What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance?

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What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance? well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail? Related

Which is the cheapest yet reliable auto insurance company? Which is the cheapest yet reliable auto insurance company? Car insurance problems?!? So I've had my license since I was 18 and now I'm 21, my boyfriend has always just let me use vehicles that he would give me that are registered in his name and on his insurance and I already know someone is going to point out its a bad idea I don't have my own vehicle, we have been together 5 years and haven't had a problem, but recently when I was driving my truck, registered and insured by him, some senile old woman pulled out around 8 feet in front of me and stopped right in the middle of the road so her whole car was right in my lane and the back end of her car was still sort of on the road she was pulling out of, I slammed on my breaks and when I realized I wasn't stopping I turned my wheel as hard as I could so I didn't hit her and I ended up just catching the end of her car and totalled mine by hitting the stop sign and about 4 trees on the road she was coming out of because of the fact that I was driving my boyfriend's insured vehicle and me and him live together, his insurance automatically added me to his policy which caused it to sky rocket from $190/mo. to over $400/mo. I was wondering if he should try to switch companies, or just keep me on his insurance whether he switches or not ?" What one would be cheaper for insurance and do you own a sports car if so how much on insurance is it for yo? When I turn 16 I was thinking of getting a sports car and I was wondering what one would be cheaper for insurance would it be a 2004 mustang or a 2002 camaro or a 1974 challenger I live in nebraska in a small town we have the money to own one but I want to know what would be cheaper and how much it would cost yearly or monthly and If you own a sports car what kind and how much do you pay monthly If an insurance company estimated the damage on my car at $800 and I later find out it is way more can I go ba? My car got hit, their insurance company sent me to a mechanic shop to get an estimate, they said $823 and the insurance sent me the check. I just took the car to the dealership and they said the damage was $3100, can I go back to the insurance and ask for the difference?" How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?

I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!" Whats the average pay for Car or Auto Insurance ?? What is the average amount that people pay for Car Insurance a month for one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does life insurance effect zombies? I mean, does it?!? Does life insurance effect zombies? If they come back in a few hours, would the company notice?" How reliable is erie auto insurance? How reliable is erie auto insurance? Information on car insurance coverage? I was being driven over to a friends house to pick up some paper work, I do not have a driver liceance but my friend does, when another car passed us they came to far over and forced us in which resulted in us side swiping a parked car in the street, The car belongs to my fiance and myself, I'am on the insurance as iam in the process if obtaining a permitt, she drives the car very few times, only when I need to get somewhere and her son has her car, I filed the claim and when the claim adjustor got back to me she was saying our friend may have to run a claim through her insurance instead, we have full coverage collision and all, limited tort, in a no fault insurance state, PA, ive talked with many people and been told my insurance should cover it with no problem, she cannot claim this her son literally wrecked her car 2 months back, seeings how we are fully covered and she is a very occasional driver, I was told its the first thing they will try naturally as an insurance company is try to have everyone else foot the bill first, I'am curious as I'am certain we should be able to cover it, even though she was driving it was me on the passenger side who had said she should be able to move over as I was certain there was clearance which guess not as we were pretty certain the other driver would have hit us, will a full coverage policy cover this if the car in question has the policy on it and one of the insured on the policy was in the car at the time as well? we have Infinity auto insurance, thanks!" Cheapest car insurance???? looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help" Car Insurance companies? I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+

plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention What is better option for buying health insurance plans? I am confuse about where I should buy health insurance; directly from company or I should consult agent? How does the insurance know who's driving the car? My dad want to buy me a car I'm 16 got my liscence a month ago. My uncle wants to sell him a 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. He wants to put in the insurance that I'm driving my moms car and she's driving the evo. But I'm going be the driver. Well they be able to tell I'm the driver? And we'll insurance be cheaper that way? Whuch company can offer decent auto insurance rates for a young male in gta? I'm 20 living in Brampton and Georgetown, most likely permanently Georgetown soon. Looking for a company that could give me the lowest insurance rates. Yes I know a young male pays Alot to begin with I'm asking despite that who is low? Thanks" Questions about insurance? 1. What are some of the important questions to ask before deciding on the amount of life insurance to buy? 2. How can you determine if you are under-insured or over-insured? 3. Is there any benefit to a single student without children, who is living with his or her parent(s), who is still going to college, having life insurance? Why or why not?" Car insurance? Can you own a car and be covered legally in under your parents insurance? My wife and I purchased a car from her father and I want the title, but we are able to pay really cheap insurance through them...I don't want to lose that...can we have the title put in our name, but still have insurance through them?" How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old? Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?" Can I be added to a auto insurance policy?

Im shopping around for a car and insurance policy. The car would be brand new with only me as the owner. Because I have never had insurance under my name and am under 25, it is very expensive. I'd like to know if my dad, who has multiple vehicles, would be able to add me to his policy for my car that is not under his name. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Basically, I'd like to get his discount by having his name and mine on the insurance policy, although the car title is only in my name. Thanks for any help! (1 month I pay is the same as a 6 month payment for him. Lot of money)" How and where do i find 'cheaper' car insurance? UK? Im 20 , female and I will be 21 by time I get a car (hopefully). I really don't know where to find cheaper insurance. I tried confused.com but the max price is 3000! my friends who are younger than me get it at like 1500 and I don't know why or how. Also if I offer to pay the insurance in one lump sum , would it be cheaper? I'm looking for a Vauxhall corsa between 1.1 and 1.2 or maybe even lower engine. What other ways to get a cheaper quote? Please help. Driving is all I ever wanted to do and I might have a chance at it in this summer." Can I get my own auto insurance? I am 16 years old and about to buy a car. My mother doesn't drive, so she doesn't have auto insurance. Would I be able to get insurance if she doesn't have her license? If so, with what company?" Do you still have to get insurance if you have a license but don't have a car? I'm 17 and want to get a driver's license. I won't have a car for a couple years, so do I still need to get insurance?" "Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?" I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record." Know of where I can get a list of people who have cobra for health insurance? I am a new insurance agent, and I am looking for a list of people who are enrolled in COBRA for health insureance in the state of california." What is the best Home Insurance? What is the best Home Insurance company? How much should I expect to pay each month for Home Insurance for a $300,000 brand new home? Are there things that I should include in my Home Insurance policy that is not mentioned to me? The home is in Fresno California." Anyone who has state farm car insurance?

i'm going to be 17 soon and i'm planning on getting my permit. i live with my aunt so if i get my license i would most likely be under her name for insurance. the problem is that shes worried that if i do get into a huge car accident, then theres a chance that we would lose our house. but i really need to drive because i need to work and my aunt is working too so it would be hard for her to drive me to work. she also said that car insurance for teens is really expensive and i know that that's true. what should i do? by the way she has state farm insurance and i would need to get a car to drive if i get my license because my aunt only has one car right now. but im definitely not going to get a new car, probably a used compact car like honda, mitsubishi, or hyundai because i know that the age of your car and the type of car you drive effects how much your insurance will cost. any advice on what i should do?" What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance? well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail? Looking for insurance to cover me? lost my license and to get them back you have to have car that is insured,dont have car so the DMV said that i could insure myself." "On average, how much does a speeding ticket cause insurance to go up? About how much would a speeding ticket for 85 in a 65 make your car insurance go up? Do I need my car to put insurance on it? My car got impounded last night and I need to register the car in my name in order to put insurance on it, Im going to the DMV Monday morning to register it then head over to put insurance on it but need help on knowing whether I do need my car with me. Do i need My Car to register it and put basic cheap insurance on it too? Please let me know. My state is California. & i do have a valid driver license too. Thank you :)" Insurance on a car that my mom owns and registers that I will be taking to college with me.? I am taking my moms car to college with me(saab 9-5) I'm going to auburn and live in maryland, I drive this car every day insurance knows i am the only driver of this car, but i plan on taking the car with me to auburn AL, what will i have to do to do this. I also plan on changing my license to an alabama license when i get there, will this matter? will our rates go up, the car will be kept in the driveway there and only used for grocery shopping" What insurance company should i go with if I'am going to start driving at 17 with a sports car? Hi, i'am receiving my license on August 31st and i turn 18 on September 23rd, ill be getting a 03-04 Nissan 350z coupe, i have no idea what company to go with or what price range to expect, my mom called GEICO, her current company and they said

putting me on there with a Sports car such as the 350z would raise our payment about 5,000$ a YEAR! i dont know if this is true...or if my mom was lying to make me not get a sports car.. (she has tried to talk me out of it alot latley) What insurance provider has best rates for starting male drivers?" Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!? My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks Insurance on this type of car? I am planning on buying a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. I own a little hatchback and wanting to dramatically upgrade! lol I only have liability, full coverage is to expensive right now. But anyways, the car is red (some ppl say that matters, idk if it does), V6, and really sporty. On liability, how much do you think its going to cost per month???" Car insurance? What is THE cheapest car for a newly qualified driver to get insured? I have looked at things like corsa's but they are really expensive to ensure, 5/6 times the value of the car, im female by the way if that matters. I expect to pay alot but i would rather get a better car which is more expensive and cheaper insurance than a crap car with high insurance? Any ideas?" Is there a car insurance company in the UK that offers competitive quotes to drivers with penalty points? My husband has 9 points on his license which are all from Dec 08. We are looking into getting a second car but most insurance quotes are shocking, just wondered if there was a particular insurance company who specialises in insuring such drivers? Thanks." Florida car insurance hike? I used to have Florida auto insurance about 6 months ago. Since then I moved but wanted to return to FL. Recent inquiry for an auto quote I notice the premium has increased doubled in FL. When did this happen? And what actually happened? Just curious. Thanks. What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58? I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more

What insurance companies call sports cars? im a 15 years old and my dad says i cant get a sports car cause i cant afford insurance on it so i want to no if there's a list of all the cars they call sports cars It should be illegal for the amount car insurance comanies charge for young drivers!!? Having my driving test next month and looking at buying a car soon, either a clio or corsa. I have just got some quotes for a clio and a corsa and all i can say is that its ...show more" How much would insurance cost me on a v6 camaro? it is a 1988 camaro and i would just have the cheapest coverage and i am 16 any ideas on how much it would cost me? Buying a car and insurance? The bank has pre-approved me for 11k. I have talked the dealer down to $8,500 for the truck i want. My insurance is going to be around $1,200 for 6 months. If i get the auto loan for 10k, will i be able to use the excess money to pay my insurance. I believe i read that the check from the bank will be written out to the dealer, but what will happen with the excess money?" Please reply its a Car Insurance question? Please Give Me A link , Of telling how much is car insurance i am using Toyota Yaris I want to book Car Insurance For My car because My previous One is Finishing I want to get a New one I am searching on the internet to find any car insurance which is up to 800 pound's but i am unable Pleae i'll be gratful to you if u give me the correct Link for car insurance not the website thanks hope u undersatnd what i mean" Where should I get life insurance for my parents? Hello, I would like to buy life insurance for my parents without them knowing about it because we're Asians and Asians are usually superstitious about this and considered this as a jinx. However, my parents are both a lot older now. My dad is 67 and my mom is 57. They are both pretty healthy as of now. We are not very well off and so I worry. I just want them well taken care off even after death. I really want to send my parents back to their homeland and have them buried over there. It's really sadden me to think about it because I love my parents a lot. With that being said, can I please get some guidance on what I need to do? Are there any good companies out there that I can work with? What's a good life insurance plan? Is it true that after a certain age, you are no longer eligible to buy life insurance? Any other additional advice and tips are appreciated. Thank you for all the help!" How much is Car Insurance in Korea? I live in Korea and am looking for a car insurance package that's inexpensive. I've been told they're about 300,000 Won per year, but I'm sure there are cheaper options available. Thanks!"

Car insurance question? my car insurance was due yesterday.. i'm 17 years old and yesterday the difference between my dads car insurance and mine was due and i forgot to pay it.. am i still allowed to drive my parents car? im going to pay it on monday thanks.. let me know What would be the car insurance for a used car? What would monthly car insurance cost for a used car about $2000 give or take.. How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16? How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16? My license was suspended and I want to buy a new car. Will my insurance company still let me keep my policy? I have had my license suspended due to accumulating 12 pts on my driving record (maryland). I did however get permission to drive to work. I have been planning to buy a new car now and I really don't want this to prevent that. However, my insurance rates haven't gone up due to the suspended license atleast yet. If I buy a new car, other than the type of coverage, will my insurance go up because of the suspended license or will that even still keep me on the policy. Any help will be great." Best insurance for a young additional driver? Hi, I am in the process of buying a car, and have been for ages, and i am now trying to find the cheapest insurance like i have been for ages. My um will be the main driver, as she is selling her cr, and i walk to school everyday, so i will b the 17 year old male additional driver. Whats the best insurance quote i can get? Anyone got any recommendations? Im looking at getting a peugeot 207, which are 1.4 or 6, and many of them the sport edition. Dont bother telling me to get a different car as this is the one i like and have saved up for. Many Thanks for any help with my cheap insurance, Thanks" Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.? or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!! What are some home insurance companies in FL? I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!"

What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance? well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail? Can i add someone to my car insurance policy? I want to add someone to my insurance policy. He recently had a fender bender in my truck. New driver insurance? im a 17 year old male, just passed my test and trying to get insured. i've been on all the comparison sites with all stupid quotes. Does anyone know any cheap insurance sites/brokers Please Help!!!!!!!!" Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8? Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8? Looking for Affordable Health Insurance Rates? I'm looking for a website that offers affordable health insurance rates.Please suggest me the best site Cheapest car insurance 17 yr old? I'm about to take my driving test soon and am looking into buying a black Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 standard, probably around 2001 (new reg plates). I don't have specific number plates but I've been getting ridiculous quotes of 3,000 to 4,000. Does anyone know of any cheap way for 17 year olds to get their OWN policy (not interested in doing illegal fronting stuff)" "How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?" I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !" Does it cost more to insure a car with no airbags? I was thinking of buying a 1986 mustang gt, which has no airbags, would that affect the cost? I was going to put aftermarket Sparco front seats with 4 point safety harnesses in for safety, also would that decrease the insurance rate since I'd be making it safer? Or is it just dependent on car, age, etc." What will happen if my wife gets pregnant and we dont' have health insurance?

They can't refuse prenatal care can they? Would we have $40,000 in medical bills? What would happen? We aren't poor, we just have horrible insurance through both of our workplaces." Do you have to have car insurance to get a Florida drivers license? I'm 16 and about to travel to Florida and currently dont have a license. Do I have to have proof of insurance before I am able to get my teen restricted drivers license down there? Affordable health insurance? Since money is tight, we are going through the state for health insurance. It's a pain especially since my weekly pay changes all the time so they want it called in to see how much they have to charge us every month. At least my husband's pay stays the same. I see health insurance ads on tv and online but not sure which is affordable and even more important legit enough to go with. Any suggesttions?" How much is car insurance for a teen? i was wounding how much does car insurance cost for a 16teenyr old. can some one tell me and if ur just going to bullshit don't answer please just give me a number i don't want to hear 'its alot' and im about to buy a chrysler 300 I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.? I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.? Car insurance total loss? I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME" I need help with a car insurance issue? My boyfriend recently got into an accident with another driver, resulting in no injury to the driver, minimal damage to his parents' truck and side damage to the other drivers' car. That was a week or two ago, he found out today that he has been excluded from his parents insurance plan. This is the first he's heard about it since moving back in with them in November. His parents knew about it though. I'm worried that he may lose his license and also his job. I've tried searching but I found nothing on this. The

state is California by the way. I'll appreciate any answers and will give the best answer points (is ten good?)." Average 125 motorbike insurance ? can anyone give me an idea how much insurance would cost me on a 125 motorbike i am 41 and would be driving on a full driving licence. California: Smogging an older car? I have a 1983 Datsun 280zx, and I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to smog this vehicle. I thought there was an age bracket for classic cars that didnt need to be smogged ...show more" Insurance question after engine blow up? I was wondering, will insurance pay for damage to a car without being in accident? Let me give you example. What if I was driving on highway and my engine would blow up (not during racing, just cruising around), and I don't have manufacturers warranty anymore. Can I file claim, and will insurance pay for new engine?" Motorcycle insurance? how much? can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!" Is life insurance a good ivnestment? Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife? What online auto insurance gives you multiple quotes and is free? ?????????? free quotes???????????????? I'm shopping for health insurance. And I'm confused.? I had health insurance until recently when my employer took it away. I have some questions : a $2,500.00 deductible....does that mean I have to pay $2,500.00 of my bills before the insurance kicks in? What does 80/20 mean? I *thought * it was illegal to be turned down for insurance for pre-existing conditions, but some of the policies I have looked at say pre-existing conditions will not be covered." What would my car insurance run me for this? Ok.....im 16 years old and just got my license. Ive been driving for about 3 years now. But now im legal to drive on the real road now. I have a 1996 mustang cobra 2d hardtop. All stock except it has flows on it. I dont have the first clue on what to do on

insurance cuz my family doesnt have car insurance cuz they are crazy people who dont belive in that crap....thats what they say......but if anyone out there is a insurance agent or somthin...maybe you can help me...work with me on this....give me a range on what i could expect to pay with full coverage or just liability....that would be great..... thanks :D "Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?" Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?" Why is the tripling of insurance premiums called Affordable Health Care ? I got a letter from my health insurance company that my current policy (which I was just fine with) would be cancelled in 2014 and if I did nothing I would automatically be changed ...show more How much is insurance on a genesis coupe? I'm thinking about getting a genesis coupe sometime in june. How much is insurance on this car? I'll be 17, and I have done drivers ed." What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance? well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail? When getting an insurance quote do you have tell them what your tickets have been reduced to or....? I am going to get an insurance quote and need to know if I can tell them what my tickets were reduced to or if I have to tell them what I was actually pulled over for. I made a little damage in a car today. Do my insurance pay the fix ? Hi made a damage when I was parking the car. Little Damage in my car and other person's car. Do my insurance pay it ? "If I finance a new car, how much insurance do I buy?" I know it will have full coverage, but how much? I'm trying to get an accurate quote through geico to see if I can afford it before buying the car." How much is car insurance?? I STAY IN MARYLAND IM 18 IM ALMOST DONE WITH DRIVERS AD JUST LOOKING FOR A NICE SMALL 4 DOOR CAR THATS CEAP INSURANCE I REALLY HAVE ANY CREDIT BUT IF I CALL THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND ASK THEM ALL THESE QUESTIONS THEY MIGHT DONT WANT TO HEAR IT

Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true? I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions? How much does insurance cost for lowes? My dad is saying that he pays $800 monthly for 4 of us and wants to cancel it, $800 sounds like complete bullsh*t so I need to know if its true." "What is good, affordable health insurance in Arizona? My job is no accepting aps for insurance till October but I need some now. Any good suggestions? Will My car insurance go up if a 16 year old gets a older 2 door car? Will My car insurance go up if a 16 year old gets a older 2 door car? Temporary car insurance question? In Which condition i can take temporary car insurance? i heard that it cannot be taken as general insurance is it true? Looking for catastrophic health insurance.? Self employed paying $1,200 a month for health insurance. I want to self insure but would like to get some kind of catastrophic health insurance if there is such a thing." Is there a reason to notify my auto insurance company of a student driver? It will raise the crap outta my rates and since every licensed driver is insured and the insurance follows the car, not the driver, is there a reason? My young learner is 15 and has a learners permit. Right now the lessons have just been in the country, so no worries yet, but shes getting better and will be ready to get out among the other idiots on the road soon. Thanks" Can I get car insurance on a car not titled in my name? My dad's name is on the title. Can I get my own policy in my own name? (I'm 18) with the car still being titled in my dad's name? What are non-required auto insurances?I need information? I need information about 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 Points for the Best answer! Do I have too much insurance?

I live in California, where the minimum required liability insurance limits are 15/30/5. I drive a 97 Ford Taurus and the cost of a deductible if I were to have full coverage would exceed the value of this old car- so I only have liability. My coverage is 50/100/25. I'm 25, my husband is 22, we have no accidents on our record, are good students and have absolutely no assets whatsoever. I'm beginning to wonder if we have more insurance than we need. I don't think I'm comfortable dropping my insurance to the required 15/30/5 minimum, but at the same time, I'm not sure if finding the happy medium at 25/50/25 would be a wise choice. I just want to make sure we're prepared, but not getting ripped off. Any advice?" Cheap car insurance florida? Looking for cheap company for auto insurance in Florida? "Bought a new car, but now is too expensive. How do I trade in for a cheaper car?" I bought a 2013 Ford Focus S, I love it but its starting to cost me alot. I still owe 18,800 on it. I make about 1300/mo Car payment is $320/mo Insurance is $230/mo And I have a few other bills.. So it leaves me like $150 for 2 weeks every paycheck. Which, isn't enough. I want a Wrangler, and I found great prices on then and insurance believe it for not is cheaper on it, but the problem is.. Is the equity on the trade in. I made a mistake on this car, and now.. Really I'm trying to get rid of it as soon as possible, so I can start saving for my Wrangler. What do you suggest I do? Thanks. (by the way, I'm 19 and in the Navy)" What's a good health insurance? Im looking for a good health insurance for my mom. She is 61, healthy, never smoked and never into alcohol. She just moved here in California. Thank you" Good and affordable health insurance for an entry level job person? 8 live in pennsylvania, but so... U can give me details also if u live in other state. Anyway. .. i just wanna know which are goods" Cheapest 600cc sportbike to maintain? Which of these bikes of the 600cc class is the cheapest to maintain in terms of insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so which is the cheapest combining all of these aspect) the bikes = kawasaki zx6r, honda cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki gsxr 600" I have lost my car insurance details and paid in full how can I find out who I am insured with? After paying for my car insurance in full I have lost the documentation and cannot remember which company I am insured with is there any way to find out who my insurance company is? Insurance for a cheap car?

Hi all, i am living in NYC which has notoriously high car insurance rates. I'm looking to purchase a second beater car to work on as a side hobby. This car would run anywhere from $500-$2000. Is there anyway to insure this car without it being $100/mo? Because those are the quotes i am currently getting for just liability insurance. Seems a bit ridiculous seeing how the cost of insurance would go over the value of the car in just a year or so." How much would car insurance cost me? Im a 25 year old male and i just got my drivers license. What is the cheapest auto insurance i could get so i can legally drive? What rates would a person such as myself have? Good college student, no criminal history. if that matters. Thank you." How much would th insurance cost on an old muscle car? I am looking to buy an old muscle car and i wanted to know how much the insurance would be. Is it a good idea to go with an ild muscle car I am 16 Live in california No big buildings in my town I have good grades Would most likely use it as a daily driving car Do dealerships offer an insurance quote when you buy a new car? I am buying a new car this month, I am getting some different quotes to compare the best policy. Will the car dealership (in MA) offer car insurance from their agent when you buy the car? or do you have to have your own. My regular agent that I have had for over 10 years with perfect driving record gave me an offer over $200 more a year than other places. Are the car dealership insurance reasonable?" What is the best insurance to start off on? I'm 20, and thinking bout after college and trying to get ready to be on my own. So I was wondering of what is the best insurance company to have at the moment, and any advice I would love to have." What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance? well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail?

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