Storizen Magazine August 2023 | Amitav Ghosh

Page 24

Celebrating 5 Years of Storizen! STORIZEN HOME TO YOUR STORIES AUGUST 2023 Exploring Opium's Legacy, Travel, and the Urgency of Climate Change Exclusive Story on Page 6
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Cover Story

Tales from the Opium

Trade: Amitav Ghosh's Quest in "Smoke and Ashes"

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Editor's Note, p5

Cover Story, p6

Tales from the Opium Trade: Amitav Ghosh's Quest in "Smoke and Ashes"

hot off the press, p12

articles/short stories/poetry

Essence of Freedom - Sreelekha Chatterjee, p20

Monthly Horoscope: August 2023 - Himani Goyal, p32

Save the saplings... - Madhumathi H., p36

book events/interviews, p14

Book Launch: India's Techade by Nalin Mehta, p14

Interview: Siddhartha Deb, Author: The Light at the End of the World, p18

Book Excerpt: Book of Rahim and Other Poems by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, p24

book reviews (by Swapna Peri, Saurabh Chawla & Kiran Adharapuram)

The Trackers by Charles Frazier, p26

The Collector by Daniel Silva, p26

The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty, p27

Smoke and Ashes by Amitav Ghosh, p27

One by Mansoor Khan, p28

Balidan by Swapnil Pandey, p28

Azadi by Chaman Nahal, p29

The Curveball by Colby Sharma, p29

Where's the Moolah? By Sangeeta Shankaran Sumesh, p30

Ela’s Unfinished Business by Gayatri, p30

Twisted Tales and Turns by Smita Das Jain, p31


from the editor

calling all writers!


You can also be a contributor Mail us your entries at Your smart ideas and inputs help us create our informative issues.

nce you learn to read, you will be forever free " With these profound words by Frederick Douglass, we invite you to unlock the doors to boundless literary freedom in the latest edition of [Literary Magazine Name] This issue is more than just a magazine; it's a thrilling expedition into the uncharted territories of literature, where stories pulse with life, revealing hidden treasures and sparking your imagination

We are enthralled to feature the award-winning author Amitav Ghosh

His latest book, “Smoke and Ashes" beckons you to embark on a riveting adventure through the Tales from the Opium Trade. Ghosh's narratives are not mere tales; they are intoxicating journeys through history, culture, and the indomitable human spirit. Prepare to be captivated as we delve deep into Ghosh's literary universe.

In an exclusive interview, we have the privilege of peering into the creative mind of Siddhartha Deb, the author of the spellbinding "The Light at the End of the World." Deb's work consistently illuminates the uncharted territories where humanity, environment, and society intersect Our interview promises to be an electrifying exploration of his latest literary creation and the profound issues it addresses

But that's not all! This issue is also packed with thought-provoking book reviews and an exciting overview of the hottest new releases in the literary world this month These pages are your treasure map to undiscovered gems and literary adventures waiting to be embraced

As you turn the pages of this issue, remember that literature has the power to set your imagination free, to ignite your curiosity, and to connect you with the magic of the world. So, fasten your seatbelts, dear readers, and get ready to embark on an exhilarating literary journey that will leave you breathless.

Thank you for being a part of our daring expedition into the world of words. We can't wait to continue this thrilling journey with you in the issues to come.

Adventure awaits!

Happy Reading!

A Storizen Exclusive Feature
Amitav Ghosh

n the annals of literary creation, some narratives are borne not from deliberate design, but from serendipitous encounters. Such is the genesis of Amitav Ghosh's latest masterpiece, "Smoke and Ashes " Intricately woven around the opium trade, this magnum opus finds its roots in Ghosh's earlier work, "Sea of Poppies " As the author reminisces, "It was during the process of researching 'Sea of Poppies' that I stumbled upon the history of opium " A chance revelation ignited an odyssey of exploration that would span continents and centuries, giving rise to a literary tapestry of opium's hidden narratives.

Wanderlust and Imagination: The Intertwined Odyssey of Travel and Creativity

Amitav Ghosh's literary odyssey is underpinned by a lifelong affinity for travel, a passport to worlds both real and imagined Ghosh's formative years were steeped in movement, nurturing an innate curiosity that found expression in his narratives "Travel has played an enormously important role not just in my work, but also in my ways of thinking," Ghosh reflects. From distant horizons to uncharted territories, the act of traversing geographies serves as a crucible for the alchemy of imagination, fusing cultures, landscapes, and histories into literary gold.

Rising Tempests: Climate Change's Evolution from Distant Threat to Imminent Crisis

A seer of narratives beyond the horizon, Ghosh's early forays into climate change literature were met with skepticism "When I first started writing about climate change, many people were surprised by my interest

in the subject," he acknowledges. Yet, as the world's climate unravels in a symphony of extremes, the urgency of the issue has gained unprecedented prominence Ghosh's prescient voice rings out, summoning humanity to confront the monumental transformation before us – a clarion call to reshape not only our behaviors but the very paradigms of thought

The Multi-Faceted Crises: Opium's Amplifying Impact on Society

Beyond the enthralling narratives of "Smoke and Ashes," Amitav Ghosh's discerning eye perceives opium's insidious hand in magnifying social and political fractures. As the world grapples with the aftermath of recent events in Manipur, Ghosh highlights opium's role as a catalyst, exacerbating pre-existing tensions. This unholy alchemy of addiction and unrest is not novel, for history bears witness to opium's pervasive influence, from northern Mexico's drug cartels to the borders of Myanmar Ghosh's scrutiny unveils opium as an enigmatic force that echoes through time, shaping destinies and unsettling societies

From Past to Present: Opium's Mark on Global History and Capitalism

Within the pages of "Smoke and Ashes," Ghosh peels back the layers of time, revealing opium's indelible mark on world history. From India to China, Britain to the United States, opium's impact reverberates across continents. Ghosh's meticulous research uncovers opium's role as a pivotal pillar in the edifice of modern globalized capitalism. As the echoes of colonialism resound through the corridors of time, "Smoke and Ashes" resuscitates the ghosts of opium's legacy, prompting a reckoning with the forces that have shaped our world


A Symphony of Passions: Beyond the Pen and the Page

In the interludes of his literary endeavors, Amitav Ghosh's heart dances to the rhythm of racquet sports. A connoisseur of table tennis, tennis, squash, and badminton, Ghosh's affection for badminton has grown fervently in recent years. A sport that traces its lineage to India, badminton serves as a testament to the intertwining threads of culture and leisure. Beyond the confines of prose and parchment, Ghosh's love for sports is a canvas of joy, where the spirit of play harmonizes with the melodies of the soul

Amitav Ghosh: Chronicler of Hidden Histories and Guardian of Change

In "Smoke and Ashes," Amitav Ghosh forges a tapestry of opium's hidden narratives, weaving an intricate narrative that traverses continents and epochs. His prose, a clarion call to environmental stewardship, reverberates with the urgency of our times. As the world grapples with the symphony of crises that intertwine our

Photo: Amitav Ghosh with Shekhar Gupta, Founder and Editor in Chief, ThePrint)
This is the story of the human propensity for evil but also the human propensity for fragility…
This humble-looking flower has outsmarted us at every turn…
-Amitav Ghosh

existence, Ghosh stands as a sentinel of change and a chronicler of hidden histories

Through his journey in "Smoke and Ashes," readers are beckoned to embark on an odyssey of discovery, both within and beyond the written word.

About Pria - Young mesmerizing freelance blogger, social enthusiast, and an economics graduate from Jharkhand University with a Master's in Child Psychology She is hardworking yet crazy, a passionate reader, an ardent music fanatic, an avid caffeine lover, and a maniacal animal lover too

She has been a part of numerous anthologies, articles, and write-ups for newspapers and magazines which are multi-linguistic She has also written screenplays for YouTube series.



HOT OFFthe press

A warm-hearted debut novel set in the beautiful coastal city of Chennai, for fans of Alexander McCall Smith, Joanna Nell, and Graeme Simsion.

Explore an exquisite collection of poems by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, where history and everyday life intertwine, with Mehrotra adopting historical voices, including an aging Ghalib and Abdul-Rahim Khan-i-Khanan, while discovering family artifacts from Lahore, creating a unique immediacy.


HOT OFFthe press

Sonal, a former sociology professor battling memory loss and depression, meets Abhay, a fugitive genetic engineer. Their connection deepens as Abhay shares his groundbreaking ideas through a book. Together, they aim to challenge societal norms, but reality may thwart their plans.

In "The Best Possible Experience," Nishanth Injam offers unique stories: a young man on a bus with vanishing passengers, a woman in a village haunted by ghosts, and a man's Green Card interview with a paid American spouse. These narratives explore belonging and displacement, introducing an engaging new literary voice.

STORIZENEVENTS © STORIZEN 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. From UPI to 'Techade': India's Digital Renaissance Unveiled

The tale of UPI's transformative impact on India's digital payment landscape is an open secret. Swiftly, UPI ushered in a revolution in payments, etching its triumph in the fact that within a mere 18 months, more Indians embraced it than signed up for credit cards over the past 18 years. However, UPI's triumph was not an isolated phenomenon. India also bore witness to the rise of digital direct benefit transfers, interconnected egovernance systems, and digital public infrastructure These innovative solutions prompted Prime Minister Modi to dub this era as 'India's Techade'

Delving deeper into this term, during the unveiling of 'India's Techade', a book penned by esteemed political scientist and author Nalin Mehta, Piyush Goyal, the Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, and Textiles, articulated, "Today, we bask in the global spotlight for our strides in digital payments and digital public goods, subjects that have captured the world's attention."

"India is the embodiment of a 30-30-30 narrative The world now envisions India adding 30 trillion dollars to its economy within the next 30 years, propelling it to a 35 trillion dollar economy by 2047 Our present GDP stands at 3 7 trillion dollars This presents the world's most expansive opportunity, unprecedented in history transitioning from 3 7 to 35 trillion dollars in under three decades. The second facet is our population, once seen as a liability, now hailed as a demographic boon. With a population under 30, our demographic dividend spans from 28 to 29 years. All of this groundwork rests on our foray into the digital realm. We're already the world's third-largest economy. The ardor and aspiration of our youth are stoked by the digital universe, igniting their pursuit of a fulfilling life Every corner of India today is digitally interlinked," the minister elaborated

Continuing the discourse, Paytm's Founder CEO, Vijay Shekhar Sharma, part of the panel, reflected, "The span between 2014 and 2018 marked the ascent of the internet and Aadhaar We were the patrons who embraced them Aadhaar is our bedrock We were the architects of mobile payment "

Speaking on global outreach, Sharma shared insights from an exchange with the RBI governor, recalling, "The directive was to venture globally, to propagate our systems across the world. Our creations here serve as global benchmarks. What we're designing, innovating, and resolving here meets the world's needs, replete with an astounding cost and skill proposition."

Concurring, Rohan Verma, CEO & Executive Director of MapMyIndia, another panelist, added, "India now harnesses maps, location data, and digital tech in ingenious ways to optimize business, uplift governance, and enhance citizens' lives Indians possess the acumen to wield technology, aided by our visionary government's execution capabilities This marks a tech-centric era for both India and technology itself hence, the 'Techade' "

Digital Revolution and Startup Ecosystem

A conversation about India's digital transformation remains incomplete without delving into its impact on the nation's startup ecosystem. The startup realm has experienced substantial influence, leveraging advancements such as AI, machine learning, IoT, and blockchain to birth novel products, services, and business paradigms However, a realm of untapped potential remains

Raj K Gopalakrishnan, CEO & Co-founder of KOGO Tech Labs, weighed in, "While startups today enjoy a more favorable landscape than a few years prior, regulatory and compliance challenges persist Many sole founders still navigate uncertain waters. Although our journey has begun on a promising note, a substantial distance lies ahead, with AI poised to bolster governance, compliance, and hasten implementation."


A Blueprint for Global Imitation

Undoubtedly, India's digital transformation stands as the most monumental change of our era. This shift not only captures the world's attention but also furnishes a blueprint for other nations. As Sharma aptly summed, "This extraordinary nation spans the pre-PC to post-AI epochs within a single generation "

and CEO, Koo), Harivansh (Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha), and Raj K Gopalakrishnan (CEO and Co-Founder, KOGO Tech Labs)

Photo - Nalin Mehta with Piyush Goyal (Minister of Commerce and Industry), Vijay Shekhar Sharma (Founder, Paytm), Rohan Verma (CEO & Executive Director, MapMyIndia), Aprameya Radhakrishna (Co-Founder

"In India's Techade," discover the remarkable tale of India's tech transformation. Over two decades and two political regimes, the world's largest democracy leveraged cheap mobile phones, data, and a unique digital ID system to spark a digital revolution. This revolution included pioneering fintech like Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a digital welfare state, and interconnected e-governance systems that brought millions into the financial system. This concise book unravels the story, spotlighting key players, processes, and political will behind this transformation. Essential reading for those curious about tech's impact on Indian society, politics, and culture.

Interview SiddharthaDeb,Author-The LightatTheEndofTheWorld

What inspired you to write the book “The Light at the End of the World?” Any specific incident(s) you would like to share?

I wanted to read a novel set in India and South Asia that blurred the lines between realism and speculative fiction, that discussed authoritarian politics, but through the occult, the unconscious, and technology, that played with history, the present, and the near future. This novel didn’t seem to exist, so I decided to sit down and write it

Bibi reflects a set of people who faced challenging situations during the exchange of currency notes (demonetization) How was the character conceived?

Bibi is very close to my heart in her loneliness, her sense of failure, her deep sense of empathy, and her struggle to be courageous in grappling with the dystopian world she lives in I have always been drawn to protagonists who don’t quite belong, who are neither full outsiders nor insiders, and she is a distillation of those attributes

The book reflects many subjects and themes which question humanity which indicates extensive research done. Can you elaborate?

I read widely and voraciously, both literary fiction and genre fiction as well as reportage, anthropology, and history. I think a lot of the reading over many decades, as well as my interest in film and music, made its way into the novel

As known, the ghastly incident – the Indian Partition 1947 happened on the basis of religious unrest. Some incidents in the present day also are due to the same reason. Can you comment on this?

Yes, of course, the past bleeds into the present, and that is something the novel tries to capture, especially now, when authoritarian regimes declare that minorities do not belong

What is your favorite part in the book and why?

I love them all, but perhaps the Bibi section was particularly engaging for me in playing with the present while also doing a near-future, alternative Delhi

As the author, what was the most difficult chapter of the book?

They were all hard, but the Bibi section was especially tricky to get right since it is the principal narrative in the book.

The recent Nolan’s movie ‘Oppenheimer’ is a big question on humanity and most of the countries are resorting to nuclear weapons. One of the book’s chapters talks on similar lines Do you have something to say about this?

Yes, the book speaks explicitly about the atomic bomb in the 1947 section and has a critique of the obsession with superweapons in all the sections

Keeping aside the book, delving into your personal choices. What is your favorite book, who is your favorite author, and why?

I love so many authors and books, but perhaps a favorite is 2666 by Roberto Bolaño

Few words to our readers.

Reading is as creative an act as writing



It’s my last day in town Instead of feeling the joy of going abroad, an overwhelming sense of melancholy envelops me, much like an overcast sky suppressing the bright sunlight. My mother, seated next to me in the car’s front seat, doesn’t talk, unless I ask her something to which she replies almost reluctantly, looking in another direction in monosyllables. She is unmindful, gloomy.

“It’s your last day in the country ” She utters when I pull the car at the traffic signal I remain quiet, unsure of how to react to that.

My surroundings stir with penetrating midmorning sunlight, palpitating with life thronging pavement, mixed shops at the roadside, and barrows moving with fruits and vegetables. Several small children, probably between 8 and 15 years of age, hover around every car, scooter, auto-rickshaw, at the signal with vibrant tricolored flags of various sizes. I notice their disheveled state tattered clothes, unkempt hair, faces and body smeared with dust and dirt, indicating that they live in filth and squalor, unknown to my world of safety and cleanliness. One of them comes up to our car.

“Sir, won’t you buy one for your car?” He asks

I spot national flags everywhere on dashboards of cars, attached to scooter handlebars, and jutting out of autorickshaws

“It’s independence day,” I say aloud, suddenly feeling patriotism surge about me

I remember with pride how the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, had expressed relief from the oppressive British rule in his famous celebratory declaration “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance ”

I wonder whether we have become a nation where we can freely voice our concerns, grievances, and deliberations

“Do you go to school?” I ask the boy, while buying a mini-sized national flag.

The taciturn boy doesn’t answer, goes away

Probably, the sad, embarrassing truth is that they have never been to school, leave alone the basic amenities that each and every citizen deserves Education is everyone’s birth right For providing basic education to all, a lot more schools need to be built in every part of the country. But why am I even bothering, or rather pondering over not-to-be-easilyresolved matters Tomorrow I will go to a different country, where I will get all the economic and social security for myself

The signal turns green, and I drive onto a side lane. Outside a government hospital, I notice a long queue The newspapers always point toward shortage of medical facilities in almost every corner of the country. We need adequate infrastructure, many more hospitals and medical colleges in urban as well as rural areas to make available essential health care both preventive and supportive services to the citizens in the form of medicine, equipment, modern techniques and approaches. But why am I even worrying about the depressing occurrence? What is the use of such a percipient, momentary empathy?

We reach the marketplace. A number of greengrocers are seen carrying out their daily transactions with the customers We reach one of their stalls to purchase some vegetables potatoes, onions kept in plastic bags, while tomatoes, bitter gourds, brinjals, lady fingers, bottle gourds, and

Practical patriotism means not a mere sentiment or even emotion of love of the motherland but a passion to serve our fellow countrymen

many more spread out on a wet jute cloth and displayed on a rickety wooden table, from which the water sprinkled onto the veggies are dripping After enquiring about the current prices of most of the vegetables, we realize that theyall seem to be skyrocketing.

“Why is it that the rates are so high?” I ask

“It’s the untimely rains, lack of proper storage facilities, and inadequate transport options. But to tell you the truth, it’s our unchangeable fate ” The vegetable seller says with an eye-roll, casting an impatient, indignant look “Who is suffering the most in all of this? The common man!” He resumes. “The farmers are the worst sufferers.” My mother says in a deeply perturbed manner, when we get back to the car

“Why can’t we do something about that?” I ask, recalling how the struggling farmers smitten by distress,financially burdened by the erratic weather conditions unrewarding their hard work, tortured by moneylenders have committed suicides in the past when unable to pay their loans and other costs of cultivation. Apart from acknowledging the real issue of self-destruction of the farmers that rests in our system, they can be provided with zero-interest loans along with flexible payment deadlines, and above all, appropriate counseling sessions for treating mental health problems. But why am I showing so much of concern? How is it affecting me, specially, when my life is about to take a spectacular turn a splendid, carefree one?

“Who? The government is doing whatever it can. But the support of the youth is very much required in accomplishing the task of our societal welfare If young, educated, talented people like you decide to go for safe and secure options in life, whom should we resort to for setting things right?” My mother says, breaking into my thoughts, her eyes red and brimming with tears

I remain silent, unable to understand why she is blaming me for the hardships faced by my countrymen affected by life’s tumultuous waves

On our way back home, I glance at the azure sky dotted with numerous vibrant kites like an uncountable procession of people, amongst them the tricolored ones seem to be the brightest

Excited voices of people enjoying independence day by exchanging sweets, hoisting flags, and flying kites, while loud music of patriotic songs and peppy numbers play in the background are seen everywhere.

As I park our car outside our house, I see a young delivery boy, probably of my age in his early twenties, ruffled hair, fatigued eyes, and clothes somewhat disarrayed at our gate.

On seeing us, he smiles cheerfully an inherent trait, a well-mastered art of his occupation, or probably a mannerism taught by the company where he worked and says, “Happy Independence Day!”

“Are you looking for someone?” I ask

“No. I’ve already delivered a parcel inside.” He says and walks up to his motorbike and drives off.

We’re of the same age He is struggling to make both ends meet, while I am enjoying a comfortable life. Can’t we do something for their proper education, training, and assist them in taking up more meaningful profession and not allow them to remain caught up in this kind of work? If the youthremains stuck in the delivery job, what will happen to the country?

“I’m not going anywhere,” I announce while walking inside the house

My mother turns around with arching brows and widened eyes.

“I won’t remain a passive onlooker anymore to other adversities I’ve resolved to contribute in alleviating their sufferings in whatever way it’s possible for me.” I continue, surrendering totally to the flow of emotions through me, feeling a sense of peace and contentment for the first time since morning

She looks away, perhaps to hide her tears that she mops with the back of her hand

“God bless you, my child! You can achieve all your dreams and be affluent in your own country where you can create opportunities for yourself as well as for others ” She says smilingly, her eyes still moist with the emotional upheaval


As we enter through the front door, we notice a box on the table covered with a shiny, decorative paper, probably the parcel that has been delivered. My mother opens the cover and inside it we find tricolored barfis (sweets) with a note from a friend that says, “Happy Independence Day! Let’s believe in collective effort for a comprehensive growth of all Indians.”

I fathom that the message just received has spoken my mind, as the true essence of freedom doesn’t mean to engage ourselves solely in our own privilege and prosperity but in sharing and caring for others who are less fortunate, working toward their enlightenment, elevation, and providing them with whatever that remains within our capacity The real nationalism lies in serving our fellow brothers and sisters.

Sreelekha Chatterjee’s short stories have been published in various national, and international magazines and journals like Indian Periodical, Femina, Indian Short Fiction, eFiction India, The Criterion, The Literary Voyage, World of Words, Writer’s Ezine, and Estuary, and have been included in numerous print and online anthologies such as Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul series (Westland Ltd, India), Wisdom of Our Mothers (Familia Books, USA), and several others. She lives in New Delhi, India.

You can connect with her on Facebook at facebook com/sreelekha chatterjee 1/,

Twitter -@sreelekha001, and Instagram @sreelekha2023




Extracted with permission from Book of Rahim by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, published under Westland - ‘Literary Activism’, the new publishing imprint of Centre for the Creative and the Critical at Ashoka University.

Also, Westland has just launched its new academic imprint 'Literary Activism' this book 'Book of Rahim' is the first book under the imprint. - Please if you can mention this line at the beginning.

Unterrestrial, ungoogleable, unreachable, landlocked city that erupts from the sea and disappears in the sky; whose birds sing in the dawn to come; the walled city without walls, Lahore

Behind razor wire, the home town next door, the Temple Road address to which I cannot ask my way back; the city of a thousand names and one: it can only be Lahore.

Men of the hinterland arrived at its gates, slow moving men with keen eyes bringing bales of cloth, marking the doors to knock on They knew their sums and flourished as seeds do when the ground is virgin, waiting to be clothed

Then when nations rose like party balloons in the sky

to be sold by balloon men at streetcorners, they melted into trains Their houses stand, their names still on gateposts, they themselves dead Asked for the blood group, I extend a finger called Lahore.


Charles Frazier's fifth novel, "The Trackers," is set primarily outside of the American South. There is a brief interlude in Florida, but the firstperson narrator, Valentine Welch, a 27-year-old Virginia artist, mainly works in the West In the story, Val, a narrator, travels to Wyoming from Virginia in 1937 to paint a mural for

the Works Progress Administration. He meets wealthy rancher John Long and his wife Eve, who aspire to the U S Senate Eve was once a transient and sang in a swing band As a painter, Val Welch ventures westward to Dawes, Wyoming, where he is assigned a New Deal assignment Creating a mural for their new Post Office being the assignment, he is surrounded by rumors and intrigue, as his wife Eve, a wealthy art lover, and John Long, a rich art lover, have a WWI sniper background. Val becomes intrigued by their lives and eventually follows Eve's trail, navigating various locations and encountering secrets that could change their lives. When Eve goes missing, Long enlists Val to find out where she went and why she went missing. As Val crosses the country, looking for Eve and disclosing secrets that would affect everything between the three, the terrain swings from Wyoming to Florida to Seattle to San Francisco Frazier surprises the readers: John by absconding and taking his favorite Renoir painting Val becomes one of the novel's trackers when John convinces him to hold the mural and find Eve John aspires to fill Wyoming's U S Senate seat, and Eve's marriage to John is rumored to be bigamous, making his candidacy almost sure to fail Val searches for Eve in Florida, which he deems the original "Wild West" and views as an assault on civilization. He compares the state to a hot towel from someone else's bath to a towel flung sopping across one's face.

"The Trackers" is a tale set 86 years ago, with frightening parallels to today. The story also delves into the significance of art, the mythos of the American West, and the process of beginning again.

In his twenty-third book of the Gabriel Allon series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva presents a riveting thriller that combines art heists, international intrigue, and the threat of nuclear war With a blend of compelling characters, geopolitical tensions, and

masterful storytelling, "The Collector" is an electrifying addition to the series Gabriel Allon, the former wayward son of Israeli intelligence, is called back into action when General Cesare Ferrari, head of the Italian Art Squad, seeks his help to recover a valuable missing painting. The investigation takes Gabriel from Venice to Denmark, where he encounters Ingrid Johansen, a complex character with a mysterious past. As they delve deeper into their pursuit, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens global peace and could trigger a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. Silva's narrative is incredibly timely, touching on real-world events such as the war in Ukraine, tensions between Russia and the West, and the inner workings of Moscow The author weaves these themes seamlessly into the plot, creating a suspenseful and relevant backdrop for the unfolding drama The slow build of tension and the gradual revelation of layers are hallmarks of Silva's storytelling style, keeping readers engaged and eager for more The introduction of Ingrid Johansen is a standout element in "The Collector." As a complex and multi-faceted character, she adds depth and intrigue to the story. Her interaction with Gabriel also brings a new dimension to his character, propelling the narrative from a mere art heist to a high-stakes mission to prevent a potential nuclear catastrophe. The chemistry between these two characters adds emotional weight to the already gripping plot Silva's skillful narration takes readers on a journey that unfolds with precision and intensity He expertly balances the hunt for the missing painting with the escalating global tensions, creating a narrative that builds to an exhilarating crescendo

As Silva's storytelling reaches new heights, "The Collector" solidifies its place as a blockbuster read that should not be missed.


Tess Gunty's debut novel, "The Rabbit Hutch," is a compelling narrative that delves into the lives of four teenagers who recently aged out of the state foster care system Set against the backdrop of the post-industrial Midwest, this novel intricately weaves themes of transcendence, love, and the complex interplay between individuals and their environment Gunty's masterful storytelling shines through as she crafts a story that resonates deeply with the reader's emotions The novel portrays Vacca Vale, Indiana, a town devastated by the automobile industry's decline "The Rabbit Hutch", a run-down apartment building, is a testament to the town's decline The protagonist, Blandine Watkins, emerges from a turbulent childhood seeking an escape and connection to mysticism. Gunty's portrayal of her internal struggles and relentless pursuit of meaning makes her a memorable character in the story. Gunty's "The Rabbit Hutch" includes characters facing various problems, creating an intricate web of interrelated storylines. Starting with a terrible act of violence, the novel's narrative travels readers back in time, illuminating the characters' lives and the greater atmosphere of economic degradation and societal indifference Gunty's attention to detail and subtlety enrich the story, painting a vivid image of community amid odd circumstances Tess Gunty's writing is intelligent and vulnerable, reminiscent of Rachel Kushner and Ali Smith Her richly detailed prose immerses readers in the character's emotions and struggles, reflecting the human experience. The book's well-chosen font size balances readability and aesthetics, enhancing the engaging reading experience. The cover image, colors, and page setup improve readability, inviting readers into the apartment climate and capturing the essence of the story's themes and characters.

"The Rabbit Hutch" is Tess Gunty's debut novel, showcasing a new voice in American fiction. The novel explores themes of loneliness, community, and personal transcendence with grace and authenticity, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit and the connections that bind us all.

In recent years, Ghosh's works have focused on climateintensified disasters and demographic shifts, emphasizing the climate crisis "Smoke and Ashes" continues Ghosh's efforts to raise awareness and encourage action. For those familiar with his

previous works, this book establishes connections and offers a deep, thought-provoking narrative about the world's self-destructive tendencies "Smoke and Ashes," by Amitav Ghosh and published by Harper Collins, guides readers through various realms and historical eras impacted by the movements and upheavals caused by opium. The narrative begins with the nineteenth century when the Western world faced a scarcity of bullion with funding trade with China due to meagre exports to the country. At that time, China was largely self-sufficient and uninterested in foreign goods. However, opium emerged as a form of currency, disrupting the balance Ghosh then delves into the narrative of how British colonies in India transformed into opium-rich territories, bolstering the empire's coffers through opium exports to China, essentially reversing the flow of wealth The Americans also embraced this trade, using opium profits to establish their new economy, influencing railroads, banks, and construction sectors. The narrative details the systematic destruction of China as opium addiction escalated, driven by profit motives, disregarding ethics and morality. Over time, anti-opium movements and global opinions diminished the opium trade in the twentieth century, though it is now resurfacing as a social and political force. The book exposes the British exploitation of fertile regions like the Gangetic plains for opium cultivation, even during famines, and the coercive pricing practices imposed on farmers The British further intensified their wrongdoing by pushing opium into China to finance tea purchases, which funded British colonial expansion

For readers of Ghosh's Ibis Trilogy, "Smoke and Ashes" provides an insightful backstage look into the research behind the trilogy.


"One: The Story of the Ultimate Myth"

by Mansoor Khan, a renowned filmmaker, highlights the environmental crisis and the need for evolution. Despite famous authors overlooking the issue, Khan's narrative aims to raise awareness and

emphasize the urgency of addressing these pressing issues. Currently a farmer in Coonoor, Khan's previous book, "The Third Curve," tackles global economic myths and trends His narrative aims to evoke a consciousness and highlight the urgent need for a more sustainable future Set in a future where the line between order and chaos has faded, the story follows Sonal and Abhay Sonal, a former sociology professor, and environmental activist, battles acute depression and memory loss In contrast, Abhay, a once-celebrated plant pathologist, grapples with paranoia and is pursued by a powerful establishment due to his challenges to prevailing scientific paradigms. Their paths converge in a park, their unique perspectives forming a bond transcending conventional understanding. The author presents Sonal and Abhay as initially delusional protagonists, gradually unveiling their personalities for authenticity and relatability. Drawing inspiration from depleted natural resources and human-induced environmental degradation, the story contemplates disrupting the natural balance, affecting present and future generations Amidst Sonal and Abhay's intertwined experiences, the story illuminates a world where chaos and order blur "One: The Story of the Ultimate Myth" presents a story within a story intricately layered with various elements of our environment It revolves around the lives of Sonal and Abhay, individuals whose minds are tuned to the complexity of the web of life and the rejuvenating power of Earth's cycles. This power has the potential to heal itself.

"One" is not just a story of two people but a selfhelp book, environmental guide, life coach, and informative book. The hand-written style chapters are so enduring to read; hence, this book is unique and must-read!

Swapnil Pandey's "Balidan",

published by HarperCollins, delves into the amazing life of Special Forces operatives such as Colonel Santosh Mahadik. Pandey's book highlights these heroes' bravery and sacrifice, stressing their impact on India's military history and

independence spirit. The emotional energy and weirdness of the novel add to the intense reading experience. As someone who had previously read "The Force Behind the Forces: Stories of Brave Indian Army Wives," I expected an emotionally charged and engaging reading experience and have had a great journey. "Balidan" derives its power from over 200 interviews, which come together to weave six gripping narratives about some of India's most celebrated figures in the Para Forces Through the author's dedication, these stories were brought to life by engaging with the friends and families of these brave men This process spanned a year and included multiple visits to various Special Forces Units near the Line of Control (LoC) and the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The book explores the historical legacy and origins of the Parachute Regiment and Para Special Forces in India, highlighting their roles within the Indian Army. The Parachute Regiment excels in airborne operations and rapid enemy lines infiltration, while the Special Forces are smaller, highly trained units focusing on reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, and special operations. The book highlights the values that set these elite units apart, such as stealth, speed, self-reliance, teamwork, and specialized equipment The book's central point is a collection of captivating stories highlighting the exceptional endeavors of Indian Special Forces operatives Swapnil Pandey hopes "Balidan" will inspire India's youth to join the Special Forces, engage in extreme sports, or pursue their dreams

Finally, "Balidan" is not merely a collection of stories; it's a tribute to the undying spirit of those who safeguard the nation's integrity and honor.


Azadi, a novel by Chaman Nahal, is considered one of the Gandhi Quartet's most significant works. Nahal, an English professor at Delhi University, wrote eight novels, including four of the Gandhi Quartet Azadi, one of his four, won the Sahitya Academy Award and the Federation of Indian Publishers Award in 1977 The novel tells the story of the terrors and holocaust caused by partition, focusing on the impact on those living in Sialkot during the partition. Nahal's work Azadi graphically depicts the tragedies of partition and its aftermath on the Indian subcontinent. Nahal wrote authentically as a refugee, focusing on the dawn of freedom, the horrors of partition, mass migration, atrocities, and the arrival of refugees in India and Pakistan. The actual focus of the story is on man's hopes, worries, loves, and hatred, as well as the perpetual tug of God and the Devil inside him The novel, Azadi, is divided into three sections: Lull, Storm, and Aftermath, detailing the aftermath of partition in India It tells the story of the suffering of thousands of victims and their families, focusing on the Muslim-majority city of Sialkot Nahal enlists the help of seven families to tell the story At the same time, Azadi is a broad-based narrative about the 1947 partition of India, focusing on a grain dealer family in West Punjab. In the story, Lala Kanshi Ram, a respected Hindu citizen, is a victim of British Angrez hatred. The shooting of a dog by an English soldier is a prelude to riots, looting, and slaughter. The partition will further carnage between Muslims and Hindus, leaving Lala and his family alone. The family is forced to leave the hamlet for refugee camps and settle in New Delhi Arun, Ram's son, must marry Chandni, a lower-caste woman kidnapped by Muslims, causing further turmoil Chaman Nahal's Azadi depicts a tragic incident in 1947, immediately after India's independence, which is remembered as a red letter day The following partition was a period of shame, cruelty, and destruction

Overall, Azadi's work presents sorrow and slaughter as a precursor to the emergence of a new humanity and new connections.

Delve into the profound and thought-provoking journey presented in "The Curveball" by Colby Sharma, where every page turns with anticipation This book transcends being merely a guide it evolves into a companion on your self-discovery journey Through a

blend of enlightening strategies, it not only sparks curiosity and introspection but also takes you hand in hand through the protagonist's transformative odyssey. The captivating narrative weaves a tapestry of hope, affirming the presence of light at the end of every tunnel. Drawing an intriguing parallel between the realm of baseball and the challenges life presents, the story resonates with the idea that adversity shapes us, leaving us with the choice to persevere or falter. Rooted in the sport of baseball, this book imparts timeless wisdom and practical tactics to help readers overcome their challenges Colby Sharma skillfully imparts life lessons that often slip from our collective awareness The story underlines the importance of a mentor in this case, the enigmatic Spooky who catalyzes realizing latent potential and adding depth to life A poignant lesson resonates as the book champions the significance of taking one step at a time, a philosophy that fosters remarkable transformation through its ripple effects. The ego, often a roadblock to growth, is dissected as the author unveils its tendency to distort perceptions, enabling detachment from reality. Embracing imperfection is celebrated, reinforcing the value of learning from mistakes as a path to greatness. The narrative follows Bryce Holloway, an extraordinary baseball player whose career descends to the brink of collapse With guidance from "Spooky," Bryce embarks on a journey that uncovers four essential life strategies Reflecting on pivotal moments from his past, Bryce reevaluates his mistakes, leading to profound self-discovery He reclaims his career and life as he transforms his fears into stepping stones

If you're searching for profound life lessons and a source of stability amid life's uncertainties, "The Curveball" demands a place on your reading list.


"Where's the Moolah? Financial Growth Hacking for Business Profitability," authored by Sangeeta Shankaran Sumesh, offers a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking tangible strategies to enhance their financial growth In this book, readers will discover practical

advice, byte-sized actionable pointers, and an engaging writing style that distinguishes it from other financial management resources. From beginners to seasoned entrepreneurs, "Where's the Moolah?" caters to a diverse audience seeking real-world approaches to amplify financial performance. The book gives out practical advice and is suitable for everyone With its focus on actionable recommendations, the book equips entrepreneurs and business leaders with practical insights that can be readily implemented The author's delivery of bytesized actionable pointers ensures these insights are easily understandable and applicable The book effectively caters to both novices and experienced entrepreneurs. It tackles a broad spectrum of financial growth hacking topics, including pivoting for optimal financial performance and how different facets of a business contribute to overall financial advancement. A growth hack is a marketing trick where a creative idea is used to direct users to achieve a specific marketing goal or boost sales. Thus, the book gives the readers the following Financial Growth Hacks that can catalyze business profitability

The book feels repetitive in some places, but finally, "Where's the Moolah? Financial Growth Hacking for Business Profitability" offers an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking to elevate their financial trajectories. The book hence is Ideal for those pursuing pragmatic financial insights; the book serves as a pragmatic guide for achieving heightened business profitability.

I've always had a fascination for crime thrillers, especially those featuring audacious law enforcement officers who stop at nothing to fulfill their duties When the story revolves around such a character, it becomes utterly gripping.

Gayatri's "Ela’s Unfinished Business" delves into the intricate realm of mental health issues intertwined with the complexities faced during ongoing investigations when a mentally ill patient becomes a prime suspect. The narrative commences with a murder shattering the tranquility of Beri Shola, a once-quiet hill town, just a week before its annual flower show In the heart of this crime, Rose Cottage, the flamboyant socialite Rose meets a gruesome end Piu, a therapist new to Beri Shola, crosses paths with Ela, who confesses to being the murderer Piu takes on the challenge of providing therapy to Ela However, the plot thickens as the Commissioner of Police, Nachiketa, becomes suspicious and apprehends Ela based on mounting evidence.

Not to be overlooked is the intriguing presence of Oscar Swami, the reporter whose influence weaves an additional layer of intrigue into the narrative. Gayatri's storytelling, character development, and plot execution are nothing short of masterful. "Ela’s Unfinished Business" offers a brisk read that will leave readers captivated The writing style is refreshingly straightforward

In summary, "Ela’s Unfinished Business" is a book teeming with mystery and suspense, delivering the adrenaline rush many seek. Gayatri has crafted a remarkable novel that delves deep into the realm of mental health and the potential of therapy to aid those in need. It's a must-read for those craving a thrilling experience. Grab a copy now and prepare for an exhilarating journey.

(Reviewed by Saurabh Chawla)


The short story typically revolves around a singular impact, conveyed through just a few significant episodes or scenes This literary form promotes an economy of setting, concise storytelling, and a simple plot. Characters are revealed through their actions and dramatic encounters. Despite its limited scope, a short story is often evaluated based on its capacity to deliver a "complete" or gratifying portrayal of its characters and themes. Defying all the odds and perceptions, this book, 'Twisted Tales and Turns' with a collection of 20 short stories by Author Smita Jain, is a must-read for many reasons. As an avid reader, I enjoy books, but as a regular book reviewer, I try to look with a magnifying glass for faults, errors, novelty and other things But, 'Twisted Tales and Turns' happens to be one of those books that I read and enjoyed the book just as a book lover Digging deep into the book, as said above, 20 stories are divided into 4 sections based on the theme they are written on The first theme is 'Out of this world', with 5 fantastic stories to make readers sit on the edge In this, the 'Masterpiece' story is my favorite The setup, the characters, the intrigue, and the surprise elements got to my nerve! I read the ending paragraphs twice to understand what happened. In the second theme, 'Not Too Far Into The Future' – the story 'Kaleidoscope' is my favorite. The narration just took off to new heights. To make this review spoiler free, I would like to discuss other aspects of the book. The best part of the book is Smita Das Jain skillfully keeps the stories concise while effectively conveying the intended messages, showcasing her prowess as a storyteller The simplicity and effectiveness of the storytelling leave you yearning for more as you progress through the book Notably, Smita's use of contemporary themes in her stories addresses crucial questions we face today and explores important subjects, making the book stand out Smita's writing style effortlessly blends simplicity and engagement, captivating readers from the beginning until the end. Her stories beautifully encapsulate the essence of daily life and the diverse situations we encounter, whether during

the pandemic or our college days, evoking a sense of nostalgia and familiarity. The skillful maintenance of suspense throughout the stories adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall reading experience

In "Twisted Tales and Turns," each story unfolds swiftly, rivetingly, brimming with drama While some tales conclude with loose ends, others build up to captivating and dramatic climaxes Throughout the collection, Smita adeptly delves into various relationships, crafting thoughtful narratives that leave a lasting impact and make it difficult to set the book aside. The stories within the book are both light and meaningful, providing readers with plenty of food for thought. This is a fantastic must-read for everyone who likes short stories.

The book is recommended for readers who want to read new and original stories filled with emotions, wit, thrill, and surprise. Young readers can also read the book because of the clean language and scenes!



This month, you are very ambitious and have a clear goal in mind which you need to fulfill You are working as a leader in your workplace and guiding your team members to focus on the goals and help them to fulfil them. You are very authoritative this month


This month, Taurus you are learning to master your fear and anxiety and to be courageous and strong from inside and ready to face any challenges in life Also, this month you need to believe in yourself and be ready to tame your inside animal i e , your emotions


This month, Gemini you are having unconscious fears and anxiety which is not letting you move forward It can be your past mistakes or painful emotions. Just relax and learn from these incidents and move on


This Month, Leo, you are confused and indecisive about taking an important decision or choosing the best option from yourself. It is the time to be practical and with proper research and thought choose the best option


This month, Virgo, you might be facing a disappointing or painful situation in your life. The situation is making you disappointed or sad It is not what you had expected It is the time to release your emotions and wait for the right moment.


This month, Libra you are planning to learn something creative like painting or dance. It also indicates a new creative opportunity has come to you which you were waiting for. It also indicates, starting of a new relationship if you are single.


This month, Cancer, there might be sudden or unexpected changes in your life which might shake you from inside, but this change is necessary to make you strong It is essential for your spiritual growth.


This month Scorpio, you are travel back to your childhood memories and living those moments. Also, some might meet with their childhood friends and spend quality time together Also, there is harmony and cooperation in your relationship.



This month, Sagittarians, things are positive and going well for you This also means success and abundance in your life If you were facing challenges last month, this month it will be over, and you would be happy and blessed


This month, you will be very busy working on your toes to complete your deadlines with lots of energy and enthusiasm to get appreciation from your boss It also indicates travel for office work Some might receive good news for their success


This Month, Aquarians, you are bold, confident, and independent personality, ready to manifest your goals and desires You are aware of your life purpose and want to pursue it. You are a social butterfly ready to enjoy parties and build a professional network with your charm

I am Himani Goyal, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Banglore. Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers I have read and reviewed numerous books so far I am also a practicing Tarot consultant and would be sharing daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes for you all here.


This month, Pisces, you might get a leadership position in your workplace, and you will direct your team members towards completing a common goal You are ambitious and have a clear vision about your goals and ready to manifest it with the help of your team members

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Save the saplings...

Tricolor carries hope, light, yet

Grey, colorless, dark as a new moon night

Enduring storms, hurricanes in their minds

The youth of our land, are brittle, broken inside…

The only known pace, is haste

Their only instruction, ‘’Win the race’’

Children don’t choose to be born

Parents choose to bring a child to the world

Greedily live their dreams, through offspring

Expectations, pressure, clipped wings, trashed dreams

Suffocated inside, the buds shrink before blooming...

Comparison, the thief of joy

Oh isn’t this enough, to strangle a soul?

‘’Be like her, be like him, be like them” but Never a, ‘’Be like you, I love the unique you!’’

Overwhelming syllabus, hovering exams, judgemental society

Identity, buried deep

Meaningless luxury, lifeless gadgets, social media, Fomo...

Where will a child’s heart take shelter, when in pain

While the world is too loud, and rude?!...

When will the children feel, ‘’heard, understood, trusted…?!’’


Each child unfolds in its own time

If only their roots are watered with love…

If only they are allowed to fall, to fail

To take time to heal, learn, rise, and fly…

If only people look into the eyes, have deep conversations

Give reassuring hugs, for the inexplicable aches children carry

If only we don’t label them, "Attention seeking’’

But handhold in empathy, to heal their wounds...

Broken relationship, some children’s battlefield to face each day

Or be an unhealed parent’s victim

Enduring traumatic childhood...

Many, fiighting the bullying, shaming world outside...

If only love, kindness are in abundance… Therapy begins at home...!

Children healthy at mind

Nourish the roots of a nation…

Poverty is not just lack of food, materials, comfort

Loneliness, feeling unloved, are poverty too Children starved of empathy, roam around fatigued

Hushed when help is sought, pushed to the verge of quitting…

The mind is a garden

Water with love, fragrant flowers bloom

Shatter with abuse, weeds effortlessly grow

Tender loving care - the only drug they need Children deserve to be happy, to breathe peace

Shall we let them dream, let them be?...

A bilingual poet-writer(Tamil, English), Madhumathi. H is an ardent lover of Nature, Poetry, Photography, and Music.

Her poems are published in Anthologies of The Poetry Society(India), CPC- Chennai Poetry Circle's EFFLORESCENCE, IPC's(India Poetry Circle) Madras Hues Myriad Views, Amaravati Poetic Prism 2015, and in e-zines UGC approved Muse India, Storizen, OPA – Our Poetry Archives, IWJInternational Writers Journal, Positive Vibes, Science Shore. e-Anthologies Monsoon moods - Muse India, Green Awakenings - On Environment, by Kavya-Adisakrit.

Ignite Poetry, Breathe Poetry, Dream Poetry, and Soul shores have 10 of her poems published, Soul Serenade, Shades of LoveAIFEST, Arising from the dust, Painting Dreams, Shards of unsung Poesies, are some of the Anthologies her poems, and write-ups are part of. (2020 to 2022)

Besides Poetry, Madhumathi writes on Mental health, to create awareness, break the stigma, believing in the therapeutic, transformational power of words.

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