2011 St Paul's Year Book

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Our previous Editor would frequently tell us we are the school of distractions. You will see in the pages of this magazine that we all are certainly very busy. It is this busyness that brings with it a richness to our school and especially our students. Many of our student’s highlighted in this book excel at sports and cultural activities outside the realms of the school. They bring these successes back to us and enrich other students with their achievements and enthusiasm. You will read of the music teachers that encourage your sons and daughters, of their international performance and passion for their subject and how they bring their myriad of experience to bear on our students to create the cultural tapestry of St Paul’s. Our Headmaster, our teachers, and our coaches model making the most of the time we spend here at St Paul’s. It is in this hive of activity that our students learn lessons important to them later in life; how to challenge themselves to heights of success they themselves have never imagined. Success in academics, sports, the arts, music, physical pursuits and the management of major events in our school all build into the lives of the students. You will most especially see what our Headmaster describes as ‘the heart of our school’, our chapel. Building into the spiritual and philosophical life of our students is vital in a school such as St Paul’s with a special character of the Christian dimension. It is my firm belief that this base builds into the lives of your sons and daughters regardless of their ability, their interest or their current belief, and will impact their lives long after they have left the boundaries and relative safety of our school. When they begin to make adult decisions that require heart and ethical fortitude, the spiritual lessons learned here will clearly lead them in the way that is right and benefits the most. The lessons learned here will become the heart and soul of future success in a way that many of us will never see.

As far as what you can see, inside this cover alone you will see the work of our student editor Charlotte Atherton, our talented student writer Sam Tharratt, our gifted student photographer Lashara Lim and I am sure you have already been impressed with the cover to this year’s Collegian created and designed by Bon Scott. We have also been lucky enough to reap the benefits of many, many hours of expertise from Maureen Dwight, an experienced publisher from England, who was so impressed with our students she volunteered her time.

It has been my intention to give you a glimpse into the rich and fulfilling lives of our students and our teachers, into our successes and personal moments of laughter and celebration, to show you that your sons and daughters will take their education and achievements from St Paul’s and continue to make themselves and those around them proud, to take their experience from this place and continue the legacy of what it is to be ‘from St Paul’s’.

Andrea Dela Rue
1 Contents OUR SCHOOL COMMUNITY Board of Trustees and Staff 2 Staff 2011 4 Staff 2010 4 Introducing New Staff 5 Farewell to Staff 7 Induction of New Fellows 10 Grant grants an Interview 12 A Bright New Beginning 13 Prefects Commissioning 14 CHAPEL OF CHRIST THE KING Our Special Character 15 Chaplain’s Report 16 Chapel Prefects’ Reflections 17 House Chapel Services 18 ACADEMIC EXPOSURE Academic Matters 20 Musically Able 24 Global Perspectives: The Classroom of the Future 27 Scientifically Speaking 28 SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS Celebration of Music 30 Damn Yankees 32 Stage Challenge 34 A Circus at the St Paul’s Ball 36 NOTABLE EVENTS Visitors to St Paul’s 40 The Old Collegians’ Pavilion 42 The Leadership Camp 44 Tihoi House Project 45 Ward Family Scholarship –Cat McRae 46 Northfield Mount Hermon Visit 46 THE POWER OF SPORT Aerobics 47 Badminton 47 Athletics 48 Basketball 50 Chess 51 Cricket 52 Climbing 56 Cross Country 56 Cycling 57 Duathlon 57 Football 58 Equestrian 63 Golf 63 Hillary Challenge 64 Inline Hockey 64 Hockey 65 Mountain Bike Club 69 Skiing 69 Netball 70 Rowing 71 Rugby 73 Scuba Club 78 Squash 78 Softball 79 Table Tennis 79 Clay Shooting 80 Swimming 81 Tennis 82 Touch Rugby 83 Triathlon 83 Beach Volleyball 84 Weights Club 84 Water Polo 85 CULTURALLY CRUISING Kapa Haka 86 Choir 86 Band Programme 87 French Trip 88 Debating 88 V48 Hour Film Festival 89 OUR ACHIEVEMENTS Our Achievements 90 OUR STUDENTS’ WORK Technology and Graphics Department 98 Art and Design 100 Creative Writing 104 Year 9 Poetry 110
LIFE Artsweek 111 Athletics Day 112 Road Relay 112 24 Hour Relay for Charity 113 Cross Country 113 Swimming Sports 114 Standards 114 House Music 115 Haka Competition 115 WE ARE THE SUM OF OUR PARTS Clark House 116 Fitchett House 118 Hall House 120 Hamilton House 122 Harington Day House 124 Harington Boarding 127 Sargood House 128 School House 130 Tihoi Venture School 132 Williams House 136 Clark House Photo 138 Fitchett House Photo 139 Hall House Photo 140 Hamilton House Photo 141 Harington House Photo 142 Sargood House Photo 143 School House Photo 144 Williams House Photo 145 CLASS OF 2011 End of Year Address from our Student Leaders 146 Our Student Leaders for 2012 147 Prefect Pen Sketches 2011 148 FINAL AWARDS AND CELEBRATIONS Headmaster’s Prize Giving Address – abridged 152 Chairman –Mr Phillip Morgan QC 155 Valedictory Speech –Charlotte Atherton 156 Prizegiving Ceremony 158 2011 Leavers 160 St Paul’s Collegiate School Hamilton STATE I N FIDE

Board of Trustees and Staff


PJ Morgan (QC) – Chair

GW Thompson – Deputy Chair

DJ Gasquoine

SK Wootton

ML Gutry

Dr KB Morris

AD Johnson

GA Brown

Rev AWL Hedge

LG Harris – Parents Assn Rep

RM Ludbrook – Old Collegian Rep

Headmaster – G.W. Lander, BA (Auckland), DipSchMan (Unitec), DipTchg


Deputy Headmaster CJ Luman, BA (UCT), PGDipSportMgt (Massey), HPTD

Assistant Headmaster Senior School

P Hampton, MEd, BSc, Dip Tchg

Assistant Headmaster Junior School J Rowlands, BA (Otago), DipTchg (Term 4)

Director of Teaching & Learning JE McGrath, MSc(Hons), PhD (Waikato), GradDipTchg

Director of Appraisal & Professional Learning RG Bell, BEd (Waikato), DipTchg

Director of Extra Curricular Activities

PC Gilbert, DipSR (Waikato), DipTchg, TTC

Chaplain Rev C Luccock, BA(Hons) (Simon Fraser), MDiv (VST)

Guidance Counselor GJ Henley-Smith, BSc (Washington State), PGDipCouns (Waikato), DipTchg

Asst Careers Advisor JA Oehley, BSc (Wits), DipCom (Waikato), TTHD, GradCertCareerCouns


Clark M Markham

Fitchett AJ Tharratt

Hall PJ Wilson

Hamilton IS Campbell

Sargood CI Morton

School ADR Gibbs

Williams HG Smith

Harington JJ Lock


Boarding SJ Wells

Senior Boarding

Housemaster AJ Constable


Visual Arts KL Saunders

Biology RG Bell

Careers and Guidance GJ Henley-Smith

Chemistry DD Smith

Commerce MP Holmes

English JJ Coley

Geography CI Morton

History / Social Studies DH Williams


Music M Flint

International Students MJ Smith

Library AJ Constable

LRU AJ Tharratt

Mathematics G. Judkins

Music FJ Cowan

Physical Education CM Hardman

Physics DW Sole

Religious Studies Rev C Luccock

Science KB Hogg

Second Languages RJC Aldridge

Technology & Graphics AD Harries


RJC Aldridge, BA (Hons) (Victoria), DipSLT, DipArts, DipTchg, CELTA

RG Bell, BEd (Waikato), DipTchg (Term 1 and 2)

HM Bradford, BA (Massey), DipTchg

JC Ballantyne, MSc (Physics), PGDipSci, BSc (Otago), DipTchg (Waikato)

IS Campbell, BA (Otago), DipTchg

PA Clement, AdvTradeCert, DipTchg

NE Clothier, BEd (Waikato), DipPerfArts

CA Coates, BFA (Auckland), DipTchg

JJ Coley, BA (Waikato), DipEd

FJ Cowan, BMus (Victoria), DipTchg, LTCL

AJ Dela Rue, BMS (Hons), MMS Dist (Waikato), GradDipTchg

RM Don, BA (Canterbury), DipTchg

LM Elliott, BTchg (Waikato), DipEd, TTC

DH Eltringham, GradDipTchg (NZMIT), BSc (Witwatersrand)

JGFanning, BA, BCom (Otago), GradDipTchg

M Flint, BEd (Hons), ALCM (TchgDip Trumpet), AVCM

CJ Foot, BSc (Hons) (UCT)

ADR Gibbs, BEd (Massey), DipTchg

PC Gilbert, DipSR, DipTchg, TTC

MP Groom, BEd (Waikato)

CM Hardman, BTchg, BSL (Waikato)

AS Harries, AdvTradeCert, DipTchg

TA Hastie, HDE

GJ Henley-Smith, BSc (Washington State), PGDipCouns, DipTchg

JJ Hepburn, BSc (Waikato), GradDipTchg

KB Hogg, BSc (Waikato), DipTchg

MP Holmes, BCom (Victoria), DipTchg

JDF Howard, BA (Waikato), PGDip Tchg (Waikato)

GL Judkins, BSc(Hons) (Montana State), DipTchg

JJ Lock, BSc (Hons) (Pretoria), HDE

Rev C Luccock, BA(Hons) (Simon Fraser), MDiv (VST)

M Markham, BA (Auckland), DipTchg (Auckland)

RR McCarthy, BPEd (Otago), GradDipTchg (Otago)

JE McGrath, MSc(Hons), PhD (Waikato), GradDipTchg

L Morgan, BSocSc, REP, DipTchg (Waikato)

CI Morton, BA (Massey), DipTchg

NW Muirhead, HDE, FDE

KL Rhymer, BEng (Hons) (Loughborough), PGCE

DD Smith, BScTech (Waikato), DipTchg

HG Smith, AdvTradeCert(Carpentry), DipTchg

MJ Smith, BA (Waikato), NZCLS, CELTA

DW Sole, BA (Massey), DipTchg

KL Saunders, BDes (Victoria), DipTchg

AJ Tharratt, BA (UNISA), MEd(Psych) (Massey), PGDipSNRT (Waikato), DSE, HDE, DipTchg

B van Meygaarden, BSc, MSc (Auckland), DipTchg

LJ Varney, TradeCert

AL Visagie, BSc (Potchefstroom), HDE

TDD West, GradDipTchg (Waikato)

DH Williams, BA (Canterbury), DipTchg

PJ Wilson, BEd (Waikato), DipTchg

Teacher Aides

MS Foulds, MLIS (Dublin) BSc (Auckland), DipTchg

SV Langton, ASCON (UK)

BA Goggin, CEng, FIChE

Tihoi Staff

C Wynn, BPRMgt, DipTchg, NZOIA (Director)

C Smith, BPRMgt, DipTchg, NZOIA (Director)

CW Findley, BPRMgt, DipTchg

D Firth, BEd, DipTchg

A Gainfort, BSR, GradDipTchg, NZOIA (Intake 2,2011)

R Kersel, BPhysEd, NZOIA

BS Louie, BSR, DipORL, DipTchg

K Smith, BSR (Intake 1, 2011)

C Walker, Dip. ORL (Intake 1, 2011)

B Martin, (Tutor)

T Te Whare, (Tutor)

J Frost, (Reception)


AJ Constable, MA (Macquarie), BLitt (Deakin), DipEdSt (Librarian)

C Luman, (Assistant)


Business Manager IK Bridge, MBA (Waikato), CA, ANZIM Administration Support

DM Chapman, (Reception)

SE Gibbs, (Accounts Payable)

PE Nicholls, BCompt, AIMTA (Accountant)

KM Rice, (Accounts Receivable)

Director of Marketing & Development GAJ Parton, JP, NZCS, PGDipMgtSt (Waikato)

Marketing Support

WW Cameron, BSocSc, MMS, DipCom (Facilities)

DM McRae, (Marketing Assistant)


SA Koopman, (Manager, School Shop)

CE Mason, (Academic Secretary)

RC Porteous, (Resource Manager)

JM Purvis, (Headmaster’s PA)

D Shalloe, (Management Secretary)


MK O’Donnell, NZCD (Arch), Dip Tchg (ICT Service Manager)

MKC Easter, MSc, DipTchg (ICT Network Manager)

DN Lyes, CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+ (ICT Support Technician)


Dr Z Khouri, MBChB, DipObst, DipSportsMed (School Doctor)

Mrs JM Williams, RN, RM (School Nurse)

Ms R Hemsworth, DipTchg (First Aider)


R Keene, NZCE (Science Technician)

M Bruce, (Matron, Clark House)

B McCarthy, (Matron, Sargood House)

G Thompson, (Matron, Williams House)

H Barton, (Cricket coaching & grounds)

J Bigham, (Tutor, Harington House)

S Broadbent, (Tutor, Williams House)

Z Hartley, (Tutor, Sargood House)

N Jensen, (Tutor, Clark House)

F van der Merwe, (Tutor, Clark House)


Drums Alan Grady

Piano Chikako Komaki


Woodwind Nathan Koretz

Guitar Simon Koretz

Guitar Lott Larson

Flute Kathryn Orbell

Guitar Derek Shaw

Drums Sam Trenwith


Saxophone Ian Parsons

Brass Bill Stoneham

Piano Melanie Hadley

Singing Ian Campbell

Strings Alison Hepburn

Guitar Sam Koretz

Guitar/ Rock Band Nathan Aish

Organ Rachael GriffithsHughes


M Robinson, BBus (Site Manager, Spotless Services)

C Warner, (Executive Chef, Alliance Catering)


DM McRae


Back Row: F. Cowan, N. Muirhead, J. Hepburn, I. Campbell, A. Dela Rue, R. Bell, P. Wilson, B. Van Meygaarten, H. Rodney, J. Fanning

5th Row: M. Groom, D. Sole, R. Clarke, G. Littlejohn, A. Gibbs, J. Howard, C. Foot, M. Markham, M. Holmes, C. Morton, N. Clothier

4th Row: J. Lee, A. Tharratt, D. West, A. Judkins, D. Lyes, I. Boyle, C. Hardman, A. Harries, H. Smith, M. Shaw, L. Varney, P. Clements

3rd Row: J. Oehley, A. Visagie, J. Williams, R. Don, W. Cameron, J. Ballantyne, A. Constable, R. McCarthy, A. Johnston, D. McRae, K. Hogg, G. Thompson, D. Eltringham

2nd Row: R. Hemsworth, B. McCarthy, T. Hastie, M. Smith, M. Flint, C. Coates, L. Morgan, K. Saunders, S. Wells, R. Keene, J. Lock, E. Trevail, M. Van Warmerdam, M. Foulds

Front Row: K. Bradford, M. O’Donnell, G. Henley-Smith, P. Gilbert (D.E.C.A.), P. Hampton (Assistant Headmaster Senior School), C. Luman (Deputy Headmaster), G. Lander (Headmaster), I. Bridge (Business Manager), J. Rowlands (Assistant Headmaster Junior School), G. Parton (Director of Marketing and Development), L. Luccock (Chaplain), J. Coley, D. Williams

Staff 2011 Staff 2010

Back Row: B. Tysame, K. Rhymer, G. Judkins, M. Groom, D. Sole, D. Williams, N. Muirhead, C. Hardman, A. Dela Rue, B van Meygaarden, L. Varney, A. Tharratt

4th Row: H. Ripper, F. Cowan, C. Marton, R. Aldridge, N. Jenson, G. Littlejohn, A. Gibbs, C. Foot, R. Turnbull, J. Hepburn, P. Wilson, H. Smith

3rd Row: M. Holmes, R. Don, K. Hogg, P. Clement, W. Cameron, N. Clothier, H. Barton, N. Grant, A. Harries, A. Constable, G. Thompson, A. Visagie, J. Williams

2nd Row: G. Skofic, K. Saunders, M. Bruce, C. Coates, T. Hastie, R. Hemsworth, L. Elliot, B. McCarthy, M. Smith, J. Lock, S. Wells, J. Fanning

Front Row: H. Bradford, R. Bell, J. McGrath, P. Gilbert, J. Oehley (Assistant Principal), G. Lander (Headmaster), C. Luman (Deputy Headmaster), Rev C. Luccock (Chaplain), D. Smith, G. Henley-Smith, J. Coley

Introducing New Staff


Mathematics Teacher

Mr Denis Eltringham has previously served in the Rhodesian Air Force. For the past eleven years he has been Assistant Head of Mathematics at Papakura High School and was also the school’s timetabler. Mr Eltringham came to St Paul’s to cover the classes of Miss Katie Rhymer while she is on parental leave.


Senior Management Secretary

Donna joined us this year to provide assistance to the Senior Management Team. She has worked in various administration positions in the past including the BBC and Glaxo Smith Klein. On returning to New Zealand Donna had a PA role with Lederle Laboratories and then with Fisher and Paykel. Donna and her husband Damien have two children, Conor and Niamh.



Teacher of Media and English

Being told from a young age that he had a talent for teaching, and living in a family of teachers, I’m sure no one was surprised that he chose to follow in the family business. He joins us to teach Media Studies following extensive experience in the industry prior to considering a career in teaching.

For fun, Mr Howard enjoys spending his time on photoshop designing, which is something he got into action when he turned our school shield into a heart for Valentines Day.


Assistant to DECA

Jan joined St Paul’s early this year as an assistant to the Director of extra-curricular activities on a part time basis. Jan’s interests include the outdoors, a variety of sports and spending time with family and friends. Together with her husband Mark, Jan has two young children.


Science Teacher and Assistant Housemaster Williams

Mr James Ballantyne is an Old Collegian of St Paul’s (Sargood 1992–1996) and joins us from Tauranga Boys’ High School where he was Head of Physics. His interests are athletics and hockey and he has been the Tauranga Boys’ 1st XI coach, a NZ Hockey age group coach and manager and a member of the New Zealand University Team and Otago Mens Hockey Squad.


Science Technician

Mrs Raewyn Keene joined us in May from St John’s College, where she brings 15 years experience in the science curriculum area with her. She has a background in Medical and Research Microbiology, having previously worked at the Hamilton Med Lab, and the National Dairy Laboratory at Ruakura. Raewyn has held the position of President of the NZ Science Technicians Assn and was an executive member of NZ Science Educators.


Economics Teacher

Leeann Morgan comes to us from a position of Co-ordinator of Canteen Northland, a position she has held for the past three years. Prior to that she held the position of Head of Economics at both Westlake Boys’ and Westlake Girls’ High Schools. Mrs Morgan has an interest in the outdoors and enjoys fishing, running and various sports.


Clark House Boarding Housemaster

Mr Matthew Markham was educated at St Kentigern’s College and comes to St Paul’s from Assistant Head of Social Science at Auckland Grammar School. He was master-in charge of rowing and has taken the 2nd XI which played in the 1st XI grade. Mr Markham also has a keen interest in rugby, coaching the second XV at Westlake and age group sides at Auckland Grammar.



Assistant Headmaster –Junior School

A Taranaki man, Mr Rowlands initially trained as a land surveyor, but ended up teaching Mathematics at New Plymouth Boys High School. Just like his father, he taught there for around 25 years, holding a variety of roles, such as Hostel Master, then head of Mathematics, and finally as Assistant Principal. Mr Rowlands has made a great contribution to Rugby on a national and international scale, coaching the Auckland Blues, the Taranaki Provincial Team, and the Blackferns, who enjoyed considerable success under his leadership, winning four World Cups. Mr Rowlands is now Head Coach of the St. Paul’s 1st XV rugby team.


Director of Instrumental Music

Michelle Flint joins St Paul’s with the mandate to develop a comprehensive instrumental and band programme. She was educated in England and was the owner and principal of the Yamaha Music School in England. This was a position that had 15 staff and taught 400 students. She comes to St Paul’s from Cambridge Middle School where she was the head of Performing Arts. Mrs Flint directed choir, orchestra, jazz band, marimba group and rock band – the latter of which won all three major awards at the ’Pulse’ competition in 2010. Mrs Flint is an accomplished musician in her own right, she is currently studying for her masters in music education, has played for the Waikato Symphony Orchestra and an ’A’ Grade Brass Band – Thorntons Brass. Mrs Flint currently plays in a local jazz band and is the musical director of the Cambridge Brass Band.

MS LOVONA MORRIS Clark House Matron

At the beginning of Term 2, the boys and staff of Clark House welcomed their new Matron, Ms Lovona Morris. Lovona joins us with vast experience as a teacher aide at Hamilton Boys’ High, and before that as a communication support worker with special education. Lovona is looking forward to her time in Clark House, and has already made a great start getting to know many of the boys and their parents.


Headmaster – Senior School

Peter Hampton comes to St Paul’s from Hamilton’s Fraser High School where he held the position of Acting Deputy Principal. He held the position of Head of Faculty Science and then Mathematics. He has worked as an education consultant from 1998 to 2002. Prior to that, he was Deputy Principal of Melville High School and then Associate Principal of Fraser High School. He has been head of Science at both Te Awamutu and Te Aroha Colleges. Mr Hampton has had a keen interest in and is still an active basketballer and his other co-curricular interests also include cricket.

MIKE O’DONNELL Director of Digital Learning

Mike joined St Paul’s in July to take up the newly created position of Director of Digital Learning. He comes to us having had considerable experience in both the education and ICT arenas. He held various teaching positions including Deputy Principal for 4 years.

He left Otahuhu College to take up the position of major account manager in an IT company that serviced the education market. This role encompassed visiting and liaising with predominantly secondary schools in the northern region to map out not only their hardware and software needs but, more importantly, their vision and strategic plan for the use of ICT for curriculum delivery. On leaving this company he held the position of Northern Regional Manager.


Physical Education Teacher and Assistant Housemaster Sargood

Ryan McCarthy is an Old Collegian of St Paul’s. He comes to us from Macleans College, prior to that he was teaching at Onehunga High School. He has ten years boarding experience – five of those as a student in Sargood House where he was Head of House and another five years at John McGlashan College Senior House and Housemaster. Mr McCarthy’s co-curricular interests are rugby, weightlifting, touch and athletics. He has represented the NZ Divisional Team, North Otago, ARFU as an emerging player, and the Highlanders wider training squad.

Farewell to Staff


James Hepburn arrived to take up the position of ICT teacher. James quickly became involved in the St Paul’s life as a coach of the 3rd XI soccer team – a challenge. His passion outside the school was racing his Fiat Uno car on the local circuits, and had many stories on his return from his weekends racing. On the arrival of his first child Thomas, the car was relegated to the pits and his family was his passionate focus.

James was a promoter of the ICT technology teams and from this emerged a series of student ICT based teams to assist and promote the use of technology.

While teaching he has had classes of all levels but the predominant area has been 12 and 13 computer science. Late this year James saw an opportunity to move into industry. He has now left St Paul’s for a position as a systems test engineer at the Gallagher Group.


Jo Fanning joined us as a full time teacher in the English Department

Mrs Fanning now leaves St Paul’s. While here she was a passionate teacher who tried to inspire her students and help them be prepared for the rigors of NCEA. Through this year’s production of Damn Yankees, it is of no coincidence that Jo formed a strong bond with her students


A Maori toa stands waist-deep in the Waikato River with a taiaha in his right hand. This is the main image chosen by the Sunday Star Times to illustrate a feature about the aspirations of first year teachers.

Headmaster Grant Lander was keen to expand biculturalism at the school and the young 22 year old is an ideal choice to make the waka move faster. Staff and students quickly realise that Dion West is a man of mana.

Toti wants te reo Maori to become better pronounced and common place in the school and wider community. He wants to see the use of the language and haka in more places than just the school. A recent professional development session on taha Maori run by Dion was regarded by many of the long-established staff as the best PD session ever at the school.

His planning for te reo Maori lessons and two social studies classes, including Global Perspectives was superb and appreciated by his colleagues.

Although Dion’s stay at the school was short, his influence will be lasting. The young man commands instant respect and is a model of respectfulness. “St Paul’s is an awesome school and I have been given great support from all the staff.” Dion is keen to see the whole school whanau embrace tikanga Maori. We wish him well in his new position as Dean of Maori students at Hamilton Boys’ High School, where he was head boy in 2006.

Tena koe e te Rangatira. Whakawhetai e hoa. Ka nui te taonga o te ako. Ki te kawe mai i te kupenga o te aroha. Kia tau te rangimarie.


Frances Frazer took up the position of Science Technician at St Paul’s in 2003. The job of a science technician is very demanding and requires a huge range of skills not the least of which is meeting the demanding equipment and material needs of ten science staff and approximately 40 science classes!

She came highly recommended by Mr Sole, our current Head of Physics. He had worked with her for many years at Fraser High School and could vouch for the outstanding qualities and service she would bring to the sciences and the school in general.

Frances Frazer proved to be all this and more! In her work as a science technician she was always dedicated, efficient and highly self-motivated. She also always showed very high levels of initiative, resourcefulness and reliability. She frequently helped other departments with resource needs and maintenance and gave hugely of her time to costume making and alterations and props for each of the productions in the school as well as stage challenge, over the time she was with us.

Mrs Frazer was highly valued as a colleague and a friend by many of the staff. Her cheerful, generous and downto-earth nature is greatly missed.


At the end of the first term, we, the boys and staff of Clark House said farewell to our beloved Matron, Mrs Margaret Bruce. Her delightful personality and empathetic ear will be greatly missed. We hope she will keep Clark House close at heart in the future. We thank her very much for the work she has done, and wish her well as she returns to proper retirement.



Heta began teaching at St Paul’s in 1998 as HOD Technology and was also appointed as Assistant Housemaster of Clark House in 1999, taking over the role of Housemaster in 2000. Heta and Margie believed in the concept of family and worked together as house parents.

On 20 October 2000 they became the first couple to be married in Harington Boarding House courtyard.

Heta and Margie love planning projects that keep young men busy. The 40 Hour Famine became the 40 Hour Clark House Relay, which ran from Friday to Sunday. This event now includes the other boarding houses and sees our students complete marathon distances in the interests of fund-raising.

By 2004 Heta needed a break. In the meantime Margie had become Director of International Students in 2003. Heta joined the BCITO (Building Construction Industry Training Organisation) overseeing the training of apprentice builders. Margie enjoyed the challenges of her new job. Caring for young people who come from half way around the world from countries as diverse as Thailand, China, Brazil and Germany amongst others, was a natural extension of Margie’s house parenting role.

Margie took special pride in the achievements of those in her care. “Kiwi students also benefit from exposure to other cultures and they become more accepting of those cultures,” says Margie.

In 2006 Greg Fenton asked Heta to return to school as Head of Department and he took up the position in term two.

Margie believes that St Paul’s Collegiate School isn’t just a place that provides opportunities to students, but also opportunities to staff in “turning dreams into realities”. She gained her degree and undertook teacher training at Waikato University. She emerged as a talented historian. For being top in her class in 2008-2009 she received a Golden Key Award, a prestigious and internationally recognised presentation.

Heta took up the position of Assistant Housemaster in Williams House in 2009.

“Kia Ora te Whanau.” This is always the way that Heta addresses the school and staff. His farewell whaikorero was a reminder of what the staff will miss when our wonderful kaumatua leaves to lead boarding at Francis Douglas Memorial College in Taranaki.

Heta’s big building projects of 2010 and 2011 will live long in the history of the school. Building a fale in tsunami ravaged Samoa saw Heta co-ordinate a huge fund-raising and logistics exercise to help people in desperate need. This year’s project to build a Tihoi House on site at St Paul’s again benefited the boys of the construction class in many ways. It gave them both skills and a sense of purpose, an educational experience hard to match. Heta praised the three headmasters he worked for at St Paul’s. “They were passionate and committed men’’ and like Margie he believes St Paul’s provides amazing

opportunities to both students and staff. Kia Kaha te Whanau. Go strong school family.

Margie will be with us for another term. She plays a vital role in marketing, visiting and supporting the school’s international family as well as teaching ESOL and English. She will pass on her knowledge to her successor and then take up a similar position at Francis Douglas Memorial College. In a sense you are both going home to Taranaki, but St Paul’s will always be your second turangawaewae. We will miss your aroha.

Ka nui te koa, te aroha, te tangi o te ngakau. Ki te kawe mai I te kupenga o te aroha. Kia tau te rangimarie.


Prior to her appointment as Director of Marketing and Development, Mrs Parton was a member of the Trust Board. Her tenure here at St Paul’s has been defined by the tireless hours she works and the passionate nature in which she markets St Paul’s Collegiate School. Mrs Parton’s children have all been students of this school so she has experience as a parent, board member and as a staff member. Glenys Parton has done a wonderful job in promoting the School to the wider community and worked hard at improving the quality of publications and our website.

Mrs Parton has left us to take up a position in Tauranga in horticultural research. She will be greatly missed by her colleagues, management and board members alike and will be remembered for her tenacity and professionalism.


In 2004, Cathie Mason was appointed as our School Receptionist. She was responsible for the front office communication with parents, contractors, staff and students. Always pleasant, friendly and helpful, her enthusiasm and commitment to the organisation was exceptional.

In 2008 she was promoted to the position of Academic Support Secretary. Cathie had impressed in her role as receptionist, and management had no hesitation in appointing her to this important role. It soon became evident that the school’s choice was an inspired one, as Cathie rose to the challenge of a very complex role in the school. Cathie has been the best, most conscientious and efficient support person employed by the school in this role.

Cathie is a person of absolute integrity who will be missed both in the staff room and in the school administration. She leaves with the appreciation of everyone at St Paul’s with whom she has had contact. We wish her every success and happiness in her new venture in Tauranga.


Since 2003 we have been fortunate to have had a particularly warm and caring person looking after our boarding girls, and although Sonia taught on the staff for many years, it is her time in boarding that has had the most impact.

Sonia came to St Paul’s following a lengthy period as manager at Sonning Hill, the Hamilton Girls’ High School hostel. Her first year at St Paul’s had its challenges: Sonia’s approach to managing the boarding house proved quite different from that of her predecessor and a number of the Harington senior boarders did not appreciate Sonia’s somewhat firmer approach. However, she quickly won them over: the boarding girls – who are a minority within a minority at St Paul’s – soon came to realise that Sonia had their best interests at heart, and would go out of her way to meet their needs and make boarding life as comfortable as she could for them. This has endured and at many meetings of the Residential Committee Sonia went into bat for “her girls”, and the Committee was never in doubt about what the girls’ needs were, and why they ought to be met!

Sonia, who has been ably assisted by Rose Don throughout her tenure – runs a tight ship. Her detective work and instinct for when things are “not quite right” are legendary. Whether it was discovering that girls had removed screws from their window stays to get some “fresh air” at night, or managing others whose erratic behaviour would be a challenge for many people, Sonia’s timely interventions often prevented difficult situations from becoming potentially far worse. This team-work with Rose is one of the reasons for the success of Harington boarding, and the fact that so few problems have arisen in that part of the campus over the past nine years.

It was Sonia’s passion for boarding that led to her involvement with the New Zealand Boarding Schools’ Association. In fact, Sonia was part of a small group that was instrumental in establishing the NZBSA in the early 1990s. This organisation now represents the interests of more than 10,000 boarders in 90 member schools, which is quite a legacy. Sonia served on the Executive of the Association for many years, and was for a period its National Coordinator. When the Boarding Hostel regulations were introduced in 2006, Sonia was a member of the consultative group that met with Ministry of Education officials during the drafting of the legislation. Such has been her service to the NZBSA that Sonia was elected a Life Member, and remains one of only three people to be afforded this honour.

During the past two years we have had both the pleasure and the privilege of working with Sonia in matters relating to boarding, and we thank her for the support and guidance that she has afforded across a range of issues. Sonia is always willing to share her time, experience and wisdom, and it is fair to say that anyone who has worked

with Sonia would acknowledge her grace, her kindness and her generosity.

We thank Sonia for her contribution to St Paul’s, and to our Boarding Community in particular. We are sure her family are looking forward to seeing her as much as we will miss her, and we wish her all the best for the future.


“Successful people allow their God given passion and talent to guide them in life. They have a single focus and an undivided heart. God doesn’t create you to be talented in an area, and then ask you to give yourself to some unrelated area. There’s always a potential alignment of talent and passion, if you have the courage to pursue your life’s purpose and take risks.”

When deciding to take up the position as Harington Housemaster I wanted to make sure that this position was God’s next move for my life. I needed confirmation that this was my next move and it came in three ways. When I came to look at the job, Compassion, one of my favourite roses was in full bloom on the back fence of the house I would live in. According to Mr Chamberlain, it is over 50 years old. The view from my front window was a cross formed by the top branches of a young Gingko tree and the Beatitudes were engraved in the chapel window. I took the job and my husband and I enjoyed four years here before his death five years ago. This place became a haven for me. The St Paul’s community surrounded me with bountiful love and I will be forever humbled by the hospitality, care, and concern shown for my family and me.

I live by this quote and encourage my boarding girls to do the same “Love what you do or don’t do it … Make the choice to do something that engages your heart as well as your mind. Make the choice because it engages all of you.

I would like my last words to be for my friend and colleague, Rose Don who is leaving the boarding house as well this year. Rose had begun as a tutor and then taken on the role of Deputy, the year before I arrived. She has been my valued colleague and friend for the whole of my tenure. We have shared the joys, sorrows and frustrations, picked up the pieces for one another as well as having many laughs along the way. When she heard I was leaving she said. “Well, I want to go too. We are a team.”

Little did she know that events would bring that to pass. Rose’s passion for her subject of English has seen many a boarder arrive at the school unable to meet even an Achieved standard and then rise to Merit or even Excellence. She loves what she does and the boarders have certainly benefitted from her expertise. Thank you Rose.


Induction of New Fellows

The role of a Fellow at St Paul’s was established in the early 1980’s and they were given the same powers and responsibilities as the original Founders in late 1957; that of guardians of the School should the St Paul’s Board ever have difficulty in functioning.

The first Fellow in April 1984 was Mr John Mortimer, who in 1982 retired after twenty years as Trustee, including four years as Chairman and whose advocacy of Tihoi and Forestry investment left a major positive impression on our School.

The current Board of Trustees has given much thought to the position of Fellows at St Paul’s and has decided over the next decade to expand the numbers appointed, to recognise many of those who have played a crucial role in the School development. It needs to be stressed that these people have given a huge part of their life to St Paul’s and its development. They have made tremendous sacrifices of time and effort to get the School to where it is today.

On Tuesday, 5th April the School gathered in the Chapel of Christ the King to induct and appoint to a position as ’Fellows’ of our School, six individuals who have made a major contribution to St Paul’s Collegiate School.


The first two inductees to be appointed as Fellows have played a key role in the establishment and eventual development of the Honikiwi Forest.

For Mr John Oliver, his first official contact for the School was in 1975, when his eldest son Mark started at St Paul’s. He was followed by his three younger brothers: Todd, William and Duncan, giving John and Sarah twelve consecutive years of close association as parents. Since then, they have had six grandchildren attend St Paul’s; given that they have been blessed with 17 grandchildren, it is highly likely that more will follow.

Mr Peter Johnstone and his wife Margaret had a son Allen attend St Paul’s in 1984, and his grandson, William Reeves, is currently in Year 10 at the School. An accomplished and highly respected farmer, Mr Johnstone established his first farm at Puketutu and, along with Mr John Oliver in 1972, they

acquired a property at Pureora and commenced a planting operation. Over successive years, this has been followed by other blocks and more shareholders. As an indication of the Johnstone family’s long association with St Paul’s Collegiate School, it is important to recognise at this occasion that in 1954, Mr Johnstone’s grandfather, Wilfred, owned a parcel of land that now makes up the current St Paul’s site, which he sold to the Founders.

For their long-standing commitment to St Paul’s future financial stability, Mr Oliver and Mr Johnstone are deserved appointees as Fellows.

Later this year we learnt of the tragic death of Mr Peter Johnstone. Peter unfortunately was killed in a digger accident on his King Country farm in Kopaki. Peter had played a pivotal role in the development of this school. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Margaret and their family during this very sad and difficult year.

PAT PLANT (1961–1998)

In 1961, Mr Pat Plant emigrated from the United Kingdom and commenced duties at St Paul’s Collegiate School, staying 37 years until his retirement from the teaching profession in 1998.

Mr Plant began teaching science, mathematics, history and all of the PE classes, as well as coaching the 1st XV. In 1963 he took over as Housemaster of Sargood House – a Boarding House bursting at the seams and whose only heating was a couple of log fires. Mr Plant, and his wife Diana, led Sargood for 15 years. Mr Philip Morgan commented: “The other Houses envied Sargood because they always did that much better. Mr Plant instilled a sense of belief that Sargood would never be bettered.” Between 1978 and 1985, he worked the same wonders as Clark Housemaster.

As a rugby coach, the boys saw another side to Mr Plant. His demeanour changed and he was viewed as affable, friendly and more relaxed. A fine science teacher, he taught his

John Oliver and Peter Johnstone Pat Plant Mike Shaw Reverend Loris Eyre

students well and took a genuine interest in their success.

Mr and Mrs Plant’s on-going commitment to St Paul’s is illustrated by their regular attendance at Old Collegians’ functions. St Paul’s has been a huge part of Mr Plant’s life and we in turn thank him for his contribution to our School. Mr Plant deserves his appointment as Fellow, given the tremendous length and contribution during his teaching service.

MIKE SHAW (1970–2002)

Mr Mike Shaw joined the St Paul’s Collegiate School staff in 1970, fresh from two years at Timbertop, the outdoor pursuit centre of Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia. Mr Shaw found at St Paul’s a Headmaster and a Chairman of the Board who had a similar vision for St Paul’s. He took over School House in 1971, taught full time, and coached rowing in summer and rugby in winter. After the decision to establish Tihoi was made, the Shaw’s moved to Tihoi in December 1978.

Mr Shaw believed that the Tihoi experience should be a fresh start for every boy. No boy was to bring any “baggage”: no previous school reports were to be sighted. Instead, a sealed envelope was to be kept on each boy, to be opened only in emergencies. Many a St Paul’s boy was to undergo dramatic personal change as a result of their six-month experience at Tihoi.

Mr Shaw returned to St Paul’s Collegiate Hamilton campus in 1982 and took over the teaching of Chemistry.

Mr Shaw retired in 2002 following 32 years’ service to the School. Housemaster, science teacher, coach, first Director of Tihoi – St Paul’s owes Mr Mike Shaw and his wife, Judy, a huge debt of gratitude for outstanding service, and his appointment as a Fellow is most deserved.


Reverend Loris Eyre joined the Board in July 1974 when Mr Tony Hart was Headmaster. On her appointment, Reverend Eyre became the first woman to be appointed to the St Paul’s Board of Trustees.

A mother of four children, Colin, David, Grant and Stuart, all of whom attended St Paul’s, Reverend Eyre brought a new dimension to Board deliberations. She and her group of Trustees had many significant decisions to make, not the least of which was the appointment in 1980 of a new Headmaster, Reverend Michael Lawrence. Reverend Eyre played a part in the opening of the Mary Hornsby Music School, the decision to establish a Tihoi Venture campus,. An enthusiastic supporter and fundraiser of Tihoi, her son Grant was the first Tihoi Campus tutor.

From 1992 through to 2008, Reverend Eyre was also a Trustee of the Whesby Scholarship Fund Trust Board developed to support the sons/daughters of Clergy enrolling into the School: to date, 43 students have benefited from this scholarship. Forthright and sensible, Reverend Eyre made a most valuable contribution to St Paul’s governance, and it was not surprising that this was recognised in 2005 with the naming of the newly expanded Harington boarding house, the “Loris Eyre Wing”.

Reverend Eyre has continued her support of St Paul’s, recently addressing the School community at a Founders’ Day Service. Her long and wise contribution to the governance of the School is reflected in her appointment as a Fellow.

MR GREG FENTON (1997–2009)

In July 2001, Mr Fenton took over as Headmaster during a period of considerable challenge and competition. He, together with the Board of Trustees, saw a real need for a major upgrade and rebuilding of the School. As such, Mr Fenton played a pivotal role in many significant projects. These included: the extension of Harington Boarding House with the construction of the Loris Eyre wing; the opening of the Sports Centre, the completion of the Astro-Turf Hockey facility; the renovation of the Great Oaks farm house, the completion of the rebuilding of Tihoi with the Gallagher dining room and construction of six new houses.

Ably supported by his wife, Lyn, the Fenton’s two children, Ciaran and Michaela both attended St Paul’s. Genuinely passionate about St Paul’s and its community, Mr Fenton put his heart and soul into the School during his nine year tenure as Headmaster, and the results of his efforts are clearly evident in the St Paul’s you see today.

Mr Lander, Mr Cole, Mr Lawrence and Mr Fenton Past and Present Headmasters Mr Greg Fenton

Grant grants an Interview


It isn’t uncommon to see the lights of his office burning into the night and in the morning it’s like he’s never left. After 32 years of teaching, “half the time being at single sex schools and the other half being at co-educational schools” you would assume boredom would have captured Mr Lander. But when he came to St Paul’s over a year ago something caught his attention.

That something was a variety of attributes, “I found Tihoi separated this school from previous schools – it benefits boys and girls” also the relationship between the boys and girls and the day and boarding students “they seem to all have a similar nature, supportive and positive, they give as much as they get”. Another attraction to St Paul’s was the rural and city mix, “it really brings the kids down to earth” the strength of the house system “like no other previous school I’ve been at”. The bond the students had at St Paul’s “it’s not un-common for a seventh former to take a third former under his wing”.

A harbour is typically a place of shelter for ships, with a dock master in control. This is how Mr Lander feels a school should be; students, the ships anchored within the school, the safe place we are sheltered. “In the end there are students that go through tough personal times”. Mr Lander the dock master, warning us about storms and keeping us all in tow. This place can be a haven, a stable place where we can always go to. In this harbour Mr Lander, has to balance strategic decisions, whilst keeping our harbour of St Paul’s the same intimate inner-city school it’s always been. “The positive culture that we have been able to establish at this school, the students have risen to the new expectations that have been set” for Mr Lander the importance of unity and positivity are important, it’s the way he works and he seems to pass this influence on to others.

Hilltops the highest point, the part of the hill you climb to, a point to aim for. Mr Lander’s hilltops are numerous “Making changes within the school without it being seen as an attack on a specific person”, “Getting the staff to understand how boys and girls learning needs are different – this is an achievement on the way”. “Students are good at achieving goals and PBs in sporting activities all the time, they pursue and practice, but when it comes to the academic side they don’t transfer those skills well”. Other hilltops Mr Lander has set for himself and others in the school community, is raising the school culture by bringing in the haka, and new cultural teachers such as music and Maori teachers “we are a bit isolated at St Paul’s and it is good to introduce the wider society of New Zealand.” Mr Lander feels it is important to set goals “and to set those goals high.” He

lives this statement to the letter, especially when he became a member of the International Boys School Coalition, quite an achievement in itself.

Hospitals are a place where the sick get better. “We have to accept in life that people along the way get damaged, they lack confidence or they have low self esteem or belief in their abilities” Mr Lander feels as a school we have to act as the hospital, fixing the wounded along the way. For Mr Lander it is important to have a strong support system, he constantly reminds the school that we have to look out for troubled students and to not let them fall through the cracks. The stories Mr Lander tells in assembly, informs us that he has experienced good and bad times, in his 32 years of teaching but doesn’t seem to bring this in to future situations, it may make him more cautious and aware but he doesn’t let it show. Each task is a new task no matter how often repeated.

“I’ve really enjoyed the experience” Mr Lander wasn’t too sure if he wanted to take on another boarding school, as it is all encompassing on your time, but Mr Lander took up the challenge and has accomplished an extraordinary amount since, with the plans for the future coming together, such as the improvement of the ICT facilities, and large development in the school infrastructure. “But I have been really impressed with the school’s achievements in academic, sporting and cultural events, they have taken on the changes well”. I look forward to looking back, in the future and to see the positive changes Mr Lander makes on the school of St Paul’s.

The moments we need shelter, the moments we need to reach for and the moments we need a fix-up along the way. “Those three concepts really guide the way I deal with things”.
Grant Lander in his office

A Bright New Beginning


Hello, my name is Lachlan Cooper and I am the head boy for 2011. I grew up in a small town called Morrinsville which is well known to everybody who lives in Morrinsville, as the “cream of the country” which was a tourist ploy that clearly never worked. It’s fair to say it is a simple town at best. But being brought up in Morrinsville was perfect for me, as it has a very homely feel to it, as well as teaching me how to play rugby.

I came to St Paul’s and was blown away by the size of the school, it was so different to anything I was used to. Since then, four years has passed and so much has changed. The people I used to look up to are now my friends and I have realised that teachers are here to actually help us accomplish something and not just keep us in school. I have grown so much as a person but unfortunately, I haven’t grown much taller, as my good friends often remind me. Also I have been a proud member of School House. I was never short of role models as four of the last five head boys have been from School House. This year I am taking calculus, English, biology, physics and chemistry with the hope of next year studying health science at university and moving toward my goal of becoming a doctor. Sport is also a big part of me, as it’s a big part of St Paul’s. This year will be challenging, but rewarding as I enter my last year at school. I look forward to, along with Lizzi, Jason, Charlotte, the prefects and you the students, to leading St Paul’s to another successful year.


Hello, my name is Lizzi Wilson, and I am your head girl for 2011. Although I am in year 13, I turn 19 in August. This is because I spent one year as an exchange student in France, only getting back about six months ago when I first started at St Paul’s.

I consider my year abroad to be the best year of my life. Despite challenges like homesickness and the language barrier, I made lifelong friends and love my host family. Coming home was hard: losing the life I had made for myself in France and re-adjusting to English and New Zealand food. One up-side however was school.

I remember walking to school in the snow in winter before the sun rose at 8am, and walking home after sunset at 6pm. Every daylight hour was spent at school in December. At my school, Lycée Louis Barthou, I was in a class of 35, took 11 subjects, and had double Maths on Saturday mornings at 8am. We were a co-ed school of 2,000, with only years 11–13.

In the French school system there are no houses, no prefects, no heads of school. Students can leave school grounds between classes, teachers don’t care if you don’t come to class, and don’t give tutorials either. You don’t choose your own subjects, instead decide whether you want to follow a scientific, economic or literature based career or become a tradesman, and your subjects are arranged accordingly. There are no uniforms, no schoolbased activities, no choir, no sports teams.

That is why I appreciate St Paul’s so much, here there is so much more that school has to offer. I am so grateful for the opportunities we have. I hope to become a doctor and I am taking English, statistics, biology, physics and chemistry, and am looking to start health science next year. One of the most important lessons I learnt in France was to take chances, try new things, and to make the most of every opportunity, because time is borrowed and is constantly slipping away. This year will be challenging, that’s for sure, but I look forward to working with Lachlan, Jason and Charlotte and the prefects in our final year of high school. Make the most of it, because it will be over sooner than you think.

Lizzi Wilson and Lachlan Cooper

Prefects Commissioning

This year we have selected twenty five Year 13 students to lead the School. At last year’s prize giving it was announced that Lachlan Cooper (Head Boy), Elizabeth Wilson (Head Girl), Jason Coventry (Deputy Head Boy) and Charlotte Atherton (Deputy Head Girl) would lead the full School Prefect team.

They will be joined by:


Clark House:

James Hogg

Head of Fitchett House:

Codey Nepe

Head of Hall House:

Grayson Croasdale

Head of Hamilton House:

Navdeesh Singh-Thandi

Head of Harington Boarding House:

Charlotte Atherton

Head of Harington Day House: Fiora Stewart

Head of Sargood House:

Alistair Bayly

Head of School House:

Andrew McPherson (Not a Prefect)

Head of Williams House:

Sam Tipping


Jason Coventry

Annie Boshier

Ally French

Mikey Hodge

Corbin O’Neill


Hollie Adamson (Cultural)

Julia Frick (Social Functions)

Sven Pedersen (Junior School Games)

Angus Harris (Sports)

Hadleigh May (Sports)

Mitch Jensen (Boarding)

Lucien Nabbs (Sports)

Izak Eksteen (Sports)

Talya Thomas (Sports)

Alex Wilson (Sports)

Lizzi Wilson Lachlan Cooper

Our Special Character

It is often said that the Chapel of Christ the King is the ’heart of the school.’ Chapel is the place where we see our true potential, where we become that which God is calling us to be. Put another way, it is at chapel that we are at our best. When we come to sing, pray and worship together, we feel a deep sense of connectedness not only between one another but also between ourselves and God. As a student once said to me, when we come together in chapel to pray it is as if it ’brings everyone together for one thought, one purpose.’ That is such a powerful image! 700 people together in the same place – bound and connected to this one thought, this one purpose! That is why the Chapel is the heart of our school.

In addition to the weekly services, there are also special services that occur throughout the year that are part of the annual rhythm at St Paul’s. The following is a synopsis of some of the significant services that occurred in 2011.

Communion Services – At the end of each term, the whole school community gathers for a service of Communion. It is a very important service of the Christian faith where the community gathers to remember and re-present Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Students are encouraged to come forward for either a Blessing or to receive the Bread and Wine.

Waitangi Day – One of our newest staff members, Mr Dion West spoke about the importance of Waitangi Day for a bicultural nation such as New Zealand. He challenged us with the question, “What does Waitangi Day mean to you?” Cat McRae also gave a reflection on her experience of travelling to the Bay of Islands in 2010 for the Waitangi Day celebrations.

Christchurch Earthquake – The second earthquake in Christchurch on February 22nd was one of the most devastating events in New Zealand history. The community of St Paul’s gathered for a special service to pray for all those affected by the devastating earthquake. Several weeks later a mufti day was held and over $4500 was raised.

Garden of Remembrance – The garden of Remembrance service is held every year to remember and give thanks for those who died while they were members of the St Paul’s community. This year we added two new names: John van Grootel, Jacqueline Thompson.

Easter Service – Term one ended with a chapel service in which the story of Holy Week and Easter—the story of Jesus’ arrest, death and resurrection—were told through story, songs, reflections and Bible readings. The service concluded with the prefects ’Flowering the Cross.’ A symbolic image of resurrection whereby a weapon of destruction is turned into a thing of beauty.

ANZAC Day – Mr Heta Smith, a former member of the NZ military, gave a powerful and eloquent reflection on what ANZAC Day means to him and why it is such an important day for all New Zealanders.

Founders Service – One of the most important services for St Paul’s Collegiate where we remember and give thanks for those who worked tirelessly to ensure that the dream of building an Anglican School in Hamilton would come to fruition. Mr Pat Plant was the guest speaker talking about his early days teaching at St Paul’s.

Baptism and Confirmation – It has been many years since St Paul’s Collegiate has given students the opportunity to be Baptised or Confirmed in the Chapel of Christ the King. In all, two students were welcomed into the Christian faith through Baptism and four students recommitted their lives to Christ in receiving the Laying on of Hands for Communion. Bishop David Moxon preached and presided.

9 Lessons and Carols – This year-end service has become a treasure for the St Paul’s community. Through the use of Bible readings, carols and anthems, the service tells the story of the fulfilment of God’s promise to God’s people via the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

Leavers’ Service – A service of thank you and farewell for those who are leaving St Paul’s and beginning a new chapter in their life.


Chaplain’s Report

After three years in the role, I think I am finally getting a solid grasp of the challenging and highly rewarding work of being Chaplain at St Paul’s Collegiate School. There is a constant challenge of balancing the demands of classroom teaching, leading chapel service and providing pastoral care to both staff and students. While it is a hard balance to maintain, the rewards and benefits of such a varied and exciting job make it highly worthwhile.

In my three years at St Paul’s I have been blessed with outstanding Chapel Prefects and this year was no different. Jason Coventry, Corbin O’Neil, Ally French and Annie Boshier once again maintained a very high standard in representing the values and virtues of St Paul’s Collegiate in general and, specifically, the Chapel of Christ the King. They were always reliable in helping to lead weekly chapel services and did an excellent job of representing St Paul’s to the wider community.

When one comes to a Chapel Service or Headmaster’s Assembly, the people that are often noticed and given the most recognition are those people who are sitting up front or are standing at the lectern giving a speech, report or sermon. What many of us do not realise is that the engine room for ensuring the smooth running of chapels and assemblies is the Chapel Team. They are rarely noticed—except when something goes wrong, and, even then, it is usually not their fault!—so it is, in many ways, a thankless job. However, the Chapel Team go about their work with great diligence and complete their assignments to a very high standard.

The Chapel Team consists of students ranging from year 9 to year 13 and are ably led by Tom Swarbrick and Reece Patterson. Their skill and dedication has made my job much easier. They are a creative and quick-thinking group who help

ensure that my ideas for chapel services come to fruition as well as troubleshoot when problems arise.

We have seen many new initiatives this past year that will continue to enhance the chapel services in years to come. This has included the formation of both a chapel band and a worship band. The chapel band is made up of string and brass instruments, which complement the organ in the singing of traditional hymns. The worship band is a very recent initiative with the intention of adding an exciting new dimension to chapel services whereby we will include more contemporary music in chapel services at times throughout the year.

In 2011, thanks to a very generous donation of the Parents Association, we were able to complete the first stage of a comprehensive upgrade of our chapel audio-visual system. Work completed included an upgrade of the video switching equipment to ensure better video quality to our data projectors, faster response in switching from various video sources, and better overall reliability of the video system. In closing, I would like to wish everyone a safe and blessed Advent and Christmas Season and I look forward to seeing many of you in 2012.

Chapel Prefects’ Reflections


Being a chapel prefect has meant a lot to me this year. I was raised in a Christian family and have attended church for as long as I can remember so having this honour bestowed upon me was a great privilege and a huge achievement for my family.

My highlight for the year was definitely delivering my sermon entitled “Actions Speak Louder than Words”. It was a topic that I was really passionate about and I feel like I gained just as much from it as the congregation did. Being involved in such a central part of the school made me feel more of a part of the St Paul’s community and Reverend Luccock always provided a strong base of support and was very comforting in times of stress.

My favourite service for the year was the baptism and confirmation service because I found it really awesome and inspiring to see such young and enthusiastic students stepping forward and declaring their faith. My public speaking skills and confidence in front of an audience has also developed exponentially and a lot of that credit goes to my chapel prefect role. I will always fondly remember my time in the chapel and the lasting friends I made at St Paul’s.


Having the role and responsibility of being a chapel prefect this year has been a great pleasure and a wonderful experience. It has also been a challenge, which has encouraged me to move out of my comfort zone in many aspects. Being involved in readings and prayers has improved my public speaking and my personal confidence immensely.

It is a role that has allowed me to get involved with a major part of the school and be involved in an area that is so important within the school. I feel I have matured and grown personally by having this responsibility. I really enjoyed writing and presenting a sermon, as it was a completely new experience for me and I have

really enjoyed working alongside the other three Chapel Prefects and Rev, who have made my experiences that much more enjoyable


This year I have had the honour of being one of four chapel prefects. Being a chapel prefect has meant that I held a great amount of responsibility. I feel that from being a chapel prefect I have grown and learned more as a person and I have gained a more positive outlook and understanding in what I believe in and the morals that I have.

Being a chapel prefect has also made me a lot more confident with my religion and beliefs and has made me more confident in speaking to others publically and individually. I have had a great year getting to know other people well and will always reflect on my time at St Paul’s.


This year I have been one of four chapel prefects and I can say that it has had a large effect on my life. I feel that since becoming a Chapel Prefect I have become more in touch with my Christian roots and really learnt about God. It has taught me a respect I didn’t have before I came into this role, a respect for all religions and all people no matter what their beliefs.

Not only has it taught me a different view from a religious aspect but it has also helped me gain lifelong skills. I am now far more comfortable with my public speaking, after doing numerous readings and writing my own prayers, which was something I really struggled with when I started this role and now I feel far more comfortable talking in front of the school.

I have enjoyed being a Chapel Prefect and would like to thank everyone who has supported me in this role, it has been a challenging year but a very rewarding one, and will be an amazing memory to leave high school with.


House Chapel Services

House chapel services are an integral part of the Sunday evening chapel here at St Paul’s Collegiate School. Each house is given the opportunity to plan and lead the chapel services at some point in the year. In addition, prefects are often given the opportunity to preach at services over the course of the year. Every year I am continually impressed by the overall quality of the services and, in particular, the insightful and thought-provoking services that occur. What follows are excerpts from some of the sermons that we have heard throughout the year.

School House Chapel Service “The Parable of the Lost Sheep” by Andrew McPherson

“The shepherd didn’t despise his sheep for running away; he cared for it so much that he was just happy to have it back. This is the same for Jesus. He cares for each of us so much, that when even one sinner repents he is not angry at them for sinning, but instead rejoices, because we have repented and found our way back to him.”

Sargood Chapel Service “Integrity” by Daniel Kenna

“Integrity is not a fad like a pair of shoes. It is having the strength to stand up for your beliefs and friends through thick and thin, I believe a quote by Harper Lee is a good summation of integrity “Stand up for your beliefs, even if you are standing alone, because the only thing in this world that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.””

Harington Day House Chapel Service “Hope” by Fiora Stewart

“An English Proverb states that “All Good Things Must Come to an End”. Hope doesn’t come to an end. At some point, loved ones must pass away, good experiences must come to an end and brilliant legacies must finish, but hope is eternal. Hope is the one thing in life, which we can hold on to no matter what, it is the good thing that is always in our lives even when nothing else is.”

Hamilton House Chapel Service “Forgiveness” by Navdeesh Singh-Thandi

“Forgiveness is really a two way thing. If someone has hurt our feelings then we must be willing to wholeheartedly forgive them even if they do not realise they have hurt us. Likewise we must also be not overly proud and willing to ask for forgiveness if we think we may have caused hurt feelings to anyone else. All it takes is a simple “sorry” (and mean it!!!). Finally, we must also be able to forgive ourselves because there is going to be many a time where we are not always going to get it right and we must be able let these mistakes go and move on.”

Hall House Chapel Service “Humility” by Grayson Croasdale

“Humility creates respect for others. Since a humble person can realise his inner strengths, he then has the confidence to recognize greatness in others.”

Fitchett House Chapel Service “Cooperation” by Byron Muirhead

“Alone we are small. Alone we can be swept away by the

chaos of life, or the difficulty of a challenge. But together we can be great. Together we can support each other to achieve more than we ever thought possible.”

Boarding Prefects Chapel Service “Community” by Talya

“So next time you think things aren’t looking so good or you are feeling down, think of your communities, think of the people you know you can count on. Because the people who truly care for you, will always find a way to be a part of your community, and you’ll never have to go looking when you need someone to lean on.”

Arts Week Chapel Service “The Power of Art” by Fiora

“Since art is an expression of creativity, every piece has a deeper meaning and emotion associated which has come directly from the soul of the artist. All I’m asking is to open your heart a little to the things you see and the things you hear; things that have been created just to be seen or heard as an art form.”

Chapel Prefect “Actions Speak Louder than Words” by Jason

“Our actions also affect the people around us. I’m sure every one of us in here have that one person or group of people that we feel free to be ourselves around, whether it be our mates, our family or our team. When you are around those people you are free to be you, you aren’t afraid to hide behind the curtains of shyness or vulnerability, the true you can shine. Now you may not realise this but I promise you that all of you have the same effect on someone else, you unknowingly give them permission to shine just by the way you act.”

Chapel Prefect “The Value of Friendship” by Corbin O’Neil

We need to realise that our relationship and friendship with God, is the most important one in our lives. No matter the wrong or hurtful things we do God will always be there for us if we let him. Jesus loved us so much, that he died on the cross for us. So if all else were to fail, we know that we have a true friendship with Jesus.

So I encourage you to stay true to your friends and be grateful for them, for they are the ones who you will be able to fall back on in life and rely on when you need them.

Chapel Prefect “Perceptions” by Ally French

“If you look at the life you want to create would you rather

see it in 2D, as it is, with little meaning behind it or would you rather see its full dimension? To see the 3D picture and have the depth within your life to create something that is more fulfilling so that when you look back on the frames you have created they will show the true legacy of your life.”

Waitangi Day Commemoration Service by Mr Dion West

For myself, Waitangi Day is a day of reflection. Reflecting on the past, helps us understand our present. Understanding the present will help us move forward into the future, truly united. Waitangi Day is a time to contemplate the views of the many different people of New Zealand. It is a time to develop an understanding for the way that others feel about the day. For me, Waitangi Day is a day of compassion towards those who feel negatively towards the Treaty, and a day of hope as I see those who have a positive outlook and take the day in its stride.

Anzac Day Service by Mr Heta Smith

As an ex-serviceman, having served for eight years as a rifleman in the New Zealand Army 2nd 1st Battalion RNZIR, I hold a close association with those who have served their country, particularly in the military. ANZAC day, for me, is a story of patriotism, commitment and selfsacrifice. However you see ANZAC day it is personal to you, but remember that the day is a gift from our tipuna. A tradition and a legacy handed down from generation to generation.

The common denominator for both ANZAC day and for St Paul’s Collegiate School is that someone has made a sacrifice so that we might enjoy the benefits. For students of St Paul’s the sacrifice has been made by our Founders, parents, grandparents, or guardians.

Please don’t forget the commitment that has been made on your behalf. For me ANZAC Day is all about saying “thank you”.

Mothers Day Service by Lizzi and Alex Wilson

Mothers’ Day, a time for warm thoughts and fond memories, for expressing the feelings and words that often go unspoken, for letting those special people in our lives know that they are loved and appreciated. When did you last let your mother know how much she means to you?

Through all the trials and tribulations of childhood, and now as teenagers, mum has stuck by us. She still stands by us today. We can always count on her to be on our side, even when the rest of the world isn’t. We know she will always be there for us with a smile, a hug, good advice and a shoulder to cry on. She is and always will be our number one supporter.

Matua Dion West Waitangi Day

Academic Matters

St Paul’s students once again gained excellent results in the 2010 scholarship examinations, NCEA examinations and Cambridge examinations.

Our Top Scholars


2010 saw St Paul’s gain one of its best set of Scholarship examination results. Twenty-one of our senior students gained an impressive 32 scholarships, of which four were ’Scholarships with Outstanding Performance’. These are awarded to the top 0.04% of all students.

Michael Aitken Chemistry (Outstanding), Economics, Physics

Sam Hogg Accounting, Chemistry, Geography

Timothy Prestage Mathematics with statistics (Outstanding), Chemistry

James Chancellor Chemistry (Outstanding), Science

Nathan Wright Accounting (Outstanding), Economics

David Hoskins Chemistry, Mathematics with statistics

Sam Hewat English, History

Chang Zhai (Yr 12) Mathematics with calculus, Mathematics with statistics

Catherine Chegwidden English, History

Jason Coventry (Yr 12) Accounting

Daniel Ford Geography

Natalie Hong (Yr 12) Mathematics with statistics

James Kennedy (Yr 12) Mathematics with statistics

Catherine McRae (Yr 12) Geography

Belinda Pedersen (Yr 11) Mathematics with statistics

Alex Penrose History

Conor Robson (Yr 11) Mathematics with statistics

Jonathan Sullivan Accounting

David Thomas Biology

Lucy Travis Art History

Evan Wilson (Yr 12) Mathematics with statistics

Mathematics with statistics gained a superb eight scholarships, closely followed by Accounting (3), Chemistry (5), History (3), English (2), Economics (2), while Art, Biology, Mathematics with Calculus, Physics and Science all gained one Scholarship. Both Michael Aitken and Sam Hogg received the ’Scholarship Award’ for gaining three or more scholarships, which entitles them to $2,000 per annum for three years of their tertiary study.

We are extremely proud of each of the students who gained scholarship in these most prestigious of secondary school

examinations. Many of these recipients will be able to progress straight into stage two of their University studies in their proven area of subject expertise.


St Paul’s Collegiate School continues to rate as one of the highest performing schools in the nation.

Individual Outstanding Performances GPA (5 subjects)

Year 13 James Chancellor 88%

Year 12 Jason Coventry 91%

Year 11 Belinda Pedersen 98%


• James Chancellor

• Timothy Prestage

• Amy Zhang


• Jason Coventry

• Natalie Hong

• James Kennedy

• Melissa Oosterwijk

• Reece Patterson

• Evan Wilson

• Chang Zhai

• Belinda Pedersen


• Liam Buchanan

• Yu-Nung (Nina) Lee

• Belinda Pedersen


• Glenn Eyers in Physical Education

• Belinda Pedersen in Maths with Stats


• Thomas Swarbrick in Chemistry

• Elizabeth Wilson in French


• Belinda Pedersen in French

• Remy Campbell in French

• Yu-Nung (Nina) Lee in Japanese


Our results in the IGCSE (Yr 11) and AS (Yr 12) examinations were nothing short of superb.

The overall highlights included:

• A 99% pass rate over both IGCSE and AS levels.

• 42% of grades at IGCSE level were at ’A’ or above (80% or above).

• 28% of grades at AS level were ’A’s (i.e. 80% or above)

• A total of 36 results of 90% or higher at IGCSE level and five at AS level.


Three students gained 100% (Belinda Pedersen, Liam O’Donoghue and Linda Lin).

Nine students gained A* results (i.e. 90% and above). 33 of the 35 gained a grade of 50% or better.


Five students gained A* results and all 58 gained a grade above 50% in this challenging literature based examination.


Two students gained A* results and all fifteen gained results above 50%.


Five students gained 100% (Belinda Pedersen, Conor Robson, Jun Huang Xue, Liam Buchanan and Liam O’Donoghue), an amazing thirteen gained A* results, while 38 of the 41 gained grades of 50% or above.

In AS English, Andrew McPherson gained 100% in Literature and impressively, eight other candidates gained ’A’ grades with 22 of the 24 gaining grades of 50% or above. In AS Mathematics, five students gained ’A’ grades (80% and above), with 18 of the 20 gaining grades of 50% and above.



A total of 43 awards were made to our 2010 Year 11 cohort. The top ten students are listed below.

1. Belinda Pedersen 98% Including equivalent of 100% L3 Mathematics with Statistics & equivalent of 100% L1 French, 100% Cambridge Chemistry and 100% Cambridge Physics

2. Liam Buchanan 93% Including 100% in Cambridge Physics and 100% Cambridge Chemistry

3. Linda Lin 92% Including 100% in Cambridge Chemistry

3. Alex Hargreaves 92%

5. Liam O’Donoghue 91% Including 100% in Cambridge Chemistry and 100% in Cambridge Physics

5. Nina Lee 91% Including equivalent of 100% L1 Japanese

7. Jung Xue 90% Including 100% in Cambridge Physics


8. Olivia Thompson 89%

9. Jonathan Eyers 88%

10. Mitch Proudfoot 87%

10. Elizabeth Rajan 87%


A total of 30 awards were made to our 2010 Year 12 cohort. The top eleven students are listed below.

1. Grace Gatenby 95% Including equivalent of 100% in L2 Biology & equivalent of 100% in L2 Chemistry

2. Evan Wilson 93%

3. Jason Coventry 91% Including equivalent of 100% L2 Chemistry

4. James Lin 89%

5. James Kennedy 88%

6. Natalie Hong 87%

6. Andrew McPherson 87% Including 100% in Cambridge AS English

8. Catherine McRae 86%

8. Melissa Oosterwijk 86%

8. Reece Patterson 86%

8. Elizabeth Wilson 86% Including equivalent of 100% in L2 French



St Paul’s Collegiate School did extremely well in this competition with two students gaining top mark in the country for their year level!

High Distinction (Top 1% of students)

Year 9: Matthew Fielding; Marcus Ground; Daniel Davis

Year 12: Belinda Pedersen; Conor Robson (Special Medal Winner top in NZ)

Year 13: Chang Zai (Special Medal Winner top in NZ)


One hundred and eighteen students from St Paul’s entered this competition with 54% gaining a credit certificate or better. Overall there were 30 credit, 31 distinction, 2 high distinction and 1 prize winner.

Distinction is the top 15%, high distinction is the top 2%. Prize awards are for placing in the top 0.3% which means only 3 out of every 1 000 students get this award.

The top year nine student was Connor Gyde, 98%. The top year ten student was Youngmin Goo at 93% and the top year 11 student was Samuel Woolerton at 97%. Our top year 12 student was Freddy Walker at 94% and our top year thirteen student was Grace Gatenby at 84%.

Our two high distinction students were Conor Robson (yr12) at 97% and Christopher Whitley (yr11) at 99 %.

Our prize winner was from year 11, Sheng Cao with a perfect score of 100%


This contest was sat 6 April with 173 schools taking part. The results were:

Merit Award winners: (over the 90th percentile)

Connor Gyde, Ngaru Joyce-Te Wake, Mark Davis and Sam Woolerton

Top 200 Award

Non Seehamart and Devon Kyle

Top 100 Award

James Morritt, Sharleen Lu, Paul Newton-Jackson and Christopher Whiteley

Top 30 Award and Prize winner

Sheng Cao


Having won the Waikato Chemistry quiz our team of James Kennedy, Evan Wilson, Lizzi Wilson and Chang Zai travelled to Wellington for the national final and did our school proud by coming second, only two marks behind the winner, an awesome effort.


Olivia Thompson achieved an outstanding milestone by being selected in the New Zealand Biology Olympiad secondary school team, another outstanding achievement.


The following students were successful in being awarded university scholarships for 2012.

Grace Gatenby: University of Auckland Sholarship

Jason Coventry: University of Auckland Scholarship

Cody Nepe: Jubilee Scholarship University of Auckland

Hadleigh May: David Johnstone Memorial Scholarship WINTEC

Two recent Old Collegians also have been awarded prestigious scholarships

Hayden Gutry (left 2009): Russell McVeigh Scholarship

Mark Calderwood (left 2008): Russell McVeigh Scholarship


Last year’s Head Boy, Sam Hewat and Head of Clark House, Michael Eggleton have both been awarded prestigious scholarships to American institutions.

Sam Hewat has been accepted into Phillips Academy Andover, in Massachusetts. He was one of eight students (from 2,000 applicants) to receive a Richard Phelps Scholarship. His scholarship covers full tuition ($42,350 per annum), a return airfare, school expenses, health insurance and a weekly allowance for school related costs. Phillips Academy is located 40km north of Boston. Established in 1778, it is one of the oldest prep schools in America and sits on a 700 acre campus. Sam intends completing a year as a post graduate student in the hope of gaining a scholarship into one of the USA’s top universities.

Michael Eggleton was successful in gaining selection for scholarships to three Ivy League universities – Princeton, Columbia and Cornell; and one other university, Tulane University in New Orleans (where he was offered a full

track and academic scholarship). The three Ivy League universities recruited Michael for track scholarships based on his considerable success in his chosen sport. Michael has decided to take up the US$50,000 scholarship to Princeton, where along with his sporting passions he will study financial engineering. The scholarship covers accommodation, tuition fees, flights and insurances. Princeton has also offered a job on the campus to cover any additional costs. He left New Zealand in late August to attend a training camp and take up his classwork in mid-September.


The University of Waikato offers significant scholarships to school leavers. The following Old Collegians are the recipients of these scholarships in 2011:

These School Leaver Scholarships recognise achievement in the National Certificate of Educational Achievement – valued at $3,000:

Cyrano Embling (Hamilton House, 2006–2010)

Chaman Singh (Harington House, 2009–2010)

Christopher Wakefield (Clark House, 2009–2010)

Tyler Staunton (Williams House, 2006–2010)

Glenn Eyers (School House, 2007–2010)

Luke Toomey (Hall House, 2006–2010)

Jarrod Bellingham (Clark House, 2010–2010)

Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship – awarded to students who have excelled academically and also in a sporting field or creative/performing arts: Cameron French (Hall House, 2006–2010)

The Plus One School Leaver Scholarships are offered by the University of Waikato to recognise academic excellence in students who are not eligible to receive a School Leaver Scholarship as they have completed the International Baccalaureate or equivalent examinations, or have taken a GAP year before enrolling into the University: Bryony Wilson (Harington House, 2008–2009)

The Waikato Management School Memorandum of Understanding

Scholarship was awarded to: Cyrano Embling (Hamilton House, 2006–2010)

The Bachelor of Engineering Fees

Scholarship – Half Scholarship was awarded to: Christopher Wakefield (Clark House, 2009–2010)

Michael Eggleton Sam Hewat

Musically Able

Year 9 students at St Paul’s have the opportunity to play a trumpet, cornet, clarinet, saxophone or auxiliary percussion instrument.

The Band Programme introduces students to instruments that they would never before have tried. Students are initially segregated into their instrument groups to learn new notes, instrument techniques and instrument care. The groups learn several tunes and then towards the end of the term, come together to play their tunes in an ensemble situation. This performance could be a mini concert in front of the Headmaster, or on a larger scale in front of the whole school during an assembly.

This exciting new programme has already got the Year 9 boys excited about playing a wind instrument. Many boys are deciding to take up Itinerant lessons on their instrument already. At the end of the programme the boys have the opportunity to either hire an instrument from school, or from a music shop, or begin Itinerant Music lessons.

This year we thought we would highlight the musical talent that teaches and inspires your children.


This year Michelle Flint won the 2011 KBB Midwest Clinic Scholarship to attend the Annual International Band and Orchestra Festival Clinic in Chicago, Illinois, in December 2011. The KBB Music Midwest Scholarship is a professional development opportunity open to all teachers and directors of concert bands and orchestras in New Zealand. Strongest consideration for the scholarship is given to those whose attendance is likely to create the greatest benefit to Youth Music in New Zealand. This year, KBB Music announced that Michelle Flint is the lucky recipient. The selection panel had whittled the applicants down to three possibilities and Michelle’s application came out as the clear winner.


Alan has been teaching the drums for 23 years in schools around the Waikato, currently teaching here at St Paul’s, St Peter’s and Hamilton Diocesan. He has played in bands since he was 15, notably Knightshade, where the band achieved chart success with songs at 9, 14, 23 in the NZ charts, and supported international bands Bon Jovi, Deep Purple, Guns & Roses, ZZ Top, Jimi Barnes, Steve Vai andThe Angels.


The talented Alison teaches the violin for us here at school. She has played for 27 years, in that time playing in many orchestras and achieving many of her own personal and professional musical goals. Alison has played for the Waikato

Symphony Orchestra, Opus Chamber Orchestra and Tauranga Performing Arts Trust Orchestra. She also plays in quartets for weddings and other special occasions.


Bill began playing the trumpet at the age of 8 under the guidance of his father. He studied under members of the Ulster Orchestra, Hallé Orchestra, London Brass and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. After completing his Bachelor of Music at the Birmingham Conservatoire, UK he came to New Zealand and in 2005 took up a position with the Royal New Zealand Navy Band. In 2006 he left the navy Band and has worked as a freelance musician and teacher in Auckland until his family's recent move to Hamilton.

Over the last 5 years Bill has worked extensively with the Auckland Philharmonia, was principal trumpet for the National Youth Orchestra and has performed as a guest player with the Southern Sinfonia, Vector Wellington orchestra and the New Zealand Opera. Bill performs regularly as a soloist both in Hamilton and the larger Waikato area and later this year will be a soloist with the Opus Orchestra. Bill is a founding member of Bold As and Waikato Brass Quintet and this year has stunned local audiences with his solo recital concerts.


Derek Shaw has been playing guitar for the last 21 years, and has been teaching guitar privately and in schools full time for the last 6 years. Derek has grade 5 in music theory, and grade 7 in classical guitar (Trinity, London), and also teaches rock school guitar and bass, along with classical and rock guitar. To date, he has had 100% pass rate with his private students, all passing with high marks. Derek is passionate about music, and is currently involved with three bands in the Waikato, and is a session musician for various bands and productions, recently performing in the production ’Footloose’.


Chikako attended Kunitachi Music High School and graduated with BA in Piano Performance from Kunitachi University of Music (Tokyo), internationally recognized as one of Japan’s leading music institutions. She subsequently taught the piano in Japan, performed extensively in Tokyo as a soloist, and toured Austria with the Tokyo Bunka Choir. Outside the university she also played synthesizer and was a finalist in the Japan Yamaha Rock Festival. In 1992 she moved to Hamilton and has accompanied New Zealand Symphony Orchestra soloists, international flutists, Dame Malvina Major, the Hamilton Civic Choir; and has played in the Hamilton Chamber Music Series as well as the University of Waikato Lunchtime Recital Series. When not performing, she works as a private piano teacher, chamber music coach and accompanist, and teaches piano here at St Paul’s and St Peter’s School.


Pianist Melanie Hadley Lina arrived from the United States one year ago to marry her husband, a native New Zealander. Praised for her ’lyrical sound, refined nuances and poetic depth of performance’ she has appeared as recitalist, orchestral soloist and chamber musician across the US, as well in Russia, Germany, Eastern Europe, and Portugal. Melanie has been a prizewinner in numerous competitions, and was awarded the Presidential Scholars medallion by President Clinton, for Achievement in the Arts. Prior to moving country, she lived in Los Angeles, where she maintained a private piano studio of 35 pupils. Melanie continues to teach in New Zealand, both privately and at St Paul’s. Her 2012 season includes soloist engagements with the Hutt Valley Orchestra, Northland Sinfonia and Trust Waikato Symphony Orchestra, in addition to recitals across the North Island.


Sam was born and raised here in Hamilton, and has been studying and performing music from a young age. His musical achievements include attaining grade 8 Trinity College on trumpet and a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in music from the University of Waikato. His performing experience has ranged from playing in orchestras to playing lead guitar on stage with blues/ rock icon Chris Thompson of Manfred Mann fame. Sam began teaching guitar five years ago and enjoys sharing his passion for music with his students.


Music has been a part of his life for as long as he can remember. Some of Nathan’s earliest memories are of hearing his father play piano and sing. Since then music has established itself as his number one passion.

Nathan began his formal training as a clarinettist at intermediate school and shortly after went on to sit Trinity College of London practical exams up to grade eight, all of which he achieved the highest mark of distinction. He then went on to the University of Waikato where he studied performance music under the tutelage of one of New Zealand’s most highly regarded classical musicians, Murray Khouri.

More recently, in 2007, Nathan spent a year in Canada, where he worked in a session musician capacity with Scott Fairbairn, son of legendary rock producer Bruce Fairbairn (Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Van Halen). On his return to New Zealand, he was honoured to be asked to drum for Glenn Hughes (ex vocalist/bassist of Deep Purple) at his one-off concert at the G-Taranaki Festival. Nathan remains the only New Zealand drummer he has ever worked with. In 2010, Nathan was again invited to perform at the G-Taranaki Festival, this time as session drummer for American guitarist Desiree Bassett.

Nathan has been a tutor of music for fifteen years now and always aims to use his performance and teaching experience to lead young musicians to discover their own passion for music.


Ian Campbell has a performing arts career to be proud of and brings his talents and experience to St Paul’s. After an international performance and teaching career, including eight years with Opera Australia and seven years in the UK, Ian returned to New Zealand in 1997. His private practice and in-school teaching has gone from strength to strength with many past pupils reaching the final of the NZ Aria contest, two of them winning the contest and one going on to win the McDonald’s Aria contest in Sydney – an internationally prestigious award.

At high school level his students are consistently achieving Merit and Excellence passes at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 and selected pupils sit Royal School of Music exams through to ATCL level. He has a teaching style which encourages students to pursue career paths either in music performance or to continue their music whilst studying other tertiary qualifications. Teaching the genre of classical, opera and musical theatre/show Ian provides students with a range of learning tailored to the individual student. His network of performing arts contacts provides your son or daughter with opportunities beyond their last day at school.



Born in Southampton, England, Ian studied clarinet and saxophone from an early age, taking up the bassoon in his late teens. He graduated from the Royal Northern College of Music, having studied bassoon under William Waterhouse and Charles Cracknell. Whilst there he was awarded the Hiles Medal for Orchestral Playing and performed Webber’s Bassoon Concerto with the RNCM Orchestra. Ian then went on to play as a freelance Bassoonist with several prestigious orchestras including the BBC Northern Symphony and the Halle. He also played Bassoon with “Musica Nel Chiostro” a chamber orchestra formed in Italy and conducted by Jane Glover during her early musical career.

After a number of years serving as a Detective with the Hampshire Police Force, Ian returned to a career in music. Ian and his family emigrated to New Zealand in 2003 settling in the Waikato. During the past eight years, he has continued working as a freelance musician, forming his own jazz band “High Society Jazz”, as well as playing principal bassoon for the Opus Chamber Orchestra and the Trust Waikato Symphony Orchestra. He performed the Bassoon Concerto in A Minor by J. W. Hertel with the TWSO. Ian has also worked with the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra.


Sam has been teaching students at this school to play the drums since 2002, and has seen many go from being beginner drummers with little skill, to rock-stars performing at the Rock Quest and making music videos. Sam loves his job and takes pleasure in passing on the music gift to kids. Sam’s main passion is writing and performing music and he currently plays in Late 80s Mercedes, Radiator and Trenwith Sons, and has performed with Dave Dobbyn, Neil Finn, Supergroove, Elemeno P and many others.


Lott Larson has been a professional, hired gun, musician for over 25 years. He has extensive live performance experience ranging from cover bands, musical theatre, jazz big band and combos, symphony orchestra to silent film accompaniment, improvised/interpretive music soundscapes and he is an original songwriter. Lott has performed at music festivals and venues all over the world including the Montreaux Jazz festival in Switzerland, the North Sea Jazz Festival in the Netherlands, Amsterdam’s Uitmarkt festival, King Kong Jazz in Sarajevo, Vancouver Jazz festival and the Wellington and Tauranga Jazz festivals here in New Zealand. He has been recorded playing on over 100 cd’s including the 2011 Tui award winning New Zealand folk album of the year “Over the Moon”, contributing double bass and tenor vocal harmonies with band Wires and Wood. He is currently working on a release of his own material.

He currently lives in Oparau where he cares for his 6 year old son, maintains three acres of organic vegetables, keeps

bees, hosts an annual acoustic music festival, plays guitar, double bass and drums with a number of bands, records with a regular stream of songwriters and surfs when he has time and the swell is good.


Rachael is a lecturer in the Music Department of the University of Waikato, where she currently teaches Music History, Baroque Performance practices, harpsichord and organ. She is also Director of Music at St Peter’s Cathedral in Hamilton and Musical Director of the Hamilton Civic Choir. Rachael is a busy performer on both harpsichord and organ, and is a frequent guest speaker at workshops and conferences.


Nathan has been working full-time as an itinerant with the Waikato itinerant music scheme. After completing his music degree at he worked with several bands the main one called ’Mama Said’ which was near a full time job since winning the National Battle of the Bands 2000. Taking the time to record an album, shoot videos and tour was a great experience but since the band departed he has focused on teaching, predominantly as a guitar teacher. Teaching bands over the last few years has been a refreshing, new and rewarding challenge.

Nathan loves interacting with students and continually growing musically and loves teaching music as a job.


Simon has been teaching the guitar since 1992. He’s worked in various New Zealand high schools where he’s taught hundreds of students in this time and built a strong rapport with each one. He’s had great success tutoring, preparing and guiding students through their NCEA performances. In 1993 the 8forty8 album ’Edge Of Time’ composed predominantly by Simon, won The Rock FM ’album of the year’ award. In 1998 he coached the Hamilton Girls High School group Handsome Geoffrey on to win the national final of the ’Smoke Free Rock Quest’.

Simon has vast experience as a live performance, and studio musician. In 2008 he played guitar for legendary bassist/ vocalist Glenn Hughes, formally of both 60’s/70’s super groups Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. Simon is a highly respected musician and experienced guitar tutor with the ability to get the best out of his pupils, and inspire them to reach their full musical potential.

Global Perspectives: The Classroom of the Future

In 2010 the Leaders of Curriculum began a discussion on how subjects could come together to develop links that would help students and teachers to understand the inter-connected nature of knowledge. Dr Jason McGrath, a member of the school’s Senior Leadership Group said that he believed that the Cambridge Global Perspectives IGCSE course would fit the bill in getting this important cross-curriculum conversation started.

In 2011 the school began a pilot programme in Global Perspectives based largely on searching the world-wide web. In English the students worked on a portfolio on Culture, Heritage and Identity. In Global Perspectives they are encouraged to come up with their own big questions, for instance: who am I and where do I come from?

All portfolios are expected to provide local, national, international and personal perspectives. In Science the class focused on Global Warming. Dr McGrath presented a power-point on what he called sloppy science. This perspective was countered by old collegian Gary Schofield who addressed all the year 9’s and pointed them to his website called The Melting Planet. The skills of critical thinking, weighing up evidence, synthesis of views and developing personal perspectives and future scenarios come to the fore in this type of learning.

In the social sciences Conflict and Peace was the theme explored and after a unit on bullying many students

decided a good approach would be to examine bullying from the schoolyard perspective to bullying at an international level where they looked at dictators such as Muammar Gadaffi and the USA’s self-appointed role as ’world policeman’. The novel Guantanamo Boy, studied in English provided a good reference. Maths considered the implications of demographic change and is able to teach students on how to present statistics for their portfolios. PE is ideally placed to look at sport and recreation globally.

Professor Seedhouse was invited to the school. As a philosopher he uses the Socratic method of inquiry, which electronically draws the opinions of the class on a whole range of topical issues such as bullying, the war on terror and should parents monitor Facebook. The class can compare their conclusions with other classes around the world. Seedhouse calls his program ’Educational Facebook’ and the interactions he encourages could find a place in the school’s new tutor system.

Next year St Paul’s will continue with the Global Perspectives pilot programme. Students will complete three more individual portfolios across a range of topics and subjects. They will have more choice than year 9 and will be able to seek help from all their subject teachers. At Tihoi they will work on the group project on sustainability.

Here are some of the boys’ opinions:

It’s great using the internet and world-wide- web for research

– Anthony

I enjoyed the battle between Dr McGrath and Mr Gary Schofield on the causes of global warming. – Luke

You get to look at lots of ideas and ways of looking at issues. – Reed

The programme makes you think about all perspectives – Ryan

You start thinking about scenarios 20-30 years into the future – Simon


Jeremy Coley believes that “this is what we need to teach; research skills at the junior level. Their digital presentations are amazing.” Defyd Williams has been given the task of turning global dreams into reality.

Seedhouse and the Headmaster discuss Global Perspectives

Scientifically Speaking


This year’s ICAS science competition results built upon the success of last year. We had 103 competitors achieving 2 gold medals (top in NZ), 7 high distinctions (top 1% in NZ) and 14 distinctions (top 10% in NZ). Last year Chang Zhai won the gold medal for the top result for Year 12 students in New Zealand. This year he repeated his performance with 45/45 correct answers to win the gold medal for year 13. Conor Robson achieved 44/45 in the Year 12 competition which was the top score and he will receive the gold medal at the medal ceremony at Auckland University on the 10th of December. Other students to achieve in the top 1% of competitors in the country and receive High Distinction certificates were year 9 Matthew Fielding, Marcus Ground and Daniel Davis and year 12, Belinda Pedersen.


Navdeesh’s project was to determine the amount of iron that was being leached from the Tui Mine, down a tributary and entering and contaminating the Tui Stream. The test for iron was made by adding thiocyanate and comparing the colour to a previously determined graph.

In his findings, Navdeesh concluded that the amount of iron from the mine dropped to a certain level before being maintained, until it entered the Tui Stream. The experiment gives the Matamata-Piako District Council baseline data to use as a comparison when their multimillion dollar remediation project is completed.

Navdeesh won the Exhibit Class 17 for students in Material Science. He also won the Hill Laboratories Trophy for the Best Material World Exhibit including prize money of $200.


Liam arrived with four others from New Zealand at Sydney University to take part in the 36th Harry Messel International Science School. This is a scholarship valued at $3000 to travel to Sydney University to a lecture circuit that extends over a two week period.

The topic for this year was light and matter. The subjects covered varied between the Atlas Detector in the Hadron Collider in CERN to how invisibility can be achieved with meta materials and then to similarities between locust plagues and the rising proportion of obesity in humans. To say the least the week was extremely full with four hours of lectures each day on top of other science based activities.

Liam’s favourite lectures were Sir John Pendry from the Imperial College London and his breakthrough in invisibility and creating the perfect lens and Professor Allan Clark head scientist of the Atlas Detector of the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. (He loves his detector so much he even brought a piece with him and yes Liam got to hold it!)

“Overall it was the most amazing two weeks of my life. Being surrounded by students who were both intelligent and motivated to learn and develop themselves. It was an amazing experience

Conor and Chang ICAS winners Navdeesh Singh-Thandi James Kennedy - Science Camp Liam Buchanan

and one I will certainly remember forever. I only hope I can get selected as a tutor for the next ISS in 2013.”


For five months James Kennedy participated in the New Zealand Chemistry Olympiad training group. The training consisted of working through assignments and learning concepts up to second year university level. This culminated with national exams.

James went to Auckland University for the Chemistry training. This camp consisted of a week of complex Chemistry – both practical and theoretical. It was an academically competitive camp consisting of the best 20 Chemistry students in New Zealand. At the end of the camp selection examinations were sat to determine who would represent the country. James performed extremely well, getting in the top 10 in the country.

James found his Olympiad experience to be challenging and rewarding and would encourage any students who want to push themselves to give it a go.


During December James attended the Hills Laboratories Science Summer School.

It was a fun filled five days focusing on the extraction of gold and the mining that occurs in Waihi at the Martha Mine. The first few days comprised a field trip to Waihi to study existing and historical mine sites and to collect soil samples for further analysis back at the University. After the field trip, various activities were planned, including viewing the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and analysis of soil samples, as well as small projects within the Biochemical and Electronic Engineering departments of the University.

“Overall it was an excellent week even if my sample only contained 3.24x10-5% gold. I would strongly recommend any Year 12 students that are interested in the sciences to apply for this at the end of 2011.”


This year saw the introduction of a Cambridge IGCSE qualification on Global Perspectives. Student’s in our top two year 9 science classes completed portfolio’s on Climate Change. This proved to be a great experience for both the students and teachers. Students were able to develop their research, processes, reporting and critical thinking skills. The work submitted by the students was of an outstanding standard and we look forward to receiving their final grades at the completion of the remaining portfolio’s next year.


In partnership with Genesis Energy, St Paul’s has been generating some of its electricity needs from solar panels

mounted on the roof of the Sports Centre. This year we generated 1741kWh of electricity and by doing so reduced our carbon dioxide emissions by 0.34 tonnes. The amount generated (1741 kWh) is equivalent to leaving 10 x 100 Watt bulb on continuously for 1741 hours (that is 72 ½ days).

The Genesis Energy Environmental Educator, Rob Duff visited Tihoi in term three and gave a stimulating powerpoint presentation on the generation of power, which will be very useful for the Global Perspectives group projects to be completed at Tihoi on energy and sustainability. Rob Duff also visited the St Paul’s campus and worked with a number of classes on alternative energy resources. The highlight for the students was using pizza boxes to make solar ovens.


This year saw the establishment of the school’s EnviroGroup. The committee members were Sam Tipping (chair), Julia Frick, Navdeesh Singh-Thandi, Ariki Thomson and Stephen Joe. The two major achievements for the year were; the introduction of signage for the recycling of food and paper waste in the dining room and the initiation of the recycling system for plastic bottles and cans in each of the day and boarding Houses by providing blue recycling bins.

These initiatives have been a great start towards St Paul’s reducing its environmental impact. We hope to continue to improve the recycling programme within the school and in future years develop a full recycling system.


This year Mark Davis and Chris Whiteley represented St Paul’s in the International Brain Bee Challenge. This Challenge was a live question and answer competition testing the neuroscience knowledge of students and, hopefully, inspiring them to pursue careers in biomedical research. Mark and Chris competed against 250 students at Auckland Medical School. Both performed admirably. Mark Davis was successful when he joined with students from two other schools to win the composite schools challenge.


During the year St Paul’s chemistry students attended the ChemQuest. As the 2010 defending champions, our three teams of students acquitted themselves admirably. After round 1, our best performing team (I Like Trains), made up with Belinda Pedersen, Sam Armstrong and Jonathan Eyers, was in second place by 1 point. They held this position until the end, narrowing the gap to half a mark. The other two teams of Conor Robson, Alex Hargreaves, Mitch Proudfoot (Team MAC) and Rebecca Wilson, Liam O’Donoghue, Seb Colson (BaNaNa) came third and eighth respectively.


Celebration of Music

This Celebration of Music was the most exciting and varied in years. The programme opened with Josie Reilly singing “Someone Like You” followed by James Lin on violin. Under the direction of Mr Francis Cowan the choir sang two contemporary numbers by Muse and Bon Jovi which were arranged by Paul Newton-Jackson. Paul was next up on organ playing an original composition.

Under the baton of Mrs Michelle Flint, the newly formed Marimba Band played three pieces to a rapturous response from the audience. Matt May changed the mood with a hard driving Rock number by van Halen, Ross Noble was solo vocalist with “The Vagabond”, the Sargood House Band comprising Jack Schicker, Peter Winkelman, Josh Lemon and Cameron Bartley, played “The Joker and the Thief” with plenty of tuneful noise and the Hamilton House Band of Paul Newton-Jackson, Ryan McCarthy, Luke David, James Lin and Chang Zhai played the Muse number “Nights Of Cydonia”. The next item was the Fitchett House mass choir which was runner-up at House Music this year. They sang exquisitely the Moody Blues signature song “Nights in White Satin”. The first half of the programme concluded with Nina Lee playing the unusual instrument called the zither to an amazed crowd.

After the interval the School Orchestra played the booming tune “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Patrice Forgeson performed a jazz ballet dance to the tune “Skyscraper” with poise and grace and then the Peoples’ Choice winners at Rockquest this year, school band Bermuda played their original piece entitled “Missing Something” with enthusiasm and volume. Ryan McIntyre’s beautiful rendition of “I’ll Follow You into the

Dark” was followed by the School House group playing a masterful version of the Coldplay number “Viva La Vida”. This group comprised Jonathan Eyers, Michael Torrance, Marcus Collins, Ross Noble, Sam Armstrong, Cameron Downey and Liam O’Donoghue.

Holly Ho was accompanied by Chang Zhai when she sang the enchanting Evanescence number “Lithium”. This preceded one of the highlights of the nights’ performances, The Big Band. Under the direction of Mr Ian Parsons they played “Blues at Frogbottom” and “Bossa Madiera” both of which showed off the talents of especially the wind section. This group, like the Marimba group, has only been together for a short time but they were sensational in their performance.

Jonathan Eyers continued to wow the audience with his rendition of “Sam’s Town” and then the school choir returned with a wonderful performance of “Deep in the Darkest Night” from “Dracula”.

The Grand Finale brought together Paul Newton-Jackson, on piano, Olivia Thompson on saxophone, Ryan McIntyre on guitar, Carl Brandt on base guitar, Jonathan Eyers on keyboard, Nina Phillips, Michael Torrance and James Lin on violin, Melissa Oosterwjik on cello and Nathan Russell on drums. They played an arrangement by Paul of the Supertramp hit “Crime of the Century”.

Comments from the audience acclaimed the show as the best yet.

Fitchett House Choir
Alistair Carmichael Carl Brandt Holly Ho Vaughan Christie - Bermuda Square Jack Schicker Ryan McIntyre James Lin Patrice Forgeson Paul Newton-Jackson

Damn Yankees

I will attempt to give you a feeling of what goes into making one of these things happen. For me the metaphor that applies most is trying to sail around the world in a boat that you are building as you try to navigate through a dangerously rocky strait. While this is happening, you find that as captain, you have seventy three first mates and no-one knows where the wheel is. But that’s what makes it so much fun. Musical theatre, to paraphrase that doyen of the arts Forrest Gump, is like a box of chocolates.

Damn Yankees is a retelling of the Faust legend set in 1950’s USA. As those of you who saw the show will be aware, the motif of the story was baseball which is a game most of us are not particularly familiar with. It helped me out to have the concept of what rugby means to New Zealand when trying to understand how Joe Boyd (Sam Armstrong) and his alter ego Joe Hardy (Jono Eyers) felt about baseball.

The story is a simple one. Boy has girl, boy meets devil, boy leaves girl and gets turned into a young guy, boy joins baseball club, wins games, meets a succubus, has adventures, is accused of match-fixing, hilarity ensues, happy ending.

The cast of this show were dedicated and most of them came to most of the rehearsals. American accents came more easily to some than others but everyone gave a huge amount of their time and energy to the process of getting the show on.

As always the cast was supported by a large number of teacher and parent helpers without whom we would have been in a good deal of trouble. Mr and Mrs Howard, Mrs Fanning, Mrs Embling and Mrs Eyers, through their hard work, ensured that the cast were ready and raring to go as the curtains parted each night.

Mr Cowan and his able orchestra provided beautiful music to accompany the singing efforts of the actors and personal highlights for me were The Game (wickedly funny and ably

delivered) and Who’s Got the Pain (forever more I will remember the word “erp”).

I was also truly amazed by the ability of the cast to be adaptable. This show was the most sickness-riddled theatrical endeavour I have ever been involved in and it was touch and go on a number of occasions whether we would have enough actors for a quorum. Josie Reilly singing the part of Lola from the wings was one such obvious example. All in all the proof of any show is the audience’s reaction. Even the hard-bitten boarders were praising the cast (in their quiet way) after the show and the school community was almost universal in their praise. I look forward to seeing what Mr Cowan comes up with next year and look forward to stepping back a bit and stage-managing next year.

Any budding directors out there?


In the final week of term two our two school rock bands, ’Madein95’ and ’Resolute’, performed brilliantly at the Regional Rockquest Competition. Neither band was originally selected by the judges to play in the finals with the top seven bands however, there was the long wait that evening to find out if they had been selected as the ’People’s Choice’ band to compete in the finals. At around 8.30pm it was announced that ’Madein95’ had been selected to perform as the People’s Choice band and they got the opportunity to compete in the finals along with the other seven bands. Although not placed in the top three, ’Madein95’ were awarded the ’Smokefree People’s Choice Award’ and Jessica Reilly received the ’Smokefree Women’s Musicianship Award’ and $150.

A big thank you goes to Mr Nathan Aish, for all his hard work with the bands and for his support of this talented group of musicians. We were pleased with the impressive showing of both of our rock bands.

Once again it falls to me, the director, to write a wrap-up of the experience that was this year’s musical!
Brenna Cockrem and David Rooney Ross Noble, Ryan McIntyre and Jonathan Eyers Jonathan Eyers and Brenna Cockrem Harrieteanne Embling Mark Swarbrick and Cat McRae Ross Noble and Harrietanne Embling Harrietanne Embling Who’s for the game Chanelle Harrison, Josie Reilly and Charlotte Atherton Harrietanne Embling leads the team in their routine Charlotte Atherton and Jonathan Eyers David Rooney Brenna Cockrem Brenna Cockrem leads her cast members down the wrong path

Stage Challenge

Stage Challenge 2011 saw 200 schools and 17,000 participants competing in 13 different venues around NZ.

At each venue a regional competition was held. The winner of each night went through to the National TV Finals along with six ’Wildcard’ entries. The Wildcards were performances the judges deemed to be outstanding from the whole NZ competition. The grueling hard work and the many hours practicing after school and leave weekends all paid off when the St Paul’s Collegiate Stage Challenge 2011 team won a ’Wildcard’ entry into the National TV competition. After coming 2nd in the Waikato Regionals this was yet another bonus to the exciting buzz of performing on stage. These are great achievements for the student directors, performers and support crew. Making it through to the top 24 in the country is a tremendous feat.

The St Paul’s performance, “Meet me at the end of the world”, was based around the Mayan prediction of the end of the world. The performance showed this ancient group of people foretelling the events of 2012. Throughout the performance many natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis occur. The effects these disasters have on the human race, which results in panic and hysteria, were translated into dance and movement. We included in the

performance our interpretation of the predictions and the idea that there should always be hope. Our finale scene shows the survivors believing that they have lived through the worst and then a final wave of destruction hits them. The audience is the left wondering has the world ended or will time keep ticking? Rather than having a predictable TV ending we let the audience create their ending.

At the awards ceremony we received:

• Excellence for choreography

• Excellence for stage use

• The Edge award for excellence for concept

• The Love Music excellence award for soundtrack

• Excellence in costuming and character

• The Designer Brand award for visual enhancement

• The 5+ a day award for school initiative

• The NZ on Air award for video directors assistant.

A big thankyou must go out to all the staff and parents involved in making this process happen. Thankyou everyone for the enjoyable experience!

Mayan Scene Tsunami Scene More Mayans

More directions

Tsunami Mayans Harrietanne Embling Grayson Croasdale and Hollie Adamson King and Queen of the Mayans Wave taking reporter away Listening to Instructions Earthquake Tsunami preparations Choreography David Rooney - Mayan Prophet Brenna Cockrem - Reporting on predictions

A Circus at the St Paul’s Ball

September the 30th saw not only the end of term three but the highlight of the school social calendar – the school ball.

This year’s theme was Cirque du St Paul’s and the school gymnasium was transformed into a carnival setting. The dinner was in keeping with the theme and gourmet food circus trollies served food such as hot chips, hamburgers and icecream which finished everyone off before the dancing began. The previous months dancing lessons paid off and a fantastic and fun evening was had.

This year’s ball winners included …

Queen of the Ball – Charlotte Atheron

King of the Ball – Pearse McGougan

Belle of the Ball – Brenna Cockrem

Beau of the Ball – Nikora Payne

Best Dressed Couple – Oliver Smith and Allie McMichael

Best Male Dancer – Alex Gudsell

Best Female Dancer – Lizzi Wilson.

Bon Scott shows us the menu Rebecca and Alistair Nathan and Annie Alex and Alistair Rose, Claire, Hannah, Tara and Catherine Hadleigh and Annie Ball winners
James, Melissa, Cat and Reece Laurie, Ally, Ryan and Siobhan Alex and Maxwell Harry being carried by Ryan, Jonathan and Sam Daniel and Josie Sam and Harry Becca, Danni, Eden and Theresa Matt and Fiora Annie, Julia, Fiora, Hollie, Siobhan and Ally Annie, Shreena and Marie-Helene Harrietanne and Patrice Grace, Jesper and Alex Harrietanne, Louise and Charlotte Julia and Hollie Melissa and Nicole Jim and Jess Crazy dance moves! Siobhan and Talya Annie, Julia, Fiora and Hollie Royden and Robyn
KJ, Ryan and Amelia Bon and Alex Siobhan and Ally Altogether boys Allie McMichael and Ollie Smith Zac and Theresa Angus and Alex Catherine, Nicole, Brenna and Savanna Jaon and Lizzi Siobhan and Ryan Nikora and David Pretty in Pink, Aaron, Jesper and Nikora

Visitors to St Paul’s


Cricket legend Daniel Vettori visited our school to launch the ’Specsavers Vettori Test’.

Vettori, the youngest player to have represented New Zealand in Test cricket, is one of very few international sports stars to wear prescription glasses while competing. He said he wanted to encourage kids to have confidence in themselves, no matter what. Vettori said, “There was definitely a stigma attached to wearing glasses when I was at school, but it certainly hasn’t been an obstacle during my cricketing career. I don’t think wearing glasses on the sports field, or in the class room, should ever be viewed as a disadvantage. Kids should know that if they have confidence in themselves and they put in the hard yards, they can achieve their goals.


Gary Schofield is a writer, television producer, artist, composer, and musician. With a degree in Biochemistry, a career in the arts, and a keen interest in history, he has sought to add this richness to all of his work. He is also the president of Global Concern. “Global warming is a reality we are facing today, which will have grave consequences to civilization.”

He came to St Paul’s to talk to our Global Perspectives students about global warming and told them “as the nature of this effect becomes clearer to the general population it could pit environmental organisations against commercial and societal concerns. This is a battle neither side can win.”


John Badalament is an author, filmmaker, educator, international speaker and recognised leader in the fatherhood field. His newly released book, The Modern Dads Dilemma: How To Stay Connected With Your Kids In A Rapidly Changing World is a practical guide filled with compelling stories of everyday dads, sound research, and six practices dads can put to use immediately.

He came to St Paul’s this year and gave workshops with our mothers, and then hosted a dinner with our dads and sons. He showed them how to put into place his six practices.


Once again Dianne Connell visited the school and talked to our junior and senior classes about the process of writing creatively. She talked about both her books, Julian Corkle is a Filthy Liar and Sherry Cracker gets Normal. A writer intrigued by life on the outside, Connell writes about unusual friendships and high risk survival strategies.

Sherry Cracker, the far from normal heroine of Connell’s second novel, is a loner, obsessive note-taker and lover of tartan trousers. She works for Mr Chin, who runs a business buying used gold from dentists.

One Friday afternoon, he gives her £100 and a weekend in which to “crack the normality nut”. But establishing what is normal proves far from easy especially when in the company of new friends Jocelyn de Foiegras (a “gentleman alcoholic”) and Little Bastard (a ten-year-old runaway).


The Kamehameha Schools Hawaiian Ensemble were welcomed by St Paul’s Collegiate and the kapa haka group Te Maurea Whiritoi at Kirikiriroa marae.

The following day the Hawaiians performed for us as a school in the chapel. The kane (men) were in traditional dress and the wahine (women) were beautifully adorned in contemporary costume.

During the year we invite a wide range of professionals, both academic and sporting, writers, international speakers and performance groups to come to our school and give our students a wider range of voices and opinions to become exposed to. The following is just a selection of these guests this year.
Daniel in action Kamehameha dancers

Our kapa haka group delivered an arousing haka powhiri (welcome) while the Hawaiians replied with their sweet oli (chant). The two cultures connected spiritually as well as physically, and a mesmerising performance followed. The professionalism, gracefulness and sweet harmonies of the Hawaiians were amazing.


The Lawrence family started here 31 years ago when the school was a mere 21 years old. Mr Lawrence addressed the school and below is an extract from his message to us.

“Buildings, people and, not least, a spiritual dimension make up schools like St Paul’s and all those I have been associated with as a student and a teacher.

What did St. Paul’s look like and feel like 31 years ago? It was a youthful establishment in the process of establishing an identity.

Assembly was held in the old gymnasium, a far cry from our surroundings for this assembly. It was basic to say the least. No microphone! I could see the whites of the eyes of the students in the back row.

Those responsible for the establishment of the school 51 years ago looked back to their own schooldays and built from their own experience.

The very fact that a small group of people decided to start a school remains a brave decision – indeed a remarkable decision. They and they alone were the constituency that made up the school family. We owe a considerable debt of gratitude to our founders and benefactors and to successive trustees who gave generously and worked

tirelessly to turn fifty acres of paddocks into the place we see today.

If I remember correctly all the founders of St. Paul’s were alive and well in 1980 which meant that we never felt far from the foundation.

So the school was able to develop an ethos or character as a result of the dedication and input of a high quality teaching staff. People give a school its character. They are the DNA.

Values and beliefs haven’t changed although buildings have improved and staff and students have come and gone. Because of a Christian foundation schools like ours still know what is right and what is wrong in a world that is losing its ethical compass. We had no problem defining truth and living it and St Paul’s still doesn’t. In that sense St Paul’s is the same as it was in 1965, 75, 85, 95 and 05. It is good to know that this school and all that its stands for and aspires to be is on solid ground.


The Ugly Shakespeare Company has a proven record in New Zealand schools, providing consistently high quality live theatre performances since 1996. We were lucky once again to have performances given to both the senior and junior school this year. The company is proud of its ability to actually engage with the teens themselves as well as their determination to continue with what they believe – that is to make professional, live theatre accessible to youth.

The Ugly Shakespeare Company has a unique approach to both Shakespeare and live performance. “We are strong believers in getting amongst the students and relating to them on a level that is contemporary. Our success lies in our ability to utilise teen culture within our shows.

Rev Michael Lawrence gly Shakespeare

The Old Collegians’ Pavilion


With the concrete tilt panels in place for the lower floor changing rooms, February 16th saw the existing Old Collegians’ Pavilion raised by crane onto the new structure. With public toilets for those attending functions in the Chapel, playing hockey, cricket or rugby, four large changing rooms and a 380 seat grandstand, this project will provide a very valuable facility for both the School and the wider-community.

We wanted to secure sponsorship for the naming rights to the grandstand seating. Those making a tax deductible donation of $1,500, had their generosity recognised with a brass plaque inlaid on a pair of seats and a listing on the donors noticeboard in the refurbished Pavilion.

Total fundraising initially sat at $384,000, with the target being $550,000.


With the final touches being completed on the new structure, with the fit out of the changing rooms and bathrooms, it was clear that the new facility would be a very valuable asset for sports teams in the years to come.

The past St Paul’s Headmaster and current Head of St Kentigern College, Mr Steve Cole and various premier sports teams from that School would be travelling down from Auckland to appropriately mark the opening of the pavilion with a pre-season Winter Sports Exchange.


On April 6th we officially opened the expanded Old Collegians’ Pavilion. The upper-storey Pavilion was designed by Old Collegian and Tauranga Architect, Mr David Page, so it seemed only fitting that he should also have an input into the lower-storey, grandstand and changing room complex. At the opening ceremony, it was announced that each of the changing rooms were to be named after four prominent past Housemasters:

Tom de Winton – Served St Paul’s for 16 years (1967–1982) as teacher of mathematics and social studies, housemaster

of Clark House 1972–1977. He was instrumental in the establishment of and heavily involved in the operation of the School’s rowing programme during and well beyond his teaching service.

Malcolm Hill – Served St Paul’s for just over 29 years (1966–1995) as teacher of history, geography, and accounting; housemaster of Hamilton House 1969/1970, Hall House 1973–1979, Assistant Headmaster 1980–1995, housemaster of Harington House (or better known as ’Hill’s Angels’) 1985–1990. A hockey, soccer, rugby and 1st XI cricket coach, he gave invaluable service to both sporting and cultural activities.

Rod McMorran – Served St Paul’s for 35 years (1965–1999) as teacher of geography, housemaster of Hamilton House 1971–1978, Deputy Headmaster and careers advisor 1983 to 1996; Mr McMorran helped organise the School’s athletics standards, coached rugby, took over the harriers and for many years ran the School’s swimming programme.

Pat Plant – Served St Paul’s for an amazing 38 years (1961–1998) as teacher of science, housemaster of Sargood House 1963–1977, Clark House 1978 to 1985, careers adviser 1989 to 1998. Mr Plant proved a superb rugby coach, including mentor and tactician for the 1st XV. While appropriately, the grandstand itself was named after an individual who is synonymous with the school coming of age on the national sporting stage.

Appointed to the position of Headmaster in 1992 at the age of 37, Mr Steve Cole had a huge impact on St Paul’s as a whole and its sporting cornerstone in particular. He grew the school roll dramatically from 419 through to 627 students; extended Harington and Sargood Houses; enlarged the chapel; oversaw the construction of the student centre and the science block. Highly visible, ultracompetitive, Mr Cole’s passion and energy invigorated the school. Known as “the scud missile”, rugby had its most successful period in the School’s history under his oversight; Waikato champions and one of the top four 1st XV’s in the country. Our 1st XI soccer team was ranked one of the top ten in the country in 1993 and won the provincial premiership in 1997. The 1st XI cricket team made the Gillette Cup top four two years running – a feat replicated by our eight in the Maadi Cup.

Mr Cole, assisted by his wife Janet (who was herself a loyal supporter of sporting and cultural activities), took St Paul’s to the next level and it seems appropriate, given his intense interest, input and commitment to the sporting cornerstone, that the new stand should be named after an individual who in the ’Venture in Faith’ book will be regarded as “one of the School’s great Headmasters”.


The Leadership Camp

’Leadership is understanding people and involving them to help you do a job. That takes all of the good characteristics like integrity, dedication of purpose, selflessness, knowledge, skill, implacability, as well as determination not to accept failure.’

The Tihoi Venture School Campus provides an ideal base for the School’s leadership camp. Any year 12 student that wishes to be considered for leadership and prefect positions must apply and attend the leadership camp.

The leadership programme is held under the Direction of Mr Rick Dobbie. Rick is an ex-Australian Army Officer with extensive leadership and training experience. As well as operational experience leading and commanding various units in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) he has held several specific training appointments that have included responsibility for the personal development and leadership training of naval and military officer cadets. Since leaving the ADF Mr Dobbie has worked internationally with a number of clients in Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, PNG, the UK, and the US as well as with Australian based clients.

Through facilitation, activities and case studies each student aims to:

• Consistently apply our School’s values and virtues

• Demonstrate an understanding of leadership theory

• Have an opportunity to display personal leadership traits

• Demonstrate planning skills and solve problems using teamwork

• Understand their own capabilities

• Develop awareness of their own weaknesses

• Develop personal confidence when working in groups

• Adhere to leader and team member accountabilities, and

• Avoid self-oriented behaviors when working together as a team

After leadership camp our 64 participants became 30 and the management team interviewed those to take the list down to the final prefects positions to be announced at the end of year prizegiving.

Admiral A. Burke

Tihoi House Project

This year the students of the Year 13 Construction class have been given the opportunity to build a house for the Tihoi Venture School campus. The project was initiated by current parents Gavin Jakes and Mark May. Both men own their own construction companies and have many years’ experience in the building industry. Their initial idea for implementing the project was to provide an alternative course for boys in their final year of school, with the view to providing a possible career pathway in the building industry.

The students were given the opportunity to work on the project one day a week with the class being split into two gangs and working on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The boys were supported on-site by the following builders – Gavin Jakes, Mark May, Martin Dobbe, Nick Holcroft, Richard Hull and John MacDonald (Mitchell Construction). Each of these builders donated their time on a rotational basis to teach the boys the skills of the trade. The boys also had the opportunity of working alongside the plumber and various sub-trades.

Being a re-locatable building, we have been restricted by the size(width) of the building which can be legally transported on a public road. The project has had to be completed within a 7 metre envelope. Which meant that the front and back verandas of the house have to be disconnected when we shift it to its Tihoi site. There were several moments of head scratching during this part of the project, however the collective experience of our building team allowed us to overcome this situation.

The boys will also spend a week at Tihoi helping to site the building on piles, carry out drainage and landscaping work and build the front and back decks. The house will be used to accommodate additional students or visitors to the Tihoi Venture School campus.

This project has made a significant difference to the lives and future direction of the young men involved in it. They have not only leant carpentry skills but they have also learnt work habits and work attitudes; traits which will enhance their value to a potential employer or trainer. The success of this year’s project has laid the foundation for future projects and already planning is underway for next year.

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support for this project from the following.

Gavin Jakes G.Jakes Construction Ltd

Mark May Mark May Builders Ltd

Martin Dobbe Urbo Homes Ltd

Nick Holcroft Prestige Homes

Richard Hull Richard Hull Builders Ltd

John MacDonald Mitchell Construction

Tangi Glassie Waikato Electrical

Gavin Loye Gavin Loye Plumbing

Sean Fletcher Fletcher Painting Ltd

Robbie Lee Lee Roofing

Les Harrison Les Harrison Transport Ltd

Dean Namana The House Movers Ltd


Six building companys help us, Mark May Builders, Mitchell Construction, Sullivan Homes, Richard Hull Construction, Gavin Jakes Construction and Urbo Homes. The owners of each company have had something to do with the school, such as their children attend the school, or have previously attended the school or have attended themselves. On the house we work twice a week in two diffrent groups; one group works with one of the builders on Tuesday and the other group works on Thursday with a different builder so we have a different builder every week. When we have finished the house it will be going down to Tihoi. We learn all the things that we have to do to build a house. The builders show us things that need to be done on the day we are working and show us how to do it. Also we get tips on the easiest way to do all the jobs. This project will take the whole school year from the start to finishing the decks down at Tihoi.


Ward Family Scholarship – Cat McRae

In the Canberra office of the National Committee of United Nations’ (UN) Women, there is a sign which reads ’Feminism is the radical notion that women are people too.’

This forms the core of what UN Women and their work is about. UN Women and the UN Women National Committees are organisations concerned with the promotion of Women’s Rights on every level.

Thanks to the generosity of the Ward family, I was privileged enough to be able to work with this amazing agency for two weeks in Australia, and to attend the Summit they hosted for the representative delegates of other National Committees, hailing from as far as Iceland, Austria, Finland and Singapore.

I was extremely privileged to be hosted in Canberra by senior board member Donelle Wheeler. My time was taken up with assisting with the arrangements of international delegates in preparation for the events happening in the following week in Sydney. My presence coincided with the launch of the Spring Campaign, which is focused on ending violence against women in the Pacific region. I heard from ’groundwork’ people in the field who had experience with working in areas heavily afflicted by domestic violence, and what I heard was at times shocking. One of the workers from Timor explained that one in every three women experienced domestic violence on a regular basis. The issue in Timor, she said, was to change the mind-set of the people, without impacting on their culture and their privacy. As a National Committee Delegate from Great Britain said ’It’s hard to explain, because the results aren’t something you can drop on your foot.’

The focus of UN Women is long term change, making subtle differences now that will be major changes in the future, with flow on effects. I learnt with interest about how UN Women works with governments on these issues, and one that especially caught my attention was the political empowerment of women. The agency believes that political empowerment of women, and more female representation in Parliament will aid governments in passing bills and laws that are of equal value to both genders. Women’s Rights are Human Rights, after all.

Sue Conde AM President of UNIFEM Australia

This trip was an amazing learning experience for me, and has affirmed my interest in gender equality, international organisations such as the UN and governmental work. I learnt a lot from some truly inspirational people, and I’d like to thank Rosalind Strong and Donelle Wheeler for looking after me during my time in Australia. I hope to continue my work with UN Women, next year in Wellington, where the Headquarters for UN Women New Zealand is based.

A very big thank you to the Ward family , and their continued generosity in providing this scholarship. It has been a huge affirmation for me for my course in life.

Northfield Mount Hermon Visit

Early in February, St Paul’s had the pleasure of hosting ten students from Northfield Mt Hermon School near Boston Massachusetts for two days during their trip around New Zealand. The ten students were billeted with St Paul’s families, experiencing Kiwi family life. By the time their visit was over, students from NMH were happily swapping memorabilia such as house tops and rugby balls for t-shirts from USA and relating their first taste of pavlova, with promises to keep in touch with each other.

Lakshmi Puri


Aerobics was introduced as a summer sports option for the girls at the end of 2010. It encourages those without a specific sporting talent to still be involved, or is used by other girls to improve their general fitness and flexibility on top of their first sports option. We have brand new, top of the range equipment, including sculpting weights, easy to use hand held weights, adjustable steps and sweat resistant pilates mats.

Classes focus on fitness, flexibility, toning and sculpting and the girls enjoy the fun and interactive way of staying fit.



St Paul’s entered two teams in Division 2 again this year. Our A team had a very successful first half of the season and were put into the top Division 2 section for the second round robin. With the loss of our top player, Chanon Sutharoj to Tihoi the team struggled a little but did well to finish in the top half of the field.

The main players were Chanon Sutharoj, James Lin, Panasann Pattanakulchai, Connor Roycroft, Conor Robson, Tian Li and Tanakhan Turapongpipat. Devon Kyle and Conor Gawith were enthusiastic and capable additions to the B team for the last few matches.


2011 saw the re-emergence of a full girls’ team. Lily Kang and Linda Lin, the main stalwarts from 2010 anchored the team, while Ebony Tapara, Lucy Roberts and Xiaojing Wang joined as novice players. Competition in Division 2 was challenging and the girls won only a few matches due to their inexperience. However, as the season progressed, the girls showed good improvement and sportsmanship in all games.

Lily Kang played superbly all season and was largely unbeaten. Her improvement from last season was marked, and she captained the side responsibly. All the girls gave of their best and did St Paul’s proud!

Back Row: Hannah Raza, Elizabeth Wilson, Marie-Helene Jacquet, Annie Boshier, Kaitlyn Griffen 2nd Row: Nina Phillips, Danielle McGregor, Shreena Patel, Annelies Watson-Holmes Front Row: Melissa Latto, Alexandra McMichael, Mrs Jackie Lock (Coach), Siobhan Vusoniwailala, Sophie Nola Badminton Back Row: Panasann Pattanakulchai, James Lin, Ms Don Front Row: Tanakhan Turapongpipat, Connor Roycroft, Tian Li Badminton Girls Present: Ebony Tapara, Lucy Roberts, Mrs T. Hastie (Manager), Lily Kang, Linda Lin



Following the three national titles and three individual medals in the NZSS Athletics Championships held in Hastings in December, Tom Smith and Blake Gordon competed for the Hamilton Hawkes in the boys’ 14 year age group at the North Island Colgate Games in Athletics at Hastings.

Tom Smith had a fantastic three days of competition. He won the 400m on Friday, 200m on Saturday and 100m on the Sunday. Blake Gordon returning from injury competed well and placed a close second to Tom in both the 100m and 200m. Blake also placed second in the discus.

Impressively, also in the NZSS Championship, when running against older boys, Tom gained a silver medal in the Junior Boys’ 200m. We are extremely proud of Tom’s three gold and Blake’s three silver medals in the Colgate Championships.


This year saw a new initiative, which involved combining the two central zones into one. As a result the standard of competition increased considerably on previous years, but this did not stop St Paul’s athletes from again perfroming with distinction, gaining ten 1st placings, fourteen 2nd placings and eleven 3rd placings.

A total of ten zone titles were won by our athletes, with Blake Gordon following on from his fine performance at this level in 2010 with victories in the Intermediate Boys’ 100m and discus and a second placing in the 200m. It took another St Paul’s athlete to stop Blake from winning the 200m, with Tom Smith taking our the longer sprint. Tom was also second in the 100 m which meant that these two athletes had the distinction of gaining the top two placings in both the 100m and 200m. They were also part of the victorious 4x100m relay team which included Aaron Crow and Logan Jakes. Scott Hilliar and Ollie Smith also showed their dominance in the middle distance events with strong performances leading to victories for both the Senior Boys’ 800m and 3000m respectively. Ally French also had a good day with a first place performance

4th Row: J Ballantyne (Coach), Jordan Sanders, James Hunt, Joshua Tye, James Mehlhopt-Cole, Michael Loft, Laurie Meban, Michael Gutry, Thomas Smith, P Wilson (Coach)

3rd Row: Dylan Coull, Izak Eksteen, Bennet Rogers, Blake Gordon, Matthew Seton, Ezra Berridge, Jonty Rae, Oliver Smith, Scott Hilliar

2nd Row: G Henley-Smith (Coach), Seton Mason, Teagan Voykovich, Robyn Henderson, Hugo Brown, Blake Agnew, Geraldine Fish, Jody Thompson, Samuel Masterson, M Holmes (Coach)

Front Row: Connor Gyde, Sean Henley-Smith, Fransois Eksteen, Livi Jackson, Alexandra French, Rose Spence, Caleb Lingman, Aaron Crow, Mark Adlam

Back Row: Matthew Moana, William Te Tomo, Waikato Ball, Jonty Wood, Joel Taylor, Andre Eksteen, Natalie Hong, Hakan Asici

in the Senior Girls’ 100m and second place finishes in the 200m and the 4x100m relay. Bennet Rogers further built on his 400m running reputation with a commanding win in the Intermediate Boys’ 400m and Michael Loft became the first St Paul’s student in a number of years to throw the javelin over 50m in winning the Senior Boys’ event.

Jonty Rae won the Senior Boys’ 200m and placed second in the 400m and Aditya Sakalkale in his first competition for the school comfortably won the Junior Boy’s Javelin.


A large team of St Paul’s athletes again figured prominently at this major secondary school athletic event for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty region. A total of eleven titles were won by athletes representing the school with three of these coming in the 4 x 100m relay at the junior, intermediate and senior level for boys.

Blake Gordon had a personal haul of three individual titles in the intermediate boys’ age group with victories in the 100m, 200m and discus and he was also a member of the winning relay team. His victory in the 200m was particularly impressive, as it was almost a full second ahead of the second placed athlete.

Jonty Rae ran his second sub 51second 400m in a week, to easily win the senior boys 400m and Bennet Rogers continued the school’s recent dominance over this distance by also winning the intermediate boys event. Scott Hilliar ran a personal best to win the senior boys 800m title, showed that he was in good form heading into Athletic New Zealand’s National Track and Field Championships. He was also placed third in the 1500m. Ally French another athlete off to the nationals ran well to win the senior girls’ 100m and place second in the 200m.

James Hunt showed that he has good hurdling ability by winning the intermediate boys 100m hurdles and placing second in the open 300m hurdles as well. Adam Ballantyne, with his second placing in the junior boys 80m hurdles, also showed promise.

Michael Loft and Josh Mann showed that they can throw the javelin competitively at this level with a second and third placing in the senior boys section of this event and Josh Tye in the intermediate boys also had a solid competition to place third. Roydon Nutsford in the senior boys’ high jump did well to place third and Joel Taylor, in the junior boys’ 200m, also came away from the meeting with a third place.

Michael Gutry also had a good day, with third placings in the senior boys’ 100m and 200m and being a member of the victorious relay team.

A special mention must be made of the junior boys’ relay team. The team of Josh Cave, William Te Tomo, Adam Ballantyne and Joel Taylor clearly demonstrated the value

of quality baton changes in defeating a team that had beaten them at Zones. Aaron Keppler and Aaron Crow were also members of the senior and intermediate boys’ relay teams that were victorious.


The Athletics New Zealand Track and Field National Championships is a major national event for athletes registered with clubs. For many athletes this event provides them with an opportunity to fulfil their goal of winning a national title, which usually means the standard of competition is at its highest.

Blake Gordon continued his fine form of the second half of the season in winning three medals over the weekend of competition. He placed third in the Men’s 16 100m and 200m. He also won a silver medal as a member of the Waikato Bay of Plenty 4 x 400m relay team in this age group. Blake still has two more years in this age group.


The North Island Secondary School Athletics Championships is the last major athletics meeting of the season.

Blake Gordon once again led the way by placing 2nd in the 100m, 200m and 4 x 100m relay in the Intermediate boys age group. Tom Smith ran well to place third in the same final as Blake and he, along with Bennet Rogers was also part of the relay team that placed 2nd. Bennet also placed second in the 400m and in the process lowered his personal best to 50.85 seconds. Jonty Rae improved his personal best when finishing 3rd in the senior boys 400m final in a time of 50.11 seconds. He also was part of the Waikato Bay of Plenty team that finished second in the open boys 4 x 400m relay.

Ally French also had a busy and successful weekend by placing 3rd in the senior girls 100m and 4th in the 200m. She also picked up a 2nd placing as part of the Waikato Bay of Plenty 4 x 100m relay team. James Hunt performed really well to place 3rd in the Intermediate Boys’ 100m hurdles. Joel Taylor was the other St Paul’s athlete to earn a top three placing. He was part of a Waikato Bay of Plenty junior boys’ relay 4 x 100m team that placed third.

Thanks go to Martin Holmes, Gary Henley-Smith and Paul Wilson who have done a wonderful job coaching and mentoring our athletes over the summer season. Much of the credit for the performances of our athletes is a direct result of the quality of our coaching and training programme here at St Paul’s.




The St Paul’s Premier Basketball team began the season aware that this season was about drawing together as a unit. This was essential and Coach Agnew laid out that nothing less than a “winning effort” would suffice if we were to be competitive. The returning senior players were determined and Aaron Keppler led from the front as Captain all season. The boys’ had a very good season overall with a record of 19 wins and 6 losses. This was testament to the effort the players exerted throughout the season and they should feel proud of this. Unfortunately, we dipped out at regionals and missed the cut for nationals, which was our overarching goal of the year. Some of the highlights of the season were wins against Hamilton Boys’ High School and St John’s College. The win against Hamilton Boys’ High School was a preseason fixture and we were undermanned having 7 players against a full HBHS squad. The boys’ all played with guts and determination and started strongly despite being down by 6 points early on. Aaron Keppler had a great offensive first quarter scoring 12 points. Throughout the first half the boys executed the game plan well via strong man to man and zone defence which nullified their sharp shooters. The guards including Aaron Keppler, Blake Agnew and Keegan Fly were aggressive and determined which saw St Paul’s lead by 2 at halftime.

The third quarter saw St Paul’s increase the lead and Hamilton Boys’ struggle against the spirited defence. The big men: Ryan Sullivan and Nikora Payne played extremely well to control their big men. A special mention goes to James Hogg who was playing out of position as a forward and gave the bigs a vital breather.

Simroop Singh-Thandi playing in his first game contributed useful minutes off the bench and worked hard.

The fourth quarter saw a resurgent Hamilton Boys team hit their straps and our boys with fatigue showing, let them crawl back into contention. However, some excellent decision

making down the stretch by point guard Blake Agnew and a clutch shot from Ryan Sullivan with a minute remaining ensured a victory for St Paul’s 55-51.

This is only St Paul’s second basketball victory over Hamilton Boys and was a promising start to 2011.

For our departing players: James Hogg, Ryan Sullivan and Keegan Fly, thanks for the spirit and dedication shown this year.

A huge thank you must go to Steve Agnew and Neil Stephens for the time they put into the boys over the course of the year and there were a number of improvers who now must pick up the mantle for the 2012 season. Pre-season beckons and a number of boys will need to start preparation early for next season.


The Senior A basketball team played in the schools competition on Thursday evenings at Fraser High. Apart from Logan Cowie (year 12) all team members were year 11 students. Daniel Ruri also joined the team on his return from Tihoi.

The games against the Fraser teams and St John’s were one sided as the opposition were much more experienced players however the boys continued to play with determination and improved their performance each time they played these teams.

The games against Raukamanga and St Pauls B were much more competitive. After losing to both teams early in the season St Paul’s A managed to beat both teams in their next two encounters. Tom Schicker, Tom Dobbe and James Atherton were dominant under the basket, rebounding well both offensively and defensively. Logan Cowie and Simroop Singh-Thandi scored many baskets from fast breaks while Jordan Davies and Fransois Eksteen shot well from the outside. Josh Malpas and Matthew May were strong on defense.

All members of the team enjoyed the season. There was a marked improvement in their skill level and team play.

Basketball Senior Boys A Back Row: J. Davies, J. Malpas, S. Singh-Thandi, Mr P. Wilson (Coach) Front Row: T. Dobbe, M. May, L. Cowie, F. Eksteen, T. Schicker Senior Premiers Back Row: Keegan Fly, James Atherton, Nikora Payne 2nd Row: Jeremy Coley (Assistant Coach), Blake Agnew, Simroop Singh-Thandi, Steve Agnew (Coach) Front Row: Tom Dobbe, James Hogg, Aaron Keppler (Captain), Joshua Tye, Ryan Sullivan Absent: Neil Stephens (Assistant Coach)

Chess is a game that requires problem solving. It improves a student’s visual memory, attention span, spatial reasoning skills, capacity to predict and anticipate consequences and ability to use criteria to drive decisionmaking and evaluate alternatives. Studies have shown that not only Mathematics scores but also English scores increase when students play chess. Mr Judkins presented his fifth NZAMT conference in Dunedin a workshop called “Why use chess in the classroom?” in the July holidays.

The first NZ Chess Federation chess tournament was held Saturday in February with five students playing in the Bay of Plenty Rapid event. All players played six games which could last up to one hour each. Daniel Davis played in the junior grade and gained valuable tournament experience where he won two games and drew another. Matthew Shewan played in the B grade and ended up with two and half points. Sheng Cao was unlucky to only win two games as he had good chances in two other games. Bill Li won three games which was enough to win the grade two prize in the B division. Chang Zhai won six games which placed him first equal in the difficult B tournament. This was a fantastic effort as one of the players he beat was a past North Island champion in the top division. The annual chess simul on Open Day was held in March against one of the country’s highest rated players. This was the twelfth year that Alexi Kulasho has played in this event. Twenty students played Alexi at one time. There were eleven Southwell players and from our school Daniel Davis, Samuel Lockwood-Geck and Brandon Harrison, Matthew Shewan, Sheng Cao, James Kennedy, James Lin, Edward Tseng and Chang Zhai

The NZ Chess Federation annual Latvian Rapid Tournament was held in. Five students played in this class 1 and in the C division was Bill Li, Matthew Shewan, Sheng Cao and Daniel Davis. Bill and Matthew both won 3 out of 6 games while Sheng and Daniel won 2 out of 6 games. Chang Zhai played in the B division where he won 3 out of 6 games.

The NZCF North Island rapid championship was held at St Paul’s in September. Twelve of our students played in this prestigious tournament. Playing in the Under 1800 division was James Kennedy and Chang Zhai who both scored 3.5 out of a possible 6. This was a very good result as some of the top players in the country competed and they both had games with two over 1800 players. Matthew Shewan played in the under 1500 division and won 3 games out of 6. Playing in the Under 1200 division was Sheng Cao, Daniel Davis and Brandon Harrison who each scored 2.5 out of

6 and Leo Xiong won 2 games. Six played in their first NZCF tournament and were in the unrated division. Top Choochuay scored half a point and Junting Wei scored one point. Four placed second equal scoring two points and they were Michael Torrance, Antony Chilcott-Parker, Non Seehamart and Connor Gyde.

The Hamilton Chess Club Winter Rapid was held in June at the Hamilton Chess Centre. Five St. Paul’s students participated in this tournament. Bill Li won the C division winning 4 and a half out of 7 games. Chang Zhai won 3 games in the B grade. Sheng Cao and Matthew Shewan both won 3 games in the C division. Brandon Harrison scored 2 points in the D divison.

The 2011 Waikato regional interschool chess tournament was held in August at Southwell. St Paul’s A team lost Bill Li to Auckland at the beginning of Term 3. This meant that it would be a different team which placed second in NZ last year. Edward Tseng was moved from Board 4 to Board 3 and James Lin now played Board 4. The A team consisted of: Chang Zhai, James Kennedy, Edward Tseng and James Lin. The B team consisted of: Sheng Cao, Joseph Chen, Leo Xiong and Daniel Davis. In the first round St Paul’s A met St Paul’s B. The B team played really well and scored 1.5 out of 4. At the end it was Hillcrest vs St Paul’s A which decided who would go to Nationals. Chang made a rare blunder when he was a knight up and lost his rook and then the game. Even though the A team won all four games against HBHS A team it was not enough and Hillcrest won by one point. However, our A team placed second and our B team placed third.

The Waikato School Pupil’s chess tournament was held in October at St Paul’s. Bill Li, Sheng Cao, Daniel Davis, Connor Gyde and Michael Torrance competed. The high school division played seven games and in the high school division, Bill Li placed second, Sheng Cao third and Daniel Davis fifth.




The 1st XI played 25 matches and won 13. The team consisted of six players who had very little experience at this level and this could be a contributing factor for the lack of consistency. For all that, the XI did play some very good cricket.

This season Mr Littlejohn stepped up to assist Mr Luman in co-coaching, while Mr Barton took on the role of specialist coach for the boys on a small group and individual basis.

The season started in earnest at the end of the term three holidays with two 50 over matches at home against a powerful St Kentigern’s side. St Paul’s competed well in these matches bowling St Kentigern’s out for 173 in the first match then looking well placed at the 40 over mark at 133 for 5 after 45 only to eventually lose the match by 25 runs. St Paul’s batted very well in the second match to post a creditable 196 for 7 only to see St Kentigern’s bat even better and knock off the winning runs. Josh Fawcett took 3 for 20 in game one and had a useful innings of 30 and 43 respectively, while Angus Harris, Lachlan Cooper, Chris Swanson and Malcolm Luman all had innings of 20 plus.

This set St Paul’s up well for their Saturday fixtures with a commanding bowling performance against St John’s to bowl them out for 133 with Scott Finlayson taking 4 for 32, only to have rain intervene. A 28 run win followed against Matamata with Lachlan Cooper scoring 74 and taking 3 for 33 and James Chenery 4 for 23. St Paul’s had another good win against the Hamilton Boys Development side when they clinically chased down 190 with Freddy Walker 46 and Jacob Robb 34 not out the batting stars. Our only blemish was a loss to St Peter’s when we had batted well to post 189 for 7 with Baxter MacKay 54 and Lachlan Cooper 45 and had St Peter’s under pressure only to see their star player Tim Seifert blast 92 not out to get them up with three overs remaining.

The boys face one more very hard match this year against a strong Old Collegians side in December before heading to

Adelaide, for what will be a tough quadrangular tournament against Eton College (England) and Scots and Westminster (both Adelaide).


Unfortunately my role as coach of the XI has come to an end after nine years. I have enjoyed my role at St Paul’s and during that time there has been some wonderful highlights: Angus Harris smashed a very good 117 not out against St John’s from 123 balls. The only centaury scored this season. Freddy Walker who took 6 for 80 and James Chenery 6 for 16 against St Peter’s was a wonderful spell of spin bowling. A win against St Peter’s at St Peter’s to claim the Dave Hoskin Cup was a great result against all odds.

I am truly thankful for the opportunity given to me as coach at St Paul’s. However I am still involved as a technical coach and wish to thank all those parents and managers who have assisted me during my time here.


Angus found his position as captain difficult at times. Never the less his contribution to the XI was enormous. He scored over 500 runs for an average of 281 and was the only player to score a hundred. He was required to take over the wicket keeping role towards the end of this season which he did exceptionally well. Angus featured in a record fourth wicket partnership with Lachlan Cooper of 134. Angus is the only player to feature in two record partnerships.


Lachlan missed the previous season because of a rugby injury so found the going difficult especially at the beginning of the season. For all that he showed lots of determination and passion in bowling, batting and fielding. His top score of 72 was a particularly good innings.


Josh has good technique scoring 112 runs for a good average of 30.96. He managed to score over 50 runs on five occasions but wasn’t able to convert into a big one. Josh’s fielding was very good and was more than a useful off spin bowler.


James had a successful season, especially his left arm orthodox bowling. His 6 for 16 against St Peter’s was a particularly fine spell of bowling. James was the second leading wicket taker with 43 wickets. His batting showed promise at times. He has good technique. James was one of the best fieldsmen in this XI taking 12 catches.

Cricket 1st XI

Back Row: Martin Kerr, Malcolm Luman, Andrew Collie, Scott Finlayson, Christopher Swanson

2nd Row: Mr H Barton (Coach), Christopher Fawcett, Baxter McKay, Joshua Malpas, Jacob Robb, Mr C Luman (Manager)

Front Row: Frederick Walker, Joshua Fawcett, Angus Harris (Captain), Lachlan Cooper (Vice Captain), James Chenery


Freddy developed into a highly successful left arm orthodox spin bowler. He was the leading wicket taker with 45 wickets. Freddy took his second six wicket bag. His 6/80 was taken early in term four.


Scott has good technique but felt at times his concentration let him down. Given more experience I am sure he will be one of the leading batsmen. Scott’s bowling shows real promise.


Malcolm had a few problems last season that wasn’t helped by the odd niggling injury. Malcolm had a happy knack of producing an unplayable ball during his opening spell. Providing he is fully fit I am sure next season will be more productive. Malcolm’s fielding was of a very high standard.


Marty’s keeping was rather hot and cold. When he was on top of his game he looked very good. His stumping was of a high standard. I am sure with better discipline he will develop into a classy keeper.


Josh could be well pleased with his taste of 1st XI cricket. I really rate this young player, he has very good technique and with further practice he will be a lot quicker than he is at present.


Baxter arrived at St Paul’s from Gisborne Boys’ High and his experience of the game was somewhat different. Never the less he tried very hard to score runs. I think with more dedicated practice he will go a long way to assist in further success. He has a number of qualities which I admire.


Chris is one of the youngest players to play for the XI in his first term at St Paul’s. His attention to detail at practice and in game situations has to be admired. Chris scored a magnificent innings of 69 against St John’s. His score was the third to highest for the season. He faced 31 balls per innings, only one player faced more. That says a lot for his concentration and technique. Chris shows promise in the bowling department and his fielding is of a high standard.


Jacob would have benefited greatly with the experience he gained from playing at this level. He shows promise as an off spin bowler and a right hand batsman.


Andrew showed with hard work, there is a reward at the end of the day. His keeping and batting has improved and I admire Andrew’s work ethic.


Kippa joined the team towards the end of term one. It wasn’t long before he made his mark. He scored a very good 51 in only his second innings. Kippa has good technique. I am sure he will have a lot more success in the future.


A rejuvenated, more experienced and stronger side took on the Division Two competition in Term One.

The side was a happy and hardworking unit and completed the regular season unbeaten in Saturday competition, playing clinical and controlled cricket. During this time the 2nds despatched Kelston very comfortably for the first win in years.

Unfortunately the team saved their two worst performances for the two biggest games of the season. These came against Kings when they were competitive in the field but were rolled rather embarrassingly in their turn at bat in a rather lacklustre display and also in the Division Two final when they were comfortably beaten by Te Aroha whom they had beaten easily earlier in the season.

The majority of the teams’ wins were gained by batting first, posting a competitive total and strangling the opposition with their balanced bowling attack and generally sound fielding. Peter Winkelmann and captain Robert Carmichael generally got the side off to solid starts while in the middle order Andrew Collie, Andrew McPherson and Guy Wilkins all had their moments. Further down Brad Morton and Jason Coventry played several useful cameos.

In the bowling attack, left armer Ross Noble swung the ball at a good clip and had the ability to bowl balls which would get anyone out, while he was partnered by Jason Coventry whose outswingers were always dangerous especially when pitched up. Year 11’s Guy Wilkins and James Hunt both showed the ability to bowl accurately and move the ball around and look genuine 1st XI prospects. No one put in a more earnest effort than Alistair Carmichael who had his moments with both bat and ball, while Luke David regularly took wickets late in the innings with his looping “innies”.

Fielders of the year were Peter Winkelmann who took some stunning grabs in the gully, Guy Wilkins who took our only slip catches of the year and Andrew McPherson who also showed a good pair of hands.

We would like to thank the boys of the 2nds who always approached their cricket with great enthusiasm and positivity and also those parents who regularly got out and supported the boys.



This season was a very successful one for the 3rd XI, with the team winning the division in an enthralling final late in the season. The team comprised of boys from Years 10 to 13 who brought with them a mixture of cricketing skills and experiences and plenty of enthusiasm.

The first game of the season saw us lose to the team we were to later beat in the final, HBHS, but the following weeks saw us win against Fairfield College 1st XI, Hillcrest High 2nd XI, and two other HBHS teams.

The team was ably led by Joel Kosoof, who also batted and bowled exceedingly well, taking out the trophy for the best batting average at the Hamilton Cricket Association awards. Alex Fullerton chimed in with some good scores when we needed them, while Gurjot Rai batted splendidly later in the season. Opening bowlers Adam Ballantyne and Tom Burt bowled quickly and with aggression, while Ben Clark and Gurjot Rai also picked up wickets regularly. Gurjot created some sort of SPC record when in a single innings he had figures of 1.4 overs, 5 wickets for 0 runs! Team spirit was excellent with Joe Curran keeping us on our toes, while keeper Max Baker did a great job behind the stumps.

In the final, HBHS batted first and scored 178 for 7 in their allocated overs. In reply, Gurjot Rai (70) Asher Kosoof (22) Adam Ballantyne (17) and Joel Kosoof (20) all batted well to see us home with 2 overs to spare.


This season proved to be a challenging but enjoyable one for the Colts team.

The season started with a warm up game against Hamilton Boys. We restricted Hamilton Boys to 141 but despite some spirited batting by Tom Harsant we were dismissed for a disappointing 101 in reply.

With a difficult start to our season the team realised they had to perform better if they were going to be competitive this year. We suffered another defeat to Hamilton Boys and performed poorly against traditional foes Lindisfarne, so our season was shaping up to be a tough challenge.

After the Lindisfarne game, improvements showed with a quality performance against HBHS Silver. Kippa Fawcett with 83 led the way for the rest of the St Pauls batters as we easily chased down 168.

With a strong showing against Kelston the team looked forward to Hamilton HBHS Black in the knowledge that this was a purely year 9 team. St Paul’s batted first with Fawcett and Kelliher getting the team off to a quick start. In an outstanding performance they put on 206 for the first wicket with Fawcett making 116 and Kelliher 101 finishing 243/3. This left the cricket historians with some work to do to find out if this was the highest partnership at Colts level in the school’s history, and the last time two boys made hundreds in the same innings! It was in this game that T. Harsant showed his potential as a very good leg break bowler producing the excellent figures of 4/39.

The team then packed its bags for a trip down to Wanganui Collegiate. Without a doubt this was to be our finest team performance. Wanganui batted first and made a promising start to be 100 without loss at drinks. Immediately after drinks we picked up our first wicket to a brilliant diving catch by Singh. This really lifted the boys and we quickly dismissed Wanganui for only 173. Harsant was the pick of the bowlers with 6-21.

We also made an excellent start in our turn to bat with C. Fawcett and D. Kelliher combining for a 140 run opening stand. Kelliher was dismissed for 68 but Fawcett continued to bat on and on, eventually being dismissed for 104. We declared at 326-4. Unfortunately we were unable to dismiss Wanganui in their 2nd innings. All the boys had a great time in Wanganui and enjoyed the chance to play a rare two day fixture.

Back Row: Ross Noble, Andrew McPherson

2nd Row: Andrew Collie, Peter Winkelmann, Jason Coventry, Guy Wilkins, Mr J McGrath (Coach)

Front Row: Luke David, Alastair Carmichael, Robert Carmichael (Captain), Simrin Rai, James Hunt

Absent: Mr G Littlejohn (Coach)

Back Row: Mr Henry Ripper (Manager), Max Baker, Joe Sutton, Gurjot Rai, Mr Peter Hampton (Coach)

Front Row: Adam Ballantyne, Benjamin Clark, Joel Kosoof (Captain), Matthew Thomas, Alex Fullerton

Absent: Thomas Burt, Hamish Burt, Riley Kissling-Hemsworth, Matthew Shewan

Cricket 3rd XI Cricket 2nd XI

Whilst the performances of the team were somewhat mixed it was a very enjoyable season. The boys got on very well with each other and they were a pleasure to coach. I look forward to seeing how their cricket progresses in the future.

Thank you to all those supporters who turned up week after week to cheer the team on. A special thank you must go out to Richard Morbey for the thankless job of scoring and Karen Kelliher for sending the results into Hamilton Cricket.


The year 9 Black team was co-coached by Mr Tharratt and Mr Hepburn. It was a season that did not start off well but the results improved as the players became more confident and skilful. The season can be summarised in three words, dedication, determination and discipline. Jack Davies did well in captaining the team, where he was well supported by Dean Fullerton as the vice-captain. Other players of note were:

James Wilkins – Most improved player;

Dean Fullerton – Best Batsman and Best Bowler;

Tom and Luke Goodwin – Most Popular Team Player(s)

Callum Jarvis-Hall – Best Fielder.

One highlight was our game against HBHS who batted first – scoring 100 runs off 30 overs. Tom Goodwin was the best bowler with 4 wickets for 17 runs off 6 overs. St Paul’s made an excellent start with Tom and Luke Goodwin scoring an opening partnership of 24 runs before retiring. They were replaced by Jack Davies and Dean Fullerton, Jack retired on 13 and Dean went on to bat to the end making an impressive 35 not out. St Paul’s overtook the score of 100 runs in the 22nd over, winning by 7 wickets. Players of the day were Dean Fullerton 35 runs; Tom Goodwin for taking 4 wickets and Jack Davis for taking 3 wickets for 5 runs off 3 overs.


At the 1st XI Cricket Dinner held on Friday, 6th May 2011, the following awards were presented.


Josh Lenssen Hamilton Representative Wicket Keeping Award

Chris Swanson Littlejohn/Johl Award for Most Improved Player

Freddy Walker Vettori Bat for Loyalty

James Chenery Smithells Award for Fielding

Josh Fawcett Batting Award

James Chenery Bowling Award

Josh Fawcett Most Valuable Player

Josh Fawcett Outstanding Contribution

James Chenery 6/16

Freddy Walker 6/80

Angus Harris One century – 117*

Austin Shield 1A Division Runner Up [Captain Angus Harris]


Joel Kosoof HCJA Award for Best Batsman and Best Bowler

Gurjot Rai 5/0

HCJA Shield for Winning Division 3 [Captain Joel Kosoof]


Chris Fawcett HCJA Award for Best Batsman

Chris Fawcett Three centuries – 104, 117, 116

Dillon Kelliher One century – 101

Tom Harsant 6/21

Back Row: Arjun Singh, Ross Leader, Aditya Sakalkale

2nd Row: Thomas Harsant, Simon Morbey, Dillon Kelliher, Liam Jackson, Mr M Markham (Teacher)

Front Row: Reed Fisher, Benjamin Donaldson, Christopher Fawcett, Danyon Fernando, Jayden Randle

Back Row: Simranjit Singh, Pete Smit, Joseph Bradly-Arthur, Rajiv Belling, Thomas Goodwin

2nd Row: Mr J Hepburn (Coach), Joshua Voigt, Rjinder Randhawa, Robert Simmons, Jonathan Bloor, Mr A J Tharratt (Coach)

Front Row: Seton Mason, Callum Jarvis-Hall, Jack Davies, Khalid Raza, James Wilkins

Absent: Luke Goodwin, Dean Fullerton, Stefan Andreef

Cricket Colts Cricket Black


Climbing is one of the year-round activities that senior students can choose as part of their sporting commitment. Some students chose climbing as their primary activity while many others choose it as a secondary activity to help with their conditioning, strength, and flexibility. Those involved in climbing attend two sessions per week after school at The

Cross Country


A team of 12 students travelled across to Tauranga in June for this annual event. The course at Waipuna Park was demanding, with one particularly nasty hill climb, making the run up to the water tank at our school cross country pale in comparison.

Jack Davies, Hamish Black, Adam McCarthy and Seton Mason lined up in the junior boys race over 3000m with Jack being the school’s first finisher in 19th place and Hamish followed closely behind in 21st. The efforts of Adam and Seton in supporting the other two runners meant the team placed sixth in the three-man competition.

In the intermediate boys race the first eleven soccer team provided three of the four runners with Ollie Tomic running well for 15th place and Daniel Goodwin closely following him in 17th. Jacob Robb the other footballer in the group was

Extreme Edge climbing gym. While St Paul’s does not enter a formal team into climbing competitions, a small number of students have taken their climbing to a higher level and regularly compete in regional competitions. Climbing at St Paul’s has become a very popular choice in recent years with as many as 24 students involved each term.

next in at 23rd with Ezra Berridge one place further back. The team ran well enough to gain a third placing behind Hamilton Boys’ High School and Tauranga Boys’ College. This is encouraging for 2012 as both Daniel and Ezra are eligible for this age group again.

The senior boy’s race over 6km was the last race of the day and four of our students lined up in this event. The 6km distance means this race is close to twice the length of our cross country, making it a demanding run. In a steady performance from the team they managed to place second behind Tauranga Boys’ College, with Scott Hilliar (first eleven soccer player also) putting in a good effort to be the first St Paul’s student to finish in 6th place followed by James Mason in 9th. Jack Tatton in his first competition at this level acquitted himself very well to be the third scorer for the team in 17th place. Jonty MacPherson, as he always does, put in an honest effort to finish just behind Jack.

A sixth, third and second placing for the three main team’s event was an extremely fine effort for our distance athletes and they are to be congratulated on their performance over a demanding course.

Back Row: O. Smith, E. Berridge, S. Hilliar, M. Holmes

Row: A. McCarthy, H. Black, J. Tatton, J. Mason, R. Nicholson



This year proved to be a tough year for the sport of school cycling, the changed term dates made training for events difficult as they occurred after the change of sports codes. Riders trained through a long start to the year and made good progress in their ability. After the change of terms a new group of riders were afforded only a matter of weeks until the Waikato/BOP Schools racing at Paterangi. This draws strong riders particularly in the older age groups. This would be an opportunity to see where they were at for the beginning of what would be a long difficult winter season. Logan Spaans started well but suffered in strong winds away from the peloton. Henry Draper had a good start but was unable to show his form due to illness.

The North Islands followed this and were held at Cambridge, a change from the traditional Gordonton/ Ngaruawahia racing that meant a very different style of race to the traditionally individual conditions. Henry gave a creditable ride but Alex Hargreaves showed a particularly huge effort in racing in a large pack which was a new experience. The new course meant the peloton broke away from the start and with the easy terrain stayed together throughout the race. Alex had a strong ride chasing them and shows a lot of potential.

Logan Spaans went on to compete in racing at Mt Wellington and put his climbing build to good use in



On 15 June three of our students participated in the Waikato Duathlon Championship at the Karapiro domain.

Henry Draper competed in the U16 division: the race for this age group consisted of a 3.5 km run, followed

the hill climb but had to pull out of the criterion after a collision. However Logan’s strongest performance of the year would have to be his ride at the Hamilton City Cycling Club’s Invitational, where he won the U15 grade.

All in all it was a difficult year with focused training laying a good foundation that will bear fruit in the years to come.

by a 16 km bike leg and finished with a 2 km run. Henry, competing in his first duathlon, performed very well achieving a 5th placing.

In the U14 division we had Adam McCarthy and Ryan Nicholson competing. Their race consisted of a 2 km run, a 12 km bike and concluded with a 2 km run. Ryan, also competing in his first duathlon, finished strongly and placed 10th. Adam ran a very smart race judging his pace to perfection. He was 4th after the first run; second equal after the cycle leg and ran strongly in the final leg to finish 2nd within 100 metres of the winner and well clear of the third placed competitor. Well done to all three students and in particular congratulations to Adam McCarthy on winning the silver medal in his age group.

Henry Draper Alex Hargeaves Ryan Nicholson Adam McCarthy Henry Draper

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have given their time and energy in support of St Paul’s football this season. The coaches appreciated seeing a large number of parents on the sideline encouraging their children, it means a great deal to both the players and coaches.


















The 1st XI delivered a fantastic feat of footballing achievement by coming 16th at the National Tournament in Napier. This ranks the team as the 16th best in the country!

The Tournament started with an effervescent display against Tawa College – a school of some repute from Wellington. Tawa had no answer to the Bounce-inspired, joga bonito boys from St Paul’s Collegiate and they were eventually beaten 7-1. Waikato Ball showed his wizardry with the ball

by scoring 4 goals and bamboozling the Tawa defences. Elliot Collier, Jacob Robb and Conor Aldridge were the other scorers in this incredible start to the Tournament.

The game on the Wednesday was THE game that would decide whether St Paul’s would play-off for positions 17-24 or find themselves in the privileged position of being in the top 16. Tauranga lay in wait. Earlier in the season they had pounded the St Paul’s brotherhood 5-1. They were as a consequence of this, no doubt very optimistic about their prospect of progressing upward.

But, with the Bounce exploding in their feet, the Bounce brigade fought for every ball and refused to let Tauranga score, even at the risk of getting their head kicked in, which did indeed happen to Ayush Lakhera when his bravery prevented a certain goal. The game, ending at 0-0 went to the inevitable penalty shoot-out.

After the St Paul’s penalty takers had stepped up and scored, it was left to Tournament MVP Angus Harris to pull off yet another save worthy of a Premier League Highlights Show and seal the game for the team. This was a moment of incredible euphoria and delirium. The top 16 now belonged to this remarkable bunch of joga bonito boys. Their elation and ecstacy was the antitheses of Tauranga’s despair and dejection.

This young team, powered by the ’Bounce’ did not just defy expectations they totally ignored them. Ignited and activated by the Bounce they became EXTRAORDINARY.

In the song ’Bounce’ there is a line where Sam Hewat sings “higher and higher and higher and higher yeah!” These boys in their conduct, their performance on the field and their eventual Top 16 place, showed they had not just heard these esoteric words, they has LISTENED TO THEM, FELT THEM and above all … BELIEVED THEM!

Waikato Ball Scott Finlayson Peter Grierson



Games Wins Draws Losses

10 4 1 5

“It’s about the journey not the destination”. This memorable quote from the memorable movie “Step-up 3” encapsulates the First Eleven’s season. A remarkable bunch of boys who believed in ’The Bounce’ discovered the power of joy and optimism as both individuals and as a team. Making the National Tournament was the highlight of the season and news of this prized opportunity transformed the team. In their next game following the news, they beat Wanganui 5-0 playing the joga bonito style that was to epitomise their play for the whole season. The journey was one of belief, brotherhood and of course the Bounce. Perhaps the real destination was the discovery of what Bounce really is – a journey that never ends and the lines from the team mantra defines:

“B . O . U . N . C . E



The teams’ enthusiasm and energy in training and their tremendous spirit did take them to their destination. And in the culmination of all the Bounce stood for, a moment when everything the team had believed in came to fruition – the victory over Tauranga to secure Top 16 in New Zealand.

And that’s what the journey was and is about. The belief and brotherhood that makes these moments possible. In fact that’s what life is about, best summed up in the concluding quote.



In that magical moment in Napier this was most certainly true.



Games Wins Draws Losses

10 4 2 4

Winning the top non-premier division through both the 2009 and 2010 seasons was certainly a major motivation for the squad of 2011. With nearly 40 teams from the greater Waikato region making up the 5 divisions in Senior Girls, the chances of a three-peat were always there.

The first hurdle to overcome would be the three grading matches: would the girls get back into Division 2 and a chance at a third title? With six girls returning from the victorious 2010 side, the nucleus of another great team was there for the new players to add to and with preseason training well in place, the grading match scores returned us to the division.

By the mid-way stage of the championship round St Paul’s were back on top but with 2010 relegated premier sides chomping at their heels, the second round would prove to be a tough one. The inevitable bouts of sickness and injury took their toll on the team and it soon became apparent that the top spot was slipping away from our grasp. The final match against Hauraki Plains College for 2nd and 3rd place was an epic tussle but in the end St Paul’s had to settle for 3rd.

When one bears in mind the number of girls at school and the strength of competition that St Paul’s were up against,

Football 1st XI

Back Row: Jared McCarthy, Sean Rooney, Elliot Collier, Scott Finlayson, Scott Hilliar

2nd Row: John Penyas, Lane Fisher, Jacob Robb, Oliver Tomic, Samuel Masterson, Mr M. Groom

Front Row: Waikato Ball, Daniel Goodwin, Angus Harris, Peter Grierson, Ayush Lakhera

Absent: Conor Aldridge

Football Girls XI

Back Row: Livi Jackson, Allie McMichael, Grace Gatenby

2nd Row: Mrs Morgan (Manager), Lizzi Wilson, Lashara Lim, Lauren Jakes, Jody Thompson, Mr Bell (Coach)

Front Row: Annelies Watson-Holmes, Charlotte Atherton, Talya Thomas (Captain), Jessica Reilly, Claire Sayer

Absent: Phoebe Boyes, Karin-Jane Slater, Shani Fernando


the team can take great pride from their achievement. The last three seasons have certainly been top years for girls’ football here at St Paul’s Collegiate School.

Big thanks must go to the Captain, Talya Thomas and to Vice Captain and season’s MVP, Jess Reilly. Thank you also to the many parents who supported us throughout the season, especially Mr Reilly for his frequent assistance with refereeing. The support of our manager Mrs Leann Morgan was also much appreciated by the girls.


10 3 1 6

After three challenging grading games, the 2nd XI were placed in a very competitive 3rd Division. This was one division higher than 2010 and included two 1st XI teams from other schools. The 2nd XI struggled early in the 2011 campaign as we suffered two losses to HBHS Green and HBHS Steel respectively. However, we bounced back with a solid wins over HBHS Copper and Forest View.

Later in the season we found ourselves playing our traditional rivals HBHS Green. On this day, we were the superior team and recorded a convincing 3-1 victory. As we headed into the term break, we had a record of 3 wins and 3 losses, and were feeling very confident about our chances of a top 2 finish in our division. Unfortunately, this was not to be as forces began to conspire against us. One of our players earned a well-deserved promotion to the 1st XI team and another of our top players became quite sick and was unable to play for the rest of the year. It was a significant blow to our team.

With the loss of two of our key midfielders, our team began to lack focus and structure in our games, and we finished the season with a draw and three losses. Despite the

Back Row: Benjamin Fletcher, Patrick Graham, William Heald

2nd Row: William Guest, Simroop Singh-Thandi, James Mehlhopt-Cole, Rory Forde, Rev. C. Luccock

Front Row: Samuel Woolerton, Harry Colonne, Christopher Fletcher, Navdeesh Singh-Thandi, Mark Swarbrick

Absent: Thomas Burt

Football 2nd XI Daniel Chegwidden Mark Swarbrick Keiren Dale Rory Forde

disappointing finish, there were some strong positives to be taken from this season. All the players showed a high level of commitment to the team, which resulted in us being very competitive in all of our matches. In addition, we are a young team, with nine players returning for the 2012 season. I expect that we will field a highly skilled and very competitive team next year.

I would like to thank all the players for their hard work and commitment in 2011. A special thank you goes out to Chris Fletcher and Navdeesh Singh-Thandi who did an excellent job as co-captains in 2011. Finally, a big thank you to our Manager, Marg Forde, for all her work phoning, e-mailing, texting and facebooking each week in order to ensure that we could field a full complement of players each week.


10 9 0 1

The senior black side had a very enjoyable season, banging in plenty of goals, keeping it tight in defense and ultimately finishing the season as Division 9 champions. The squad worked hard on their passing in training and over the course of the season this aspect of their game improved vastly which resulted in opposition teams being regularly opened up.

The side played with great team spirit and commitment and were determined to get the right result. Such resolve was very much needed in the final match at St Peter’s where a victory was required to take the title. At 2-1 down with 20 minutes the side dug in and attacked St Peter’s to get back in front at 4-2, a scrambled third goal for St Peter’s led to frantic final few minutes but the teams determination held firm for a well-deserved 4-3 victory.

A huge “well done” to all the boys involved during the season.


10 0 2 8

The year started brilliantly with a grading game 14-2 win over Te Aroha 2nd XI. Unfortunately this put us up a division and would be our last win in a challenging season.

Playing in a division against older and more experienced oppositions we were often struggling to get the ball into the opposition half, let alone score goals. A mid-season streak of three games without scoring and many games conceding double figures were very disheartening. But the boys stuck at it. Attendance at practice was always good and the team moral kept strong all season. Until finally, with four games remaining, our practice started to pay off. We were finally playing as a team, as opposed to a group of individuals. Our defence was playing its role in a proactive fashion, playing the position rather than chasing the ball. Our midfield was moving the ball forward and our forwards were starting to find their target. Finally we were scoring regularly and were getting closer and closer to that elusive win.

Finally we had a good game. Playing HBHS Senior Cobalt we were in with a chance, even getting compliments from opposition supporters for the way we were approaching the game. Unfortunately it wasn’t to be and we lost. But it was a close game and we had renewed confidence. The team has developed considerably this season and should go into next year much stronger.

Back Row: F. Walker, C. Zhai

2nd Row: S. Ham, R. Carmichael, S. Keliher, J. Mistry, Mr I. Boyle (Coach)

Front Row: A. Langdon, M. Proudfoot, J. Kennedy, E. Holmes, A. Hargreaves

Absent: R. Campbell, G. Rai, M. MacLeod, B. Nieper

Back Row: Matthew Husband-Dravitzki, Ezra Berridge

2nd Row: Mark Davis, Vincent Reilly, Matthew Thomas, Ethan Holmes, James Hepburn (Coach)

Front Row: William Heald, Daniel Chegwidden, Samuel Tharratt, Sean Keliher, Jordan Sanders

Absent: Jordan Fache, Quinn Mackay

Games Wins Draws Losses
Football Black XI Football Gold XI


RESULTS SUMMARY Games Wins Draws Losses

10 4 2 4

I would like to start by thanking and congratulating all the players for an enjoyable and successful season. I would also like to thank Julie Goodwin for the hard work she has put in organising the team each week. At the start of the year I saw a lot of footballing potential and knew we were in for a good season. My goal for the team was to play in the junior boys Premier Division, we achieved this with a good run in our grading games including a big 12-0 win against Fraser High School

We have been blessed with a team of enthusiastic young men ready to learn and play attractive football. Our defence was very solid over the whole year with Matt Fielding having a very impressive season between the posts. The centre back pairing of Tom Goodwin and Chris Swanson performed consistently well and was one of the highlights of the year.

We were notoriously bad starters often conceding two goals before we actually started to play football. Luckily, we did not have trouble scoring goals. Looking back at the season Luke Goodwin’s fantastic strike against Cambridge High in the last league game of the season was a standout. The game ended 3-3 which gave us third place in the league. Hard working Midfielder Reed Fisher was not known for his goal scoring but managed to pop up with a great half volley in our 3-1 quarter final cup defeat against HBHS. As with all teams we conceded some “soft” goals and had disappointing results during the season but credit has to go to the players for the 100% attitude and a desire to win each game.


RESULTS SUMMARY Games Wins Draws Losses

10 5 0 5

The Colts B team started the season strongly with confident wins over Cambridge and Matamata Junior Boys’ teams. The team was in high spirits and developing their passing game. We then needed to play a ’catch up’ game against Huntly. The boys and I travelled to Huntly on a cold, wet winters evening, completing the game under floodlights in driving rain. This seemed to mark the turning point in our season. As this was our first loss.

The following two games were ones we should have won. With away losses to both St Peter’s and Otorohanga Junior Boys teams, the boys started to revert back to a long kicking game away from controlled passing.

The players were establishing their place and pattern on the field. The defensive team of Alex, Scott, Stefan, Jonathon and James were becoming unbeatable. The key midfields, Tim, Rjinder, Simran, Brandon, Daniel and Youngmin gave strength and union to the team. The strikers, Hugo, Hakan and Ethan keep us in the game. The find of the season was Pete, as he developed into an outstanding keeper.

The final game of the season was another ’catch up’ game with Huntly Junior Boys who had not lost a game all season. The boys played their best game of the season. With a great ground based game of passing into space. The team have found their ’bounce’ and dominated the match. Taking a memorable victory over the division champions (1-0).

I would like to thank all those who came out to support our team over the past season. I look forward to coaching many of the players again in 2011.

Football Colts A

Back Row: P. Srisa-An, J. Cave, L. Dobler, B. Clark, D. Johnson

2nd Row: T. Turapongpipat, R. Fisher, A. McCarthy, L. Goodwin, S. Treloar, Mr W. Gibson (Coach)

Front Row: T. Goodwin, S. Lockwood-Geck, M. Fielding, C. Swanson, J. Simpson

Absent: D. Kerr, A. Sakalkale, J. Hankin, D. Hsiao

Football Colts B

Back Row: J. Morritt, H. Asici, T. Husband-Dravitzki, Y. Goo, H. Brown

2nd Row: A. Jackson, E. Kimpton, P. Smit, S. Singh, J. Mayer, Mr K. Hogg (Coach)

Front Row: B. Harrison, M. Hill, S. Andreef, S. Mitchell, D. Davis

Absent: R. Randhawa


Well we had a very exciting day at the North Islands Secondary Schools Championships. Andre and Tara/Abergo were stars. There was over thirty schools attending so over 60 riders per class.

Andre took home 1st place in the 1st round, 3rd place in the 2nd round and 1st place again in the 3rd round. This put Andre into the top individual points for the day.

The other senior rider also gained some points for the team but unfortunately the junior riders were unable to place in any event. The team did manage to take home the 4th over-all placing for the day.

Courtney Booth also rode for St Paul’s this year at a one day event. Unfortunately she had a fall and we needed all four points to count for a placing.

The photo of the boys was at a show jumping day held early in the year. Andre placed 2nd and 2x 3rd, Jackson placed 3rd and Ryan placed 7th 9th and 10th. This put their team into 3rd place overall at the event.


The “casual” golfers included Bon Scott, Liam Mickell, and Reece Franklin, Nic Lamont, Hayden Middlemiss, Jake Wrathall and an encouraging group of year 9’s namely Ryan Steer, Luke Mickell, Sam Goodey and Zeek Gibbs. These students regularly turned up for one or two sessions a week at Pro Drive driving range working on developing their driving and iron play. Doug Langley from Waikato Golf had been in touch to investigate taking these budding golfers out onto some “real” golf courses after school later in the year. It is hoped that these experiences will inspire these players to join clubs over the summer and continue on in the game.

St Paul’s had a small but keen group of “elite” golfers who competed in our one and only tournament. Matched in pairs against the Tauranga boys the competition was to be over 18 holes with only the best three scores counting.

Handicaps were not included in the scoring which was unfortunate as we discovered later their lowest handicap was a two and the highest still lower than our lowest. Initially St Paul’s started off strongly trading stroke for stroke with Jayden scoring a solid 2 over par and Marc five over par for the first 5 holes. The Tauranga Boy’s consistency in getting low scores though eventually resulted in them pulling ahead and they were well in front by the 9th hole. Eventually after 18 holes Tauranga Boys won by a handsome margin.

A big thanks to all the boys who represented St Paul’s this year, which, in the truest spirit of golf, being one of the last remaining sports where the players manage their own behaviour and etiquette, conducted themselves impeccably around the greens.

Andre Stokes on Abergo Andre, Jackson and Ryan

Over one weekend in February Lizzy Rajan, Grace Gatenby, Teagan Voykovich, Belinda and Sven Pedersen, Mantez and Navdeesh Singh-Thandi and led by James Hogg represented St Paul’s Collegiate School in the 2011 Hillary Challenge Qualifier at the Outdoor Pursuits Centre in the Tongariro National Park against 25 other schools.

Our Hillary Challenge team narrowly missed out on selection for the National finals. Twenty-eight teams competed for just five places in the qualifying event on February 12th and 13th, held at Taupo.

Hillary Team

Day One consisted of five action-packed challenges – sea-kayaking, mountain biking, miniproblem solving, high rope and a knowledge test on outdoor pursuits. Unfortunately the eight person team was reduced by one when, tragically, during the mountain biking challenge Grace suffered a fractured collarbone. This meant she was unable to take a full part in the

Inline Hockey

When people discuss hockey at St Paul’s, most assume they are referring to field hockey played on an outdoor turf. Indeed, many would be surprised to learn that there is a small group of students who are involved in another form of hockey played in indoor rinks on in-line skates. This group of students—together with their parents— take it upon themselves to organise a team, pay their own entry fees, and arrange rides to games every week. Despite their low profile, this very dedicated group regularly compete in the top division of the In-Line Hockey School League on Thursday evenings at the local rink in Hamilton, playing against the top teams from school such as Hamilton Boys’, Hillcrest and Fraser. 2011 has been a rebuilding year for St Paul’s as they lost their top player from 2010. However, it is a young and skilled team who have remained competitive in the top division and will continue to improve in 2012. It is our hope that interest and enthusiasm for this sport will continue to grow at St Paul’s, and that its profile is enhanced within the wider school community.

Hillary Challenge

Back Row: Ms Katie Rhymer (Teacher), Navdeesh Singh-Thandi, Mantez Singh-Thandi, Mr Duncan Smith (Teacher)

Front Row: Elizabeth Rajan, Grace Gatenby, James Hogg, Belinda Pedersen, Teagan Voykovich

Absent: Sven Pedersen

competition, and this unfortunately cost us one eighth of our points.

On the Sunday, the Rogaine Challenge, over farmland and native bush, saw the team required to find 20 check-points on one map and 17 on a second, to finish after 2.5 hours in a creditable fourth place.

Unfortunately, the loss of a team member saw the group finish sixth place overall and narrowly miss the National finals.

Back Row: Joshua Humble, Kiel Griffiths, Aaron Cleland, C Luccock (Coach)

Front Row: Vaughan Christie, Ethan Holmes

Inline Hockey
Hillary Challenge


The boy’s 1st XI hockey team had another very full and successful season. This was due in large part to the hard work put in by players and coach but also due to the wonderful support of caregivers and others who have contributed in the background or enthusiastically cheered us on from the sideline.


U18 Waikato – Alex Wilson, Jason Coventry, Matt Snodgrass, Roydon Nutsford

U18 Development – Matt Tingey, Sean Henley-Smith, Liam O’Donoghue, Luke David


The opposition scored the first goal from a penalty corner. Shortly after, from a similar situation, they scored again. Luckily, before half time, Luke David slotted a nice goal to leave us trailing 1-2. With silky passing, some great pattern and structure we landed the next 3 goals.

With the benefit of a video of the last game, we were able to fix some errors and implement a better game plan. The one “let down” was with discipline where we had a green card given against us.

Having had two intense games of hockey, we were probably a little bit jaded coming into the next match. We scored in the 1st half through a Brooke Daly field goal and a Joel Kosoof tap in after a great build up. The second half was played with a lot more intent but. Jason Coventry eventually scored a nice goal but we were unable to keep a clean score sheet the final result a 3-1 win to SPC.

Overall, the 1st XI Hockey Squad had a very successful tour taking three wins from three matches. Matthew Snodgrass was deservedly awarded Most Valuable Player.

Matt Snodgrass


Coach Hardman’s advice was to hold off tackles until their ball carriers isolated themselves or ran out of room and then they were easily dispossessed. This strategy worked well for us and apart from a few opportunistic breaks by Western Heights, we were able to play most of the game in their half. In the second half our dominance continued, resulting in 4 more goals

In the next game, Westlake deserved their win. Despite some excellent goal-keeping by Robert Carmichael, Westlake were able to slot 3 more goals for the win.

SPC got off to a good start against Maclean’s with Alec Wilson putting away two superb goals in the first half. By the end of the match we had slotted five more goals and came through as convincing winners.

Three of our players who deserve special mention are: Tim Coxhead for his disciplined and ultra-reliable defencework throughout the quad, Jason Coventry for his superb control of midfield despite carrying injuries and Brook Daly for constantly putting the opposition under pressure with his incredible work-rate.

Brooke Daly Roydon Nutsford


Our primary goal was to at least make top 4 and gain automatic entry into the Rankin Cup next year. For the first few minutes of the first match John McGlashen camped in our half but our defence held and absorbed all the initial pressure. As the half progressed St Paul’s steadily increased their share of possession and territory penetrating the opposition circle on numerous occasions. What followed was a bit of an arm wrestle but Matt Snodgrass was able to score brilliantly from another penalty corner resulting in a win of 3 goals to 1. SPC needed a win from the next encounter to take the pressure off and ensure advancing to the quarter finals. Lindisfarne looked like a very competitive team so we expected a tough match. During one of the penalty corners Matt Snodgrass snatched the ball from a striker and carved his way towards the opposite circle which enabled Brook Daly to put away our second goal. Coach Hardman’s strategy was to keep the ball away from their strong midfield and force their attacks down the side. This worked very effectively so that the score remained at 2-0 until the end of the game.

We are very proud of how all our players conducted themselves at tournament but are particularly pleased that Matthew Snodgrass received a tournament “player of the day award” and “the most valuable player award” for our team.


In August the St Paul’s 1st X1 played HBHS 1st X1 in the final of our local secondary schools competition. The match would also decide who wins the Matt Allen Trophy which is contested annually by the two schools. Our previous encounter in the competition had ended in a 1-1 draw so we knew this would be tough match.

As expected the intensity of the game was huge. We adopted a half field defence most of the time which effectively soaked up the pressure and then used our talented ball carriers to launch attacks. This strategy worked well with Jason Coventry

carving through the HBHS defence and into the circle to pass the ball on to Alec Wilson who slotted the first goal. Just before half time HBHS, in a well-executed attack, wrong-footed our defence and got their first goal. Half time score 1-1.

The second half became a real arm-wrestle with possession being exchanged like a game of ping pong. Unfortunately some inaccurate passing on attack led to an unexpected break away by HBHS who caught our defence unawares and cracked in their second goal. SPC’s reply came within seconds with an outstanding dribble and shot on goal by Matt Snodgrass. Both sides had further scoring opportunities and penalty corners but the score remained 2-2 until full time. As this was a final, a result had to be obtained and the rules required a penalty strokes shoot out. This is of course is a bit of a lottery, and unfortunately, one which we lost to HBHS. Our boys can be very proud of the quality of their hockey and the results they have produced this season. On a positive note – as current holders we get to keep the Matt Allen Trophy.


This was again a successful year for the seconds as they continued to improve as a young group of players. A big thank you to the coaching team of Luke Coxhead and Cam Hayde. The majority of games were played at St Paul’s, which has an outstanding playing surface. This assisted the team in developing their skills. Of the 11 games we played this season, we won 4, drew 4, and lost 3.

Mention must be made of a number of players for their outstanding commitment, on and off the field.

• Simon Morbey for playing in goal – a young man with a real future in hockey,

• Alastair and Robert Carmichael for always supporting the team on and off the field,

• Aodan Wyndham-Smith for considerably helping the team in term 3 with his ability to score goals.

Back Row: Callum Windley, Roydon Nutsford, Ross Noble, Timothy Coxhead

2nd Row: Mr D. Sole (Manager), Matthew Tingey, Byron Muirhead, Liam O’Donoghue, Brook Daly, James Chenery, Cameron Davison, Mr C. Hardman (Coach)

Front Row: Joel Kosoof, Sean Henley-Smith, Jason Coventry (Vice Captain), Robert Carmichael, Matthew Snodgrass (Captain), Alec Wilson, Luke David


Back Row: Mr P. Clement (Manager), James Mason, Benjamin Scott, Guy Wilkins, Rhodri MacKenzie, Luke Coxhead (Coach)

Front Row: Callum Windley, Andre Hay, Cameron Davison, Alastair Carmichael, Jonathan Eyers

2nd XI Boys Hockey 1st XI Boys


Playing in the Waikato B-division set us up much better than in 2009 when we played in the A-division and were a little out of our depth. We approached tournament this year in a far better place – confident in our attacking ability, and our defense. We worked hard all season to make the final of our division!

Having had close games against this side (Dio jnr A) during the season we knew the final would be another hard fought match. Scoreless at the break. This deadlock continued, with both sides having their chances until 10 minutes from the end of the match where Dio scored. St Paul’s continued to work hard but was unable to equalise. Dio scored again in the last minute to win 2-0. A disappointing result but the team could look back on a season that was full of success, individual development and a wonderful improvement as a team – all good preparation for tournament week!


In our pool games we lost one, drew one and won two. Our last game against Bream College was probably our best game – against a side that had a 12 goals for and 3 goals against record before they played us. We beat them 2-1 with a very gutsy and determined performance. We finished tied second in our pool on points but missed out on the semi’s due to a poorer goal difference than Massey.

Our cross pool match against Rotorua Girl’s College was another tough match with a goalless draw at full time. Our last game saw us playing Rosehill College. They scored in the 5th minute and try as we might, we were unable to equalise. They scored a 2nd goal in the dying minutes to beat us 2-0.

The girls are to be commended on a most successful season (2nd in their division in the domestic season) and

a well-earned 6th place at tournament! The development of the team over the season and tournament itself was most gratifying to coaches and management alike!


For the second year since girls joined St Paul’s at year 11, we were able to field a second XI. My thanks to those girls who helped us put a team out each week who did not have hockey as their chosen sport – footballers and netball players. It was an enjoyable season with a mixed bag of results. For me, seeing the enjoyment each week and the progress made as individuals and as a team was very gratifying! Even the match played in pouring rain did not seem to dampen their spirit.

Thanks to all the girls for a most enjoyable season! Thank you too, to Brooke and Shiloh for their coaching and encouragement (and patience!) and to Emily for all her help at tournament. A special thank you to all the parents, friends and family for all their support here at home and up in Whangarei – you can be very proud of the girls and the hockey they produced!

Hockey 1st XI Girls

Back Row: G. Fish, A. Anda, D. LeSueur, L. Ford, N. Hong

2nd Row: N. Muirhead (Manager), H. Clare, R. Henderson, A. Wilson, R. Fortescue, S. Gloyn (Assistant Coach)

Front Row: A. Jarvis-Hall, E. Rajan (Vice Captain), T. Steiner, F. Stewart (Captain), A. Barr

Absent: B. Cockrem, B. Neal (Coach)

Hockey 2nd XI Girls

Back Row: E. Wilson, S. Ingham, R. Spence, G. Gatenby, H. Ho

2nd Row: E. Bryant, Y. Lu, G. Fish, C. Lee, N. Muirhead (Coach)

Front Row: R. Fortescue, T. Steiner, L. Ford, A. Wilson (Captain), A. Watson-Holmes

Absent: T. Smith, P. Boyes

Louise Ford


This is the first national school under 15 hockey tournament in the country. Organised and hosted by St Paul’s Collegiate the cup was named after an old collegian Jon Tanner who represented the school and New Zealand on the hockey field. He is still involved with New Zealand and Midlands hockey and was the driving force behind the turf at St Paul’s while he was a member of the board.

This tournament was going to be tough with 7 top hockey schools being invited to come and join us. They are St Kentigern College, Tauranga Boys’ College, Wellington College, Lindisfarne College, Auckland Grammar, Scots College, Christs College and St Paul’s Collegiate.

We played our best hockey against teams that were going to be difficult to beat. We start the game with great structure and put them under pressure, but cannot sustain it against very good sides. Losing to Auckland Grammar 4-2 and Christ’s College 7-1. Goals scored by Aubrey Fish and Ryan Steer.

As the tournament went on our structured play extended for longer periods with a narrow loss to Scots College coached by old collegian Tim Vodane 2-1 and St Kentigern College 2-1. Goals scored by Ryan Steer.

This left us playing off for 7th and 8th position against Wellington College on the final day. Once again St Paul’s was playing against a school that is much larger than itself and is one of the top hockey schools in the country. The first half both teams were putting each other under pressure with Wellington ending the first half 1 goal up. After a halftime team talk by Mr Ballantyne we came back in the second half with a nice flick goal over the goalkeeper by Chris Higgens. This was enough to get the whole team fired up with another goal by Aubrey Fish soon after putting us

ahead 2-1. Wellington responded with another goal drawing the score even. With 5 minutes to play Ryan Steer slotted a goal in to take back the lead, 3-2 St Paul’s was the final score securing 7th place.

Players that need to be mentioned are Simon Morbey who was outstanding in goal and produced some awesome saves. Captain Jono Bloor ran tirelessly and kept the pressure on the opposition. The whole team can be very proud of what they have achieved. This is the first tournament for most players and we were the only school in the tournament with only year 9’s in the team. As this team progresses through to next year we are hoping for better results.

Hockey Under 15

Back Row: Joshua Voigt, Tor Pedersen, Aubrey Fish, Nonthiwat Seehamart

2nd Row: Mr Andrew Harries (Manager), Amrit Rai, Robert Simmons, Rajiv Belling, Ryan Steer, Mr James Ballantyne (Coach)

Front Row: Callum Jarvis-Hall, Conor Shalloe, Hemi McLaren-Mellars, Jonathan Bloor, Isaac van der Vossen, Marcus Ground, Christopher Higgens

Absent: Simon Morbey

Hemi McLaren-Mellars Jono Bloor

Mountain Bike Club

It has been great to see some new faces in mountain biking this year. The group has had a good mix of experienced and novice riders. Our rides during the week to the Hamilton mountain bike track and BMX track has helped develop a range of skills and improve fitness. Our weekend rides at Rotorua have been more enjoyable and this has helped us get ready for competition.

The NZ Secondary Schools Mountain Bike Championships were held in Levin in March. We had three students competing. The weather conditions were not ideal for the slippery clay surface which caused ruts that make it very difficult to control the bikes. The weather got worse as the weekend went on. Liam Jackson competed in the under 14 cross country, hill climb and downhill events. His best result was 20th out of 51 riders in the cross country. Over all 3 events, he was placed 14th. Unfortunately Dominic Belfield was unable to finish his cross country race due to a reoccurring knee injury. Carl Brandt did not start his downhill event due to poor weather and track conditions.

The Waikato Bay of Plenty Mountain Bike Championships was held in June at the Cambridge motocross track. A sand based track made the uphills a big grind. Liam Jackson finished 12th in a strong field of 28 in the under 15 age group.

Thanks must go to Colin and Fran Jackson for their support of the school mountain biking in Levin and Cambridge.


The 2011 North Island Secondary Schools Championships were once again cancelled due to unprecedented bad weather. The dismal weather conditions did not dampen the spirits of the St Paul’s Ski Team who once again made the most of the situation and turned 3 days at the mountain into a three day study camp, with some hardcore fitness sessions to boot!

Skiing, like surfing relies on total optimism and the dream of that perfect wave, or ideal day on the slopes. Promises from the weather forecast of a “window of opportunity and a break in the storm pattern” never eventuated. Like the majority of competitive school teams, St Paul’s hoped for the best and remained positive. Plenty of gruelling fitness training revision sessions with students from Lindisfarne College contributed to a valuable teambuilding boot camp for next year’s competition.

Back Row: Jacob Lee, Louis Cronin, Kieran Merriman, Conor Merriman, Simon Morbey, Mrs Fanning (Teacher in Charge) Front Row: Euan Reynolds, Meg Morbey, Jack Davies, Brittany Smith, Remy Campbell Carl Brandt David Glover Toby Way



The development netball team had the opportunity this year to travel to Australia with the open A. Here we experienced the difference in game styles; this helped us improve as we were able to observe very skilful players and teams. Throughout this trip we got to know each other and bonded well as a team.

The first games of the season were the grading games; we did really well and were placed in the B grade, which the team was happy with as we were a grade higher than last year’s team. This motivated us to work hard and win our grade. Due to other commitments at the beginning of the season, full team trainings were not as successful as we had planned. At the end of the season we were placed 5th in our grade but we were unable to play in the final round as we all had to attend House Rugby. Overall, we had a good season and enjoyed working as a team and making new friends. We would like to thank Mrs Lock and Emma Gardiner for their time, effort and dedication to our team this year.


St Paul’s Senior A Netball started off several weeks before the end of term one, despite the hot summer heat and muggy weather. The girls were very keen to start off the season with some serious “Boot Camp” style training sessions.

Numbers trialling for this year’s teams were higher than expected which meant that the Senior A Team stated off with 12 willing players. Some of the girls had significant netball experience while others came along having never played before. This was an exciting opportunity for the team to have a go playing in a number of different court positions but also meant the girls did not have quite the same chance to specialise.

Success in the first two grading rounds meant that the girls were placed in the B grade. This proved to be quite a challenge for the team as they were placed against some of the stronger teams in the region. Ably assisted by Maree, the girl’s confidence and skills improved and some very tight games were played.

The second round started off more positively.

At this stage a number of experts had also given up time to help the girls. Thanks to Raewyn Keene and Sandy Koopman for their willingness to help the girls. Special thanks must go to Allie French and Sarah Cranswick from our Open A team for stepping in and helping. The girls trained well under their guidance and enthusiasm. Thanks to Sarah Ingham the captain for her enthusiasm and dedication to the team and to both Marilyn and Sheryl for umpiring.

Back Row: Savanna Singh-Hundal, Catherine Moser, Annie Boshier

2nd Row: Mrs Helen Bradford (Manager), Victoria Blomfield, Jaimee Hugo, Mrs Jackie Lock (Coach)

Front Row: Tara Kells, Hannah Raza, Theresa Steiner (Captain), Geraldine Fish, Harrietanne Embling

Absent: Emma Gardiner (Coach)

Netball Senior A

Back Row: Livi Jackson

2nd Row: Ally French (Coach), Sophie Terlesk, Katie Griffen, Sarah Cranswick (Coach), Helen Bradford (Manager)

Front Row: Jessica Elliott, Alexandria Ashford, Sarah Ingham (Captain), Tina Forde, Danielle McGregor

Absent: Stella Joynt, Emily Trevail (Coach)

Netball Open A

Back Row: Siobhan Vusoniwailala, Grace Namana, Rose Spence

2nd Row: Vicky Joy Voykovich (Manager), Melissa Gilmartin-Kara, Sarah Cranswick, Margaret Forsyth (Coach)

Front Row: Alexandra French, Libby Sutcliffe, Teagan Voykovich, Harrietanne Embling, Melissa Latto

Absent: Anjena Singh, Dale Atkinson (Coach)

Netball Development


Another year of blood, sweat and tears. The blood comes first and epitomises the huge effort put into committing to such a huge sport.

The blisters, the pain of training, the pain of getting up early in the morning, the stress of being organised, of carrying enough training gear for morning and afternoon sessions, the stress of keeping up with class work, of keeping up with teachers, of not falling asleep in class, of not letting down your crewmates by getting a detention, or forgetting a session, or not turning up to pull your weight at boat loading, or arriving to a regatta on time.

The sweat of effort, the pressure put on you by coaches, parents, crewmates, the intensity of training and the tears represent the tears of joy – of success, of frustration of just missing out and of disappointment of not performing to the best of your ability. What a fantastic, complicated, rewarding sport and 2011 was no exception!

Highlights from the year include:

• 4 very good camps and retaining Mangakino as a training section

• The team building exercise at Port Waikato.

• PBs from most rowers on the ergs by the end of the season – indicating that the training programme works!

• The most successful season by girls rowing, during my tenure at this school. (We haven’t had girl medallists since 2004)

• The technical input provided by Brett Smith

• Successes at regattas and in particular the 4 medal haul at the North Island Secondary School Championships.

• The Silver medal performance from Sam and Brook at the Maadi Cup.



What a wonderful spectacle of brilliant organisation and success for New Zealand. It was great to have St Paul’s represented there in the form of the coxswain, Old Collegian Ivan Pavich for the men’s eight.


Women’s Under 17 Coxed Four A Final

3rd – Smith, LeSueur, Ford, Steiner; Cox Zac Laurich

Men’s Novice Double B Final

3rd – Robinson, M Laurich

Men’s Under 16 Eight Final

3rd – Bartley, Roycroft, Windley, Schicker, Dale, Rowland, Hargreaves, Kelly; Cox Black


Boys u16 coxed quad sculls B Final

1st – Callum Windley (stroke), James Atherton, Keiran Dale, Matthew H-Dravitzki, Zachary Posa (cox)

Boys u18 double sculls (N) A Final

1st – Sam Tipping (stroke), Brook Daly, Jesper Mansson (cox)

Boys u18 single B Final

2nd – Grayson Croasdale

Girls u17 double sculls A Final

2nd – Louise Ford (stroke), Danielle LeSueur

Girls u18 coxed eight A Final

3rd – Theresa Steiner (stroke), Danielle LeSueur, Anjena Singh, Alex Wilson, Antonia Anda, Fiora Stewart, Julia Frick, Brittany Smith, Zac Laurich (cox)


Boys u18 2X (N) A Final

1st – Brook Daly (stroke), Sam Tipping

Girls u17 4X+ A Final

3rd – Louise Ford (stroke), Danielle LeSueur, Theresa Steiner, Brittany Smith + Grace Gatenby (cox)

Boys u18 coxed four (L/W) A Final

2nd – Will Guest (stroke), Grayson Croasdale, Lucas Martin, Cameron Rowland + Jesper Mansson (cox)

Boys u16 4+ B Final

2nd – Cameron Bartley (stroke), Jack Kelly, James Atherton, Matthew Husband-Dravitzki + Jackson Brown (cox)

Girls u18 2X (N) A Final

3rd – Fiora Stewart (stroke), Antonia Anda

Boys u18 1X B Final

3rd – Grayson Croasdale

Boys u18 2X B Final

2nd – Brook Daly (stroke), Sam Tipping


Boys u18 2X (Novice) A Final

2nd – Sam Tipping (stroke) | Brook Daly

Girls u17 4X+ A Final

5th – Louise Ford (stroke) | Danielle LeSueur | Theresa Steiner | Brittany Smith + Grace Gatenby (cox)

Boys u18 4+ (L/W) A Final

4th – Will Guest (stroke) | Grayson Croasdale | Lucas Martin | Cameron Rowland + Jesper Mansson (cox)

Boys u18 4+ A Final

7th – Hamish Mahon (stroke) | Lucien Nabbs | Maxwell Stuart-Jones | Luke Wyllie-Miln + Jesper Mansson (cox)

Girls u17 2X A Final

8th – Louise Ford (stroke) | Danielle LeSueur

Boys u16 1X Semi-final

7th – Sam Robinson


Everyone plays a hugely important part in the operation of the club, so a huge thank you to you all, right from coxes, rowers, senior boys and girls, to your enthusiastic and dedicated coaches and to you the long suffering and extremely hard working parents and committee. It wouldn’t work without YOU all.

Special thanks go to Dave Hargreaves and his committee for all the support and help they have given me and all your sons and daughters throughout this past season. The Coaches – I know that the hours spent coaching on the water are only a fraction of the time you actually spend thinking about your crews, conjuring up ways to make them understand the point you have been trying to make, inventing new ways to help you get a quicker catch or to make that boat go a little faster. They are passionate about making you go faster. Thanks therefore to Les Varney, Ewan Atherton, Brett Smith, Scott Keene, Alex Mason, Flo Cormack-Lloyd, Bertie Tysome, Martin Ewen, and Matt Markham who has nurtured the new rowers in the Learn to Row Program that is going to pay huge dividends in the long run.

Our Senior Boys and Girls. Thank you for all your efforts over the past four years. You have all shown tremendous commitment to this very tough but immensely rewarding sport. Good luck with your futures and stay in touch.


Les Varney Trophy, Most Improved Novice rower, Sam Tipping and Brook Daly

Coxswains Cup, Best Coxswain, Jesper Mansson

Veterans Trophy, Best support from a rowing member, Zac Laurich

St. Paul’s Shield, Most improved rower-all age groups, Lucas Martin

School Oar, Most successful Team of the Year

Sam Tipping and Brook Daly

The “ERG” Trophy, Highest erg score in a season, Hamish Mahon, 6 mins 29.4 secs

Womens ERG Trophy, Highest score for women in a season

Danielle LeSueur, 7 mins 22.0 secs (new school record)

Trophy, Best Sculler in all grades, Grayson Croasdale

The Arkell Cup, (new award, donated by Croasdale family) Best Lightweight, Grayson Croasdale

Seath Cup, Best rower in all Grades, Hamish Mahon

Presidents Cup (CF), For outstanding leadership, Alex Wilson & Grayson Croasdale


Re-awards: Grayson Croasdale, Hamish Mahon, Max Stuart-Jones, Lucien Nabbs

New Awards: Luke Wyllie-Miln, Jepser Mansson, Theresa Steiner, Cameron Rowland, Brooke Daly and Sam Tipping

Gold Medallists Boys U18 Nov Double
Girls U18 Eight Bronze medallists Girls U17 Quad Boys U18 Eight



The rugby season started in January with a training camp on the shores of Lake Taupo. This camp was used to give the coaches a chance to meet their prospective players and for the players to show how fit they were and how keen they were to make the 1st XV squad. Many thanks must go to Mark and Karen May for their arrangements and to Gavin and Debi Jakes for their support and help in making the two day camp a success. The highlight of the camp was the mastering of the assault course at Waiouru army base – by most of the players.

Once summer sport was over we were left with a very short turn around to prepare for a game against a big and powerful St Kentigerns College side. This game was held as part of the celebrations in opening the Old Collegians Pavilion. Steve Cole, past Headmaster at St Paul’s, and current Headmaster of St Kent’s was honoured at this occasion by having the grandstand named after him, hence the reason for playing St Kentigerns.

Two weeks after this we headed to Australia with the U16 rugby side, the hockey 1st XI, and two netball teams. Although we ended up playing four games in three days this tour proved to be very beneficial in sorting out position and skill levels. In our first game against Toowoomba Grammar the 1st XV started well by scoring four tries, two in the first half by Izak Eksteen, playing on the wing and the two others to Robbie Leon Guerrero. The forwards dominance and accuracy was vital in securing the

win, one forward try came from a well-controlled lineout eight metres out from the opposition goal line and the other from a ruck formed close to the opposition goal line. Towards the end of the game Toowoomba scored two late tries, due to a number of changes and tiredness. A long range penalty from Robbie Leon Guerrero helped to secure the win. The final score 23-14 win to St. Pauls.

On the Saturday we had to play two 30 minute games against St Patrick’s College and Villa Nova. In our first game, the tight five forwards won good first phase ball and the backs used it but failed to complete the plays. A lack of cohesion and poor execution and decision making were common themes throughout the two games. This proved to be costly against St Patrick’s College eventually losing 12-5 and against Villa Nova where we drew 5 all. Michael Gutry and Lachlan Cooper scored a good try in each game both in the first half.

On Sunday we played a strong Brisbane Grammar 1st XV, fresh from a week’s training and rest. They arrived at the tournament on the Sunday just to play us. Our boys were very tired but they tried hard showing courage and commitment against a bigger organised forward pack and skilful backline. The Grammar side used the wind in the first half by kicking the ball deep and into space and took all the opportunities available to them. We failed to put things together on certain plays which revealed a lack of understanding of the game plan and with tiredness setting in our individual skills created a number of errors. However, it revealed the team’s tenacity, commitment and courage.

1st XV Rugby

Back Row: C. Lingman, J. Rae, A. Brogden, D. Coull 3rd Row: S. Tipping, A. Elliott, I. Eksteen, J. Mann, J. Fawcett, M. Gutry 2nd Row: G. Henley-Smith (Manager), R. Leon Guerrero, J. Chenery, A. Crow, J. Tye, G. Scheres, P. McGougan, J. Rowlands (Coach) Front Row: A. Bayly, H. Mahon, L. Cooper, H. May (Captain), J. Wood, C. Nepe, A. Williams

• Most Valuable Player Award – Hadleigh May

• Best Performance in a game – Robbie Leon Guerrero

• Silent Achiever Award – Aaron Elliott

After getting back from Australia and playing Hamilton Boys High 2nd XV the squad of 22 was named and preparations started for our big interschool match against Hamilton Boys High 1st XV. This match was televised as part of the Rugby Channels College Rugby Programme. As such the school and a number of the players were involved in a very good promo, which featured on the rugby channel prior to the game.

Hamilton Boys High having just returned from Japan as world champions were always going to be a very tough to beat. However the 1st XV, led by a man of the match performance from captain Hadleigh May had them worried when the score became 17-17 half way through the second half. Two late tries from Boys’ High made the final score 29-17 and probably flattered Hamilton Boys High. It was a fantastic performance by St Paul’s, especially considering it was the first full game together by the team.

With this game out of the way we settled into our Saturday competition against St Peter’s, Cambridge High School, St John’s, Hamilton Boys High 3rd XV, and Tokoroa High School. A lot of the good play shown in the game against Hamilton Boys High continued and the team went through the first round unbeaten.


In the middle of this round the team competed in a Quadrangular tournament, hosted by St Paul’s over the Queen’s Birthday weekend. The three other teams in the Quad were Palmerston North Boys’ High School, Tauranga Boys’ High School and Whangerei Boys’ High School.

We played the eventual winners, Palmerston North Boys High, on the first day and although losing 39-10 we competed very well for most of the game. On the second day we played Whangarei winning 12-8. Palmerston BHS won the quadrangular convincingly beating Tauranga BHS.


Due to the Quadrangular tournament and the game against Hamilton Boys’ High 1st XV we had two games to catch up before the end of the second round in our Saturday competition. This along with a traditional game against Wanganui Collegiate meant we ended up playing Saturday, Wednesday, Saturday, Wednesday, and Saturday during the last two weeks of the term. Add this to House rowing on one of the Wednesdays and the task became too much. The 1st XV went into the holiday break very tired and having lost to St John’s, who took the Tricolor Trophy off us, and Cambridge High School, who were eventual winners of round robin play.

During the holidays two of our players Jonty Wood and Hadleigh May were selected in the Chiefs U18 Secondary Schools team, which was a great honour for them and the school. Both played important roles in the tournament and showed they were not out of place amongst the best schoolboy players in New Zealand.

Once back at school in term three it was time to prepare for the semi final. We played St Peter’s and despite having a

draw and a win against them in round robin play, they proved too good on the day, winning 23-12. This win took St Peter’s to the final against Cambridge, which they ended up winning, and the loss meant we had to play St John’s in a play-off for 3rd and 4th. Despite scoring a number of disallowed tries we went down 19-17.

Although it was a disappointing way to end the season the team performed above expectations and showed that they could be very competitive, even against the larger Boy’s schools in New Zealand.


Coaches Award Most tries: Graydon Scheres

McCulloch Trophy Most Points: Jonty Rae

Rouse Award best tight five: Angus Williams

1st XV Cup Sportsmanship: Codey Nepe

G.S. Baillie Award – Most Promising Player: Jonty Wood

Most Improved: Hamish Mahon

Ballymore Ball – Greatest Contribution: Hadleigh May

Scheres Family Trophy: Lachlan Cooper

Player of the year: Hadleigh May

Lachlan sides steps the opposition Jonty goes for the kick


Codey Nepe, Hamish Mahon, Jonty Wood


Waikato Harlequins U15: Caleb Lingman

Waikato U16: Josh Tye, Aaron Crow

Waikato Harlequins U17: Josh Fawcett

U18 Chiefs: Hadleigh May, Jonty Wood & Codey Nepe (Standby)

Guam: Robby Leon Guererro


The 2nd XV season starts very soon after summer sport and the short turn around meant the team went into the grading games a little under done. The first grading game was against Morrinsville. The team played well but eventually went down 31-30. The following two grading games against St John’s and Forest View resulted in the 2nd XV competing in the division three 1st XV competition for 2011. These grading games highlighted key areas to work on and we worked hard to create a game plan that suited the team strengths.

The season started with a loss to a very fit and fast Forest View 1st XV and then a draw against Putaruru. Following the tough start against Forest View this draw gave the team a much needed boost in confidence. This new found confidence helped the team put together a number of excellent performances, displaying great ball skills, team work and a never say die attitude. The boys defeated Taumarunui, Fairfield and put up a brilliant display of rugby to comfortably defeat Te Kuiti.

Heading into the second round the next match was against Forest View 1st XV who were leading the competition. The boys tackled their hearts out, with Conner Fullerton, Jaden Verryt, Aaron Cleland, Micheal

Loft and Laurie Meban all putting in gutsy displays to lead the first half. The team battled away but failed to gain sufficient territory and possession eventually going down 17-10. This defeat highlighted we were real contenders for the competition and provided the boys with real hunger for success. From here we marched on defeating Te Kuiti, Putaruru and Fairfield placing the team in second place for the semi finals.

The semi final was played after the term two holidays which was not ideal for our team. In the semi final we were up against our neighbours Fairfield 1st XV. The game started very well with St Paul’s gaining early possession and putting together a number of excellent phases. Fairfield looked rattled as St Paul’s took an early lead. The boys defended with total commitment but this took its toll, and we sustained injuries to key players. Fairfield took a slight lead mid way through the second half but St Paul’s weren’t done. Attacking from deep in their own half and going 80 meters to almost score what would have been the winning try. As it turned out we were bundled out in the corner with Fairfield taking the win. Again the team showed true courage with gutsy efforts from Aaron Cleland, Laurie Meban, Michael Loft and Kyle Dean for the tackle of the season on possibly the biggest player of the competition!

2nd XV Rugby

Back Row: Yui Yokoyama, Conner Fullerton, Thomas Moss, Herbert Dyke

3rd Row: Jacob Barber, Kyle Dean, Martyn Brown, Laurence Meban, Joseph Velzian, Maree McCarthy (Manager)

2nd Row: Frans van der Merwe (Coach), Joshua Coventry, Aaron Cleland, Malcolm Luman, Reece Franklin, Dylan Coull, Jonty Macpherson, Ryan McCarthy (Coach)

Front Row: Patrick Sauni, Harry Larkman, Samuel Tipping, Eoin Miles, Michael Loft, Caleb Lingman, Jaden Verryt

The team was disappointed to not make the final but we had our chance to finish the season on a high in the play off against Putaruru. The boys once again displayed the never say die attitude with Michael Loft scooping up a loose ball right on full time to scoot around the blind side to score under the posts. Harry Larkman coolly slotted the conversion to take the win. The win was a pleasing end to a successful season from a group of committed players.

Throughout the season they displayed team work, skill and courage. The team was ably led by Eion Miles with strong showings all season from Jaden Verryt, Conner Fullerton, Aaron Cleland, Micheal Loft, Laurie Meban, Joe Valzian and Sam Tipping.

William Cooper and Jake Barber

I would like to thank all of the boys for their effort and commitment which made for a thoroughly enjoyable season. A special mention must also go out to the group of loyal parents who followed us all season. Your on-going support and assistance was greatly appreciated by the boys and coaching staff alike. The season was hugely successful in developing all of the players and I wish them the very best for their future rugby careers.


Making the final against HBHS for the second year in a row was a major achievement for this year’s Under 14 team. Nine boys came back from Tihoi in a great effort to defend the Steve Gordon Shield, which we won last year. We had lost 24-7 to this team in round-robin play, so needed a solid game plan to counter their fast and flashy backline. HBHS scored first on a brick hard ground, which was mud a week ago. We replied with ’pick and go’ play, which went 20 metres and Tom Gordon muscled over the try line. Dillon Kelliher was the next to score after the team put him in the clear. HBHS came back. It was two tries each and 10 all at the break. We shared the try scoring one each in the second half. Schneil Singh went in close to the posts after a superb lead up by the forwards playing close pods. Unfortunately we missed the conversion, which in retrospect would have won the game.

The score was 15 all at full time and we would have been happy to have shared the trophy, but Waikato Rugby Union officials insisted that we play 20 minutes of extra time. Injuries and cramping took their toll and HBHS managed a try and a drop goal to take the title.

Legendary lock Steve Gordon presented the trophy to HBHS and praised our boys for their gutsy effort of coming out of the bush at Lake Taupo on Friday to play rugby on Saturday. Tom Gordon was awarded player of the day for his superb understanding and execution of the role of number 7.

He should be McCaw’s backup! Every player played until they were dead on their feet. There was nothing left in the tank.


The Colts started the season strongly with a 43-10 win over HBHS U16’s and a 31-0 win over Te Awamutu College. St John’s College defeated St Paul’s 28-12 in their first meeting but the result was reversed in the second match with the Colts winning 15-12. The HBHS U15 team was the strongest in the competition and defeated the Colts 20-3. Melville was defeated 19-0 but a draw 12-12 with HBHS U16’s meant that enough points were not amassed to make the top 2 but the Colts finished 3rd in the Waikato competition.

They also played Wanganui Collegiate and in an even match went down 8-0. The other traditional was against Tauranga Boys’ College but after a strong first half went down by 8 points in the end.

Four players from the 1st XV and 2nd XV were added for the Quadrangular tournament at the end of the season. The first match saw the team go down to Palmerston North Boys High. In the second match they played HBHS who had 9 players from their 1st and 2nd XV’s and were just beaten in the last minute of the match. The Colts finished the tournament with a win over Sacred Heart College from Auckland.

The pack was dominant throughout the season with Brody Rennie, Taylor Hayes and Callum Brown a formidable front row. They were supported behind by Tom Schicker and Hamish Burt and on the sides by Logan Jakes, Lucas Martin and Captain Kieran Dale.

James Hunt, Baxter Mackay, Creighton Winiata-Dunster, Todd Barry, Tom Smith, Rhodri Mackenzie, Josh Malpas and Sam Bowley formed an efficient and at times formidable back line. Impact players Corban Morison, Aran Geerts,

Rugby Under 14

Back Row: D. Wallbank, W. Webb, T. Hislop, L. Bowers, L. Lee

2nd Row: Mr C. Morton (Coach), W. Fraser, A. Eksteen, W. Paniora, R. Cooksley, G. Fullerton, Mr D. Williams (Coach)

Front Row: S. Fullerton-Smith, A. Stokes, J. Deroles, T. Gordon (Captain), D. Kelliher (Vice Captain), I. Ibrahim, K. Rose

Absent: S. Leota, B. Clare

Absent at Tihoi: S. Singh, C. Elliott, T. Martin, A. Singh, L. Jackson, J. Ingham, J. Taylor, B. Brogden, A. Ballantyne, R. Chick, S. Rush

Rugby Colts XV

Back Row: Hamish Burt, Samuel Bowley, Mr Andrew Gibbs (Assistant Coach), Tom Schicker, Taylor Rae

2nd Row: Mr Paul Wilson (Assistant Coach), Rhodri MacKenzie, Logan Jakes, Joshua Malpas, Baxter Mackay, Mr Peter Gilbert (Coach)

Front Row: Todd Barry, Lucas Martin, Brody Rennie, Kieran Dale (Captain), Callum Brown, James Hunt, Taylor Hayes

Absent: Thomas Smith, Creighton Winiata-Dunster

William Lockwood-Geck, Taylor Rae, Mitchell Cleland and Campbell Ware made huge contributions to the team’s success.

Most valuable players for the season were Callum Brown, Logan Jakes, Baxter Mackay and Hamish Burt.


This year we were fortunate to have both an U55Kg Black and Gold team, with the Gold team being the stronger of the two sides. Our season was once again broken into two distinct parts, with the second Tihoi intake seeing seven older players leave the side, which resulted in a considerable reduction in attacking potential in the latter games.

Undefeated in the preseason tournament, one of our best games of the season was when we narrowly lost 1014 against the top Hamilton Boys’ High School ’A’ side. Our standout player, for the second season in a row, was versatile back, Danyon Fernando. Nicknamed the ’Pocket Rocket’; Danyon’s explosive speed and elusive running, saw him regularly break the line. Fullback Dean Fullerton proved a safe pair of hands at the back, while the versatility and talent of Marc Bradford and Jack Davies saw them cover a number of positions in the backline. James Wilkins dictated play well at first five eight and Ben Donaldson provided him with excellent service for the base of the scrum.

The forwards proved quick to the loose ball and effective at the set pieces. Year 9 props, Corban Batters showed much promise, while Zach Posa and Finnbar Claridge got better with each game. Jaden Rouse and Gus Black provided aggression and grit in the tight play and were ably supported by locks Alex Fullerton, Oliver Clausen, and Jamieson Madgwick. Loose forwards

Saladin M’Boge, Jack McDonald, William Broderick and elusive runner Hamish Te Whare, were quick to the broken play.

Our thanks go to our dedicated band of parent supporters who enthusiastically support all our games. To parents, Mr James Wilkins (who travelled over from Tauranga) and Mr Ivan Posa, for their coaching assistance.


The Under 65kg team had a difficult season, failing to win a game (in normal competition) and suffered several large defeats. Despite this the team never stopped trying and an enjoyable year was had by all. We had many boys who had never played rugby before and as always for this grade Tihoi wreaked havoc on the team as we lost nine crucial players mid-way through the season.

This year the team revolved around our tough and uncompromising forward pack. They were our strength and one of the highlights of the season was seeing the pick and go play of the forwards game especially in our home.

In the backs Josh Walpole-Smith was outstanding with his hard straight running, a feature that was at times lacking with the rest of the backline members. Our only win of the season came in a one off fixture against Rutherford High School from Auckland. With the help of a couple of ring-ins we won easily and we showed in glimpses that with a little more luck and greater application we could have won a few more games during the season.

A special thank you goes to all the parents who supported us week in and week out, in often trying conditions. Your support and encouragment was greatly appreciated.

Rugby Under 65s Back Row: J. Walpole-Smith, B. Rogers, T. Way 2nd Row: S. Robinson, J. Finch, V. Christie, J. Lemon, Mr M. Markham Front Row: C. Voykovich, M. O’Connell, A. Gudsell, J. Ring, C. Joyce Jaden Rouse, in the thick of it

Scuba Club

This year the Scuba Club was re-established and began by offering two PADI Open Water Courses as well as a two day trip away to dive the Alderman Islands and Slipper Island. The following students became qualified divers through the club: Toni Anda, Izak Eksteen, Fransois Eksteen, Olivia Jackson, James Kennedy, Riley Kissling-Hemsworth, Quinn McKay, Euan Reynolds, Nick Rose, Talya Thomas, Annelies Watson-Holmes, Toby Way, Alex Wilson and Lizzi Wilson.

Once the students had become qualified we were able to explore the reefs and boulder outcrops to hunt for crayfish and discover what lives below the ocean. The most successful trip for crayfish hunting was during the second Open Water Course at Slipper Island. Liam Buchanan and Matthew Burke both came back to shore with stories of the crayfish they had spotted, but not a single specimen to back up their claims. However on the next trip out, Mr Ballantyne and Sam Tipping showed how it was done by not only filling the fish bin, but also by the massive crayfish that Mr Ballantyne caught which was as long as his dive tank. This haul sparked the enthusiasm of the newly qualified divers who were keen to try their hand at cray hunting on our next trip out.

The next trip was our two day trip to Alderman and Slipper Island, and we took Alistair Bayly, Fransois Eksteen, Izak Eksteen, Seb Taylor, Sam Tipping, Alex Wilson and Lizzi Wilson away. The crayfish hunting was slow at Slipper and everyone was excited about the prospect of diving one of New Zealand’s premier dive destinations, the Alderman Islands. Once in the water the students soon realised why the Alderman’s are so special, with amazing visibility and brightly coloured marine life. A highlight was when a group of seals starting swimming amongst the Eksteen brothers. At the second dive site the crayfish reappeared although all slightly on the small side. Alistair Bayly did not realise that there was a size limit and upon reaching


St Paul’s has had a small group of players working steadily to improve their skills under professional coach Brendan Woodhead throughout 2011.

Many players have gone from being totally new to the game to now being able to enjoy the sport in a competitive match situation. Many thanks must go to Brendan for providing an enjoyable and positive environment which has allowed this to happen. It is hoped that next year these players will join clubs, enter tournaments and gain the match play which is going to be essential for players to improve their gradings.

The School entered two teams in the Waikato Secondary School Championships this year. The A team of Blake Gordon, Sam Rush and James Atherton contested Division

the surface he was very excited to tell everyone about the crayfish he’d caught. When this crayfish appeared the skipper of the boat almost lost it when they had images of their boat being seized for landing an 8cm long crayfish. This capped off a great weekend and many jokes were made at Alistair’s expense.

1, losing both matches to St Peter’s and Hamilton Boys’. In the process, James Atherton did well to register a good win against his St Peter’s opponent. The B team of Conor Gawith, Sam Lockwood-Geck and Dominic Morine played 4 matches in Division 2 and registered good wins over opposition from Matamata and St Peter’s finishing 4th in the division. Conor and Sam had good tournaments winning two and three matches respectively out of the four they played.

With the average age of the “serious” squash players in the School being quite young, it is hoped that St Paul’s may be able to contemplate a return to the Nationals in 2012. Until then it is hoped that we as a School utilise the amazing squash facilities that we have, get out on court and enjoy it!

Mr Ballantyne’s giant crayfish Alistair’s giant crayfish



At the beginning of 2011, St Paul’s Collegiate School started with two softball teams for the first time in 40 years, although Mr Mike Linklater ran a softball team in the school close to seven years ago.

Our junior team took out first equal against Hamilton Boys’ High School due to rain on the finals day. At the start of the season the team had very little experience, but thanks to Mr Gibbs and Mr Williams the team rose to the challenge. Isaac van der Vossen served superbly as catcher for the juniors and the senior social team. Wade Paniora scored two home runs in our final game and Hayden and Logan got a double play finishing the innings. Another skilful player to play for both teams was Ben Bowden. Sam Bowley also joined our team from the seniors. The season was a great success for the rebirth of softball at St Paul’s Collegiate School.


In term one, the St Paul’s senior social softball team started. With only four teams in our grade: Hamilton Boys’ High School, Otorohanga, Fairfield Iwi and ourselves, we had to play each of these teams several times. With

all the other teams having worked together for a few years, our team was short of experience. Also we were unable to find enough boys to make a full team so we had to ask favours of the junior team and from anyone who could spare a Saturday morning.

We’d like to thank all those who lent a hand including Mrs van der Vossen and Mrs Fortescue who kept the score and all the other parents who supported us and helped with the injured. Also a big thank you to Mr Gibbs, who let us steal his players and we hope the experience of having to play two games in a row will hold them in good stead for next season. In most games we managed to score some runs and there were several catches in the brilliant category. The main thing is that we had lots of fun. Our biggest thank you is to Mr Williams, the best (most original) umpire St Paul’s has ever seen. He encouraged us and called us the ’Good News Bears’, in reference to a famous school sport movie. I want to thank everyone who made the season memorable and enabling me to be the only girl in a boys’ team. Let’s hope we see some more players in this team next season.

Softball Juniors

Back Row: Ryan Cooksley, Callan Buchanan, Michael Scott

2nd Row: Codee Monkley, Ryan Lindsay, Aodan WyndhamSmith, Mr A Gibbs (Coach)

Front Row: Brandon Harrison, Logan Fortescue, Wade Paniora, Isaac van der Vossen, Benjamin Bowden

Table Tennis

St Paul’s again participated in the Waikato Secondary Schools Table Tennis Competition this year. We entered two teams: The A-team consisting of Edward Tseng (c), Paul NewtonJackson, Joseph Chen and Louis Suk. The B-team players were: Sheng Cao (c), Ben Weake, Tom

Softball Seniors

Back Row: Florina Cormack-Loyd, Dominic Scott-Jones, Samuel Bowley, Jaymz Mackenzie-Hooper, Jesse Ruri, Mr Henry Ripper (Assistant Coach)

Front Row: Wade Paniora, Isaac van der Vossen, Rebecca Fortescue, Benjamin Bowden, Logan Fortescue

Absent: Mr Defyd Williams (Coach)

Weake and Connor Johnson. The B-team reached the finals but lost to HBHS D to gain second place in the competition out of 9 schools. The A-team lost to Hillcrest B in the play-offs for third and fourth place. Paul Newton-Jackson represented Waikato at this year’s National Competition.


Clay Shooting

The 2011 shooting season started promisingly with a reasonable performance in the Auckland metro shoot. We were defending champions. In the team single rise event we tied for first place and went into a sudden death shoot off. Unfortunately we were unable to capitalise on this and ended the day in 3rd place. We also were placed 3rd in the teams point’s event with Liam Buchanan winning the individual single rise event.

We had to wait until the Hauraki Plains interschool shoot before beginning to find some form. In appalling conditions the team shot a very creditable 268/300. The high winds and driving rain tested everyone’s skill and ability. We were pleased with the result and this proved to be good enough to win the “Provincial Freightlines” shield for the first time. Sean Collinson-Smith completed a very good shoot by taking the High Overall award and Henry Wills won the novice award.

Our focus now shifted to developing a team dynamic. Two weeks out from the Nationals it became obvious that we had made a huge shift in attitude and this positive turn around was showing in our practice scores.


This three day competition was held this year in the Waikato in October. Three hundred and thirty-nine competitors representing over 40 schools from both the South and North Islands attended this meeting with seven shooters representing St Paul’s.

The first event was the Single Rise and our A team got off to a solid start with both Liam Buchanan and James Pritchard shooting the possible 20/20 and progressing on to the afternoon event. Gus Verry shot a creditable 19/20.

Sean Collinson-Smith and Anthony Simpson had a fantastic round shooting the possible 60/60 while James Pritchard dropped only 4 points to shoot a 56/60. The last event of the morning was the “Single Barrel” and Liam Buchanan and Fransois Eksteen shot the possible 10/10 and Sean Collinson-Smith dropping a target to score 9/10.

The team “Points” shoot off was next. In a nail biting finish Tauranga Boys’ prevailed, beating us by 1 point to take the silver medal, leaving us with the bronze.

The Single Rise event did not go well. Sean Collinson –Smith was once again the rock of reliability scoring the possible 20/20 while Liam Buchanan and Gus Verry scored 19/20.

The “Points “event went more smoothly as we began to find form. Liam and Sean both scored 59/60 while Kyle Glessing and James Pritchard both scored 54 and Anthony Simpson 52.

Our team score of 278/300 was a little lower than what we had hoped for but it was still competitive. When the final scores were posted we were once again tied for 2nd and 3rd place and would be forced into a shoot off. Unfortunately this

was not to be and we once again had to settle for bronze.

The consistency we had shown over the two days meant we had won the very prestigious “Winchester Challenge Trophy” as HOA two day teams point’s champions.

Overall we were elated with these results. After having a very disruptive end to the third team which impacted severely on our build up, we could not have hoped for a better outcome. A total of 5 medals and the team trophy was one of our best results ever.


• 1st place NISS Single Barrel

• 6th place NISS Single Rise

• 3rd NISS team Points event

• 3rd NZSS Nationals team Points event

• Winning team member of the Winchester Challenge Trophy NZSS Nationals

• North/South U18 team

• NI U18 Double Rise winner


• HOA and winner of the NISS individual Points event

• 3rd NISS team Points event

• 3rd NZSS Nationals team Points event

• Winning team member of the Winchester Challenge Trophy NZSS Nationals

• Waikato/Auckland secondary school provincial team

• 6th in Handicap by Distance NZ Nationals



• 3rd NISS team Points event

• 3rd NZSS Nationals team Points event

• Winning team member of the Winchester Challenge Trophy NZSS Nationals


• 3rd NISS team Points event

• 3rd NZSS Nationals team Points event

• Winning team member of the Winchester Challenge Trophy NZSS Nationals


• 3rd C grade NZ Nationals Handicap by Distance

• Winning team member of the Kings College inter school shoot


• 3rd NISS team Points event,

• 3rd NZSS Nationals team Points event,

• Winning team member of the Winchester Challenge Trophy NZSS Nationals (not eligible)


This has certainly been a fantastic year for swimming here at St Paul’s; the formation of the St Paul’s Swimming Club (along with the heating and covering of the pool), another top performance by the squad at the Waikato Secondary Schools Championships, and two medals with twelve top eight performances at the inaugural New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships was great.

An increase in student numbers attending after school training sessions for fitness has been positive, leading to stroke development and endurance training for triathlons, Hillary Challenge and long distance races. In the Waikato Secondary Schools Championship event there were some excellent individual results, but the real highlight was how St Paul’s acquitted itself as a team, a team of 21 boys and 7 girls. By the end of a day’s swimming, the girls had a final ranking of 8th place out of 32 schools, a wonderful result considering there were just 7 in the team. The boys’ team had been in 1st place throughout the day only to be pipped at the post in the final relays into second place by ONE point from Hamilton Boys’ High.

All members of the team performed most creditably on the day with most achieving personal best performances. The strong sense of “team” and the support for each other was very evident to the other schools. Well done everyone, you have made your school very proud.

As you can see, this has been a great year for swimming here at St Paul’s Collegiate. Special mention must go to all the parents for their on-going support and also to the Captain of Swimming, Evan Wilson, whose inspirational leadership and organisation has provided a high bar for future swimmers to aspire to.

Back Row: Cameron Voykovich, Hamish Black, Charles Christey, Joshua Lemon, Lashara Lim, Teagan Voykovich

3rd Row: Grayson Croasdale, Mitchell O’Connell, Navdeesh Singh-Thandi, Lucien Nabbs, Blake Phillips, Benjamin Brogden, Simroop Singh-Thandi

2nd Row: Mark Swarbrick, James Atherton, Kieran Dale, Tomas Dobbe, Samuel Armstrong, Thomas Swarbrick, Scott Hilliar, Mr R Bell (Coach/Manager)

Front Row: Harrietanne Embling, Catherine Moser, Nicholas McGuire-Holcroft, Evan Wilson (Captain), Michael Hodge, Charlotte Atherton, Patrice Forgeson

Absent: Karin-Jane Slater, Brittany Smith

A flying start!
Brit Smith


This year the Senior Boys tennis team found life tough against hard opposition. In the Lindisfarne exchange which was played at home, we came up against very tough opposition. We only managed to win one game which was our one and two doubles. The Kelston Boys exchange was one of the most successful outings of the year for the Senior team. The games were very tight and a racquet was even sacrificed in one set to win over Kelston. In the Waikato Secondary Schools Championships we saw success in the Senior Boys Doubles. Roydon Nutsford and Chris Fletcher managed to make the final. Roydon also did very well to win the Singles Consolation Plate. The Senior team has a lot to work on in the years to come however, there is some very promising depth in our younger ranks. A player to watch out in the years to come will be young Conner Fullerton. Well done on a tough yet fun year boys.


The Junior A team comprising Josh Cave, Reed Fisher, Sal M’Boge and James Wilkins had an outstanding season in the local competition. Our opening round was against St Peter’s, a fixture St Paul’s had not won for ten years. However not only did the boys win this fixture, they did so without losing a match. We backed this fine performance with comfortable wins over both HBHS teams to finish top of the round robin, and played HBHS ’A’ in the final. Once again the boys performed exceptionally well and comfortably won the final to achieve one of the best tennis results that St Paul’s has had in recent times.

A further highlight of our season was in the Waikato Champs, where all our boys performed with merit. However Josh Cave winning the junior singles title underlines his ability and the strength of our junior programme.


A very short season was enjoyed (tennis-wise but perhaps not result-wise) by the boys’ senior B team.

We had our first game against HBHS Red rained out, lost to HBHS Black the following week and then had a very good win against HBHS Blue in our third fixture. We then played St Peter’s A, who were much too strong for us, and put in a good showing in losing against our A team. Well done and thank you to the players for their commitment to tennis, and for the spirit in which they played all their matches.


This was a very successful term of tennis for this team. Ably led by Jack Schicker, the boys were unbeaten and entered the finals against HBHS with confidence. With only three other teams in this division all from HBHS, the St Paul’s players showed good sportsmanship at all times against our main rival school. Unfortunately, in the finals, HBHS intentionally

played their players out of order, and narrowly won on a points count back. This was a disappointing outcome to what should have been a good and fair challenge. Team players were: Jack Schicker (captain), Andre Stokes, Gordon Fullerton and Matthew Fielding. Hemi McClaren-Mellars played in the first two rounds for an injured Gordon Fullerton.





Tennis Senior Back Row: Alec Wilson, Christopher Fletcher, Roydon Nutsford Row: Mr C Hardman (Coach), Harshitha Colonne, Lane Fisher, Mr N Muirhead (Manager) Tennis Junior A Row: Saladin M’Boge, Joshua Cave, Mr Ballantyne (Coach) Row: James Wilkins, Reed Fisher Tennis Junior B Row: Gordon Fullerton, Matthew Fielding, T Hastie (Manager) Front Row: Andre Stokes, Hemi McLaren-Mellars, Jack Schicker

Touch Rugby

The local Touch Association did not start the competition until we were well into term one. This, combined with clashes with school based arrangements, meant it was going to be a short season for the St Paul’s teams. In the end the Senior boys got four games and the Senior girls and Junior boys got five games each.

All three teams approached their matches with enthusiasm, a determination to do their best and most importantly the desire to simply enjoy the game. As representatives of the school they were always well turned out in the correct gear and played all their games in a very sporting spirit.

We would like to express our thanks to Mr Gavin Downes, a professional coach who came to many of our training sessions and assisted with his expert coaching and tactical advice. Special thanks also to Mr Phil Clement, Mr George Skofic, Mrs Leeann Morgan, Mrs Helen Bradford and Mr Craig Morton for their willing assistance with managing and coaching the three teams.



St Paul’s had three teams entered in this event which was held at Lake Karapiro in February. In the U19 Division, Evan Wilson had a great swim and was the first to exit the water. He then handed over to James Mason who completed the 20 kilometre cycle leg. This was the longest stage of the event and James put in a great effort to finish 5th against some of the top specialist cyclists in the Waikato. Oliver Smith had a superb run, overtaking two competitors, and thereby secured third place for the team.

In the U16 Girls Division, Jessica Reilly completed the swim of 500 metres; Victoria Blomfield did the 16 kilometre bike leg and Geraldine Fish completed the run of 4 kilometers. All the girls competed very strongly and finished 9th.

In the U14 Boys Division, Hamish Black swam strongly and finished second but very close behind the first swimmer. Then Adam McCarthy completed the bike leg moving into a narrow lead by the end. He then handed over to Jack Davies who set off on the final stage, a 3 kilometre run, closely followed by 4 other competitors. However, Jack had a great run gradually building up a sizeable lead by the half-way stage. He managed to hold on to this lead for what turned out to be a comfortable and thoroughly convincing win for the team.

Back Row: Eoin Miles, Laurence Meban, Dylan Coull, Scott Hilliar, Izak Eksteen

2nd Row: William Cooper, Taylor Hayes, Toby Way, Michael Loft, Mr C Morton (Coach)

Front Row: Jonty Wood, Harry Larkman, Aaron Crow, Matthew Snodgrass, Jacob Barber

Back Row: Lucy Roberts, Jessica Elliott, Amanda Barr

2nd Row: William Cooper (Assistant Coach), Elizabeth Rajan, Tina Forde, Courteney Lee, Phoebe Boyes, Harry Larkman (Assistant Coach)

Front Row: Tara Kells, Savanna Singh-Hundal, Maija MacCalman, Melissa Gilmartin-Kara, Victoria Blomfield, Leann Morgan (Manager/Coach)

Absent: Helen Bradford (Manager/Coach)

Back Row: Cryton Winiata-Dunston, Shneil Singh

2nd Row: Campbell Stuart, Ryan Van Straalen, Hamish Black, Bradley Hermsen, Mr D Sole

Front Row: Campbell Ware, James Morritt, Tyrell Martin, Joel Taylor, Dominic Belfield

Girls Touch Senior Boys Touch Junior Boys Touch

Beach Volleyball

St Paul’s 1st Beach Volleyball team found great success this season. It was the first time that St Paul’s had a beach volleyball team in the Waikato competition. We competed in the open men’s division and came out of it with a creditable 4th overall. Highlights were the 3rd placing in the Waikato secondary schools tournament played at the beginning of term 1 with a win over Hillcrest High whose two team members played for the Waikato U-17. At the end of the season both Sean and Chris were invited to represent Hamilton City!! Building on the great success in 2011 we hope to achieve higher honours in 2012.


The St Paul’s Boys Volleyball team played in division C of the Hamilton Social Volleyball Competition. This was a new team this year with a number of young developing players. Hayden, Ben and Thomas were the main strikers and James and Jordan were most valuable in keeping the ball alive. Trent developed a strong overhead serve and Ryk was the most improved player for the season. The team competed well, against older more experienced teams. They exhibited the determination and commitment of seasoned players and are to be commended for finishing 5th.


The St Paul’s Girls Volleyball team played in division D of the Hamilton Social Volleyball Competition. Most of the players were new to volleyball this year. Grace had a natural flair for the game and was ably supported by the skills of Clare and Libby. Tamsyn had tremendous focus and was the most improved player for the season. Ariana developed a consistent overhead serve and Mili’s commitment on the court kept the team competitive. The team finished a creditable 5th against more experienced teams.

Boys Volleyball

Back Row: Hayden Watt, Mr K Hogg (Coach), James Kennedy

Weights Club

The weights club had a variety of participants from students using the club to improve their sports performance, to budding weightlifters, to students just looking to improve their health and fitness. The club had an addition of some new weightlifting equipment thanks to the Parents Association. These funds purchased new equipment to be used to develop a weightlifting team in 2012. We also purchased the new bar, plates and lifting platform which is very useful

Girls Volleyball

Back Row: Clare Reeves, Jennifer Namana, Tamsyn Johnston, Mr K Hogg (Coach)

Front Row: Mili Posa, Ariana Mariu, Libby Sutcliffe

for developing strength and power that will benefit sports performance of all students.

With the introduction of the new equipment many 1st XV boys have shown an interest in the Olympic lifting techniques, with many showing great potential which will only benefit their other sporting pursuits but it will also give them a taste of Olympic weightlifting which they may wish to pursue as their techniques improve.

Front Row: Ryk Hermsen, Benjamin Scott, Thomas Burt, Trent Ganley, Jordan Davies Absent: Rhodri MacKenzie

Water Polo


For the first time in several years St Paul’s fielded two senior water polo teams. Both teams were mixed, and were again coached by Old Collegian Owen Robinson. The players, who ranged from novices to experienced provincial representatives, were on the whole enthusiastic and committed. The results of the grading games saw St Paul’s competing in Divisions B and C of the Waikato competition, which proved beneficial. As the season progressed, so too did the skills and confidence of the team. Naturally, those who attended training regularly benefitted the most. By the time we reached the play-offs, both teams had qualified for the final in their respective divisions.

St Paul’s Senior A played Cambridge High School in the Division B final. Cambridge attacked from the outset and scored two quick goals before we began to settle. Strong passing and good positional play enabled Tom Swarbrick and Louise Ford to each slot two goals. This gave the team a real boost, and with strong poolside support we found our rhythm and began to dominate the opposition. Tight defence, coupled with superb goal keeping by Liam Buchanan, saw us extend our lead and put the game well beyond Cambridge.

St Paul’s Senior B played Hillcrest High School in the Division C final. The team had worked hard throughout the season, and the significant improvement in individual skills was evident in this game. St Paul’s started well, several strong attacks resulted in three quick goals and we led 3-0 within a few minutes. However Hillcrest regrouped and counter-attacked. Poor defence placed unnecessary pressure on our goal keeper. A more committed team effort during the second half saw St Paul’s draw level. Goals were traded by both teams until the final whistle, when the score was 7-7. As no extra time was allowed, St Paul’s shared the title with Hillcrest.


This year proved to be one of the better water polo seasons that St Paul’s has experienced. Following the success of our senior teams, the juniors began their season with two losses in the grading round, which placed us in Division B. However, once the competition began, St Paul’s did not lose a game and finished the preliminary round undefeated. This resulted in our promotion to Division A, which proved a far tougher challenge. We began well with a win against Cambridge, before losing to a strong Hamilton Boys’ A side. Further (narrow) losses –to Hamilton Boys’ B and Hillcrest – meant that we ended the season playing off for third. In the end we suffered another narrow loss to a motivated Hillcrest side. The St Paul’s players, the majority of whom were new to water polo this year, can be pleased with their progress and look forward with confidence to greater success in the future. Thanks are extended to Tom Dobbe, Euan Reynolds and Liam Buchanan, who coached the team.

On the social side, with Mr Oehley supervising, well over a hundred students used the gym on a regular basis over the year. The boarders tended to dominate numbers with Sargood and Williams showing strong support for the facility.

The group varied from the hardened muscled men who enjoyed training in front of the large mirrors, to the athletes who were seeking to improve their athletic performance, to the fitness fanatics who were in the

Water Polo

Back Row: Vladimir Ilic, Dominic Scott-Jones, Reece Franklin, Andrew Roberts, James Hogg

2nd Row: Patrick Forde, Damon Hayward, James Chenery, Corbin O’Neill, Rory Forde, Louise Ford

Front Row: Hannah Clare, Liam Buchanan, Thomas Swarbrick, Mitchell O’Connell, Lashara Lim

Absent: A Constable (Coach)

gym voluntarily and finally to those very few reluctant bodies who dragged themselves off to the weights room because it was part of their winter sports commitment to the school.

The facility remains an outstanding one. Staff and students are very appreciative of the contribution the Parents’ Association have made to initially set it up as well as their efforts to keep it well resourced. Thank you.


Kapa Haka

The introduction of the Kapa Haka programme this year has opened up a new door of opportunity at St Paul’s. Students have explored the art of poi, maura¯kau, waiata, tīra¯kau, tītīto¯rea and haka in preparation for a cultural exchange to Hawaii in September 2012.

The biggest event on the 2011 calendar for the kapa haka group was the hosting of the Kamehameha Schools Hawaiian Ensemble. They visited our school in June and performed for us in assembly. Our kapa haka group delivered an arousing haka powhiri (welcome) while the Hawaiians replied with their sweet oli. The combining cultures connected in both the physical and spiritual realms as origins in the Pacific were acknowledged, and a mesmerising performance followed. The professionalism, gracefulness and sweet harmonies of the Hawaiians were truly sensational.

Unfortunately, the Hawaiians couldn’t stay long and the following evening we helped in hosting their poroporoaki.


The St Paul’s kapa haka group assisted in the final farewell by performing “Toia Mai”, a song with an extraordinary mix of waiata, haka and poi that left an inspiring lasting impression on our Hawaiian whanaunga (cousins).

Planning is well underway for next year’s cultural exchange to Hawai’i, which will prove to be an experience of a lifetime. Students will have the opportunity to see how the culture of indigenous Hawai’i survives in the modern age, and compare and contrast this with Ma¯ori in New Zealand. There will be many performances, cultural sharing opportunities and 10 level 3 credits are also available for those who participate.

Over the past year, the choir has experienced a number of successes from performances in the Celebration of Music to competing in the Big Sing. In term one a concert was presented with the Cambridge Brass Band to raise funds for the Christchurch Earthquake Fund. This was so successful it was repeated the following month in Cambridge.

Following a substantial growth from last year’s choir, this year’s group has managed to consolidate itself into the growing cultural identity of St Paul’s. Even though the choir is relatively young in conception, there has probably never been a group more passionate about singing for a long time now. Having grown from a meagre five group ensemble in 2009, there has been a large developmental process inspired by our conductor Mr Francis Cowan. This can be seen in the choir’s participation in the largest youth choir competition, the ’Big Sing’. Despite not having progressed past the regional competition, the choir made a large impact, winning the ’Best European Song’ with its rendition of Haydn’s ’The Heavens are Telling’. The main thing that was wanting, in comparison to the other competitors, was the time experienced by the St Paul’s Choir as a competitive group. Having gone through this year’s experience, there is nothing to stand in the way of the choir for future successes. From here on in, the choir can only gain in strength.

Our Choir Master Our Choir

Band Programme

With the appointment of Michelle Flint as our new Director of Instrumental Music our performance programme has had a real shot in the arm. We now have over seven groups performing and competing for St Paul’s including:

• Jazz band

• Big band

• Chapel band

• Rock bands


• Pacifica beats

• Marimba group and

• Chamber music group

All students interested in Jazz, who are approximately Grade 3 standard on their chosen instrument, are encouraged to join our Jazz Band on Friday afternoons after school. Students who play trumpet, trombone, clarinet, alto or baritone saxophone, piano, guitar or bass are encouraged to audition for the Jazz Band. There will also be opportunities for our less experienced students to work towards performing in a beginner Jazz Band.


In the final week of term two our two school rock bands, ’Madein95’ and ’Resolute’, performed brilliantly at the Regional Rockquest Competition. We are pleased to announce that ’Madein95’ was selected to perform as the People’s Choice band and they got the opportunity to compete in the finals along with the other seven bands. Jessica Reilly received the ’Smokefree Women’s Musicianship Award’.


The St Paul’s String Quartet consisting of Michael Torrance (1st Violin), James Lin (2nd Violin), Melissa Oosterwijk (Viola) and Nina Phillips (Cello) competed in the Waikato Bay of Plenty Regional Chamber Music Competition in June at the University of Waikato. They performed “String Quartet 2’, an original score written by our very own Paul Newton-Jackson. The group won the Stratham Award for the best performance of a piece by a New Zealand Composer. This was a superb achievement in this prestigious competition.


This is a new opportunity that has started at St Paul’s in 2011. Students, who enjoy playing music, can come along and enjoy playing exciting and up-beat melodies. The group can accommodate up to 16 students and can include a bass player and drummer. Students do not need any previous musical experience to join the group. This year St Paul’s Chapel was the venue for the first Hamilton Marimba Festival. Next year the Marimba group hopes to perform in the Marimba Festival in Auckland.

Brass Section Rebecca Wilson and Alastair Carmichael Big band performance Connor Johnson Jonathan Eyers receives instructions

French Trip CULTURAL/


Ten of our students studying the French language took the opportunity to take part in a trip to New Caledonia from April 14th to 21st. Based in Noumea, the capital of New Caledonia, the students experienced a mixture of formal French lessons, sightseeing, swimming and snorkelling and trying their French out with the local population. They visited the picturesque island of Amédée and overall had a wonderful time immersing themselves in both Melanesian and the French culture. Our thanks go to Mr Robert Aldridge, our Head of Department French, for giving our students this wonderful opportunity during the April holiday break, which will have significant spin-off in their study of the French language back in Hamilton.

Conor buying the bread for breakfast

Ezra relaxing at the pool

at giving us lots of tips about visiting New Caledonia. In the afternoon, we had a bus tour of Noumea city and the surrounding area. During this tour, we stopped at the Tjibaou Cultural Centre which has a museum and park dedicated to the history of the local Melanesian population.


As we flew into New Caledonia we had a good view of the coral reef surrounding it and could see the myriad of colours in the tropical water. We touched down at Tontouta and were pleased to feel the warm air temperatures.

On our first full day in New Caledonia, we had French lessons in the morning with a local tutor who was great


This year’s Waikato Junior Debating Competition was hosted by St Paul’s and ran successfully over all four terms this year. As always we had a keen group of boys who left for Tihoi in the middle of the year and we started again with a novice side. My thanks go to Taylor Deakin who is has been a motivated member of the junior team and will move up to the senior team next year.

Our senior debating team has been very successful this year since they are beginners to debating. The team was ably led by Liam Buchanan, who has a measured and didactic style. We then had Josie Reilly as second speaker and she had always done her research. We were then well backed up by Grace Namana who was the anchor of the team at third speaker. We were supported by Emma Ferguson who was an intelligent voice in preparation and standing in and debating.

On Day 4, we spent the day on a small island, Amédée, which is situated near the coral reef about 20 kilometres off-shore. The island is famous for its historic lighthouse built in the time of Napoleon 3rd and from which we had a fantastic view of the whole island and surrounding sea. Along with the other tourists on this excursion, we had a sumptuous buffet lunch and were entertained by a demonstration of island dancing. Some students joined in a dancing lesson island style! Amédée is in fact a very small island – you can walk around the whole island in about 15 minutes! One of its most memorable features is that it is inhabited by numerous snakes – which was fascinating or terrifying – as the case may be – for us coming from snake-free NZ.

Back Row: Mr Defyd Williams, Grace Namana, Miss Andrea Dela Rue Front Row: Emma Ferguson, Liam Buchanan, Josephine Reilly

V48 Hour Film Festival

2011 saw St Paul’s Collegiate involved for the first time in the V48 Hour Film Festival. This national competition caters to nearly 800 teams ranging across all ages and skill levels. There was a lot of student interest in the event, with the school producing a team of 23 students all eager to do their part to create a short film from scratch within a 48 hour period.

The team was led skilfully by co-directors Charlotte Atherton and Cat McRae, who guided their team to the creation of ’Love in Reflection’, a short film showing the journey of a bully who changes his ways because of a girl he falls in love with who only lives in the reflections in the mirror. Vlad Ilic and Jaimee Hugo performed terrifically as the leads in the film and were supported by the team, who were willing to jump in whenever needed.

One aspect of the competition is that prior to the event beginning teams are not aware of the genre they will be required to film or what elements they will need to incorporate. On the night of May 20th, Charlotte and Cat showed up to the launch ceremony at the University of Waikato hoping to avoid the dreaded Musical genre. 7pm came and they were given the details and were quickly on the phone to the rest of the group waiting back at school eager to begin the weekend. They needed to come up with a Romantic Comedy which incorporated the character Bobby Young (an ex-bully), a piece of wire, the line “What have you got …” and a freeze frame ending.

This began the frantic creative process which didn’t stop for the next 2 days. Students slept, ate, worked, and played on site as they all contributed to the development of ’Love in Reflection’, a love story between a student trying to stop being a bully and the girl he only sees in reflections who is trying to help him change. The team were faced with a range of challenges, including cameras which would not work properly, creative differences in developing the film, and the pull of the many other commitments the students were involved in.

Tragedy struck however when 2 hours before the deadline we began our final rendering process

only to have the computer inform us that it would take 2 and a half hours to complete. All our efforts seemed to be wasted until Jordan Fache remembered that the rules allowed for a variety of formats for the final product and suggested that we complete the project in a lower resolution. With nothing to lose we stopped the rendering and began again using Jordan’s suggestion. With bated breath we waited to see the new rendering time, just over 60 minutes. With a sigh of relief we sat back and began planning for next year’s event.

While the team did not go on to win any of the regional or national awards, the host at the screenings praised the creativity of the film, particularly in the way the opening credits were shot. This was a great first foray into the filmmaking world for many of our students and plans are already underway for next year’s events.

The final video is available for viewing on YouTube or at v48hours.co.nz


Our Achievements


From the 7th to the 16th of July I and the rest of the New Zealand Youth Sailing Team competed in the biggest regatta of the year, the ISAF Youth Worlds. There were 56 countries represented by 450 sailors and our team of 12 competed against the best in the world for our respective classes. To be selected for this regatta you have to have won your country’s nationals.

In the Board Sail in both the Sail Auckland regatta and the National Championships at Manly Beach, I won all seventeen youth races, and earned the title of National Champion and as a result was selected in the New Zealand Youth Sailing Team which traveled to Zadar, Croatia in July to compete in the ISAF Youth World Championships.

I competed on the RS:X 8.5, the official youth competition board alongside Georgia Schofeild, the New Zealand rep in the girl’s fleet. The success of the trip was mainly dependent on the athlete’s skills in light to moderate winds, but also largely their physical preparation and conditioning.

After 12 races I finished 13th out of 33 in the boys fleet and Georgia finished 7th out of 24 for the girls. The sailing in Croatia was absolutely awesome and the standard was really high this year which was great.

I came away from the regatta with a really clear idea of what I need to work on. For upcoming important regattas such as senior worlds in December I need better speed in about 9 to 11 knots and also better acceleration and height off the start line. Now that I have moved up to the senior division I will be training on a bigger sail. Next year I will start on my Olympic campaign for 2016.


I had just been invited to the Scripts Regional Spelling Bee, being hosted at my Intermediate. I was really excited but also nervous as I knew I had big competition. Now a lot of you reading this will think, what a nerd, but when there was a trip up for two to Wellington plus accommodation, it was a pretty nerve racking experience.

I won the competition and was extremely proud and so excited that night I barely got any sleep. Over the next few weeks reporters came into school to ask us questions and take photos, I was in the paper about four times.

In February this year we flew down to Wellington for the Nationals. An hour or two after arrival we travelled to the Beehive with the rest of the group.

The big day, we as a family travelled to the college where it was being hosted and got ready to settle in. The host once again called us up to the stage, but in a randomised order. Luckily I had been called up about tenth and that means I wasn’t first.

Everything was exactly the same format as the regional spelling bee except this time, a trip for two to America for two whole weeks; all expenses paid was up for grabs. It was unbelievably nerve-racking and I needed to use the drinking glass under my seat 20+times. It all came to a disappointing end when I was unable to spell philately. I ended up 7th in New Zealand which is still something to be proud of and I returned to Hamilton with my head held high.


In the April school holidays, the New Zealand Junior Nationals for Rock and Roll Dancing were held in Wellington. Aaron Crow and his two dance partners, Chelcie Kuriger and Kelsey Jenkins won gold in the Intermediate Triples dance section and Best Dressed as well. Training was held in Auckland and Aaron had to fit it around rugby training and the rugby trip to Australia. Both Chelcie and Kelsey now move up to the Senior Nationals as they are both 17. We are very proud of Aaron’s achievement in the Dance Nationals.


Only 16, 6’1 and played for New Zealand since he was 13, Aaron Keppler sure has a bright future ahead of him. You can always tell someone’s an athlete just by looking at them. Aaron would be the perfect example of an ’athlete’.

He has played in the high school league since year seven, played for Waikato since primary and has made New Zealand teams for the past three years. Even though he has played for New Zealand and been in New Zealand development for longer, his greatest achievement so far has been for Waikato. “I think my favorite time was when my Waikato team won the national tournament, and I got to be the captain.”

Every person has a different style of basketball and a different perspective on the game, Aaron says,” Every year I’ve had a new coach, and every coach has brought different aspects to my game.” He says, “Some coaches are technical, others are more focused on fitness and team building. My coaches have helped me achieve.

“Everything I have in basketball, making New Zealand teams, Waikato teams, without them I wouldn’t have got as far as I have now.” With the attitude and commitment he puts into his sport and the knowledge and skill set, he is sure to have a bright future ahead of him.


Every weekend, you will find Amanda out with a passion on the motocross track whether it’s wet or sunny. Amanda is one of the year 11 girls who compete in national motocross. She always rode in the same class as the boys and competed successfully.

In the 2010 Huntly Motocross Winter Series she had an excellent performance by gaining first place in the ladies class and gaining third place in the boys class. She also competed in the Belray Series gaining first place, and Woodhill New Zealand Championships resulting in a great effort of second.

This year Amanda has had the great result of second place in the 2011 winter series.

Tragically Amanda’s shoulder dislocation from 2009 has been aggravated by further injury and she is now awaiting surgery. The St Paul’s community are right behind her and wish her all the best for her recovery for school and track.



Namaste, Teshi Tedeli, or panui panui Shaw Shaw. Are you familiar with this language? It’s a mix of Nepalese and Sherpanese, two unique languages I had the pleasure to learn while I was trekking and traveling the mountains of Nepal.

What do you think of when you hear the country Nepal? Hopefully it is the wonderful Himalaya Mountains, or even the fact the world’s tallest mountain is there, Jomolungma, or as we English speaking people knows it as Mt Everest.

Well, to me Nepal is much more than this. I was fortunate to travel to Nepal, trekking around the mountains to see how the Nepalese people live and thrive off such a strange but interesting country.

I was first intrigued about going to Nepal when a man by the name of John Gully in late October came to St Paul’s offering a “once in a life time opportunity”. I thought about it and decided I could not turn down an offer like this.

It was very different in Nepal, these beggars, all they do for their whole lives is beg, no house, no family besides the other beggars, this is when it hits you the hardest, Nepalese people are very unfortunate. They have no government benefit to help them like New Zealand. We are very fortunate our government is kind and caring and supplies the less lucky with such nice things. They thrive on absolutely nothing.

I really don’t know how I would have survived my Nepalese trip if I didn’t have the other 73 New Zealand friends keeping me company. Through my Nepalese trek and travel I was moulded into who I am now. I came back and had a different perspective on life. In New Zealand our Government is really kind and amazing to all us New Zealanders unlike in Nepal.

The friends I made. We will have a special bond no one else can get without sharing such an amazing experience, Nepal has truly changed me into a better person. Namaste.


Year 11 student, Matthew Husband-Dravitzki was selected to attend an International Youth Gathering in Ireland from 24th July – 7th August. Matthew, along with 50 other young people from 20 countries won a scholarship to attend a gathering organised by the International Police Association that aims to allow young people to gain a greater appreciation of the cultures and values of people from around the world. The theme was Green Country, Green Environment.


Our St Paul’s tennis boys have had an outstanding season. They defeated St Peter’s for the first time in ten years and their win against Hamilton Boys’ High School in the final in March, provided the first Division One Junior title for St Paul’s in 15 years.

Impressively, our number one ranked junior player, Joshua Cave, contended the Waikato Schools’ Tennis Champions. In the semi-finals he defeated Hamilton Boys’ High School #1 seed and in the finals the St John’s #2 seed to become the first St Paul’s Collegiate student to take out a Waikato Singles title also in the past 15 years.


Having finished all my dancing exams in ballet, jazz and contemporary – all 29 exams with distinction – I was looking for a new challenge. I had always wanted to do ballroom but wasn’t able to fit it in so now was my chance. Plus how could one resist the glitz and glamour and the gorgeous dresses we get to wear.

Starting at the bottom and having to re-train my feet to not always be turned out is a great challenge. The ballroom world is dynamic, fun and very spirited compared to the ballet world. I love every minute of it and have great aspirations to reach the top of this new challenge. I am competing in all three styles – ballroom, new vogue and Latin. Our first competition was in Nelson at the New Vogue Nationals and we made the Latin final and the Ballroom semi final. Our next big event this year is the Australasian Championships in Melbourne. My goal is to compete on the biggest ballroom stage in the world – Blackpool.


Year 12 student, Jonathan Eyers, was recently selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Choir. Jonathan auditioned in February, along with 265 other senior secondary students from all over the country. The standard of those who auditioned was extremely high and candidates were assessed on 14 criteria, and Jonathan received an overall rating of ’Exceptional’. Even more impressive is that Jonathan has been selected as Tenor Leader. The NZSS Choir is an 18 month commitment for Jonathan, who is required to attend rehearsals for one week every holiday period and a number of weekend workshops. The Choir will be performing nationally and represent New Zealand in international tours and choral competitions.

We are extremely proud of Jonathan’s magnificent achievement in selection for our National Student Choir. A very talented musician, Jonathan has been a key member of St Paul’s music programmes for the past four years.


Evan swims with the St Paul’s swimming club under the highly successful head coach, Graham Smith.

This year, he has represented New Zealand at Australian Open Water Champs where he placed 7th in the 17-18 years men 10km and 11th in the 5km. He also raced at the NSW Open Water Champs where he placed 2nd in the 10km. At the New Zealand Open Water Championships he placed 2nd in the 16-17 years men 10km and 3rd in the 5km. Furthermore he obtained a 5th placing in the elite male category of the televised State Ocean Swim Series at the Mt Maunganui Sand to Surf race. At the New Zealand Open Champs, he placed 9th in the 800m freestyle and 10th in the 1500m freestyle. Because of his success in the sport, he was selected to be part of the Aquaknight squad, which is a Central North Island elite swimming programme. Evan also holds national medals for team triathlon events and underwater hockey competitions. He attributes his success in swimming to the amazing coaching team at St Paul’s Swimming Club, and the great organisation by Vicki Taylor. He recommends anyone interested in the sport, at any level, to make this club their first port of call.



During April I was lucky enough to take part in voyage 596 on the Spirit of New Zealand. This involves 10 days on a sailing boat, and in my case, we spent that time sailing around the Marlborough Sounds. It was an amazingly fun and rewarding experience, that has left me with some great new friends as well as a newfound interest in sailing.

The day-to-day life on the ship consisted of a six o’clock wakeup and swim, which was extremely cold, followed by breakfast. Then each watch manned a sail station, which we learnt to use during the course of the day. These ranged from simply pulling on ropes to raise the sail, to more complicated ones, where you had to climb out along the booms to drop the square sheets down. For me this was one of the highlights as it had the excitement of a high ropes activity, while providing a key role. Then in the evenings we had a variety of activities that promoted team building and were a good wind down to a very tiring day.

The highlight of the whole trip was definitely the people that I shared the experience with. Even now, many months later we talk regularly and there’re always more stories that keep coming out. The input of the crew changed as the voyage went on. The first 3 days was very much being literally shown the ropes by the crew, then the next 3 working alongside them. This all culminated in the final day of the voyage where we elected a crew from amongst ourselves and did whatever we wanted to, with minimal crew instruction. On this day I was elected as the first mate, which was a really cool experience. I am so thankful to have been able to take part in this amazing adventure and would encourage anyone to take part in it.


My adventure began on Voyage 594, leaving from Wellington Harbour on 4 April 2011, and finished at Nelson on 13 April 2011. There were 40 trainees on the voyage as well as the captain, cook, navigator, mates, leading hand and watch leaders.

As soon as I was on the boat and my gear stowed in the one tiny drawer available, I was harnessed and climbing the rigging. After many safety briefings we were sailing out of Wellington Harbour and across to the beautiful Marlborough Sounds. I really enjoyed the crossing – it was the only rough water with huge waves and the boat was going up and down, the rest of the voyage was too calm.

Some of the highlights were tramping, beach cleanup as there was an amazing amount of rubbish on a deserted beach, the dinner ashore where we sang songs and ate marshmallows around a blazing hot bonfire. I enjoyed the leadership opportunities more than I expected and realised that delegation was a very useful skill. Learning to navigate using marine charts and understanding the marine ’road code’ was interesting.

I highly recommend that everyone should go on the Spirit of Adventure if they are given the opportunity. I plan to return and have another voyage on Spirit this time as a leading hand.


Playing waterpolo for St Paul’s has helped me to achieve as much as I have in waterpolo over the past year. St Paul’s doesn’t have enough girls to make up a team so myself and three other girls played in the boys team. For me, this was so much different to what I was used to. I was used to playing in goal against girls teams. Playing with the boys meant that I got more time in the pool and I had to learn a whole batch of new ’tricks’ to get around the boys who were generally bigger and stronger than me.

I then went onto to develop these skills more when I trialed for the Waikato U16 team, I got into the A team as goalie, and got a few stints out in the pool. Our school team won the B grade competition in Hamilton, and The Waikato team came 5th at A Grade Nationals, which was the best a Waikato team has done for a long time.


Year 12 student, Liam Buchanan, was one of five New Zealanders to be chosen by the Royal Society of New Zealand to represent the country at the Harry Messel International Science School (ISS). A biannual event, run by the University of Sydney for Year 11 and 12 students in Australia, the ISS is run from 3rd – 16th July, with scientists from all over the world delivering lectures. This year, Sir John Pendry (Chair of Physics at the Imperial College in London) and Professor Allan Clark (Hadron Collider in Geneva) were keynote speakers at the event. Liam will join young scientists from ten other countries at the event and we are very proud of his selection.


This year in July, I had the opportunity to market St Paul’s overseas for international students in China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

One of the highlights was a dinner held in Taipei for families, ex-students and agents. Apart from myself, we had two presenters, Miller Lien who gave a power point presentation as he and one of the other guests, Sophia visited St Paul’s and Tihoi last year. They came to New Zealand and visited our school because they had been inspired by Joanne Yin who is mother of past students,

William and Patricia Han. Joanne had written in Chinese about William’s time at Tihoi and it was published in Taipei in 1997. I was then the librarian and managed to secure a copy for our library. I contacted Joanne through her daughter Patricia Han. Joanne lives in Hamilton, but was planning to be in Taipei during this time. Joanne kept the party going so to speak until I got there and she spoke very highly of our school. I can report that we have strong ambassadors in Taiwan. I thoroughly enjoyed Taipei and this function highlighted for me the necessity of developing and continuing relationships with our international community.



On the 19th of March, Navdeesh Singh-Thandi entered into the New Zealand National Rogaining Championships 2011, dubbed as the “Eve of the Harvest”, in Marlborough. Rogaining is an endurance sport that involves the competitor collecting points located on a map. The route choice is crucial as the terrain was tough and physically taxing. This event was held over 24 hours in which the competitor had to collect as many points as possible. Navdeesh performed extremely well, finishing 3rd in the Under 23 Men’s category. Although physically exhausted, Navdeesh is looking forward to the championship next year.

In July, the NavQuest Rogaine Team consisting of Navdeesh Singh-Thandi, Mantez Singh-Thandi, and James Hogg, gathered on the shore of Lake Taupo at Whakaipo Bay. The NavQuest Secondary School Rogaine was a three-hour event, where teams had to collect as many controls as possible – 20 on Map ’A’ and 20 on Map ’B’. The St Paul’s team started off well, with all the points on Map ’A’ collected in the first hour, with St Paul’s being the first school team to start on the second map with only an Open Team 30 seconds ahead. Top navigating from James and Mantez and quick point collecting by Navdeesh ensured that St Paul’s maintained the position and came in second overall. Another successful Rogaine experience for St Paul’s.


Nick began swimming when he was quite young and began to compete at the age of 10. He was selected to represent Waikato in regional competitions from age 12 onwards. Nick has won numerous medals and trophies over the years. He qualified and competed at Division 2 National Championships winning gold, silver and bronze.

He qualified and competed at 2010/2011 New Zealand Age Group Championship and Swimming New Zealand National Short Course Championships in Wellington. This year Nick was the recipient of the Bob Frankham Trophy for Male 14–16 years with the highest number of Championship points for 2010 in the Waikato Region. He has completed three years of the Waikato Academy for Young Achievers. Nick is currently a member of the Fairfield Swimming Club and is Coached by Ken Nixon. Nick enjoys the sport of swimming because of the people he swims with daily and the high degree of fitness it offers.


On 22 August this year, the annual North Island Cross Country relays were held in Taranaki on the local Stratford horse racing course. Representing the Waikato/ Bay of Plenty region as part of the Under 19 men’s team was Oliver Smith. The course consisted of a 3km loop through the race course that utilised the undulations and rough terrain of the environment. The conditions were ideal, with Mt Egmont, Mt Ngaruahoe and Mt Ruapehu all within clear view from the race course. Less than a week before the event, the track had been covered in over a foot of snow.

Oliver ran first and established a good lead over the rest of the field to put his team into first place, handing over to the second runner. The Waikato/Bay of Plenty lead was gradually extended throughout the race and they took the gold medal with a one minute, three second lead over their closest competitors.

Split timing results of the event showed that Oliver ran the second fastest time of the Waikato team.


This 2010/2011 BMX season has overall been a good one for Ryan Lewis. After winning the Oceania Championships in March, it set him up with a good mind set for the national championships in North Harbour. Training went well for the few weeks leading up to Nationals, but when it came down to the final, the result he was after slipped away leaving him in close second.

However Nationals weren’t Ryan’s main focus – UCI Supercross and the World Championships were. He spent the next three months for the European campaign with the New Zealand High Performance BMX team. This team is a combination of the top 12 BMX racers from across the country, aged 16 and over, including Sarah Walker and Marc Willers, two of the top elite BMX riders on the world stage.

As soon as school closed in July the whole team spent a week at the UCI World Cycling Centre in Switzerland. The Supercross track in Switzerland had big ’gaps’ (jumps), a huge starting ramp and smooth rhythm sections. Some of the ’gaps’ at Supercross were getting close to 40ft. With 97 riders racing in the 16-year-old boys’ age group, there were a few riders to pick through to find the top eight in the world. Ryan got through the first three qualifying races with three firsts. Ryan rode well to go on through to the quarter finals.

Unfortunately, Ryan drew lane eight which meant he started on the outside of the track, not so good when you have seven world-class riders on the inside of you leading into the first berm. He came out of the gate in third and moved across as quickly as possible. Being on the outside of the rest of the field, he was pushed wide on the first corner by the leaders. This let two more riders get underneath him, putting him into fifth, one place out from the transfer spot. Ryan almost passed the Ecuadorian rider for fourth but made a mistake and lost some momentum for the next straight. He crossed the line in fifth, one away from the transfer spot. His performance over the day puts him in the top 20 of 16-year-old BMX racers in the world. While not the result Ryan was looking for; he was nevertheless happy with how he went and can be very proud of his world ranking.


I went to the Te Awamutu Singing Competitions during the term three holidays and while I was there I was matched up against some very good singers – some of which had been taking lessons for over seven years. I have only been singing for two years, and this was my first amateur competition. While I was there, I had a lot of fun singing through some of my repertoire. I ended up singing five songs. All of my songs I got commended or higher, my best songs though were;

• “The Vagabond”, by Ralph Vaughan Williams, which I got 1st in 20th century art song with. I have performed it in front of a full audience three or four times and it is really one of the “put in my back pocket to pull out later” songs.

• “Sea Fever” by John Ireland which I got 3rd in solo song.

• “The people who walked in darkness” Handel from “The Messiah”. Even though I didn’t place with this song, I think it has great potential to improve with performance lessons.

Overall, with these results I came second in my age group scholarship, and received extremely good feedback from the judges. I look forward to singing this and “For Behold Darkness Shall Cover the Earth”, the recitative of the aria at carol service later this year.


Technology and Graphics Department

We have had another year full of creativity through design and practical application. Our graphics students have produced some great designs using the design process to problem solve a range of different design briefs. From surfboard designs to full beach house plans and section

design. The workshop classes have continued to produce projects to a high standard. The photos are a clear example of this. All students should be proud of the work they have produced throughout the year.

Success on the Kite Buggy Daniel Rust Callum and his work Sam Hunter Sam Savage Trying out the snakeboards Paul Newton-Jackson Callum Windley More year 12 engineering Andrew Bishop and Sam Savage Ethan Holmes Douglas McMullin Gus Verry Blake Gordon Ben Scott
Jaden Rouse Sam on his kite buggy Jonty Rae Toby Way Sean Kelliher Rhodri MacKenzie Euan Reynolds Year 11 Engineering Year 12 Engineering Gerard Needham Connor Roycroft Sam Robinson Rory Forde Malcolm Luman Mantez Singh-Thandi Jack Kelly

Art and Design

Harrietanne Embling David Rooney Ally French
Mili Posa Lashara Lim Kieran Merriman Melissa Latto Malcolm Luman Nina Phillips
Matt McLeod James Hogg Jaimee Hugo Jess Elliot Bon Scott

Creative Writing


“Bienvenue à la gare de Pau.”

It’s funny how the old sign looks different now. Nothing about this place has changed, but it’s different. The same dreary concrete building. Same faded graffiti on grimy walls. Even the layers of blackened gum and ash on the cobblestones are probably the same. The same, yet different.

A year ago, I stood rooted to the spot. Anchored under the sign with a white-knuckled grip on the plastic suitcase handle like it was a lifeline. My lifeline to home. Watching the mass of people pass, alone in the crowd. I held my worn hoodie closer against me for warmth, something familiar, my heart fluttering against my ribcage.

Her presence carved a path through the throngs of French at the train station. This train station. Businessmen, students and tourists parted as if before the bow of a boat. Maybe it was the din her stiletto boots were making that turned heads. “Clop clop clop,” like black leather horse shoes. Like a stereotype of a French lady brought to life, clad in chic shades of black and grey, walking towards me. Head held high she walked like a queen, making her way to the sign where stragglers are washed up. She approached, closer now.

Up close she was shorter than she seemed. No, not short, built on a smaller scale. Petite. I had three maybe four inches on her but she towered over me. The black fitted jacket wrapped around her didn’t quite do up at the bust; voluptuous. She made the extra weight look elegant somehow. The air she walked with implied it, and who dare suggest otherwise? She paused, in front of me now, hand poised on hip, little fingers flipping a dark tendril of hair behind her ear. The fine lines that frame deep chocolate eyes deepened as a slow smile warmed them, lifting her tanned cheeks. Tanned in winter?

The Latin blood, evident in her dark features and tiny build, rang in her voice as it commanded my attention, “Lizzi? Suismoi.” I stumbled after her, eyes on the uneven cobblestones, following those ten centimetre heels like a lost puppy. How is it possible to walk in such high heels?

Looking out the windows of her Renault Espace, the ride to my new ’home’ was a blur of street names, landmarks, her friend’s houses. Meaningless. She chattered away, commentating on the surroundings. “Voilà le lycée Louis Barthou, quand il ne pleut pas, tu pourrais y aller à pied.” Her voice washed over me, and I gave up struggling to pick out familiar words. I let the rise and fall of her voice sweep away all my efforts to translate what she was saying, watching her hands flourish with every phrase, underlining the meanings lost to me. Our first conversation. One-sided.

I sank in my seat, weighed down by fatigue as well as thoughts of home and the long year ahead of me. I scrubbed my eyes, driving away tears. How would I last here for an entire year if I couldn’t understand a word of what she was saying? What made me think I could do this? Away from home, family, friends, everything I know. Panic rising, my throat constricts as I take short, shallow breaths. No. I will not cry. Not from self-pity. I

have to make it through, I got this far.

Being at this place, seeing that sign again makes me realise how very blessed I am. I still follow her over those dirty cobblestones that pave the crooked side streets of this little town. My town. She glides through the crowd with me in tow, my little black boots babies of her stilettos. “Clop clop clop,” so familiar now. The smell of old cigarette smoke on the chilly breeze, the clatter of heels on the paved footpaths, the crazy French driving, Oh! The French cuisine where meals are elaborate, rich, sumptuous works of art. Walking home to the smell of her cooking wafting on the breeze. Voices shouting in the streets, the poetry of their language. My language. I’ll miss it. I can almost feel the ache now, knowing how much I’ll miss it. I see the stragglers under the decrepit sign, almost laughing at the irony; watching them with the crowd’s eyes. French.

The crisp wind tugs at my grey cashmere scarf; my Christmas gift from her. I wrap my fitted black jacket snug around me. I look fondly down at her, memories echo in my head. Crying, shouting, laughing, and arguing scenes from the past year jumble my thoughts, prick my eyes with salty tears. I’m so lucky, so blessed. What girl can say she has two families? The tears spill over, staining my cheeks with trickling black mascara. My first mascara; the one she gave me. I love her and I need to tell her. “Je t’aime.” Her south-western accent pulls at my syllables now too. I can hear it all now; her accent, mine, theirs. Subtleties picked up over time. One year. So long, too short. She isn’t wearing waterproof mascara either; her expression mirrors mine. She hugs me close so warm and comforting. Mmm, her perfume ’Flower on the Nile’ by Hermés, Paris. “Lizzi you are a little bit my only daughter, I love you too,” she whispers, voice choked with tears.

I don’t call her ’Host Mum’ anymore, just ’Maman.’ Going back home, leaving my new home. I miss you Marie.


Rain. Damn rain.

I can hear it. Lashing at the window behind my back. I wish it would break. Shatter inwards and drive the monotony from this room. I’ve spent the last week, my eyes lost. Trapped, tracing the pattern of my layers dull, brown suit. Counting, and recounting the exactly 156 holes in each identical tile above my head, just in case they changed. Running my hands over the bumps and ridges of the wooden paneled walls, feeling every small splinter scratching at my fingertips. My whole world is viewed through a sepia filter, its boring brown colour washing over every surface in the room, and seeping into every crack and corner.

That hotshot lawyer stands up on the other side of the room. He’s trying to make some dramatic point. Emphasising it, with a flurry of rapid hand signals and gestures. His enthusiasm doesn’t suit his carefully done, laid back, image. His black pinstripe suit. Tailored, I bet, for a small fortune. His black hair is slicked back and greasy, and he continually runs his hands through it

nervously. Spreading that grease onto every surface within the reach of his wiry arm. He drives a Porsche, I’m sure. With his handcrafted Italian golf clubs in the trunk. He probably can’t even play. Just plays the part.

He’s really ripping into me now. I can’t focus enough to hear, or pay attention to it, but I can see it. It’s in the way his hands move, getting more and more frantic, until they are a whirlwind around his head. He keeps pointing at me as well, as if he’s already proved to the jury that I’m a criminal. His black eyes light up with the cruel excitement of the hunt. I hate this guy.

I glare at my lawyer. Why doesn’t he say anything? He just sits there. I wonder if he’s as lost as I am. He doesn’t care though. It’s not his life on the line. He’s playing lazily with the ends of that stupid white moustache. Twirling them around between his nicotine stained fingertips. He’s got the ponytail too. All he needs now is a cowboy hat, boots and an overly large belt buckle, and you’d have your typical Texan Oil Baron.

He shrugs lazily at me. No help there.

I look up from the table I’ve spent the last half hour examining, and see my friend, with his hand on a bible. He heads for the witness stand. My heart rises. My spirits soar. He seemed stressed when we spoke last night. He’s under a lot of pressure not to back me. Might even lose his job. But I know he’ll pull through. I’ve known him my whole life, and I have faith in him. He sees me looking at him, and looks away. He looks sick. Pale and fretting. He refuses to meet my eye as he takes the stand. My soaring spirits stop their ascent.

There’s a school field trip that I’ll never forget. Me and my friend were 12 at the time. Been best friends our whole lives. We were inseparable; walked home together, played together, and got in trouble together. Regularly.

“You two!” the teacher snapped as we disembarked the bus, “come here!” A nasty piece of work, with blood red nails, matching lipstick, and enough weight to dent the pavement as she walked. “I’ve had enough of you two, and your mischief! One step out of line today, and no more field trips for the rest of the year!” we dutifully agree that this is fair, and walk off, hiding identical our smirks.

Of course it didn’t take long for trouble to sniff us out. At the time, we were minding our own business, when my friend decides a fellow student has paid him a dire insult. Not two seconds after he’s tossed this helpless kid from the track, down a steep hill, she’s there. Pulling at my ear. Screeching her rage, at me, on the top of her enormous lungs.

She thinks it was me! She’s furious. My mum will kill me. No one will believe me when I say I didn’t do it. I look, frantically, at my friend. Appealing to him. Urging him to tell the truth. He refuses to meet my eye. I grab at his arm, and for a second our eyes connect, and I see it – A glint. The briefest flash of his true character. A sea of selfish, self-serving thoughts, all telling him to save himself – and

then it’s gone. Leaving me questioning what I saw at all. “Get out of here!” teacher snaps at him. He hangs his head, turns tail, and runs. “You! …” and she rounds on me. I couldn’t stay mad for long. He apologised sincerely, swore to me that he’d changed. He even declined all his future trips that year to stay with me, and to this day we are still best friends.

He’s changed. I know he has. That boy I saw on that field trip is dead, replaced with an honest, loyal friend. I have faith in him. He’d never sell me out. Would he?

But as I look up, he’s there. Sitting in the witness stand. Pale. Sweating. He takes a nervous gulp of water, spilling most of it down his wrinkled shirt. He keeps sending anxious glances in my direction, but he’s not meeting my eye.

Behind my back, the thunder booms against the window, making it rattle alarmingly in its frame. The dark swollen clouds obliterate the last of the natural light in the room, leaving it dimly lit by the stark fluorescent lights. After a second, they spill their guts noisily on the roof.

Across the room, the hotshot clicks open his briefcase. He sifts around briefly, and removes an official looking sheaf of paper, which he taps into shape, importantly on the table. He approaches the stand. My heart is throbbing to the beat of the thunder. I’m sweating now. On the edge of my seat. My hands clutch the table edge.

Suddenly, an enormous burst of lightening fills the room, making us all jump, and for a second I meet his eye. I see something. A trick of the light? No. A brief glimmer. A glint. Just like all those years ago. He looks away, and I see shame etched on his face. We both know what he’s going to do. I see through the deception, and pretense of the years since that field trip. I hang my head in resignation. I guess we never really change.


CRASH! The window breaks with a satisfying sound. I pause and wait. No blaring alarms to herald my presence. I enter ashamed of myself. My strict moral compass cannot deter me from stealing anything I can pawn for a quick buck. Usually I could busk and round up some cash but winter has been tough here in the Waikato. No one feels like coming outside and my fingers have been too numb to play the guitar. I had even considered going back home to the warm house. But that would mean living under the rule of those two tyrants and that was not going to happen. So I enter the house.

I work quickly knowing that if anyone gets wind of this operation I could be going to a slammer. That was not going to happen. I hate being contained. That was one of the reasons why I left my home. I felt guilty at leaving them. But I couldn’t stand them anymore. Now six months


later I was completely independent not answering to anything but myself, so why this damn guilt? This was something that I would have to resolve at a later date.

The house was cold and modern but there were signs of love wherever I looked. Unique carvings and children’s drawings collaged the fridge. I go to this first and give myself a much needed feed. The food was expensive, French cheese, Italian sausages and all sorts of food for those with expensive tastes. I eat all the chocolate I can find and walk away from the fridge feeling more sated than I had ever been for a long time.

I rifle through the house becoming a tornado that sucked up anything of value but did not spit it back out again. I turn off my moral compass and allow myself to become emotionless save for the will to survive. I’m like a force of nature; nothing will escape me and my back pack of thievery. With the pack back half full I go upstairs. From up here I can see the winding Waikato River snaking away to the distance.

I enter a small room with nothing but a table with a very ornate statue on top. The statue is beautifully crafted, obviously an heirloom to the family of the house. I pick it up and am surprised by the weight of the statue. With a flare of guilt I place it in my pack back. The statue will be sorely missed, but my need is great. I could sell this thing for at least a few hundred smacks. I walk down stairs lost in thought and rocked with guilt. I can hear a faint siren in the distance. A little blinking red light catches my eye. This snaps my unfocused mind back to the reality of my situation. There is some writing next to the red blinking light.

“Armour guard …” I muse. Then the realisation of what this blinking light on this strange white box is. It was a silent alarm! The blinking light must mean I had tripped it when I entered the house! Sure enough the siren I heard was getting unbearably loud.

I bolt out the backdoor to the yard. It was huge, more like a soccer pitch than someone’s backyard. There were no trees for cover and no ditches to hide in. I sprint across the field. Shouts for me to stop hail me from behind. No, I was not going to stop. I couldn’t. My gait was causing my heavy back pack to slap against my back, giving me bruises. I pause and tighten my bag straps making the backpack cling to me like a small child. I decide to try lose them on the nearby river bank.

Ten minutes on and the cops still aren’t relenting their pursuit. My legs are two dead appendages on my body. I’m jogging along the river bank with a bag that weighs a tonne. These cops weren’t going to accept an apology now; I was resisting arrest by running. I had an idea and my screaming body begged me to do it. SPLASH! I jumped into the river.

The cold water sapped my resolve but I forced myself to push on. If I could get across the river the cops would have a hard time following. I can no longer touch the bottom of the river bed so I swim into the river proper. I’m having a hard time keeping my head above water. Harder than I thought I would. With a horrible moment of realisation I realise why I’m slowly drowning. My backpack with the statue was dragging me down to the bottom.

I could not get my backpack off my back. My hands were to cold and the straps were too tight. I flail about in the water, trying to grab a mouthful of air. The current sweeps me away

dragging me across rocks and branches. I push off when I get my feet under me and I grab a lung full of air then I crash back into the water; and I’m dragged back into the current.

I have lost all my strength and feebly paddle up towards the surface. It’s no use. I sink and watch the light flit through the water. I no longer feel the cold. All I feel is the weight on my heart. I feel guilty for all the people I have hurt, most of all my parents and the people that I stole off. The statue on my back still tugs at me. And at the bottom of the river I realise. Me, my statue, and my guilt are all responsible for my predicament. We are all the same. I close my eyes and accept my fate.

There is a light. I look up and try to get a grip on my surroundings. The realisation that I was not dead shocked me. Looking around I could see that I had washed up under a bridge. The light was blinding I look towards it. There basking in sunlight was the statue. It was reflecting sunlight into the shadow of the bridge illuminating me. I knew what I had to do. I stand pick up the statue and start walking. I had to ease my guilt.


I pull out my phone. 5:13am blinks at me, momentarily blinding and it takes my eyes a second or two to readjust to the lack of light. My head still feels a bit odd, like there’s a handful of marbles inside, rolling around and making the weight on my neck unbalanced and unsure. Coupled with this is the constant echoing throb which comes with dehydration.

The sand dunes are bordered by light blue, glowing from my perspective 200 metres down the road from the far end of the beach. Despite my distance, I can hear the lapping of the ravenous sea dragging the water back out again. The water reaches right inside my head and washes away the marbles, washes away the feelings of artificial euphoria created by the drinks from the night before and replaces them with cold emptiness. I take a shuddering breath and continue up the road towards the sand dunes.

Everything feels more difficult without the warm buzz, which last night had steadily grown since my first drink of the evening. I can no longer hide behind the veneer of confidence, which comes hand in hand with the artificial warmth and is the main reason I like to drink. I prefer it to being alone with just me, as I am.

This feeling has been a whisper in my thoughts for the past year. A shadow which I like to remain hidden in the corner of my mind and pretend it’s not there. Now it thrives in the darkness of the early morning and seeps in to my brain until it’s all I can think about, all I can feel. When you strip away the glossy layer of parties, unhealthy hobbies and friends who aren’t real, there’s nothing but sheer loneliness. This isn’t where I want to be; caught up in a whirlwind where the things I truly care about have been pushed aside and are gathering dust, where all I want is to start everything again and make a different impression. One of a person people will like and admire.

The sand feels like cold velvet on my feet as I step from the gravel cul-de-sac on to the sand dunes. I walk over them until the beach is in clear view, the rotten, salty smell filling my lungs. The wind is sharp and freezing and whips around me

making my eyes water. At the end of the beach there’s a large family of rocks which wrap around the headland. They jut out in a bell shape, littered with small rock pools and disorganized shellfish. I scramble over the rocks towards the water, occasionally cutting my hands on oyster shells and slipping on seaweed, but numb to the resulting sensations of the nature against my skin due to the sickening mental ache which rages on inside my head like a hopeless battle. The closer I get, the more desperate I become. I’m searching for something, but I don’t know what it is.

When I meet the edge of the rocks, I realise why I chose the freedom and power of the beach. My hopeless fear and anguish are still caught up in momentum and are blown away, over the edge by a wind which suddenly doesn’t seem so cold and unpleasant anymore. Its abrupt coldness washes over me like a refreshing, icy shower and casts its way through my hair. The smell of the salt is no longer sickening, but healing as it reaches down inside of me and mends the scars which have been in place for so long. My hands reach out towards the corners of the horizon and I close my eyes so I can focus on the tiny, quick droplets of water from the waves, which scatter around on my face making me sparkle in the rising sun. Suddenly there’s warmth radiating through me, originating from deep inside. I feel like I might be glowing, golden against the browns and blues of the beach, and visible to all from miles away.

I pull out my phone again. It’s lighter now and the LED display screen doesn’t blind me as I read the date; the first of the first. New year, new beginnings, fresh start. There’s something about this spot, which makes me feel like nothing really matters so much anymore. I have the sloping water as it cascades over the edges of the rocks from each wave. I have the exfoliating sensation of the weathered rocks against my bare feet. I have the radiant, glowing atmosphere as the sun rises further across the morning sky. I take a seat and dip my toes in to the hurrying waves. The shadow from the cliff face behind me slips away as the minutes go by, freeing the sun, which bathes me in its joyful warmth. I sit as still as I can with the bare necessities of life, becoming a part of my surroundings. There’s something far bigger and more powerful out there than I can even imagine, and the thought of this calms me. I don’t know how long I sit there for; until I can hear the ecstatic cries of youth playing in the water and the gentle hum of the small beach township as it awakens.

As I walk back over the sand dunes now scattered with families and clusters of teenagers I know for sure the sea doesn’t hold grudges or keep regrets. Who could guess the same sea that casts such happiness today could harbour grey skies and storms which blur the horizon?

There’s something about the sea which breathes forgiveness; something so pure, clean and refreshing, which is why when I return to the street I’m filled with the strongest sense of hope.


My legs can’t spin any faster. I sprint, clenching onto my jandals trying to go as unnoticed as possible. “Damn it!”

I’m caught by the crackled “oii” yelled from Nana Jeanie. A plump old M¯aori lady perched uncomfortably on her ancient weathered chair, outside the little blue house. Inhaling one last puff from the butt of her morning smoke she draws it from her creased lips. She softly taps it on the ash tray and draws it back again. “When are you going to give up Nana?” Dark eyes glance at me, sinking into her wrinkled cheeks. “Look here!” she snapped back at me. She’s still dressed in her ragged second hand clothes ten sizes too big, that fold into her, while her wooly rainbow tea cozy keeps her head warm. Nana’s careless about her image. The torn green slippers still retain their place on her feet. They only come off when she uses them on the “rat bags” as Nana likes to say.

“Ouuw” Thankfully! We are interrupted by the long dinging of her old oven. She trots through the rattling door. My mouth waters from the fresh smell of scones. Soon enough Nana Jeanie arrives back to her seat with her fresh cheese scones alongside her tea and shares them out. Nana Jeanie wasn’t at all your type of selfish person. In fact she was far from it, her belongings were everyone else’s. By this time most of the whanau is crowded around the porch of Nana’s little blue house ready for some good kai!

Some days Nana Jeanie wasn’t on her normal spot on the porch. She would be plumped on her old sofa watching her favorite TV soap, “Days of Our Lives.” Sluggishly munching away at her Minties rolling the wrappers into miniature wine glasses, placing them on her little side table that was in her reach. One day that table was going to topple from the weight of old Maori history books and magazines that were stacked on it.

Getting called into Nana Jeanie’s house was sometimes such a hassle! “Could you just clean all the cupboards for me dear? I can’t bend down that far now.” Well, I couldn’t say no to Nana. After slaving away at the cupboards for a few hours she would always grant me with some ’pocket money’ from her little purse that sat in the bowl on the bench with her lighters and cigarettes. She always got me to add up her coins and give her a tally, the notes were an exciting deal to Nana. “All right here you go, now I could do with a choc bar.” Well that’s that money gone, I always thought to myself. I returned from the dairy with a few lollies and the left over change from her ice-block. I would always choose the sour lollies, only because I knew Nana would rummage through picking out her favorites. She didn’t like the sour ones.

Nana Jeanie loved her night time stories her favorite being ’Naughty boy Johnny who threw plums at the old lady.’ She also loved yakking on about how sorry she felt for the poor kids too. Nana Jeanie was good at telling stories. They always came to me like a movie in my head. At nights I would wriggle round trying to find a comfy spot in her springy old bed. The moth ball aroma spreading around my face as the air puffed from the feather pillows she had pulled from the cupboard. Plumping herself at the edge of


the bed she began her story telling. As much as I love Nana Jeanie’s stories I hated the daddy long legs. They liked to creep down the walls towards me. I loved to complain. “ohhh.. Look here, SHUTUP! Nana would tell me “stop being a sook, the spiders are my friends.” She even liked to name them! Slowly pulling herself from the mattress trotting towards me she bent down and planted a smokey peck on my check. Adjusting herself straight she hobbled out of the room her long nighty fluttering behind her and out into the dining area, where she lay for the night. I could always hear her old radio searching loudly for a station until it would finally tune in. Unknowingly realising I was kept awake. Nana Jeanie wasn’t much of a sleeper, she much preferred reading or just lying on her couch enjoying the entertainment from her radio, until the early hours of the morning. Which was around the time she would start to prepare porridge for Granddad and me. I was always woken quite early whenever I came to stay.

Nowadays, I don’t mind slowly walking past Nana Jeanie’s little blue house and getting the call in. The occasional chat has become more enjoyable and meaningful to me now. Nothing’s changed. She’s still plumped on her porch, dressed in the old work clothes of Dad’s. Nana Jeanie wasn’t one who dressed in the better sort of clothes, that didn’t bother her either. Her weathered chair still remains although the green slippers had their time. She’d replaced them with Mum’s second hand running shoes. Nana had pulled the laces from them so they were similar to her old slip-ons. Although now I see she’s smoking away at a rolled up Mintie paper from the ones she had chewed away at. “So when are you giving up Nana?” lowering the rolled paper from her lips and tapping it on the ash tray. “I try.”


The chants are deafening.

Russell! Russell! Russell!

They want me. They want me to perform. They want my beats. I can do it. I’ll make them wait a minute more, till they really want me, then I’ll step up.

The applause thundered through the chapel as I walked to the front. Do I look cool? I better, this is my time to shine!

The drum kit sat in the corner, waiting for me. Waiting for me to bring it to life. With my drumsticks in hand, I knew exactly what to do. I assumed my rightful place on the drum throne, looked out at my hungry subjects, and began.

Start off soft, I thought to myself. Work up to a big finisher, yeah that’ll really get them going. I quietly tap away at the snare drum, slowly getting faster and louder. I can see the faces of the people in the front row, their eyes glued to me. The drum kit was no longer dormant. I had brought it to life. After playing a lightning fast fill, I know I have them, hook line and sinker. Let’s step it up a notch. Now I’m really feeling it. The adrenaline, the crowd, the fame, the glory. I move to some really technical beats, stuff that I’d never even played before. I can tell by the gaping mouths of the audience that they are dazzled and amazed. I’m a rock star. I’ve never felt so good!

Now I’m really going for it. My hands are moving so fast they turn into a blur. Pssssssh! Crack! Bang! Bang! BANG! The sounds of cymbals ring in my ears. I swear you could hear me from space. The crowd was now truly blown away. As I look out on their faces I try to think of a finisher. Go out with a bang, I thought to myself. I’ve got it!

I give everything I’ve got on this last fill, the crowds going to love this. Just as I hit the last few notes I toss my stick into the air. Don’t screw up … Don’t screw up … You can’t screw up! There is a peaceful silence while the stick floats through the air for what feels like an eternity. The crowd is on the edge of their seat. I hold my breath. My gut drops as my hand reaches out to grasp the stick. Dammit! It’s just out of my reach! I look in dismay as it twirls and drops to the ground. This can’t be happening! I had played everything perfect! So much for a big finisher. Out of my panic and desperation I close my eyes and thrust my hand downwards towards the cymbal.

My eyes open to a roaring audience, all madly clapping their hands together. They didn’t care about the dropped stick, they still loved me. The booming applause kept blasting through the chapel as I bowed and enjoyed my last moments in the spotlight. I take one last look out to my loyal fans, a moment I will never forget. The show had finished, the people had left, but the adrenaline was still pumping through my veins as I launched myself into bed and tried to get some sleep.

The next day I still felt amazing. Dozens of people telling me how great I was, nothing could kill this buzz! Nothing, except for English. My rock star life was over and now I had to get back to the real world. As I open the creaky door and step inside the cool air conditioned class room I prepare myself for another torturous English lesson. I find myself confronted by Miss D. She has her blood red cardigan draped over her as her silky brown hair sways just above her shoulders. Something is different. I notice an extra-large smile painted on her face. “Your creative writing is going to be about your astonishing drum solo” she said with that huge grin still on her face. But where do I start …?

Russell … Russell … Russell!


Elegantly drifting through the clouds, nothing in this world could phase this graceful creature. Suddenly the cliff envelops the bird. Without a care in the world it floats off trying to find a new beginning in another world. This for me is my one and only love. I swing, back and forth, on the old creaking rocking chair. I take in the surrounding view, sounds and smell. Perching myself on the old, antique like house. I made myself feel like a king. The waves’ crashing against the cliffs was the only sound that I could hear. Tick, tick, tick. I remembered Mums’ words before I left.

“Be home before dark”

The sun had just met with the horizon. I was faced with the daunting long bike home, on the rusty old bike that Dad had bought me when I was five that I left stood up against the weathered away “for sale” sign. I quickly scurried to the bike, stuffing all my work into an old leather satchel. I pulled the bike onto its two slightly deflated tires. One foot on the pedal and I pushed off and started the journey home.

The brakes screeched as I pull up beside the front door. The smell of pork bone and puha fill the air. I pushed open the half rotten, wooden door. My hand stuck to the greasy doorknob. Mother greeted me with a hug; I was nearly crushed by her arms. The sweat on her forehead. Shaking arms. I could tell something was wrong. She didn’t say a thing though, not one hint at all. Dad slowly strolled in out of the dark computer room; flickering lights softly filled the next door room.

“Hurry up, where’s my dinner. I am nearly done in here.” “Mum” I quietly said, “I’m not that hungry, I think I might just go to bed”

I lay quietly, searching for something in my mind that was worth thinking about. All I could think about was the old wooden antique house. The cliff, the crashing waves, the birds. All these things brought serenity to my life. I was starting to drift off now. “thud, thud, thud”

I was awoken and alarmed by the noise outside. I crept to the window. The old red velvet curtain made a crinkling noise. I peeped through the gap I had slyly made in the curtains. It was Dad. The sweat that had formed on my brow dropped away. I let out a sigh of relief. I lay back down and dozed away into the night.

I was awoken early to the sea breeze that rushed passed my window. It was early, extremely early. The sun had not risen yet. I decided that I was going to get that drawing that I had been waiting for all my life. The sun radiating down on the ocean from behind my head.

“What a wonderful picture” I exclaimed to myself quietly.

I picked up my old bike. I pushed off. The last bit of red paint was scraped off the side of my bike. I stopped. Something wasn’t right. I wasn’t too sure what it was though. There. It hit me. A new ’for sale’ sign and it already had a sold sign slapped on it.

I panicked; I didn’t know what to do. I just started biking to the old house. I seemed to blank out.

Later that day, Mum and Dad turned into the long drive way of the new house. The moving men weren’t there yet. All that was at the house was the old rusted bicycle, that used to be red.


Today … Today is the day that I, Donald Ross, will become the UCI BMX World Champion for under sixteen boys age group. I’d done all the prep beforehand in the gym, on the track and smashing out the sprint workouts at either 4.30 in the morning or 9 o’clock at night. I’d done it all. Now all I needed was a clear mind space, food, drink and the finish line. I had practiced on the track the Monday and Tuesday before racing and I felt really good out of the gate and over the jumps. Every single thing that could be done on the track I felt good about except one jump. The third triple into the first corner. Everyone was talking about it and how

big it was. I had done it once in practice but came up a little short; I wasn’t feeling too confident over it. I guess it was all on for my first Moto to see how the day was going to pan out. Soon enough first Moto crept around and I was on the gate ready to go. The gate dropped and I ploughed out of it like a charging bull. I made the first two jumps so low and smooth, but blew it on the triple and didn’t jump. After the race I was, to be expected, happy with my result but I was still anxious about the third triple. It was starting to worry me. Second and third Motos flew around and still no luck with boosting this beast! So that was all three Motos over and now was the elimination rounds, which is not the time to be trying big jumps! As I sat in the pit area getting ready for elimination rounds I thought to myself “What have I got to lose? I have no World Plate currently and here I was with the world title plate up for grabs, and the only thing holding me back was a pile of dirt! “I have to do it this lap!” I shouted loudly. Everyone around me gave me the “aye?” look. I was buzzing! Somehow my whole mood had changed towards this jump. Before I knew it I was on the gate ready to go again … Bang, the gate dropped and I flew out of it and down the first straight in second place. But not for long. Brraaaaaaappp, I blew past another rider after clearing the third triple so smooth and clean! I finished the race and I was buzzing! I knew I could do it now, I knew I could become World Champion! I made it through the next two elimination rounds intact and now it was finals time. It all came down to this … no more playing around. It was time to lay it all on the table.

I rolled onto the gate for the seventh and final time with a clear head, a pair of fired up legs and a load of determination to win the World Plate! “Set up riders!” called the starter. I stood up and waited for the gate call to start. “Ok rider’s random start … Rider’s ready watch the gate … Beep beep beep beeeeep!” I was off! I bolted out of the gate and down the ramp quicker than I ever had before! I would say what it felt like with everyone around me but I couldn’t see them! I was way out front riding my own race and wining the World Championship Final!

I gapped the triple like I’d done it a million times. This was my time. I kept it tapped all the way down the second and third straight and finally the last straight. I was the smoothest dude on the track. I was so excited! Going down the last straight I knew I had it. The smell, the taste, the sound, the feel of winning was all around me as I threw my fist in the air with glory as I rode over the finish line in first place! I’d done it! Today … Today I Donald Ross became the UCI BMX World Champion for under sixteen boys age group!


He closes his eyes and breathes in the cool, crisp air. Sounds from below him drift up. Voices, many of them, loud and excited.


He is high, about twenty metres up. He can see the crowds below, eyes tracking his movements. A wave of anxiety washes over him. He’s not worried about the height, nah,


he’s done bigger jumps than this. It’s what he’s about to attempt that’s got his heart pounding. A backflip. Not just any backflip, but a triple. The world’s first on a BMX bike. He laughs quickly, perhaps a little unconvincingly. He imagines it, landing this legendary trick here in his homeland, little old New Zealand. The thought puts a wide grin on his face, but then he slips back to reality and his pulse increases again.

He goes over it in his head, visualising the jump. One rotation, two, three. His breath quickens and his heart is racing. Slowly he wheels his bike forward, the spokes clicking softly. The makeshift wooden ramp creaks as he puts his weight on it to lean forward and have a look over the edge. It was a scary drop. They had angled the ramp more than usual for this trick, and it was the steepest jump he had ever done. He put a shaking foot on the metal pedal, and tensed his arms. An image suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. It was him, lying at the bottom of the practice ramp, wheezing and clutching his aching ribs, head pounding like a drum. He remembered the paramedics running over to him, the worry etched onto their faces. The only reason he wasn’t severely injured was just because he was extremely lucky.

“Should I really do this?” He murmurs. “Can I…?” He shivers, but not because of the chilling breeze. He tries not to think of the consequences of failing this extremely dangerous trick, but the thoughts slowly slip into his head. Broken bones, paralysis…death. All are very likely possibilities if he crashes.

Year 9 Poetry


When the leaves fall

Sounds of tip-tapping fills the air

But all the leaves must grow again

Now it’s spring’s time to make the change

Petals like butterflies

Branches as hands

Scent as beautiful as the colour it bears

Spring smiles upon the now beautiful earth

Passes its load to summer

And waits for its turn again to do its wonders.


White sparkles drift from the sky

Covering the world in a fluffy white blanket

Winds howl through naked trees

The announcer below starts to get the crowd going.

“Come on, let’s get him pumped up!”

The loud metallic voice booms through the speakers and the crowd roars with renewed anticipation. He shakes his head, and just like that his doubts are forced away, to the back of his mind and only one option remains. He steels himself and focuses all of his attention to one small spot at the bottom of the ramp, and then, in one quick movement he pushes himself over the edge.

For a second he feels a sense of weightlessness, and then he speeds up, getting faster and faster until everything but the ramp is a smudge of colour in his vision. He hits the take-off ramp perfectly and throws his weight backwards, his muscles burning as if on fire. One flip, two. His angle is slightly off, like it was in practice, but he has no time to do anything about it. Three! He lands perfectly, and relief floods through his veins as he drops the bike to the ground. His team crowds around him, already celebrating wildly. He allows himself a laugh, and feels all of the pressure drain out of him. He’d done it! Cameras were flashing wildly as he raised his arms above him and cheered. He saw people in the crowd, calling his name, and he heard the announcer’s voice over the loud-speaker again.

“What a bloody legend!”

Grass no longer green

No signs of life only icicles as sharp as knives

It is a beautiful sight

Even if there is no sunlight

The water is frozen hard

Like the snow in the yard

You have to be very bold to withstand the cold

As the world begins to warm Brand new creatures are born.


On the golden sandy shelly beaches

I look at the golden bikini bodies

That camouflage into the sand, I look at the sea

And taste the salt from the waves

As they roar up the beach

Then up I get

And race down to the surf

I jump in with my boogie board

Feel the cold water on my body

I play in the waves all day

This all happens on a sunny summer day.


The sun in the sky shines like gold

Its rays blaze down on birds chirping in the trees

Fresh dew drips off the grass in the early morning sun

Trees gently sway from side to side in the fresh morning breeze

Smell of pollen fills the air along with the buzzing of bees

Mooing of massive cows happily chewing on grass can be heard

Trees muscular branches creak in the wind

This is spring.


On a Wednesday in June, normal teaching was suspended and our students took part in activities based around the theme of ’Iconic’ Kiwi symbols which included body painting (won by Hamilton House), painting of an A1 board (Williams House), chalk art (Hall and School Houses), clay sculpture (Sargood House), wire sculpture (Clark House), scavenger hunt (Clark House), photography (School House), production of a short film (School House), and finally, the entertaining Lip-Sync (Hamilton House) to popular New Zealand songs. School House took out the coveted Marty Wong Trophy, closely followed by Sargood and Hamilton who tied for second place.

On Friday, 3rd June, the week culminated in the House Drama Competition. Little separated the Houses, who performed plays on the theme of ’Traditional Maori Legends’ and the standard of performance was impressive.

Matt Moana (Year 9) was selected as the Best Actor on the day for his performance as Maui. Matt’s performance showed a pride in the process of rehearsal and performance and a real talent for acting. Every word he spoke was audible and delivered with energy and strong characterisation.


House chess was held on Saturday 17 September with a seven round robin draw played. The teams consisted of four boys and one girl.

The final results were:

1st – Hamilton House with 37.5 points

2nd – School House with 34.5 points

3rd – Fitchett House with 29 points

4th – Clark House with 23.5 points

5th – Hall House with 20 points

6th – Sargood House with 19.5 points

7th – Williams House with 3 points

The Hamilton House players were Chang Zhai, Edward Tseng, James Lin, Big Taechameekietichai and Nina Lee. The top boarding House was Clark with Jung Xue, Andrew Huang, Marcus Ground, Matt MacLeod and Belinda Pedersen. Three tied for the best girl player scoring 4.5 out of 6 and they were Nina Lee, Melissa Oosterwijk and Belinda Pedersen.

Chalk Art Industry Liam O’Donoghue paints for his house Anjena
Sargood boys working on the pav

Athletics Day

Unfortunately the weather was not too kind for this year’s St Paul’s Athletics Championships, with extremely heavy rain falling just after 1.00pm, causing a number of the field events to be delayed until the following Monday. However, despite the challenges posed by the weather, the event ran extremely smoothly, thanks to the excellent organisation of Martin Holmes, Gary Henley-Smith, Paul Wilson and Peter Gilbert; and support provided by the School’s staff. The competitors strived hard for their personal bests on the track and in the field – with the commitment and effort clear from the expressions on their faces. While an excellent barometer of the spirit and culture within the School at present is evident, it was the enthusiastic and passionate manner in which each House provided support for their peers competing.

1st point winners House Points


Senior Boys: Scott Hilliar, Lucien

Nabbs Clark and School 32 each

Intermediate Boys: Blake Gordon Hall 32

Junior Boys: Joel Taylor Clark 33

Girls: Ally French Hall 36

Road Relay

Another afternoon of intense inter-house competition in May saw 210 students slogging it out on the footpaths of the streets that border St Paul’s. A high standard of performance was evident with the standout individual efforts coming from Jack Davies, Hamish Black and Adam McCarthy on the junior course and Ezra Berridge and Jacob Robb on the intermediate course.

Ollie Smith, James Mason and Scott Hilliar were 30 seconds faster than any of the other runners on the

Pieneman Cup Girls’ Athletics Ally French HL/HR

Jonathon Ward Trophy Open 4x400m InterHouse Relay

Henley-Smith Trophy Open 4x100m InterHouse Relay

Williams House

Hall House

Lowry Bros Cup Overall InterHouse Relay Hall House

Meiklejohn Cup Overall Inter-House Athletics

Hall House

senior course and in the girls’ event, Teagan Voykovich, Lizzy Rajan, Claire Sayer and Geraldine Fish stood out with their performances. Clark House performed best on the day and took out the top points.

Trophy For Winner House Cup Jnr Individual Field Events
Swanson SC Gregg Cup Jnr Individual Athletics
Hewitt Cup Int Individual Field Events
Tauranga Cup Int Individual Athletics Blake Gordon HL Thorrold Cup Snr Individual Field Events
Mann WL
Yarndley Cup Snr Individual Athletics Scott Hilliar
Nabbs CL SC
Sherriff Cup Girls’ Field Events Talya Thomas SA/HR
Peter takes over Josh Mann makes the leap Teagan on the pace Sargood in the lead Clark House heads them off

24 Hour Relay for Charity

On the first weekend of term two the Boarding Houses and quite a number of day students, participated in the annual 24-Hour relay around a half a kilometre course in the school grounds to raise money for charities. Our students approached the event with real enthusiasm and commitment.

Top performers in each House were as follows:

Sargood House

(Canteen – Youth Cancer – $1,500 raised)

Patrick Sauni – 176 laps or 83Km

Harington Boarding

(SAFE – $870 raised)

Meg Morbey and Brittany Smith – 136 laps each

Clark House

(Autism New Zealand and CF – $4,800 raised)

Jamieson Madgwick – 145 Laps

Williams House

(Christchurch Earthquake Appeal – $650 raised)

Tommy Moss – 256 Laps

Cross Country

Two weeks after the Road Race, the school walked over to the grounds of Porritt Stadium to compete in the annual Cross Country Championship. In overcast conditions, the rain just held off, although the ground underfoot proved quite soft and slippery for the runners. This worked well for our overall winners, Hall House.

The junior event proved particularly close with only one second separating the top three place getters, but overall the standard of participation, enthusiasm and ultimately competition remained high in all the age divisions.

Final results were as follows:

Junior Boys Senior Boys

1st Hamish Black 1st Scott Hilliar

2nd Adam McCarthy 2nd James Mason

3rd Jack Davies 3rd Jonty Rae

Intermediate Boys Girls

1st Daniel Goodwin 1st Teagan Voykovich

2nd Jacob Robb 2nd Lizzy Rajan

3rd Ollie Tomic 3rd Claire Sayer

Our thanks go to Mr Martin Holmes and his team of staff for their excellent organisation of both the House Relay and Cross Country Championship.

The participants received tremendous support over this marathon distance from parents and friends, who either joined in or supplied those taking part with food and refreshments.

Clark House, whose boys covered 3,789 laps or 1894.5km raised an amazing $4,800. While Tommy Moss (128Km) and Liam Jackson (100Km) showed huge stamina in completing the greatest individual distances.

A flying start Lizzy, Olivia, Toni and Teagan Senior boys race starts

Swimming Sports

This year the St Paul’s annual Swimming Sports took place in the newly heated pool. The day was full of raucous support by the Houses and the enthusiasm and support shown by all in attendance was very pleasing to see. This reiterates yet again the strength and the value of House competition.


Mcmorran Cup 1500m Boys Evan Wilson (SC)

Coach’s Cup Girls 1500m

Tegan Voykovich (SC/HR)

Ganley Cup Junior Champion (U14) Hamish Black (HL)

Fitchett Cup Intermediate Champion (U16)

Cam Voykovich (SC)

Ronaldson Trophy Senior girls’ Champion Charlotte Atherton (WL)

Smart Cup Senior Champion (Open) Evan Wilson (SC)

Twenty relay Cup Composite Relay Champions HALL

Ewen Cup Inter-House Champions HALL

Sandford Cup Champion of Champions Evan Wilson (SC)


Once again the school year started off with House Standards. Everyone joined in with enthusiasm and competed well for house points. Below are some pictures of that fun day.

Senior Backstroke Jack Davies Lizzy leads the way Jackson shows the way It’s a sea of blue I see red, I see red, I see red Hamilton on mass

House Music

This year, House Music rose to a new level as a competition and proved hugely successful. All eight houses of the School displayed a tremendous amount of talent and variation and the night was both fun and successful. A large range of entertainment was provided from the houses but the end results were as follows:

In the House Solo items, first place went to Williams House with the amazing William Wen on the piano. William played ’Study’ in G flat Major composed by Chopin, also known as ’The Black Note Study’.

In the House Group Items, first place went to Hamilton House’s version of the song ’Knights of Cydonia’ by Muse. This consisted of Paul Newton-Jackson on the drums, James Lin on the violin, Luke David on the trumpet, Drew Reid on the electric guitar and Chang Zhai on the piano. Both Hamilton and Williams Houses deserved these wins, showing the incredible musical ability within their Houses. The winner’s talents were showcased again the following week on the big night of the House Choir competition for the whole school to appreciate.

Haka Competition

This year the Haka competition heated up with Matua West inviting visitors to adjudicate this year. Each judge was given a different aspect of the Haka to judge and scores were tallied at the end of proceedings. This year the competition was fierce as the school is now much more familiar with the school Haka and in many cases Houses had personalised the Haka. The winners on the day were the boys from Hall house.

The theme for this year’s House Choir competition was House Colours, which turned out to be quite a difficult theme to find a song for. Each House item was accompanied by musicians from the House, showing off their individual instrumental musical talent.

There was certainly a lot to expect out of School House who were the winners of last year’s House Choir competition. Following the same talented approach as last year, School House sung “Gold” by Spandau Ballet. Not only did the performance have enthusiasm, different parts, harmonies and actions, but was also accompanied with an exciting, entertaining and clever entry and exit. School House maintained a well-deserved first place.

A huge thank you to the House Choir judges: Mr Neil and Mrs Tankersley; Event co-ordinators: Mr Gilbert, Mr Cowan, Mrs Flint and the sound and light team for all their help and contributions to another successful House competition.

Hall House Nathan Russell Luke David James Lin

Clark House

Housemaster: Matthew Markham

Assistant Housemaster: Neil Muirhead

Head of House: James Hogg

Deputy Heads of House: Michael Loft and Jake Barber

Harington Leader: Annie Boshier

The past twelve months has been a period of transition for Clark House. With several new staff and new building construction work we have virtually seen a new house emerge. Despite all the disruption and changes, the house has enjoyed one of its most settled and successful years in recent memory. This year Clark House has been very competitive in the House competition. In Week one term one, we won Standards for the second year running and then backed this up with a very creditable second in Athletics. Unfortunately we did not perform so well in swimming, our traditional bogey event and came sixth. The whole house has its fingers crossed that we will get some good swimmers next year!!

Road Relay was the next event on the school calendar and we completely dominated this year. Our A team blitzed the field, winning by one of the biggest ever margins.

After such a successful Road Relay we entered Cross Country as one of the favourite houses. Unfortunately we did not step up to the mark and finished sixth. The event showed the need for every boy to perform to the best of their ability if they want to win house events. Scott Hilliar was the standout performer for Clark House, winning the senior race.

When Arts week arrived we were in second place overall. We performed well in this discipline, finishing in fourth place. The undoubted highlight of the week was the performance of our lip-sync group who finished second. The dancing of Pat Srisa-An and the acrobatics of Logan Birt and Jack Davies earned them respect in the house. Our scavenger and wire sculpture teams also performed strongly, winning their sections.

I’ll say good bye even though I’m blue was our piece for the house music and the boys performed this with gusto to finish fifth. Matt May finished third in the individual section. Matt is leaving us at the end of the year and we will really miss his input into house music. He is a very talented guitarist.

It was back to sport with the next event, House Rugby. We expected to perform strongly and did just that, finishing second overall. Our seniors were our most successful team, finishing second but will forever rue their performance against Hamilton, which cost us the trophy. The most impressive team, however, were the intermediates that performed strongly, despite having very few rugby players. To finish the house competition in third place with only 54 boys compared to the day houses, who each have over 100, is very respectable and the boys should be proud of their efforts.

On another note, 2011 saw Clark House become a construction site. Building work started at the end of term one and at the time of writing this report, has still not quite finished. Despite the disruption that any building work causes, the end product is well worth it. We now have brand new Year 10 and 11 dorms plus a new Head of House flat and tutor apartment. Throughout the work the boys were outstanding, despite having to endure a term without a drying room and on many occasions, cold showers in the morning.

We also saw some staff changes this year. Clark House acquired a new Housemaster and Matron. With Gary Henley-Smith’s departure I was appointed to the position of Housemaster and have thoroughly enjoyed my first year. Our previous matron, Margaret Bruce, retired and Lavona Morris has come on board. Lavona has fitted in extremely well and gets along with the boys and staff of Clark House. Looking ahead, we have one more notable staff departure, with Neil Muirhead leaving his position as Clark House Assistant Housemaster. Neil has been with Clark House for the past three years and we will miss his contribution and cheerful persona. Current member of staff Leann Morgan has been named as his replacement.

With excellent tutors on hand a boarding house can run smoothly and successfully. Clark House is lucky to have had Nick Jensen, Franz Van Den Merwe and Zane Hartley on our team and these young men have been fantastic.

I would also like to thank the 2011 Clark House Prefects. You have all been consistently reliable and have displayed strong, supportive and caring leadership roles within the house. A special thank you must go to the 2011 Head of House – James Hogg. James has worked tirelessly for Clark House this year. He is very much a behind the scenes leader and has completed an enormous amount of duties for the house this year which has been much appreciated by both staff and students.

Going forward, for the first time in a number of years, not every Year 13 boy will become a prefect. Five prefects have been appointed for next year. Peter Grierson, Harry Larkman, Scott Hilliar and Theo MacDonell. Congratulations to Peter Grierson, who has been named as the 2012 Clark House Head of House. We look forward to working with you and your prefects next year.

On behalf of the students and staff of Clark House, may we say a big thank you to the Parent Association for all your hard work and support this year. In particular to Jenny and Terry Gawith. The fundraising and on-going ideas you have really do improve the lives of the Clark House boys and the house could not wish to have a better group of parents.

Last but not least, I wish the house leavers the very best of luck for their future, whether it be at the tertiary level or in the workforce. I hope St Paul’s Collegiate has given you the skills to be successful and happy in the years to come.

Tom Smith strides out Belinda Pedersen –Coiffeuse Belinda hands off to Rose Clark House and their ’wiggle’ Pete putting on the pace Thomas and James bringing him to the ground Jack and Marcus enjoying the new dorms Jesse’s catch Jake and Jesse, Haka leaders

Fitchett House

Housemaster: Andrew Tharratt

Deputy Housemaster: Jason McGrath (Sabbatical), Robert Aldridge

Head of House: Codey Nepe

Deputy Heads of House: Mikey Hodge and Pearse McGougan

Harington Leader: Hollie Adamson

This year, 2011 started off with a huge increase in house numbers. Twenty-four new boys were introduced to Fitchett and with twenty being 3rd formers we the house prefects knew we would have our work cut out for us. Each prefect was buddied up with 2 of the 3rd formers to help them settle into life at St Paul’s. As a house we entered the year optimistically. With finally a decent sized house and, for the first time in years, with two school prefects at the start of the year we felt we had a fighting chance.

This year has brought many unique events to the life of Fitchett. For Valentine’s Day, Pearse McGougan organised a special gift for the Fitchett girls. The unsuspecting girls were escorted up to Fitchett in the middle of roll call and each presented with a red rose. It is safe to say that the Fitchett girls were the envy of the rest of Harington for at least the entire week.

Paintball has in the past proven to be a successful bonding experience for the boys amongst their own year level. This year we decided to invite the entire house for a day of fun and games at the paintball range. The turnout from the 3rd and 7th form was exceptional and even one of the girls came along and joined in. On the other hand the turnout from the 6th formers was hopeless and almost symbolises the attitude of many of the 6th formers for much of the year. Despite this and the fact that Dr McGrath was unable to attend due to family obligations (he was gutted to miss a chance to shoot us), a great day was had by all. The highlight of the day for us was the free-for-all round, in which Mr. Tharratt was shot at, leaving him with 21 nice little welts. The day was a great success.

The tragedy of the 2011 quake in Christchurch temporarily saw three young men introduced into the Fitchett. Blake Highet, Isaac Leota and Rory Walker all seamlessly joined

the Fitchett family. Their time in the house was brief but they managed to make a big impact and I wish these fine young men all successes in life.

Because of the Rugby World Cup the boys had to endure much longer than usual terms. In some cases this did lead to short tempers and minor misbehaviors. However I think this proved to be a good learning experience for all of the students. It showed them that they can handle a larger work load and that a few extra days studying aren’t going to kill them.

Fitchett’s performance in in the house competition this year has been less than we had hoped for. Despite this, Fitchett has had many proud house competition moments. Just a few of which are our performances in the house cross country, rugby and soccer competitions. Also, for the 5th year running Fitchett has retained the Spirit Cup despite stiffer competition than we have had in a long time. My personal proudest moment though, was our 2nd place in the full house singing competition. This is the best we have ever placed in this event and is a testament to the song selection and the hard work put in by all of the boys.

We may not perform extremely well in the house competition but Fitchett is a house of achievers. Many of the boys play for the top school teams, making a particularly large appearance in the 1st XV and the 1st XI hockey. A few of the boys even represent regions and even the country in their chosen field of sport. Fitchett always has a large presence at the good report morning tea and this year, 8 of our 6th form gained level 1 academic colours and 4 of our 7th form gained level 2 academic colours.

2011 has been a good year for this Fitchett family. I am a product of Fitchett, I am a proud member of Fitchett, I will carry Fitchett in my heart for the rest of my life. I am proud of Fitchett.

To the Fitchett of 2012, I wish you luck. Take every opportunity, work hard and enjoy your time because the year will be over before you know it.

A happy group of boys Olivia Thompson and Holly Ho

Going to need to pick up the pace

Adam Ballantyne working hard Fitchett Haka Fitchett celebrates Lizzy passes on to Tori Ezra puts on some pace Adam leading up front Dan passes the baton to Byron

Hall House

Housemaster: Paul Wilson

Deputy Housemaster: Ben Van Meygaarden

Head of House: Grayson Croasdale

Deputy Head of House: Chris Fletcher

Harington Leader: Ally French

The blue of Hall House has again been to the forefront of many of the house competitions in 2011. House spirit is strong and our House Motto – “Success through Effort” has been evident throughout the year.

The sounds of laughter have reverberated through the house from before school until well after classes have finished for the day. The year nine students have blended seamlessly into the Hall House family and have had a significant impact on the success of the house.

I would like to thank Grayson Croasdale who has been outstanding in his leadership this year. He has worked tirelessly for the students of Hall House despite many other commitments and the success that has been achieved is largely due to his efforts. This was never more evident than in House Music where he took charge of practices, managing to get 80 boys to sing in tune and produce a quality performance of ’I don’t like Mondays”

Thanks also to Chris Fletcher who has assisted Grayson with enthusiasm and dedication in his role as Deputy Head of House. The prefects and seniors have been supportive and have continued to set the high standards that are part of the Hall house ethos. We have appreciated the efforts of the House Tutors and I thank them for their contribution in house periods and support throughout the year (Mike Groom, Phil Clement, Tess Hastie, Jeremy Coley and Gary Henley-Smith).

A special thank you must go to Ben Van Meygaarden who in his first year as Assistant Housemaster of Hall House has worked with dedication and effort to assist the boys in every aspect of their school life. I am proud to be associated with young men of the quality that exists in Hall House.


Over the five years I have been in Hall house I have watched the dramatic change as we have worked our way into top positions across all the main house events. It’s been awesome to see Hall House show that we can dominate on the sports field as well as still achieving in other parts of school life. This year it has been a privilege to lead such an enthusiastic hard working and dedicated house. This year we put our best foot forward and dominated in the majority of house events. We have shown the rest of the school that we are a force to be reckoned with, and that comes down to every single one of us working towards what we have achieved this year. Being the head of Hall house has got to be one of the highlights of my time at St Paul’s, getting to know everyone in the house and being a part of the success of the house this year is a humbling feeling but it doesn’t come down to the leaders of this house for its success. You have all shown that we don’t need to be the most athletic, or even the most arty, or the most academic. You have shown that if you work hard in every event whether its house swimming or house chess that as long as everyone gets into it then success is inevitable. That’s not to say that we don’t have some outstanding individuals in our house. But when we celebrate success as a house we do it together, not individually. Just one of the reasons why our house shouts are for everyone regardless of how many people competed in an event. This year something that I was dreading was house haka, so I was going to be heavily reliant on others to get us through this. With the help of William Cooper and Nikora Paine we haka’ed till the cows came home and we felt pretty ’mean’ going into the competition. It was awesome to see most people getting really into it. The house definitely came together during that haka and it was a really proud moment to be a Hall House member.

Thank you to every Hall House member you have made this year for me one to definitely remember.

Coming around the corner Brook makes up ground A tight finish for Siobhan
Hall out in front Hall Haka Ryan goes for the shot Tyrell in the zone Hamish Black receives his swimming trophy Jacob takes over William – a superb Haka Matthew Shewan coming down the hill

Hamilton House

Housemaster: Ian Campbell

Deputy Housemaster: Martin Holmes

Head of House: Navdeesh Singh-Thandi

Deputy Head of House: Angus Harris

Harington Leader: Julia Frick

This year saw Hamilton starting the New Year on the back of two previous year’s first place positions in the House competitions. Early on, the bar was set high for at least another top three. Another goal was to ensure that the infamous paddle goes and stays with School House over the coming year. Our final goal was to encourage that all members of Hamilton House gave 110% effort into all House activities.

The House got off to a sluggish start with a 6th in the Standards, 4th in Athletics and 5th in Swimming Sports. But even these results could not be achieved without the help of the individual performances of Roydon Nutsford, Jonty Wood, Aaron Keppler, Lucas Martin, Danyon Fernando, Thomas Hislop, Dillon Kelliher and Waikato Ball.

After this, the House showed its commitment by putting in a gutsy effort to pull off third in Road Relay and Cross Country. Road Relay was a surprise with a solid top three in all categories while Cross Country saw multiple 30’s in all categories also.

As in years before members stepped up and a whole new momentum emerged. First came Artsweek where we just missed out on retaining the Marty Wong trophy but achieved a first place none-the-less. A huge thanks goes to Brenna Cockrem for Lip-Sync, David Rooney and James Lin for directing House Drama and also to Sam Tharratt, Alex O’Leary, Mantez Singh-Thandi, Cameron Blue and Hayden Middlemiss for the creation of an outstanding set and to our winning lead actor, Matt Moana.

House Music was the next creative challenge that saw us singing “Blackhole Sun” a rather complex number that managed to earn us third while the group item, consisting

of Paul Newton-Jackson, Luke David, Chang Zhai, Drew Reid and James Lin gained a commendable first. In the solo item James Lin accompanied by Chang Zhai came fifth. A huge thank you to Paul, Chang and James without whom, this result could not have been be achieved.

House Rugby was not a strength for the House but amazingly against all odds, Hamilton House again showed its camaraderie to win both the senior and junior categories and achieving second and third in the Intermediates and Girls respectively. A feat never done before!!! Overall, a solid effort to ensure the third place in a row.

The combined Rowing, Quiz and Chess were the next obstacle. Fourth placing was gained from the first two and chess gained a credible first placing – no surprises there! This meant that we were second in the combined events. The last event was Hockey and Soccer where results achieved were outstanding with top three’s in all categories, in both sports – combining to give Hamilton its fourth first placing for the year and levelling the house competition with only the wild card of academics, a strong point, still being calculated.

To Mr Campbell and Mr Holmes, I thank you for your support and guidance that without which I would not have had a clue how to run the House. You are truly the rock from which the House is built on.

I would really like to thank my fellow House prefects for all the support and help that you guys have given me – and I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. A big thank you also goes to the Girls of the House whose contribution was very much valued.

I’d like to finish by thanking you, the Hamilton House of 2011 for such an awesome year. It has been a pleasure to lead you guys and you have done the House proud. I look forward to hearing the future endeavours of Hamilton House and I am sure you will give your absolute best to keep the House Competition trophy in its rightful place.

A deserved win received by Dillon Kelliher Lucas and James lead the Hamilton Haka
House Music Jonty kicks Waikato takes the ball Maxwell shows his rowing prowess Aaron in House rowing Lucas Martin takes over Matthew Maoana puts in the effort Khalid Raza Navdeesh, Ryan and James lead the Haka

Harington Day House

Housemaster: Jackie Lock

Assistant Housemaster: Helen Bradford and Andrea Dela Rue

Head of House: Fiora Stewart

Deputy Head: Lizzi Wilson


It seems only the other day that Harington House just arrived back from Tihoi and the girls were eager to start at their new school with new peers, new subjects and new rules. I think the year consisted of many successes for the girls individually and as a whole. For many of the school events the girls were divided in to their boys’ houses and they all showed their colours including leadership, bravery and talent.

The year kicked off with Athletics and Swimming Sports. These events are when the girls really have to step up and shine – and they did, better than last year in fact. It’s quite scary donning a swimsuit and swimming as fast as you can or running so hard in the 400 metres that you practically faint at the end just to earn some house points. Everyone went hard though, and those who weren’t so inclined towards sport got involved in other ways whether they took photos or cheered on girls and even boys they didn’t know.

The two running events, Cross Country and Road Relay were also successful. The girls took on the compulsory sporting day with high spirits and participated..

Arts Week was another highlight of the year when the girls with artistic talents got to shine. The week consisted of something for everyone; photography, painting, chalk art, a scavenger hunt, drama, clay and wire sculptures and of course, lip-sync. Since there aren’t that many girls in each boys’ house to begin with, and then they were further divided up in to activities, it meant the girls played a vital role for their houses. Even some girls who were new to the school


this year got up on to the stage and performed showing their bravery and spirit.

My personal highlight of the year was House Music. The theme was house colours and with the house colour of Burgundy we were faced with a tricky situation. In the end we decided to take a more creative approach and base our performance on all the colours of the houses, as all the girls were in different boys’ houses. Harington sang the song Colour blind by Darius, along with painted hands and a rainbow of dance moves. Eventually the performance came together after only a couple of weeks and the result was truly outstanding. What had started as a group of amateurs looked like a group of professionals.

Earlier in the year was the other cultural highlight, the Kapa Haka competition and again the girls exceeded expectations, led by Melissa Gilmartin-Kara and Ariana Mariu who showed brilliant talent and amazing year 12 leadership coaching the house to perfection. This year the year 12s certainly stepped up and showed their maturity and leadership.

The biggest prefect help in Harington to me this year, was Lizzi Wilson the deputy head of House, who was always a support and full of good ideas and energy, managing to tackle her Head Girl duties at the same time.

Luckily we had Miss Dela Rue and Mrs Bradford, our Assistant Housemasters, who were always there, always helpful and always a constant support to the entire house. More importantly we had the lovely, organised and amazing new head of house, Mrs Lock. Mrs Lock was right in the action from the end of 2010, eager to make 2011 an incredible year and she sure did. Mrs Lock was more of a support than I could have asked for, following me up and keeping me in line, making sure I did everything right and on time. I loved working with her and I will miss her next year when I leave.

Theresa and Becca take a break Lizzi, painting for School House Jess Elliot, a star is born
Lashara Lim Amost Marie! Grace and Meg put in the effort for Clark Teagan Voykovich Supporters Lizzy Rajan takes the lead Nicole and Shreena Harington Fashion Show Harington Fashion Show Harington Fashion Show Harington Fashion Show Harington Fashion Show We’re colour blind Nina Lee Lily Kang House pride Melissa leads the Haka An impressive Haka Ebony does a great job

Harington Boarding

Housemaster: Sonia Wells

Assistant Housemaster: Rose Don

Head of House: Charlotte Atherton

Deputy Head: Talya Thomas

This year in Harington was all about memories. Mrs Wells’ memories, Ms Don’s memories, the 7th form girls’ memories, our memories of Tihoi, the 24 hour run and our memories of our friends. Those from last year and this year, those that we will never forget.

We started the year at Tihoi in January, where we were very lucky to have the chance to make friends and meet new people. We managed to experience mountain biking, rock climbing, action world and high ropes. We also managed to build non-water resistant bivouacs, in which we slept in the rain and only made friends with the purpose of keeping warm.

Now I live in a boarding house of sisters. We get to share … everything with each other. Our embarrassments just seem to become public knowledge that everyone gets to know about, talk about and laugh about. Yet what can you expect from a group of teenage girls?

With that being said, one does now have to wonder ’whose clothes I’m wearing’ for we are all sisters, so our wardrobes become dressing rooms in which we are all willingly help each other look fabulous.

Our night times can mysteriously disappear into the early hours as we gossip and talk about anything that comes to mind. Of course this ends up in skilful visits to the nurse where we go to catch up on our deprived sleep disorder. Being in the boarding house is all about forming this bond of sisterhood in which, even though we may get annoyed with each other, at the end of the day from living together, we have become sisters. We have become a united force at school, in which we work alongside each other, a force that is there for the laughter and catches the tears.

This year is all about the memories of sisterhood. The memories of those days spent in Harington Boarding, where all of a sudden we actually realise we will miss our time here.

Tihoi team work Hall House Biking Tihoi Having Fun at Action World

Sargood House

Housemaster: Craig Morton

Assistant: Ryan McCarthy

Head of House: Alistair Bayly

Deputy Head of House: Mitchell Jensen

Girls House rep: Talya Thomas

Term one seemed like the term that would never end. It has been awhile since schools had a 12 week term and this obviously posed challenges for the staff and boys within the House. As a reward for their resilience they were given an 11 week Term two! The year began with a trip to Tauranga to enjoy the sun, sand and surf of the Mount Beach. Forgetting the slip, slop and slap advice a number of juniors managed successfully to get themselves sunburnt. The Winkelmann twins were particularly apt at this. The school nurse was not impressed. This weekend excursion was the first in a number of organised weekend activities during the “In Weekends”. Other trips went to Waihi Beach, where Tian Li had his first swim in the sea and Otorohonga where the boys enjoyed rock climbing.

The House competition started with the traditional Athletics Standards. The boys were proud of their second placing in this event. Sam Robinson in particular can be congratulated on achieving the highest individual points in the house for Standards. After this positive start our performance in Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country and Road Relay was disappointing. This was partly due to the small numbers we had in the senior House with only twelve Year 12 and 13 students. This made it very difficult to compete against other Houses. In the House Haka we were hard done by. William Cooper worked hard to try and get us up there. We will have to work harder to try and remain a house force in the school haka next year.

Sargood shines in the Arts: In term two Houses frantically prepared for Arts Week and House Drama. The theme for the week was super heroes and NZ Legends. Sargood came second in these two events, which was a morale booster, given the House does not traditionally do well in these events. Most boys were involved in competitions ranging from painting, body painting, chalk art, sculpture, lip sync and short film. Sargood set the pace with an excellent short film called “Sonny Bill Sargood”, starring Sam Bowley, Cameron Bartley, Rhodri MacKenzie and Kyle Dean. The boys put considerable time into the production and in the opinion of many in the school (staff and students) it was simply the best. We also experienced considerable success in Clay and Wire Sculpture (1st and 2nd respectively), Scavenger Hunt (2nd) and Lip Sync. Remarkably the House was placed second overall in Arts’ Week.

House Drama involved a 5-7 minute play on the theme of Maori legends. Our lead actor (Sam Bowley) had to go home early on the Friday and William Cooper did a brilliant job in subbing in at the last minute. Peter Winkelmann and Zach Posa provided excellent support, along with Matthew Bailey, Corban O’Connor-Harris and Danny O’Hara,

who donned fairy wings and pranced around the stage. A special mention must also be made of Jaden Rouse, who put on a fiery performance as the flames of the camp fire that was instrumental in warding off the evil spirits. Congratulations to all who were involved in Arts’ Week and House Drama.

House Rowing held in the last week of Term 2: Strength versus skill. This was an entertaining event with a large screen showing the progress of boats throughout the race. Three juniors, four intermediates, five seniors and two girls were selected to each row 500 metres. The inter-change between rowers was crucial for overall competitiveness. Sargood won this event last year, however Hall House had all the rowers this year and they had too many guns for us. We were coming last for over half the race, but a storming second half resulted in us coming a creditable second, a big congratulations to all rowers.


The 50th Jubilee of Sargood House was the first major calendar item for Term Three and activities were planned over the first “In-Weekend”. Old boys were shown around the school and of course they were interested in the life of a Sargoodian in 2011. The boys did a good job in entertaining and looking after our guests during the Saturday morning they spent with us. A good number of past Sargoodians attended the Jubilee and there were a number of previous Housemasters – Pat Plant and Cor Bezuidenhout to name a few. They were also interested in the plans for Sargood’s reconstruction in 2012.

House Music demanded considerable attention and energy over the first several weeks of the term. The House group item was superb, coming second overall – well done to Joshua Lemon, Peter Winkelmann, Alistair Bayly and Jack Schicker. They rocked the House down with the “Joker and the Thief” by Wolfmother. The solo item had some very talented musicians and Eason Chen can be congratulated on his excellent piano solo, coming fourth overall.

24 Hour Run: A special mention must be made of the effort the boys put into the Sponsored Run, where they fundraised close to $1500.00, which was donated to a charity of their choice – Canteen (Child Cancer). This was a fantastic effort and thanks must go to parents, family and friends who supported this.

Changes are in the wind for Sargood House in 2012. Staffing wise, Craig Morton will finish his term as Housemaster. Carl Neethling has been appointed as his replacement and Ryan McCarthy will continue as Deputy Housemaster. Thanks must also go to Richard Bracefield and Andrew Geddes, who have finished their term as House Tutors. The long serving Matron, Bev McCarthy, will remain to be the link between the old and new. Exciting times are ahead with the reconstruction of Sargood House to commence towards the end the year.



little higher Arie Ben half way there Toni in the relay Josh shows his guns Willie – Haka extraordinaire Sargood Intermediates getting ready going for the leap The new boss

School House

Housemaster: Andrew Gibbs

Assistant Housemaster: Nick Clothier

Head of House: Andrew McPherson

Deputy Head of House: Lucien Nabbs

Harington Leader: Alex Wilson

For me, 2011 has certainly been one to remember in School House. Right before the start of the school year, Mr Gibbs called all the house prefects in for a feed of KFC, to determine our goals for 2011 and to discuss our plan of attack – to create a supportive and fun atmosphere in the house, to destroy Hamilton at every opportunity, and to just kick-ass in general. This was to be done by continuing with our Big E tradition – energy, effort, enthusiasm, and encouragement.

We launched the campaign in Term 1 with the best Standard Athletics placing the house has seen since I have been at St Paul’s, coming in a respectable 4th. This form continued on to athletics sports, only just losing out to Hall and gaining 2nd place.

It was about this time of the year that the 7th form acquired Mr Gibbs’ wide screen TV, and an Xbox for the common room. This made us the envy of the day houses, and resulted in a sudden drop in grades for most of us, our minds focused on spike strips and sniper rifles, rather than our studies.

This however proved no distraction for Evan Wilson, who led us out into the pool for swimming sports, once again racking up a number of trophies and records. He was ably supported by Cam Voykovich, their individual efforts resulting in a solid 2nd place overall, again being just edged out by Hall.

The house Haka competition is still a relatively new addition to the school calendar, and so there was a big rush to make sure everyone had the words and actions down in time. Our expectations were never high, but with some furious thigh slapping from Jake Oh, we managed to make the top three, a really pleasing result.

With term 2 came colder weather, and more house competitions. To be honest I’d rather not mention Road Relay and Cross Country, but Arts Week was a chance where we could put some points on the board and really claw back into contention for the Shaw trophy. And we did just that, claiming the Marty Wong trophy, with Lucien Nabbs choreographing a standout performance from the lip-sync team, and Sam Armstrong letting his hips swing in our house film, which was pieced together over 13 long hours of editing by Daniel Nelson and myself, Andrew McPherson.

As Term 3 rolled around, so did House Music, and the pressure was on for us to defend our Singing title from 2010. We decided to go with the 80’s hit ’Gold’ by Spandau Ballet, which we performed on the night with the effort and precision that has become a School

House trademark over the years I have been here. For me, like some past leaders, winning House Singing was without a doubt my proudest moment as Head of School House.

Competition then began to draw to a close, with House Rugby being the last major event. While yielding a less than ideal result of 4th, it did have a few upsides. Reed Fisher was the Big E recipient for tackling opponents roughly 7 times his size, and Lachlan Cooper is to be highly praised for challenging and subsequently defeating James Pickford in Spartacus style hand to hand combat.

While in the overall standings we didn’t enjoy the success of previous years, 2011 has still been a great testament to the tradition and history of School House, and I have thoroughly enjoyed leading the house through it.

However, I could not have done this without my talented team of House Prefects. James Kennedy fearlessly leading the chess team out to battle, Evan Wilsons fish-like ability in the pool, Jake Oh discovering his inner Maori during the haka, Ollie Smiths talent of being able to sprint 3000 metres, Daniel Nelson’s technical skill and near perfect attendance record, and Ian Torrance’s “can-do” attitude, all contributed to making School House a cut above the rest.

An even bigger thank you, however, needs to go to Lucien Nabbs and Lachlan Cooper, who have supported me tirelessly throughout the year, and when required stepped up and carried the house through themselves. And also to Alex Wilson, who ably led School Houses contingent of girls. The same goes for Mr Gibbs and Mr Clothier, who have been instrumental in the success of the House, and have been great role models for me – I thank you both for your help and guidance throughout the year.

Lastly, thank you to the entire house, who have helped make my 5 years in School House as enjoyable, fun, and rewarding as they have been. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.

Alex at the front of the School Haka

Teagan accepts her congratulations

Don’t forget to stop at the bottom, Sam!

Alex has a moment in the sun

Natalie, nearly home Ollie, a force to be reckoned with

Bon Scott Arts Week Ariana, Arts Week Disaster! Harry leads out in front

Tihoi Venture School

2011 has been another successful year for Tihoi Venture School with students enjoying many opportunities to discover this unique part of New Zealand and also an adventurous spirit, which we hope they have been inspired to continue with.

Along with the new intakes of students we also welcomed new staff.

Sam Gratton returned in an instructing position after a small break away. Sam has a huge amount of energy and is very committed in working with the students at Tihoi. He is a good role model and is enjoying his role here.

Hillary McDonald joined the staff in July from Coromandel Area School. Tihoi is not new to Hillary who was on a teaching section here a number of years ago. Hillary is really passionate about working with the students. She has a number of outdoor qualifications and teaches English in the classroom.

Peter Evans also joined us in July from the St Cuthbert’s Outdoor Centre – Kahunui. Peter is a dedicated staff member who is enjoying the change from Kahunui (all girls) to working alongside boys in the variety of settings Tihoi has to offer.

Some worthy mentions from the staff room this year have been the engagement of leaving staff Cam Walker and Kelly Smith. Cam must also be congratulated on his recent success in being awarded the New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association ’Emerging Instructor’ award at the Outdoor New Zealand Conference in October this year.

Cyn Smith has completed her Post Grad diploma in educational leadership.

It would not be another year without more children being born. Congratulations to Damian and Sheryl who announced the birth of their second child ’Liam’ and Callum and Kate

who announced the birth their second child ’Lachlan’, both born in the same week in May this year.

The centre has continued to develop with help of the students and parents during both school jobs and community days.

Native trees have replaced exotic trees around the centre and large areas of scrub have continued to be cleared and developed into lawn. Large amounts of firewood have been cut and students have shown a real caring attitude toward the way equipment is looked after.

Other developments have included the completion of the new Directors residence. The new house is in the same location as the existing house which was moved to the old primary school grounds.

Hart House Gill's House Polly’s House

Jock’s House

The remaining original two old houses were removed in June to make way for two additional houses. At the entrance to the centre, the old “tutor’s” house has been replaced with a 3 bedroom lockwood house. This area will be landscaped over the summer to provide staff with a better standard of living. Also old ’Frank’s House’ has been replaced with the newer version which was built this year at the main campus in Hamilton. This house is a credit to the senior students who have been working on it and the many parents who have been involved in completing this project. With this house in place we will have the capacity to take 72 students in each intake.

intakes this year. Parents have supported our vision of getting Mountain Biking started at Tihoi. With the generosity that Colin and Dale Armer have made in allowing us to utilise their neighbouring property, the opportunity for mountain biking around the centre is amazing. The students from both intakes have enjoyed the challenges of this new activity and it has added a new excitement to the fitness programme. The St Pauls Parents Association was also involved in this with further financial support. We would like to extend our thanks for the on going support with these initiatives. Currently we have 12 mountain bikes but will look to add to this amount in the future.

Purple House Villa House

Other donations from parents of both intakes this year also include the many hundreds of native trees we have been able to continue planting around the centre. We would like to take all those involved in this project. Visitors this year have continued to come and look at the centre in action. In October Michael and Susan Lawrence (Headmaster 1980–1992) and Brian and Jan Neville (Tihoi Directors 1981–1992) visited. Michael and Susan had not been back to the centre for 19 years. Although many changes have been made in that time they were amazed to see that a number of traditions had remained the same. It was truly a pleasure to have them return to the centre after such a long time.

Tihoi Venture School Badges will this year be given to students at the Junior Graduation for completing the 18 weeks at the Venture School. These badges will be able to be worn on the St Paul’s blazers. The badges are black and silver with the ’stag head’ inside the St Paul’s crest outline. The most outstanding students from each intake will receive a bronze badge recognising the outstanding contributions those students have made during their time at Tihoi.

Gee and his team of Sandra and Anne have again successfully fed the boys and staff for another year. Gee works incredibly hard to improve the quality of food being presented to the boys and we thank all the kitchen staff for a great year.

Purple House Polly’s House Villa House

Gill’s House

Molly’s House

All Outdoor Programmes have provided challenges in different forms for the students. The excitement of two and a half days away from the centre is always something the students look forward to. Richard Kersel has done an excellent job in leading the Tihoi outdoor programme as Chief Instructor. We were externally safety audited for ’Outdoors Mark’ this year and Rich has ensured this process went smoothly with all the paper work in place. Thanks must also go to all the staff for keeping the students, assisting with programme developments and also delivering a peak experience in the outdoors that will not be forgotten by the students.

Expeditions were once again a highlight for the students. The focus of the second intake expedition trips was wilderness journeys. Trips included – tramping, hunting and fishing in the Urewera National Park flying in and out of the bush by helicopter; white water kayaking the Ngaruroro River – involving a fly-in four night wilderness trip to the headwaters; Canadian canoeing down the

Jock’s House

Hart House

Whanganui River; rockclimbing in the Central North Island and sea kayaking adventure to the Marlborough Sounds.

The visits to our local Marae at Whanganui Bay have again given the boys an appreciation of our cultural heritage within the area. All students this year presented their pepeha to the tangata whenua and took part in the laying and consuming of a hangi. All students completed their Whanganui Bay day by doing the St. Paul’s haka to the local whanu who were very impressed.

As the students getting ready for their Tihoi experience read this, it is a good time to remind you that the number one message from all the students returning from Tihoi is to get involved from day one. Do not hold back. Tihoi is a place full of opportunity and adventure and it is up to you while you are here to make the most of that.


Williams House

House Parents: Heta & Margie Smith

Assistant Housemaster: James Ballantyne

Head of House: Sam Tipping

Deputy Head: Izak Eksteen

Junior Dorm Prefect: Josh Mann

Harington Leader: Charlotte Atherton

The year 2011 saw us welcome 16 new boys into the House. We also welcomed a new Assistant Housemaster, Mr James Ballantyne as well as House tutors of Mr Jed Rowlands and Dion West and GAP tutor Jacob Lee, all the way from St Bede’s school in England.

We started the year off well with placing a reasonable 3rd in Standard Athletics with boys such as Laurie Meban, Izak Eksteen and Josh Mann receiving all As. The placing of second in Swimming Sports was a valuable effort as we are not labelled as a swimming house. This placing was achieved through the efforts of those such as James Atherton and the Dobbe brothers and help from the female side of the House of Charlotte Atherton and Britney Smith. At Athletics our seniors won the 4x400 relay and Josh Mann took out the overall senior field event champion for the second year running.

In Arts week we had astonishing results with a remarkable first in House Painting of Sean Fitzpatrick with the addition of ’Williams House’ integrated into the Waikato Draught logo on the 1987 World Cup rugby jersey, second in Body Art with Simon Yates painted as the bro from the Mitre 10 advertisement.

We had yet another great ’Birthday bash’ at Gengys celebrating everyone’s birthday on the shortest day of the year. Boys made the most of the non-Spotless meal by eating as much food as possible. There was not a lot said on the ride back due to the amount of food consumed.


After 10 years of housemastering at St Pa’ls, it is with a tinge of sadness that I put pen to paper to write my final house report. Over the years I have met, worked and lived with some outstanding people. I feel blessed to have been given so many wonderful opportunities in that time. I will certainly leave with many fond memories and there will always be a special bond with St Paul’s Collegiate School.

In Williams House this year, I have had the pleasure of working closely with Sam Tipping the Head of House, Izak Eksteen Deputy Head of House and Josh Mann Junior Dorm Prefect. Together with their other fellow prefects they have led Williams House with enthusiasm, energy and a strong sense of duty. I believe that this group of

prefects have laid the foundation for next year’s leaders and that I leave Williams House knowing that it is in good shape. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Sam and his team for their efforts this year. Also leaving the house is Danny Moore one of our residential tutors. Danny has been with Williams House for two years and during this time he has been a popular member of the house. I wish him all the best in his new position in Auckland.

Finally, I would like to formally welcome Mr Jed Rowlands and his partner Maree as the new House Parents. Jed is the Assistant Principal in charge of the junior school. He has a huge amount of boarding experience having held a housemasters position at New Plymouth Boys. Also Jed has been my senior management liaison person for the last 18 months so he is very familiar with the boys and the dynamics of running Williams House. I know that the transition between my departure and Jed taking up the role of Housemaster will be a seamless one.

In closing I leave you with these words from Graeme Sinclair, fishing guru and author of the book Life on Wheels. “The most important thing that you can give your child is time”. I believe that the investment that you have made as parents to send your son to St Paul’s and the time that they spend attending school will pay dividends long after they have passed through the school gate.


We would like to say a few words on behalf of the house. Mr and Mrs Smith have both made a huge contribution to the house. Their goal over the past few years was to change the feeling from a boarding house to a home and family which they have achieved as well as changing the culture of the house. We have presented them with a gift of a paddle.

This Paddle signifies the journey Mr and Mrs Smith embark on as they seek future endeavours and the challenges they meet along the way. This can also represent Mr Smith’s love for fishing and most importantly represents our love for them. We gift this paddle to Mr and Mrs Smith and hope that it brings you safe travels wherever you go but may bring you back to your home here at Williams House.

Kia hora te marino, kia wkakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere karohirohi I mua I tou huarahi, which means ’May calm be spread around you, May the sea glisten like greenstone and the shimmer of the summer dance across your path.’

Dylan keeps his cool

Sarah and KJ

Time to have a breather

This could be dangerous!

Livi comes in to finish

Might need a bit more lift, Wade

James Atherton and his haka Williams Haka

Clark House

Jack Davies, Robert Simmons, Joshua Voigt, Simon Morbey, Sam Rush, Keegan Frost-Jones, Matthew Tingey, Jamieson Madgwick, Jason Liddell, Tor Pedersen, Sam Fullerton-Smith, Seton

Back Row:


Joel Taylor, Ruban Poihipi, Tzu-I Huang, Mitchell O’Connell, Henry Wills, Tyler Gyde, Pongsapak Phuphet, James Chenery, Daniel Rust, Baxter Mackay, James Ingham, Logan Birt

4th Row:

Jordan Mulholland, Jun Huang Xue, Thomas Smith, Jesse Ruri, Daniel Kerr, Christopher Tindall, Patrick Graham, Willis Webb, Matthew May, Nicholas Redpath, Matthew MacLeod, Jackson

3rd Row:


Marcus Ground, Tom Coster, Peter Grierson, Theo MacDonell, Aran Geerts, Conor Gawith, Scott Hilliar, Timothy Coxhead, Corbin O’Neill, Dylan Hulain, Fergus Atkinson, Dominic Scott-Jones, Pat Srisa-An, Harry Larkman, James Wilkins

2nd Row:

Mrs J Fanning, Jason Coventry, Mrs M Bruce (Matron), Matthew Seton, Mr N Muirhead (Assistant Housemaster), J Barber (Deputy Head of House), Mr M Markham (House Master), Mrs K

Front Row:

Markham, J Hogg (Head of House), Mr F van der Merwe (House Tutor), M Loft (Deputy Head of House), Mr N Jensen (House Tutor), Hadleigh May, Mr G Littlejohn

Sven Pedersen, Jeremy Doneghue, Callum Connell, Daniel Ruri, Thomas Gordon


Fitchett House

Raul De Guzman, Dilawar Singh, Luke Balin-McCarthy, Max Baker, Lachlan Lee, Jordan Sanders, Sheng Cao, Byron Muirhead, Andrew Bishop, Anthony Chilcott-Parker

Back Row:
















Fullerton, Ezra Berridge, Arjun Singh, Alastair Carmichael

5th Row:

McGuire-Holcroft, Taylor Hayes, Wei Hsi Hsiao, Sean Henley-Smith, Ryan Marsh, Jared McCarthy, Frederick Walker, Conner

Louis Cronin, Dominic Morine, Daniel Chegwidden, Nicholas

4th Row:

Fullerton, Samuel Woolerton, Jayneil Mistry
















Hastie, Jacky Joe, Alex Fullerton, Robert Carmichael, Nickolas Baldwin, Vaughan Christie, Matthew Fielding, David Ho, Thomas Goodwin, Otis Berridge

3rd Row:

Samuel Goodey, Adam McCarthy, Jonathan Mayer, Amrit Rai, Pete Smit, Hemi McLaren-Mellars, Louis Suk, Christopher Fawcett, Ryan Lindsay, Luke Goodwin, Dean Fullerton, Simranjit Singh, Junting Wei, Judge Gregory

2nd Row:

Joshua Fawcett, Annelise Visagie, Nicholas Allan, Francis Cowan, Nicholas Anderson, Mr J McGrath, Codey Nepe, Mr A Tharratt, Michael Hodge, Mr R Aldridge, Vladimir Ilic, Mr D Eltringham, Vanna Long, Angus Harris, Connor Spence

Front Row:

Daniel Anderson, Daniel Goodwin, Joshua Humble, Christopher Chilcott-Parker, Zachary Watson, Finnbar Claridge, Hayden Gill, Youngmin Goo, Taylor Rae, Luke Bowers, Joshua Tapara



Hall House

Conor Robson, Sam Savage, Blake Phillips, James Hunt, Asher Kosoof, Devon Kyle, Alec Wilson, William Lockwood-Geck, Dominic Morine, Cameron Rowland

Back Row:

Matthew Husband-Dravitzki, Kyle Glessing, Joshua Gajzago, Connor Roycroft, Blake Gordon, Marc Lalich, Carl Brandt, Kieran Dale, Nikora Payne, Elliot Collier, Bennet Rogers, Aaron Elliott, Aaron Crow

5th Row:

Sean Keliher, Cameron Elliott, Jacob Robb, Oliver Tomic, Jim Law, Sebastian Colson, Matthew Thomas, Vincent Reilly, Timothy Husband-Dravitzki, Benjamin Clark, Jesper Mansson, Cameron Davison, Jordon Davies, Daniel Shewan

4th Row:

Charles Christey, Benjamin Weake, Ngaru Joyce-Te Wake, Blake Agnew, Thomas Weake, William Te Tomo, Connor Gyde, Tyrell Martin, Paul Ferguson, Connor Johnson, David Glover, Mark Swarbrick, Dylan Cleaver, Hakan Asici, Stefan Andreef, Mitchell Proudfoot

3rd Row:

Callum Jarvis-Hall, Ethan Kimpton, Brandon Harrison, Hugo Fanning, Ariki Thomson, Benjamin Bowden, Samuel Masterson, Rajiv Belling, Jayden Randle, Hamish Black, Samuel LockwoodGeck, Joel Kosoof, Rjinder Randhawa, Campbell Stuart

2nd Row:

Keegan Fly, Joseph Curran, Reece Patterson, James Mason, J Coley (Tutor), Eoin Miles, B van Meygaarden (Assistant House Master), Grayson Croasdale (Head of House), P Wilson (House Master), Christoper Fletcher (Deputy Head of House), M Groom (Tutor), Matthew Snodgrass, Thomas Swarbrick, Ryan Sullivan, Samuel Domett

Front Row:

Hamilton House

Ryan Steer, Scott Spence, Benjamin Donaldson, Jonathan Bloor, Patrick Forde, Marcus King, Tyler Gurnell, Danyon Fernando, Logan Fortescue, Saladin M’Boge, John Penyas, James Ashenden

Back Row:

Winston Barrett-Hogg, Dillon Kelliher, Matthew Moana, Angus Black, Ryan Lewis, Jonathan Harkness, Remy Campbell, James Morritt, James Finch, Ryan Cooksley, Paul Newton-Jackson, Luke David, Ryan Van Straalen

5th Row:

Samuel Tharratt, Tony Yoon, Gurjot Rai, Jaden Verryt, David Rooney, Logan Dunsmuir, Callan Buchanan, Thomas Hislop, Sean Rooney, Hamish Malins, Cameron Blue, Todd Barry

4th Row:

Samuel Treloar, Jordan Fache, Logan Spaans, Edward Johnstone, Logan Jakes, Simroop Singh-Thandi, Joshua Walpole-Smith, Ethan Holmes, Rory Forde, Ayush Lakhera, Hayden Middlemiss, Jackson Bovill, Waikato Ball, Keaton Myburgh, Khalid Raza

3rd Row:

Timothy Riddell, Jonty Wood, Alexander O’Leary, Drew Reid, James Lin, Benjamin Fletcher, Alongkorn Taechameekietichai, James Mehlhopt-Cole, Ryan Hobbs, Bradley Nieper, Mantez Singh-Thandi, Lucas Martin, Alex Armstrong

2nd Row:

Rian Bovill, Chang Zhai, Riley Malins, Mr James Hepburn (Tutor), James Pickford, Mr Ian Campbell (House Master), Navdeesh Singh-Thandi, Mr Martin Holmes (Assistant House Master), Angus Harris, Mrs Leeann Morgan (Tutor), Roydon Nutsford, Samuel Ammon, Edward Tseng, Nicholas Anda

Front Row:

Maxwell Stuart-Jones



Harington House

Geraldine Fish, Navroz Gill, Savanna Singh-Hundal, Gloria Imms, Brittany Smith, Eden Richardson, Natalie Hong, Kaitlyn Griffen

Back Row:

Jessica Reilly, Tamsyn Johnston, Melissa Gilmartin-Kara, Theresa Steiner, Livi Jackson, Antonia Anda, Sophie Nola, Clare Reeves, Nina Lee, Sarah Cranswick, Linda Lin, Holly Irwin

6th Row:

Melissa Latto, Grace Gatenby, Josephine Reilly, Sarah Ingham, Maija MacCalman, Siobhan Vusoniwailala, Grace Namana, Rose Spence, Danielle LeSueur, Belinda Pedersen, Alexandra McMichael, Emma Ferguson, Louise Ford, Anjena Singh, Brenna Cockrem

5th Row:

Shivani Thirayan, Harrietanne Embling, Nicole Banks, Lashara Lim, Olivia Thompson, Hannah Raza, Karin-Jane Slater, Jaimee Hugo, Chanelle Harrison, Patrice Forgeson, Catherine Moser, Victoria Blomfield, Robyn Henderson, Ariana Mariu, Lauren Jakes, Sophie Terlesk

4th Row:

Annelies Watson-Holmes, Libby Sutcliffe, Tara Kells, Danielle McGregor, Emma Bryant, Phoebe Boyes, Holly Ho, Beau Taechameekietichai, Sharleen Lu, Jody Thompson, Zoe Morehu, Alexandria Ashford, Courteney Lee, Phoebe Earnshaw, Tina Forde, Mili Posa, Teagan Voykovich

3rd Row:

Amelia Jarvis-Hall, Shani Fernando, Cecile Elsing, Abbey Walling, Catherine McRae, Claire Sayer, Jill Wang, Shreena Patel, Elizabeth Rajan, Nina Phillips, Courtney Booth, Ebony Tapara, Lily Kang, Rebecca Fortescue, Hannah Clare, Jessica Elliott, Amanda Barr, Lucy Roberts

2nd Row:

Marie-Helene Jacquet, Alexandra Wilson, Ms Christine Coates (Tutor), Annie Boshier, Mrs Kelly Saunders (Tutor), Alexandra French, Ms Andrea Dela Rue (Assistant House Master), Lizzi Wilson (Deputy Head of House), Mrs Jackie Lock (House Master), Fiora Stewart (Head of House), Mrs Helen Bradford (Assistant House Master), Talya Thomas, Mr Roger Bell (Tutor), Julia Frick, Mrs Sonia Wells (Tutor), Charlotte Atherton, Hollie Adamson

Front Row:

Melissa Oosterwijk, Sofia Harbottle-Villasol, Mais Ibrahim, Samantha Jefferis, Stella Joynt, Meg Morbey, Rebecca Wilson


Sargood House

Tian Li, Ben Scott, Daniel Kenna, Arie Brogden, Samuel Bowley, Tom Schicker, Patrick Sauni, Caleb Lingman, Guy Wilkins, Panasann Pattanakulchai

Back Row:

Joshua Lemon, Samuel Robinson, Rhodri MacKenzie, Joshua Malpas, Kyle Dean, Joshua Tye, Corban O’Connor-Harris, Nic Rose, Benjamin Brogden, Dominic Belfield, Peter Winkelmann, Mark Adlam

4th Row:

Nicholas Winkelmann, Matthew Stewart, Brad Hermsen, Riley Chick, Dean George, Eason Chen, William Cooper, Samuel Hunter, Riley Kissling-Hemsworth, Corban Morison, Gordon Fullerton, Jack McDonald, Alexander Winkelmann

3rd Row:

Matthew Bailey, Liam Hunter, Hamish Te Whare, Zachary Posa, Tom Brown, Benjamin Clare, Danny O’Hara, Jaden Rouse, Matthew Hill, Jack Schicker, Patrick Bowie, Ryk Hermsen

2nd Row:

Mrs B McCarthy (Matron), Sebastian Taylor (House Prefect), Mr D Williams (Tutor Teacher), Angus Williams (House Prefect), Mr C Luman (Deputy Headmaster), Mitchell Jensen (Deputy Head Prefect), Mr C Morton (House Master), Alistair Bayly (Head Prefect), Mr R McCarthy (Assistant House Master), Reece Franklin (House Prefect), Mr P Gilbert (Tutor Teacher), Andrew Roberts (House Prefect), Mr G Skofic (Tutor)

Front Row:


School House

Campbell Ware, William Guest, Quinn McKay, William Heald, Kieran Merriman, Mark Davis, Aaron Cleland, Callum Windley, Liam O’Donoghue, Kiharoa Winiata-Dunster, Jack Kelly, Brody

Back Row:


Christopher Swanson, Luke Mickell, Joseph Velzian, Callum Brown, Logan Cowie, Luke Wyllie-Miln, Ross Noble, Ross Leader, Malcolm Luman, Scott Finlayson, Nicholas Lamont, Conor

5th Row:

Merriman, Andre Hay

Damon Hayward, Bradley Roband, Nicholas Don, Jacky Joe, Bon Scott, Alex Gudsell, Harshitha Colonne, Josh Coventry, Marcus Collins, Finn Jackson-Kearns, Mitchell Cleland, Conor Aldridge, John Deroles, Aditya Sakalkale

4th Row:

Jaime King, Codee Monkley, Benjamin Andrews, Aodan Wyndham-Smith, Jake Wrathall, Joshua Cave, Jacob Andrews, Ibrahim Ibrahim, David Back, Christopher Gibbs, Bill Li, Bradley Morton, Andre Stokes, Kiel Griffiths, Aubrey Fish

3rd Row:

Michael Torrance, Jackson Brown, Liam Mickell, Ryan Nicholson, Cameron Voykovich, Isaac van der Vossen, Lane Fisher, Sean Collinson-Smith, Daniel Davis, Corban Batters, Ezekiel Gibbs, Marc Bradford, Andrew Finlayson, Reed Fisher

2nd Row:

Alex Hargreaves, Jonathan Eyers, Ian Torrance, Jake Oh, James Kennedy, Mr G Judkins, Lucien Nabbs (Deputy Head of House), Mr A Gibbs, Andrew McPherson (Head of House), Mr N Clothier, Oliver Smith, Daniel Nelson, Evan Wilson, Lachlan Cooper, Samuel Armstrong

Front Row:

Williams House

Christopher Higgens, Connor Joyce, Kerwan Rose, Angus Verry, Jonathon Simpson, Thomas Harsant, Joseph Belcaster

Back Row:

Scott Mitchell, Liam Jackson, Mauricio Lopez, Euan Reynolds, Jonny Moss, Michael Scott, Andre Eksteen, Wade Paniora, Hugo Brown, Yui Yokoyama

5th Row:

Hayden Fahey, Martyn Brown, Martin Kerr, Dylan Coull, Liam Buchanan, Gerard Needham, Jonathan Ring, William Reeves, Thomas Moss, Jack Petrie-Mcvean, Andrew Collie

4th Row:

Toby Way, Benjamin Dobbe, Cailean Poole, Marc Laurich, Wei-Hsiang Wen, Mathew Burke, Hamish Burt, James Atherton, Israel Vano-Storer, Hayden Watt, Fransois Eksteen, Trent Ganley

3rd Row:

Tomas Dobbe, Jaymz Mackenzie-Hooper, Zac Laurich, Joshua Mann, Chang Nam, Herbert Dyke, Colin Watson, James Pritchard, Nathan Russell, Laurence Meban, Simon Yates, Thomas Burt, Adam Langdon

2nd Row:

Mr H Ripper (Gap Tutor), Mr D Moore (House Tutor), Rev C Luccock (Staff Tutor), Mr J Ballantyne (Assistant House Master), Izak Eksteen (Deputy Head of House), Mr H G & Mrs M J Smith (House Parents), Samuel Tipping (Head of House), Mrs G Thompson (Matron), Mr C M Hardman (Staff Tutor), Mr J Rowlands (Assistant Principal), Mr D West (Staff Tutor)

Front Row:

Benjamin Yates, Oliver Clausen, Josh Moss, David Reeves, Sean Vartiainen, Dylan Wallbank, Anthony Simpson, Graydon Scheres, William McLaughlin, Chanon Sutharoj, Jasper Hankins



End of Year Address from our Student Leaders


Good morning and welcome to the students, teachers, parents and distinguished guests. It is Lachlan’s and my honour to address the school for a final time. Through this act we are effectively handing over the title of leadership positions to the next generation of St Paul’s leaders. For me prize giving has always been a positive time as although awards were rarely received it represented the beginning of summer and the care free relaxing months that come with it. However this year it is tinted with anxiety towards the unknown as we leave behind the comforts of a familiar place. For the leavers we are at a crossroad in our lives where the choices we now make influence what our future lives may hold, an intimidating task for any 18 year old. But it is expected of us, so we listen to all the advice we are thrown and try to point ourselves in roughly the right direction.


It’s hard to realise the changes we have undergone over the years. We are roughly the same people that began fresh faced and innocent, wrapped warmly in the wool of our own self confidence and invincibility. The physical changes are quite obvious to point out, as the teachers often say ’you are now big enough and ugly enough’ which somehow directly parallels to us being able to deal with the added pressures and responsibilities that come with growing up. Growing up at St Paul’s is not optional but rather a personal journey we all must take. There is no exact stage in our lives where we can pinpoint when we have grown up most. It is a different road each person must take in their adolescent years to all reach the same point. Today is the day when we jump out of the nest for the first time and are expected to fly.

I believe one of the most important relationships for students is that between the year 9’s and year 13’s. Five years ago it was the 7th formers who set the example and who were the characters my friends and I strived to be. Without realising it, now I and the year 13’s around me, being five years older have a similar effect on the current year 9’s. The point I’m trying to make is that the role models in our world are no more prepared for life than we are, they didn’t ask to be looked up to and they often don’t realise that they are. At some point in our lives we will all be role models whether it be at work, in school or raising kids, and the responsibility for each is the same. In order to set an appropriate example you must rely on our innate instincts and our strength of character to truly shine through and guide us.


Another important relationship is that of the girls in the school. Coming from various high schools from all over, the atmosphere in Harington is unique, as the minority in a school, outnumbered 5 to 1. Girls value being in Harington house, and in particular having a girls’ space that they can go to. However, we also value being members of the boys houses as well. Over this year, friendships have been formed,

grown and cemented into the bonds between friends that last a lifetime. Both girls and boys in the school benefit from one another’s’ presence. First coming here, I was wary of being one of a small number of girls, but came to realise that the boys treat us with respect, and as one of their own.


The effect the girls have on the boys is one that cannot be underestimated. I believe Tihoi teaches us the respect and manners needed to deal with the added distraction of the inclusion of girls. As a result I believe the girls add additional competition to the classroom atmosphere as they push each other and the boys alike. The inclusion of girls ensures social interaction for all the boys that opens their eyes to the real world of co-operation and acceptance. It’s helpfulness is immense as the success of each individual upon leaving St Paul’s is not just a list of NCEA results, but rather the person holding the piece of paper. Thus the girls assist in turning the boys into well rounded men.


It’s hard visualising what our lives will hold in years to come; therefore it is hard to make the choices that will lead us there. Someone who I have followed recently to try and help me solve this conundrum is the recently deceased Steve Jobs, Co-Creator of Apple and Pixar. He said, “you can’t connect the dots going forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn paths.” I believe it’s impossible to know where our lives will lead in the future, we can only use our past experiences to guide us and trust in ourselves that we will make the right decisions that lead us to a successful future. You are the only person who can guide your own actions and decisions, don’t lose faith.


Following on from the journey into the unknown in Steve Jobs commencement speech to Stanford University he said “You’ve got to find what you love … your work is going to fill a large amount of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is truly great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do, if you haven’t found it yet, keep looking and don’t settle.” This quote speaks to me as so many people believe the second they leave school they need to have decided what they will do with their lives. I am not discouraging the determined individuals who chose their path for special reasons that only speak to them, but rather the 90 percent of the leavers. The ones who are doing something next year, not sure why or where exactly it will lead them. My advice to you is similar. Follow what you love, do not let the expectations of others sway you from what you truly want to do. Find what you

enjoy, and love doing it, if you do not enjoy what you do keep searching until you find what you truly love. Do not let your lives be bottlenecked by the tunnel vision of expectation. The only way to truly live our lives is through spontaneity. Stay hungry, stay foolish, never close your eyes to the opportunities that approach us each day but take life with its ups and downs, for every failure you will surely find success nearby.


The emotions we now feel upon leaving are ones of sadness. This is largely due to the fear of losing contact with friends we have become so attached to. But through the memories and experiences you share with your year group, the bonds that are made are not easily broken. Friendships will last for a lifetime as well as new friendships being made. I advise the leavers to keep in contact with your friends as they will always hold an important part of your life journey. I would like to thank the prefect body, an amazing team that we have been privileged to work with this year, and who have made our role in the school that much more enjoyable.


It has been Lizzi and my privilege to be head boy and head girl of St Paul’s Collegiate. We wish the leavers the best of luck as you each set out to follow your dreams.

We challenge the leaders of 2012 to enjoy and make the most of their final year as it will surely fly by. Remember that it is only through co-operation that anything of significance can be achieved. Push yourself within these gates and realise you are lucky to be in a place where you can grow and flourish as individuals. We wish you the best of luck in wherever your life’s path may take you.

Our Student Leaders for 2012

Head Boy

Liam O’Donoghue

Head Girl

Lizzy Rajan

Deputy Head Boy

Jonty Wood

Deputy Head Girl

Brenna Cockrem


Liam Buchanan

Rose Spence

David Rooney

Patrice Forgeson



Nikora Payne


Aaron Keppler School

Jonathan Eyers


Jonty Rae


Josh Tye


Peter Grierson


Martyn Brown

Harington Day

Harrietanne Embling

Harington Boarding

Theresa Steiner

147 CLASS OF 2011
Lizzi Wilson and Lachlan Cooper

Prefect Pen Sketches 2011


Head Boy, Publications & Charities portfolios

Loki has been an outstanding Head Boy in that he has lead form the front in everything he has taken on during his reign; whether it be academic, sporting, cultural or social events, he has enjoyed the role. He has produced a number of outstanding speeches on many occasions to suit all types of audiences and has led the students by being an appropriate example throughout the year. He has also been a superb 1st XV player being selected for the Chiefs U18 team but having to withdraw because of injury. He was also vice-captain of the 1st XI cricket team. Next year he is going to the University of Auckland to study a Bachelor of Health Science.


Head Girl, Deputy Head of Harington, Charities, Publications and International portfolios

Lizzi has been an optimistic and dedicated prefect in 2011 and has benefited from the experiences the year has brought. Lizzi has led by example as a prefect this year and stood up to the challenge in her role as Head Girl. She has worked hard in all aspects of school life, delivering a sermon in chapel on Mother’s Day, speeches to the school, and organising Prefect Assemblies. She has enjoyed working behind the scenes as support in the Stage Challenge, and playing for the 1st XI Girls Soccer who won bronze in the 1st Division. She has been a supportive member of her respective portfolios and in Harington House, participating in events such as being the MC for the Harington Fashion Show. Next year, Lizzi will be studying Biomed at Auckland University.


Deputy Head Boy, Chapel Prefect, Charities portfolio

Jason’s leadership this year was recognised in numerous areas shown in his selection as captain of more than one under 18 representative side. His main role of creating duty rosters for the prefect team was carried out with consistency and accuracy and his public speeches were delivered with confidence and professionalism. This was shown when he delivered a very moving sermon to the school and received praise from countless staff and

students for his efforts. His role in the 40 hour famine organisation was also extremely valuable where he delivered motivational speeches helping with money collection. Next year he is heading to Auckland University with the University of Auckland Scholarship to study a Bachelor of Engineering.


Deputy Head of School, Head of Harington Boarding, Cultural, iTeam and Academic portfolios

Charlotte was the driving force behind several cultural activities during the course of the year and also ran her portfolios with diligence and commitment at all times. She held a lead role in the school production of Damn Yankees and was a director in the V48 Hour film festival team. She has done a great job as Head of Harington Boarding and is very affectionate amongst the girls. Next year she is going to Waikato University to study a Bachelor of Media and Creative Technology.


Head Girl of Fitchett House and Head of Charities portfolio

Hollie has been a hardworking and dedicated member of the prefect body for 2011. Her motivation and support of her fellow prefects has been encouraging throughout the year and her role as head of the Charities Portfolio has been challenging but enjoyable. Hollie has participated in many school events such as being the MC at house singing, as well as a lot of supportive behind the scenes work throughout the year. She has managed to successfully juggle schoolwork, and extra-curricular commitments. Next year, Hollie is going to Auckland University to study Health Science.

ALISTAIR BAYLY Head of Sargood House, School Spirit portfolio

This year Alistair was faced with the stern challenge of leading Sargood House and he managed this with great success, shown by Sargood’s performance in some of their more preferred events. His constant sense of ingenuity and humour made him a very well respected leader amongst his peers, highlighted by his house’s amazing creation in the house video competition for Arts Week. He was a valuable asset to the prefect team and was a rock of stability in Sargood.

Next year he will be heading off to Otago University where he will be studying a Bachelor of Commerce.


Chapel Prefect, Spirit and Environmental portfolios

Annie has enthusiastically approached her role in the school and has been supportive towards all the girls in Harington House, always available to help them out. Next year she will be going to Auckland University to Study a Bachelor of Commerce.


Head of Hall House, Social Prefect

Grayson has been an enthusiastic and motivational leader. He has lead Hall House to great success in 2011 as well as helping with the organisation of the School Ball. Grayson also played a massive role in the organisation of the Leaver’s Gift. He is easy to get on with and a dutiful worker. Next year Grayson is going to St Bede’s School, England, as a gap tutor.


Deputy Head of Williams House, Sport and Junior Sport portfolios

Izak was an essential member of the junior sport portfolio that started a sport at lunch time programme for the Year 9 classes. This meant that he developed a huge amount of respect from the juniors in this role. His dedication to his sporting goals has matched his dedication to the prefect body and he has been an extremely reliable worker, always prepared to meet necessary deadlines and never afraid to cover for other prefects unable to complete their duties. Next year, Izak will be travelling to South Africa where he will be doing a gap year with Bishops College in Cape Town.


Deputy Head of Hall, Sports and iTeam portfolios

Chris has done a sterling job since becoming a prefect. His

opinions have always been positive and constructive in helping the prefects to successfully direct themselves to achieve their goals. He has worked hard in all aspects of his character during 2011. Next year, Chris is going to the University of Auckland to study Pathology.


Head Girl of Hall House, Chapel Prefect, Publications and Social portfolios

Ally has been a very friendly and loyal member of the prefect body this year. She has succeeded in all areas in her final year of her school life, delivering an inspirational sermon to the whole school, balancing sporting, academic and extra-curricular commitments, as well as being awarded sportswoman of the year. Ally has been an enthusiastic house leader, encouraging her girls to participate in all the various house activities available. Next year, Ally is going to either Otago or Waikato University to study law.


Head Girl of Hamilton, Head of Social portfolio, Environment portfolio

Julia has been a positive and enthusiastic prefect in 2011 and has enjoyed all the experiences the year has brought. She has had a busy year with her various roles, and has been successful in all aspects of her school life. On top of schoolwork, Julia rowed all through the first term, and worked alongside Mrs Morgan and the social committee to organise what is said to be one of the most successful school balls in years. Julia has been a cheerful Head of House and has encouraged her girls to get involved in all house activities. Next year Julia is off to Otago University to study human nutrition.


Head of Senior Sport portfolio & Junior Sport, Deputy of Hamilton

Angus has been a leader throughout 2011. He has steered the senior sports team in a positive direction with school support for major fixtures at an all-time high. He himself is an incredibly gifted sportsman, having been captain of both the 1st XI cricket team as well as the 1st XI football team. He always has a cheerful disposition. Next year Angus is going on a gap year as a tutor to Aldenham School, England.

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Head of International & Publication portfolios

Mikey has been an amazing prefect in 2011. He has worked tirelessly on the school student newsletter each term and other publications as well. When given a job, he has fulfilled it to the best of his ability, being the driving force behind the international week and the updating of boards. Next year Mikey is going to the University of Auckland to study Property.


Head of Clark House, Head of Academics portfolio

Clark House had to endure heavy construction this year which put a lot of stress on the students living in the house. However, due to James’ leadership and guidance, the house stayed unified and earned a valiant third place in the House competition. His encouragement and perseverance pushed Clark House to compete in every event which raised high morale throughout the house. He was also the Head of Academics which organised the scholarship group meetings every morning and presented academic assemblies for recognition of academic success. In 2012 he will be travelling to England where he will be taking a gap year at Truro School in Cornwall.


Boarding and Cultural portfolios

Josh was appointed as a prefect halfway through the year and has been a very valuable asset to the team. He was awarded his badge due to his strong leadership and work ethic in Williams House where he holds much respect from all his peers. His willingness to help has been one of his standout qualities where he is never afraid to lend a hand. Upon this addition, he has been the MC of cultural events and contributed a lot to the organisation and running of Arts Week. Next year he is heading to Tihoi to become a tutor.


Head of Senior Sport portfolio, Junior Sport portfolio

This year Hadleigh has worked hard to succeed in all of his goals. His leadership continued onto the rugby field where he captained the 1st XV in a great season including an extremely close televised game

against Hamilton Boys High School, and a successful tour of Australia. His work ethic on the field equalled his ethic off the field where he regularly organised the ’Team of the Week’, co-ordinated the Saturday duty during the rugby season and Prefect vs. Staff fixtures. Next year he is going to be doing a National Diploma in Construction Management and Quantity surveying at the University of Otago.


Head of School House, Spirit & Sport portfolios

Andrew is a dedicated student and prefect who when set a task carries it out to the best of his ability. He is a quiet achiever who is respected for his humility. He has organised School House well. Next year Andrew is heading to the University of Auckland to begin a Bachelor of Engineering.


Deputy Head of School House, Sports & Social portfolios

Lucien has been an involved prefect in both sports and social events, helping out with the organisation of the School Ball. His outgoing personality makes him easy to work with and diffuses any stressful situation. Next year Lucien is going to Oswestry School in England as a gap tutor.


Head of Fitchett House, Head of Spirit portfolio

Codey is a trustworthy man who has managed his sporting commitments well along with his academic results. His passion to improve the spirit of the School has led to a successful year for him. He has steered Fitchett well, leading them positively through the year. Next year Codey is studying Biomedical Science at Auckland University towards Medicine.

CORBIN O’NEILL Chapel Prefect, Social and Cultural portfolios

This year Corbin enjoyed great success in all three of his portfolios. He worked tirelessly in the preparation of the school ball which was one of the most successful in recent times whilst also being the MC of numerous cultural events. On top of this he delivered well balanced and powerful sermons to the school as a part of his Chapel duties and has received praise from many of his peers for his

approachable and friendly manner. Next year he is heading to Auckland University to study pre-med on his way to studying at med-school.


Head of Junior Sport portfolio, Boarding and Senior Sport portfolios

Sven has enjoyed a year full of achievements, namely coming 13th at the World Youth Windsurfing Champs, and back at school where his role as a prefect has been very well fulfilled. He was the leader of the Junior Sport Portfolio who ran the ’sport for year 9’s at lunch time’ programme which was a major success. For this to occur, Sven had to organise the entire logistics of the event and he did this with little trouble. He was also a member of the boarding and food committee which made valuable contributions to boarding life at school. Next year he plans to study Commerce at Auckland University. He will also continue to train in order to represent New Zealand at the 2016 Olympics on the RSX men’s windsurfer.


Head of Hamilton House, Charities and Environmental portfolios

Navdeesh is a hard working individual who has worked extremely hard all year towards his House and prefect responsibilities. He is both motivated and organised which has meant he has become a successful student. Next year Navdeesh is going to the University of Canterbury to study Engineering, focussing on Natural Resource.


Head of Harington House, Head of Cultural portfolio, Social portfolio

Fiora has been an enthusiastic, optimistic and supportive member of this year’s prefect body. As well as her prefect duties, Fiora has had a busy but enjoyable year in all areas, being the MC of events such as the Harington Fashion Show and House Singing. Through her work in Harington House, her success in Rowing, and her role as Captain of the Hockey 1st XI Girls, she has managed to balance herself well to still maintain a strong academic programme. In 2012, Fiora is heading to Otago University where she will be doing a combined law and psychology degree.


Deputy Head of Harington Boarding, Head of Boarding portfolio, Sports portfolio

Talya has always been willing to help arrange extra events for the girls in the boarding house. She has been a part of the St Paul’s Girls 1st XI soccer team for the past two years and held the position of captain this year, in which she encourage the girls well in the team. Next year she plans on volunteering in an Orphanage in South Africa and then joining the NZDF to become a medic in the navy.


Head of Williams, Head of Environmental portfolio, Junior Sport portfolio. Sam has had a year of numerous achievements including a silver medal at Maadi Cup, an achievement which he brought through to his prefect duties. His leadership has provided Williams with a strong platform to compete in the house competition and their success can be partly attributed to his role in the house. Sam also had a leading role in initiating the recycling process at the dining hall which is an exciting project for the future. Next year he is off to Camp Jubilee in Vancouver and travelling Europe.


Head Girl of School house, Spirit, Sport and Junior Sport portfolios

Alex has been a lively and positive member of the prefect body for 2011. She successfully managed to balance a very busy year and thrive in her role as a prefect. Alex had been handson, leading by example to inspire others, as Girls Rowing captain, captain of the 2nd XI Girls Hockey team and as the Head Girl of School House. She also delivered a sermon in chapel on Mother’s Day. Alex has also been very involved in both Sport Portfolios, and is organising the Leaver’s Jackets as a part of her Spirit Portfolio. Alex has been a supportive and loyal Harington Prefect who can be depended on. Alex leaves in January for England where she will spend the year as a Gap Tutor at St Bede’s.

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Headmaster’s Prize Giving Address – abridged

Board Chairman, Mr Philip Morgan; Board Members; Bishop David Moxon, Archbishop of the New Zealand Dioceses; Mr David Bennett, recently re-elected local member of Parliament; guests, friends, students and staff of the School; it is my great pleasure to present the 52nd annual Headmaster’s Report for St Paul’s Collegiate School.

In July of this year, Messrs Chris Luman, Chris Foot, Heta Smith and myself, were privileged to attend the International Boys’ School Coalition, conference in London, partly as a result of the generosity of Old Collegian, Dr John Ormiston. In the months following our return, a number of teaching staff, in a group named “The Boys Focus Group” have looked at what is the best practice in teaching and learning for our boys? Discussions with the full staff have resulted in the development of a St Paul’s Oak which represents our collective thinking on this issue. Nature’s symbol of strength and resilience, also plays a symbolic role at St Paul’s; with significant planting of these trees around our beautiful campus; with the Great Oaks Trading Post being the name of the School shop and Great Oaks Holding being the group that oversees the School’s investment arm (i.e. its Honikiwi Forest investments).

In the St Paul’s Oak, staff have highlighted key factors that represent the roots of the tree, that provide the foundation – the life force for the Oak and which nourishes our teaching and learning. The heart of the oak, or its trunk, is the ’relationships’ that hold the tree together, that give its strength, that in turn help to feed and achieve the outcomes – the growth of the branches, foliage and leaves which also in turn sustain the health of the tree through later life. Most of the outcomes aren’t gender specific, for example ownership of decisions, confidence as communicators and a sense of spirituality are just as important for females as for males. Strong positive relationships are also important for both genders. However, it is in the foundations of teaching and learning where there is a difference between the sexes in the relative importance of the influence of structure, physicality, hands on action, etc.

St Paul’s Collegiate has an almost unique structure amongst New Zealand secondary schools – a single-sex boys’ junior school and a coeducational senior school. It is important then for us as educators and parents to have an understanding of what is both ’best for boys’ and ’best for girls’ in such a learning environment.

Boys and girls are not just biologically different, they think, feel, act differently in the way they respond to disciplinary outcomes, learning, risk taking and aggression. So what are the characteristics of young men, and as we discuss them, are they in turn applicable to our young women?:

Young men tend to act confidently, energetically, noisily and assertively.

• They need no prizes, nor loyalty to a coach to compete. They will compete anywhere, at any time, over anything. Just define the game and the basic rules and they are away.

• At interval and lunch times what do you see boys doing? Playing games of pool or table tennis in the Student Centre; or on the field, in the gym or on the tennis courts playing touch, cricket, basketball or a game of their own making. The bell rings, the boys straighten their ties and hopefully tuck in their shirts and dutifully trot off to class. Maybe in some places, girls seek that same kind of release of energy, or that approach to play, but not I believe, with the same level of intensity.

• Young men tend to be physical in their interactions. They love to poke, push, tussle and wrestle with each other. It is an essential part of their physicality. 95% of the time it is natural and positive, while occasionally it needs to be controlled and moderated.

• On to movies – what is the division between a good action movie and a ’chick flick’? A ’guy flick’ has heroism, strength, a noble cause, action and even violence, often with a high purpose. Now compare that with the qualities woman seek in a good ’chick flick’ – depth in the plot, emphasis on character and relationships, and so on.

• Watch which boys are selected by their peers as the best sports captains. They may not always be the most popular, though talent and respect is a requirement. They often are not noisy, but quietly demonstrate strength, courage and dependability while remaining modest, understated and stoic. They lead by example. They operate within an unwritten code and they are rarely “show ponies”.

So if we acknowledge that girls and boys are different, how can we tap into those differences, channel them, indeed honour and respect them? It is important to recognise as parents, teachers, coaches and mentors, that a different approach at times is needed when working with different genders.

How for example, do we deal with the teenage boy’s reluctance to express his feelings; their reticence, the “grunts” and the lengthy silences when we are trying to get feedback from them? John Gray, in his book, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” states that at times “A man needs to go into his cave and decompress, to work out issues or feelings alone. Time to think, time to process new found emotions and time to make decisions about the future.” When mothers, women or teachers push for answers when a young man is not ready, he will either retreat further into that cave or feel challenged and come out fighting.

If we shift from the considerations for individual boys to the collective needs of males in an educational sense, we need to recognise that Tihoi and the single sex nature of our junior school is a huge advantage for the young men in this room. Our boys, at the most critical stage of their development – 13 and 14 years of age, are free from the posturing that mars the coeducational environment of many New Zealand secondary schools. Without the presence of girls in Year 9 and 10, boys face less pressure to act or to perform in a perceived “male” way. With less pressure, comes less need for reversion to type – the stereotypes of what boys think a boy “should be like”. In our junior school we are able to revel in the business of boys. Boys in this environment can be tough and tender; they can be young and silly, they can explore and take chances, try art, musical instruments or public speaking – in other words they have the opportunity to just be themselves. Topics and books can be targeted for male consumption, knowing that they appeal to the interests, values and causes that males relate to.

Co-curricular activities assume a crucial part in the operation of St Paul’s. Sport is an integral part of the journey into manhood. Its competitive nature; it’s role in giving young men a sense of being involved in something bigger than themselves; the way it channels their high energy into activities in which clear limits operate and where there are definite socially accepted rules of engagement.

In School’s such as our own, we proudly promote a sense of history and tradition. We believe that such linkages to the past show young people pathways to the future, encouragement to strive to be successful in order to honour those who have gone before you. Fostering a sense of loyalty, hard work and belonging. There is no doubt that young men respond to rules and place great importance on consistency and fairness. Boys may seek clarity, but mostly they will accept the decision and move on. They particularly value transparency and clear boundaries. Where rules are bent, unevenly applied or easily circumvented, respect is lost and problems quickly accrue.

Initial meetings of our ’Girls’ Focus Group’ have established that girls tend to work best in small groups or with a partner; they are more likely to listen to others opinions and consider their ideas; they tend to take more care with aspects of their work such as presentation and

neatness; can sit still and concentrate for longer; are more inclined to ask for help if they have a problem; they seem to be more reflective and critical of themselves and the quality of their school work.

So as a staff we are excited about the prospect of finding out more about what drives and motivates girls and boys. We want to see whether the thinking of gender experts, such as Geoff Hannan applies to the St Paul’s context.

Hannan writes “He does first and then (hopefully) thinks. She thinks first and then (hopefully) does. He has a trial and error, experiential learning style rooted in confidence, competence and interest in the manipulation of objects and systems. She isn’t such a risk taker. He is a speculative thinker, while she is very reflective.”

We are committed to increasing our understanding of gender issues around teaching and learning. In 2012, at Melbourne and in 2013 in Richmond Virginia, St Paul’s is keen to be represented at the IBSC international conferences so that we can gain a greater grasp of the respective needs of the girls and boys in our School, so that in years to come we can produce our own species of strong ’Great Oaks’ – young men and women who will go on to play a crucial role in our society.

As a Special Character School we have responsibility when it comes to teaching and modelling the values and the ethics that we want our young people to live by in later life. However, it is not enough to strongly value or proclaim them, we have to express them in actions; in how we live, in what we say or do. Our mission as a Christian School must be based on turning nouns such as generosity, kindness, thoughtfulness, sensitivity, compassion, into verbs, or words of action.

The responsibility then for the School’s Special Character and for its Christian Dimension, does not just fall to the Chaplain, but to every member of the St Paul’s community through their own actions.

Some of the indicators of the healthiness of this key aspect of the School include:

• The quality of the student led Chapel services, which continued to go from strength to strength and have challenged both students and staff with their thoughtprovoking messages.

• Our willingness to give of ourselves for others. The 24hour boarders relay in Term Two was a great example of this, with a huge number of students clocking up half and full marathon distances over the course to raise money for charities.

• The visit in September by the Headmaster and Deputy Headmaster of St Andrew’s High School in Nuka’lofa, Tonga and the establishment of a brother school relationship between our two schools, which have both benefited from the influence and input at a crucial time in their histories, from the outstanding leadership of renowned Headmaster, Mr Reg Hornsby.


I want to take this opportunity of recognising and thanking Reverend Craig Luccock for his positive input into fostering a strong sense of spirituality and community spirit within St Paul’s. Articulate, encouraging and affirming, Reverend Luccock actively models the faith he promotes.

We have been fortunate to continue to enjoy the ongoing enthusiastic and committed support of our Parents’ Association ably led by Mr Tim Elliott (Chairman), Mrs Eleanor Carmichael (Secretary) and Mr Brett Whiteley (Treasurer). 2011 saw hardworking and innovative Mrs Lyn Harris, step down from her role as Secretary, but the Association continued to seek financial opportunities to enhance the experiences of our students with the introduction of the Feilday fundraiser and the sale of Entertainment books to families. The commitment of our rural families to the successful Cattle Scheme was really appreciated, as were the grants distributed for sports trips and cultural activities, Tihoi mountain bikes, the establishment of the Kapa Haka group, vinyl cutting machine for signage; the upcoming joint purchase in conjunction with the Old Collegians’ Association of a Coffee Cart.

It has been a very challenging year for a committed Board of Trustees. With so many initiatives on the go at the same time, I have greatly appreciated and valued your continued support for the Vision and objectives that together we have set for St Paul’s. With the significant uncertainty posed by New Zealand’s ongoing recession and the unstable world economic conditions, you could have easily opted for a less ambitious pathway for St Paul’s, but you have held your nerve and have overseen many significant improvements in the physical environment of both the Hamilton and Tihoi campuses. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank the Trustees for the time, expertise and contribution that they have made to St Paul’s development over the year.

To the teaching and support staff at both the Hamilton and Tihoi campuses, we extend to you our thanks for the hard work, commitment and attention you have given each of the young men and women seated here. Your after school and holiday tutorials, your coaching and directorship of sporting and cultural activities, but even more importantly, your professionalism and the time and individual care you have given to our students/sons/daughters has been greatly appreciated. A major part of the success of St Paul’s can be directly attributed to the high quality staff and the dedication that they continually show towards our sons and daughters.

This year has seen a significantly different look in the School’s management, with the introduction of two new Assistant Headmasterships, with Mr Jed Rowlands and Mr Peter Hampton ably managing the curriculum and assessment needs of the junior and senior school respectively. These two gentlemen, along with Mrs Glenys Parton (Director of Marketing and Development), Mr Peter Gilbert (DECA), Mr Ian Bridge (Business Manager), and Mr Chris Luman (Deputy Headmaster) make up the School Executive team. This group, along with my committed PA, Miss Jennifer Purvis, have done a wonderful job in managing St Paul’s through a period of fairly major growth and change. I want to take

the opportunity of recognising and thanking each of them for the efficient and effective manner in which they have run the School over the past twelve months.

I firmly believe that leadership belongs to those who take it; those who have courage and tenacity to exercise it. This year, in Head Prefects, Lachlan Cooper and Elizabeth Wilson, and their strong group of Prefects, we have had a very effective student leadership team. I offer the collective thanks of all those gathered here today to the twenty-seven full School Prefects, the many more House Prefects, the ICT, Library and Chapel teams who have played such a crucial role in the operation of St Paul’s in 2011. The importance we place on the pastoral care within our Houses, the widely varied inter-house competition in which we encourage student involvement, events such as Open Days, Orientation Days, School Ball, Chapels and Assemblies, and the performances of our sporting and cultural groups, all revolve around proactive student involvement and leadership to enable these pillars of St Paul’s to be as strong as they are at present.

To the leavers here today, especially those in Year 12 and 13, I would like to thank you sincerely for the crucial contribution that you have made to St Paul’s between the past two to five years. Your childhood and the early stages of your teenage years have been highly structured, scheduled, supervised and mentored. Now you will be searching for your own role in life and considering the various directions and pathways you may take. You have a dizzying array of careers and lifestyle options and at this crucial crossroads I want to offer you some final advice:

The truth is that successful people don’t look inside to plan their lives. They look outside and find a direction which gives purpose to their life. You don’t form a self and then lead a life. Your self will be constructed gradually by your calling. For the most fulfilled people, this purpose will last their whole lives. Rather than just seeking happiness and joy, accept the lessons that hardship and problems can teach you. Any disaster that you survive can be viewed as an improvement opportunity for your character and life. When the older people in this gathering look back at their life, they see that the moments which seemed to be great failures, have been the incidents that shaped the people they have become in their lives. If you just want to be happy, you will always take the easy choices and never know what great satisfaction and fulfilment you could achieve. In life, it is excellence, not happiness that drives us best – as a result we will find the happiness that has been there all along.

While you might be told by others to march to the beat of your own drummer, in the real world, jobs and relationships usually require us to set limits on our personal desires – being part of a team, following the rules of a business organisation, doing the things that require us to maintain a good job, being prepared to work hard to maintain a relationship with a partner or spouse.

Fulfilment is a by-product of how we live our lives, not the goal. Most of us will find true meaning only in those moments when the self takes a back seat – when we do

something for someone else. The purpose of life is not to find yourself. Try to lose yourself by looking outwards towards others. That way you will find your real life and its purpose.

It is my hope that you leave St Paul’s a better person and with a toolkit of experiences and skills for the challenges that await you.

Finally I want to thank my wife and soul mate, Judith, for her amazing patience, support and guidance. On behalf of both of us, we wish you an enjoyable and fulfilling Christmas break with your respective families and friends.

Until we meet again, may Our Lord offer you his protection and give you his ongoing guidance, support and blessing.

Chairman – Mr Phillip Morgan QC

Bishop David Moxon, David Bennett, honoured guests, staff of St Paul’s Collegiate School, parents and students of St Paul’s Collegiate School past, present and future. Welcome to the annual prize giving for St Paul’s Collegiate School.

The purpose of my address today is to acknowledge the achievements in the past year and to tell the wider school community about the plans the Board has for the future. When speaking about the achievements of the last year it is very necessary to recognise the contributions of those who have enabled that success. Firstly, I speak of the Headmaster and his staff.

We have now seen the second year of Mr Grant Lander’s leadership of the school. We have seen and applaud the progress he has made in lifting the standards in the school, particularly student achievement and student behaviour, improving the facilities and growing the roll.

To do that he has been ably supported by his staff. Within the wider school community there is a recognition that the staff of the school work tremendously hard. They are passionate about their students and their successes and the primary recognition for what has been achieved in 2011 goes to them.

This year has been marked by the untimely death of Mr Peter Johnston.

Peter was a man who worked tirelessly behind the scenes for the school. He was a Director of Honikiwi Forest Limited and in the past years I have come very much to rely on his wise words of counsel.

He was tragically killed in an accident, a matter of months after his contribution to the school had been recognised by his being made a Fellow at an important ceremony we conducted at the school here he, Greg Fenton, Loris Eyre, Pat Plant, Mike Shaw and John Oliver were made Fellows. Our condolences go to his family. He will be sadly missed. The Board plans to plant a Kauri tree next winter as a mark of respect and to assist our memory of him.

The next matter to which I wish to make particular reference is the construction class which has operated in 2011.

As all of you will know the construction course set about building a ninth house for Tihoi. That was completed earlier last month, was picked up and trucked to Tihoi. I have not seen it in place yet but those who have tell me it is absolutely magnificent.

In addition to providing a valuable asset the construction class has been a valuable addition to the school’s curriculum. Students in the construction class have actually built the dwelling and we are very proud that we were able to offer such a construction class and give students the opportunity of learning the necessary skills as part of the school’s curriculum.

Special thanks are required for those who have facilitated this project. The primary drivers of it are Mr Gavin Jakes and Mr Mark May. I want to publicly recognise their commitment in my speech today and to thank them for the hours of time which they have voluntarily contributed to this project.

They are not alone. Heta Smith has contributed enormously as always, but for this particular project there was, in fact, a large number of people from the school community who contributed in multiple ways in terms of their time and product. Work ordinarily carried out by other tradesmen and sub trades was carried out by those persons who were members of the school community. They gave their time and skill voluntarily and so contributed to the construction


class curriculum. Product which would ordinarily have to be supplied was donated by the wider school community. All in all it was a tremendously satisfying project to see occurring in the school year and the Board’s thanks go to those who have facilitated it.

2011 has seen an enormous amount of development work at the school. Visitors here will have noted the Pavilion and Clark House, particularly. However those are simply two of the more noticeable projects. There has been a vast amount of work done in the course of the year on facilities around the school. Those are but two of dozens of different projects, both large and small.

The Board intends to continue with its developments in 2012. Already you will have seen work has been undertaken on the dining hall. That was a “must do” project. I attended the school between 1968 and 1972 and to my eye the dining hall is utterly unchanged from when I started in 1968–43 years ago.. The school roll was significantly smaller then. With the roll increasing under Mr Lander’s leadership feeding all the boarders and feeding the entire school at lunchtime has become quite a major issue, hence the need to develop. We do have other projects in the planning stage. We want to continue our programme to improve the quality of the facilities for the boarders. We know that in some areas those facilities are poor and need work. IT needs resourcing, something that has already commenced and classrooms need upgrading.

Doubtless the parents of the boys and girls who currently utilize those facilities would like them all carried out immediately and be available from the commencement of Term 1 in 2012. That simply cannot happen and indeed we have projects planned well into 2013 and 2014.

The Waikato Anglican College Trust which administers St Paul’s Collegiate School has finite resources. We cannot do everything at once. We need to pay our way like everybody else. Although you might not think it we do our utmost to keep our fees to a minimum and we simply cannot do all that we want to do. For those of you who are impatient for change to things like boarding facilities and classrooms, all I can say

is to tell you that the Board recognizes where there is a need for work and expenditure and is doing its utmost to identify priorities and carry out this work just as quickly as it can, but without imposing an intolerable burden on the Trust resources or the parents of the students it educates.

Lethargy and dilatoriness is not something that features at St Paul’s under Mr Lander’s leadership. Everything that needs work has been identified, we are getting to what needs to be done in order of priority as it can be funded.

To the leavers I wish you all the best for the future. In my two previous speeches at this time of the year I have spoken to the leavers of how fortunate I consider you all are to have been educated here and asked you all to reflect on the sacrifices made by loved ones, such as your parents and wider family which have enabled you to attend this school. I stand by those comments. I consider they are increasingly important words. You have been fortunate. In our troubled economic times the sacrifices made by loved ones are all the more momentous. You owe it to yourselves and those loved ones to utilize what you have been taught here and make successes of your adult lives. Your education here is all the more important in a world that features the European economy and meltdown, the US economy in recession and the Middle East in turmoil.

To the students who are returning to St Paul’s next year or are to commence here next year, welcome. You have made a good start on your lives. Sacrifices being made by others enable you to attend the school. Use it well.

Finally, I want to thank the members of the Board of Trustees. This is a wide group of people who bring to the Board table various skills. Some are Old Collegians. Some are parents of current students. Some are past parents and some have very little connection with the school at all. They all give their time voluntarily. They all utilize the skills they have been blessed with to assist in the governance of this school and to provide for management a clear pathway for the future. They all work enormously hard and I thank them most sincerely.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Valedictory Speech – Charlotte Atherton

Welcome to all of you, you have made it to the celebrating part of the year, where we have finished our time at high school. It is a great honour to be delivering this speech on behalf of all of you. There are many activities I could talk about, to try and explain why this school has been so important to me, but the thing is that’s only important to me. Why has St Pauls been so special to us?

I know that my memories of this school will be different to everyone else, but it’s these memories which we must hold on to, and share in order to make this school the place we shall always remember.

Thanks to the Rugby World Cup this has probably been one of the weirdest years for all of us, with 13 week, 12 week or 11 week terms and then only 2 weeks of revision, however I guess that this can partially be excused due to the fact that the All Blacks won.

walked from is here. St Paul’s Collegiate; the Class of 2011.

The St Paul’s experience is split. In one way to pre Tihoi and post Tihoi, at least that’s what the girls see. We see the young year 9 boys enter the school, then the year 10s that go there and we meet the almost adults that come back. For all of us, we have spent time at Tihoi, whether a week or six months we all have felt the impact it has.

Unfortunately I can’t talk about the impact of being in a Tihoi intake, those are memories that most of the young men in the room will have to remember. Though I do know what it’s like to be a family sending their child there. For the families, Tihoi has been an incredible, and a rewarding experience for all those who got to go.

We have all been to Tihoi at some point. From my time there I will remember sleeping in the rain and meeting new people. But what you remember from your time there is what makes Tihoi special for you. The culture that we have developed at St Paul’s begins with Tihoi, but it doesn’t stop there.

The St Paul’s experience is also characterised to day and boarding Students. Whatever you are, it’s hard to understand what it’s like to be the other. Being a boarding student, we have built a surrogate family at school, who we have ultimately spent more time with than our families. Therefore we have a sense of independence in which we are forced to make our own decisions. Day students also get the chance to build a surrogate family. Thanks to the house system, each of us has had our own place to spend our time with friends.

Finally we have made it to Year 13, this is the year we were all waiting for. The year that means we are no longer the step below, we found ourselves on top.

There is so much to say about this year. Some of us built a house. Some of us learnt how to ballroom dance and actually enjoyed it. Some of us found new friends. Some of

us pushed the boundaries by attempting to pull a few pranks in the car park. Some of us might have met the guy or girl of our dreams. And some of us learnt who we really are. All of this happened because we were challenged to excel to the best of our abilities, with each of us working to exceed expectations and accomplish our goals. However St Paul’s is a school of distractions, therefore along the way we have come across interruptions. Fortunately for us our teachers put up with the school of distractions for our own education.

St Paul’s is all about grasping every opportunity along with learning our limits. It turns out that it’s actually easy to push yourself over the edge. I’m sure many of us have learnt that this year. It’s important that we’ve learnt, as my mum says, “to celebrate our no’s”, meaning we have to learn how to say no and not do it all. That way when we say yes, it becomes more special.

What’s important now is that we are at the end of the year, our last year, and we have now grown into the people we are going to be. So it’s the time of the year, which has come to saying goodbye, our final farewell. Over the years we have spent here we have learnt valuable lessons, which we are going to take away with us and we leave our footsteps for the years to come.

The valedictorian speech is a farewell but not only should we say goodbye, but we should thank the school. Thank you Mr Lander, I can’t imagine any of us ever doing a headmaster’s run again. Thank you for encouraging us to play sport. Thank you for all the opportunities you have provided us. Thank you for the luxury of the girl’s boarding house, and for massive projects to get the boys houses to the same standard. Thank you to the teachers for tolerating the school of distractions and giving up your time for our education. Thank you to the parents for giving us the opportunity to grow at St Paul’s. And thank you to all of you, to all my peers and friends for going through this year together.

Here is where we have grown and developed into the people we shall be when we enter the next stage of our lives. So the most important thank you we can say is to ourselves. Thank you. Each and every one of you is unique and each and every one of you has been challenged in your own way. We have all experienced the good, the bad and the ugly of St Paul’s in which we have learnt, we have grown and we have established the framework for our future.

Tomorrow is our last official day at St Paul’s, as high school students. Suddenly we are adults, so all of a sudden we are to embark on our own life’s quest. Where we are each going? I don’t think anyone knows, but we know where we have come from. Right here, St Paul’s Collegiate: the class of 2011.

We now look to next year where some of us might be going off to continue our education, some of us might have a gap year planned and some of us might not even have a clue what next year will bring, but where our feet have

Prizegiving Ceremony



Navdeesh Singh-Thandi

Awarded to the student who has put in a really consistent effort into all areas of school life. Someone who always gives of their best in everything they do.


Grayson Croasdale

Awarded in recognition of outstanding leadership both inside and outside of the classroom.


Charlotte Atherton

Awarded to the most outstanding female leader in the School.


Elizabeth Wilson

Awarded to the Head Girl, for her outstanding leadership and commitment, in all areas of School life.


Lachlan Cooper

Awarded to the Head Boy, for his outstanding leadership and commitment, in all areas of School life.


Jason Coventry

Awarded to the student, either girl or boy, who has contributed most to the School in a wide variety of activities.


James Kennedy and Chang Zhai


Navdeesh Singh-Thandi

Awarded to the student who has excelled in the area of a Practical Science.


James Mason

Awarded to the top student in the Commercial Sciences area who is continuing with his/her study of the Economic Sciences at University.


Mitchell Jensen

Scholarship awarded to the most outstanding Economic Science student who will be attending the University of Waikato.


Joshua Tye

Awarded to a year twelve student who started at St Paul’s in the lower band and has now qualified for a full NCEA Level 3 (Achievement Standards) course next year.



Jack Davies

Awarded to the top year nine student who has excelled in all areas of school life, academics, sport, cultural and leadership.


Paul Newton-Jackson

Awarded to the top academic year eleven student who has excelled in all areas of school life, academics, sport, cultural and leadership. The Haylett Petty Memorial Trophy was donated to the school by the Oliver family and is dedicated to the memory of former staff member, Paul Haylett Petty.


Liam Buchanan


Liam O’Donoghue

Awarded to the top academic year twelve student who has excelled in all areas of school life, academics, sport, cultural and leadership.


Alexandra French, Grace Gatenby, Angus Harris, James Hogg, Codey Nepe, Corbin O’Neill, Reece Patterson, Thomas Swarbrick, Talya Thomas, Evan Wilson

Awarded for outstanding service to the School in a wide variety of areas, academics, leadership, sporting, cultural and/or service – each of these students has made an extraordinary contribution to the School in their respective areas.


Taylor Deakin

Awarded for outstanding diligence and persistence in the Junior School. This trophy was donated to the School by the Goldsbury family and is dedicated to the memory of staff member John van Grootel.


Michael Hodge

Awarded to the student who has contributed most positively to fostering international relations in the School.


Melissa Gilmartin-Kara

Awarded to an individual who walks in te ao Maori (the Maori world) for cultural well-being and who applies themselves to all facets of school life


Elizabeth Wilson

Awarded for the most outstanding piece of writing produced by a student during the school year.


Catherine McRae

Awarded to the student who excelled in the study of Literature in Level 3 English.


Thomas Moss

Awarded for the most outstanding public speaker in the School student body.


Roydon Nutsford

Awarded to the most outstanding Graphics student in the School, across all levels.


Mantez Singh-Thandi

Awarded to the student who displays the most outstanding craftsmanship in the School, across all levels.



Hadleigh May

Awarded to the senior student in the Construction Course who has shown: Enthusiasm, team work, a great attitude to all aspects of the course, pride in their finished work and has completed all the theory and practical units to a very high standard.


Jordan Fache

Awarded to a member of the iTeam who has displayed dedication and commitment to ICT support



Bon Scott

Awarded for excellence in Graphics and Art Design.


Lashara Lim

Awarded to the most promising artist at St Paul’s who will continue in the Arts.



James Atherton, Sean HenleySmith


Accounting, 3rd Computer Studies, 3rd Physics (IGCSE), 3rd Year 12

Mathematics (AS)

Samuel Woolerton

Art (Share), 2nd Science, 3rd Drama, 3rd English (NCEA), 3rd Music

Holly Ho - (overseas)

Art (Share)

Jody Thompson

Chemistry (NCEA), 2nd Physics (NCEA)

Joshua Walpole-Smith

Computer Studies, 2nd Accounting, 2nd Chemistry (NCEA), 3rd

Mathematics (IGCSE)

Vincent Reilly

Economics, 2nd Mathematics (NCEA) Phoebe Boyes

Geography, 2nd Biology

Geraldine Fish


Shani Fernando

History, 3rd Geography

Nicholas Don

Materials Technology (Engineering)

Toby Way

Navdeesh Singh-Thandi Mantez Singh-Thandi Lizzi Wilson Jason Coventry Jack Davies Bon Scott

Physical Education (Share)

Lucas Martin

Physical Education (Share), 3rd Chemistry (IGCSE)

Jessica Reilly

French, Mathematics (NCEA), 3rd Accounting, 3rd Advanced Physical Education, 3rd Science

Antonia Anda

Chemistry (IGCSE), Physics (IGCSE), 3rd Accounting, Mark Davis

2nd Mathematics (IGCSE), 3rd English (IGCSE), Materials Technology (Furniture), Physics (NCEA), 2nd Materials Technology (Engineering)

Callum Windley

Biology, English (NCEA), Mathematics (IGCSE)

Sharleen (Yu-Ying) Lu (overseas)

Drama, English (IGCSE), Music, Science

Paul Newton-Jackson



David (Seung Chan) Back— (overseas), Brenna Cockrem, Harrietanne Embling, Peter Grierson, Ariana Mariu


Accounting (share), 2nd Mathematics (NCEA)

Mitchell Proudfoot

Art (Painting) (share), 2nd English (AS), 3rd Advanced Physical Education

Claire Sayer

Art (Painting) (share)

Jung (Jun Huang) Xue

Photography (share)

Kieran Merriman

Computer Studies, 2nd Music

Ross Noble

Economics, 3rd History

Alex Hargreaves


Sebastian Colson

English (NCEA), 3rd Mathematics (AS)

Nina (Yu-Nung) Lee (overseas)

Geography (share)

Marcus Collins

Geography (share)

Jackson Tatton

History (share), 2nd English (NCEA), 3rd French

Robert Carmichael

Mathematics (NCEA), 3rd Chemistry

Scott (Jeong Hun) Ham

Materials Technology (Furniture)

Mantez Singh-Thandi

Materials Technology (Engineering), 2nd Electronics

Sam Savage

Advanced Physical Education (share), 3rd Biology

Rose Spence

Advanced Physical Education (share), 2nd Biology, 3rd Accounting

Elizabeth Rajan

Physics, 2nd Chemistry

Sheng Cao


Logan Cowie

Accounting (share), Mathematics (AS)

Linda (Rongrong) Lin

History (share), Music, 2nd English (NCEA), 3rd Biology

Jonathan Eyers

Art Design, Graphics

Bon Scott

Photography (share), Media Studies

David Rooney

Biology, Chemistry, English (AS), French, 3rd Physics, 2nd Year 13

Mathematics with Calculus

Belinda Pedersen



Rian Bovill, Robyn Henderson, Angus Williams



James Mason

Art Design (share)

Charlotte Atherton

Art Design (share)

Marie-Helene Jacquet

Chemistry, 3rd Biology, 3rd Physics

James Kennedy

Computer Studies

Thomas Swarbrick


Sven Pedersen

English (share)

Fiora Stewart

Mathematics with Statistics (share), 2nd Chemistry

Melissa Oosterwijk

Materials Technology (Construction)

Hadleigh May


Samuel Domett

Physics, 2nd Mathematics with Calculus

Chang Zhai

Science, 2nd History

Connor Spence

Biology, History

Grace Gatenby

English (share), Media Studies, 3rd History

Catherine McRae


Roydon Nutsford

Advanced Physical Education, Photography, 3rd Science (THE WINTEC SPORTS STUDIES TROPHY)

Alexandra French

Mathematics with Calculus, Mathematics with Statistics (share),

2nd Year 12 Physics, 3rd Chemistry

Olivia Thompson




Mantez Singh-Thandi



Thomas Swarbrick


Liam Buchanan

For excellence in Debating.


Jonathan Eyers

For excellence in the Performing Arts.


Samuel Armstrong

For the most significant contribution to Culture.


Sven Pedersen

In recognition of all-round personal success in sport and the contribution towards others reaching their potential.


Claybird Shooting Team

To the most outstanding team of the year.


Alexandra French

Awarded to the most outstanding sportswomen of the year.


Sven Pedersen

To the most outstanding Individual Sports Person.


Hamilton House

Awarded to the House accumulating the most points over the year in the Inter-House competitions.


Youngmin Goo

Awarded to a student who showed real development at Tihoi—first intake.


Christopher Tindall

Awarded to a student who showed real development at Tihoi—second intake.


Harry Pickernell

Awarded to a student who was outstanding in most areas of activity, academic and others, at Tihoi—first intake.


Thomas Harsant

Awarded to a student who was outstanding in most areas of activity, academic and others, at Tihoi— second intake.

Taylor Deakin Roydon Nutsford Paul Newton-Jackson Jordan Fache and Daryl Lyes Joint Winners of the John Oehely Cup Joint Dux

2011 Leavers

Vanna Long James Lin Melissa Latto Michael Loft Lashara Lim Asher Kosoof Zac Laurich James Kennedy Mitch Jensen Marie-Helene Jacquet Natalie Hong Lauren Jakes Vladimir Ilic James Hogg Dylan Hulain Mikey Hodge Ryan Hobbs Angus Harris Ally French Robyn Henderson Grace Gatenby Reece Franklin Julia Frick Keegan Fly Chris Fletcher Joshua Fawcett James Dyke Ben Fletcher Cecile Elsing Sam Domett Izak Eksteen Adrele De Guzman Brook Daly Grayson Croasdale Lachlan Cooper Joe Curran Tim Coxhead Rian Bovill Jason Coventry Annie Boshier Alistair Bayly Jake Barber Charlotte Atherton Nic Anderson Nick Anda Sam Ammon Nicholas Allan Hollie Adamson Pearse McGougan James Mason Hamish Mahon Hadleigh May Josh Mann Jaymz MackenzieHooper Riley Malins Maija MacCalman Edward Tseng Sam Tipping Big Taechameekietichai Ian Torrance Talya Thomas Tom Swarbrick Seb Taylor Ryan Sullivan Max StuartJones Connor Spence Navdeesh Singh-Thandi Fiora Stewart Matt Snodgrass Anjena Singh Oliver Smith Matt Seton Nathan Russell James Pritchard Sven Pedersen Andrew Roberts James Pickford Reece Patterson Nina Phillips Shreena Patel Melissa Oosterwijk Corbin O'Neill Codey Nepe Jake Oh Roydon Nutsford Daniel Nelson Sophie Nola Jeff Nam Lucien Nabbs Eoin Miles Cat McRae Zoe Morehu James Mehlhopt-Cole Andrew McPherson Laurie Meban Alexandra McMichael Simon Yates Evan Wilson Annelies WatsonHolmes Lizzi Wilson Alexandra Wilson Colin Watson Angus Williams Chang Zhai Siobhan Vusoniwailala

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