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Bro. and Sis. Montague and Monica walked into the Fellowship Hall together to drop off the food. “I still feel you should have left some food at the house for me, for later,” Bro. Montague said. “Oh, Terrence, you ought to stop,” Sis. Montague replied lightly. “I’m going to fellowship and pray with Pastor and the men of the church. You go ahead and join your choir friends. You make that choir look good.” He pecked her on the cheeks before strolling off. “Love is in the air every time I look around,” sang Sis. Gene Willis as she approached Sis. Montague and Monica with a hug. “How are the Montague ladies doing today?” She had been the personal shepherd of the family when they first started attending New Mt. Zion. At New Mt. Zion every new family or single person who got saved through the church and who became a member of the church was paired with a seasoned saint of the church; someone who loved the Lord and who was living in obedience and someone who could disciple them in the faith. Such a shepherd would pray with them and for them, make encouraging phone calls to them throughout the week, maybe fix a meal for them, give them a tour of the church, keep them updated on the events of the church, and if needed, secure a ride for them to the church on Sundays. Sis. Gene Willis was as sweet as could be and had never been married, but she seemed to find great contentment from serving the Lord. She worked closely with Sis. Richardson when it was time to visit the sick. Both her and Sis. Montague walked off together to the choir loft. Monica decided to remain behind and help with any final touches to be done in the Fellowship Hall.


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