknown is open to interpretation and beyond our control. Huxley’s sentiments certainly ring true in the wake of a year that has been. A year that has brought about significant changes to how we approach teaching and learning, and a year where at times things have been beyond our control, allowing perception and perhaps even speculation to creep in. Yet, the very presence of perception has the potential to herald exciting new changes and fresh philosophies, and this has most certainly been the case for the English Faculty this year.

The inevitable and unavoidable yo-yoing between the ‘known’ certainty of face-to-face teaching and the ‘unknown’ uncertainty of climbing through the Covid alert levels, brought about an approach that encouraged the teachers within the faculty to philosophise on the best ways to support our students in this challenging environment. This was of course a two-pronged approach, one which placed the students’ wellbeing at the centre, as well as affording the teachers an opportunity to ruminate on the various aspects influencing student teaching and learning. As such, the students have most certainly benefited from an eclectic group of teachers who have consistently adopted new and exciting ways in which to reach their learners, and who hold their subject in high academic regard as they seek to encourage their young charges to view life via

a multitude of lenses - via the platform of literature of course.

The faculty has enjoyed relative success in both NCEA, Scholarship English, and Cambridge International Examinations in the past year, and the students have been able to richly learn from the expertise and experiences of the staff within the faculty. The calibre and academic prowess of the students in the current senior years are impressive, and the way in which they are able to confidently articulate and assert themselves was most certainly on display - in part - at the Junior and Senior Speech Competition. Although restrictions meant that this annual event could not take place in a physical sense, the competitors were able to deliver their speeches digitally. An array of speeches were delivered to an extremely high level, and it would be fair to say that the future of public speaking at the school is very promising. Ultimately though, there could only be one junior and one senior winner and the judges were particularly impressed with the intelligence, social awareness, humour, and at times confrontational way in which both finalists delivered their speeches. Consequently, the winners of the junior and speech competition, Charlie Etherington and Hazel Hulme respectively, are to be congratulated on their stellar performances.

As the year draws to a close, I am certain that I echo the faculty’s sentiments in the sense that for our students, the year has been challenging in every sense of the word. We live in a world that is in a constant state of change. A world that has the potential to provide great wonderment but also perhaps great unease. And a world that in a literary sense, oscillates between an utopian and dystopian existence. For these reasons, it is vitally important that we afford our learners the ability to challenge, to remain critical, the impetus to question, and to remain resilient. To do so, will surely enhance ‘things known’ as they seek to ward off the negative tenets of a Brave New World.




The crisp sea breeze sent waves of stinging, salty water up into my face. The sun glared down on me, crisping the back of my neck as me and my companion worked the rudder to keep the ship steady. My new friend was named Ivan Rosomakha. He worked tirelessly to trim the sails and haul in the ropes every few minutes when the wind changed. It had been a good idea to take him with me. My “borrowed” ship creaked and groaned wearily, cresting the white tipped waves. I hoped she would last until she reached the island. I came to a decision and gestured to get Ivan’s attention. Instructing him in my broken sign language, I descended past him and into the dark bowels of the ship.

I walked down the corridor and entered the former captain’s room, which I had liberated for myself due its luxury. The room was quite large. A comfortable bed sat in a corner, where I kept the precious charts that I had bribed Ivan to relieve the old Czar’s treasury of. I walked over and consulted them, matching the ship’s worsening sway with some difficulty - we were heading into dangerous waters. After poring over them, I was satisfied. I headed back to Ivan to take the rudder again.

Perfect weather was now a fading memory, greedily stolen by the fog. My loyal Ivan was aiding me well in keeping the ship steady, but I still felt exposed sitting in the crows nest. Suddenly, like an ethereal apparition looming out of the fog, a giant rock appeared, reaching out to devour us with its enormous fangs. Crying out for Ivan, I dropped to the deck, the rope burning like a fiery snake as I slid down. I ran to Ivan and wrenched on the rudder. The boat slid past it silently - it was close enough that we could have reached out to touch it. Shaking with fear, I squinted into the fog to see anything else. We stayed still. Time seemed to stretch on forever and ever. With a start, I noticed another shape appearing, but it was no rock - it was the island. While Ivan maneuvered the boat towards a cove, I listened to the sails flutter in the cold, damp breeze, calming my rushing heart. With a quiet scrape, the ship came to a halt, leaving us with no noise except for the sea and laboured breathing.

I had woken up early to watch the sun rising over my new domain. Birds were chirping and the lazy caress of bright blue tongues of water on the shore gave me a sense of peace. There was not a cloud in sight, and the forest stretched on into the distance. However, up ahead, a hill went up to a convenient cliff. I could almost already see the breathtaking mansion that I would soon build there. My plan was coming together. But first, I was bored. Time to play a game…


I can feel the coarse picnic blanket still. Each individual fibre as real to me now as they were then. A brilliant light reflects off of the top of the fireman’s pole. Its origin, the most breathtaking, orange sun, a blazing supernova on the horizon. A set of swings stands detached from the rest, both seats sway ever so slightly in that evening breeze. Those chains reflect the sun too, each link of metal transformed into glittering amber by its restorative rays. That same breeze whispers its way through my hair, pulling my gaze toward the sun again. It’s massive. It paints the rolling pastures below me a million shades of dazzling yellow. The valley’s farmland looks to be made of solid gold. I can spy my city in the distance. The houses and shops all seem minute now, almost like the Duplo towns I myself would build. At my feet is a birthday cake, atop it maybe three, no four candles. They cast their own light as well, but amid this gilded landscape, they feel pathetic. Their light is only temporary, a pale imitation of the real thing.

I wonder if I realised that, no, realise this, at that time. No, right now, I mean. Hold on, where am I? I jerk my head from side to side, my eyes temporarily clean of that golden mist. Where are my parents? Where is my little brother? Wait, do I even have one? I’m alone in this field. My solitary silhouette barely makes a mark against that immense sun. I need to sit down, but my legs are growing at an almost alarming rate. The playground beneath me shrinks. The cake with seventeen candles is far below. The last thing to leave my field of vision is that swing. It seems so alone now, just as I am. I grow and grow, my legs have become twig-like, so fragile, yet they continue to stretch and distort. I’m terrified of what will happen to me if they snap. I’m sure even a child could do it, or an impact from a ditzy sparrow. But there are no children here, or sparrows. It’s just me, and the sun. The terrible, hungry sun. Its golden aura seems duller from up here, but that doesn’t stop it from coming closer, threatening to take a bite out of my contorted form. I bolt my eyes shut in fear, but when I open them, the sun is gone, and I’m truly alone in this abyssal void that has been left in its absence.

My arms move on their own, spasming as if they’re trying to achieve twelve things at once, yet falling short of all of them. Somehow, these fervent tendrils manage to rip the sheets off of me. Breathing hurts. Each desperate breath seems to take in knives, tearing my lungs apart from the inside. But then my eyes open, and I know I’ve crash-landed safely back on Earth. Trembling, I gaze down, almost afraid of what will greet me. But it’s just legs. MY legs. My normal human legs. Almost immediately, my breathing slows back down. I’ve managed to cage the two beasts in my chest. Rubbing the sleep, like crystallised memory, from my

eyes, I look around. This is my room, alright. The ground is flooded with discarded pillows and blankets. My desk is inundated with piles of books and papers and trinkets I probably don’t need. And out my window, I see the light of a fresh sun. I clamber on over and stick my head outside to get a good view of it. I sigh, relieved. The only thing I can see outside is a plain sun. Not that lustrous jewel or maleficent inferno. Just a dull orb, halfway up in the sky.

What happened last night? Where had I gone to? The picnic blanket, the cake, the swings, the fields of gold and that omnipresent sun. They all felt so real to me. Was the thing that I’d seen a dream, or was it some repressed memory? It must have been the latter, I supposed. There’s no way I could imagine something with that much detail and realism. But what about my legs? And that hungry sun as well? It must have been something in between—a mental purgatory of sorts. Whatever I had seen, in that world between mine and the next, it had been a clue. It had triggered something within me. Or rather, it had reignited that feeling I’ve always had. The craving to know who my past self was, what they did, what kind of a person they were. One thing was for sure, I had to find that playground on the hill.

I don’t have many memories of when I was younger. The inside of my brain is comparable to a hermit crab’s shell. It used to be some lavish palace, home to some incredible creature. Now it’s empty. Discarded. Its polished, ornate surface has long since been worn away by the sand of the beach and the salinity of the waves. At the moment, it’s hollow, maybe even filled with holes. That’s why I’m clawing so desperately at this ocean of subconscious. I snatch at it, pleading it to refill my shell—some feeble attempt at regaining somebody else’s memories. I just can’t, though. They escape my clenched fists. Run from my grabbing hands. Sometimes it feels as if I’ll never fill my shell. Surely, this vision of a sun-soaked field was sent to me for a reason! It couldn’t have just been a dream. It’s a sign… It has to be!

I wandered the city for hours, combing the cul-desacs for my playground. Fatigue begins to creep into my limbs, seeping into every facet of my body. These sleepy suburbs are almost artificial, it would seem. Their houses form a gridlike pattern, each dispersed in regular intervals. The roads carve their way through suburbia, flat and undulating. They always seem like they’re leading somewhere, yet at the same time, there’s no destination in sight. It’s almost like I’ve been walking on some massive treadmill, going nowhere at all. The grass is all one colour, a dull brown straw. The only variation to it is the occasionally cracked earth peeking through or clumps of dandelions. No cars drive past, and actually, I haven’t seen any people at all. Perhaps they all want to stay out of the heat of the January sun. Or maybe, this is the edge of our observable universe. Maybe this ghost town is where the fabric of reality frays and stops functioning. It’s too quiet… Life is at a standstill here.

My legs move like hands on a clock, marching forward with the flow of time against my own control. I’ve become as monotonous as the streets I roam. There aren’t any playgrounds around here, or hills either. I’m locked to this horizontal plane of existence. Slowly, I’m becoming just another part of the scenery. On and on, I tread, and reality begins to degrade further. On my left side, the houses are becoming less frequent, and on my right side, they have ceased to exist altogether. All that remained was farmland. I’d walked all the way to the fringes of town, and I still couldn’t find that playground on the hill. I saved myself from an infinity of walking these lifeless avenues and turn down a snicket. High brick walls line either side, completely occluding the sun’s rays. Down here, it felt safer almost. The earthy aroma of this cosy space feels far more real than the suburban purgatory I’d just been in. It beckoned me to linger here, in this shaded spot of permanence. But I couldn’t. I stepped out of it into the light and gasped.

I- I Don’t know where I am.

This is undoubtedly the playground on the hill. But, it’s really not. The fireman’s pole is right over there. The set of swings sway in the late afternoon breeze in the exact place they were all those years ago. The slide is so tiny now, even I’m taller than it, and the park benches are missing planks of wood. Empty balloons and nangs lie forgotten underneath the platforms. Wrappers and rubbish are littered throughout the dying grass. I think the worst part of all was looking out away from the playground. The valley of gold is gone. The town that seemed so distant back then has now swallowed us up. Over a decade of urban sprawl has tainted the countryside. In a place where you used to only see the odd cow or two, you can no longer escape the hunger of human development. But it’s always been this way, I suppose. Before the playground, there was low-lying farmland, before that thick, untouched forest. Now, it’s all just another part of urban hell. Just another path in the labyrinths we’ve erected around ourselves.

My knees wobble a bit but then give up altogether. I fall to the ground. Looking back at the city, I can no longer picture the gilded landscape. It’s all grey and brown now. The sun that used to shine like a jewel has become tarnished. The sun that I used to admire, that I used to fear, is gone. The playground on the hill doesn’t exist anymore, and I’m more lost than when I started searching for it.




Waking up on the cold hard floor, I felt the rumble of the trucks go past the tent. Rubbing my eyes I sat up and made eye contact with Cole, who looked like he had been awake for a while. Cole had messy black hair and lots of freckles, he was covered in cuts and bruises from his previous missions and had four fingers on his left hand.

We rummaged through bags and gathered our gear to set off for the day. Today was the Sky Mission. Cole was the pilot and I was told that I was in the ball turret. The whining of the engine and the shouting of the commander made it almost impossible to hear your own thoughts. My heart beat faster as I



People never notice the pain I face, Hidden as I maintain the status quo. Every day I will myself to stand, not break.

I run like clockwork from the time I wake, No time for me to walk to and fro. People never notice the pain I face.

The person you see is so very fake, A solid wall built up a long time ago. Every day I will myself to stand, not break.

I might seem happy, make no mistake, Yet it is only a facade for the masses below. People never notice the pain I face.

I dry my eyes before I partake, In the events of the season with gusto. Every day I will myself to stand, not break.

I do not know who I am anymore; I have worn too many masks for show. People never notice the pain I face, Every day I will myself to stand, not break.


Once, I was the prey. Hunted down by the archer, Who was my own self.

approached the ball turret, it was almost time for my first real mission.

I climbed in and Cole helped me settle by strapping me up. “You ready mate?”

It was a real snug fit and I felt cozy, “Ready as I’ll ever be!” we shouted over the roar of the Boeing B-17.

Cole slammed the door of the ball and gave me a wink. I slumped my head back into the hard seat and took a big breath. A voice came through the radio, it was cole. “We will be taking off in about thirty seconds, just double checking you’re all good in there.”

I pushed the button to the radio and started to speak, “Ofcourse, I’m all cozy in here, everything good where you are?”


Unfathomably POWERFUL execution

Silences al l qualms.


When I was younger, I thought I was the same as everyone else. Then I grew up and realised I was wrong. I am different. There is no space for me, No box to fit into, I don’t belong.


Every day, all day, this or that, Non-stop. Most people choose one; I choose one and ‘other.’ But, when I am only allowed to pick one, I PANIC.

I want to dive between the lines And ignore the strange reality I face. Why should I conform to the system made by man, When it doesn’t recognise who I am?


On my passport, an exam paper, at the doctors’. I tick two but only see ONE, Time and time again.

He gave a little chuckle through the radio, “Why wouldn’t I be, it’s a great day to be in the army my friend.”

The plane jerked a little as we rolled toward the edge of the runway. We paused for a bit and then zoomed down the runway. I closed my eyes and felt the rumble on my thighs.

We took off from the runway and we were on our way to the border. “We won’t be there for a little bit so just relax,” Cole said.

A few minutes had past and I got the message from Cole to get prepared. My heart raced as I clamped onto the handles of the turret and braced myself. I squinted my eyes as a small plane darted below me, I pointed the turrets toward the plane below me and squeezed the triggers. My whole body felt the recoil and I winced at

the sound it made. I fired over and over until the plane was out of site.

I gathered my thoughts as a plane flew behind me and I saw the bullets fire out of the other ball turret. Quickly thinking I retaliated and fired back.”This might be it Cole.” I mumbled through the radio. “Not today mate, not today.”

The glass shattered as I was constantly aimed at. I felt defeated and knew this was my first and last mission in the ball turret. A sharp pain cursed my shoulder and my arm fell dead. “I’m not gonna make it!” I cried out hoping for Cole to respond.

Nobody asks me if it’s right, They just reason and guess and assume -


They disregard half of who I am. Why I wonder?

What about my view?

Is my identity not for me to choose?


Intangible ones, hurtful ones. These I Cannot escape, They have an immediate impact

To which I respond later, in the presence of darkness, Driving me deeper into premeditated motions. Anger erupts within me.

Seeing RED,

I fuel the fire.

Delving further in, I can’t stop! Then I save it for later, because how can I not?


From which I must pick

Which of my traits allow me to blend in. But I never get the right combination, So I always receive an unwanted interrogation:

Are you adopted? NO!

What are you?


No, where are you really from?


It’s a joke you say, NOT TO ME!

I see both worlds so clearly, but then I stumble and fall. I feign nonchalance, masking my true emotions. The words I’ve heard haunt me, terrorising me day and night. I fight between my sides constantly, exhausting myself. I fade between the gaps and fall into the chasms of obscurity.

I don’t like it here. I’m not that strong. To stand in a place where

I don’t belong.



The fires burnAn unwavering silhouette of darkness Blanketing the land.

Yet, The world is in flames. And the darkness beckons.




Adam Ross joined us at the start of 2021. He has fitted seamlessly into the department, and we are delighted with the contribution he is making in our faculty area.

Sadly, we farewell Neil Muirhead who is leaving St Paul’s after more than 20 years of service. His contribution to our department over this time has been immense, to say the least. We wish him nothing but the best in his new ventures.


In our first year of A-Level Mathematics, a pass rate of 100%, along with three students gaining the highest grade possible, A* ( 90%) at the end of 2020 – was exceptional!


This was held on 5 August, and we participated online for the first time. Students from Year 9 - 13 signed up for this predominantly multiple-choice formatted competition, which is completed without a calculator over 1.25 hours.

The following students all gained Distinction:

First Name Last Name Year Level Percentile Roy Zhu 9 97 Junlin (Jolin) Yang 11 92 Caitlin Lou 11 83 Tianxiao (Scott) Zhou 11 83 Nuo Chen 11 81 Matthew Jones 12 92


This year the competition was held over two rounds: the first being online, in mid-April, followed by a second more challenging “pen on paper” round on 12 May. This competition is firmly based in problem solving and demonstrating thinking skills processes for Year 9 - 11 students. Correct answers only receive little or no reward.

We are delighted with the following students who have performed admirably. Special mention goes to Jolin (Junlin) Yang who placed in the top 30 of Year 11s in the country – a superb effort! Congratulations.


This was held at Fairfield College on 11 August. Teams comprising three students need to work together to answer 20 questions in 45 minutes in a Waikato interschool competition.

This year our Year 11 team placed first equal. After a sudden death tie-breaker question, they were pipped into second place by HBHS. This is a fantastic achievement for our students, given the large schools we are competing against, and the difficulty level of the questions.

Waimaths Teams First Name

Year 9

Last Name

Jasper Ludbrook

James Su

Roy Zhu

Year 10

Fraser Clegg

Joshua Toon

Jackson Bird

Year 11

Tianxiao (Scott) Zhou

Junlin (Jolin) Yang

Nuo Chen

First Name Last Name Year Level Award Li Hang Cao 9 Distinction Zi Xun (Stanley) Lin 9 Distinction Jasper Ludbrook 9 Distinction George MacDonald 9 Merit James Su 9 Merit Roy Zhu 9 Distinction Cary Guo 11 Merit Ryan Ho 11 Merit Poen Hsieh 11 Distinction Junlin (Jolin) Yang 11 Top 30 Scott Zhou 11 Distinction



‘Because a fact seems strange to you, you conclude that it is not one, but all science commences by being strange.’

An apt quote for these strange and crazy times we find ourselves in. But from these strange times we have seen our students grow from strength to strength in their scientific knowledge and how they see the world. Covid continues to prompt robust scientific discussions in and out of the classrooms as I am sure it will for some years to come. It is pleasing to witness the resilience and ‘can do’ attitude of our students this year; from our Year 9s in Epro 8, marble run and dissections; To our seniors in titrations, fieldwork at Jubilee Park and testing non-


Joanna Li has been ranked top student in the world by achieving a mark of 99% in her International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Chemistry examination.

This incredible achievement is a first for a student at St Paul’s Collegiate School. IGCSE is a two year programme leading to externally set and marked examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject, gains a qualification that is recognised globally.

linear theories, always carried out with enthusiasm, often with facemasks and social distancing.

This year we welcomed two new Science teachers to the department, Isaiah Duncanson (Physics) and Fraser Wilson (Biology), who both agreed to tell-all interviews.

“The significance of achieving the highest subject honour in an examination sat around the world cannot be overstated. Joanna’s achievement is testament to her superior knowledge and diligence, and to the outstanding skill and dedication of her teacher, Ms Jane Spenceley,” says Dr Jason McGrath, teacher in charge of the Cambridge Examinations at St Paul’s.

Li and Scott Zhou have both achieved the Gold award in the New Zealand Chemistry Olympiad selection examination.

Rank the 4 Science’s in order of favourite to least favourite: Physics, Earth and Space, Chemistry, Biology

What made you decide to be a physics teacher? I think once you understand physics you have a greater appreciation for the things happening around you. Physics is often regarded as the killer course, and I want to help students and people see that it isn’t.

What was your best subject when you were at school? Sport Science

What is the most courageous thing you have done in your life?

Moved to Belgium when I was 21 to play rugby.

What has been your favourite thing about working at St Paul’s this year?

The students saying thank you at the end of each lesson and the general politeness of the students. (The lunches are epic also).

Rank the 4 Science’s in order of favourite to least favourite: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space

What made you decide to be a Biology teacher? When I worked at Kelly Tarltons Aquarium the thing I enjoyed most was working with the kids and the interactive aspect of my job.

What was your best subject when you were at school? Biology

What has been your favourite thing about working at St Paul’s this year?

How supportive the science department are, they really go above and beyond for the students.

Fun Fact:

Fraser grew up living in Sargood House when his father Paul Wilson was house master. Paul still works at St Paul’s as our careers adviser. They have a collective service to the school of 34 years and counting.

Isaiah Duncanson Fraser Wilson Joanna



Dairy shed cleaning products made using a by-product of kiwifruit, silage and hay netting made from wool, and liquid based fertiliser made from seaweed were just some of this year’s Year 13 Agribusiness class innovations presented at St Paul’s 2021 Crocodile Pit.

Students put their concepts on the line in a ‘dragon’s den’ style pitch with hopes of winning a spot to present their innovation to thousands of attendees at the 2021 NZ National Fieldays.

The Crocodile Pit is a challenging project where students are put to the test not only on their ability to create a new agribusiness product or service, but in how they present and convince the panel of ‘crocodiles’ there is a market for their invention. The panel of crocodiles get to ‘snap’ questions at the group trying to bite holes in their ideas, scrutinise their planning and press them on their market research.

From the 15 groups presenting this year, the winning concept was Tape Cage, a roll cage made from alkathene pipe that attaches to all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and acts as a time saver for farmers, who can simply drive safely under electrical tape gates without having to get off their vehicles, to unlatch them. The product was designed by Luther Yates, Brad Foster, Thomas Matthews and Thomas Came. “We would like to develop the product further by inserting metal rods into the alkathene to prevent vehicles from rolling. We are aware of the number of accidents on farms using ATVs and this additional design feature may just help address farm and quad bike related accidents,” says Brad. Winning first place gave the group $400 cash and the opportunity to showcase their product at the NZ National Fieldays Innovation Hub.

Second place went to WoolWrap designed by Cole Hood, George Oliver, and Nick Healy. WoolWrap is a wool based alternative to plastic silage and hay netting. It is 100% wool which is biodegradable, eco-friendly and promotes sustainable farming. The group received $300 cash and a place at the NZ National Fieldays Innovations Hub.

Whoof the third-place finisher, is a healthy dog treat using the by-product of horse hoof trimmings and turning them into a low- processed treat. Madeline Kitchener, Lincoln Winter, Oscar Coxhead, Samuel Ward

and Toby Robb came up with the concept as the industry looks to improve the quality of pet food products and they had noticed how farm dogs were attracted to chewing horse hoof trimmings. The group demonstrated just how popular their treats were by bringing along a dog and feeding her the treats as part of their presentation. The creators of Whoof won $200 cash and a place at the National Fieldays Innovations Hub.

Each year, the calibre of innovations improves, and we are grateful to have a panel of expert judges to find the top three inventions. This year’s Crocodile Pit judges were Carla Muller (Senior Consultant at Perrin Ag Consultants Ltd), Charlie Verstappen (Agribusiness Banker at Rabobank), Peter Welham (St Paul’s Business Manager), Elaine Cook (Director and Chair of People and Culture Committee at DairyNZ) and Julia Jones (Head of Analytics at NZX).


The Year 13 Agricultural and Horticultural Science classes bused to Te Puke to visit Zespri and a kiwifruit orchard and packhouse for a look at kiwifruit production processes and their management practices to produce world class kiwifruit. The Year 12 Agricultural and Horticultural Science students tried their hand at artificial insemination on their field trip to Livestock Improvement Corporation, before heading to Rawhiti Environmental Farm – formally Rawhiti Pork and then on to Halter. These agribusinesses provided the students with the opportunity to see how a genetics company operates, along with understanding the management practices for producing indoor pork, and blowing the students minds with virtual fencing and remote herd control. The Year 11 Agricultural and Horticultural Science classes discovered the wonders of world class themed gardens and plant propagation techniques at Hamilton Gardens and then indoor dairy goat production and livestock management practices at Gavin’s Goat Farm. Throughout the year, the Agricultural and Horticultural Science students have been working in the glasshouse, orchard or in their garden plots – pruning, grafting, weeding, tying, and carrying out the multitude of tasks that take to produce good, quality horticultural products.


The Year 12 Agribusiness class went out and visited Zealong Tea Estate located in Gordonton and Daltons located in Matamata. Students were taken through the process of growing and harvesting tea and even enjoyed a tea-tasting. Daltons provided the opportunity to understand the procurement and distribution of growing media. Both businesses showcased their production processes, how they maintain high-quality products in their businesses, and how they are affected by external future proofing factors.


All the Agribusiness classes carried out many practical activities such as making cheese, beer, wine, and biltong. Field trips and guest speakers rounded out the practical aspects of the course, which the students thoroughly enjoyed.




2021 has seen another year of challenges but the Social Sciences Faculty have continued to embrace the ever changing teaching and learning process with enthusiasm, positivity, adaptability and energy.

2021 has seen another year of challenges but the Social Sciences Faculty have continued to embrace the ever changing teaching and learning process with enthusiasm, positivity, adaptability and energy.

In the first half of the year our Accounting students were able to complete their factory tour through Gallaghers, learning about the key components of the job costing process. Our Business students were able to tour around the FMG stadium and learn from the head coach how the Chiefs continue to recruit players to their franchise to enhance their business success.

The Economics students chose to go local this year and complete a tour visiting the Ruakura Inland Port and Logistics Superhub which is under construction in South East Hamilton. All in aid of understanding how the Provincial Growth Fund has impacted on regional growth and is creating a sustainable environment for future generations.

All of these visits provide our students with first-hand experiences as to how businesses operate in an ever changing economic environment, allowing the many concepts taught in the classroom to be cemented firmly with the students.

Our junior enterprise programme also continues to impress with a wide variety of innovative and engaging products that bring out the true entrepreneurial traits of our Year 10s. From cutting boards, to survival whistles and survival bands, to deer antler hooks and gumboot racks, the choices for unsuspecting parents and relatives provided a real selection dilemma.

Sadly our Year 11 Geography trip to Auckland to examine volcanic fields in 2021 was cancelled with the disruption of Covid. However, we were lucky enough to go to Raglan with the Level 2 students and Rotorua with the Level 3 Geography students. Raglan was a beautiful sunny day, and we met with a range of local business

owners and council members about whether tourism in Raglan was sustainable in the long term. Students then had the opportunity to interview locals and tourists about their perceptions of Raglan and identify if it was a sustainable model.

Level 3 Geography students travelled to Rotorua with Mrs Cantlon and Mr Campbell to see first-hand the ongoing patterns of tourism within the wider region. We met with the council to examine how policy was implemented in practice across the sector. We then went to Te Puia to see how Covid-19 had impacted tourism through the lack of international tourists. Finally, we ended up at the luge where a couple of trips down meant students could see how this company was adapted to change.

Despite a few disruptions, with Year 11 and 13 research field trips to Auckland War Memorial Museum and City Library cancelled due to lockdown, History has enjoyed another successful year. Highlights have included welcoming Mr Taylor to the department. We also celebrated the building of the new Lander Centre. On the doorstep of our classrooms, this will provide a fantastic space for authentic historical research. Our annual field trip around significant historical sites in the Waikato War was another highlight. This year we had no disruptions, and were able to expand into a two day trip, allowing Year 12 students to more fully investigate our local past that has shaped us today.

Our trip started at the newly developed and refurbished Queen’s Redoubt site, and followed the path of war down the Waikato River. With stops along the way at Whangamarino Redoubt and Mercer, our first day ended with a poignant visit to Rangiriri, known as the ‘decisive’ and bloody battle of the invasion of the Waikato. We finished the first half of the trip paying tribute to those who had fallen and were laid to rest near the battle site.

Our second day took us further down south, with a stop at Alexandra Redoubt in Pirongia, before heading on to Te Awamutu for a tour around significant sites Rangiaowhia and, finally, Ooraakau. An emotionally challenging but rewarding two days, students reflected that what was most memorable was the value of seeing and hearing history from the voices and places of those closest to it.




Another disruptive year has caused some issues and put pressure on us to finish our practical projects. Students and teachers have spent many extra hours after school to get projects completed. Due to the restrictions we were working to, we could not spray paint projects and present them in our usual way. Students can be very pleased with what they have achieved this year and the mature approach they have taken under the circumstances.


TIHOI 2021

How to build resilience in our young people is a much talked about topic in recent times. The decline in our young peoples’ resilience has been blamed on numerous factors of our modern lifestyles - screen time, social media and a skewed safety culture where danger lurks around every corner in a variety of guises. These are just some of the factors that are not allowing our young men and women to switch off from the stress of it all...slowly chipping away at their ability to remain strong in face of adversity or be resilient.

Here at Tihoi we pride ourselves on building resilience. Phones and social media are not available to the students. The reduction of screen time and ample sleep time allows young men the scope to regulate their emotional responses. Relationships with peers and adults are face to face and work towards mutual understanding and respect. This means that standards are set and met, reducing the worry of an uncertain future. The boys are gradually educated and exposed to the real risks and dangers in the outdoors. Skill acquisition is scaffolded to develop the boys to begin to manage their own risks and safety. All the time this is under the watchful eye of staff that are not only highly qualified, skilled and passionate; but perhaps more importantly trusted and respected by the students. The boys are allowed to make mistakes, these are viewed as learning opportunities where the consequences are real and approached head on.

For 42 years Tihoi has been honing this method and continues to do so to this day, using the outdoors to teach those big lessons that our young people need to enjoy success in their lives.

“Me te taroa e tau ana i runga i te au” Manifesting resilience with the elegance of nature





Nationals 2020 (December)

Nationals in 2020 were held in Tauranga and we were lucky to have three days of fantastic weather. Some blustery winds made throwing and jumping a little difficult at times, but our athletes did a superb job overall. Highlights of the event were the Taylor twins, Josie and Alice both getting on the podium for high jump, with Josie taking the Gold and Alice getting Silver. The Robb brothers continued their sibling rivalry out on the javelin runway. Campbell left it to this last throw to overtake Toby, gaining the silver placing with Toby close behind getting the Bronze.

Standards 2021

The athletics standards were held on Monday, February 1st. The week preceding the event was hot and sunny, with high temperatures and standards day dawned much the same. Luckily the temperature wasn’t as high as it had been over the weekend, only getting up to 28° with the occasional breeze to make things more bearable.

Attendance this year was much better than in previous years and most houses had very few non-participants. The difference between the houses this year came down to the number of students that got C standards rather than A or B. Houses that had high numbers of students trying hard and making an effort to get an A or B standard were significantly higher in the final placings.

Final Standings

7th: School

6th: Hall

5th Hamilton

3rd = Williams, Clark

2nd Fitchett

1st Sargood

Athletics Champs 2021

As always, school champs took place at Porritt Stadium, with beautiful warm weather, some wind, and a host of exciting finishes.

It’s always a fantastic event with lots of students taking part, often in events they are not experienced in, but competing for house pride.

Overall Trophy Results

Field Trophies

Overall House Results

7th: Hamilton 6th: Williams 5th: Hall 4th: Clark Senior Boys Harrison Bond James Findlay Toby Robb Sitiveni Lose Points 36 29 25 25 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd Girls Jamie Eades Tori Clark Belinda Wright Points 32 31 28 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd Intermediate Boys Thomas Scanlon Lochie Mouat Will Mollard Ben Kalma Points 33 27 21 21 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd Junior Boys Quinn Hagan Riley Binnie Louie Short Points 31 27 24 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd Senior Boys Toby Robb Matthew Waddell Sitiveni Lose Lincoln Winter Points 25 19 18 18 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd Girls Kendyl Cowley Chloe Carr-Patterson Maia Kelly Points 25 18 13 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd Intermediate Boys Ben Kalma Joe Harcourt Thomas Scanlon Points 21 15 15 Placing 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd: Sargood 2nd: Fitchett 1st: School

Central Zones

March 10th was the perfect day for athletics - very little wind, overcast, so not too much sun, but warm so the track was fast.

We had about 60 athletes competing, and 36 made the top six in their event. This meant that they would be going to the next level of competition, the Waikato/Bay of Plenty champs on the 24th March in Tauranga.

A number of students were in the top three of their event, and we had seven 1st place results.

1st place:

Toby Robb Senior Shotput, Senior Javel in

James Findlay Senior 400m

Max Gurnick Junior Javel in

Thomas Scanlon Intermed iate 400m

Oliver Larcombe Senior 3000m

Reuben Lawrence Senior High Jump

2nd Place:

Tori Clarke Intermed iate 400m

Caitlin Fladgate Senior High Jump

Lochie Mouat Intermed iate, 100m Hurdles

Harrison Bond Senior 300m Hur dles

Senior 110m Hurdles

Jae Broomfield Senior 400m

Matthew Waddell Senior Discus

WaiBOP Champs

Wednesday 24th March 2021 dawned bright and sunny, without any wind to speak of….perfect conditions for athletics!

The team of 30 students left at 7am to head to Tauranga for the Waikato/Bay of Plenty athletic Championships. A lot of our athletes were juniors, in their first regional athletics meeting.

Performances at Central Zones were almost replicated at WaiBOP, with a few outstanding performances. Those who came in the top three were eligible for selection to represent Waikato and Bay of Plenty in the North Island champs taking place at the end of Term 1.

Toby Robb came 1st in the Senior Boys’ Javelin, with his season’s best throw. He followed this up with a second place in the Senior Boys’ Shotput.

Joshua Gullery took second place in the Senior Boys’ Triple Jump.

Thomas Scanlon overcame his nerves to take 1st place in the Intermediate Boys’ 400m.

North Island Secondary School Championships

We had 10 students representing St Paul’s in the Waikato-Bay of Plenty team for the North Island Secondary School Championships..This year the competition was held at Porritt Stadium, so we didn’t have to travel.

Unfortunately, Saturday was a very wet day, lots of rain which affected some events. The lack of wind was a positive though, and the temperature was still high, so despite getting very wet out in the arena, we didn’t get too cold.



Toby Robb came 1st in the Senior Boys Javelin and 6th in the Senior Boys Shotput


Reuben Lawrence came 3rd in the Senior Boys High Jump.

Thomas Scanlon came 3rd in the Intermediate Boys 400m.

2nd Place Winners

Caitlin Fladgate, Senior Girls High Jump

Max Gurnick 2nd Boys Junior Javelin

Ben Kalma 2nd Boys Intermediate Javelin

Harrison Bond 2nd Boys Senior 200m

Sitiveni Lose 2nd Boys Senior 110m Hurdles

Toby Finlayson 2nd Boys Senior 2000m Steeplechase

Joshua Gullery 2nd Senior Boys Triple Jump

3rd place Winners

Lachie Mouat 3rd Boys Intermediate 100m Hurdles

Reuben Lawrence 3rd Senior Boys High Jump, equalling his personal best of 1.80m

William Mollard came 4th in the Intermediate Boys 3000m, also gaining selection for the North Island team.

Performance of the day went to the Intermediate Boys relay team, who led from the start, only to be pipped at the post into second place.

(Lachie Mouat, Owen Obaseki, Fred Coxhead, Thomas Scanlon)


Max Gurnick came 4th in the Junior Boys Javelin Throw. Tori Clarke was 4th in the U16 Girls 300m Hurdles Also in the High Jump, Caitlin Fladgate jumped the same height as the third-place getter but just missed out on a podium finish on countback, finishing fourth.


Ben Kalma, Intermediate Javelin, placed 5th Sitivene Lose placed 5th in the Senior Boys 110m Hurdles. He was running well in 3rd place when he hit the final hurdle, which resulted in a loss of pace.

Minor Placings

Lochie Mouat finished 9th in the Intermediate Boys 100m Hurdles.

Josh Gullery came 12th in the Senior Boys Triple Jump.

A successful weekend overall, despite the inclement weather!





The school cross country for 2021 was once again held in the school grounds. The course was slightly different from last year, with an attempt made to increase the incline of the course a little. The weather was perfect for cross country, and we were lucky that the conditions were quite hard underfoot with not too much wind affecting the runners.

Individual results:


1.Belinda Wright

2.Jaimee Eades

3.Katie Brown

4. Eve Potter

5. Caitlyn Fladgate

Senior Boys

1.Oliver Larcombe

2. Toby Finlayson

3.Charles Sanft

4.Harrison Derry

5.Flynn Hutchinson

Intermediate Boys

1.Jeremiah Pereira

2.Liam Inman

3.Daniel Knox

4.Matthew d’Hotman deVilliers St Pol

5.Jack Thomas

Junior Boys

1.Benjamin Brown

2.Jay Benefield

3.Louie Short

4.Samuel Stokes

5.Benjamin Settle

The overall results are divided into two categories. The Kirby Cup is for the top 30 placegetters, who gain more points for their house.

The overall cup is for the house that gets the highest total. This year, the number of participants that didn’t run were fairly significant in one or two houses, which meant that the top houses were those that had the highest participation rate, as well as the best-placed runners overall.

Kirby Cup (top 30)

1st Sargood

2nd Clark

3rd Hamilton

4th School

5th Fitchett

6th Williams

7th Hall

Overall placings

1st Sargood

2nd Williams

3rd Fitchett

4th = Hamilton

4th= Hall

6th School

7th Clark


The top five placegetters were offered the opportunity to compete in the regional championships at KihiKihi domain.

Toby Finlayson was our top finisher, coming in at 9th place which earned him a place in the WaiBop team to compete at Nationals.

Other competitors were Jerry Periera, who finished 20th and Charles Sanft 22nd.

This gave our Senior Boys’ team third place in the overall 3-man team competition.

In the Year 9 Boys category, Jae Benefield placed 13th.

In theJunior Boys, Liam Inman placed 11th, Louie Short 20th and Benjamin Brown 23rd.

Belinda Wright placed 9th in the Senior Girls, again earning her a place in the WaiBOP team to compete at Nationals.

Nationals were held in Taranaki this year, and only Toby Finlayson travelled to be part of the WaiBOP team. He had a good race, finishing 80th out of 181 competitors.



This year, four St Paul’s inter-school teams were entered into the Waikato Badminton Secondary Schools Competition, one more than usual. This shows the growing depth and popularity of the sport.

Boys – Division 1

This team found it challenging this year. This was largely due to the departure of seasoned players, and the dominant HBHS teams. Nevertheless, the team had a mix of wins and losses during the season, and some individual performances of note.

Players: SeungBeom (Ben) Back (Captain), Gunt (Gabe) Pinvanichkul, Eason Lin, Pun Paramaputi, Wonjun (John) Song, Poen Hsieh and Jesse Chen.

Boys – Division 2

Our junior boys represented the school well and showed good promise for next year’s competition.

Players: Zi Xun (Stanley) Lin, Gurlabh Khakh, Jielin (Johnson) Yang, Oscar Walsdorf, Alex Lin, Xuanyi (Austen) Jin, Jackson Trust and Rayner Bonnington.

Girls – Division 1

This year was the first time St Paul’s have entered a team in this top division – making their first place in this division all the more remarkable. Congratulations! Ably led by Saniya Kansal (Captain), the team included Joanna Li, Leah Walsdorf, Ada Cho, and Isabella Hills.

Girls - Division 2

Our Division 2 Girls’ team was made up of primarily Year 11 girls. A tight knit group, the girls did extremely well to finish midway in their group in their first year of competition.

Congratulations go to Nuo Chen, Junlin (Jolin) Yang, Beth Clearwater, Yingrui (Gabriella) Zhou, Chase-Min (Catherine) Hwang, and Jessica Goldsmith.



2021 was a year of good progress for our 1st XI, both on and off the pitch. The 1st XI team performed strongly, winning their pool in the Gillette Cup Qualifier and playing HBHS in the final. This season reflects the strengthening and growth of our cricket at St Paul’s Collegiate.

Our other teams performed well in their respective divisions. The Development XI were runners-up in the Division 1 competition. The Colts XI won in their final against HBHS. Our 3rd XI was competitive, and the junior team battled away each weekend.


SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI vs. St John’s College match report:

Kuwyn Price and Cameron Bird worked hard to get the innings back on track which they did superbly. They counted by jumping on any length and applied pressure back onto their bowling unit by putting on a 117 run partnership. With the power of Kuwyn and the batting smarts of Maxwell, we managed to post a massive 277/6 on a slow-turning wicket while putting on a 88 run partnership.

SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI 276/6 50 overs - K Price 147*, C Bird 51, M Makeham 22*


SPC Colts XI vs. HBHS Colts Final match highlights:

We bowled in good areas while holding onto every chance. We managed to bowl well and restrict HBHS to only 146/8. HBHS Colts Black - 146/8 40.0 overs (M Makeham 3/15, W Hadley 2/22, B Settle 2/23)

In reply, Liam Fisher (31) and Tobias Shale produced a 61 opening run partnership. Jay Benefield (33*) and Max well Makeham (39) were good enough to get the boys across the line to win the match.

SPC Colts XI - 148/5 33.3 overs (M Makeham 39, J Benefield 33*, L Fisher 31, T Shale 28)

Boys involved this season (Thomas Yetsenga (C), Liam Fisher, Jay Benefield, Maxwell Makeham, Kalen Lake, Lucas Hale, Will Hadley, Jackson Norris, Tobias Shale, Samuel Hull, Ashley Lake, Benjamin Settle, Campbell Boyd, Riley Binnie, Tanay Mistry, Gilbert Brooker.

Colts XI - Award Winners

The Distinction Hotel Cup: Leadership/Service AwardThomas Yetsenga

The Robb’s Family Cup: Most Improved Player - Maxwell Makeham

The Sclater Cup: Most Valuable Player - Thomas Yetsenga

In reply, St John’s came out strong against the new ball. But we counted this by bowling ten overs of spin by Buster Harper (1/27), who showed absolute confidence at the crease. We managed to take regular wickets through the middle with Jae Broomfield (3/13), Toby Robb (3/28), and Thomas Yetsenga (2/15), knocking St John’s over for only 146.

St John’s College 146/10 33.5 overs - J Broomfield 3/13, T Robb 3/28, T Yetsenga 2/15

SPC 1st XI won by 130 runs

SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI vs. Aquinas College match report -

Kuwyn Price quickly got to work, scoring 64 off 45 balls before losing his wicket after another massive 125


The Boyle Cup: Leadership/Service Award - Lachlan Scott

The Waide’s Family Cup: Most Improved Player - Jack Sharp

The Shale Family Cup: Most Valuable Player - Laurence I’Anson

run partnership for the second wicket. Harry Trumm managed to pick up his maiden century for the school scoring an unbeaten 102 from 137 balls. With a great foundation set by Harry, we reached 307/7 from our 50 overs.

SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI - 307/7 50.0 overs (H Trumm 102, K Price 64, M Robinson 30, M Makeham 30*, N Mistry 21)

In reply, we managed to restrict the run chase once the shine went off the ball, with Buster Harper taking three wickets for 23 runs from his ten overs. Cameron Bird managed to pick up three wickets for 34 runs. With Aquinas College losing wickets in regular intervals, we were able to bowl them out for 128.

Aquinas College Boys 1st XI - 128/10 35.4 overs (B Harper 3/23, C Bird 3/34, M Makeham 2/13). SPC 1st XI - Won by 179 runs

SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI vs. Tauranga Boys’ College

We won the toss and elected to bat. Kuwyn Price (39) & Harry Trumm (20) worked hard to move the innings with a 47 run partnership. Sam Lints and Neelay Mistry fighting back with a 57 run partnership. However, Tauranga managed to take control with the ball, knocking us over for only 205/10 in the 47th over.

SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI - 205/10 47.1 overs (S Lints 82, K Price 39, H Trumm 20)

In reply, Tauranga toiled away to get things going, but we were able to put a stop to it by taking vital wickets at regular intervals with Jae Broomfield (4/32) and Thomas Yetsenga (3/16), the main strike bowlers. We ended up doing enough to take the win and move on to HBHS. Tauranga Boys’ College 1st XI - 154/10 40.4 overs (J Broomfield 4/32, T Yetsenga 3/16). SPC 1st XIWon by 51 runs

ND QUALIFIER - SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI vs. HBHS

1st XI match highlights:

HBHS started well, hitting challenging lengths. Our batters were able to get starts to their innings, but HBHS was able to prevent any traction by our batting unit. We managed to scratch to 147 in our 44 overs.

SPC Lodge Real Estate 1st XI - 146/10 44.2 overs (M Robinson 39, H Doull 20, T Robb 19)

In reply, HBHS was able to get stuck in once the ball began to soften. HBHS pushed through and got the win to move onto the big dance.

HBHS 1st XI - 152/4 32.0 overs (K Price 2/29, B Harper 2/29). HBHS 1st XI - Won by six wickets

1st XI - Award Winners

The Smithells Cup: 1st XI Fielding - Hunter Doull

The Headmaster’s Cup: 1st XI Best Bowling Average

- Buster Harper

The McKean Cup: 1st XI Best Batting AverageKuwyn Price

The Vettori Bat: Awarded for Loyalty - Hunter Singh

The Blackett Cup: Most Memorable Batting

Performance - Sam Lints

The Littlejohn/Johl Cup: Most Improved 1st XI Player

- Buster Harper

The Littlejohn Cup: Player of the Year - Kuwyn Price

The Contribution Presentation Bat: Outstanding contribution to St Paul’s Cricket - Mrs. Nicki Robb (& Wayne Robb)

Special Awards -

Jackson Norris Hat-trick vs. HBHS Colts Red

Cameron Bird 5/36 vs. St Peter’s Cambridge 2nd XI

Toby Robb 101 vs. Hauraki Plains 1st XI

Thomas Yetsenga 5/36 vs MAGS 1st XI

Kuwyn Price 147* vs. St John’s College 1st XI

Harry Trumm 102 vs. Aquinas College 1st XI

Junior Secondary: Maxwell Makehame (WV), Thomas Yetsenga (BOP), Michael Robinson (Northland)

Senior Secondary: Cameron Bird Hamilton

Kuwyn Price: NZ Maori SS, ND U19, Hamilton Senior Men’s, NZ U19 Squad

Year 13 Leavers: Jack Sharp, Laurence I’Anson, Neelay Mistry, Jae Broomfield, Toby Robb, Sam Lints, Lachlan Scott, Hunter Singh, & Kuwyn Price

1st XI Captain: Kuwyn Price

Development XI Captain: Lachlan Scott

Colts XI Captain: Thomas Yetsenga




The year started well with two junior riders, Thomas Purdie and Oliver Fleming taking part in club racing and regional club events. Both competed each week in the Hamilton City Cycling Club Summer series with Thomas placing 1st in the E grade and Oliver 2nd in the U15 competition.

This series was followed by the Hamilton City Cycling Club 2021 Open where they both raced in the U15 category, Thomas and Oliver coming 1st and 2nd respectively.

At the end of March, the two riders represented the HCCC at the Waikato/ B.O.P Centre Road Cycling Championships over a full weekend. They raced an individual time trial over 15km with Oliver placing 2nd and Thomas 3rd.

On the next day they competed in a 32km road race against others. Thomas placing 2nd and Oliver 3rd.

In winter the school racing season began but suffered from the shadow of COVID-19 again. With all events requiring regional travel, only the North Island Schools Road Championships went ahead in July. The juniors were joined by Isaac Reay for a road race on Saturday, with distances of 36km or 55km. On Sunday they competed in a criterium. Here, cyclists sprint around a course at the Mighty River Domain in Karapiro, weaving amongst each other at incredible speeds. All rode well and showed a lot of commitment.

Everyone will be looking forward to the schools racing next year, with the WBOP school’s road race at the end of May. The North Island Road Championships in Cambridge in July, a Northern Tour in Auckland in September and the Schools National Road Cycling Championships taking place in Palmerston North in October.



In 2021, the second year in which Lawn Bowls has been an option for students at St Paul’s, we had 21 students signed up over Terms 1 and 2. This was an increase of seven from last year, indicating a growing interest in the sport. Once a week, students would make the short trip down Heaphy Terrace to the Claudelands Bowls Club for an afternoon of friendly competition amongst themselves. Thanks to Marg Landon for her help in organising the facilities and transport as well as entering teams into the ‘Have a go’ events hosted by the club. Thanks also to Claudelands Bowls Club for allowing the students to use their top-class greens and top-of-the-line Aero bowls.

A particular highlight this year came with students Ana-Keira McClay and Erin Summerell joining the Waikato Secondary Schools’ team for a quadrangular tournament in Taranaki during the Term 2 holidays. These two girls only took lawn bowls up in 2020, and despite being matched against far more experienced bowlers, did themselves proud. Special thanks to Marg Landon and Mrs Chileshe, who also went as coach and manager respectively.



1st XI Football

Coach: Mr K Herbert

Manager: Mr A Robson

Captains: Laurence I’Anson / Joel Marsh

The 2021 season, like the season before it, was cut short because of the global pandemic. Simply taking the field and playing football has to feature as a highlight. Coach Kale Herbert put together a talented but extremely young squad. In all, nine Year 10s and one Year 9 student represented the 1st XI this season. The future of St Paul’s football is an exciting proposition considering the level of talent residing through the junior school. Coach Herbert’s job was to find a game plan that allowed this group of young but skillful players to remain competitive against older and physically demanding opposition.

Seniors like Lawrence I’Anson, Reuben Laurence, Joseph Grigg, Didi Lawson and Guy Ludbrook, all in their final year, had to step up and be dominant figures, on and off the field. And that they did, showing real grit and determination and setting a wonderful example for the younger players to aspire to. Similarly, Year 12s Joel Marsh, Fergus Williams, Edward Ludbrook and Reuben Crum were instrumental figures within the team. Joel took on the capatancy after Lawrence suffered a long term injury, and did an admirable job, leading both through his actions and his calm, measured words.

Reviewing all games played - friendlies, league and cup - the team finished with an 8 win 3 draw 7 loss record. A highlight includes a seven week run holding the Challenge Shield, which started with a 4-0 win over St Peter’s and a 1-1 draw with the table topping St John’s.

Overall, the season finished on a neutral note. There were moments when the team clicked and the fluidity and accuracy of play was on par with the best in the country. However, careless errors, in part due to inexperience, cost us in key moments. The team was good enough to win the competition, so a sixth placing leaves many frustrated about missed opportunities. That said, the young average age of the team means there are some exciting times to come.

Recognising the Year 13s who have played their final game for the 1st XI (years in the 1st XI are indicated):

Guy Ludbrook (2021) - 16 games. A dominant presence in defence, strong, physical on the ball, competitive with a big work rate. A fantastic team man.

Joseph Grigg (2021) - 16 games. One of the biggest improvers this year, a utility player, his skill set allowed him to adapt easily and offer real value in defence and attack. An extraordinarily high work rate, no one in the team worked harder. Finished the season as a guaranteed starter and arguably one of the most consistent performers.

Reuben Lawrence (2019-2021) - 50 games, 3 goals. A tenacious scrapper playing in defence, his explosive speed made him a dominant figure against any opposition. He had a dogmatic attitude and his ability to force a mistake from his opponent made him one of the best on the field.

Didier Lawson (2019-2021) - 50 games. This year he became a crucial figure in the starting eleven. Either in the midfield or when defending, he was the defensive rock that held the team’s pattern and shape together. His work rate, strength in defence, and ability to knock a long accurate pass were crucial to the success of the team.

Laurence I’Anson (2018-2021) - 60 games. While injury curtailed the number of appearances this season, he remained the team’s leader. The rock at the back, as goalie he was the eyes, ears and voice that everyone looked to for guidance and direction. Four seasons in the 1st XI is an outstanding effort.


Top Goal Scorer: Fergus Williams and Matthew d’Hotman de Villiers St Pol (8)

Most Promising Player: Tom Yetsenga

Most Improved Player: Joseph Grigg

Most Valuable Player: Joel Marsh

Players’ Caps: Laurence I’Anson (2020), Reuben Laurence, Didi Lawson, Fergus Williams

Special thanks to departing coach Kale Herbert. In his two seasons as Head of Football, he has had a profoundly positive impact. He held the utmost respect from players and staff due to his understanding of the game, match tactics and calm, measured, empathetic approach.


Coaches: Mr K Hogg and Mr P Cakebread

Captain: Alfie Goldfinch

Vice-Captain: Kiel Kleuskens

We were placed into Division 6 of the WSSFA senior boys’ league of this Covid-19 afflicted season. Unfortunately, we had to forgo our final three matches as the rearranged schedule conflicted with our academic Benchmark Examinations.

Combining pace with skill we managed a total of 33 goals from our 7 games. These were a good mixture of headers, tap-ins, goalmouth scrambles and 20-yard screamers. Top scorer and one of our most valuable players, Hunter Doull, averaged around two goals per game and was a constant source of menace for the opposition. Special mention of Cole Brennan, a novice to the game, whose powerful running at left wing caused defenders a real headache. Our midfield was kept in order by the marauding Matthew Reusch and the adaptable Cory Goodwin. Cory was rewarded for all his hard work with a goal in our final match of the season, which he celebrated by “shushing” the overly excited crowd of seven people. ViceCaptain Kiel Klueskens and Nick Evison provided other important midfield work, closing down opposition and holding our structure. Kiel chipped in with a surprise hat-trick mid-season, much to the delight of his team mates. In the centre of defence were the industrious James Kolver and Seetharam Jandhyala. Cory Gao, on the right side of defence, had the benefit of frequent support from his father, which allowed for regular instructions to be shouted at him. Rohit Rajan made the left back spot his own with many masterful displays. Special mention of Jack Thomas, who played in almost every position this season.

Our goalkeeper, Jack Tournier, built upon his exploits last year and again served as a confident and vocal performer. He held command of his penalty area with swagger, and improved in his organisation of our defensive players. His lightning reflexes produce some pretty spectacular saves. Mr Hogg and I fully enjoyed coaching the Senior Gold team this season.


Most Improved Player: Hunter Doull

Most Valuable Player: Jack Tournier


Coach: Mr B Rea

Manager: Mr B Summerfield

Captain: Alession Lane

Vice-Captain: Neelay Mistry

When commenting on football, celebrated Italian footballer and now manager Antonio Conte claimed that when “the technique doesn’t arrive at the best level, arrive with your heart, with head, with enthusiasm, with passion, with work” suggesting that the correct attitude and demeanour is instrumental to the success of a team. Taking Conte’s sentiments into consideration, it is no stretch of the imagination that his words have most certainly epitomised the 2021 season for the St Paul’s Development XI team. However, rather than an absence of talent — an aspect of the beautiful game that the squad had in abundance — it was the unpredictability of the season that seemed to play havoc with the continuity of performance. The season began with several grading games that saw the development squad pitched against teams who were similar in talent, resulting in the lads posting some reasonable results and then consequently being placed in the challenging Waikato 2 division. The team embraced a steady start, but with the inevitable Tihoi split — and then a truncated and fragmented season due to COVID-19 restrictions — continuity and success was just out of our reach for the team.

Being placed in Senior Division 2 meant that we were challenged by other schools’ first teams. Coaches were impressed with the pool of talent on offer and the maturity of the squad, despite the obvious obstacle of its young age. Running a large squad across both the


Coaches: Dr M Simmons and Mr F Wilson

Captain: Sam Forward

Vice-Captain: Finn Rayner

The boys all trained and played hard against a variety of teams from the Waikato. It was great to see the support from parents and family members on the sidelines each week when Covid-19 permitted!

During the season there were some superb performances and what made it a memorable season was a squad where every member had an unfailingly positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and the respect we showed our opposition and indeed each other. Our team captain, Sam Forward, and vice-captain, Finn Rayner, exemplified the spirit of the team with superb performances week in and week out.

Development XI and 1st XI teams meant that there were players who were always pushing for higher honours and who were consistently on the fringes of the 1st XI. Players of note included Riley Binnie, Lucas Hale, Tom Yetsenga, Alessio Lane, Max Gurnick and Jae Benefield. These boys certainly embody a maturity beyond their years. Other players of note were Tri Phan, a tenacious player who, despite being pitched against bigger and stronger players, seemed to get the best of them. Nikau Veitch and Christiano Sarich are two players who constantly put their bodies on the line, epitomising what it means to be a team player.

With such a young squad of predominantly Year 9 and Year 10 boys, it was crucially important that the few senior players we did have were able to offer their expertise when needed. To that end, the ‘anchoring’ presence of senior players Jakob Williamson, Robbie Crawford and Neelay Mistry provided both stability and a calm presence and they are to be thanked for their contribution.

As always, the presence and support of parents were very much appreciated. Special mention must be made of James Gurnick, an experienced referee, who was able to officiate the majority of our games. Finally, although the season did not pan out the way we had hoped, the boys can certainly hold their heads high and confidently claim that from the minute they set foot on the pitch to the moment they stepped off it, they played with heart, enthusiasm and passion!


Most Improved Player: Lucas Hale

Most Valuable Player: Tri Phan

This year we had another wonderful season. We had a lot of fun, improved our football, and secured some impressive results.


Most Improved Player: Isaac Luxton

Most Valuable Player: Sam Forward

Footballers of the Year

Matthew d’Hotman de Villiers St Pol

Ashley Vincent



Coach: Mr B Rea and Owen Comber

Manager: Mr B de Beer

Captains: Jay Benefield and Sam Fletcher

Colts A got off to a strong start, a lot of credit for which went to the Year 10 boys who showed their experience and tenacity. George O’Callaghan, Christian Churton and Jim Lim showed their fight early on and played across many positions. Their physicality was an excellent example for the Year 9s to follow. Similarly, Oliver Hooper and Jake Dewar set a great benchmark for being agile and hardworking at the front of the paddock.

After the first three games, Colts A were in a strong position, qualifying for the second division and the third round of the knockout cup. This was also due to the fantastic connection moving the ball from defence to attack. Jay Benefield was an unstoppable force utilising his fitness and foresight in implementing attacking football. David Chen and Daniel Dawbin got stuck into all facets of the game midfield, Roy Zhu played positive football and directed the structure, while Arthur Keidann was an imposing force who kept getting better.

Bailey Mackwood was the dominant left-footer, and Max Bates classically worked the channels in attack. After recovering from breaking his arm in trials, James Nguyen showed the same character with his blistering speed. Jarrod Visser was also a threat up front, with some of the best technical work in the team.

Midway through the season came a destabilising factor as the Year 10s changed due to the Tihoi intake. The momentum needed to be restored, and the ability to keep heads up and contest the next challenge were essential. This came from the defenders. Sam Fletcher and Jack Kingston showed their leadership and decisive influence. Jack Walsh and Tian Subsompon were versatile and tenacious in their efforts. Jacob Xu and Joshua Toon also bolstered the attacking half, who upped the tempo with their pace. The turnaround with the new dynamic was observed in the game against Hamilton Boys’ 9B. They were several places above us, yet Colts A held the lead until a last minute draw.

The foundation of the team was based on the Year 9s. Eddie Bell was a revelation, moving from the midfield to centre back. He was confident on the ball and still kept his playmaking role. Matt Taylor grew physically and also mentally, fearlessly contesting for the ball against bigger players than him. Lastly, goalkeeper Fletcher Sefton was impressive, taking on the best the opposition threw at him while keeping a cool head.


Most Improved Player: Matthew Taylor

Most Valuable Player: Eddie Bell

GIRLS’ 1st XI Football

Coach: Mr K Stewart

Manager: Mrs N Schollum

Captain(s): Kacy Monkley and Kate Overdervest

This year the girls improved throughout the season, winning their final three games. It was a tough season but the girls continued to put their best foot forward and never gave up.

Caps were awarded to Lolkje de Boer and Kacy Monkley. Lolkje has played in the Girls’ 1st XI since Year 11. She is comfortable in either the defence or midfield and is defined by her hard work rate and the shift she puts in when on the field. Lolkje set high standards at training which was a great example for the newer members of the team. She was always reliable, and a great asset to the team. Kacy has also played in the team since Year 11. She is a centre defender. Kacy is adept at reading the game and stifling opposition attacks. Her communication and leadership were key reasons for the success of the team. Thanks to Keegan Stewart for coaching the girls this year: he has been crucial in their ongoing improvement. Thank you to the senior girls who led the team by example: you will be missed, but I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavours. The rest of us will hold down the fort in 2022!


Players’ Player: Lolkje de Boer

Most Valuable Player: Harriet Pearson

Players Caps: Lolkje de Boer and Kacy Monkley



1st XI Boys’ Hockey

Hockey and Football Pavilion Opening

It was with much excitement that that new pavilion was opened in March, just in time for the hockey season. Two games of ‘friendly’ hockey was played against the Boys 1st XI team, with a score of 2-1 to the under 25 Collegian team and 3-1 to the over 25 Collegian team.

NZ Black Stick Women

The St Paul’s Collegiate School Boys 1st XI hockey team started the season with playing the New Zealand Black Stick Women in an ANZAC day preseason tournament, allowing the women to gain some tournament time before they headed off for the 2021 Olympics in Japan. Due to Covid-19, they are unable to travel overseas, so they played some of the best secondary school boy’s hockey teams. This was our team’s first game of the season, so we were under no illusion that the boys were going to have to work hard. The women had been playing all week, so they were like a well-oiled machine. The boys started well and adjusted immediately to the women’s rolling substitutes (every 3 minutes) and the taking of quick free hits, ensuring no down time.

However, it was all on, and ended up being a fiercely fought game. The women were the first to score. The boys gave it their all, ran hard, and were rewarded by putting a goal into the net, by Sam Lints to even the score. The women fought back and there was some brilliant defending from our backs and the goalkeeper with some great runs from the midfield. The women got another two goals, but Flynn Hutchison and Sam Lints evened the score with a goal each. All in all, this was a great game to watch, and the boys came away with a well-deserved 3-3 draw. It was a good run out for a new team, a great chance to see what talent we have, to try out some new combinations and game plans. The team would like to thank the Black Sticks women for the game and to all the organisers for providing this brilliant opportunity for the boys.

2021 saw St Paul’s hosting the ANZAC tournament. We had a tough schedule playing 5 games over three days against some of the best secondary school teams in the North Island. Our boys played well and came away with 4 wins against St Kentigern College 4-2, New Plymouth Boys, 5-3, Hastings Boys 6-0 and Wellington College 2-0 and a loss to Palmerston North Boys 1-2.

ANZAC Tournament

Forster Shield

Every Wednesday, the team played in the Forster Shield against other Waikato secondary schools, where they only lost one game to our nemesis, Hamilton Boys’ High School, in pool play 3-1. Unfortunately, this game was also for the Matt Allen Trophy. However, on finals night the boys enjoyed a night of celebration with a rare, but well deserved over their local rivals. The match started with an electric tempo as both sides were buoyed by the biggest crowd the Gallagher Hockey Centre had seen that season. St Paul’s did not have to wait long for their first decent chance of the night. A strong break from Javahn Jones resulted in a penalty corner. The corner was executed to perfection and the competition’s top goal scorer, Flynn Hutchinson, opened the scoring in the fourth minute for St Paul’s with a well-directed drag flick. Hamilton Boys’ were quick to respond, mounting a flurry of attacks. Several penalty corners were earned by Boys’ High, but quality defensive running from Campbell Colquhoun and stoic goalkeeping from Matt Ruetsch, kept St Paul’s goal intact. The game began to open up in the second half with both teams trading

attacking opportunities. Hamilton Boys’ were awarded a penalty corner early on. Again, Ruetsch was up to the task, making a good block to maintain St Paul’s advantage. After a lightning-quick attacking run from Sam Lints, St Paul’s were awarded a corner but failed to execute. Hamilton Boys’ continued to probe but were unable to find their way through a very resolute and concentrated defensive unit. With time running down on the clock, Hamilton Boys’ threw everything but the kitchen sink at St Paul’s, withdrawing their goalkeeper to play with an extra field player. With seconds to go, the opposition earned one last opportunity with a penalty corner. The tension in the ground was palpable as the St Paul’s penalty corner defensive unit once again prepared to shut Hamilton Boys’ out. Harrison Bond’s excellent block propelled the ball dangerously, resulting in another corner being awarded. The final play of the match saw Hamilton Boys’ attempt a variation that was well-read by Cameron Hopping. After a strong block tackle and clearance over the side-line, Hopping was swamped by his teammates, his final act sealing St Paul’s first local championship since 2018. Congratulations to the team and staff!

Worner Shield

St Paul’s once again hosted the Worner Shield tournament over three days, where the team had one loss to Christchurch Boys (1-6), one draw to Westlake Boys (2-2) and three wins against St Andrews (1-0), Whangarei Boys (5-0) and Christ’s College (2-0). A good tussle between all these teams and the boys played well, improving with every game. This competition was well underway, and the team was playing well winning all their games (Cambridge 10-1, Bethleham 5-0, Otumoetai 9-0 and Raumata 7-1) when

lock down occurred cancelling any further games. The team only had two other teams to play Tauranga Boys and Hamilton Boys’, before they went to Rankin.

Rankin Cup

Unfortunately, Rankin Cup, the top secondary school boy’s hockey tournament, was cancelled for the second year in a row. Disappointing for the senior boys who had been working towards it for the last few years.

Midlands Intercity Secondary Schools Competition


The following boys all received their cap this year for playing 50 games for the St Paul’s Collegiate School Boys 1st XI team – Benjamin Allen, Campbell Colquhoun, Cameron Hopping and Thomas Scanlon.


Girls’ 1st XI Hockey

The girls’ season got underway with the ANZAC tournament, hosted by St Paul’s over the long weekend break. The girls played 4 games over the two days of the tournament. This was a good time to test some of our players, structures and combinations before the season got underway. The girls played well in their pool, and came away with some good wins and a few things to work on for the season to come.

Glimer Cup (Waikato Secondary Schools) - Our pool for the Glimer Cup included Cambridge High School, Hillcrest High School and Sacred Heart. We came away from the pool play with some good wins under our belt, and met St Peter’s in the semi final. Unfortunately we didn’t win that match, although we fought hard right to the end.

MISS - The second half of the season comprises the Mid-Island Secondary Schools, where we play the top teams from the Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. We played some very good hockey, particularly against Tauranga champions Otumoetai, coming away with a good win and then avenging our loss to St Peter’s beating them in the MISS quarter final. The semi finals (and subsequently the rest of the season) were unable to be played due to COVID.

Federation Cup - Two years ago, the current Year 13s and their predecessors gained entry to the top flight tournament for girls’ hockey, the Federation Cup. In 2020 this was cancelled due to COVID, and we had high hopes for our team to perform well this year. We had built some successful combinations and our players were fit and ready for action. We kept our spirits (and fitness) up over the lockdown and the holidays, only to have the tournament cancelled again because of the pandemic. This was hugely disappointing, particularly for the Year 13 players, many of whom were looking forward to their first foray into Federation Cup for some time.

Representative hockey - Jessica Scatchard, Jamiee Eades, Jessica Carey and Evie Potter all represented Waikato at Under 18 level.

Jaimee Eades was also selected in the New Zealand U18 team and New Zealand U21 Team.

Alice Buckley represented the Waikato U16 team.

Caps - (for playing 50 matches for the team) were awarded this year to Jessica Scatchard, Maddy Buckley and Marcia Graafhuis. More would have been awarded had we been able to complete the season and go to tournament.

Girls’ 2nd XI Hockey

Coach: Mr N Muirhead

Manager: Mrs K Lilley

Squad: Laine Abrahams, Edyn Aitken, Poppy Collins, Leah Fankhauser, Zoe Hanna, Tayla Hansen, Georgia Harnett, Trixie Hulme, Bailey Inman, Maia Kelly, Kyla Kerr-Rushbrooke, Katie McLeod, Frankie Muir, Georgia Pemberton, Alana Sayer, Georgia Snelgrove, Hannah Swan, Tabitha Taylor, Stella Thompson, Maggie Walch (captain).

One of the challenges each season (and ultimately one of the highlights when we look back on progress) is the number of players new to the game of hockey. 2021 was another of these. I would like to commend our ‘newbies’ and thank the more experienced players for the enthusiasm and support that each of you put into the success that was achieved this season. The number of girls committed to the 2nd XI created a real depth to the squad, but also meant that players had to be rotated to give everyone relatively equal opportunities. Again, my thanks for the way in which you embraced the season. Although results aren’t all that matter in a sporting season, I have to commend our girls on the outcomes they achieved this year. We learnt from our mistakes and the players’ intent could never be questioned. The build-up to the end of the season was particularly impressive. Our ‘final’ was probably the cross-pool playoff, where we took on Hillcrest 2nd XI who were top of the other pool. The satisfaction evident in our players when they left the field, with a job ‘well done’, made us very proud. The draw in the last game (the semi-final against Sonninghill) was another great effort! These final two games epitomised what our Girls’ 2nd XI has become. I thank our girls for the enjoyment that they in turn give back to Mrs Lilley and myself in our involvement with them each season!

I would also like to thank our supporters throughout the season - I hope you enjoyed the team’s efforts as much as we did! Our congratulations to all the girls on a fabulous hockey season. The squad developed over the term as a group of individuals, but more importantly as a team who really played for one another. We wish especially those girls leaving St Paul’s all the very best for their future endeavours, and thank them for their commitment to St Paul’s hockey.

Boys’ Development Hockey

This was certainly a tale of two halves for the Development Hockey team. As with many St Paul’s teams, the Development team found themselves facing off against many 1st XI teams from other schools. Despite this, the young men held themselves high in each game and showed improvement each training session and game.

The first half of the season saw the team beginning to gel and learn new tactics and strategies. As well as of course, developing their expertise in potentially foreign positions. Many of the young and upcoming talent in Year 9 held their own and those Year 10s who headed to Tihoi showed real promise and will no doubt be knocking on the door of the 1st XI in 2022. Games were tough and physical. Fortunately our senior boys ensured this was not to be seen as a disadvantage and they often outplayed the opposition through heart and pride.

The second half of the season saw the return of quite a number of Year 10 students from Tihoi and a further development of game play ensured those teams who had proved very challenging were somewhat dispossessed of their initial superiority. This is purely down to the heart and improved skill level of each and every player. Oliver Storey and Ben Spring ably led the team throughout the season. They both displayed excellent leadership skills, often leading from the front. Thanks to Brad Coxon particularly for his first half of the season coaching. His pedigree as a player and coach was sorely missed in the second half of the season.

Like all teams, it was a shame not to complete the season. However, the boys can hold their heads up high with a top of the table finish and the top goal scorer in Lachlan Scott.

Boys’ 4th XI Hockey

This group of lads from senior boarding, predominantly Williams House, but with a number of brave Clark and Sargood ring-ins, had a fun season of hockey playing in the Waikato Boys’ C Grade. Whilst not always on the winning side of the ledger, 5 of 11 games were won. The boys enjoyed their camaraderie and the opportunity to play hockey with their mates. The team was ably coached by 1stXI team members Sam Lints and Flynn Hutchinson, who were always encouraging on the sidelines and even managed to impart some key hockey skills to the boys over the season. The squad comprised cocaptains George Oliver and Sam Pepper, top goal scorer Drake Walther, entertaining goalie Sam SmithSoppet, big hitter Hunter Singh, solid defenders Jack Seath, Ned Seath, Josh Teague-Dolan, and Malachi Flintoff, all over mid-fielders/forwards Buster Harper, Tom Haycock, Nick Healy, Hamish Saunders, and Sam Ward, and sometime players Neitana Trueman and Jackson Lalich.

Junior A Hockey XI

Enthusiastic, committed, determined: the Junior A hockey boys gave it their all, making notable improvements as the season progressed. Playing in a tough division, early fixtures saw us competing against 2nd XI teams who were much bigger and more skillful than us, but we never gave up and played our best until the final whistle. This attitude of determination and never-say-die is what best encapsulated the SPC Junior A hockey team: we were always competitive and keen to play well.

XI Hockey

Looking back on the season, the 3rd XI hockey boys can be proud of the progress they made. It was a difficult season: being promoted to the B Division by Waikato Hockey was not ideal. We had some heavy defeats, although a number of games were lost in the final 10 minutes. Each week the team came with an upbeat attitude and a willingness to improve. As the season progressed the hockey skills and fitness improved, which allowed us to perform better as a team. Having to play teams with more hockey experience built character and strengthened the team for the next season. Thanks to Mr Churchill for the training sessions, Cam Maclean for coaching on game day, and Silvan Pislor for his umpiring expertise.

Despite a few losses in the first half of the season, the coaching of Mr Daniel Scanlon turned the boys into a team capable of beating the same opposition in the second half of the competition. Gutsy performances, and the return of a few key players from Tihoi, meant that we were able to secure wins and edge out teams that had previously had the upper hand; we started to play some really good hockey and score some impressive goals.

Overall, thanks to the expert coaching, each player would have undoubtedly walked away from the season with some invaluable learnings that they can carry with them into the future. I look forward to observing how the players from the 2021 Junior A team continue to grow and enrich the hockey teams at St Paul’s, and wish them the best of luck for their playing futures. It was an absolute pleasure managing them throughout the year.




Filled with lots of energy and enthusiasm, Girls’ Fitness 2021 began in Term 1 allowing many girls to start prepping their fitness for their upcoming winter sports that were to commence in Terms 2 & 3. Girls’ Fitness provided us all, from Year 11 to Year 13, with a social and enjoyable fitness experience every Tuesday and Thursday. With the large numbers joining this year, we made use of the old gym or even trained outside if the weather permitted.



What a year 2021 has been!

With a delayed start to the Lacrosse season due to Covid-19, the St Paul’s Girls’ Lacrosse began with a one day grading tournament at Morrinsville. Held on Elizabeth Ave, our St Paul’s Girls lacrosse queens began the day with two swift successive wins and despite the day being wet and cold, the girls also convincingly won their third game of the day. With the whopping number of goals scored at this opening tournament, the girls were launched into the Premier League for the 2021 season, having been in the A Division for the previous three years.

The following eight weeks saw the tenacity and teamwork of the SPC Girls Lacrosse team truly tested. From the battle on field against experienced and skilled teams, to the difficulties off-field involving referees who forbade both spectators from watching from the carpark and the removal of mouthguards (due to hygiene concerns), our girls journeyed together through it all.

Although the St Paul’s Girls’ did not place this year in the Premier League they certainly are the champions of the greater challenge, that of conquering the temptation to give into disappointment by returning week in and week out with a positive attitude and the readiness to support your teammates to the best of your abilities. The 2021 St Paul’s Girls’ Lacrosse team can be incredibly proud of the way that they conducted themselves each week, representing the school with pride, and playing their hearts out.

As a group of motivated girls, we were led by Mrs Lock and a few seniors through various fitness activities such as circuits, rotations and even yoga! This targeted different muscle groups across the body, which was beneficial for many aspects of our health and wellbeing. The training often left the girls puffed and tired, but it was a great way for many to push themselves whilst being active and having fun with friends. Individual physical improvements were made which meant everyone Thanks must go to Sammy Quintal, our incredibly patient and committed coach who never stopped believing in our St Paul’s Girls’ Lacrosse team, fully supporting and backing these girls into the Premier Division. Sammy has continued to support the girls, including new players throughout the season in developing their lacrosse skills and gameplay, and has continued to encourage them to challenge themselves.

Also a big thank you must go to the parents of the girls who weekend after weekend stand and support their lacrosse player, although from a distance this year. Special mention goes to Mr and Mrs Hunt for their generous donation of Trophies for the St Paul’s Girls’ Lacrosse team. Most Valuable player was awarded to Amelia Hunt and most Improved player to Jasmine Lovell for the 2021 season.

was ready for their winter sports so they could be on top of their game.

Overall, Girls’ Fitness has been a great success thanks to Mrs Lock’s energetic teaching with numerous girls commenting on how challenging yet rewarding the sport really was. A big thank you to Mrs. Lock for organizing and supporting this activity for the girls xx




1st Place: Multi-Sport Event (Motu Challenge)

1st Place: NZSS National Triathlon Championships U19

1st Place: NZSS National Triathlon Championships U19

Mixed Relay

Selected for NZ Elite Junior U19 Team to compete in Bermuda - COVID Affected


NZ Maori SS Cricket Team - Vice-Captain

NZ U19 Cricket Squad

Northern Districts U19 Cricket Team

Hamilton Senior Men’s Cricket Team

Nominated Peoples Choice Sports Person for 2020 at the Waikato Sports Active Recreation Awards


Selected for NZ Junior Rowing Team


NZ Harlequins Rugby Team

Chiefs U18 Rugby Camp

NZ Secondary School Rugby Team


NZ Surf Lifesaving Champion of Champions Team

Champion of the Bays Competition - Various 1st placings in different categories

Eastern Regional Champs - Various 1st placings in different categories

NZ Surf Nationals


NZ Open 50 metre freestyle champion

NZSS Swimming Champs - 8 Gold & 2 Silver Medals

4 NZ Age Group Records - 4 Waikato Open Records.

Qualified for 2021 World Junior Champs in Russia (COVID Affected)

Selected and attending the 2021 World Senior Short Course Champs in Abu Dhabi.

Part of the St Paul’s Swim Team Ranked 5th for NZ Co-Ed Schools


Waikato U18 Touch Rugby Team - Competed NZ Junior National Tournament

Selected for the NZ U18 Touch Rugby National Team to play in Australia 2021 (COVID Affected)

Selected for the NZ U20 Touch Rugby National Team to play in Australia 2022


TeUrangao Te Ra Waka Ama Regionals - 1st place; Ranked top

U19 Paddler in Region for 250m & 500m Individual events

TeWananga o Aotearoa National Sprint Champs - 3rd J19 250m Individual Men’s Dash; 2nd W6 500m Premier Men’s


NZ U18 Mens’ Hockey Squad


NZ U18 Womens’ Hockey Squad


NZ U18 Mens’ Hockey Squad

Laura Littlejohn Swimming Matthew Waddell Rowing Anaru Paenga-Morgan Waka Ama Kuwyn Price Cricket Jaeden Williams-Wilson Touch Rugby Flynn Hutchinson Hockey Harrison Bond Surf Life Saving Sam Lints Hockey Jaimee Eades Hockey Malachi Wrampling-Alec Rugby Oliver Larcombe Triathlon



The beginning of the premier team’s netball season consisted of a three-day tournament hosted by St Paul’s in which teams from around the country competed. This tournament provided a great opportunity for the girls to forge relationships on and off court, and played a key role in preparing us for the upcoming season. Following this, we had an extremely important relegation game against Morrisville to make it into the Thursday night premier competition. This game was crucial so that we could have a higher standard of netball and tougher competition. Playing with confidence, the team secured the win.

The Thursday night competition brought many challenges and learnings to the girls as we were playing against top club and school teams, some of which had Beco and ANZ Premier League players. Despite facing consecutive losses, we managed to grow and climb our way back towards the end of the season.

Along with the Thursday night competition, we also competed in a secondary schools’ Monday night competition. This league was extremely important for our preparation for UNISS (Tournament Week). By the end of it our team was playing at its peak and well-primed for a strong campaign at UNISS.

The announcement that Tournament Week was cancelled due to Covid brought huge disappointment, especially to the seven Year 13s who comprised the majority of the team and who were looking forward to playing their final UNISS. Despite the abrupt and underwhelming finish to the season, the team is thankful that we actually had a season at all and could bond and make memories.

Carr Paterson (captain)


Premier Reserves had a great season overall, even though it was cut short due to Covid. At the start of the year, the girls were eager to get out onto the court but some hard yards had to be put in before that happened. With two training sessions a week we had the opportunity to bond together as a team and learn everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. We were involved in two competitions: Monday night league and Saturday secondary senior. Our goal was to do well in the Saturday games and win the grade we were in (Premier Reserves A Grade). We managed to make it into the top four when netball was cancelled and are proud of our achievements.

Training sessions contributed to the growth of each

player and to our team’s connections. Everyone was dedicated, and passionate about netball, which is a huge positive to take from the season. We were fortunate to have had Jan as our coach: she taught us many skills and how to court play with a driving passion. No matter what, Jan always had a smile on her face, and we are grateful for how much work she put into us. We would also like to thank Mrs Stewart for managing us this year. It has been most enjoyable and we have made a lot of fond memories with her. The Year 13s wish the Year 11s and 12s all the best for the future seasons ahead, and we will no doubt be supporting you on the sideline.

St Paul’s Collegiate Gold girls had a season filled with many ups and downs, however, we persevered, discussed and worked through these challenges. We have all grown throughout the season as a team and couldn’t have done it without Dana and Mrs Watson. We received support from them both, whether it was car rides to games for the boarding girls, broncos at training or lollies on the sideline. So a big thank you to all the girls and our coach and manager for the commitment, time and support shown throughout the 2021 netball season.

Neisha Cooper (captain) Roimata Callaghan-Bristowe (captain) Georgia Rose Wightman (vice-captain) ST PAUL’S NETBALL GOLD


Even with its ups and downs, 2021 was indeed a fantastic and busy year for St Paul’s climbing. As it has in its Olympic debut, climbing proved very popular at school, with more than sixty students choosing to enjoy the challenges this unique sport has to offer. This popularity ensured the walls of Hamilton’s Extreme Edge remain a hive of activity every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon during term time. SPC’s notable growth in climbing this year has been the number of students choosing to challenge themselves through the discipline of lead climbing. 2021 boasts twelve regular lead climbers, a number that equals the last six years combined.

As the dust settles and an unusual year closes, it has laid a foundation for what should be an exciting 2022. These new skill sets and levels of enthusiasm can only soar us to new heights.




The season got off to a great start, with lots of positive energy, enthusiasm and commitment as we ventured off to Snow Planet in Auckland for two pre-season training events.

With over 15 students, both junior and senior, registered to race for the school this year we were very much looking forward to the Waikato Secondary Schools’ skiing competition and the North Island Secondary Schools’ skiing competition in August and September respectively.

After three weekends of fast and furious racing and training on the mountain, the first lockdown of the year hit and all racing was either cancelled or postponed. This was a bit of a blow to us after not racing at all last year for similar reasons.

However, with a shift of alert level for those south of Auckland in August, we were able to resume our skiing activities and have lots of fun on the mountain, yet at the same time develop our technique and skills in readiness for the return of racing, hopefully in 2022.

My thanks to all those who have supported the Ski Team this year: staff, parents, and particularly the students themselves, who always behaved in an exemplary fashion both on and off the mountain and thus made the weekends away so enjoyable.

We look forward to 2022 and hopefully the return of ski racing competitions.



The 2020/21 season saw many movements in and out of our Rowing Club. We farewelled coaches at the end of the season, including our Director of Rowing, Craig Peebles, and our senior boys’ coach, Gordon Trevett. We also welcomed new coaching to the club with expert coxswain coach Kaitlyn Shields, international rower and coach Axel Dickinson, and Collegian Kate Littlejohn as coaching assistant on her return from Stanford University. Our existing junior boys’ programme continued to be run by Bruce Jones and our women’s programme by Martin Simoncelli.

With the disappointment of last year’s season being cut short by the first wave of Covid-19, we were excited to get the season started at Mangakino in September with our first camp. This is always an excellent introduction for our new rowers (novices and new students) and a great way for the team to start to gel and get back into rowing. We began the regular season with some smaller regattas before heading back to Mangakino for our first significant camp in December. This camp is always critical as we make significant progress with our novice crews and the seniors start forming combinations on the back of our first round of seat racing. We then led into the Christmas Regatta, where testing our combinations and performance proved an excellent motivator for the holiday break.

January started with our second major camp at Mangakino and then into the North Island Club Champs regattas. We had an excellent weekend of racing. The crews performed well overall with 17 A finals, five B finals, gold in the Women’s Intermediate Double Scull, silver in the Women’s Intermediate Coxed Octuple, and bronze in the Boys’ U18 Novice Coxed Quad. Everyone continued to plough through some heavy training blocks along with another camp that approached on Waitangi weekend in February. We spent five days away

at Mangakino with final crew selection taking place. We came away with tired, although well-conditioned, rowers ready to hit the last month running.

In the blink of an eye we were put into another flash lockdown on the weekend of the Aon Junior Regatta, which ended one day short. However, our training was clearly paying off, as we were ready to perform in 25 A finals, one B final, and one C final. Regardless of the announcement, we continued with training and schoolwork until the sad announcement one week later that the North Island Secondary Schools’ Regatta was also cancelled.

With fingers and toes crossed, we thankfully were able to attend Maadi Cup week in our home region at Lake Karapiro. We closed the week with Riley Wills taking away the prestigious Boys’ U17 Single, which won the Rowing Club a brand new single with Riley’s name on it. We were able to finish strongly with 11 A finals, seven B finals, and one C final. On top of Riley’s gold, we had one silver medal in the Boys’ U17 Double Sculls and four bronze medals in the Boys’ U18 Novice Double Scull, Boys’ U18 Novice Coxed Quad, Girls’ U17 Coxed Quad, and Girls’ U18 Coxed Quad. We were awarded 15 “Top 10” badges, indicating a finish in the top 10 of U18 events. With a wildly successful Maadi Cup, we finished 14th for the overall points trophy and seventh for the Presidents’ Sculling Trophy.

Overall, the season had many highs and lows, and the team was great to be a part of. We have begun training again to hopefully top the results from the past season with many new oars and a brand new pair and single.





Coaches - Mr Cody Price, Mr Paul Hodder and Mr Daniel Teka

Managers - Mr Chris Foot and Mr Wayne Robb

Fitness - Mr Andrew Walker

Physio - Mr Joel Armstrong

Sports Chaplain - Mr Wayne (Chappie) Douglas

Strength and Conditioning Coach - Mr Alby Matthews

Following a disruptive 2020 season due to Covid-19 our 1st XV had a very good pre-season in their preparations to retain the Taine Randell Cup (CNI Winners) for a record “4PEAT”. Wins against Super 8 teams Palmerston North BHS (38-21) and Gisborne BHS (40-12) plus a first ever win over an Auckland 1A team, Mount Albert Grammar (21-20) put the new young squad in a great place as the full round robin CNI competition returned in 2021.

Starting with three good wins (Lindisfarne 47-22, Rathkeale 38-8, Francis Douglas 40-3) augured well for our game with local rivals St Peter’s School Cambridge, which was screened live on Sky. Unfortunately, we were outplayed despite a great first half, without getting across the line. It was our first loss to St Peter’s in several years which created a real resolve amongst the group and produced some great rugby with some real dominant performances and we remained unbeaten for the rest of the round robin matches.

Our other local rival St John’s, Hamilton was also wanting our scalp in the last round at home. In a tough game we came out on top 26-19 with a late try to one of our stars, Malachi Alec-Wrampling, to seal the win and give us a home semi-final and a repeat of this game. Recovery was our focus and being in the right mindset to get to our fourth final. A great win, we were too fit and skilled for them, and produced a comfortable 27-13 result and a final vs Whanganui Collegiate who had upset St Peter’s in the other semi-final.

CNI Final’s Day, “the last dance” in Taupo with the Owen Delaney Park ground in excellent condition. The sun was shining and the boys were ready to empty the tank to make history. A quality first half into the wind followed by some smart rugby created an outstanding and dominant performance winning 33-10 and again for a record fourth consecutive year winning both the Taine Randell Cup and the Rick Francis Shield.

COVID-19 then shortened our season with the cancellation of the Waikato National Top 4 qualifier

Winner Super 8 (Hamilton Boys High) vs Winner of CNI (St Paul’s), the Chiefs U18 camp and various other Rep programmes that some of our boys were involved in.

We must congratulate all involved with a special mention to Cody Price (Head Coach) who has over the past 6 years created one of the best rugby programmes due to his tireless work to improve our profile, facilities, and top-quality performances on the field. Wayne Robb has contributed above and beyond as a manager working behind the scenes to have everything in place for the players. Thank you for your commitment, this is very much appreciated.

CNI “4PEAT”: Point for 363, Against 154

Top Try scorer: Jae Broomfield (16)

Top Points scorer: Jaedan Williams-Wilson (115 points, 5 tries, 39 conversions, 4 Penalties)

Most Promising Player: Deeshayee Vaetoe-Tuimauga

Greatest Contribution: Malachi Alec-Wrampling

Player of the Year: Jae Broomfield

Higher Honours: Malachi Alec-Wrampling (NZSS, Chiefs U18), Anaru Paenga-Morgan (Chiefs U18), Jae Broomfield (Chiefs U18), Toby Robb, Harry Trumm, Niah ChurchJones, Layken Tua, Eli Addlington (Harlequins U17’s)


The 2nd XV of 2021 signposted the promise of St Paul’s rugby future. An extremely young side, comprising almost exclusively of Year 11s and 12s, many lessons were learnt over the season. This being the paramount function of any 2nd XV. For some of the team, this was their first experience playing open-grade rugby. Competing against several other 1st XV’s provided a formidable challenge at times. However, every player can be proud of their personal efforts over the course of the season when facing such opposition. The secondhalf performance against Matamata College sticks in the mind as such an effort.

An additional function of a 2nd XV is to provide a stepping stone or pathway to higher honours. Over the course of the season, several players earned promotion into the 1st XV. These players always made a valuable contribution and proved their value to St Paul’s rugby future with a number of them earning permanent spots in the school’s premier rugby team. At times it must have been frustrating for those who bobbed between the two teams. But come Saturday, they gave nothing less than their greatest effort regardless of which team they represented.

Sometimes outmuscled, but never outworked, this was a team that played for one another. They were willing to work hard for success, encouraging each other every step of the way. Over the years, specific results and scores fade away, but the friendships and camaraderie forged, last a lifetime. It was an absolute pleasure to work alongside a group of outstanding young men.

A positive season for the 3rd XV with some close losses, punctuated by some hard fought victories. A dedicated core of players fronted every week with most games played with only one or two reserves. This meant the boys had to dig deep towards the finish of games as they were often faced with playing a second half against opposition fresh reserves. Some of the more notable results came with wins against both the Cambridge 2nd XV and U16, Matamata 2nd XV, Te Awamutu 2nd XV, Melville 1st XV and HBHS Red. A close loss 10-7 against St John’s U15A and an improved showing second time around against HBHS U15A with a 32-5 loss.

It was a shame that some games were not able to be played at the finish due to Covid including the playoff placing game and an opportunity to play at Tauranga Boys in the annual exchange. Captain Hetekia Te Ua

did a fine job, ably assisted by Logan Orsler. Ashton Robinson was the player’s player of the year with his unbelievable ability to turn the ball over at the breakdown at any time, often drawing praise from opposition players and coaches alike. Many thanks to the loyal group of parent supporters who were on the sidelines rain, hail or shine, your encouragement and dedication to this at times, nail biting job was much appreciated.

Thanks to Mr Craig Peebles who coached the 1st half of the season and Mr Kelvin Robinson who joined the coaching team for the 2nd half. An enjoyable season for all. To those who have finished their schooling years, all the best for a continued involvement in rugby wherever it might take you. To those returning, we look forward to seeing everybody back next year.


SPC 4th XV White had a difficult season with the loss of five players early on due to concussion and three changes of coaches to deal with too. Fortunately, we had a tight core group of 12 players and regular support from U15’s and 3rd XV players who kindly boosted our numbers each weekend to enable us to play.

I was impressed with this talented and committed group of players, who gave their all even though we had our work cut out for us each game as we were often playing local 3rd XV teams and 1st XV Waikato country school teams too. We were always competitive although at times the size of our opposition made the game a mismatch and there were some sore bodies at full time as our guys always gave their all and never gave an inch without a fight.

The highlight of our season was a mid-week game against Hillcrest High 1st XV. Hillcrest fully expected to walk all over us, but our men had other ideas. Our men were ready for a battle and determined to give Hillcrest a solid nudge which they did. We were up 3 points at half time and had the momentum.

The second half was an epic battle and the SPC men soon took control. Our forwards did the hard yards at the breakdown and time after time presented our backs with quality ball. Our halfback did the same for the backline and quick hands soon created overlaps and four runaway tries resulted in quick succession. We were 18 points ahead at the final whistle and the St Paul’s White men had pulled an epic win out of the bag! It was a real credit to the team.

I want to acknowledge all our players for their effort and commitment to each other, to the team through the season. You represented yourselves, your team and St Paul’s very well and it was a pleasure for Matt and I to work with you all for your last four games. I also want to acknowledge the five players who had their season cut short. Thanks for your contribution in the games you did play. The team missed you guys and we hope to see you back in full health in 2022.


The St Paul’s Colts team had a successful season in 2021, going undefeated and winning the Steve Gordon shield. After a disrupted start to the season, the boys were keen to get stuck into some rugby, and the first-up game against HBHS B set the tone for the season. A strong (31-26) victory against a traditional U14 powerhouse

gave the boys confidence and motivation for the rest of the season. This result was followed up by wins over St John’s B (38-10), Te Awamutu (58-0) and St Peter’s (60-14). In the semi-final, St Paul’s had to come from behind at halftime to beat St Peter’s (52-10), setting up a final against HBHS. The final was a tense affair, with St Paul’s jumping out to a strong lead at halftime, only for HBHS to storm back into the game in the second half, closing the gap to four with 20 minutes remaining. Despite possession and field position changing repeatedly throughout the half, St Paul’s showed heart and character to hold on to the lead, and with it a win in the final and our first U14 title since 2012. St Paul’s were led by co-captains Liam Inman and Deeshaye Vaetoe-Tuimauga who both had outstanding seasons. In the forwards, Nate Bodle worked hard in the tight stuff each week, with Ben Kibby and Will Hadley complementing each other well. Sam Hull was quality in the backline, starting the season at fullback and finishing at halfback. Salesi Tauaika was a beast with ball in hand and at times was unstoppable. Overall, a great season by all, and another strong and talented group of rugby players coming through at St Paul’s.


The season started with a keen group of boys ready to play some good footy. After a few games, we developed a game plan of using our strike weapons out wide with solid running outside backs, Kaiden Robinson, Lincoln Lay, Cane Williams and Gil Brooker. We could not do this without the work being done up front with some grafting ball carries and slick offloads from Ben Anderson, Ben Foster and Quinn Hagan. The team worked hard on a skill set of draw and pass to capitalize on opportunities out wide. Defensive line speed and tackle technique were also refined.

The games were highlighted by solid defense and some fun “ruck n run” rugby and some close games were won at the death. The second half of the season was a bit disrupted with the Tihoi changeover and then Covid restrictions. However, this didn’t deter players like Paul Davey, and it was great to see players like Charlie Harris and AJ Lake build their confidence in leadership and direction on the field. The boys always held their heads up regardless of whether they were ahead on the scoreboard or chasing the game. A big thanks to the members of the team and their supporters for making it such a fun season.


After a tough start to the season, the St Paul’s U55kg Gold rugby team established firm goals and approached every practice and game with a desire to improve. This attitude of determination resulted in many emphatic victories against opposition such as HBHS White, HBHS Blue, SJC B and our own Black team. It became increasingly apparent that the more the young men played together, the better they got. Losing the semifinal to a rampant St John’s A team - who eventually went on to win the competition, we ended up playing against HBHS for 3rd and 4th place. This game epitomised the St Paul’s men’s attitudes as, despite trailing for the majority of the game, they never gave up and launched attack after attack. This relentless pressure finally resulted in us scoring in the 58th minute, clinching the game (2619), finishing the season on a massively positive note. I would like to acknowledge the time and effort of Mr. Grant Lander (Headmaster) who, despite numerous commitments, selflessly enriched the St Paul’s young men with various ‘tricks of the trade’. It is extremely seldom that you find a Headmaster who is as passionate as he is, and his tenure coaching the ‘hedgehogs’ has been greatly appreciated. 2021 has been a very enjoyable season due to the energy and enthusiasm of the players. Many of the boys have bright futures ahead of them, and I look forward to watching them progress through the rugby ranks.



St Paul’s golf enjoyed a successful Term 1 in 2021. Our alignment with the Future Waikato programme proved to be a fantastic initiative, allowing us to compete against players from other schools on a regular basis. For some of our golfers, this was their first taste of a real golf course - a daunting prospect! Practices were rotated through Callum Brae pitch and putt, Prodive range, and Horsham Downs Golf Club.

A stand-out event of the year was our top golfers competing in the Intercollegiate Golf Tournament. The team consisted of George McNeil, Hunter Doull, Lachlan O’Neill and Zander Sheath. Competition was strong and all players learnt a great deal about teamwork in an individual sport.

The future for golf at St Paul’s looks bright. A smoother 2022 will help to continue the growth of golf at St Paul’s. Its inclusion in the Lindisfarne exchange next year is an indication of the trajectory of the sport.




Tennis Report

Due to poor weather, the tennis competition was moved to the indoor courts at Dey Street. With only a few courts available, we looked to play the doubles games to nine. Overall, Lindisfarne dominated the exchange thanks to their top two players in the seniors and juniors being ranked nationally. Ashton Robinson and Fergus Williams had a good win for the three and four combination, winning 9-7. James Anderson and Fred Phillps came close with a 9-6 loss. Our juniors all lost their games, but Jasper Ludbrook and Sam Forward put in a good shift to go down 9-6. The exchange proved a good learning experience for our tennis players against some tough opposition.



This has been a big year for squash!

Firstly, the nationals were a huge success for all involved: the Boys’ A team finished 11th overall from a seeding of 14th, which is the highest that a team has achieved while being coached solely by Brendon Woodhead. The Girls’ A team played some tough competition and managed to finish 16th seed. However, with a young team they hold plenty of promise for the future. The Boys’ B team caused a few upsets and managed to finish 26th seeding, beating their original by four placings.

This year the interclub competition was made available to students for the first time. We played in each season

and managed to be more than competitive in every one. In the autumn we took out the division, winning by over 30 games. The students survived the cold weather of winter to finish third, despite three hour drives to Aria. While we couldn’t finish the spring season due to the pandemic, both teams were sitting in contention for the top two places. Another success for students and staff alike.



The first meet of the year saw 11 swimmers head to the Blue Lake in Rotorua on a blustery and cold day in March for the annual New Zealand Secondary Schools’ open water event. Our best results came in the 1km swim from Boston Tordoff with fourth in the 14-15 year old boys, Charlize Tordoff with fourth in the 16-19 year old girls, and Matt Chanwai sixth in the 14-15 year old boys.

In late May, 25 swimmers represented St Paul’s at the Waikato Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships at Waterworld, Te Rapa, with the team finishing second overall in the Waikato. Students to win titles included Ollie Mouat (three), Laura Littlejohn (three), Boston Tordoff (three), Charlize Tordoff (two), Ben Haskell (one), and Sam Peoples (one). Our senior girls also had an outstanding win in the 4 x 25m freestyle relay.

In late July, 14 St Paul’s swimmers swam superbly to finish fifth out of 68 teams in the co-ed section of the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships at the National Aquatic Centre in Auckland. Individual medals were won by Boston Tordoff (two golds and a silver), Luca Zabel (a bronze), and Ben Haskell (a bronze), while Laura Littlejohn won eight gold and two silver medals.

In the relays, Luca and Laura took the national title in the senior mixed 2 x 50m freestyle; Charlize Tordoff and Laura took silver in the senior girls 2 x 50m freestyle; Charlize, Boston, Luca and Laura took silver in the senior mixed 4 x 50m medley; and Charlize, Sam Peoples, Luca and Laura took silver in the senior mixed 4 x 50m freestyle.

On the national stage at the New Zealand Age Group Championships in Wellington in April, Boston Tordoff won a silver medal in the 50m breaststroke and bronze in the 100m breaststroke, while Oliver Mouat won gold in his specialist 50m and 100m butterfly events for 14 year old boys. In the 16 year old girls’ division, Laura Littlejohn won gold in all seven of the individual events she swam. Her times in the 50m and 100m freestyle qualified her for the 2021 World Junior Championships in Kazan, Russia, and also selection for the New Zealand senior team for the 2021 World Short Course Championships in Abu Dhabi in December.

Many thanks must go to Graham Smith and Vicki Taylor at the St Paul’s Swimming Club for providing support and expert coaching to all levels of swimmers at St Paul’s, from the after school groups to the Nationals team. On the back of the St Paul’s club, swimming at SPC continues to look very bright.



The 2021 season saw a healthy interest in basketball at St Paul’s Collegiate, with five teams taking the court. Two at the junior level, two senior teams and a girls team. We also welcomed head coach Raymond Cameron to the team. Despite a season that faced regular disruptions, the basketball program had the opportunity to be involved in various fixtures, both in the local competition and beyond.

In March, two teams entered the 2021 Rebel Sport 3x3 Basketball NZ Secondary Schools Champs. The tournament’s highlight was the junior team’s second place in the Open Division against Sancta Maria. This was a great start to the season and showed much potential for the programme moving forward.

Before the regular season got underway, both juniors and seniors also had the opportunity to attend the TipOff Tournament in Rotorua. The boys made the most of the three days of game play, with both teams finishing in the middle of their pools. This was the first time the school had participated in the tournament, and we look forward to returning next year.

On June 4th, the juniors had the opportunity to play against Pukekohe High School as the Franklin Bulls’ opening game. The final score was an 89-68 win to St Paul’s. This was an excellent opportunity for the boys to face new competition and experience the game at another level.

The final event the boys were able to be involved in, before Covid lockdowns, was the CNI tournament, held in Hastings at the start of June. The team played four games over two days, finishing in 3rd place for the tournament. We look forward to having a more settled year in 2022 and being able to complete the regular season.



At the conclusion of 2020 St Paul’s qualified for Touch Nationals, where 70 teams played over 600 games across three days. It had been more than five years since St Paul’s last qualified and the boys were highly motivated to show what they could accomplish. The boys started strongly by winning all their games on the first day. However, they narrowly missed making the top four on the second day, by one game. Overall the boys placed seventh, which is a huge achievement.

A huge thanks to Te Rapa Wholesale Cars for sponsoring our uniforms, to the Parents’ Association for helping towards the accommodation, and of course to the amazing parents that helped support us over the weekend. Another big thank you to Duncan Gunderson and DJ Banks for helping to coach the boys: I know they really appreciated all your hard work. The touch community is like a big family, and with all the boys staying together next year we are aiming high and can’t wait to go back!




The New Zealand Schools’ Triathlon Championships took place in New Plymouth on Sunday, 28th March. Conditions were cool and overcast, and the sea was choppy, which made for a challenging swim leg.

Our students were competing in the U19 age group race, which consisted of a 750m swim, 18.5km bike leg, and finished with a 5km run. Toby Finlayson finished in sixth position whilst Isaac Reay finished not far behind in 11th place. Oliver Larcombe came out of the swim in the leading bunch of five. Then during the bike leg he succeeded in pulling away from all his competitors and completed the leg with a one minute lead. He was able to maintain this gap during the run and finished in first place, thereby repeating his win of last year. It was an outstanding performance in which Oliver completely dominated the opposition.

Toby Finlayson, Nikita Coleman, Oliver Larcombe and Monique Spedding from Hamilton Girls’ High combined to form our team for the U19 Mixed Relay event. Each student had to complete a mini-triathlon consisting of a 200m swim, a 5.3km bike leg and a 1km run. Our team held the lead throughout their race to comfortably secure first place.


Oliver Larcombe: First, U19 Individual Triathlon

Oliver Larcombe, Toby Finlayson, Nikita Coleman: First, U19 Mixed Relay



St Paul’s first competition game was against Hillcrest. Good attacking play and strong defence saw St Paul’s take an early lead that was never relinquished – this was a great way to begin the season. Our second opponent proved more challenging: Cambridge A, the strongest team in the mixed division, was always going to be tough. Despite scores being level at quarter time, Cambridge gradually increased its lead and won comfortably. In the next game, against St Peter’s, good possession allowed us to score several quick goals and take the lead. By half-time the scores were level, but a solid final quarter saw St Paul’s secure the win.

In St Paul’s game against Cambridge B, attack and defence were solid, and our new players showed greater confidence. Most pleasing was excellent team play, and the fact that everyone contributed to a comfortable victory. This win was followed by another, against Fairfield College. Everyone spent extended periods in the pool, with some scoring their first goal of the season. In the last round robin game ahead of the finals, we met a skilled and experienced Rototuna team. Despite some good attacking play and outstanding goalkeeping by St Paul’s, Rototuna took an early lead and defended well. A strong final quarter in which we scored three unanswered goals wasn’t enough, and we suffered our second loss of the season.

Losing the quarterfinal meant our semifinal was against the top qualifier: Cambridge A. We began the game with determination, a clear plan, and a positive attitude. In what turned out to be one of the best matches of the tournament, we produced a defensive effort that was second to none. Repeated attacks by Cambridge resulted in turnovers or deflected shots at goal. As each

quarter passed, scores remained deadlocked. With no score in ordinary time, the match was decided by penalty shootout. Unfortunately, we were unable to sustain this final assault and lost by four shots to one.

Our final game was the play-off for third. Rototuna took an early lead with two quick goals. Despite this early setback, St Paul’s rose to the challenge: outstanding defence soon shut down the opposition attack. Rototuna extended its lead before our superior fitness began to tell. We gradually wore down the opposition and at the end of the fourth quarter, scores were level. For the second time in two games the match was decided by penalty shots, but on this occasion we emerged victorious by four shots to one. This result was due to the solid team effort produced on the night and reflected the dedication and effort of the St Paul’s players in the pool throughout the season. Well done.

In summary, the 2021 season was a positive one. The team comprised male and female students from all year levels, whose experience ranged from novice to representative. Significant improvement was made throughout the competition: everyone trained well and persevered in games, regardless of the score. While all players showed commitment, particular mention must be made of Oscar Lawson, whose efforts in goal were fundamental to the team’s success. Special thanks to Georgie Bailey, Isabella Etherington, and Lochie Mouat, who trained and led the team in an exemplary manner. Finally, congratulations to Charlie Etherington, Isabella Etherington, and Lochie Mouat on their selection for representative teams.




Housemaster: Mr C Foot

Deputy Housemaster: Mr C Stapleton

Assistant Housemaster: Mr M Rees-Gibbs (Mr C Peebles prior to Queen’s Birthday)

Matron: Mrs J Wilson

Residential Assistants: Jack Walters, Louis Gryspeert (Terms 1 & 2), Charles Holman (Term 3), Bevan Muirhead (Term 4).

Gap Tutors: Brad Coxon (Terms 1 & 2), Luke Robertson (Terms 3 & 4).

Head of House: Josh Gullery

Deputy Head of House: Drake Walther

House Prefects: Didier Lawson, Campbell Colquhoun, Isaac Reay, Luca Zabel, Nick Parrot, Jack Seath, Sam Ward, Anaru Paenga-Morgan

Our prefects met at the end of 2020 to decide on their legacy for 2021. Little did any of them know the year would be truncated by more than one lockdown period, and in the case of our poor Auckland boys and girls, well over nine weeks! Despite these setbacks, Clark House has continued to flourish in all aspects of school life. It was not to be our year for winning the inter-house competition, which was always going to be a tough ask after the back-to-back wins of 2019 and 2020. Nevertheless, with wanting to leave a legacy of “To create a fulfilling environment, through esprit de corps and strong bonds”, our Year 13 group of boys and girls, ably led by Josh Gullery and Drake Walther, have done really well in achieving this under very trying circumstances.

The main initiative that they have capitalised on was the intra-house competition that everyone has enjoyed being a part of. The leaders paired up to head a team and then drafted their players into one of six teams. They came up with their own names and these teams then competed against each other in the Charity Relay (for both maximum laps and money raised), athletics, swimming and cross country competitions. If we’d been

less locked down, their idea was to have a number of intra-house quizzes too.

Another great initiative by a number of our senior boys was for the 40 Hour Famine to raise money for World Vision. It was during winter and the boys thought it would be unique, interesting and tough to go 40 hours without shoes or socks on! It was cold! But money was raised for World Vision, as well as significant money for Flame Cambodia through everyone’s effort in the Charity Relay. I would like to congratulate Josh, Drake and their supportive seniors for their efforts this year. Whilst it may not have been very conducive to creating strong bonds, they have certainly created a fulfilling environment and some excellent esprit de corp. They have also managed to lead the house to a handsome win in Swimming, second in House Quiz, and third in the Haka and Athletics Standards competitions.

In short, 2021 was another sterling year for the mighty Clark House: a wonderful team effort from a group of young men and women who “Bleed Blue”!

“Never Above, Never Below, Always Alongside”



Most improved Year 9: Toby Bowler

Harper Cup (new award)

Most outstanding Year 9: Jonty Falconer

Moreby Trophy

Best Junior Sportsmen in their field: Liam Inman and Dylan Gardiner

Markham Family Award

Best Senior Sportsman in their field: Malachi Wrampling-Alec and Anaru Paenga-Morgan

Neil Muirhead Award

Contribution to House competition (overall contribution or significant in one area): Drake Walther

Prefect’s Cue (new award)

Awarded to the winning intra-house team: Josh’s The Spartans

John Oehley Trophy

Year 11 Dux: Jack Thomas

Year 13 Dux: Didier Lawson

Matt Andrew Trophy

Service to House over 5 years: Josh Gullery




Housemaster: Mr C Lewis

Deputy Housemaster: Dr J McGrath

Mentor Staff: Mr R Aldridge, Mrs K Allen, Mrs S Ardern, Mr A Harries, Mr J Hay, Mr M Simoncelli, Mrs S Stewart, Mr T Thompson, Mr S Ward, Mrs C Watson

Head of House: Joseph Grigg

Deputy Heads of House: Frazer Tam, Harrison Derry

House Prefects: Jason Ma, Gabriel Mikkelson, Jacky Liang, Jack Sharp, Orlando Chapman, William Savage

Since first walking through those big heavy doors as a skinny, squeaky, Year 9, Fitchett has become my home at St Paul’s. In fact, I can’t think of a single school

day during the last five years where I haven’t walked through those doors. Every day, without fail, I have climbed the Student Centre stairs to Fitchett. However, I never tired of it. It is the people in Fitchett that make it so enjoyable, and I have loved every minute I had inside those doors.

Fitchett House is not like other houses at St Paul’s: it is unique. This phrase of being ‘unique’ gets thrown around a lot, but I do truly believe it, as Fitchett holds a simple and almost obvious trait: unity. We are not the physically strongest house or the most artistic, but everyone in Fitchett has their own individual strengths. It is how we work together as a unit and utilise our strengths that makes us so successful. No matter the year level or background, people in Fitchett get along. It is a place to share stories, have a laugh, and be comfortable knowing that everyone around you cares for you. This unity we have makes us a family, and is why I am so lucky and so proud to be a part of this prestigious house.

At the start of the year, we as a Year 13 group came up with one major goal: to win the inter-house competition. I can confidently say that we did everything we could to

try and achieve this goal. We have a saying in Fitchett: “Your best is good enough”. This year each member of Fitchett House has brought something to the table, and I can confidently say that we have given our best, and that’s all that matters.

My highlight by far was winning the House Choir competition. In my experience at St Paul’s, that competition is by far the most challenging of all and we stepped up to the challenge. Every practice, day after day, we gave that song everything we had, and it paid off. This year was the first time that Fitchett has ever won the House Choir competition, which is a huge achievement for us, and an accomplishment that I will cherish for a very long time.

What has mattered to me the most is whether people are proud to be in Fitchett. I hope that I have helped others come to the realization that you should be proud of being in Fitchett. Having all these amazing people in the House everyday is something I am extremely grateful for.

This year has come with many ups and downs, but without the incredible support of our Year 13 group

we wouldn’t be where we are today. As a small cohort, we have all had to step up, and I want to express my gratitude to you guys. For us, our time is up at this school. We have had many memories and I wouldn’t have wanted to be with any other group. I wish you all the best for next year and for the future, and I hope we can all stay in touch.

To Mr Lewis and Dr McGrath: you have always been by my side through these last five years, not only for me, but for everyone in Fitchett House. The work you gentlemen have done to give us such an amazing opportunity is something I cannot thank you enough for. Both passionate and inspiring, we all look up to you. And for that I thank you.

Lastly, and most importantly, I wish to thank every Fitchett houseman. Thank you for putting your trust in me this year. All of you have given everything your best shot, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I have loved working with you, and I hope that the next few years of your lives are memorable. Continue giving everything your best, and be proud to walk through those heavy Fitchett doors.




Housemaster: Mr C Neethling

Deputy Housemaster: Mr K Stewart

Mentor Teachers: Mrs C Collie, Mr B Summerfield, Mr M Groom, Mr J Howard, Mr J Coley, Mr D Scanlon, Mr D Tierney, Mrs H Bradford, Mrs T Hastie

Head of House: Kuwyn Price

Deputy Heads of House: Patrick Fisher and Jaedan Williams-Wilson

2021 has been another exciting year for Hall House. House spirit continues to be strong and the boys and girls always wear the “Cambridge Blue” with pride. The atmosphere that exists in Hall is positive, caring, tolerant and supportive - essential qualities in any successful community.

In terms of the house competition, we got off to a slow start at Standards and Athletics. We quickly turned things around in the pool though, finishing second in Swimming. Another highlight was House Music where the House made a massive effort and performed well. Arts Day was a fun day but I was most impressed by the way in which the boys and girls organised themselves and they produced some quality work. The contribution of the girls this year went a long way towards the success in the House competition. Finishing fourth, just one point behind third place, is a most pleasing result.

We finished the year with a very successful House lunch, although only Year 11 - 13 students could attend. Josh

Gibbs did a great job of thanking the Mentor teachers. Kuwyn Price, our outstanding Head of House, thanked the whole house for truly striving to be better than before and for the great support the House gave him this year.

An abstract from Kuwyn’s speech;” Over the past 12 months, I’ve had the privilege of being the head of Hall House for the year 2021.

I couldn’t have been happier to receive such a great house to lead us throughout the year. From teachers, to students, everyone gave this year a pretty good shot. And although we may have come 6th this year within the house competition, I couldn’t have been happier of everyone’s efforts throughout each competition. And for the people who stepped up and took the most of their opportunities, continue to do so. St Paul’s is great for it and it really will show going into the long run.

Although 2021 has shown its fair shares of ups and downs, the year wouldn’t have been nearly as successful without the help and guidance of my fellow Year 13 students - and honestly your contributions over the years have definitely not gone unnoticed.

For those who are yet to see their Year 13 days. Make sure you utilise the housemasters’ expertise, we are very lucky to have two great leaders within our house who will guide you boys in the right direction. And along with them, there is an amazing team of staff who have played a massive role in the success of this house. Make the most of every opportunity and do not be scared to step outside of your comfort zone.”

We look forward to an even more successful 2022, building on the legacy left by the Year 13 Hall House men of 2021.



Well, what a year this has been. Full of challenges and triumphs, 2021 has truly been a rollercoaster worth riding. We started off the year with an almighty bang as we witnessed an outstanding display of athleticism in House Athletics. As Toby Robb won both Javelin and Shot Put for the House, the year was really shaping up well. Then saw the Year 9 boys win the 4 x 100m relay, made up of Jarrod, Cane, Dale and Ben before witnessing probably the best comeback in Hamilton House history, as Tori Clark chased down first place who had about a 150m head start and won the 4 x 400m girls race. We also had a great showing at this

year’s House Swimming event from Matthew Chanwai, Samuel Peoples and William Peoples. We had both People’s brothers gaining 3rd place in their year groups respectively and Matthew Chanwai gained 1st in the intermediate year group. Moving swiftly on to House Haka where we saw Hamilton House take the haka trophy for the second year in a row. It was really awesome to see all the boys working hard together to achieve the same goal. And hopefully next year we can go for the three-peat. This was matched by an equally hard working performance given by the girls at the fashion show, sacrificing hours and days of their time to help the house win points. As cross country came around we saw the true heart of some of the Hamilton House boys as they trundled around the 3km track. We

had Alex Purdie and Sam Peoples finishing in the top 10 in the intermediate division. And we had Max finish 11th. Then came the penultimate House event for the year, House Choir. House Choir presented the challenge of the boys needing to get out of their comfort zone and sing. It was really great to see Matthew Chanwai step up in this scenario and offer a helping hand when needed, as well as Dale Plimmer who is only a Year 9 but still played in the band. Finally, we had Arts Day. Arts Day was a day where the students were allowed to express themselves through the creativity of drawing, singing, dancing and much more. Although banned, our house film was very impressive which accented well with the dedication we had from the solo performance of Ben Back and the group performance. It was also great

to see Dale Plimmer get up and play guess the song in front of the whole school and win. Just before I finish, I would like to say a few thank yous to the following people, to Dale, Matthew, Alex, Sam, Hetekia, James and all those who led this year who aren’t Year 13s, thank you for your constant support. To Lachie and Brooklyn, cheers for helping throughout the year, from what I heard happened while I was away even though you guys weren’t given the house badge you definitely earned one. And finally, to Mr Hogg, thank you for caring about the house with everything you’ve got and I can’t wait to see what this house can become under your leadership in the years to come. So good luck next year boys, and to that end, thank you.

Hamilton House Great Oak Awards

These awards are in recognition of the most outstanding student in each year group. The winners must consistently exemplar the virtues of commitment, perseverance, conscientiousness and passion in representing the House.

Year 9 = Dale Plimmers

Year 10 = Max Makeham

Year 11 = James Milroy

Year 12 = Alex Purdie

Year 13 = Brooklyn Howard



On 28th January 2021 Sargood House was back in business with each year group moving up in the food chain getting new dorms, with fresh faces to be seen all around, with the Year 9s settling into their new life in the brotherhood. Sargood’s first outing as a full house with the girls was the borders’ in weekend consisting of competition events against Clark and Williams with the pride of the best boarding house at stake. Sargood had a promising start picking up 2nd in Tug o War but 3rd in the swimming relays. On Sunday the house joined the girls and went to the Hinterland paintball and finished the day with the water park. It was a good way for the house to come together getting closer

with lots of fun, bruises and water slide chains. The first house event came around not long after with a mixture of Standards then a week later Athletics Day. After scorching hot days, Sargood gained a first and third respectively, an exciting way to start the year. House Swimming was next up, The house wanted to keep the dice rolling and that they did knocking out a Second place. Following that was one of Sargood’s proudest events, house haka, hours and hours of practise and perfection to gain a 2nd. Coming up with a solid strategy the house was ready for cross country pulling a 1st out of the bag. Next up was the downfall in previous years, House Singing. Sargood was ready for a change and knew this would be the seal in the deal to do well in house competition. The idea was to choose a simple song, learn it and then add the flare in. That we did, breaking the tradition and pulling out a 2nd! Moving on to Arts Day another event that we knew we needed to do well in to be successful with weakness in previous year. We put the strengths of Sargood to work and were rewarded with another 2nd. Then without a

surprise COVID came into play so we were not able to finish off the house competition year properly. One of the moments I remember the best was during house singing and the atmosphere was unreal with Sargood House getting higher and higher places and the screams getting louder and louder. Mr Skeen afterwards praised Sargood for the way we were gracious in defeat in coming second, even though we were more excited about not coming last we still praised the winners. That was one of the proudest moments in being in Sargood along with being one of the most memorable moments during the year.

As the year finishes we would like to say a massive thanks to Mr Rameka for his 6 years of service to Sargood House. He will truly be missed.




Housemaster: Mr N Muirhead

Deputy Housemaster: Mr D Teka

Academic Mentors: Mr J Cameron, Mr B de Beer, Ms S Cantlon, Mr M Hewitt, Mr A Robson, Miss N Schollum, Dr M Simmonds

Head of House: Lucas Goodwin

Once again our year has been affected by something that was (and is) completely out of our hands – COVID. The latter part of the year has not followed its normal pattern, and I would be writing this post our House Dinner.

As I look back on 2021 from a house perspective I see a number of aspects that were also evident last year. Unfortunately the latter part of our year hasn’t really allowed us to round out all that was set in place, but… there’s always next year!

In last year’s magazine article I listed a number of highlights and I will do the same this year.

The willingness of many boys (and girls) to step up and participate when what they were doing was not necessarily their forte. The collaboration between boys and girls has been impressive and the girls’ contributions this year has again been awesome!

The way a number of Year 12 boys were prepared to cover or step in for duties, augurs well for our leadership group next year.At athletics every one contributed to our win! Once again boys completing the cross country in obvious discomfort. The house as a whole stepping up in House Music – even if our result

didn’t match last year (the commitment and effort of a few individuals was so impressive in motivating and taking us forward).

I must again commend our quiz team – 2021 winner! Arts Day was another great occasion where many students were perhaps a little out of their comfort zone. Individual and small group performances and efforts were superb and the house as a whole was again outstanding in their effort on the day!

I have to acknowledge the contribution the girls made to all the activities this year – a very big thank you to Matire Ormsby-van Selm and Kate Montgomery and all the School House girls! I commend all our School House members on their willingness to co-operate and work together – as so well illustrated on Arts Day.

House competition (with top three positions in brackets):

Athletics standards, athletics (1st), haka, swimming,

fashion show (3rd), cross country, Arts Day (3rd), music. Once again the opportunities to perform as part of a team are offered in our various competitions. Importantly, however, it is the commitment and spirit that competing creates that very often are as important, and at times more important, than the eventual position attained. Looking back, when planning for the next year, will always identify areas that offer the challenge to improve. Again my thanks to every School House member for the spirit in which they competed in all activities in 2021!

A huge thank you to all the boys for their efforts this year and especially to our leadership group, both Year 13s and house prefects, under James. Best wishes to all our leavers – we wish you all well in your future endeavours! To Mr Teka and our mentor teachers – many thanks, it has been great working with you all!!




Housemaster: Mr M Holdgate

Deputy Housemaster: Mr B Emslie

Assistant Housemaster: Mr F van der Merwe

Matron: Gloria Thompson (Term 1), Dina van der Walt (Terms 2-4)

Residential Assistants: Mr D Scanlon, Mr H Campbell

Gap Year Assistant: Mr T Hunt

Mentor Staff: Year 9: Mr P Clement, Mr A Ross. Year 10: Mr A Robson, Mr A Constable. Year 11: Mrs A Bromwich, Mr I Duncanson. Year 12: Mr B Van Meygarden, Mrs L Gillanders, Mrs M Landon.

Head of House: Jae Broomfield

Deputy Heads of House: Guy Ludbrook, Hamish Saunders

House Prefects: Tom Haycock, Nick Healy, Cole Hood, Oliver Larcombe, James McLanachan, Sam Meban, George Oliver, Sam Pepper, Josh Teague-Dolan, Neitana Trueman

2021 has seen Williams House expertly led by the trio of Jae Broomfield, Guy Ludbrook and Hamish Saunders. They have gone above and beyond their role descriptions to create a home-away-from-home for all housemen. These leaders did a fantastic job of ensuring a smooth transition for our 19 new boys by being a friendly face and an example in the way they have carried themselves this year.

The inter-house competitions saw us achieve some fantastic results during the mass participation events such as haka, athletic standards, house choir, and cross country, demonstrating that Williams is always willing to give everything a go to the best of our ability. Credit must go to our house prefects and the Harington girls who took prominent roles in assisting with the coordination of events, especially during the haka and choir competitions. Belinda Wright did an outstanding job leading the Williams rendition of Pompeii by Bastille (ably assisted by George Oliver as the conductor). Disappointingly, Covid meant the cancelation of the enjoyable winter sports day and the rowing event.

Special mention in 2021 must go to the tremendous pride the boys took in the house and each other. This year we were consistently adjudged the tidiest and best presented house, winning the competition amongst the boys boarding houses for Terms 1, 2 and 3, and also winning the house spirit award at both the athletics and swimming championships.

At the end of Term 1 we farewelled our beloved Matron, Gloria Thompson, after 38 years of loyal, dedicated service to Williams House and 50 years of service to St Paul’s. A house shout to Gengy’s in Hamilton was much appreciated by Gloria and the boys. There was also a very well attended formal farewell in the dining hall annex with a large number of Collegians, parents, and the wider community present to pay tribute to Gloria’s outstanding career. We wish her all the best for her new start in Melbourne where she has moved to be closer to family.

Term 2 commenced with us welcoming Matron Dina van der Walt, who recently emigrated to New Zealand with her family from South Africa. The boys took great pride in showing Dina our house and in turn Dina has been teaching the boys the art of chess (a shame the interhouse chess was cancelled this year due to Covid!). The opening of the trans-Tasman bubble just after Easter meant that GAP Tutor Tim Hunt was able to join us from Canberra, Australia. At the time of writing this bubble is now firmly closed, so Tim may have a new home for longer than he first anticipated!

With all other house staff returning from 2020 it meant by and large that we were able to successfully navigate the ups and downs of Covid-19, including the reemergence of Distance Learning followed by a return to the main campus with mask wearing, and new dining hall routines and bell times. Despite the constant

disruption the house approached every new situation with a positive attitude to get the most out of 2021. Special mention must be made of our 14 Auckland students who showed great resilience in continuing their school work for an extended period of time via Distance Learning Delivery.

Other highlights included our traditional house trip to Rotorua for the luge followed by water skiing and biscuting on Lake Okareka and a barbecue. This is always a fantastic event: a great way for our new students to connect and to quickly feel part of our community. It continues to be superbly supported by parents and friends and the whole house looks forward to it every year. Other events such as in-weekend trips to Waihi Beach, paintball and Hakarimata hikes kept the boys busy, whilst pizza nights, Mr Whippy, house shouts, dinners, and doughnut shouts kept tummies full.

Williams House is a house steeped in history. It is a welcoming and inclusive place for boys from around New Zealand and further afield to call home. We would like to make a special mention of our leavers, especially our Year 13s. You put yourselves out of your comfort zone this year to give back to the house. We look forward to following your journey as you start the next chapter in life. Thank you to all who have contributed to making Williams House so successful in 2021, and we look forward to continuing the journey in 2022.





Housemaster: Mrs J Lock

Deputy Housemaster: Mrs K Lilley

Assistant Housemaster: Beth Rutter

Residential Assistants: Sarah Jackson; Jess Chicksen; Jess Hunt

Gap Year Assistant: Kayla Polley


Head of House: Katie Brown

Deputy Head of House: Jess Scatchard

Head of Clark: Amy Rochat

Head of Sargood: Hazel Hulme

Head of Williams: Belinda Wright

Prefects: Gretel Muir; Ellie Deane; Zoe Hanna


Namana Cup for Leadership: Katie Brown

Welldon Cup for Harington Spirit: Ellie Deane

Lock/Lilley Resilience Trophy: Genevieve Churton

Hansen Cup for Most Gained from Boarding: Erin Summerell

Winning Girls’ House: Sargood

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”

As Harington boarders, the first two components of Ford’s familiar quote were never really optional. Our

parents dropped us off on a Sunday night and, if we were lucky, picked us up on a Friday. What was never compulsory, however, was the way in which the girls have wholeheartedly embraced life in Harington Boarding, one another, and this year. And what a year it has been for the boarding girls!

There was little time to spare in what began as a semi-normal St Paul’s year. All girls (day and boarding) were off to Tihoi before the school year even officially started. Packed with great memories, experiences and (as always) food, the camp proved once again why it’s a must-attend event on the Harington calendar.

When January 30th rolled around, the girls were glad to see a house full of familiar faces. And, before we knew it, the annual boarders’ in-weekend was upon us. This weekend saw the girls pushed out of their comfort zones in one way or another as they competed alongside their boys’ houses in tug-ofwar and swimming relays. For most the highlight was Sunday, when everyone traveled off-site to numerous activities with their houses, whether it be luging and biscuiting in Rotorua, Waimarino Water Park in Tauranga, or paintballing and Waterworld in Hamilton. Ultimately, the weekend proved to be a success as always, with all girls enjoying their first weekend together as “Harington Boarding”.

Terms 1 and 2 seemed to be benchmarked by house events with the girls constantly proving to be valuable assets to their boys’ houses. Athletics and swimming sports arrived on equally scorching

days, but this did little to deter the enthusiasm and determination of the girls. Following this was perhaps the proudest moment for house events in Harington this year: the inter-house haka competition. With hours of group practice and Harington competitions, the boarding girls really laid down the challenge as they performed to an exceptional standard. As Term 1 drew to a close, the Harington girls were busier than ever with the annual Harington Fashion Show. This year’s theme of “Musicals” ensured a night filled with great music, dresses and skits, with Sargood taking out the top boarding house place for the highly competitive event with their third place finish.

Term 2 saw the girls hit the ground running - literallywith the Boarders’ Charity Relay being the highlight of the calendar. This event saw Harington Boarding not only complete the highest number of laps per girl but also raise the most money of all the houses thereby earning us a well deserved house shout. With great weather, regular activities and spot prizes there seemed to be few complaints amongst the girls as they all put in the effort for the great cause of Flame Cambodia.

House Choir and Arts Day equally allowed the girls an opportunity to make their mark in their boys’ houses. The confidence and contributions of the girls in both these events undoubtedly went a long way to ensuring house success. This was certainly the case in the Cross Country competition, with the boarding girls taking a clean sweep on the podium finishes and dominating the top 10 placings - it must have been all the morning runs!

However, it wasn’t only house competitions the girls were involved in this year. A solid rivalry was initiated between Harington and Dio boarders as the very first tug-of-war was held early in Term 1. Decked in their yellow and black war paint and chanting their hearts out, Harington laid down the challenge for their underdressed opponents. Harington also had the privilege of hosting three Waikato Chiefs players at our formal dinner, which not only provided an evening of valuable

insight but equally sparked the creation of a new favourite meal for a large proportion of the boarding community.

An unexpected lockdown during Term 3 saw the senior girls working hard online to keep the house in touch and connected. Equally, this unfortunately meant our anticipated pink ribbon afternoon tea had to be cancelled. It seemed a long time before we were reunited in the house with the Auckland girls. Boarding at Level 3 looked a lot different to our familiar routine, but weekend activities and regular manhunt games worked wonders in keeping up morale and positivity. The girls particularly enjoyed a Halloween weekend where costumes were generated with whatever could be found in the house. For most, these costumes were worn to dinner, but full-body green face paint saw Shrek and Fiona having to resort to a takeaway dinner. As darkness fell, the Year 13s transformed the house into Harington’s very own haunted house, which proved to be a great success. Topping off what has been a great year was the Harington Boarding dinner, and with the incredible food produced by the St Paul’s kitchen staff it was practically unnoticeable that this year the dinner was held onsite.

I have absolutely loved every second in Harington boarding this year and I hope the girls have found 2021 to be equally memorable. I know that Harington Boarding will continue to go up from here and I truly look forward to seeing the great things the Harington girls are destined to achieve in the years to come.




What a year 2021 has been. Amidst the addition of a new Headmaster, multiple lockdowns and an exciting year ahead, Harington House began the year with our annual camp. With a forecast of rain and hail and rain again, it seemed like a good time to head to Tihoi to spend the last of our summer holidays. Spending a week down in the wop wops, we were introduced to our new members of Harington. Through many activities and challenges such as kayaking, tramping, and whitewater rafting, the girls started forming new connections and friendships, making the transition to St Paul’s that much smoother. With a school-record number of girls attending, Tihoi proved to be an excellent opportunity for the girls to start the year with exciting memories whilst strengthening our bond as a House before tackling the larger school.

With a challenging year ahead - unbeknownst to usour Harington Day House Prefects approached their individual roles with dignity and suave. From the BigLittle Sister Programme to helping with academia, the girls used their many strengths to their advantage, turning refreshing ideas into great achievements.

Unlike 2020, this year, we had already become acquainted with the likes of many lockdowns, each presenting itself with many lessons through Distance Learning. Despite this disadvantage, the Harington Prefects grouped together to form videos as a way of reaching out and providing comfort in these times of uncertainty. From slipping in and out of lockdowns, we were fortunate to experience many events as a House, such as athletics, house haka and many more. However, one of our greatest achievements of 2021 was the Harington Fashion Show, where the girls had raised another school record of $3620. With the chosen

theme for this year being Musicals, the girls joined together to produce work that had surpassed previous years standards. Each house fashioned an outfit, created a cake from scratch, and made a skit in line with the theme. After months of hard work, the night came together exceptionally, each house producing impressive performances; however Hall House, led by Charlize Tordoff, secured the win. We were forever thankful for everyone who attended our “Night at the Theatre,” as all the proceeds from the event were donated to Heart Kids New Zealand.

Another memorable event for Harington was our school ball, held in June, with the enchanting theme of “A Night in the Greek Gardens.” Our Year 12 and 13 girls looked absolutely gorgeous, with our very own Gia King (Day Year 12) being named princess of the ball. We also enjoyed the company of some of our Year 11 girls waitressing, as they dressed to the theme and made our night that much more memorable.

This year has definitely been an interesting one, with Covid-19 affecting time spent with each other at school, but through it all, our Harington staff were always there for us. I would love to thank Mrs Williams and Mrs Stewart for your constant devotion and care towards each Harington girl; I will forever be grateful for your kind hearts. I have also had the privilege to be surrounded by such caring Harington Day Prefects; Diya, Tanika, Charlize, Isabella, Neisha, Kate, Maggie, Alex, Tyler, Matire, Marcia, and Caitlin. I am so thankful for everything you girls do; I will never forget the memories and laughs we have shared together. I am so thankful for your constant help with each role you had, and despite the stress and uncertainty of this year, you continuously strived for your best and never failed to see the value

in one another. You all have such unique personalities, and I can’t wait to see what you all succeed with in the future.

My final thank you, on behalf of each of the Harington Day House girls, is to our amazing housemaster, Mrs Lewis. I cannot describe how this year would have been without you, but to put it in a few words, it wouldn’t have been nearly the same. I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to be Head of House during your years at St Paul’s. Thank you for everything you do for us girls, for treating us with respect and with dignity whilst always lending out a helping hand to us whenever we need you. You are one of the most beautiful role models inside and out to each of us Harington girls. Out of all the housemasters we could have had, I am so thankful you were ours. To display your love and kindness for God in every aspect of your life is something I aspire to be like. So, thank you, Mrs Lewis.

The last message I would like to end with is to say how honoured I have been this year to have led Harington Day House. I would never have imagined having this opportunity to meet such incredible girls and to see each of you flourish at school, whether on the sporting field, academically, or in your own unique way; it has been such a privilege to see. I cannot say this enough, but I am eternally grateful for the support you have given me this year. I will leave St Paul’s knowing that I have had such an incredible year, enduring some memorable experiences, but most importantly, I know that I have made friends for life. I wish you all the best for the years to come, and I hope to see you again in the future.




A summary of provisional pass rates for each of the levels is:

Level 3 – 98%

(92% in 2019, 93% in 2018, 93% in 2017, 93% in 2016)

University Entrance – 84%

(80% in 2019, 81% in 2018, 76% in 2017, 78% in 2016)

Level 2 – 96%

(95% in 2019, 97% in 2018, 96% in 2017, 98% in 2016)

Level 1 – 96%

(95% in 2019, 94% in 2018, 95% in 2017, 98% in 2016)


The academic focus in 2020 again was to improve our endorsement statistics. As can be seen from the comparative table below we were higher in all categories from 2019. These results are interim and will increase. We are not able to compare the performance of our students against the national averages until March. In 2021, the Scholarship results become available in the first week of February.


Year 13 (Level Three Excellence Endorsements):

Veronica Bagley

Amy Barry

Kaley Caulfield

Nikky Cho

Lachlan Coleman

Elizabeth Deadman

Dominic Dumble

Jai Fitzwalter

Lucas Goodwin

David Gough

Sophie Hine

(28 compared with 21 in 2019, 27 in 2018, 27 in 2017, 29 in 2016)

Xiaoya (Shelly) Huang

Charles Jackson

Gustav Jooste

David Koshy

Hiu (Jaby) Lau

Seo Hyun Lee

Charles Leng-Uch

Jeff Lester

Hugo Shale

Greta Simpson

Sarah Stewart

Jack Sturm

Josephine Taylor

Caleb Weck

Andrew Yip

Kazuhiko Yonekura

Kai Ding Zhou

Year 12 (Level Two Excellence Endorsements): (30 compared with 23 in 2019, 27 in 2018, 37 in 2017, 23 in 2016)

Nicolas Battersby

Sebastian Bodle

Jae Broomfield

Katie Brown

Chloe Carr Paterson

Campbell Colquhoun

Ellie Deane

Caitlin Fladgate

Jessamyn Freyberg

Joseph Grigg

Zoe Hanna

Nicholas Healy

Isabella Hills

Alexandra Johnson

Saniya Kansal

ST PAUL’S 2020 ST PAUL’S 2019 ST PAUL’S 2018 ST PAUL’S 2017 ST PAUL’S 2016 L1 with Excellence 25% 16% 16% 14% 19% L1 with Merit 45% 44% 45% 51% 48% L2 with Excellence 17% 15% 17% 19% 17% L2 with Merit 34% 32% 34% 35% 41% L3 with Excellence 22% 14% 18% 20% 22% L3 with Merit 34% 30% 33% 32% 30%

Diya Kurien

Didier Lawson

Gretel Muir

Tyler Mulgrew

Tanika Naidoo

Kate Overdevest

Anaru Paenga-Morgan

Yeon Seo Park

Yi (Elin) Qian

Frazer Tam

Charlize Tordoff

Paula Tucker

Matthew Waddell

Drake Walther

Marcia Graafhuis

Year 11 (Level One Excellence Endorsements): (45 compared with 27 in 2019, 26 in 2018, 22 in 2017, 29 in 2016)

Keyan-Sam Asadi

Phoebe Barris

Alice Buckley

Jiechang (Angelina) Che

Nicole Chen

Nikita Coleman

Anna Egan

William Max Fletcher

Dylan Fletcher

Apphia Fu

Samantha Glenn

Benjamin Haskell

Emily Jin

Riley Jones

Maia Kelly

New Students from Other Schools

Year 11 (Level One Excellence Endorsements):

Amy Barry

Ashleigh Mayall

Shanan Saju

Shloka Shetty

Hannah Swann



Our seniors achieved their best ever results in A Level Mathematics with highlights being three students gaining A* results:

Lucas Goodwin A* 91

Jaby Lau A* 91

Ella Lee A* 91

And all six students passing. With the lowest grade in this demanding qualification being 60%.


In AS Level, Katie Brown topped English and Didier Lawson, Mathematics – with 100% pass rates in both subjects.

Ashton Robinson

Riley Rolton

Max Shi

Jack Simmonds

Geoffrey Smith

Thomas Stokes

Daniel Strang

Ben Sturm

Stella Thompson

Benjamin Urlich

Leah Walsdorf

Nathan Walters

Leah Weck

Daniel Williams

Yini Zhong

Year 12 (Level Two Excellence Endorsements):

Maddison Coffey

Katie Brown A 88%

Kyle Fraser A 81%

With all nine gaining an E grade (pass) or better. (In 2019, the top grade was 61% with a 100% pass rate.)


Didier Lawson A 98%

Jessamyn Freyberg A 96%

Joanna Li A 95%

With all 14 students gaining at least a D grade (i.e. 57% or better). (In 2019, 17 of 20 students passed the examinations with a top grade of 88% and there were five ‘A’ grades achieved.)


Our students achieved an impressive set of results with a 97% overall pass rate of which a record level were 28% A* and 51% A or above.


The following students gained an A* in IGCSE subjects:

Jack Simmonds

Joanna Li

Emily Jin

Daniel Williams

Max Shi

Nicole Chen

Seetharam Jandhyala

Geoffrey Smith

Keyan Asadi

Emma Kenny

Max Fletcher

Alice Buckley

Matthew Jones

Eason Lin

Tom Stokes

Yini Zhong

Dhiren Naicker

Ben Sturm

Eddie Bi

Cormac Hodson

Angelina Che

Ben Urlich

Scott Zhou

Kate Morton

Logan Orsler

Leah Weck

Dylan Fletcher

Jamie Carter

Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Physics. Avg. of 95%

Chemistry, English, Physics. Avg. of 98.5%

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, English, Physics

Chemistry, Physics

Mathematics, Physics

Chemistry, Physics




















16 of 17 Biology students gained a pass grade (E or better). Note: 10 of 11 in 2019, all 17 in 2018; 11 out of 12 in 2017; 21 out of 23 achieved this feat in 2016. One student gained an A grade (1 in 2019, 2 in 2018, 4 in 2017, 6 in 2015, none in 2015, 5 in 2014, 1 in 2013, 3 in 2012).


All 41 of the students gained a pass grade. This compares with 100% in 2019, 34 out of 39 in 2018; 28 out of 31 in 2017; and 46 out of 49 in 2016. 13 students gained an A* (6 in 2019, 7 in 2018, 4 in 2017, 12 in 2016, 8 in 2015, 12 in 2014, 13 in 2013, and 4 in both 2012 and 2011.) Twenty gained A or better (9 in 2019, 13 in 2018, 10 in 2017, 18 in 2016, 14 in 2015, 9 in 2014, 8 in 2013, 4 in 2012, 12 in 2011).

All 19 of the students gained a pass grade and all of these were C grades or better. Similar to 2019 and 2018 when all passed, 16 out of 17 in 2017, all 23 in 2016). Seven students gained an A* (1 in 2019, 3 in 2018 and 2017, 10 in 2016, 7 in 2015, 5 in both 2014 and 2013, 3 in 2012 and 6 in 2011). 13 students gained A grades or better (8 in 2019, 10 in 2017, 18 in 2016, 14 in 2015, 9 in 2014, 8 in 2013, 4 in 2012).

ST PAUL’S 2020 ST PAUL’S 2019 ST PAUL’S 2018 ST PAUL’S 2017 ST PAUL’S 2016 ST PAUL’S 2015 Overall Pass Rate 97% 98% 94% 93% 96% 95% A* Grade (Grade higher than 90%) 28% 11% 14% 12% 19% 21% A and A* Grade Total (Grade higher than 80%) 51% 31% 41% 28% 42% 47%
ENGLISH Biology Laura Littlejohn 83% Chemistry Joanna Li 99% English Joanna Li 98% Mathematics Emily Jin 98% Physics Joanna Li 98%


All 48 of the students gained a pass grade (E or better). This 100% pass rate was the same in 2019, compared with 31 of 32 in 2018, 100% for the three years prior to that). An amazing 14 students gained an A* (1 in 2019, 6 in 2018, 4 in 2017 and 2016, 7 in 2015, 8 in 2014, 12 in 2013, 4 in 2012 and 6 in 2011). 28 students gained A grades or better (compared with 8 in 2019, 20 in 2018).


49 of the 52 Physics students gained a pass grade (E or better). This compared with 24 out of 25 in 2019, 35 of 38 in 2018, 47 of 51 in 2017 and 54 of 57 in 2016. An impressive 16 students gained an A* (3 in 2019, 2 in 2018, 9 in 2017, 7 in 2016, 8 in 2015, 12 in 2014, 9 in 2013, 3 in 2012, 8 in 2011). 29 students gained A grades or better (compared with 7 in 2019, 12 in 2018, 9 in 2017, 13 in 2016, 14 in 2015, 15 in 2014, 21 in 2013, 13 in 2012 and 14 in 2011).


Our current analysis indicates that the following students were Scholastic Centurions (Excellence grades in all of their Achievement Standards for a particular NCEA subject, or an A grade in AS or an A* grade in IGCSE Cambridge subjects):


Li Kun




Chloe Elizabeth



Troy Lucas









Barry Cao

Caulfield Cho Coleman Davis




Glasson Goodwin

Harsant Hitchcock

Huang Jooste

Koshy Lau



Sports Science

Computer Applications

Agribusiness and Business Studies

Mathematics with Calculus

Computer Science

Sports Science

Sports Science

Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer Applications

Computer Science, Mathematics with Statistics, A Level Mathematics


Agribusiness and Business Studies

Mathematics with Calculus



Mathematics with Calculus, A Level Mathematics

Chemistry, A Level Mathematics

Computer Applications

Agribusiness and Business Studies

Sports Science


Sports Science

English Photography History

Art Painting

Art Painting, Mathematics with Statistics


Computer Applications

Computer Applications


Mathematics with Statistics




Carr Paterson
















Sports Science

Agribusiness and Business Studies, Sports Science

AS English, Sports Science

Agribusiness and Business Studies

Agribusiness and Business Studies, Sports Science


AS English

AS Mathematics, Mathematics with Statistics

Sports Science

Art Painting English

Agricultural and Horticultural Science

Sports Science

Computer Science, Economics

Art Painting Photography

Sports Science

Computer Science

Chemistry, History, Physics, AS


Mathematics with Statistics*




Art Painting

Art Design

Mathematics with Statistics

Chloe Ellie
Kyle Jessamyn Joseph Honey Zoe Nick Isabella Alex Grace Grace Dolce Diya Didier Sophie Tyler Chloe Back
Molly Ollie Ruja Hugo Greta Sarah Jack Alice Josephine Caleb Juntong Kazuhiko Nelson
Stewart Sturm Taylor
O’Meeghan Pattana-Arun
Taylor Weck

Kate Frazer


Paula Drake Belinda


Overdevest Tam


Tucker Walther Wright

Art Painting


Sports Science

Agribusiness and Business Studies, Spanish, Level 3



Sports Science

Tem Frankie Duangratana Smith Photography Photography













Ben Ben


















Haskell Hodson





IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

English, IGCSE Physics*

Computer Applications

Accounting, IGCSE

Chemistry, IGCSE Physics*

IGCSE Physics

IGCSE Mathematics, Science

Accounting, IGCSE

Chemistry, IGCSE

Mathematics, IGCSE Physics*

Computer Science, Science, Sports Science*

Economics, Science

IGCSE Physics

IGCSE Mathematics, IGCSE

Physics *

Accounting, Computer Science


IGCSE Mathematics

Art Painting

Sports Science

Computer Applications

IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

Mathematics, IGCSE Physics*

Laura Atlas






Evie Riley Max Jack








Daniel Yini




Morton Naicker

O’Neill Orsler









Thompson Urlich



Williams Zhong

Accounting, Sports Science

Business Studies, Sports Science

IGCSE Mathematics

IGCSE English

Sports Science

IGCSE Physics

Sports Science

Art Painting

Computer Applications

IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

Mathematics, Level 1

Mathematics IGCSE Physics*

IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

English, IGCSE Mathematics, IGCSE Physics, Computer Science*

IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

Mathematics, IGCSE Physics, Computer Science*

IGCSE English

IGCSE English, History, Mathematics, Science*


IGCSE Mathematics, Level 1

Mathematics, Sports Science*

Art Design/Photography

Art Design/Photography, IGCSE


IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

Mathematics, IGCSE Physics, Te Reo Maaori*

Art Design/Photography, IGCSE


Eddie Bi


Matthew Scott

IGCSE Mathematics

Chanwai Zhou Music

IGCSE Mathematics

Matthew Lucy



Jin Jones

Kavanagh Kenny

Accounting, Biology, IGCSE

Chemistry, Level 2 English, IGCSE Mathematics, Level 1

Mathematics, IGCSE Physics*

IGCSE Chemistry


IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE



MIlana Shanan

Shloka Hannah

Mariu Saju Shetty Swann

Level 2 Maaori Performing Arts



Mathematics, Level 2 Biology


Li Lin

IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE

English, Geography, Level 2

AS Mathematics, Level 2

Mathematics, IGCSE Physics*

IGCSE Chemistry





Imagine a table. A very simple table. A table not dissimilar to those found in Mr Summerfield’s classroom. Because this is a round table, allowing total equality and optimised communication for all seated.

This table however is much larger than those found in B13 meaning there’s always room for another chair to be pulled up - or social distancing when necessary. As this is not just any table, but our table. The table of the 2021 leavers.

Beginning as empty and insignificant, this table now; is a constant reminder of the experiences we have been a part of, and the challenges we have faced. Oh how we have grown both cognitively and (for most) physically, since the first lot of us took our seats in February of 2017.

As the leavers of 2021, we’re soon to be permanently dismissed from our table. With the learnings and experiences coming to an end, we thought this would be the ideal time to reflect on the vast collection of memories we’ve formulated whilst seated together.

Year 9 - Upon arriving to the table for the first time in January of 2017, 110 unfamiliar faces were split into two divisions, with this being “catty, secluded Southwell” students already acclimated to the esteemed, posh, lifestyle of a private school student, the remainder of us, mere mortals ignorantly unprepared for the cultural shock we were soon to experience. There was little physical difference between us all with few being over 5 feet and most drowning in a blazer that the school shop lady had avidly campaigned we would, “grow into”. By the first week, we had attended our first chromebook burial, with a much distraught George Stace returning to the boarding house empty handed, many of us had experienced the true thrill of a Dio girl on an afterschool Chartwell date. After our first 3,700 minutes in the Chapel of Christ the King listening to Mr Landers’ never ending speeches, we had completed Year 9 largely unscathed.

Year 10 - As year 10s, we returned back onto campus and the cohort had shrunk. With half the group now off to Tihoi. The biggest surprise came when walking into our new home for the next 6 months, where we found we didn’t know nearly as many of our peers as previously believed. The first true mixing of boarding and day tested the stereotypes that had once split us in two. To the surprise of many, the two subgroups gradually united. Whilst Intake 1 was slumming it in the bush for 24hrs, those at the Hamilton campus were getting their true boogie on behind the lights.

This however, didn’t last long as it was soon Intake 2’s time to learn the wonders of the great outdoors. Their budding relationship with nature, however, seemed to go one step further than Mr Lander had intended, resulting in the swift return of 12 of the cohort to detox back at home. 2018 concluded with the departure of the well respected Rev James Stephenson leaving Tom Haycock (in particular) distraught. The boys, sorry, men, were now ready to return back to campus together, well aware that Year 11 was to bring a true test.

Year 11 - Year 11 saw the addition of 70 new chairs to the table. With the majority of these being occupied by a group previously absent - girls. Despite the year group finally being reunited on the St Paul’s campus, the divides were far from over. All you had to do was walk into a classroom and see the school wide segregation that was taking place. It seemed Mr Lander’s infamous, annual talk did little to shift the divide, and more to ensure that the girls very rarely needed to open a door for themselves. As the year progressed, it seemed these barriers slowly deteriorated.And despite the absence of a much anticipated Year 11 social, as a result of the Year 12s poor judgement, integration between the two parties eventuated. Gradually, the chairs around our table began to scooch a bit closer to one another. Mrs Lewis’s Year 11 English class was no exception despite Tom and Sophie attempting to blame a “seating plan” for their own relocation. As the Clark boys barking died down, it seemed a new problem was arising. In 2019 a sudden increase in the popularity of vaping saw a similar increase in suspensions school wide. Although 2019 saw us blessed with the St Paul’s chart topping “We Star” by Harry Jack, an equal loss was felt as Williams House most eligible bachelor, Toby Carr, dismissed himself from the table. But as many of us may find in upcoming years, just because you are no longer seated at the table doesn’t mean these ties are severed.

Year 12 - History was made during 2020 as the world was changed forever. Matt Waddell took part in his first ever rowing regatta. Year 12, the first year that saw us locked up at home; filled with “cameras on Year 12s “and Period 1 truancies. The novelty of no school, however, quickly wore off and by the 23rd of March, Jacinda had the students eagerly awaiting her announcement. Although we had been distanced from each other in a physical sense, the arrival of the revolutionary app; house party meant socialising had never been easier. Our first lockdown saw us with a lot of spare time and little to do. Unfortunately, some of us saw this as an opportunity to

develop our compositional abilities. Much to Mr Robson’s annoyance, the lockdown of 2020 saw the emergence of the unique group that was, the St Paul’s soundcloud rappers. As a result of this new found talent, we saw some of the most lyrically talented members of our cohort temporarily absent from the table. 2020 was not all doom and gloom for us however with some key future leaders shining through the fog such as Drake Walthers with his kind and considerate 40 hours of perfect push when we returned to campus.

Slowly, our cohort became closer, despite Mr Summerfield’s iconic round tables being substituted for desks, social distancing did little to deter the formulating friendships. The introduction of “dishes duty” for Haringtons boarding did, however, seem to provide a minor setback. Upon the announcement of the new duty, there was a spike in the boy’s creativity as they began to produce masterpieces of leftover food. With Luke Lemprier proudly leading the charge, these creations were nothing short of inspirational (well, for the boys at least).

As 2020 drew to a close the year group numbers seemed to drop to an all time low. With Level 2 secured, many felt it was time to take their leave from the table. Fast tracking 12 months later, we are able to fully appreciate the influence this year, and all previous years, have had on preparing us for life beyond the St Paul’s gates. This table we have occupied for the past 1-5 years is in no way as inert as initially depicted. In fact, it is this table that has made these numerous memories and experiences possible. The Table of the 2021 St Paul’s leavers has never been short of comradery, rivalry, honour and pride. Although our time here is ending it’s fortunate that, without even realising - we’ve all been taking notes. As we enjoy these final moments seated, we can all be confident that when the time finally comes to regain mobility, these momentos won’t be left behind. None of us stumbled upon this table by pure luck. Whether it’s been our parents, teachers or other significant influence, there are numerous hardworking individuals who have accounted for the security of our seats. On that note, we find it necessary to extend our gratitude towards these people who have made these invaluable experiences possible, thank you.

Year 13 has been a year like no other. Not only because lunch lines were fast tracked and boarders were able to keep their phones at night, but in other, less expected ways. And in a year unconventional by definition, it seems fitting that our reflection embodies just that.

Year 13 - Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.

It’s fair to say Year 13 hasn’t been easy

We went from Grant’s “er” now Skeen’s “to that end” Although we didn’t think it possible, Jae’s ego continued to transcend

We got a nice new building right in the heart of this place

For this we thank Lander, for him and his good grace But perhaps this was because it’s the only place we could


When level three set in entering the student centre became a big “no no”

Covid on the shores may have put off all the raves

But at the end of the day, Sargood’s grateful they’re more likely to pass NCEA

There’s little surprise Tom and Sophie still date

The same can’t be said for a few of our attendance rates

Particularly the 1st XV boys as they cant even find the tech block

Unless they finally make it off the rugby field, exams might be a bit of a shock

This new normal of Level 3 seemed to change a lot And with little else to do the boarding boys gave hairdressing a shot

Seeing a resurgence in mullets much to staff’s dislike Even though some of us thought they were pretty alright Luckily for Sargood, restrictions didn’t reach their showers What would they have done without these memorable hours

Landers assured us we’re to be “Great husbands and wives”

Looking at Williams now, who’s surprised Joking aside, it’s these experiences that have shaped our lives

Despite some pretty hard times, somehow, we’ve all survived

Linking back to the earlier analogy

Our table has changed, because that’s just reality

We’ve been separated and disrupted But we have come out reconstructed

We have learnt and grown all together as one Each forming different memories now we’re sad to be done

The final bell is soon to chime

Marking the conclusion of our time

But as we take our leave from the table

We’ll tell you this as no fable The teachings of this place remain

Is there really any need to explain

It’s not the table that we value but those who’ve been seated

Through both the good and the bad, we’ve made memories concreted

On one final note, we end on a quote

In the fitting words of a man much more literate

Drake encourages you to be more considerate In this life, tables turn and bridges burn

but at the end of the day, you live and you learn.





For a student continuing in the Aeronautical field

Kyle Fraser


For the Most Significant Contribution to Culture

Saniya Kansal


For Excellence in Debating

Frazer Tam


For Excellence in Performing Arts

Matthew Chanwai

Seamus Eade


For Excellence in Orchestral Music

Chloe Park


For Continuous Service to the Choir

Neisha Cooper

Tanike Naidoo

Maggie Walch


Junior Sportsperson of the Year

Oliver Mouat


Most Improved Junior Musician

Jackson Norris


Awarded to top Maaori Sportsperson of the Year

Anaru Paenga-Morgan

Kuwyn Price


In recognition of all-round personal success in sport and the contribution towards others reaching their potential

Jessica Scatchard


For the Most Outstanding Team of the Year

1st XV Rugby


Awarded to the Most Outstanding Sportsman of the Year

Oliver Larcombe


To the Most Outstanding Individual Sportsperson

Ben Littlejohn


Awarded to the Most Outstanding Sportswoman of the Year

Laura Littlejohn


Scott Zhou - Senior

Roy Zhu - Junior


Awarded to a student who has excelled above all others in a cultural activity

William (Max) Fletcher


Top Gold Duke of Ed and Outdoor Pursuit student

Geoffrey Smith


Most Improved Concert Band Player

Eric Joe

Zane Merson

William (Max) Fletcher Saniya Kansal



Awarded to a student who showed real development at Tihoi - Intake 1

Jimmy Ma


Awarded to a student who showed real development at Tihoi - Intake 2

Dylan Cooke



Awarded to a student who was outstanding in most areas of activity, academic and others, at Tihoi - Intake 1

Dylan Gardiner


Awarded to a student who was outstanding in most areas of activity, academic and others, at Tihoi - Intake 2

Will Hadley

Industry Awards - Industry A wards are made to students who have narrowly missed winning a prize in a number of subjects, or who are recognised for their consistent effort in the classroom throughout the year.



Bruno Cropper

Max Gurnick

Dale Plimmer

Samuel Schulze



Daniel Dawbin

Digital Innovation

Oscar Walsdorf

Drama (Shared)

Campbell Soanes



Liam Fairweather

Tri Phan

Jacob Porteous

Cristiano Sarich


Digital Innovation

George Adamson


Sam Fletcher

French (Shared)

Jake Dewar


Ryan Ingram

Materials Technology

Willem Groenendijk

Religious Education

Paul Davey

Te Reo Maaori

Manaia Snow


Third in Science

Ryle Chan

English (Shared)

Third in Digital Innovation

Aidan Hodgson

French (Shared)

Jamie Kenny


Second in Social Studies

Li Hang Cao

Physical Education

Second in Te Reo Maaori

Jay Benefield

Social Studies

Second in Spanish (Shared)

Sean Lester

Science (Shared)

Second in Digital Innovation

Third in English

William Rushbrooke

Design and Visual Communication

Second in Music

Third in Art

Third in French

Eric Joe

Drama (Shared)

English (Shared)


Science (Shared)

Second in Mathematics

Third in Social Studies

Roy Zhu

Materials Technology

Kade Slade


Jackson Norris

Physical Education

Liam Inman


Johnny van Leeuwen

Te Reo Maaori

Salesi Tauaika

Mathematics (Shared)

Third in French

Isaac Albery


Second in Te Reo Maaori (Shared)

Jackson Bird

Design and Visual Communication

Second in English (Shared)

Second in Physical Education

Dylan Gardiner

Mathematics (Shared)


Kechen (Jim) Lin


Social Studies

Third in Mathematics

Joshua Toon




Matthew Chanwai

Remy Groenendijk

Sarah Johnstone

Caitlin Lou


Art (shared)

Bailey Inman

Digital Visual Arts

Jackson Groos


Jacob Furniss


Thomas Cotter


Seamus Eade

Geography (shared)

Blake Freyberg

Geography (shared)

Yifei (Karina) Yu

IGCSE Mathematics (Cambridge)

Poen Hsieh

Mathematics (shared)

Charlie Watson

Te Reo Maaori

James Milroy

Level 3 Te Reo Maaori

Milana Mariu

Agricultural and Horticultural Science

Third in Engineering

Genevieve Churton

Art (shared)

Third in English

Lily Crowley


Third in History

Iemaja Hassell


Third in Mathematics (shared)

Luc Rochat

IGCSE English (Cambridge)

Second in Spanish

Jack Thomas

Furniture Making

Second in Engineering

Shodai Kagawa


Nicole Chen

Second in Accounting (shared)

Third in Mathematics (shared)

William Bodle

Mathematics (shared)

Second in Economics

Second in Science

Third in Geography (shared)

Joshua Forward


Computer Science

Samuel Ladbrook

Business Studies

Sports Science

Third in Mathematics (shared)

Lucy O’Meeghan

IGCSE Chemistry (Cambridge)

IGCSE Physics (Cambridge)

Second in IGCSE Mathematics (Cambridge) (shared)

Cary Guo



Second in History

Third in IGCSE Chemistry (Cambridge)

Third in IGCSE Physics (Cambridge)

Jessica Goldsmith



Second in Computer Science (shared)

Second in IGCSE Chemistry (Cambridge)

Beth Clearwater

IGCSE Biology (Cambridge)


Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus (shared)

Second in Te Reo Maaori

Frankie Muir

Level 2 AS Mathematics (Cambridge) (shared)

Level 2 Music

Second in Subject English

Third in Level 2 Chemistry

Third in Level 2 Physics

Tianxiao (Scott) Zhou

Alice Buckley

Milan Hood

Benjamin McGregor

Kate Morton


Agriculture and Horticultural Science

Ashley Vincent

Agribusiness (shared)

Tyler Mulgrew

Samantha Glenn

Agribusiness (shared)

Ashton Robinson

Art Painting

Evie Potter

Art Photography

Phoebe Macemon

Art Printmaking

Yingrui (Gabriella) Zhou

Computer Applications

Connor Irving

Drama (shared)

Shloka Shetty

Earth and Space Science (shared)

Jiechang (Angelina) Che


Anna Egan


Jamie Carter

Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (Gary Judkins Trophy)

Nicole Chen


Lulu Yarrall

Spanish (shared)

Thomas Stokes

Computer Science (shared)

Third in Music

Geoffrey Smith

Drama (shared)

Third in AS English (Cambridge)

William (Max) Fletcher

Earth and Space Science (shared)

Third in Sports Science

Nikita Coleman


Third in Mathematics with Statistics

Sarah O’Callaghan

Agribusiness (shared)

Second in Accounting (shared)

Benjamin Haskell

Art Design

Second in Graphics

Yini Zhong

Level 3 Construction

Second in Engineering

St Paul’s Graphics and Technology

Department Waikato Masters Award

Ben Sturm


Second in Biology (shared)

Second in AS English (Cambridge)

Keyan-Sam Asadi

Spanish (shared)

Sports Science

Atlas Loutfi


Furniture Making

Third in Agricultural and Horticultural Science (shared)

Benjamin Allen

Agribusiness (shared)

Mathematics with Statistics (shared)

Second in History

Third in Economics

Max Robinson

English (shared)

Mathematics with Calculus (shared)

Te Reo Maaori

Second in Geography

Daniel Williams


Computer Science

English (shared)

Second in Physics

Third in AS Mathematics (Cambridge)

Jack Simmonds


AS English (Cambridge)



Second in Level 3 A Level

Mathematics (Cambridge)

Second in Level 3 Physics

Joanna Li


Level 3 Biology

AS Mathematics (Cambridge)


Physics (Dave Woodley Physics Cup)

Second in Level 3 English

Second in Chemistry

Emily Jin



Caitlin Fladgate

Jessamyn Freyberg

Joseph Grigg

Zoe Hanna


Accounting (shared)

Ellie Deane

Agricultural and Horticultural Science (shared)

Madeline Kitchener

Agricultural and Horticultural Science (shared)

Tayla Hansen

Art Design (shared)

Ada Cho

Art Painting

Kate Overdevest

Art Photography

The Roger Bell Photography


Senior Oratory Prize

Hazel Hulme

Computer Applications (shared)

James Anderson

Computer Applications (shared)

Jason Ma


Mike Powell Memorial Trophy

Thomas Haycock


Belinda Wright


Yeon Seo (Chloe) Park

Geography (Waikato

Geographical Society Trophy)

Leah Attwood

Sports Science

Wintec Sports Studies Trophy

Katie Brown


Third in History

Maggie Walch

Media Studies

Third in English

Joshua Gibbs

Earth and Space Science (shared)

Second in Geography

Yi-Lin (Elin) Qian


Second in Biology

Second in Mathematics with Calculus

Second in Sports Science

Maddison Oliver-Coffey

Accounting (shared)

History (shared)

Frazer Tam

Agribusiness (P W Johnstone

Memorial Trophy)

Art Design (shared)

Tyler Mulgrew

Art Printmaking Graphics

Photo Life Studios Graphics Art


David Harries Memorial Trophy

Robert Crawford

Earth and Space Science (shared)

Mathematics with Calculus

Second in Chemistry

Second in Music (shared)

Third in Physics

Saniya Kansal


A Level Mathematics (Cambridge)


Third in Economics

Didier Lawson

Computer Science


English History (shared)

Third in Mathematics with Statistics

Alexandra Johnson

Madeline Kitchener Jessamyn Freyberg


Awarua Trust Scholarship - Jessica Scatchard

University of Canterbury – Hiranga Scholarship - Caitlin Fladgate

University of Canterbury – School of Forestry High Achievers Award - Paula Tucker Camano

University of Canterbury – Hiranga Scholarship - Paula Tucker Camano

Nga Karahipi Uru Rakau - Forestry Scholarship - Paula Tucker Camano

University of Auckland – Top Achiever Scholarship - Didier Lawson

University of Auckland – Top Achiever Scholarship - Maddison Oliver-Coffey

University of Otago – Māori Entrance Scholarship - Awatea Gudgeon

University of Otago – New Frontiers Scholarship - Nicholas Healy

University of Otago – Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship - Gretel Muir

University of Otago – Maaori Entrance Scholarship - Isabella Hills



Awarded to the Most Promising Artist

Grace Johnstone


Thomas Came

Brad Foster


Thomas Matthews

Luther Yates

Awarded to the Winner of the best piece of Creative Writing

Gabriel Mikkelson


Awarded to the Winner of the Senior Speech Finals

Hazel Hulme


Awarded to the student who excelled in the study of Literature in Level 3 English

Emily Jin


Awarded to the most gifted Practical Scientist

Emily Jin


Awarded to a member of the iTeam who has displayed dedication and commitment to ICT support

Malachi Flintoff


Awarded to the student who has contributed most positively to fostering international relations in the school

SeungBeom (Ben) Back

Drake Walther

Awarded to the student who has contributed most positively to fostering international relations in the School

Stark Sun


Awarded to a Year 12 student who started at St Paul’s in the lower band and has now qualified for a full NCEA Level 3 (Achievement Standards) course next year

Levi Davidson


Awarded to the top academic Year 12 student who has excelled in all areas of school life, academics, sport, culture and leadership

Joanna Li

University of Otago – Maaori Entrance Scholarship - Ruby Kapene-Paitai

Lincoln University – Hockey Scholarship - Flynn Hutchinson

Lincoln University – Hockey Scholarship - Sam Lints

Lincoln University– Future Leader - Tyler Mulgrew

Lincoln University – Future Leader - Jack Seath

David Johnstone Charitable Trust – Scholarship - Amy Rochat

University of Waikato – Ko Te Tangata - Jae Broomfield

University of Waikato – Ko Te Tangata - Ellie Deane

University of Waikato – Ko Te Tangata - Marcia Graafhuis

University of Waikato – Ko Te Tangata - Belinda Wright

University of California, Berkeley - Rowing Scholarship - Matthew Waddell


Awarded to the top academic Year 11 student who has excelled in all areas of school life, academics, sport, culture and leadership. The Haylett-Petty Memorial Trophy was donated to the School by the Oliver family and is dedicated to the memory of former staff member, Paul Haylett-Petty

Caitlin Fladgate


Awarded to the top student in the Business Sciences area who is continuing with his/her study of the Economic Sciences at University

Caitlin Fladgate

Emily Jin Malachi Flintoff Jackson Mackwood Caitlin Fladgate


Awarded to the student who celebrates, enhances and develops Kaupapa Maaori in all facets of school life.

Matire Ormsby-van Selm


Robert Crawford


Tyler Mulgrew


Luke Finlayson


Leah Attwood


Katie Brown


Charlie Etherington


Roy Zhu


Awarded to a Junior student for outstanding determination and resilience

Gil Brooker


Maaori Academic Excellence Award

Kalen Lake


Awarded for outstanding service to the school in a wide variety of areas, academics, leadership, sporting, cultural and/or service – each of these students has made an extraordinary contribution to the school in their respective areas.

Neisha Cooper

Ellie Deane

Saniya Kansal

Sam Lints

Sophie Marsh

Kuwyn Price

Jessica Scatchard


Emily Jin



Joshua Hurst


Awarded to the top Year 9 student who has excelled in all areas of school life, academics, sport, culture and leadership

Roy Zhu


Awarded for outstanding diligence and persistence in the Junior School. This trophy was donated to the School by the Goldsbury family and is dedicated to the memory of staff member John van Grootel

Paul Davey

Matire Ormsby-van Selm Katie Brown Jae Broomfield Marcia Graafhuis


Alexandra Johnson

Didier Lawson


Awarded to Year 13 students who have excelled academically and/or in leadership, sport and cultural areas

Gretel Muir

Frazer Tam

Charlize Tordoff

Belinda Wright


Awarded to the Head Boy for his outstanding leadership and commitment in all areas of school life

Matthew Waddell


Awarded to the Head Girl for her outstanding leadership and commitment in all areas of school life

Gretel Muir


Awarded to the student who has put in a really consistent effort in all areas of school life. Someone who always gives of their best in everything they do

Tanika Naidoo


Awarded in recognition of outstanding leadership both inside and outside of the classroom

Jae Broomfield


Awarded to the most outstanding female leader in the school

Katie Brown


Awarded to the student who has shown real Courage and Tenacity in the Face of Adversity

Niah Church-Jones


Awarded to the student who in the opinion of the staff, displays the following qualities: patience; kindness; faithfulness; humility and self-control - a decent young man or woman who has proven to be an excellent and influential citizen by the strength of their character

Caitlin Fladgate


Awarded to the student who has contributed most to the school in a wide variety of activities

Marcia Graafhuis

Gretel Muir Matthew Waddell Tanika Naidoo Niah Church-Jones Didier Lawson and Alexandra Johnson



AD Johnson – Chair

JH Jackson – Deputy Chair

Most Reverend Sir David Moxon KNZM

RG Brown

AD Grigg

RM Ludbrook

BW Miller

PJ Morgan QC

KJ O’Meeghan

Dr EM Rumball

T Veitch



GW Lander BA Auckland, DipSchMan, DipTeach (until April)

BD Skeen BA BCom Auckland, DipTeach (from May)

Associate Headmaster

PA Robson BSc(Tech) Waikato, PGDipEdLead, DipTeach

Deputy Headmaster - Academic

JJ Coley BA Waikato, DipEd

Deputy Headmaster - Junior School

HM Bradford BA Massey, MEdLead(Hons) W aikato, DipTeach

Deputy Headmaster - Pastoral + Boarding

CM Hardman BSpLS BTeach Waikato

Assistant Headmaster - Co-Curricular

JM Hay BSpExSc Wintec, GDipTeach


Rev. PA Rickman BTh Oxford


Clark House

CJ Foot BSc(Hons) Cape Town, GDipTeach, PGCertLDCL

Fitchett House

CJ Lewis BEd South Africa

Hall House

CH Neethling BEd(Hons) Johannesburg

Hamilton House

KB Hogg BSc Waikato, DipTeach, PGCertAppPrac

Sargood House

GC Johnstone BSc Auckland, PGDipTeachLearn

School House

NW Muirhead HDipEd, FDipEd

Williams House

ML Holdgate BSpLS Waikato, MEdLM Sydney, GDipTeach, GCertPosEd

Harington Day

H Lewis BEd Kwa-Zulu Natal

Harington Boarding

JJ Lock BSc(Hons) Pretoria, MEdLead(Hons) Waikato, HDipEd

Boarding Administrator

AJ Constable BSocSc Waikato, BLitt Deakin, MA Macquarie, DipEdSt, LRPS (Librarian)


Leaders of Curriculum

AJ Bromwich BCom Auckland, DipTeach, NDBE – Social Sciences

JB Cameron BFA(Hons) MFA Massey, GDipTeach – Arts

DJ Gundersen BTour Waikato, MMan Massey, PGDipSpMan, GDipTeach

– PE & Health

AS Harries DipTeach, AdvTradeCert – Technology

TA Hastie MEdLead(Hons) Waikato, HDE – Mathematics

DD Smith BSc(Tech) Waikato, DipTeach – Science

B Summerfield BA, BTeach Waikato – English

Teaching Staff

RJC Aldridge BA(Hons) Victoria, DipSLT, DipArts, DipTeach, CELTA

KR Allen BPRTM Lincoln, MEnvEd Griffith, DipTeach

PJ Cakebread MMath(Hons) Exeter PGCE

IS Campbell BA Otago, DipTeach

SL Cantlon BSocSc MEd(Hons) Waikato, GDipTeach

TJ Carpenter BMus Waikato, MMus(Hons) Auckland, GDipTeach, GDipMus, LRSM –Director of Music (until July)

HR Chileshe BA Canterbury, DipTeach

PA Clement DipTeach, AdvTradeCert

CA Collie BA Waikato, MTeach Auckland

BG de Beer BSc Auckland, GDipEng, GDipTeach

IT Duncanson BSc Otago, GDipTeach

BC Emslie BA Cape Town, PGCE, PGCertELM

H Fox BMus(Hons) Hull, PGCE (from July)

CR Gibbs BSc Massey, GDipTeach

MP Groom BEd Waikato

GJ Haines BCA Victoria, GDipTeach – Director of Teaching and Learning

MR Hewett GDipTeach, GDipEng

JDF Howard BA Waikato, GDipTeach

KL Lilley BEng(Hons) Loughborough, PGCE

G Littlejohn BMS(Hons) Waikato, DipTeach, DipCareerDev

RR McCarthy BPhEd Otago, PGDipEdLead, GDipTeach

JE McGrath BSc MSc(Hons) PhD Waikato, GDipTeach

JM Old BDes Massey, GDipTeach (until July)

CG Peebles BSc Pretoria, MSc Staffordshire – Director of Rowing

EJ Pitu BCom Auckland, PGDipAcc, DipTeach

LE Price BDes CPIT, DipCraftDes, DipTeach (from July)

MW Rameka BSpLS BTeach Waikato

BI Rawson BA Waikato, GDipTeach

MM Rees-Gibbs BSpLS Waikato, GDipTeach

DF Ringle BMusEd James Madison, MA Liberty, MS(Ed) Old Dominion – Director of Instrumental Music

AJ Ross BEd(HumMovHealthEd) Sydney

I Rudkin BTechEd(Hons) Glasgow

NM Schollum BSc, BTeach Waikato

MC Simmonds BEng(Hons), PhD Salford, GDipTeach

MC Simmons BA Massey, GDipScTech, GDipTeach

ME Simoncelli BPhEd Uruguay

JE Spenceley BSc MSc Waikato, GDipTeach

FR Stapleton BA(Vis) Western Sydney, MEd(SpecEd) Newcastle (NSW), GDipEd, GDipEDBD - Director or Inclusive Education

KT Stewart BSc Waikato, GDipTeach

SA Stewart BA Waikato, GDipTeach

KJ Taylor BSocSc Waikato, GDipTeach

DR Teka BBA(Fin) Waikato, GDipTeach

GL Thompson BA Auckland, GDipTeach

TT Thompson BA Auckland, GDipTeach, DipAdvMaoriLang

TA Tierney BA McGill, MScEd Niagara, MEdLead(Hons) Waikato

B van Meygaarden BSc MSc Auckland, DipTeach

SB Ward BSc(Tech), GDipTeach – Director of Digital Learning

CA Watson BA Victoria, BA(Hons) Waikato, GDipTeach

SJ Wilkinson BSpLS Waikato, GDipTeach, UEFA A Licence

LJ Williams BSpLS BTeach – Director of Netball

FJ Wilson BSc Otago, GDipTeach

PJ Wilson BEd Waikato, DipTeach – Careers Advisor


N Steward – Learning Support


NJ Carson – Teacher Aide

MH Landon – Teacher Aide

ACM Noble – Teacher Aide

DW van den Berg BSpExSc –

Teacher Aide

OT Yarrow – Teacher Aide


JM Clarke – Assistant Librarian

G Jackson – Technology Assistant

RF Keene NZCE – Science Technician

SP Konui BSocSc – Assistant Science


DL Martin – IT Systems Engineer

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