Handbook for Undergraduate Students

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HANDBOOK 2023 Street and postal address — 9 City Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050 Reception Telephone — 02 9550 7444 email — reception@stpauls.edu.au College website — www.stpauls.edu.au

Published by St Paul’s College, University of Sydney 9 City Rd

Camperdown NSW 2050 Australia


Copyright © 2023 The Warden and Fellows of St Paul’s College

Contributors Katie Allen, Philip Barr, TJ Christie, Harry Croker, Ed Loane, Antne Martinho-Truswell, Richard Morgan, Antony Weiss

Design and layout Richard Morgan

For version control refer to back cover

St Paul’s College

Founded St Paul’s Day (25 January) 1856


Handbook for members of the College

A Prayer for St Paul’s College

Heavenly Father, we bid thy ongoing blessing upon this College. We pray that all who reside, lead, learn and work here may be inspired to follow in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, in giving themselves to the service of others in a Christ-like way, affording dignity and respect to all as they uphold and live out the Christian values of this College.

We pray that you will guard, cheer, inspire and direct all those beginning their time at College. Imbue them and all Paulines with wisdom, patience, and courage, so that they may wholly devote themselves to their studies and College life as well as seeking to be a worthy example to one another, a light unto the community, committed to strengthening the weak and raising up those who fall; and, being inspired by thy love, may they be ever ready to reach out to one another particularly the lonesome, the anxious, and those whose homes, families and friends are far away; for the sake of him who laid down his life for us, the same thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ,


A Prayer for the King’s Majesty

O Lord, our heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, Lord of lords, the only Ruler of princes, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth: Most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious Sovereign Lord, King CHARLES; and so replenish him with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that he may alway incline to thy will, and walk in thy way. Endue him plenteously with heavenly gifts; grant him in health and wealth long to live; strengthen him that he may vanquish and overcome all his enemies; and finally after this life he may attain everlasting joy and felicity; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Acknowledgement of country

We celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and spiritual relationship to Country and honour the significance of their cultures across the ancient continent we now call Australia.

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land upon which St Paul’s College stands. Our Heavenly Father, in His wisdom and love, gave this estate to the Gadigal of the Eora Nation. Until the arrival of the British, the lands on which St Paul’s College and the University of Sydney stand were for millennia pivotal to Gadigal learning, understanding, community and cultural significance – stretching along the southern side of Port Jackson from South Head to around Petersham.

This is where Gadigal elders reared and shaped children and youth –their future generations and, as we continue to learn to live together on these ancestral lands, let us acknowledge and pay our respects to their elders across all generations.

May our common prayer be that God will unite us all in a knowledge of His Son, in whom all things were created, in heaven and on earth, whether visible or invisible—for all things have been created through Him and for Him.


A very warm welcome to St Paul’s College!—6 College Council - The Warden and Fellows—8

Resident Staff—9

College Office Staff—10

Facilities, Kitchen, Housekeeping Grounds Staff—11 Student Leaders—12

Who’s Who?—13

Academic Life—24

Spiritual Life—32

Intellectual and cultural Life, Community Service, Social Life—34

Sporting Life and Games—36

Students’ Club and Student Leadership Positions—38

St Paul’s A to Z—41 Code of Conduct—64

Other Important Policy documents—71

If you are a new student at St Paul’s this year, I want to welcome you to our College community. I thought I would take this opportunity at the beginning of the College Handbook to outline some of the things I hope your experience at St Paul’s will add to your life.

Firstly, at College you are likely to form some of the most significant relationships in your life. My best man was at Paul’s with me, my wife was at The Women’s College and we still regularly keep up with our friends from College. Living together, dining together and studying together is the backdrop from which deep and lasting friendships emerge.

A second aspect of College is the rich intellectual stimulation you will receive living in this academic community. The College regularly has visitors engaging with us from all spheres of life: from politics to business to academia to the Church, the input is challenging and helps us think beyond our own interests and stretches us to test what we believe and cherish. This same thing happens regularly on a smaller scale through the cross pollination of interdisciplinary discourse that happens across the table at meals or casually in the rec rooms. Students from different faculties and specialties, different faiths, backgrounds and worldviews, share and shape one another in their thinking.

Thirdly, College should help us to be humble, charitable and service oriented. When any large group of people lives together, for the community to be harmonious and flourishing, we all need to think not just about ourselves but of others and society as a whole. Students express this both in the way we treat one another as well as in the service related activities and charity fund-raising we do. There are many other aspects which demonstrate that collegiate life is about supporting character development as well as education. Your time at College should be deeply formative and at the beginning of a new academic year it is worth reflecting on the kind of person you wish to be and how the experiences of living in this community are shaping you towards this goal.

St Paul’s was founded in the middle of the 19th century by those who believed that higher learning was stimulated rather than stifled by active engagement with the Anglican Christian tradition. While this may seem an antiquated ideal today, we ought to remember that it was also counter-cultural at the time and stood in contrast to Sydney University’s deliberate secular foundation. But St Paul’s, from its earliest days was seeking to achieve a holistic educative experience. An education which valued academic, artistic, sporting and spiritual formation by living, learning, creating, playing and worshipping in community. This remains our aspiration today. We seek to be a modern, internationally-minded, outward-looking Australian Anglican college sending out servanthearted leaders into their communities across the globe.

A very warm welcome to St Paul’s College!

Through the College’s long and rich history it has produced many of this country’s great leaders and nation builders. Paulines have distinguished themselves in diverse contributions to our society from pop music to opera, from radio and television personalities to novelists, from surgeons to physicists, from judges to sports heroes, from Labor Prime Ministers to Liberal Prime Ministers! The spectrum of cultural contribution is fulfilled in the alumni of the College and the leadership they have provided. We actively seek to recruit, develop and train leaders. Moreover, through the increase of international students and globalization more generally, the leaders we will produce today will not just shape Australia, but the world. What matters more than fame or distinction, of course, is that when they leave here, Paulines become good citizens, good spouses and good parents to their children.

With the rich history we possess, a continuing challenge is to both retain all that is good in our heritage, while innovating and establishing best practices for student well-being and development. With this in mind, we continue to pursue the deliberate cultural renewal which has been a St Paul’s College Council priority over the last few years. The 2018 Broderick Review was a helpful starting point, but acting on all of its recommendations must not be considered the end of the process. Rather, continual improvement must be part of our DNA as we seek excellence in all we do and aspire to be as a College.

There is no doubt that it is an exciting time to be at St Paul’s. There are more students at the College in 2023 than there ever has been in its history. There are more opportunities for those students to develop themselves in character, conviction, intellect and competency. This is a tremendous privilege! It is a privilege that is very much built on a long legacy of Pauline voluntary contribution, both of time and money. Generous gifts and bequests have helped give you the opportunity you are now able to enjoy.

Of course, with every privilege comes responsibility. You have a responsibility to make the most out of your time at St Paul’s and making the most positive contribution possible. You have the responsibility of carrying the College’s reputation through your behaviour, character and the way you carry yourself both within and outside the gates. You have the responsibility of giving back to the College when and however you are able. Do not neglect your responsibility as you receive your privilege.

I very much look forward to meeting with you and working with you to make 2022 one of the greatest years in the College’s long and distinguished history.


College Council - The Warden and Fellows


Rev’d Dr Edward Loane BSc (Syd), BD (Hons), DipMin (MTC), PhD (Cantab)

Fellows (members of College Council):

Chair: Mr Mark Elliott BE (Civil) (Syd)

Deputy Chair: The Rev’d Dr Max Wood BA/LLB (Macq), BTheol (Hons) (Charles Sturt), PhD (Durham)

Bursar: Mr Andrew Sinclair BE (Syd) (College Bursar)

Mr James Bell BA, LLB (Syd)

Dr Christine Biscoe BDS (Syd)

Rev’d Philip Bradford MA (Syd), MTh

Rev’d Dr James Collins DipTeach (Claremont TC), GradDipRelEd (CathPastInstWA), GradDipRelEdStud, BEd (WACAE), BTheol (Murdoch), CPE (RPH), PostGradDipArts, MA (ECowan), PhD (Tasm)

Mr Matthew Gerber BCom, MIntStud (Syd)

Mr Ralph Goninan BCom, BE (Civil) (Syd)

Professor Julia Horne PhD (UNSW)

Mr David Roberts BEc, LLB (Syd)

The Rev’d Kate Heath B.Lib.St (Syd), B.Th (Charles Sturt)

The Council Fellows, and their respective election or appointment, and re-election, are governed by the Saint Paul’s College Act (NSW) 2018.


For all staff inquiries the College phone number is (02) 9550 7444


Rev’d Dr Edward Loane, BSc (Syd), BD (Hons), DipMin (MTC), PhD (Cantab) ed.loane@stpauls.edu.au


Mrs Tracey-Jane (TJ) Christie, BA, Dip Law tj.christie@stpauls.edu.au

Dean of Undergraduates:

Mr Harry Croker BA (Syd) harry.croker@stpauls.edu.au

Dean of Graduate House:

Dr Antone Martinho-Truswell AB (Harvard), MA, DPhil (Oxon) amt@stpauls.edu.au

Senior Tutor:

Ms Katie Allan BA, LLB (Hons) (Bond), BCL (Dist), MPhil (Oxon) katie.allan@stpauls.edu.au


Rev’d Antony Weiss BD (MTC), BA (UNSW), Grad Dip Ed (UTS) chaplain@stpauls.edu.au

Head of Admissions (non-resident):

Mr Philip Barr BA, DipEd (Syd) pbarr@stpauls.edu.au

Director of Music:

Mr Jack Stephens BMus (Syd) jack.stephens@stpauls.edu.au

Hon. Medical Officer:

Dr Vincent Braniff MBBS (Adel), BA (Syd) vbraniff@gmail.com

Fire Chief:

Dr Jim Franklin BSc (Hons) (ANU), PhD (UTS) jim.franklin@uts.edu.au

Organist & Composer-in-Residence

Mr David Drury BMus (Syd), ARCO ddrury@stpauls.edu.au

Associate Deans

(Post Graduates) Ms Brianna Louwen BMus, MA (York) brianna.louwen@stpauls.edu.au

(Undergraduates) Ms Lucy Williams BVA, EMASS lucy.williams@stpauls.edu.au

Resident Staff

College Office Staff

For all staff inquiries the College phone number is (02) 9550 7444

Registrar: Ms Tracey Donkin 9550 7451; registrar@stpauls.edu.au

Director of Finance and Operations: Mrs Jackie Cox BAcct (SCU), FCPA, JP 9550 7453; jackie.cox@stpauls.edu.au

Accountant: Miss Tina Zhao MAcct (ANU), CA 9550 7423; tina.zhao@stpauls.edu.au

Assistant Accountant: Miss Amy Tran B.Com (ACU) 9550 7442; amy.tran@stpauls.edu.au

Assistant Accountant vacant

Director of Community Relations: (Alumni relations, communications, philanthropy and archives): Mr Richard Morgan MA (Syd), DipMuseumStudies (Syd), DipOutdoorRec (AQTF), MFIA, MAICD, FRSA, JP community@stpauls.edu.au

Manager Planned Gifts: Ms Sarah Siegloff sarah.siegloff@stpauls.edu.au

Annual Gifts Specialist: Ms Julie Tan julie.tan@stpauls.edu.au

Reception and Operations Assistant: Mrs Amanda O’Yang 9550 7447; officeadmin@stpauls.edu.au


Facilities Manager: Mr Brad Skone housekeeping@stpauls.edu.au

Maintenance Officer: Mr Vit Fedyczkowski maintenance@stpauls.edu.au

Maintenance Officer: Mr Alex Zaitseff

Maintenance Officer: Peter Chahine

Groundsman: Mr Kazem Shariati

Tripass White Site Manager: Mr Cameron Blake cameron.blake@tripasswhitegroup.com.au

Facilities, Kitchen, Housekeeping Grounds Staff

Log all maintenance requests here: https://bit.ly/3tfG7dg

Alliance Account Administrator: Mr Krishna Subedi

Executive Housekeeper: Mr Kevin Ball

Housekeeping Supervisor: Mr Krishna Subedi

Housekeeping Team Leader: Ms Satipa Pornnikom,

McMillan Building: Ms Christine Carina, Ms Katlyn Burdon, Ms Amrita Neupane

Ivan Head Building: Mrs Marilou Bollen, Ms Jutatip Nuntajun

Garnsey Wing: Ms Hedina Simanjuntak

Arnott Building: Ms Debbie Phoebe

Blacket/Radford Wing: Ms Rattana Kunroj

North/South Chapel Court: Mrs Chrissy Craig

Head Chef: Mr Robert Sgroi

Chefs: Mr Marco Kusuma, Mr Faraz Rasheed Ms Swikriti Khadgi, Mr Jorge Cuva

Breakfast Cook: Ms Courtenay Harley

Apprentice Chef: Mr Anthony Toledo

Undergraduate House Supervisor: Mr Arul Kasippillai


Student Leaders


Senior Student - Mr Simon Toscan

Honorary Secretary - Mr Dillon Fernando

Honorary Treasurer - Mr Jack Holt

Committee -

Mr Tom Green

Ms Sophie Jefferies

Mr Jonah O’Sullivan

Ms Zoe Renowden

Mr Oliver Thorne

Mr Toby Weston


Ms Kate Blattman

Mr Ben Bradshaw

Ms Giselle Croker

Mr Tom Nivison

Mr Sebastian Shanahan

Junior Dean On-Call: 0479 059 102


Mr Luke Amjah

Mr Henry Blackwell

Ms Claire Blattman

Mr Lachlan Brown

Ms Ashley Buchanan

Mr James Camilleri

Ms Alex Edwards

Ms Brooke Elliott

Ms Lucy Eyres

Mr Sebastian Green

Ms Sophie Jefferies

Mr Hugh Jordan

Mr Caleb Kadmon

Ms Laura Kenny

Ms Sophie Lyne

Mr Tom McHutchison

Ms Natalie McRory

Mr Mathu Pushpakumar

Ms Zoe Renowden

Mr James Rossiter

Mr Joseph Scopas



In managing the College (Salisbury) Bar, the Bar Manager works closely with, mentors and supervises a Bar team of students appointed by the Tripass White Hospitality Group, who hold the liquor licence. The Bar Manager is responsible for ensuring the Salisbury Bar is compliant with all licensing and other regulations associated in operating a commercial licensed premises.


The Chaplain leads Christian ministry at St Paul’s College as well as overseeing and providing pastoral care to students and staff of the College.

Rev’d Antony Weiss, has been Chaplain to St Paul’s College since 2018. In his previous life, he was a languages teacher, boarding master and rowing coach at a Sydney Anglican school for almost three decades.

Antony quickly gets to know all the students in College and he is widely and readily available for a chat in Hall, for a catch up at a local café or to provide pastoral support to all students and staff of the College. Antony is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day Christian life of St Paul’s, leading daily chapel services, a weekly Bible Study and World Views and Ethics discussion group.

All are welcome to reach out to the Chaplain who may be readily contacted on 0417 240 461. He resides in the Salisbury Flat above the Concordia courtyard.


College Duty Officers are senior students who are rostered each evening and on weekends to be the first point of call outside of business hours in case you need assistance or, more likely, when you lock yourself out of your room, or on the rare occasion your room key should fail. As with all student leaders, CDOs are community builders through their presence and positive relationships across the College.

Of an evening and on weekends, the CDO on duty will carry out routine walk-arounds the College, charged with the responsibility of responding to noisy social behaviour and knowing when to escalate or report concerns or incidents to the Junior Dean on Duty. So, take it as given that you will undoubtedly come across a CDO reminding students to turn their music off after 10.30pm, or even asking a gathering in a room or common room to dissipate when there’s a disturbance!

We suggest you save the CDO number in your phone contacts now: 0422 888 970

Remember, only reach out to the CDO number after hours. During office hours, you’ll need to swing past reception if you can’t access your room.

Who’s Who?


In the case of an emergency, significant medical condition, break-in, electrical fault etc., please contact the CDO who will assist you directly or refer the problem to a Junior Dean, or other relevant senior College resident. Although CDOs will respond at any time if you have a genuine problem, being without your key after 11 pm is not necessarily an emergency and you should consider staying in a friend’s room rather than waking the CDO.

If you are repeatedly locked out (more than three times in a semester) you may be fined.

While on duty, the CDO has the delegated authority of the Junior Deans. The Warden and Resident staff remain responsible for discipline of resident undergraduate community members throughout the semester. After hours, they are rostered on-call to attend to matters that Junior Deans bring to their attention.


The Community Relations and Fundraising (or Advancement) Office connects the College with its alumni and friends, the University and the wider community.

An important aim of the Advancement Office is to engage with alumni and friends of the College, including parents of current and Old Paulines, about participating in College’s community functions, giving to the College and mentoring current students (i.e. linking students with old Paulines). Students are encouraged to visit the Advancement Office in Room 1009 (Ivan Head Building) if they would like help connecting with alumni. Mr Richard Morgan, who was a resident member of College in 1978-82, is a former museum director and worked in school education for 20 years including as principal of The Pittwater House Schools 2000-06. He volunteers as a Commander in the Navy Cadets.

Richard is also a Justice of the Peace and available to witness signing of certain documents and to certify copies of identity documents and the like. Richard can be contacted on 0412 016117 or community@stpauls.edu.au.

See also the sections on St Paul’s College Foundation and St Paul’s College Union later in this section of the Handbook.


The Dean of Undergraduates is Mr Harry Croker. Harry lives on site and is involved with all aspects of Pauline undergraduate life and works closely with student leaders with a particular focus on student welfare, pastoral care, and discipline. The Dean is available to all students should you have any concerns on day-to-day life at St Paul’s. In addition to his role as Dean, Harry takes carriage of public relations and communications-related aspects of the College alongside the Director of Community Development, Richard Morgan.

Hailing from Newcastle, Harry completed a Bachelor of Media and Communications degree in 2020, his fourth year as an undergraduate at St Paul’s. He served on two Students’ Club Committees, first as the Intercol Rawson Cup representative in 2019, and then as Senior Student in 2020. Harry contributed to multiple Rawson Cup campaigns across a number of sports and in 2017 and 2020 was part of victorious Rawson Cup campaigns.



The Dean of Graduate House is responsible for the College’s graduate community.

The Dean, Dr Antone Martinho-Truswell, is responsible for building and leading the community of postgraduates and academics in the Graduate House. Dr Martinho-Truswell is the inaugural Dean of Graduate House, having come to St Paul’s from teaching and researching in the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford, where he has been a Fellow and member of the governing body of Magdalen College, and a Lecturer in Biology at Pembroke College.

Mrs Emma Martinho-Truswell is also helping to build the Graduate House community, and is available as a mentor to students throughout St Paul’s. Emma has a particular interested in the development of student leaders, having delivered leadership training for a number of colleges.


The Director of Music is Mr Jack Stephens. Jack has been a member of St Paul’s College since 2020 and he is currently undertaking a Doctor of Music program at the Conservatorium of Music. Jack prepares and conducts the Chapel Choir. The Choir sings at our weekly choral services, usually Evensong. The choir also sings at the Anzac Day Service, Semester Choir Concert, the annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols and at other occasions throughout the year. Jack is also responsible for fostering the broader musical life at the College, encouraging all residents who love music to be involved, regardless of their musical experience or education.

Jack also has oversight of student involvement in the Intercollegiate Palladian Cup competition. Any member of the College wishing to join the Choir, compete in the Palladian Cup, or become involved in music at College should contact Jack on 0466 596 352 or jack.stephens@stpauls.edu.au


Mr Brad Skone is the College Facilities Manager and is in charge of all domestic matters, including the housekeepers . If you have enquiries about your room, your bed, or your fixtures and fittings, contact Brad 9550 7461 or email: housekeeping@stpauls.edu.au, or you may visit his office located on the corner of the ground floor of the Albert Wing, facing the Main Quadrangle (it has its own entrance just past the archway, with a small set of steps down to the door). He is assisted by Vit Fedczkowski, Alex Zaitseff, Peter Chahine and groundsman Kazem Shariati.



The governance of St Paul’s College is entrusted by law to its Warden and Fellows, who together make up its Council, the College’s governing body. The Warden and Fellows are listed earlier in this Handbook.

The College’s governance is provided for in the St Paul’s College Act, 2018, which repealed and replaced the St Paul’s College Acts of 1854 and 1857. The St Paul’s College Act, 2018, which modernized the governance of the College, provides for 12 Fellows in addition to the Warden. Ten of these twelve, four Anglican clergy and six lay people, are elected by members of the College who are also graduates of the University, and the other two Fellows are appointed by the Council, which must have regard to gender diversity in doing so. One Fellow of the College must be a member of the academic staff of the University of Sydney.

For the purpose of election of Council members, eligible voters are graduates of the University who have been resident in the College for at least three semesters or four terms. Most student residents do not qualify to vote, however some do and they are encouraged to ensure that their names are on the roll by contacting the Director of Community Development, Mr Richard Morgan.


Freshers are members of the College who have come into residence in the current academic year. The College welcomes them warmly and works to support them in their transition to residential life and university. Freshers are asked to meet with the Senior Tutor early in first semester to discuss their academic work (and any other matters) and are expected to take up this opportunity.

In warmly welcoming new members to the College, the staff and students of the College have a strong commitment to ensuring that all Freshers feel at home at College. Likewise, Freshers are encouraged to ask their Peer Support Leader or any member of staff if you need help or support.

College tutorials are compulsory for Freshers where they are provided. Your subject tutors will usually be fellow Paulines – senior students who have achieved highly in the subjects they tutor.

Your first experience of living at St Paul’s will be Welcome Week. We are committed as a College to Freshers feeling safe and included and valued. Welcome Week is an exciting week of social events and orientation information, yet can feel overwhelming as you encounter new people and new experiences. Throughout the week, you will have an opportunity to meet students from other colleges and to tour the university campus. It is important to remember that Welcome Week is a recognised as a ‘one-off’ experience –when university classes begin the following Monday, the College moves into a new rhythm and we turn our focus to our study.


Once semester begins, the first weeks are devoted to making Freshers feel at home, finding out what they want to contribute and, from an academic point of view, easing what can sometimes be a difficult passage from school to university. The College takes these responsibilities seriously and is grateful for the trouble taken by later-year students to make Freshers welcome and to help them flourish.

Paulines pride themselves on warmly welcoming all Freshers to our community. Activities which demean or degrade individuals and which are based on hierarchy/social dominance are not permitted at St Paul’s College. The College does not tolerate any form of harassment, vilification, victimization or bullying (which may be criminal offenses as well). Any student breaching this high standard will be subject to the College’s and University’s disciplinary code, and may lose their place in College. The College’s policy on hazing and bullying is set out later in this Handbook.

Freshers will participate in mandatory and ongoing educational programs at the College. These programs aim to give students knowledge of the law and the College’s code of conduct, specifically in relation to sexual consent, harassment and assault, and its prevention (including bystander intervention). Freshers will also receive training to identify and avoid unhealthy and violent relationships and drug and alcohol abuse. All Freshers will have the opportunity to complete a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) course.

Convenorships are an important way for Freshers to get involved in College life, offer services to the College community, and earn valuable room points. Freshers are encouraged to put their hand up for any convenorships they feel able to take on. Finally, part of the voluntary duty of each successive year of Freshers is to work shifts at College events and help to clean up afterwards.


The Head of Admissions, Mr Philip Barr, is responsible for interviewing and admitting new students to the undergraduate community. He is also involved in marketing and recruitment and in the awarding of bursaries and scholarships for both new and continuing students.

Philip is part of the senior staff team and is intimately involved in the day to day life of the undergraduate community – including planning major dinners and events - and takes an active interest in students both before and after they have entered College. Philip is readily available for yarns in Hall and students are encouraged to contact Philip for a chat or help with College life. He can be reached at pbarr@stpauls.edu.au or on 0407 219 514, or visited in his office on the first floor of the College Office.

Philip is an Old Pauline (1973-76) and was previously Master of the Lower School at Sydney Grammar School.



The College has several Justices of the Peace available in case students or staff need to make a statutory declaration or affidavit, or to certify a copy of an original document.

The primary functions of a NSW Justice of the Peace (JP) are to witness a person making a statutory declaration or affidavit, and to certify that a copy of an original document is a true and accurate copy. (Please remember that it is a serious criminal offence to make a false statement in a statutory declaration or affidavit, and that the penalties include imprisonment.)

Before a JP can certify a copy of an original document, the JP must have both the original document and the copy physically in front of them. The JP will check the document is completed correctly. Also, the JP must watch you sign the document in the JP’s presence so please do not sign the document before you meet with the JP. The services of a JP are at no charge. They cannot tell you what to write in a statutory declaration or affidavit, or write it for you, or give you legal advice.

JPs are appointed by the Governor of New South Wales for five-year terms. The following are registered as NSW JPs:

Mrs Jackie Cox (9550 7453; 0423 768 510; jackie.cox@stpauls.edu.au)

Mr Richard Morgan (9550 7472; 0412 016 117; community@stpauls.edu.au)


The College’s Honorary Medical Officer is Dr Vincent Braniff. He lives in the McMillan Building (Graduate House) (0405 141 328; vbraniff@gmail.com),and when available he can take enquiries on most daily health problems.


Mr David Drury has been a resident of the College since 1992 and its Director of Music until 2021. An organist of international repute, David became the College’s composer-in-residence in 2022. He also continues as the College organist. Affectionately known as ‘Druers’, David served as Licensee of The Salisbury Bar for two decades.

David’s reputation as a musician is of international standing. His career highlights include winning the 1987 Improvisation Competition at the St Alban’s International Organ Festival in the UK, recitals in Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s and Westminster Cathedrals in London, King’s College, Cambridge and Notre Dame de Paris and La Madeleine in Paris. He is a regular broadcaster on ABC and Fine Music radio and performed with the orchestra and choirs at the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. He is regularly invited as visiting organist to perform in cathedrals, churches and concert halls with choirs and orchestras all over Australia. He is the regular organist with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and has a number of popular recordings of the Grand Organs of Sydney Town Hall, Sydney Opera House and Australia’s major cathedrals.

As a composer David writes regularly and has published numerous pieces for choirs as well as organ and other instruments.



Often the first port of call for general queries is the College Reception, located on the ground floor of the Albert Building (reception@stpauls.edu. au or 9550-7444). Our Receptionist and Operations Assistant is Mrs Amanda O’Yang (9550-7447; officeadmin@stpauls.edu.au).

Most College staff members have offices in the Albert Building, accessed either through Reception or the Albert Staircase.


The College’s Registrar is Ms Tracey Donkin, who is contactable on 9550 7451 or registrar@ stpauls.edu.au, or in her office, on the ground floor of the College Office.

The College Registrar is a senior member of the administrative team. She is responsible for the admission of new students, queries about returning in subsequent years, and administration of the College’s scholarship and bursary programmes. She works closely with the Head of Admissions and the Dean of Graduate House.


The Senior Tutor, Katie Allan, is responsible for the academic progress and wellbeing of all students at St Paul’s, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Katie, with the help of the Assistant Senior Tutor, runs the College tutorial programme (refer to the entry on Tutorials in this handbook). Katie is part of the senior staff team, is intimately involved in the day to day life of the undergraduate community, and lives in College.

All students are encouraged to speak to Katie, at the earliest opportunity if you are worried about any matter affecting your study. Katie can help with study routines, exam techniques, dealing with assessment stress, or managing any university administration difficulties. You must speak to Katie if you wish to take less than 24 credit points in any given semester, have missed an assessment deadline, received an academic warning or academic integrity notice from the university, or if you have failed a subject.

The Senior Tutor also conducts meetings with students who want to change courses, subjects, or need assistance academically. She also meets with students who are not meeting the College’s academic standards to make an academic support plan or to discuss their continued residency in college (refer to Academic Policy section of this handbook). Katie can be reached at katie.allan@stpauls.edu.au, on 0401 183 508, or on the first floor of the College Office.



The College Foundation was established in 1977 by Paulines Lloyd Waddy and Robert Albert. Garnering support from a wide circle of friends with connections to their old College they were able to grow a capital fund that totalled $78,584 by the time of the first AGM in December 1978. At that time there were approximately 1,000 living Paulines and over 300 had made a donation, including 22 who had already become Life Donors.

Trust. The Foundation’s funds are held in trust for the future of the College. Under its Trust Deed the Trustees are the Warden and Fellows which ensures the Foundation funds are overseen by the College but management is vested in the Foundation Board of Directors. Their principle roles are to raise funds through appeals and to manage the fund so that every dollar given is added to the capital sum for growth.

The need. The Foundation supports an extensive scholarship program and in 2022 gave $725,000 to the College to fund places for students needing financial assistance, as well as Academic Awards. It also helps with the maintenance and conservation of the sandstone buildings and the other heritage works on a long-term basis as well as providing an annual maintenance budget that minimizes the impact these costs have on student fees.

When called for, the Foundation also provides state-of-the-art student facilities and supports development initiatives such as the recently built Ivan Head and McMillan Buildings and the proposed Waddy Centre for the Performing Arts. If you are interested in finding out more about the Foundation or contributing to it please contact Mr Richard Morgan – see ‘Community Relationships’ section above.


Founded in 1891, and incorporated in 2020 under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW), the St Paul’s College Union is an association of alumni and present resident members of the College. It aims to unite the Pauline community, support the College financially, and otherwise promotes its interests. This is reflected in the fact that the Warden is the Patron of the Union.

All members of the College are members of the Union. The Union produces Victoriana! annually and this is open to all members of College either to audition, stage manage or simply attend.

If you would like to find out more or become involved in the Union please see Mr Richard Morgan (see ‘Community Relationships’ section above).



Originally called the University Sports Union, and founded in 1890 by members of this College, Sydney University Sport and Fitness is a major part of University life. Check out its buildings in Western Avenue (Arena Gym and Ledge Climbing Centre), and beyond the Wentworth Building (Sports and Aquatic Centre). SUSF administers 42 sport and recreation clubs, organizes sporting and recreation events, and offers students and non-students a comprehensive range of sporting opportunities and facilities. All residents studying at USyd are entitled to become members and are entitled to take part in activities arranged, join any of the constituent clubs and use the facilities provided. Go to their website, at www.susf.com.au. See also the section of this Handbook on ‘Sporting Life and Games’.


College Tutors - either subject tutors or generalist tutors - are either graduates or senior undergraduates who are responsible for providing tutorials. Some tutors are alumni and academics from the University of Sydney. They should be the first point of contact for assistance with a query or issue arising in relation to a subject.


Beyond the activities offered within the College, students are strongly encouraged to become involved with broader University of Sydney campus life. College is an excellent base from which to participate in the wider University community, and should not become a narrow and unduly inwardlooking experience. We strongly encourage students to learn about and seek out the various activities and clubs on campus, which will be reinvigorated this year.

The University of Sydney Union supports over 200 clubs and societies that you can join to pursue your own interests. To find out about what clubs there are and how to join them, view a copy of the Clubs and Societies directory, on the USU website at www.usu.edu.au.


The University of Sydney Union is the oldest and largest student organisation in Australia. It co-ordinates a wide range of activities, programs and events, and operates services and facilities to make life on campus more enriching and enjoyable for students of the University of Sydney.

Notably, most Clubs and Societies on campus are supported by and affiliated with University of Sydney Union (see below, University Clubs and Societies). USU runs commercial operations on campus to support this activity and receives additional funding from the Student Services Amenities Fee.


USU is separate from the University of Sydney and is governed by a student Board of Directors elected by students. The Directors formulate USU policy and act upon the recommendations of USU committees and delegates. All USU members are eligible to run for a Board position. (There are currently Paulines on the USU Board.) Board Directors are elected for a two-year period, from July 1 to June 30 two years later, with half the board retiring annually.


The Vice-Warden is Tracey-Jane (TJ) Christie. TJ is the Warden’s deputy with a particularly focus on the student life of the College. She joined St Paul’s at the beginning of 2022 as the Head of Co-residential Transition and has become a vitally important member of the College’s Senior Staff and residential life team. She is known around College for her warmth and wisdom along with her genuine care for our students and desire to see them do their best. TJ resides at St Paul’s with her husband Steve and Golden Labrador, ‘Soph’.

TJ’s work as Head of Co-residential Transition has involved recruiting and interviewing female Freshers and student leaders as well as driving and overseeing upgrades to the College facilities.

In her undergraduate days, TJ was a student at Sancta Sophia College. Following graduation TJ worked as a solicitor and human resources manager before returning to College leadership and becoming the Vice-Principal of Sancta. In 2014 she moved to St John’s College where she served primarily as Dean until 2020. In 2021 she served as the Deputy Head of John XXIII College at ANU.


The Warden is the head of the College. Appointed on 25 October 2019, Rev’d Dr Ed Loane commenced as Warden of St Paul’s College in January 2020. As the head of College, the Warden is responsible for the daily management of the College operations. The Warden reports to the College Council and leads the senior management team; Vice-Warden, Dean of Graduate House, Senior Tutor, Chaplain, Head of Admissions, Registrar, Financial Controller, Director of Community Development and the Facilities Manager.

As Warden, Dr Loane is President both of the Students’ Club (the undergraduate resident community) and of the College Union (the resident and alumni communities combined). As part of his overall leadership and management of the College, he has responsibility for the admission, education, discipline and well-being of the students.

Dr Loane is an Anglican Priest. He was raised in Wollongong and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science. He went on to complete his theological studies at Moore College, followed by a PhD at Cambridge University.

As an Old Pauline, he has an appreciation for the benefits of collegiate


education, which he insists have been instrumental in his personal and professional development. Ed has an understanding of the unique history and traditions of St Paul’s, and has also been involved in the more visionary aspects of College, such as cultural renewal and the planning and implementation of St Paul’s College going co-residential in 2023.

Ed has previously served the College as a valued Council Member since May 2017, where he led several structural reforms and cultural renewal initiatives.

Dr Loane has a deep passion for history and academia. He seeks to live out his Christian faith in all that he does and enjoys spending time with his family, reading and following live sports. He lives in the Warden’s Lodge with his wife Jocelyn and their five children. The family is often seen at various College events and enjoys being part of this community.


St Paul’s College was created, and exists, as ‘a college of and within the University of Sydney’, to be a residential academic community in which all students are encouraged and supported in their academic studies, and in which the highest academic standards are promoted and upheld. The fundamental and primary reason qualifying a student for residence in St Paul’s College is thus the achievement of each individual student’s academic potential at university.

As a teaching college since inception, St Paul’s College provides much more than simply residential accommodation or extra-curricular activities, important though these are. Utmost value is placed on academic and intellectual enrichment and growth unlimited by prior performance.

The academic advantages for each resident Pauline include:

• living and learning together with like-minded and ambitious students, including those doing the same course,

• an extensive tutorial programme of our own with access to tutorials at other colleges

• mentoring available to every resident student,

• the monitoring of each student’s academic progress and particular support for those needing it (including satisfying the College’s academic requirements for re-admission to the College each year),

• pastoral support aimed at helping you achieve your academic goals,

• the traditional ethos of academic excellence encouraged amongst Paulines,

• experiencing the benefits of a liberal education through conversation in many contexts, exchange of ideas, testing of one’s ideas and values (within and beyond one’s own discipline) and those of fellow students,

• the recognition of academic excellence through scholarships and prizes,

• the College Library, and provision of other spaces for tutorials and study (which will in- crease with the opening of the new buildings)

• academic-focused events which are important within the life of the College,

• access to distinguished visitors, including senior academics; and

• the promotion of opportunities for overseas study.

Academic Life


Paulines have integrity and honesty in all they do – and this applies to our study. Enjoy the best that College has to offer in learning with others, but make sure you do your own work and encourage others to do so. Discussing general topics, difficulties, and challenges is one of the most helpful things about peer learning and collegiate academic life - but discussing specific answers to pieces of marked or required assessment, or borrowing others’ working or words, is collusion - a breach of university regulations and the high standards to which we hold ourselves as Paulines. Have a careful read here and make sure you know the difference between collusion and cooperation:

https://www.sydney.edu.au/study/why-choose-sydney/student-life/ student-news/2020/10/14/sharing-isnt-always-caring-collusion-and-howto-avoid-it.html

If you receive an academic integrity notice from the university, you must inform the Senior Tutor immediately.


As mentioned earlier in this Handbook, the Tutorial Programme, seminars, workshops and other academic events run in College are there to help you aim high and achieve your best. Your Peer Support Leaders and Tutors are also there for you to speak to about your study. The Senior Tutor is also available to meet students who need help with their academics, revision, study routines etc. See the entry earlier in this handbook on the ‘Senior Tutor.’


You must contact the Senior Tutor if you:

• wish to change any aspect of their enrolment - including dropping subjects, changing courses, or taking less or more than 24 credit points in any given semester;

• receive an academic warning notice from the university;

• receive any academic integrity notice from the university; or

• are at risk of - or have failed - an assessment unit.

Where enrolment changes are contemplated, it is essential that you take note of particular cut-off and census dates, which can be found on the University website - it is your responsibility to monitor these dates.



For University of Sydney students, the College receives all residents’ academic results and enrolment details. For non-University of Sydney students, you will be asked to provide your results to the Registrar following their release by the university.

Continuing residence in College is dependent on satisfactory academic performance – taking into account whether a student has received an average of below 60%, failed any subjects, or received an academic progression or integrity warning from the university. Following the release of semester results, students whose academic progress gives cause for concern will be required to meet with the Senior Tutor and, in the first instance, may be issued an academic warning and be given an academic support plan for the following semester

If a student has unsatisfactory academic performance in a subsequent semester, the Warden may, at his discretion and after due enquiry, advise a student that his/her University results or academic conduct in any semester are inadequate to maintain his/her right of residency in College.


Continuation of residency at the College, either as an undergraduate or graduate student, is dependent upon satisfactory academic performance, full-time study, as well as good conduct.

Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic performance in any semester will be subject to the following steps. Whether a student has satisfactory academic performance will take into account their degree progression (that is, whether a student can maintain and complete a fulltime study load), whether they have Semester Average Mark of below 60%, have failed subjects, or have received an academic progression warning, or academic integrity breach, from their university.

1. Academic Warning and Academic Support Plan

(a) Coursework

A student who fails to maintain satisfactory academic performance within a given semester will be placed on Academic Warning and invited for interview by the Dean of Graduate House and/or Senior Tutor. This meeting will provide the opportunity for discussion about the reasons for the poor academic performance, the student’s circumstances and welfare, and strategies for academic improvement. The outcome of this meeting will usually be an academic support plan to help the student improve their performance.

(b) Research

If, after consultation with a student and consideration of all relevant aspects, progress on their research degree is deemed to be unsatisfactory, the Dean of Graduate House and/or Senior Tutor will issue an Academic Warning.


(c) Failure to Attend

If a student, having been issued an Academic Warning and invited for interview by the Senior Tutor or Dean of Graduate House, fails to reply or attend the meeting, the student will remain on Academic Warning.

2. Discontinued Residence

(a) Coursework

A student who, having already received an Academic Warning in any previous semester, fails to maintain satisfactory academic performance in a subsequent semester during their degree course, will not be permitted to return to the College the following semester.

(b) Research

A student who, having been issued an Academic Warning on grounds of unsatisfactory research progress, is deemed at any subsequent regular consultation to remain in or to have resumed a state of unsatisfactory progress, will not be permitted to return to the College the following semester.

3. Show Cause Meetings

(a) A student whose residency has ended may elect to attend a ‘show cause’ meeting with the Warden, Senior Tutor, or delegates to discuss any extenuating circumstances which would merit the student remining at college.

(b) The following are examples of extenuating circumstances which may be taken into account in allowing a student to maintain their residency in college:

i significant illness or injury, including mental health challenges, during the semester;

ii family or other personal difficulties; or

iii bereavement

(c) For extenuating circumstances to be taken into account:

i. the College must have been informed reasonably in advance of these difficulties before receiving a student’s academic results; and

ii. the student is expected to have taken reasonable steps, including applying for university special consideration, to address the impact of the extenuating circumstance on their studies.

iii. Only in exceptional circumstances will extenuating circumstances be considered sufficient for a student to remain in college when those circumstances have not been raised previously with any member of college staff.

(d) The following are not considered extenuating circumstances:

i. poor degree or subject choice;

ii. lack of knowledge of university deadlines or administrative processes and policies;

iii. lack of college tutorials in a particular subject; or

iv. involvement in college activities.


v. A student’s conduct record, including their tutorial attendance and their adherence, if relevant, to their academic support plan, will also be taken into consideration.

4. Discontinued Residence for Semesterly Results

In exceptional circumstances, the Warden may, at his discretion, advise a student that they are not permitted to return to college the following semester notwithstanding that they have not previously received an Academic Warning. This discretion may be exercised when a student’s results indicate that a student has failed to make a genuine attempt at undertaking a full-time study load throughout the semester by:

(a) discontinuing multiple subjects;

(b) failing to complete assessment pieces leading to absent fails; or

(c) obtaining very poor marks indicating the student has not genuinely attempted to complete a full-time study load that semester.


1. The College Offer

From Semester 1 2023, a College offer is conditional upon the student remaining a full-time student of the university they were enrolled in when they commenced at St Paul’s.

2. Maintaining a full-time study load

(a) Any student who is enrolled in or completes less than 24 credit points (ie. less than a normal full-time study load) will not be permitted to remain in College, unless the student can show exceptional circumstances.

(b) Any student wishing to study less than 24 credit points in a semester whilst remaining in College must meet with the Senior Tutor to show exceptional circumstances justifying their remaining in College and obtain the Senior Tutor’s written permission for a reduced study load.

(c) The following are examples of exceptional circumstances which may be taken into account in allowing a student to remain at college whilst taking a reduced study load:

i significant (i.e. State or Australian) representative sporting commitments, or equivalent cultural commitments running during the semester;

ii an internship for a limited period of time (ie. not a student’s usual part time job) that complements the student’s course of study; or

iii for research students, a reduced study load necessitated by experimental, field research, or similar timelines;

iv for later year students, degree-related work experience;

v e. for students who can demonstrate genuine financial need and who can demonstrate they have exhausted university, bursary, or government funding, the need to work to provide for essential living expenses.


(d) The following are not considered extenuating circumstances justifying less that 24 credit points:

i. taking a reduced load for the purpose of gaining an academic advantage;

ii. dropping subjects in anticipation of changing courses the following semester;

iii. involvement in college or other activities; or

iv. less than full study load due to missing university deadlines.

3. Maintaining your course of study

(a) Any student who changes their degree, whilst staying at the same university, must inform the Registrar of the title of your new degree within 7 days of this change being confirmed by the university. Students are strongly advised to meet with the Senior Tutor before changing degrees.

(b) Any student who transfers to a degree at a different university will not be allowed to continue at College and their place at College will lapse.

(c) Any student wishing to study for a degree at a different university whilst remaining in College must:

i Complete an ‘Intention to Change Enrolment’ form which must be given to the Registrar at least 6 weeks before the new university course is to commence;

ii meet with the Senior Tutor and Head of Admissions to show exceptional circumstances justifying a re-offer of their place at College.

(d) Exceptional circumstances that may be taken into account when granting permission for a student to transfer to another university include:

i where the new degree is in a study area entirely not offered by the student’s current university;

ii where the new degree is a competitive professional degree (e.g. medicine, allied health, law, or creative arts) and the student has applied to study that degree unsuccessfully at their current university but holds an offer at a new university.

(e) A college place will not usually be re-offered for study at a new university where the students’ proposed study area is offered at both the student’s current and proposed university, notwithstanding different entry requirements or differences in teaching or degree structure.

4. Failing to communicate enrolment changes

Any student who is found to be completing a reduced study load, discontinued courses below a full-time load, or having changed their university without the written permission of the Senior Tutor and/or Head of Admissions may be asked to leave College.



Key to academic success (as to success in most aspects of life) is thoughtful time management. As well as managing your time to enable you to keep on top of your studies throughout the semester, it is essential that you begin revision for exams early enough to enable you to do yourself justice and achieve your best.

Although revision for exams should commence earlier than this, the College calendar aims to help you focus on revision through marking out the last week of the teaching semester as a revision week. This revision week is marked on the College calendar in the colour of (or similar to) jacarandas because of the old Paul’s saying that if you aren’t revising (in the second half of the year) by the time the jacarandas are blooming, you have left it too late.


Tutorials in over 80 first and second year core subjects are offered by College and they are an invaluable supplement to University lectures and tutorials. The College also runs a number of ‘generalist’ tutorials for students to improve their knowledge or skills in certain areas (such as languages, coding, or essay writing). Subject Tutors should be the first point of contact for assistance with a query or issue arising in a subject. Generalist Tutors are also there for you to contact with more general questions about your study/discipline area.

The tutorial programme offers an opportunity for students to receive small group teaching by resident and non-resident tutors who are outstanding students or graduates at various stages of their academic or professional careers. Tutorials are usually of an hour’s duration and are offered either weekly, or on a more ad hoc basis. Paulines are also welcome to attend tutorials at other Colleges and vice versa. If tutorials are not offered at St Paul’s for your subject, you may attend a tutorial at another college, or contact a generalist tutor for assistance. If none of these options are available or suitable and you would like a College tutorial for your subject, contact the Assistant Senior Tutor. We will endeavour to find you some help for that subjects but this may be limited if there are not sufficient numbers of students to run a tutorial (e.g. a limited number of one-on-one discussions with a tutor).

It is each student’s responsibility to make contact with their subject Tutor or generalist Tutor if they need help. The tutorial program is emailed to all students and is listed on the notice board in the north-east corner of the Vestibule. Tutorial timetables from other colleges will be emailed to you when they are available.

Tutorials are compulsory for Freshers who have tutorials available to them; attendance records are kept and attendance will be taken into account in considering a student’s academic progress at College. You are expected to respond promptly to Tutors’ emails and messages and arrive at your tutorial on time.

At his graduation, Mr Campbell McLauchlan (at College 201418) - BSc(Adv) received the Univeristy Medal for Science

Spiritual Life

St Paul’s College is a Christian foundation in the Anglican tradition which welcomes members of all faiths and none. The faith on which the College is founded understands that its teachings are established by the authority of the Bible, and that Christ has ‘granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence’ (2 Peter 1:3). Furthermore, as an Anglican College, our expression of the Christian faith is summed up in the three historic Creeds and in the doctrines of the Anglican Church of Australia as set down in the Book of Common Prayer (1662). The chaplaincy and Chapel experience at St Paul’s encourages spiritual reflection and offers a range of Anglican worship services.


The College’s Anglican identity is primarily and outwardly expressed through the Chapel, including through the public reading of scripture and preaching; through the administration of the sacraments and prayer; through its music; through pastoral care; through opportunities for spiritual reflection and intellectually rigorous theological and ethical discussions; through the College’s approach to collegial living – courteous, respectful and energetic, and placing emphasis on good character and on living out our values; through the role played by members of the College in the life of the Church; and through the way St Paul’s engages in the University and the wider community (including through community service and outreach). Specific opportunities to learn and express the Christian faith are sustained. The College offers meaningful and diverse ways to learn how to live and relate to others with a Christian perspective of the world.

With this in mind, we warmly encourage all residents at St Paul’s College, staff members and College families to explore, to experience and to participate regularly in Chapel life and its associated activities.

During Semester, liturgies are said and sung according to The Book of Common Prayer (1662), An Australian Prayer Book (1978) and A Prayer Book for Australia (1995). Choral Evensong is sung each Tuesday evening from 5:15pm with a sermon by the Chaplain, the Warden or visiting preacher at the Chaplain’s invitation. Details of other regular said services and for Feast Days are published on the College’s website and noticeboards.

Other important annual services held in the Chapel include Welcome Week and Commencement Services, University and College Evensong, ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day commemorative services, Valedictory Evensong, and the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols.

As the Psalmist reminds us, ‘I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving’ (Psalm 69:30). It is precisely for this that St Paul’s College (like many other colleges in leading universities in Australia, the UK, and elsewhere, as well as cathedrals and other churches) has an impressive choral tradition offering a high standard of church music. The St Paul’s College Chapel Choir consists of singers from both our Undergraduate and Graduate communities as well as from other Colleges and choirs. Our Choir is central to College life and worship, so Paulines keen to audition for the Choir should contact the Director of Music, Mr Jack Stephens.



In addition to regular Chapel services, we offer a weekly Bible Study from 8:30pm on Tuesday evenings in the Senior Common Room. This year we will be working our way the Gospel of Mark which should prove interesting for those open to exploring the Bible for the first time but will be equally engaging for those who have had previous exposure to Holy Scripture.

For those wanting to be involved in discussions on World Views and Ethics, the group which meets from 8:30pm on Thursday evenings in the Junior Common Room should be of interest. This group engages with a range of ethical, moral and theological issues. Topics are often chosen by students and are disseminated earlier on the day. Supper, tea and coffee are provided on these evenings and all are most welcome. Further information is available from the Chaplain who will also willingly help Paulines find a local church to visit or attend on a Sunday as he and a number of our students have personal contacts across the full range of churchmanship on offer in Sydney.

College members interested in pursuing or finding out more about Baptism, Confirmation or Reception into the Anglican Church are invited to discuss their thoughts with the Chaplain.


We intend to offer the following weekly services during semester to which all students, staff and friends of the College from any faith or none are most warmly invited:

Monday 8:30 am Morning Prayer (20 mins)

Tuesday 8:30 am Morning Prayer (20 mins)

5:15 pm Choral Evensong (60 mins) sung by the Chapel Choir

Wednesday 8:30 am Morning Prayer (20 mins)

Thursday 8:30 am Morning Prayer (20 mins)

Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer (20 mins)

12 noon Holy Communion (40 mins)

Other special services such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, the Easter Vigil, Easter, the Ascension, Nine Lessons and Carols and Christmas will be advised separately.


Intellectual and Cultural Life, Community Service, Social Life

Part of the all-round educational opportunity offered by St Paul’s, in the context of the wider University of Sydney, is the opportunity to participate in a rich intellectual, cultural, community service, and social life in and beyond the College. While naturally giving primacy to your academic success, you are warmly encouraged to make the most of this opportunity, through participation in both College and University activities.


There are various opportunities for Paulines to exercise their oratorical skills. The College debating team competes in the inter-collegiate competition for the Palladian Cup, and more informal debates are organised against other colleges, and internally from time to time). The University of Sydney Union runs an impressive debating program, competing in local, national and international tournaments. As well as competing, student debaters train and mentor high school students in the art of debating. College members have a rich tradition of participation in university debating. The World Universities Debating competition has featured several Paulines over recent decades.


During semester speakers will be invited to the College to lead discussions of diverse topics in various formats, and you are warmly encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. External guest speakers usually speak on Monday evenings in the JCR beginning at 7.30 following Formal Dinner. Undergraduates are also most welcome to attend talks by guest speakers in Graduate House every Monday evening. These usually begin at 6:15 pm.


St Paul’s College Mummers is the College’s drama group. It was founded in 1948, by the then Warden, Felix Arnott. Mummers usually stage a play towards the end of both first semester and second semester. This is a wonderful opportunity for both experienced actors and those new to the stage. A wide range of productions is on offer, from farce to more serious content, including student-written and student-directed plays.


Music is one of the highlights of College life. The Director of Music, Mr Jack Stephens, manages music in Chapel, and conducts a choir made up of Paulines and non-College singers. In recent years the College has staged professional–level operas and public concerts, and has also been home to artists-in-residence, such as the Tarsus Chamber Collective. One or more student convenor is usually appointed each year to promote music in general among the students. Students are invited to perform at Formal Dinner or at other major events throughout the year. Groups of musicians will often form to perform either for their own enjoyment or for the enjoyment of others, such as after dinner in the JCR, or in the Salisbury Bar. Any effort to extend and enrich the already burgeoning musical culture of the College is encouraged.

Grand pianos are located in the JCR and MCR and there are upright pianos in the Hall and Rogers Room.



Since its foundation, Paulines have involved themselves in community service and social justice activities, especially in and around the College neighbourhood. Such activities are coordinated by the Outreach Syndicate and in liaison with the Chaplain.

In recent years there has been involvement by Paulines in the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) and 180 Degrees Consulting (both enterprises founded by Paulines), serving at the Jordan Café as part of Newtown Mission at lunchtimes, and clothing drives for the Op Shop at Berkeley Life Centre in the Illawarra.

Students also recently connected with the Cana Shelter for homeless men in partnership with Christ Church St Laurence at Railway Square whereby once a month we send down a team of Paulines to prepare meals, set up the beds and stay over with members of the street community.

Since 2021 Paulines have run an on-line weekly tutorial programme helping students from a regional NSW government High School prepare for their HSC exams. After a successful pilot programme with Eden Marine High School last year, Narrabri High is also coming on board in 2022 and the Outreach Syndicate and/or the Chaplain would love to hear from any Paulines keen to get on board with this or any Outreach activities.


Throughout the year all six colleges on campus compete in the Intercollegiate Performing Arts Challenge for the Palladian Cup. The competition has ten sections: Oration, Solo Vocal, Ensemble Vocal, Solo Instrumental, Ensemble Instrumental, Solo Drama, Ensemble Drama, Dance, Debating, and Art. Paulines are strongly urged both to volunteer for the Palladian competitions and to support those Paulines representing the College by their attendance at the individual events.


The Provedores act as a liaison between resident members of the College and the Kitchen. If you have recommendations about the menu, the Provedore/s should be your first point of reference. If you have special dietary requirements (including allergies), please inform the Registrar through the form circulated for this purpose; she will tell the kitchen.


Sporting Life and Games

Sport plays an important role in College life, and contributes to the allround education the College offers its students. Amongst other benefits, participation in sport often helps to develop qualities of teamwork and leadership, and encourages a focus on physical exercise which is important for physical and mental health throughout life.


The College has a recently refurbished billiards table for student use in the Reception Room near the chapel. The room also features table tennis tables (see below).


The College owns a full croquet set which may be used throughout the year. The croquet set is kept in the Junior Common Room. It is often used at College Wine Cellar functions. Croquet is playable in front of the Denison end of the main Quadrangle. The student convenor also normally organises a series of social matches during the year.


The Rawson Cup for male intercollegiate sporting competition is contested by St Paul’s, St John’s, St Andrew’s and Wesley Colleges. The competition includes eight sports, with:

cricket, rowing, swimming and rugby in First Semester and soccer, tennis, basketball and athletics in Second Semester.

All resident members of College are encouraged to try out for the teams. The women’s intercollegiate sporting competition is for the Rosebowl. The competition also includes eight sports: netball, rowing, swimming, tennis, athletics, soccer, basketball and hockey. St Paul’s Graduate House women have already entered various teams into this competition, but the College will be competing fully in each competition from 2023.



As well as the Rawson Rugby XV there is also the ‘Warden’s Own’ team which plays social rugby matches. There are also informal AFL and Rugby League matches. Students keen on other non-Rawson/Rosebowl sports are encouraged to start their own games and encourage others to join in. Notices about all sports events are posted on the Vestibule Notice Board. Many Paulines also participate in University and other local club teams.


Two table tennis tables are available for the use of all students. They are located in the Reception Room near the Chapel. The room also features a billiards table for student use. When that room is needed for other purposes, the tables will be removed and returned.


St Paul’s College residents have complimentary use of the SUSF tennis courts at the back of the University Sports and Aquatic Centre (SUSAC). Pending availability, Paulines may use the tennis courts any time prior to 4pm and after 8pm Monday to Friday, and any time on weekends. You will need to book in advance by phoning the SUSAC reception on 9351 4980, or by using SUSAC’s online booking system, which can be found here: https://susf.com. au/tennis-court-hire/

They cannot guarantee a court will be available at all times but, in general, there is at least one available in off-peak times.

Only one person per booking is required to be from St Paul’s but that person must stay throughout the booking (this is intended to allow the Pauline to bring their non-St Paul’s friends). There is to be no paid tennis coaching on the SUSAC courts under this arrangement (SUSF do offer tennis coaching programs, in which you may be interested).


Each weekday a social game of touch rugby (or ‘Tip’) is held on the Oval before dinner, with a summons viva voce in the late afternoon (usually around 5.00 pm). This has become one of the central rituals of the College day and Freshers especially are encouraged to participate.


Students’ Club and Student Leadership Positions


Junior Deans are in 4th year or above and, along with Peer Support Leaders and members of the Students’ Club Committee, they are instrumental in setting the tone of the College. The Junior Dean role was introduced in 2021 to provide support to students and staff in the after-hours supervision of the College as well as being a presence and influence for good around the College.

Along with the Peer Support Leaders, Junior Deans provide valuable mentoring to Freshers as they make their transition from school to university. Junior Deans play an important part in upholding a culture of inclusion, decency, and safety throughout the College. They are expected to typify the College’s values including commitment to respect and dignity for all. Junior Deans are pro-active, present, and positive leaders, possessing a friendly and outgoing personality. Junior Deans must be able to gain student and staff trust and similarly, they will be supportive of the College’s administration. The ability to give clear directions, demonstrating initiative with a ‘can do’ attitude as well as undertaking and completing tasks with limited supervision and/or direction are core expectations.

Junior Deans are expected to ensure good order and respectful behaviour around the College as well as during and after College events, making sure that they end on time. Junior Deans will promptly, calmly yet insistently disperse crowds as appropriate. Likewise, it is critical that Junior Deans are confident, clear, and consistent in insisting College regulations are met as is showing discernment in knowing when to escalate matters to the Warden or his senior delegates.

Junior Deans are listed earlier in this Handbook.


Like Junior Deans, Peer Support Leaders are senior students (third or fourth year at College or University) appointed by the Warden to help Freshers settle in to College and university life, to be community builders, and to uphold a culture of inclusion, respect, and safety in the College. As such, theirs is an important position of student leadership within the College community.

Peer Support Group leaders will be:

• Pro-active pastoral carers for Freshers in (and even beyond) their group.

• Upholders of stated College values, practices and traditions.

• Helpful in guiding Freshers with their crucial transition to University and College life.

• Open to discussing problems of any nature (e.g. academic performance and pressures, sexuality, depression, homesickness, cultural barriers, relationships, family issues, alienation, alcohol or drug consumption etc.).

• Available and approachable to talk to students who need support as and when required. This includes where students have referred friends to Peer Support Leaders or Junior Deans out of concern for their welfare. JDs and PSLs must be committed to providing a non-judgemental and


confidential environment where students can share their issues and seek help but also having the good sense and wherewithal to seek help or advice when unsure of how to handle a situation.

• Community builders through presence and participation in the broad scope of College life as outlined in this document.

• Courageous in taking appropriate action which includes seeking advice from others who hold special responsibility in the College.

• Generous with their time as required.

Peer Support Leaders are listed earlier in this Handbook. Please do not hesitate to contact your Peer Support Group leader if you have any issues on which you may need support!


All residents of the undergraduate community at St Paul’s College are members of the Students’ Club. The Club provides and organises many events and services for residents; your Students’ Club subscription goes towards covering these costs. Three General Meetings are held throughout the year, with the Warden presiding, and all members should make every effort to attend. Ordinary General Meetings are held at the start of each semester and the Annual General Meeting is held in the second half of the second semester.


The Students’ Club Committee leads the Students’ Club, the body which unites all members of the undergraduate community at St Paul’s. The Committee leads many aspects of the day-to-day life of the student body, and runs the convenorship programme, which entrusts to members of the College various voluntary tasks which are fair, appropriate and contribute meaningfully to the life of the College.

The Executive is comprised of the Senior Student, who liaises with the Warden, Vice-Warden and Dean of Undergraduates and leads the student body; an Honorary Secretary, who leads logistics, administration and planning; and an Honorary Treasurer, who manages finances. They are assisted by the six remaining Committee members, two of whom are known as the House Committee, and oversee convenorships and general life at the College, while the other two oversee Rawson Cup/Rosebowl sport and the Palladian Cup cultural competition respectively. The ‘S Club’ Committee are expected to be among the most outstanding students in College, and must maintain the highest ethical standards at all times.

The Students’ Club Committee of nine resident members of the College is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. A list of the Student’s Club Committee members for 2023 appears early in this Handbook.


Student leaders are vital to the success of the St Paul’s College community. Serving in a student leadership position (such as a convenorship) is an excellent way to serve the College community (and to develop further your leadership skills).


The principal role of student leaders is to foster and champion a culture of inclusion, respect and safety where all students, irrespective of background, are included and have the opportunity to thrive. The values of respect and dignity for all includes equality of respect regardless of gender, and being leaders in fighting sexism and all that flows from it. Successful and sustainable cultural renewal depends on strong, inclusive, responsible, and courageous leadership.

All student leaders have crucial responsibilities as ambassadors of the College and representatives of its values, and have an obligation to uphold and model these values at all times: the responsibility of ambassadorship of College values is fundamental to all student leadership positions. Our student leaders play a vital role in articulating the importance of cultural renewal, and its benefit to individual students and the College more broadly, and in helping to lead that renewal.

All candidates for student leadership positions must take part in the leadership training programmes offered by the College prior to nomination, and in the Leadership Week prior to Welcome Week. Training of student leaders includes strong focus on ethical leadership and decision-making, respectful relationships, leading diverse and inclusive teams, prevention of and response to sexual misconduct, bystander interventions, the prevention of hazing and initiations, first aid, and responsible consumption of alcohol, among other topics.

All candidates for student leadership positions must have the express support of the Warden in relation to their demonstrated ability to foster and champion a culture of inclusion, respect and safety. For this reason, nominations for the Students’ Club Committee are reviewed by the Warden, Vice-Warden and Dean of Undergraduates.

Calls for nominations or applications for Welcome Week Leaders and Peer Support Leaders are made after the election of the Students’ Club Committee in the second half of second semester.


Welcome Week leaders are a group of students in their second or third year of university who assist the Students’ Club Committee in running and organising the Welcome Week programme. During the week they are an invaluable point of contact regarding any questions or problems you may encounter. These students are passionate about the College and are keen for you to love it too, and to ensure your Welcome Week experience gives you the best possible start at Paul’s.



If you are going to be absent from College during semester time for a period greater than three days (e.g. you are returning home, going on a holiday, or are in hospital), please contact the Dean of Undergraduates. You are, of course, free to come and go from College as you wish, however the College takes very seriously its responsibility for the safety and health of all its members. Being informed of when you are away from College allows us to do this.


The College expects all students to do their best and aim high in their studies. The College is also here to provide you with the strongest support it can in your university study. The Senior Tutor is available to discuss with you your goals, progress, and plans. Students are encouraged to contact the Senior Tutor as soon as an academic issue arises or any other issue threatens your academic progress. Your Peer Support Leaders, Tutors, and members of College staff are also here to listen and help you achieve your academic goals and support you through any challenging times that may arise. Refer to the ‘Academic Life’ section of this Handbook.


The College Archives, on the ground floor of the Mansfield Library (the College Library), hold the records of the history of the College from its foundation in the 1850s. This is an extremely important collection, with significance for the College, the University, and Australia at large, and its conservation and integrity is to be maintained at all reasonable cost. An enthusiastic group of students and staff, led by Philip Barr and Richard Morgan, are always keen to hear from any student interested in exploring or helping with the College Archives. In the coming year, we hope to investigate and display more of the College archives. Interested students should contact Philip.

For the continuation of the historical record, it is important that convenors of all student committees deposit their records with the Archives at the end of each academic year.


The College Oval provides the perfect venue for ball games. Indoor ball games jeopardise walls, ceilings, leadlight windows and light fittings. They are banned and may attract a fine. Ball games in the main Quadrangle are also not encouraged. You are responsible for any damage; the repair of leadlight windows is very expensive.


Banking facilities are available within the University: National Australia Bank and the Commonwealth Bank have branches in the Wentworth Building on campus. Westpac has an ATM on the lower ground level of the Sports and Aquatic Centre. There is a generic ATM in Ralph’s Café in the Arena Building. There are also ATMs and other banks in the Broadway shopping centre. International students will need to open an Australian bank account. If you visit one of the branches above, they will be able to help you.

ST PAUL’S COLLEGE - 41 St Paul’s A to Z


College members are responsible for the physical condition of their rooms. The College appreciates the desire to personalize the room but this must be done without damage. Blu Tac is the only permitted form of adhesive which may be used and must be removed from walls when a student vacates their room. Any other fixtures must not be used as experience has proven that ALL adhesives, hooks, nails and screws damage the wall surface. (See also sections on Damage and Furniture below.)

Upon arrival, you must check your room for defects or damage and report any problems on the form issued for this purpose by the College. Rooms will be checked by staff mid-year and again at the end of the year and you may be charged for any damage above reasonable wear and tear. Any maintenance problems in your room or in common areas (e.g. bathrooms and corridors) should be reported immediately via the maintenance request sheet https://bit. ly/3tfG7dg or to the College Office or Brad Skone on 9550 7461.

Students are expected to sleep in the bed provided by the College. Students over 6’2’ (188cm), or with other medical requirements, may discuss the need for an extra-long or different bed with the Dean and the Facilities Manager. Permission for a non-standard bed must be applied for with the supporting documentation. Any non-regulation furniture for which permission has not been given may have to be disposed of at the student’s expense.


Bicycles may be stored on designated bike racks or in student rooms. They must not be stored in corridors, stairwells or any exits for fire safety reasons. The College Office can advise you of suitable available areas for bicycle storage.


The College’s original buildings date back to the 1850s and include some of the finest examples of neo-Gothic architecture and stonework in Australia. Besides being our home, they are of very considerable historical interest and value, indeed of national importance, and College Members are encouraged to think of them accordingly.

Albert Wing: Named in honour of Robert Otto Albert AO RFD RD, Pauline 195356 and the College’s most generous benefactor in living memory.

Arnott Building: Constructed in 1961 and named after The Most Rev’d Dr Felix Arnott CMG, Warden 1946-63, later Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane.

Blacket Buildings: Comprising the original College quadranglebuilt in 1858-59 and named after its architect, Edmund Blacket.

Chapel Court: Flanking the College Chapel are Chapel Court South (‘South Chap’) and Chapel Court North (‘North Chap’) built in 1959-60.

Denison Wing: Built in the 1940s and named after Sir Hugh Robert Denison KBE (1865–1940), benefactor.


Garnsey Wing: Named after The Revd Canon Arthur Henry Garnsey, Warden 1916-1944.

Ivan Head Building: Completed in 2018 and named after The Rev’d Canon Dr Ivan Head, Warden 1994-2017. (In addition, the University of Sydney leases approximately 2,400 square metres of space under the Ivan Head Building and McMillan Building to the University for teaching purposes.)

Mansfield Library: Built 1967-68 and named in honour of John Leslie Stephen Mansfield (1906-65), Pauline 1924-28, a major benefactor and architect (with James Kell) of the Chapel, Chapel Court and Tower Block.

McMillan Building: completed in 2018 and named after Stephen McMillan, Pauline 1974-79, whose drive and support was instrumental in enabling the construction of this and the Ivan Head buildings.

Radford Wing: completed in 1915 and comprising Top Radford (‘T Rad’) and Bottom Radford (‘B Rad’), it is named after The Rev’d Lewis Bostock Radford, Warden 1909-1915 and later Bishop of Goulburn.

Tower Block: designed by John Mansfield (architect of the Chapel) and built in 1966-68.

Warden’s Lodge: Designed by Cyril and Arthur Blacket (sons of Edmund Blacket), the Lodge was completed in 1886.


The By-Laws are the formal rules that, amongst other things, govern residency at College and set out the rights and responsibilities of membership of St Paul’s. See the College website for details.


The Chapel of St Paul’s College was consecrated in 1960 by the Most Reverend Hugh Rowlands Gough, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney 1959-1966. It stands as both the spiritual and liturgical heart of the life of the College with all services conducted according to the Book of Common Prayer (1662), An Australian Prayer Book (1978) and A Prayer Book for Australia (1995).

The organ was built by the Dutch organ company, DA Flentrop of Zandaam, and is the only example of their work in Australia and is neo-Classical in style. It was installed from 1971 to 1972 thanks to the generosity of the Albert family, and underwent a major restoration in 2019 and 2020.

St Paul’s College has an active faith community and chapel life. The College Chapel Choir sings choral services each Tuesday evening under the direction of Jack Stephens and accompanied by our organist, David Drury. All members of the College community from any or no faith background are warmly welcome to attend our worship services. Chapel life is described more fully in the ‘Spiritual Life’ section of this Handbook.



St Paul’s is a community of adults and as such keeping your room and common areas clean and in good repair is the responsibility of all residents. Housekeepers will clean your room and change your college-provided bed linen once a week. For any personally owned bed linen, you may use the communal washing machines. Housekeepers will also clean and maintain the corridors and bathrooms daily. The Housekeepers are not to be treated as indulgent parents, nor as personal servants, and they cannot be expected to deal with unnecessary mess. A vacuum cleaner is available for students’ use under the stairs next to room 33 in Top Radford. Vacuum cleaners are also available throughout College from the housekeepers. Please ask your housekeeper to borrow one when required. Any further enquiries should be directed to the Facilities Manager (9550 7461); email housekeeping@stpauls. edu.au


The Cloisters is the area outside the dining hall and JCR, enclosed by the arcade of Gothic arches in the Old Quad. They consist of the Dangar Cloisters, built in 1864 with a gift from the Hon. H.C. Dangar, which were extended to include the Salisbury Cloisters in 1981-82 with a gift from Dr Charles V. Salisbury.

The balcony above the cloisters may only be used for social purposes with permission from the Warden.


Common rooms at St Paul’s are both communities and physical rooms within the College. Members are encouraged to use and enjoy these spaces for reading, study, board games, College meetings and, of course, conversation.

Members of College belong to either the Junior Common Room (JCR) (undergraduates), Middle Common Room (MCR) (graduate students), or the Senior Common Room (SCR) (Fellows, academics and other senior staff, and resident/visiting academics).

The Junior Common Room and Senior Common Room are next to the Dining Hall in the Quadrangle (behind the cloisters) and the Middle Common Room is on the ground floor of the McMillan Building.

As communities, the main objects of the JCR and MCR are to promote the interests and welfare of, and social activities among, resident students and to represent the interests of their members.

Members of the SCR dine on High Table, together with invited guests. Junior Deans, Members of the MCR, senior undergraduates and other students with an involvement in the academic life of the College may be invited to dine on High Table.



As a community of adults, all Paulines are responsible for managing their own personal administration and communication. This means being attentive to emails from all College staff (the Registrar, the Warden, the Senior Tutor etc.) noting various administrative deadlines for College and University, and replying usually within 24 hours of receiving an email. The College cannot function efficiently without your co-operation. The College will, usually multiple times a week, need to contact the student body about academic and other matters. The only way we can do this – as, unlike school, we do not have regular meetings of the whole community –is to email or text you. We expect all students to be diligent in reading and responding to these notices. Similarly, the university has only ONE means of communicating with all students and that is via your USyd email address. Failure to carefully read and respond to the university’s emails has resulted in severe consequences for some students.


The College Bell, ‘Concordia’, hangs above the entrance to the Concordia courtyard and the College Bar (the Salisbury Bar), and has been integral to College life since 1858. It is inscribed with ‘Concordia soll ihr Name seyn’ (‘Concordia shall be her name’), from ‘The Song of the Bell’ by the German poet and playwright, Friedrich Schiller. Concordia is rung at 6:00pm and again at 6.25pm Monday to Thursday, signalling to students to start preparing and assembling for Formal Dinner.


Convenors, appointed by the Students’ Club Committee after consultation with the Warden and relevant staff, are student co-ordinators of various College activities and events. Convenorships are a great opportunity for residents to contribute to the fabric of College life and many are positions of considerable responsibility. All convenorship roles must be fair and appropriate, and contribute meaningfully to College life. Residents may apply for convenorships and role descriptions are available at the beginning of semester. Room points, determined by the Students’ Club Committee, are awarded for well-executed convenorships.


All meals are to be eaten in the Dining Hall, but you may consume lunch or weekend informal dinners in the main Quadrangle if you wish. In practice, this means:

• Breakfast must be eaten in the Hall. Take-out cups will be available if you wish to take a tea/coffee back to your room.

• Paper plates and plastic cutlery will be available if you wish to eat lunch, or weekend informal dinners in the Quad. Crockery and metal cutlery items cannot be taken into the Quad.

• Late dinners and weekday informal dinners must be eaten in the Dining Hall. Take-out cups will be available if you wish to take a tea/coffee back to your room.


On no account may cutlery or crockery be taken back to your room. Apart from creating shortages in the kitchen, hygiene issues associated with dirty plates accumulating around College, and extra work for housekeeping staff, taking meals to your room runs completely contrary to the value we place on community life at Paul’s, chief amongst which is dining together. Fines will apply for students breaking this rule.

The above applies unless an exception is approved by the Dean. Such exemptions, which include the Wine Cellar luncheon, require advance notice in order to gain permission from the Dean. Special clean-up arrangements will need to be explained in your application.


Residence in the buildings of the College, both old and new, brings with it great responsibility. Paulines must respect their College space and the heritage value of our buildings and the generosity by which other Paulines and other supporters of the College have given significant sums to build and restore these great buildings for residents to enjoy.

Paulines are expected to have integrity and be honest in all they say and do. This extends to your care for College property. We expect students to own up to any damage they have caused. Disciplinary action will be significantly worse if a student has been found to conceal damage caused. Members of the College will be held responsible for damage caused by their guests. It is essential that all members of the College and their guests act with full respect for the physical fabric of the College (as well as showing respect for other individuals) at all times. Loving the College extends to loving its buildings –whether it is your room, a tutorial room, a corridor or the JCR.

Sandstone, leadlight windows, slate roofs and historic furniture and artworks are all beautiful, but also fragile and expensive to repair or replace. Blu Tac must not be used to affix signage to sandstone. You must limit all notices to the existing notice boards. You are also expected not to hit, kick or throw any kind of ball against the sandstone, or in a zone where slate roofs or leadlight may be damaged. More generally, you are asked to use your common sense to avoid damage to the fabric of College.

Equally, the new buildings must be fully respected and not damaged. They provide a very high standard of student accommodation, and have been made possible through the efforts and generosity of old members of the College and others.

Room inspections are conducted by staff mid-year and again at the end of the year.

Where any damage to the fabric or furnishings of College is found, the full cost of repair will be payable in addition to any fines levied (or other disciplinary action taken) for the behaviour leading to the damage being caused. Members of the College may also be asked to move from corridors or rooms if they have been found to be responsible for damage. All damages to College property, whether wilful or accidental, is to be reported to the Facilities Manager. Repairs to College property can be arranged by submitting a maintenance request via https://bit.ly/3tfG7dg or contacting Mr Brad Skone: 9550 7461; or housekeeping@stpauls.edu.au.




The Dining Hall, which is part of the original College buildings, is where all meals are taken and is the day-to-day meeting place for the College community, especially at Formal Hall (dinner) Monday to Thursday. Breakfast and lunch are served in the Buttery, whilst Formal Hall is a three-course meal served at the table for which the dress is jacket and tie/smart equivalent for women, plus academic gown. Footwear is to be worn at all times in the Hall; caps and other headgear should be removed. The Dining Hall is both a formal space and a family dining room. Your conduct should reflect this.

Guests are very welcome at College meals (with $10 per meal to be charged to their College host. QR codes in the Hall must be used to record a guest dining.)

The Dining Hall was opened in 1859, the second year that students had occupied the College. Portraits of significant people in the College’s History hang in it, including: Sir Alfred Stephen, who was Chief Justice of NSW and one of the founders of St Paul’s College; Bishop William Grant Broughton, who was Bishop of Australia at the time of the College’s founding; Air Marshal Sir James Rowland, former Governor of NSW and Pauline, a number of 20th century Wardens of St Paul’s, and our two Pauline Prime Ministers, the Rt Hon Sir William McMahon and the Hon Gough Whitlam.

See ‘Events and Festivities’ for meal times and arrangements for guests dining in Hall.


Paulines pride themselves on their high standard of dress and the tone it helps to set at College. All members of College are expected to abide by the dress regulations.

Different places and occasions require different types and standards of dress, and the rich variety of College life makes it necessary to learn quickly what to wear and when.


Smart Casual: casual collared shirt (e.g. linen); chinos or tailored shorts; smart shoes

Weekday College Formal Dinner: collared business shirt and tie; jacket (sports coat or blazer); trousers or chinos; leather shoes or riding boots; academic gown

Black Tie College Formal Dinner: Dinner suit (‘tuxedo’); white formal shirt, and black bow tie; black polished shoes; academic gown

Note: the following apply to all men’s dress codes:

• no jeans

• no trainers

• academic gown must always be worn with a jacket



Smart Casual: dress; knee-length to long skirt with collared shirt or smart top; tailored trousers; smart shoes

Weekday College Formal Dinner: smart dress; skirt or tailored pants with blouse or dressy top; jacket (optional); flats, heels or boots; academic gown

Black Tie College Formal Dinner: Formal evening dress knee to floor length (ball gowns are not generally worn to dinners), or dressiest cocktail dress; evening-appropriate flats or heels; academic gown

Note: the following apply to all women’s dress codes:

• no jeans

• no ‘cut-out’ tops, or dresses

• no sneakers or trainers


Please note the following:

1. Appointments with the Warden require smart casual dress as a minimum.

2. Students are expected to shower and change after sport/gym training before entering the Dining Hall

3. Caps and hats must be taken off when entering the Dining Hall

4.. The following are forbidden in the Dining Hall at all times:

• bare feet (footwear must be worn)

• ▪active wear or sports gear

• ▪singlets, tank or muscle tops

• bare midriffs or ‘cut out’ tops

• ▪very brief shorts or skirts



Bar radiators of any description are not permitted and all heaters must be turned off if you are away from your room. Double adaptors are not permitted. Residents must use fused power boards with surge protection. All electrical items over the age of one year need to be tested and tagged, at the resident’s expense. If under 12 months, the invoice is required as proof.


If a medical emergency requiring an ambulance arises, call 000 immediately. Then, as soon as practicable after, call the CDO so they can assist paramedics in finding you.

In the case of any other emergency which can cause harm to others, warn your neighbours immediately and similarly call the CDO. During business hours, go to the College Office or call 9550 7444.

If you see an intruder or become aware of another security issue at College, call the CDO on 0422 888 970. If you cannot raise the CDO, call University Security on 9351 3333 or Newtown Police on 9550 8199.


All Paulines, and especially the convenors of special dinners, are reminded they must submit the appropriate form https://app.smartsheet.com/b/ form/1519f4fda74847e58b34f1213e94d99b to the Dean of Undergraduates at least seven days before the event. It is essential that final numbers be given to the Catering Manager then so that orders can be placed on time. Increased numbers after this cut-off date cannot be accepted. Convenors are also reminded that there is an absolute limit of 204 people in the Dining Hall due to fire regulations.


College accounts may be paid online via direct deposit or credit card (Visa or MasterCard, surcharge applies). Account enquiries should be directed to finance@stpauls.edu.au.

We understand that from time to time you or your family may experience financial hardship which makes paying College fees difficult. If this is the case, it is in everyone’s interests that you contact the Finance Office as soon as possible to discuss your circumstances and a possible way forward. This is far preferable and less stressful on all concerned than having the College chase you or your parents for outstanding fees.


Students who commit a breach of the By-Laws or Regulations, or a breach of discipline, or who commit misconduct in or out of the College may be fined by the Warden or Dean. Fines are payable online by direct debit or at the office by card and must be paid within a week of being issued unless otherwise indicated. Other disciplinary measures may be invoked if necessary; these may range from (e.g.) being banned from the College Bar, to suspension or expulsion from the College.



All College rooms include a bed, desk, chair, and wardrobe. Permission is required from the Dean before removing any College furniture from your room. You are NOT permitted to remove furniture already in your room, or to bring furniture into it from elsewhere in the College (e.g. Common Rooms, tutorial rooms, or the library). You are not permitted to ear-mark College furniture as your own from year to year. Furniture must stay in the College room in which it was found.

Other than in the Ivan Head Building and Graduate House, in which rooms will be fully furnished, residents may bring in armchairs or two-seat sofas in their rooms, and only if in reasonable condition.


Fire protection systems, including smoke detectors, sprinklers and alarms, are crucial to the safety of College residents and must not be tampered with under any circumstances. Any interference with any aspect of fire safety systems is liable to result in severe College disciplinary action. If you tamper with a smoke detector you will be fined $300 and if you falsely or wilfully set off a fire alarm, a fine of up to $2,000 will apply alongside any other disciplinary action.


Most rooms in Blacket and Radford have fireplaces. Due to the prohibitive insurance costs associated with having these function, they are now strictly decorative and are not to be used. Current fire regulations forbid naked flames (including candles) in residential rooms.


On Monday to Thursday evenings during semester, the whole College gathers for Formal Hall. Its central importance, to the collegiate experience in general, but specifically to the culture of St Paul’s, is underlined by the fact that we hold them four times a week, significantly more than other colleges. A tradition since the 1850s, the civilised tone and standard of dress at our Formal Dinners is something in which the College takes great pride. Formal Hall is also where most of our most significant rituals and ceremonies take place; the College’s warm esprit de corps is exemplified by the witty announcements and impromptu speeches being made.

Almost every student who comes to College cites ‘a sense of community’ as one of their principle reasons for wanting to be part of this extraordinary place. Formal Dinners are lively, convivial and fun - especially when the Hall is full – and they are your best way of getting to know your fellow Paulines and of finding out what’s going on.

Unless you have genuine commitments (such as late lectures, a job, sports training) which prevent you from attending, you are expected to attend Formal Dinner. Whilst it is understood that not everyone can be there for every time, you should aim to attend several each week. To put it another way, if you frequently absent yourself from Formal Dinner, you are not fulfilling your obligation to the College. You will only get this opportunity once in your life!


Required dress is jacket, collared shirt and tie for men/smart equivalent for women, plus academic gown. {see DRESS above]

Formal Dinner begins at 6:30pm and is usually over by 7:15pm.

At the commencement of dinner, the person presiding (usually, the Warden, Vice-Warden, Dean or Senior Tutor) makes announcements and says the College Grace.

▪Use of mobile phones is forbidden!

If you arrive after dinner has started, courtesy requires that you enter the Hall and bow to the Warden from the door before moving to your seat.

▪Except in the case of extreme indisposition, students are not permitted to leave the Hall until Formal Dinner is concluded.

At the end of the meal, the person presiding will ask all present to rise for the final Grace.

Black tie dinners are more formal events held throughout the year to celebrate outstanding academic achievements (Academic Dinner), to welcome parents to College (Mothers/Fathers Dinners), to say farewell to departing Paulines (Valedictory Dinner) or to celebrate victories in Rawson/ Rosebowl or Palladian Cup competitions.


The Games Room is located on the ground floor of the North Chapel building adjacent to the Chapel. There is a full-sized billiards table and table tennis table available for the use of all students. Students using these facilities must ensure that the equipment is respected and kept in good order and any damage reported. It is NOT to be used for parties and similar social gatherings and those doing so will be fined.


The College Grace is said in Latin at the start and conclusion of Formal Dinner and at all other major dinners:

Opening Grace

Benedictus Benedicat, per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum, Amen, (May the blessed one bless [us/this meal] through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.)

Closing Grace

Benedicto Benedicatur, per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum, Amen, (May the blessed one be blessed, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.)


Started in 2019, Graduate House is an academic community within the wider St Paul’s College made up of postgraduate and Honours students, and


academics. Members of Graduate House live in the McMillan Building and, like members of the undergraduate community, are full members of St Paul’s College.

The Graduate House community is led by the Dean of Graduate House, Dr Antone Martinho-Truswell. Senior undergraduate members are warmly encouraged to speak to Antone regarding postgraduate opportunities at the University of Sydney and overseas.

The Ivan Head Building and the McMillan Building form the Third Quadrangle which houses tutorial rooms, the gymnasium, and a casual outdoor dining area. Undergraduates are often warmly invited to dinner or social events run by Graduate House and there are a number of joint undergrad and postgrad activities throughout the year.


The College is a graffiti-free zone. Those found to have graffitied any College property will be fined $200 and may be subject to further disciplinary action.


Guests are warmly welcome at College meals, and members of the College are strongly encouraged to invite guests (female or male) to meals, including Formal Dinner. All guests must be accompanied by a resident member of the College.

The charge per meal for guests is $10 per guest per meal, and is charged to the resident member of the College who is accompanying the guest. Please sign using the QR code at the entrance to the hall or in the Buttery, whenever you bring a guest to a meal.

Students are responsible for the behaviour of their guests while they are on College grounds and will need to take responsibility for any damage or other issue caused by guests.


There is a large and high-quality gymnasium in the basement of the Ivan Head Building. It is for the use of all resident members of the College. Resident members of the College are permitted to take one visitor at a time to the gym.

Resident College members can access the gym at any time with their room key, but make sure that it is locked when you leave, that equipment is placed back in its correct position, and that you get rid of rubbish and keep the gym tidy for the use of others. As with all aspects of community living, members of College using the gym must be respectful towards fellow students including by their dress and behaviour. Food must not be eaten in the gym. Music must not be played on the speakers after 9.30pm.

The gymnasium is named in recognition of the generous support given by Mr Anton Tagliaferro and the TAG Family Foundation which has helped to make construction of the gym possible.



Members of the Senior Common Room, their guests and official guests of the College dine on High Table during Formal Dinner (Monday to Thursday during semester). Members of the Middle Common Room (graduate students) may also be invited to dine on High Table. Undergraduate students may be invited to sit at High Table to meet visiting scholars or other guests, or to celebrate an achievement. Students invited to dine on High Table should meet in the Senior Common Room at, or soon after, 6:15pm to process in at 6:30pm.

If a guest or student must leave early, High Table etiquette requires them to request permission from the table presider.


Any injury sustained while on College grounds or related to College activities must be reported to the Dean as soon as possible. If injury or illness affects your ability to study or meet assessment requirements, please inform the Senior Tutor as soon as practicable. The earlier you let us know of a problem, generally the more we can do to help.

For non-urgent medical issues, the Honorary Medical Officer Dr Vincent Braniff who resides in the McMillan Building (Graduate House) (0405 141 328) can be of assistance. You can also make an appointment with the University Health Service by calling 9351 3484.

For urgent medical issues, please contact either the CDO or, for emergencies, 000. If you call 000, please then call the CDO so that we may assist the paramedics to find and enter the College. The nearest hospital to College is the RPA and their emergency department can be contacted on 9515 6111. For urgent mental health issues, you can call the USyd after hours line on 1300 474 065, or the nearby Marie Bashir Centre assessment unit on 9515 1500.


The College insurance policy does not cover the contents of your room. We strongly suggest you discuss this with your own insurance provider. Fire places in the original buildings are not to be used as the College’s insurance does not cover their use.


St Paul’s competes strongly in intercollegiate sporting and cultural competitions (the Rawson Cup for men’s intercollegiate sport, the Rosebowl for women’s intercollegiate sport and the Palladian Cup for cultural competition). There are also opportunities for intercollegiate social interaction.

All those present at intercollegiate (or ‘intercol’) activities, whether as participants or spectators, are bound by our high standards of sportsmanship as Paulines, as well as the Intercollegiate Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct which is found under ‘Intercollegiate Code of Conduct’ in this Handbook.



Dating back to a time when all University exams were held in November when the College’s jacaranda trees were coming into bloom, Jacaranda Week is the week the College community focuses solely on exam preparation and revision. Jacaranda Week now appears in both Semester 1 and 2 calendars.


The JCR is both the undergraduate student body and a physical space within the College. It is the undergraduate students’ sitting room for use at any time during the day or night. We encourage students to move into the JCR after dinner, especially during winter when the open fire is sometimes lit, to enjoy coffee and further conversation. It is also used for social gatherings, debates, meetings, suppers and informal discussion groups. The grand piano can be used by musicians at any time. Resident College members may access the room at any time with their own room key but should ensure that it is locked and the lights turned off if they are the last one out.


There are seven laundries for student use. They are located in Lower Garnsey, Middle Denison, Lower Tower, Arnott (near Maples Gate), Middle Arnott, the Ivan Head Building, and the McMillan Building. Each wash costs $3 (coins) or $4 (card); use of the dryers is free. You need to provide your own washing liquid or powder. Irons and ironing boards are provided in Garnsey, Tower, South Chapel Court, the Ivan Head Building, and the McMillan Building. You would be wise to master these skills if you don’t yet have them, and might consider buying a personal iron and mini-board.


The Mansfield Library, the College Library, is the centre of academic life in the College and is a popular study space (particularly at exam time) for many students who prefer not to work in their room. It also houses the College Archives. The Library holds general reference books, recent books of topical interest, and contemporary fiction. Requests for textbooks and reference books should be directed to the Senior Tutor. Of particular help for Law students is the Cannington Law Library, named after W.G. Cannington (Senior Student 1962 who died in 1969), which has a selection of law reports, digests, and statute law. There is also a tutorial room on the first floor of the Library. Students may use this room for personal study but are asked to give preference to groups of students who need to use it for tutorials.

The Library is for the use of all resident members of the College. Students have 24-hour access to the Library with their room key. Loans must be recorded in the logbook near the entrance. However, reference books and law reports are never to be removed from the Library. Eating and drinking are not permitted, except for personal water bottles.



St Paul’s College is a member of the Newtown Liquor Accord which covers the suburbs of Newtown, Erskineville, Chippendale and Darlington. It is a voluntary, self-imposed, and self-regulatory agreement between late-trading venues, government departments, other Sydney University colleges and the Newtown Police.

The members of the Newtown Liquor Accord meet four times per year to discuss and implement measures and new operations that make licensed venues, including the Salisbury Bar, safer and more enjoyable precincts. Through their support of the responsible service and consumption of alcohol, alcohol-related harm may be prevented or at least reduced.

The minimum number of security guards required at any licenced event at College must be in accordance with the Newtown Liquor Accord in conjunction with the request of the Licensee and Dean.

Three members of our College community represent St Paul’s at the Newtown Liquor accord.


If you lose your room key, a $30 charge will be made for a replacement. During business hours, please see Reception and you will be issued with a new key.

After hours, if you are locked out of your room, you can contact the CDO on duty (see contact details at the start of this booklet) who will let you in. Please keep in mind that CDOs are your peers and accordingly please be considerate of their time and your request of them. It is inappropriate to call a CDO after 11.30 pm for a simple lock-out. If you are locked out during office hours (MonFri 9am to 5pm), please go to College Reception and speak to Amanda.


If something is broken in your room or bathroom, or you accidentally or otherwise cause damage to your room, you need to contact the Maintenance team.

Log all maintenance requests here: https://bit.ly/3tfG7dg


During the week mail is distributed to your room by the mail convenors to all resident students.

If a parcel for you arrives, you will generally be texted by the College Office. Please come to pick up your parcel as soon as possible during business hours. Parcels cannot be allowed to accumulate in the College Office.



Breakfast: 7:00-9:30

Lunch: 12:00-1:30

Formal Dinner: 6:30-7:15 (during semester teaching weeks)

Informal Dinner: 6:00-7:30 (Fri-Sun, and all non-teaching weeks)

Late Dinner: 7:45-8:30 (Mon-Thu – only if Formal Dinner is not possible)

All meals must be eaten in the Dining Hall, except for lunch or weekend informal dinners which may be consumed in the main Quadrangle. Meals are not to be taken back to bedrooms or common rooms. (To do so is completely contrary to collegiate life!)

Crockery and cutlery is not to be taken away from the Hall. Occupants of individual student rooms (or corridors) where crockery from the Buttery is found will result in fining by the Dean.


Undergraduate residency entitles you to the use of your room during the semesters (including the examination periods) and the mid-year break. Unless the College has given permission otherwise, all personal belongings are to be taken from rooms by 10am on move-out day at the beginning of the summer break. This includes ALL rubbish, possessions you intend to keep for the following year, or wish to donate. This is very important, as the College needs to undertake essential maintenance over the summer break, housekeeping staff need to make a thorough clean and some rooms need to be made available to guests during the vacation. Rooms will be inspected following move out day and students who fail to comply with these requirements will be fined.

Should you wish to leave anything at the College over the summer break, please speak with the Dean. In advance of the vacation period, the College can supply boxes to allow storage of your items in a safe storage area in the College.


In order to encourage conversation and collegiality, and out of common politeness, the use of mobile phones (either for calls or otherwise) is forbidden in the Hall and the Common Rooms.


The main notice boards are located in the Blacket vestibule (situated inside the main entrance to the original building). Information related to the tutorial programme is found here, as are notices from the Senior Tutor. In addition, Students’ Club Committee and convenorship notices are posted here. Please remember that all notices should indicate the author by name and room. Please check them daily for updates.

Please note that all notice boards are considered a public space, available for viewing not only by College residents but also by visitors and members of the public. Any material posted on notice boards which infringes College policies (e.g. by showing disrespect to anyone, or graffiti), will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter.


Other means of conveying notices in the College include announcements in Hall, email, Facebook, the College website and text messages.


The College Oval is a remarkable asset to the College and the University. It is maintained by Sydney University Sport and Fitness (SUSF).

Subject to SUSF and other bookings, the College Oval is available to all resident members of the College for informal games (e.g. casual cricket, Tip, etc.). Consistent with the College ethos of respect for all members, please be mindful of other residents wishing to use the oval at the same time as you. If you are using the Oval to practise any ‘throwing’ athletics (e.g. javelin, discus) or golf, please be very mindful of others’ safety and use your common sense (e.g. hit golf balls away from cars and other people).

The College controls the calendar of SUSF bookings and retains general overall control of the Oval.


St Paul’s is located in the middle of the University grounds in a busy part of the city. We have limited parking and it is absolutely essential all residents comply with parking regulations.

Only cars for which the College has issued a permit, and that permit (sticker) is displayed, may park in College grounds.

No other parking is permitted. If you are having a guest visit College, you may ask for a visitor parking permit from the College Office during business hours. Guest parking is limited and, in fairness to other residents, frequent applications will not be successful.

Residents wishing to apply for an annual permit should contact the College Office. Charges apply for parking permits: $650 per year. Permits will be allocated to students on the basis of need and then seniority at College. Zoned parking spaces will be allocated to successful applicants. Those students parking outside their allocated zone, or allowing guests to park without a visitor permit, will be fined. University security patrols are authorised to (and frequently do) issue parking tickets and fines to cars parked unlawfully or causing obstruction at any time.

Parking permits are colour-coded in 2023. The colour relates to the specific area of College to which the permit applies. If parked outside of the relevant area, fines may apply.

Please always park within the lines of one parking space to allow as many cars as possible to park.

Visitor parking is very limited. When available, parking may be made available for parents visiting resident Paulines. An application for a visitor permit for them should be made at the Office during normal business hours. Space permitting, a permit will be issued. Frequent applications will not be successful. University security patrols are authorised to (and frequently


do) issue parking tickets and fines to cars parked unlawfully or causing obstruction at any time.


The nearest post office is on campus, opposite the Holme Building on Science Road. There are other post offices on Missenden Road (near Royal Prince Alfred Hospital) and in the Broadway Shopping Centre on the ground floor.


A multifunction printer is available in the Library. This printer has the ability to scan documents to PDF and photocopy, as well as print in black and white. An account can be set up in the College Office to allow for usage. Paper is supplied and you will be billed a charge per page to cover costs.


A ‘Private Party’ is defined by the College as any congregation of three or more people (students/guests) which is considered a social gathering typically involving eating, drinking, or entertainment beyond that which is considered normal routine in College. It must be officially sanctioned by the Warden or the Dean.

The College retains complete discretion over the use of all venues for any event. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of any area, including your room, can result in a fine, suspension or expulsion from the College. A permission form for parties can be obtained from the College Office and will require authorization from the Warden or Dean.

The Salisbury is not available for private parties.

Responsible Service of Alcohol principles apply at all times during all such events. Even during BYO events, there must be a limited and orderly supply of drinks. Under no circumstances can alcohol be sold or can guests be charged a fee for attendance at the event. The Salisbury may only serve alcohol purchased under its licence within the licensed bar area.

The College is mindful of consideration towards its residents and its neighbours. Therefore loud music or other loud noise will not be permitted after 10:30pm and no party may continue after midnight within the College. It is advisable for you to arrange an off-campus after-party venue if you wish the event to run over time.

Students are responsible for the behaviour and actions of their guests. You will be billed for any damage to College property arising from your party (together, of course, with any applicable fine or other disciplinary action). You may also be levied for any extra cleaning costs incurred.


During Stuvac and the examination weeks, suppers are usually provided in the Buttery at 9pm as a refreshing break from revision for exams.



Rooms are pre-allocated to Freshers and may not be changed in your first year unless by the special permission of the Dean. Thereafter the allocation of rooms depends on the number of room points you have earned each year. Every year you are at College and at University earns you room points, as do convenorships and participation in College activities. On application, the Warden or Dean may ‘quarantine’ a room for a student for a specific reason.


The closest major shopping centre is the Broadway Shopping Centre, containing Coles, K-Mart, a Medical Centre, various other retail outlets, and Hoyts Cinemas. King Street, in Newtown, is home to a host of cafés, restaurants and bars as well as a 7 Eleven and IGA.


The 423, 426 and 428 buses travel to and from the city or Central Railway Station from bus stops along City Road approximately every ten minutes during weekdays. Traveling to the city is cheaper if you walk down to the University stop, rather than crossing Carillon Avenue which is closer but runs into an extra section. When returning from the city, the bus runs along Castlereagh Street and stops opposite the College gates. Taxis are also available on a regular basis on City Road. The best point to be picked up by an Uber driver is 9 City Road, Camperdown NSW.

A free University Security bus service operates to, from and around the Camperdown and Darlington campuses each weekday that Fisher Library is open (except for public holidays). During semester, at peak times (4.40pm to 8.30 pm), two buses operate along the route, which commences at Fisher Library and terminates at Redfern Station. The service is reduced to one bus during semester breaks and each night from 8.30 pm until the library closes. The buses run for security purposes, not convenience, and do not carry passengers a couple of stops to save a walk to the nearest bus stop. Please be considerate of other passengers whose destination is Redfern Station.


Like most Oxford and Cambridge colleges, St Paul’s College is built around quadrangles. Today, there are three – the original or Main Quadrangle, the Chapel Quadrangle, and the Third Quadrangle (behind Denison, and between the Ivan Head Building and McMillan Building). In Paul’s parlance, ‘the Quad’, generally means the Main Quadrangle.


The Rogers Room is located directly above the Junior Common Room. Named in honour of the Rogers family, who have been associated with the College since 1857, this room should be respected as a formal common space within the College. It is primarily used as a rehearsal space and for seminars, debates, after-dinner talks and recitals etc.

The Rogers Room is not to be used for impromptu parties, or as a private common room. For permission to book the Rogers Room for an event, please email the College Office (reception@stpauls.edu.au).



The College is fortunate to have licensed premises, The Salisbury (or ‘Sals’), established with funds from the estate of the late Dr Charles V. Salisbury. In keeping with Dr Salisbury’s explicit wishes, the College Bar is intended for a convivial place for Paulines to meet, relax, enjoy conversation and each other’s company over a drink.

The Salisbury is run by the Trippas White Group (the College caterers) who also hold the liquor licence. Trippas White employ suitably qualified students to help operate both the café and bar. The bar will open in the evening from Monday to Thursday.

From 2023, The Salisbury will also operate as a café from 7am to 3pm on weekdays, where students can enjoy coffee and snacks, or catch up on some study in the sunshine.

All students should take note of the following:

No-one under the age of 18 is to be admitted to the Bar except with the express permission of the Licensee. These people may not be served alcohol or have alcohol bought for them, and must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Identification must be presented upon request by staff or security.

Intoxicated persons will not be served alcohol and will be asked to leave the premises.

At closing time all patrons should ensure that they leave the area promptly and quietly, with no loitering in the quadrangles, near the Ivan Head Building, or elsewhere.

All forms of rapid intoxication, e.g. sculling and shots, are strictly prohibited. Drinks will only be sold in standard measures, and neither jugs of spirits nor shots will be sold.


Adequate clothing always includes the wearing of a shirt or T-shirt. Footwear is always required.

▪The only place where smoking or vaping is allowed is in the designated area of the Beer Garden.

Attempts to enter the College Bar outside of the ordinary trading hours without the explicit permission of the Warden are strictly forbidden and may result in suspension from the College or the College Bar.

Attempts to enter the College Bar after being forbidden to enter by the Licensee, Bar Manager, security, or Warden or other member of staff, or to re-enter after being asked to leave, will result in an automatic ban from all College Bar activity, and possibly other activities. This is in the interests of public safety, the welfare of residents, the civil liability of the College and the obligations of the licensee.

The College Bar is not the venue for 21st or other birthday parties.

The College has a zero tolerance approach to alcohol-related behaviour that causes or risks disturbance, damage or harm to any person or property.

Being under the influence of alcohol provides no excuse for inappropriate behaviour. The College’s commitment to respect and dignity for all including equality of respect for all regardless of gender, applies as much in the Bar as elsewhere, and the College has zero tolerance for behaviour anywhere which is inconsistent with these values.


The College has seven dedicated tutorial rooms: two on the first floor of the Library (one being the Cannington Law Library), one in North Chapel Court, one in Bottom Arnott, and three in the Ivan Head Building. Tutorial rooms may be used for private and group study, but preference must be given to tutorial groups scheduled to use the room. Under no circumstances may tutorial rooms be used for social gatherings or as private common rooms.


There is a vending machine on the ground floor of the Garnsey building, from which drinks and some snacks can be purchased.


The Wine Cellar luncheon, hosted by the College Wine Cellar, gives Paulines the opportunity to invite guests to come and enjoy lunch with wine provided by the Cellar in the Main Quadrangle on a Sunday afternoon. There is a dress code to which all attendees are expected to adhere. This event starts at 12:30pm and ends at 5pm (service of alcoholic drinks stops at 4pm). Freshers are responsible for setting up the event and cleaning it up afterwards. Excessive consumption of alcohol is forbidden and closely monitored. Students are reminded that this is a pleasant afternoon for socialising and welcoming guests.


Code of Conduct


St Paul’s College aspires to offer all its students the best all-round educational experience that it can, in the great tradition of collegiate education and in line with its foundation and its enduring values as an Anglican Christian college within the University of Sydney.

The values of the College, which it is committed to uphold, include respect and dignity for all, including equality of respect for all; diversity and inclusion; integrity; community; learning; faith; service; and responsibility.

The College has a responsibility to provide a safe and respectful environment for all, and is determined to uphold a culture of inclusion, respect and safety. It requires all its members to contribute to this and to accept responsibility for their own conduct.

The College is determined to be leaders in preventing and responding strongly to sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual assault, and expects all its members to act accordingly. It has zero tolerance for any conduct inconsistent with this.

We are equally determined to uphold the values of respect and dignity for all, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, nationality, religion, disability, social background, or other factors.

We are committed to upholding a culture of respect and fair play in all intercollegiate social and competitive interactions.


The College encourages College members to behave always in ways that best exemplify the College’s values.

The College expects and requires that its students, staff, residents and visitors will:

act with honesty and integrity, and ethically; treat all students, staff, and others with dignity and respect; abide by Federal and State laws and regulations; abide by College and University by-laws, handbooks, policies, procedures and guidelines (including, for example, inter-collegiate and Sydney University Sport and Fitness policies and procedures); and ensure that behaviour does not embarrass or otherwise bring the College into disrepute.

Actions inconsistent with these Standards of Personal Behaviour will make those responsible liable to disciplinary action, including the possibility of suspension or expulsion from the College.



These standards of personal behaviour are required of all resident members of St Paul’s College at all times, whether in or out of College property at the time, and whether during semester or vacation. A student or other resident member of the College, wherever they are, is expected to act in a way that is consistent with the values of the College and its good standing, and with this Code of Conduct.

The standards of behaviour set out in this Code are expected of all students, staff, other residents, and visitors to the College, all of whom are bound by College By-laws, policies and procedures (including all requirements set out in the Handbooks of the College).

St Paul’s College students are also students of the University of Sydney, and accordingly are subject to the University’s powers and processes on student discipline and misconduct, including in relation to conduct not undertaken on University or College grounds (e.g. on a sporting tour). University policies include a code of conduct, and policies on topics such as sexual misconduct, health and safety, student discipline, academic honesty, alcohol consumption, and bullying, harassment and discrimination. The Warden may be obliged to refer serious breaches of University codes or policies by any College student to the University. Sanctions include expulsion from the University.

Any person associated with the College taking part in inter-collegiate activities is bound by any inter-collegiate codes of conduct or other policies as determined by the Heads of Colleges.

A College member, wherever they are, is also subject to the law, which applies in College as it does in the wider community.

The standards of personal behaviour set out in this Code of Conduct are necessary and important:

• to ensure that the values of St Paul’s College are upheld in the conduct of its members towards each other and towards others;

• in particular, to ensure that respect and dignity are accorded to all;

• to fulfil the College’s responsibility to be a safe and respectful environment;

• to reflect the good character expected of all members of the College;

• to enable members of the St Paul’s College community to live and learn together harmoniously and well;

• to enable the St Paul’s College community to co-exist harmoniously with our neighbours, including in The Women’s College, Wesley College, Moore College, and other colleges, the University, and the local community;

• to honour our position within the wider University of Sydney, the Anglican Church, and the wider community;

• to respect the law;

• to meet the legitimate expectations the community has of us; and

• to ensure the good standing of the College and of all its members.


This Code of Conduct applies in conjunction with other policies and procedures of the College and of the University of Sydney, including (but not limited to):

• The St Paul’s College Sexual Misconduct Policy

• The St Paul’s College Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Policy

• The St Paul’s College Hazing and Initiations Policy and the University of Sydney’s Code of Conduct for Students and other policies, including on academic and personal conduct, such as:

• The University of Sydney’s Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015

• The University of Sydney’s Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy 2015, and

• The University of Sydney’s Student Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy 2018.


Consistently with the Standards of Personal Behaviour set out above, Unacceptable Personal Behaviours for which the College’s disciplinary processes apply include (but are not limited to):

1. Academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, cheating in examinations or other assessments, and fabrication of research results.

2. Sexist or racist behaviour and language.

3. Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment or sexual assault. The College’s zero-tol- erance approach to sexual misconduct is reflected in its Sexual Misconduct Policy, which College students, staff and residents are obliged to read and abide by.

4. Bullying, harassment or discrimination of any kind of another person.

5. Disrespectful, threatening, intimidating, demeaning, degrading or offensive behaviour. For example:

• Participation in Welcome Week or any College or Students’ Club or other festivities or events shall involve no ‘trial by ordeal’ or obligatory participation in or inducement to participate in initiations, ceremonies, drinking games or activities that are inconsistent with the values and behavioural expectations stated in this Code or in the College Handbook. Membership of College does not give a more senior member of College the right to expect, demand or coerce participation.

• Hissing is demeaning and offensive, and is contrary to the College’s commitment to any form of hazing or any other behaviours that compromise or risk students’ physical, psychological or emotional safety and well-being (whether or not it is with the consent or apparent consent of the other person).

6. Abuse – be it verbal, written or physical, subtle or overt – including sledging of competitors in sporting or other competitions. Demeaning or degrading chants, songs, heckling, banners and the like are prohibited.


7. Any retaliation against or victimisation of anyone who has disclosed, reported, witnessed or complained about unacceptable behaviour, or who has supported anyone who has done so, or intervened to prevent or stop unacceptable behaviour.

8. Public or publicly-observable urination, sex or nudity (which may be treated as forms of harassment).

9. Interference with fire equipment and other safety equipment.

10. Hhaving naked flames (including lit candles) in residential rooms, or starting any fire other than as authorised by senior College officers, or causing unnecessary fire alarms by deliberate or careless action.

11. Smoking except in the designated smoking area or areas.

12. Wilful or careless damage to the College’s property or the property of anyone else.

13. Theft or attempted theft. So-called souveniring from other Colleges or premises is a form of theft and is dealt with as such, including with liability to criminal prosecution.

14. Noise disturbance. In all residential areas of College no noise from your room or corridor should disturb your neighbours after 10:30 pm, and beyond midnight nothing shall be audible beyond your room or corridor. A noise complaint from The Women’s College, Wesley College, Moore College, or other neighbours, is liable to attract a heavy fine and/or other penalty.

15. Unauthorised private parties, as defined in the College Handbook.

16. Any involvement with illegal drugs (including sale, possession, use, distribution or being under the influence of) or involvement with legal drugs (whether prescription or non-prescription drugs) other than for the treatment of a genuine medical condition.

17. Being under the influence of excessive alcohol, including where this leads to or contributes to conduct with wider consequences.

18. Inducing or promoting excessive consumption of alcohol. All involved in the service of alcohol are bound by the Responsible Service of Alcohol principles. A person who is drunk is incapable of giving consent to sexual activity.

19. Recording and/or distributing images (such as photographs or videos of a personal or private nature on cameras or mobile phones) without the express permission of the person concerned.


20. Any other misuse of social media, for example through inappropriate social media posts. All College students and staff are responsible for the content they publish on social media platforms, and it is imperative that all students and staff understand that at all times, they must not:

a. post or encourage material that is, or might be construed as, sexist or racist or in any way disparaging or disrespectful towards any individuals,

b. post or encourage material that is, or might be construed as, threatening, harassing, bullying, or discriminatory,

c. falsely imply they are authorised to speak or express views on behalf of the College or Students’ Club, or associate any inappropriate activity with the College in any way,

d. disclose on social media any confidential information or personal information obtained in their capacity as a resident or staff member of the College, or

e. bring the College into disrepute.

21. The use of College information or communications technology facilities or services to access pornography, or for any behaviour inconsistent with these standards (e.g. showing disrespect to others).

22. Breach of any law, regulation, College or University by-law, handbook, policy, procedure or guideline.

23. Other behaviour inconsistent with the values of the College.

Intoxication or the use of drugs (both of which are offences under this Code) can never be an excuse or a mitigating factor if they lead to actions that attract disciplinary consequences in the College.

Many of these Unacceptable Personal Behaviours are illegal, and therefore liable to Police investigation and criminal prosecution, as well as being contrary to this Code of Conduct and to University policies, and liable to College and/or University disciplinary processes.


The College is committed to being a safe and supportive environment for all people. Where someone has been adversely affected by the behaviour of others, we are committed to holding perpetrators to account wherever possible.

The College is committed to responding to complaints and reports sensitively, fairly, expedi- tiously, and confidentially while following the principles of procedural fairness.

The College encourages and trains its resident members to be active and positive bystanders who take safe and appropriate action to prevent or stop misconduct which they witness or suspect, and expects them to report instances of misconduct that may require action by the College.


If you wish to make a disclosure, complaint, or report to the College, please contact any of the following:

• Dr Ed Loane, Warden

• Dr Antone Martinho-Truswell, Dean of Graduate House

• Ms Katie Allan, Senior Tutor

If you wish to seek advice in relation to any matter, please contact any of them or any of the following:

• The Rev’d Antony Weiss, Chaplain

• Junior Deans

• Peer Support Leaders

Contact details are in the College Handbook, or can be obtained from the College Reception on 9550 7444 or reception@stpauls.edu.au.

The College is willing to receive anonymous disclosures and reports, which it will take seriously. It regrets that anonymity is likely to limit its capacity to investigate and/or take action.


Where a resident member of St Paul’s College or other relevant person fails to comply with this Code (whether through the Unacceptable Personal Behaviours listed above, or in other ways), they may be subject to:

a. advice, caution or discipline by College officers, following appropriate investigation;

b. if applicable, disciplinary or other processes of the University of Sydney, including Uni- versity Security and Sydney University Sport and Fitness, or authorised by the Heads of Colleges;

c. complaints and personal liability under Australian laws and regulations;

d. Police investigation for potential criminal action.

▪If you wish to make a disclosure, complaint, or report to the College, or to seek advice, regarding a breach (or possible breach) of this Code, please contact one of the individuals listed above. As stated above, the College is committed to responding to complaints and reports sensitively, fairly, expeditiously, and confidentially while following the principles of procedural fairness.

▪If a complaint or report is made, or the Warden determines that an allegation of a breach of the Code requires investigation, the Dean of Undergraduates (in the case of the St Paul’s undergraduate community) or the Dean of Graduate House will ordinarily undertake an investigation in which anyone accused of a breach of the Code of Conduct (respondent) will be advised of the allegation/s against them, and given full opportunity to respond.

▪All parties, including any witnesses, will be asked to maintain strict confidentiality.


▪The College will offer pastoral support to both a complainant and respondent, as appropriate.

Where he considers it necessary, the Warden may make requirements of a student (such as relocation within or removal from the College) while an investigation is being undertaken; this does not, and should not be taken to, prejudge or reveal the outcome of the investigation. Parties to a complaint will be advised in confidence of the progress of the process (where appropriate) and of the outcome.

▪An investigation will ordinarily involve the Dean of Undergraduates or Dean of Graduate House advising the accused person of the allegation both orally and in writing, and providing them with an opportunity to respond in writing as well as orally.

▪Evidence will be sought, ordinarily in writing as well as orally, from relevant witnesses.

▪The accused will ordinarily have the opportunity to respond to a draft finding by the Dean of Undergraduates or Dean of Graduate House and recommendation to the Warden as to an appropriate penalty, if any.

▪Where the Warden and Dean of Undergraduates or Dean of Graduate House judge it to be the most appropriate procedure in the particular instance, the College’s Grievance Procedure (adapted as judged appropriate) will apply.

▪In the light of the finding of the investigation and recommendation by the Dean of Undergraduates or Dean of Graduate House of a penalty, if any, the Warden or his delegate shall determine appropriate action, including penalty in accordance with the College By-laws and as listed below.

▪A student may appeal to the College Council against any penalty not imposed by the Council.

▪Behaviour inconsistent with the Code of Conduct may be the subject of other processes, such as those authorised or undertaken by the Heads of Colleges, University Security, other officers of the University, or the Police, and each has a range of penalties.


Penalties which may be imposed for breaches of the Code of Conduct, College By-laws or Regulations, or other policies, include:

• fines in amounts not exceeding one week’s fees;

• being banned from a specified locality within the College (e.g. the College Bar),

• or from undertaking specified activity within or outside the College;

• being banned from drinking or being under the influence of alcohol within or outside the College;

• being suspended or expelled from the College by the Warden;

• being banned from College property; and

• such other reasonable penalty or requirement as the Warden may determine.


Examples of such other penalty or requirement include reprimand, warning (e.g. that a further breach renders the offender liable to suspension or expulsion), compulsory counselling, removal of rights or privileges, community service or work, and moving of rooms.

A person responsible for damage and other costs will ordinarily be required to pay in full for making good the damage and/or costs incurred, in addition to any penalty that may be imposed or action taken. For example, the costs incurred by an unnecessary fire brigade call-out caused by unacceptable (deliberate or careless) behaviour can be around $2,000, and the person responsible is liable to be charged this fee by the College.


This Code of Conduct will be reviewed and revised from time to time, and the latest version (which shall be binding) posted on the College website.

These documents are available for download from the college website:





Other Important Policy documents


St Paul’s College Handbook 2023 (Undergraduate Community)

Published under the authority of The Warden and Fellows of St Paul’s College within The University of Sydney

Up-dates will be made as and when they occur


Latest: v. 3 - 06 February 2023

Previous: v. 2 31 January 2023

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