Jan Wicherink - Souls of Distortion Awakening - A convergence of science and spirituality

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Souls of Distortion Awakening

Remember also the facts that the location of the Great Pyramid is the exact location of the North Pole of the Earth grid and that it is the unique location on Earth where the maximum of landmass in relation to water is found! The Giza Plateau therefore is a unique location on Earth and it is therefore hard to believe that this fact has gone unrecognised by its designers! ( )

The Giza plateau and the inner planets The dimensions of the Great Pyramid are the first strong indications that the builders hinted at representing the dimensions of the Earth. The Earth is not a perfect sphere; the radius from the poles to the center is smaller than the radius of the equator to the center. Therefore the Earth is flattened like a football that is squashed when someone sits on it. This is attributed to centrifugal forces, a result of the Earths spinning on its polar axis. These imperfect spherical dimensions of the Earth are perfectly reflected in the Great Pyramid. The perimeter of the pyramid represents the equatorial radius of the Earth. The perimeter of the pyramid equals to half a minute of Earth’s equatorial longitude. In other words if we take the perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply it by 2 * 60 * 360 = 43.200 we get the circumference of the Earth along the equator in kilometres. This proves to be correct from satellite measurements with a 99,5 % accuracy. The height of the Great Pyramid represents the polar radius of the Earth. If we take the height of the pyramid and multiply it by the same value of 43.200 to maintain ratio we get the polar radius of the Earth with an accuracy of 99.3 %. So it seems more than reasonable to assume that the Great Pyramid was indeed deliberately designed to represent the Earth. These facts cannot be dismissed as being purely coincidental.

( ) The height of the Great Pyramid also seems to be a reference to the distance between the Sun and the Earth! The height of the pyramid is 280 royal cubits. The distance between the Earth and the Sun measured in kilometres is 147 x 10⁶ Km and equals 280 x 10⁹ royal cubits! So the distance between the Earth and the Sun is exactly a billion times the height of the pyramid. In the chapter about sacred geometry we also demonstrated that the Great Pyramid expresses the ratio in size between the Earth and the moon by ‘squaring the circle’. From these examples, we may get the impression that the Great Pyramid is indirect proof of the existence of harmonic geometrical relations between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. John Martineau in ‘A little book of coincidence’ indeed has proven that such harmonic relations exist between all the celestial bodies of our Solar System. With the aid of sacred geometry he explained all the orbits of the planets of our Solar System and showed that they are based on intrinsic harmonic principles. Johannes Kepler the great astronomer had always believed that the orbits of the planets could be geometrically explained; in fact he believed that the Platonic solids were the key to the mysteries of their orbits. In 1994 Robert Bauval in ‘The Orion Mystery’ proposed a now popular theory that assumes that the three pyramids on the Giza plateau are aligned to the three stars of the Orion constellation. The Nile according to Bauval corresponds to the Milky Way. The pyramids on the ground represent the positions of the three stars of the Orion constellation at 10,500 BC (As above so below) according to Bauval.


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