Stonar Sixth Form Brochure

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The Sixth Form Experience

Introducing the Sixth Form

The Sixth Form is a stepping stone to where you want to head in life and we will help you prepare.


ith small classes and close working relationships with teaching staff, Years 12 & 13 at Stonar provide a fantastic environment for fulfilling your academic potential, culminating in A Levels with additional qualifications also available. Alongside this, our Sixth Formers are given the opportunities for personal development, leadership and co-curricular activities they need to become happy and successful young adults. You will be free to express your individuality and not pressured to conform. An outstanding tutor team will support you and go the extra mile in helping you at every turn. Relationships between

staff and students are excellent - in classes, at social events, whilst pursuing challenging activities, and in mentoring during these two important years. Even after students leave, they maintain contact with tutors and frequently seek advice - whether on CV writing or an academic essay. Whilst the majority of our students go on to university, this is not the only option. Importantly, you need to be ready for the challenging global marketplace and the likelihood that you will have not just one, but several careers. You will find that instead of being pigeon-holed, we will explore all the options with you.


You will study 3-4 subjects of your choice, some of which you will take a full A Level in; others which you will take to AS Level. You will be guided and advised by your tutors and subject teachers every step of the way to ensure you reach your full academic potential. We will teach you, but, more importantly, you will learn how to study and research for yourself, just as you will at university. A wide range of well-respected subjects is available which may vary year on year subject to demand: Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Photography, Physics, Physical Education, Psychology, Spanish and Theatre Studies. There is also an opportunity for overseas students to take an A Level in their native language as well as IELTS and other English qualifications. EQUESTRIAN QUALIFICATIONS As well as opportunities to ride and our Rider Development Programme, an exciting array of vocational options are available in our Equestrian Centre. Those looking to embark on an equestrian career can study EQLs in Horse Care and Management, the UK Coaching Certificate and the BHS Assistant Instructor qualification. We timetable equestrian commitments with the academic programme to ensure that pupils get the best out of both worlds during their time at Stonar. RESEARCH SKILLS & EPQ The Research Skills course equips students with all of the essential skills necessary to be a more effective student, helping you with study skills, exam technique, planning and researching. This can lead to the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which carries similar UCAS points to an AS Level.


If you’re a top student, then our new academic scholarships could be for you!

These substantial awards will be offered to students who are expected to achieve a significant number of 8-9 grades at GCSE. The awards will be conditional on achieving the required grades in Summer 2018 as follows: Scholarship worth up to 75% of day fees: 8 or more full course GCSEs (or IGCSEs) at 8-9 Scholarship worth up to 50% of day fees: 5 or more full course GCSEs (or IGCSEs) at 8-9 plus 3 or more at grade 7 A range of other scholarships including Riding, Art, Drama, Music and Sport are also available. Contact the Registrar, Jenna Baker for more information on 01225 701741.

Beyond the curriculum

There are numerous opportunities to stretch yourself and get involved with a broad range of activities. LEADERSHIP

Academic progress is paramount but we also encourage our Sixth Formers to embrace leadership opportunities and develop their potential beyond the curriculum. Our Head pupil and prefect team lead the school while other Sixth Formers choose to supervise activities in the Prep School or help out in the boarding houses. Core roles include Head of House and taking the lead in organising the inter-house competitions. There is a Year 11 and 12 planning committee that shapes the events and activities for the next academic year in the Sixth Form, ensuring that these match the interests of the students. The choice of activities is wide and there are trips and challenges which broaden pupils’ horizons and prepare them for the wider world.

D of E

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is very popular with our Sixth Formers who can take their Silver and Gold Awards via the Explorer Scout group. A rewarding journey where you’ll develop independence, initiative and confidence, a D of E award is widely recognised by universities and employers and can open doors to new opportunities. The D of E comprises five sections; skill, physical, volunteering, residential project and expedition. We organise a comprehensive training program for the expeditions and support for the other elements of the scheme. Explorer Scouts is open to pupils from Years 10-13, and meets every fortnight in a dedicated base area within the Stonar grounds. Pupils learn skills such as campfire cookery and night-hiking, as well as taking part in exciting trips such as caving and climbing.

“I had plenty of opportunities to develop leadership and I’ve also seen the importance of working in a team.”


Following a successful Camps International trip to Borneo in 2016, we are now preparing a group for a trip to Kenya in 2018, an extraordinary opportunity for travel, adventure and personal development. Pupils will explore the countryside from vast open savannahs with amazing wildlife, to pristine beaches and coral reef, rainforests and mighty snow-capped mountains. This is combined with project work to benefit communities which could involve building school desks, painting classrooms or constructing water tanks. Pupils will also train for a scuba diving qualification.


Our Romania Challenge experience sends a team of Sixth Formers to a Romanian slum area where they work with destitute families on a project such as building a new dwelling or farm buildings to help the family take steps towards a more sustainable way of life. Pupils are responsible for all their own fund-raising and many describe it as ‘life-changing.’


There are many sports on offer catering for all abilities and interests and all Sixth Formers take part in Sport. There are opportunities to pursue swimming, cross-country, tennis and athletics. Sixth Formers also have the option to take part in team sports such as hockey and netball as well as other fitness activities such as Zumba and bootcamps. Our newly refurbished Fitness Suite is also open to Sixth Formers. Our Equestrian Centre provides regular tuition; pupils can fit riding around their timetable and will also have the opportunity to compete at NSEA competitions, British Eventing and unaffiliated events.


There are ample opportunities for pupils not taking drama and music as academic subjects to get involved with arts. Peripatetic teachers, music groups, the senior school production, and inter-house music and drama competitions all provide a rich creative dimension to life.


The Sixth Form Culinary Skills course includes the Leiths Cookery Toolbox; invaluable for those looking for a career in the hospitality industry, planning a ski season or simply as a life skill. Pupils complete the course over two terms in Autumn and Spring.

Support You will never lack for advice and guidance at Stonar. Charlotte Bennett Head of Sixth Form

TUTORS Each Sixth Former will be under the care of a highly experienced Sixth Form tutor: Miss Sally Cholmondeley Mrs Linda Smith Mr David Wicks The tutor is the first port of call for students and parents for academic and pastoral support throughout your two years in the Sixth Form. TEACHERS Our small class sizes will help you develop positive and productive relationships with your teachers who are happy to talk over any issue. HOUSEPARENTS Mrs Lucy Noad and Mrs Emma White are the houseparents in York House, Stonar’s Sixth Form boarding house, and provide additional support for boarders. HWBC The Health & Well-Being Centre, staffed by two nurses, provides a complete professional healthcare service to pupils.

Charlotte Bennett oversees the academic and pastoral welfare of all the pupils in the Sixth Form. Pupils are always welcome in her office to talk about anything and everything that they might need help with. Mrs Bennett offers support for UCAS applications and personal statements as well as being part of the EPQ team. A club, Life After Stonar, provides pupils with advice on crucial aspects of adult life, including finance, taxes and mortgages. Charlotte Bennett also runs the social programme in the Sixth Form which includes theatre trips, outdoor education opportunities, the Oxford inspiration trip, meals out, cinema trips, etiquette training, the Paris exchange, as well as overseas expeditions (Ecuador, Morocco, Borneo and Kenya 2018).

“My aim is to support every pupil in their ambitions for whatever field they aspire to be in. I want everyone to enjoy their time in the Sixth Form and leave as well rounded individuals with something to offer the wider world or their university.”

Anthony Curtis Head of Careers

Anthony Curtis runs the careers office at Stonar and offers one-on-one guidance to all pupils to help them make their career choices and prepare themselves fully for the next steps. Stonar works in partnership with ISCO (Independent Schools Careers Office), also known as Futurewise, to provide guidance on university selection and the UCAS process. Futurewise provides a comprehensive and personalised service to students to enable them to take control of their own career planning choices.

CAREERS SERVICES • Personal statement guidance • CV writing • Mock interviews • Work Experience placements • Gap year advice • Funding higher education • Careers Guidance

Destinations Our pupils are encouraged to follow their interests and talents. They find their paths in a wide variety of courses and institutions.

*A selection of destinations of our pupils 2014-17


Sixth Form Lifestyle A good balance between work and play.

e foster a good mix between work and play so that everyone gets the most of their final years at Stonar. Social events in-house including cocktail and canapé evenings, formal dinners and the Christmas party are combined with trips throughout the year such as meals out, shopping trips, cinema visits and much more. Recent theatre trips have included Flashdance, War Horse and Billy Elliot. Annual trips take place to the Houses of Parliament where pupils learn about government and democracy. A trip also runs to Oxford University to give pupils an insight into luniversity life and to encourage them to aim for the very best institutions. As well as structured trips, pupils have the opportunity to head into Atworth, Bath or the surrounding area with the permission of their houseparent. Pupils can bring their own cars with them and are also permitted to use public transport.


The Sixth Form Centre has two dedicated quiet study areas for Sixth Form pupils and an outside decking area. There is also a kitchen area so students can make themselves a cup of tea and a piece of toast at any time!

“I was well prepared for life after school. Stonar provides many opportunities to develop independence and strength of character; with a huge range of trips, inspirational visiting speakers and the many charitable projects the school is involved with.”


York House, our dedicated boarding house for Sixth Form students, is designed to provide a pre-university experience. In York, pupils are encouraged to be independent and to take a greater degree of responsibility for organising their time, be it for study, sport or socialising. With a large common room, a kitchen and laundry room, York offers modern and comfortable facilities. The rooms are a mix of single and twin study bedrooms. There is a private garden which the pupils use for quiet study or relaxing during fine weather.

York is also the social hub of the Sixth Form. Day pupils and boarders can use the common area at break and lunchtimes to socialise. The Ancient Library Club, the Sixth Form bar, opened in September 2017, providing a space for boarders and day students to mingle and relax. The space is used for formal and informal events, whether that’s a wine and cheese evening, a movie night or a celebration such as Chinese New Year.


Café Curnow is run by Sixth Formers for sixth form, staff and other year groups by invitation, selling hot drinks and snacks. With a professional coffee machine, students can hone their barista skills!

“Boarding in the Sixth Form was such a great experience. Everyone was very focussed on their work which encouraged a really good atmosphere for study, as well as having teachers on hand to help with any problems. But we also had plenty of fun and unwinding together at the end of the week”


ISABELLA COLLINS Geography A*, Business A, Spanish B NOW: University of Manchester International Management & American Bu

Our leavers go on to an impressive range of destinations and courses. Whether their passion is in the arts, science or the equestrian world, the high-calibre teaching team here guide them to uncover their strengths and support and encourage them in achieving their ambitions. ABBEY COLLIS-SMITH Biology A, Chemistry A, Mathematics A NOW: University of Cardiff Medicine

I had great support from my teachers during my university applications, including help with practice interviews. My maths teacher arranged for her son-inlaw to talk to me about medical school and show me around Liverpool’s medical school. The relationships with teachers are so strong. I loved this about Stonar the whole way through my time there. Because the school is small, it’s more informal - the staff are professional and we got a lot of work done, but we could have a laugh too.

CHELSEA PEARCE English, PE NOW: Competitive Riding, aiming for 4* and Olympics.

Chelsea had the distinction of representing GB three times during her school career at Stonar; twice as part of the Pony European Championship teams in 2013 and 2014, taking team silver, and also in the Junior European Championships in 2016 where she finished 8th and was top placed Brit. “Teachers were always very understanding about my training schedule and if I missed lessons they would always help me catch up. Boarding also really helped me with time management.”

I really enjoyed the friendly environment that had been created for the sixth form, it felt like a little community that shared all the emotions from excitement and happiness, all the way to stress during the exam season. Everyone was there for each other, to make you feel better or to share the good times. I particularly valued the connection the staff had with the students; it made it a very nice and easy environment to learn in and be a part of in general.

ISABELLA JOURNEAUX Geography A*, Art A, English C NOW: University of Southampton Textiles and Fashion Design


I really valued the level of support I was given by the teachers, as well as the high standard of their teaching.

NATASHA WEBSTER French A, Spanish A, History B NOW: University of Bath Modern Langs & European Studies

This became really apparent to me in Sixth Form; I felt the teaching style became more ‘personal’ with smaller class sizes and studying the subject in a greater depth. I definitely felt my passion for each subject grew with their constant support.

CAITLIN ETHERTON GRADES: Geography A*, ICT A*, Psychology A NOW: Queen’s University Belfast Geography

The stables were good for teaching me time mangement and organisation. You have to be organised to fit everything in. Horses are such a good headleveller. Things don’t always go the way you expect and that is a good lesson for life. I completed an AASE Equestrian Apprenticeship alongside my A Levels and Stonar was very supportive in helping me fit everything in. My favourite memories of Stonar are coming from the yard into the boarding house and being with friends we had so much fun.

One of my favourite memories is the Romania Challenge. I absolutely loved it and it’s amazing that the school can offer an experience like this. Stepping out of the Stonar bubble and being able to help others made me realise how lucky we are. We became a very close group and I will never forget it.

FELICITY BIRKETT French A*, History A*, Spanish A NOW: Durham University Modern Languages

Stonar is welcoming and it’s very nurturing. We had a lot of encouragment. Everyone is here to work hard and it makes you want to work hard too.

I found that teachers took a genuine interest in my wellbeing, including those who no longer taught me. I have always felt valued for the person that I am. The small class sizes which meant I got lots of help in lessons. I could also converse with a native speaker to improve my confidence when speaking in Spanish. The community feel of the school meant I knew pupils in all year groups, not just my own and I loved the Christmas parties where the Sixth Form and their tutors came together to celebrate.

LAURA CLOTHIER Biology A, Psychology A, Business Studies B NOW: Warwick University Psychology

The teachers are one of the best things about Stonar. They are all really helpful and gave me so much support, even during the holidays. If you like sport, there is plenty at Stonar. The coaching is excellent with specialist teachers for each sport. I was in the first netball team and we had plenty of opportunities to play together as a team, with Saturday fixtures. Stonar has such a strong community feel. I have made friends for life here.

STONAR Cottles Park Atworth Wiltshire SN12 8NT T: +44 (0) 1225 701740 E: :

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