Vol. 68, Issue 1

Page 1

PAGE 2 • NEWS Annual matriculation ceremony welcomes new members to the Upper School

PAGE 4 • SPORTS Senior football players lead by example through work ethic


PAGE 5• ARTS Theater production of ‘Radium Girls’ highlights labor, women’s rights

St. Martin’s Episcopal School


MARCH 14, 2021


Hurricane Ida impacts Louisiana Admin, staff work to clean up campus after storm by ALLYN SOPHIE CHAILLAND Staff Writer

Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana hard on August 29, but the school made sure that the school, faculty, and students were able to fully get back to normal routine both physically and mentally. Even if school seems back to normal now, it is only due to how much effort the faculty and staff put into restoring balance after the damage inside and outside of school had affected students’ way of learning. Members of the St. Martin’s community worked nonstop on how to get everything from

technology to the school exterior back to where they were before. Frank Gendusa, Interim Head of Upper School, stayed in the New Orleans area when the hurricane hit. He worked with other staff members who stayed in town, getting the school back to schedule and creating a safe environment once again. “[The maintenance staff ] got most of it repaired and working for us before we got back in,” Gendusa stated. “And our tech department really did a nice job of getting the internet back up for us.” See CAMPUS, page 6

by IVY DUBREUIL Staff Writer Hurricane Ida was devastating and had a severe impact on Louisiana at the end of August. St. Martin’s was able and ready to get back in the swing of things and get back to school two weeks after the hurricane. After the school year began, there was only one full week of school before Hurricane Ida made landfall and hit most of southeastern Louisiana. Students who had just started their first year at St. Martin’s felt a source of ner-

vousness coming back to school after the two week break. Savannah Westacott is a freshman who had just started her first year at St. Martin’s when Ida interrupted the school year. “As a new student, I felt a little bit awkward and out of place,” Westacott said. “It almost felt as if we were doing the first week of school over again.” Freshman Hailey Hopwood, who is also new to the school, described the difficulty of readjusting after the interruption to the school year. “It felt like I was start-

Photo by Katie Main

Students, teachers adjust to missed class time

ing over again,” Hopwood said. “It was very nerve-racking.” Another challenge was that teachers are behind on their curriculum. As the first quarter came to an end, teachers had to make up for two missed weeks of school. Mary Quinet, world history teacher, said there was a challenge trying to pick back up from where her classes left off before the storm. “What I have done is to go back and kind of review a little bit and try to tie together what I’m teaching with what we had already done, so that it’s a conSee IDA, page 6

Photo by Avery Lambert

Dieth named Interim Head of School through 2023

Photo by Alexis Akers Interim Head of School Ford Dieth Jr. welcomes families with a smiling face during morning carpool.

by DEMI KILBURN Staff Writer Prior to the beginning of this school year, Ford Dieth Jr. was promoted to the position of Interim Head of School. For the last two years at the school, Dieth worked as Assistant Head of School, which prepared him for his new current position. “I worked with all of the faculty, all of the staff, ran our leadership team meetings,” Dieth said. “I think because I was heavily involved in the leadership of the school, when it came time for Mrs. [Merry] Sorrells to retire, the board asked me if I would want to be the Interim Head of School while they look for a permanent Head of School.” For Dieth, some of his cur-

rent responsibilities are similar to his previous position as Head of Lower School, but they differ in more ways than one. “Some of the work is the same, some of the types of things that I was doing are the same, but there are other responsibilities that affect the entire school,” Dieth said. “Meetings, reports, events, that don’t just affect a portion of the school, but all of the school, but there are a lot of things that are exactly the same too.” Ashley Bozeman, first grade teacher, explained that Dieth’s cheerful presence will be missed as he moves on from Head of Lower School. Bozeman has been working at St. Martin’s for 23 years, and has worked with Dieth in the Lower School for the

past eight years. Dieth and Bozeman worked together at St. Martin’s summer camp before either of their jobs in Lower School. “When he told us he was going to become the [Interim] Head of School we really struggled, but he does try to make his presence quite often down here at the Lower School as much as possible,” Bozeman stated. Dieth attended St. Martin’s throughout his adolescence, graduating in 1989. Before beginning his teaching career, he attended Shenandoah University with a major in arts management. Although he originally went to college on a voice performing scholarship, Dieth explained that switching to arts management See DIETH, page 6

2 • NEWS

Mar. 14, 2021 • THE HALO

Matriculation welcomes new students

Photo by Emerson Arensman Freshman Taryn Jolie Lazarone walks alongside senior Kennedy Derosin during Matriculation on Aug. 19. A senior accompanied each new member of the community to sign the St. Martin’s honor code.

by LAUREN CROWELL Staff Writer Another school year began with a boom when the St. Martin’s community welcomed all new members of the Upper School at the annual matriculation ceremony. In the chapel on Aug. 19, all 46 freshmen and new members of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes were embraced into the student body with open arms. This year, junior Alexis Akers, sophomore Ethan Kann, sophomore Kaitlyn Tillery, and junior Isobel Ramsay offered gifts to God representing the four disciplines: academics, music, athletics and religion. The event closed with the ignition of the Light of St. Martin’s, a symbolic way of starting the year united as a community. Another exciting factor of matriculation is the procession of new students into the chapel, where at the end they sign the St. Martin’s Honor Code. Mary Bond, Upper School math teacher, has witnessed 16 consecutive matriculation ceremonies and said it is one of St. Martin’s most important traditions. “I think there is a sense of awe the first time you walk into

the chapel, and you’re being escorted by a senior on campus, and the entire community is there and welcoming you,” Bond said. “I think you realize very quickly that in the pattern of following the person in front of you and seeing everyone smiling at you as you walk down the aisle it starts to feel like you are a part of a community.” Ella Bozeman, freshman class president, felt that entering a new environment can be daunting and intimidating, so matriculation made new students feel welcome and more at home. “Even though I’ve been going to St. Martin’s for a while, high school does feel like being new because at first you don’t know any of the other grades,” Bozeman said. “It is scary to be the new kid, so having someone to be a friend and to welcome you was really nice.” Bozeman’s experience with the ceremony was especially impactful to her due to her family’s history with the St. Martin’s community. “My mom and her brother went here, and her mom taught here,” Bozeman said. “It was kind of exciting because my mom’s name is in the book

and now I’m signing my name.” Not only is matriculation influential for the new members of the community, it is also a significant experience for the seniors. As their time at St. Martin’s begins to dwindle, it can be a sentimental time for seniors to come somewhat full circle, starting their first and last years of high school in the same way. Senior Lydia Greene reminisced about her experiences walking down the aisle during both her first and last matriculation ceremonies. “I was significantly less nervous as a senior,” Greene said. “I also remember finding comfort in the fact that the senior who escorted me [as a freshman] then became another friendly face in the hallway, only this time I am that senior.” According to Bond, matriculation is just another way the St. Martin’s community brings people closer together every single year. “It really is a statement,” Bond said. “It just screams, ‘You are now one of our family,’ All of those traditions commit us to the community.”

Greene leads through campus involvement by ALEXIS AKERS Editor-in-Chief

Lydia Greene is a senior, who has been attending St. Martin’s since her freshman year, after coming from Trinity. Greene is a legacy, as her mother attended St. Martin’s before her. Her sister, Leven Greene, also attended and graduated last May. Greene has certainly made a mark on the school since she arrived. She believes that it is “important to participate and engage in one’s community and one’s school.” She is involved in multiple clubs, sports, and activities, and she even has many leadership positions. These positions include vice president of National Honors Society, president of Model UN, and president of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance. Greene is also a member of the Women’s Club and Diversity Club, and she plays both volleyball and basketball. As her graduation approaches, Greene has been contemplating where she would like to attend college. “I plan to attend UNC-Chapel Hill if I get in and

ABOUT US The Halo is published by journalism students in St. Martin’s Upper School. 225 Green Acres Road Metairie, LA 70003 (504) 733-0353 www.stmhalo.com Copyright 2021, journalism students at St. Martin’s Episcopal School.

to pursue a path in pre-med,” Greene said, although this plan is tentative and subject to change. Greene said one of her favorite classes was chemistry sophomore year with Joe Vaccaro, a former science teacher, as she enjoyed learning about balancing equations and performing experiments. Her other favorite class was junior year English with Megan King, who has become one of her favorite teachers. Besides King, Greene also loves Tiffany DuSaules, the director of college counseling. “Well, everyone loves Ms. DuSaules,” Greene said. “She just cares about everyone.” Greene’s favorite St. Martin’s tradition is Homecoming Week, from the decorations to the football game to the actual dance. She also enjoys the different games played throughout the week, such as donuts on a string, which is “extremely exciting and entertaining, especially when people struggle to get the donuts into their mouths.” Greene admits that while she enjoyed homecoming this year, “it was bittersweet knowing that it was my last one with

all my friends and classmates.” When asked to choose an overall top memory of her time here, Greene recalls a time when her friend, alumnus Laura McCrary, competed in a pie-eating contest. McCrary ended up being the winner, but the result was pie all over her face, her clothes, and her hair. The worst part? She had to go to volleyball practice right after. “That made my day,” Greene said. “That made my week. That made my year. It was the funniest thing.” Greene has been looking forward to her senior year since she arrived at St. Martin’s. She already got to enjoy her homecoming, but now she sets her eyes to Senior Chapel. “I can’t wait to remember all the embarrassing memories our class has made over my past four years.” When asked to give a message to underclassmen and new students, Greene wanted to share words that she wished someone had told her. “If you are having a tough, stressful, or terrible day or time, know See GREENE, page 6





PHOTO EDITOR Samantha Thompson

COPY EDITOR Westley James

FACULTY ADVISOR Mr. Matthew Munhall

Photo by Seema Hijazi Senior Lydia Greene celebrates a point with her volleyball teammates during their game against Ben Franklin on Sept. 14.

STAFF WRITERS Isabella Bagnetto, Sophie Chailland, Lauren Crowell, Ivy Dubreuil, Meera Hijazi, Isabella James, Demi Kilburn, Avery Lambert, Isabel Lovera, Katie Main, Lilly Rabe PHOTOGRAPHERS Emerson Arensman, Seema Hijazi, Maggie Willoz


Letters to the editor are run on a space-available basis, and editors reserve the right to edit for grammatical errors, length, potentially libelous content and good taste. The author(s) or the letter may be questioned or asked to revise the content. Views expressed in the Halo do not necessarily reflect those of St. Martin’s administration, faculty, staff or other students.

THE HALO • Mar. 14, 2021

NEWS • 3

New teachers join Upper School Gonzalez brings passion for conversation to Spanish classes by ISABEL LOVERA Staff Writer

In August, St. Martin’s welcomed Eduardo Gonzalez as a new Upper School Spanish teacher. Gonzalez grew up in El Paso, Texas, a city on the border of Texas and Mexico. It was there that he learned Spanish and developed an interest in languages. “I grew up in a border town and I was always exposed to English and Spanish, and I had some neighbors who were from Portugal so I kind of grew up listening to different people and different accents and different places,” Gonzalez said. “And you just want to be involved in the conversation, my mother used to say in the chisme, in the gossip, more than that it was the con-

versation and being able to communicate in different languages.” Gonzalez went to college in Montemorelos, Mexico, where he studied theology. Before becoming a teacher, Gonzalez always wanted to become a pastor. “I grew up in the church,’’ Gonzalez said. “My mother and father were heavily involved in the church so I grew up within those ranks. For me, it was like a dream come true.” Gonzalez started teaching through the Seventh-day Aventist Church in 1990, and now has over 30 years of teaching experience. Before moving to New Orleans, Gonzalez taught in southern Mexico. He said that the people there were his faSee GONZALEZ, page 6

Photo by Alexis Akers Upper School Spanish Teacher Eduardo Gonzalez calls on a student to answer a question. Gonzalez joined the faculty to teach three levels of Spanish classes.

Reuter teaches biology, physics as “part of the world we live in”

Photo by Maggie Willoz Science teacher Jewel Reuter explains a concept during one of her biology classes. Reuter teaches junior biology classes and physics.

by ISABELLA BAGNETTO Staff Writer Jewel Reuter joins the faculty at St. Martin’s as a science teacher this year, teaching physics along with 11th grade biology. Reuter has been teaching in Louisiana for years, including at Jesuit and Rummel. She was involved in the formation of the Louisiana Virtual School, where students all over the state learned together on an online platform. She also has lab experience, a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction and attended Tulane as an undergraduate in Biochemistry. While the beginning of this year has been challenging, Reuter has not wavered in her commitment to helping students learn. One of her favorite things about being a science teacher is being able to have a huge im-

pact on her students even after they are no longer in her class. “For every one student I teach, there’s a chance that they might go forward, and whether they’re going to be in science or are not, they would know more about science,” Reuter said. She also strives to make sure her students understand that the concepts of science are “part of the world that we live in.” As Louisiana recovers from the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, teachers have needed to reconsider their lesson plans. For Reuter, the storm has given her time to think about what is most important for students to learn. “[It] made me evaluate what’s most important in what we’re learning and how we’re learning about those things,” Reuter stated. Some of Reuter’s academ-

ic interests include the concept of C-STEM (Creativity, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and using research-based technology. She is passionate about teaching and helping every student to grow and getting them excited about science “to help students express their ideas and their types of work,” Reuter explains. Even though Reuter is very dedicated to science, she has many personal interests. She includes how she is a lover of coconut and has even learned to open young coconuts. She also mentions her love for different types of coffee and recreational running. She also remarked that she is excited to work with the faculty of St. Martin’s and create an environment with new, stimulating ideas See REUTER, page 6

Alumni return to St. Martin’s as faculty by ALEXIS STECKLER Managing Editor

In recent years, the world has exhibited a pattern of irregularity, and St. Martin’s is certainly not immune to these inconsistencies. At this time, the faculty makeup has changed, and Interim Head of School Ford Dieth Jr. and history teacher Arthur Stout reflected on the community around them, and what drew them back to campus. After graduating from St. John’s College in Maryland, Stout found himself back in his home state preparing to attend law school at LSU. “I went to LSU law school for one year, where I realized I don’t like to argue.” Stout said “I did okay in most of my classes but the career didn’t appeal to me once I had tried it a little bit. So, at that point I went across the quad to the history department.”

Stout finally received his doctorate in American history in 2015. Dieth, however, had a definitive plan to get back into education. He began work on an MBA when he realized his passion was to work with children. “I actually enrolled in graduate school immediately, and started working on my MBA, and realized that I didn’t want to get my MBA,” Dieth said. “I’d always worked with kids. I worked at St. Martin’s summer camp from the time I was a junior in high school until 2001, so like 1988 through2001 I worked. I kind of started beginning to think I wanted to become a teacher.” While Stout only has teaching experience at St. Martin’s, Dieth found himself at a number of different schools before returning as the Head of Lower School. “I taught for a period of time at Haynes,” Dieth said.

“Then I taught at Holy Rosary Academy. Then, I taught at Christian Brothers for a very long time, for 11 years.” Stout, however, walked a very different path back to St. Martin’s. “I had always intended on going back to education at some point, but the pandemic forced the issue,” Stout said. “But, maybe that’s a good thing. I needed a push. I was too comfortable.” Before coming back to work at his alma mater, Stout was working on the Creole Queen running the Mississippi River cruises, whereas Dieth was already working in education, and had a dream of returning to work at his former school. “I’ve always been connected to St. Martin’s,” Dieth said. “From me going here, my brother going here, my mom taught here for 31 years. So, I always had this connection. [...] And St.

Martin’s is such a unique, special, family oriented type of place.” With that passion fueling his educational and professional goals, Dieth began to apply for a job at St. Martin’s. “So, I submitted my resume and cover letter, and started going through the process. And, I was asked to have a couple of interviews. I became a finalist, and then I was offered the job as Head of Lower School, which was a really, really special day for me.” Both of these men are passionate about St. Martin’s, but for both of them, what makes St. Martin’s so special is the people that make up the community. “The people here are just great, both students and administrators and coworkers,” Stout commented. “When I was looking at schools for work, I did a lot of research and I met some teachers and asked

them about their experiences. And it’s not always this nice.” There’s just something special about this campus, and Dieth is passionate about that indistinguishable trait. It’s what draws alumni back to work at St. Martin’s, to send their children there, and to continuously come home to the place they gained their foundations. “St. Martin’s has always been home,” Dieth said. “I’ve been at other schools that have a really, really strong community, supporting, loving, Christian, very important to me. But there’s just something different.I don’t know that I could put my finger on what it is. [...] It’s just this feeling. It almost permeates every aspect of St. Martin’s. It’s not just in the Lower School, or the Middle School, or the Upper School, or just in the chapel. But it really is everywhere.”


Mar. 14, 2021 • THE HALO

Senior football players lead by example

by KATIE MAIN Staff Writer

The St. Martin’s football team had high hopes for this year’s season. Even through the long hard days of practicing and playing, the team believed they could improve their bonds and their skills. When the season began, the football team had a rough start due to Hurricane Ida, according to Frank Gendusa, head football coach. “We’re not back to where we were prior to Hurricane Ida, but we’re getting there,” Gendusa said. While the team had a lot of setbacks due to the storm, he believes that “you get through it and you get stronger by it and hopefully the kids become stronger.” Senior Colin Saucier joined the football team just this year. Being a new player on the team, Saucier stated that he was initially nervous about getting involved in a new sport. “At first I felt worried about getting hurt or concussed, but after the first real game those worries went away and I started to get excited about playing,” Saucier said. At the game against Ascension Christian, Saucier’s worries went away when he scored his first touchdown. Senior Stefen Brower, who has been on the team since his freshman year, believes that all his team needs to win this year is “to learn to work together more and be able to rely on each other if we wanna turn this season around.” Brower has been extremely dedicated to the team since his freshman year and hopes that his team can turn

Photo by Emerson Arensman The St. Martin’s football team runs onto the field prior to their game against Hanson Memorial on Sept. 24. The team’s success was to work together and “not be focused on the individuals,” according to senior Colin Saucier. around their streak of losses. Similarly, senior Skyler Shank, who has also been on the team since freshman year, has emerged as one of the team’s leaders this year. “Skyler works hard on and off the field and has given his heart and soul to this team since we were freshman back in 2018,” Brower said. “I’ve never been more proud of a guy’s work eth-

ic than what I’ve seen in Skyler.” Saucier thinks that the way to win is “to start acting like a team and not be focused on the individuals.” One person can’t carry a team and one person can’t bring the downfall for the team,” Saucier said. As a team, all of the boys feel as though they have come together as a team emotional-

ly that aided their win against Ascension Christian. This game helped the boys make a comeback after their initial losses, according to Saucier. “If we work like a team we can have great results and comebacks like that game,” Saucier said. Even though Gendusa often has 16 hour days on game days, he has a positive outlook on his job. He believes that coaching

and teaching are very similar. “They are one in the same,” Gendusa said.“A teacher is actually a coach. They’re in there coaching you, and a coach is a teacher, out there teaching you how to play.” When coaching or teaching his team Gendusa, his best advice he has given to his football players is “if you’re going to do something, do it right and do it to the best of your ability.”

Volleyball players show dedication to their team by LILLY RABE Staff Writer

Photo by Seema Hijazi

The varsity volleyball team huddles during their game against Ben Franklin on Sept. 14. The team was led this season by seniors Halle Bryan, Toi Robinson and Lydia Greene.

During the 2021 season, seniors Halle Bryan, Toi Robinson, and Lydia Greene emerged as leaders of the Saints volleyball team. Ray Scioneaux, head vol​​ leyball coach, describes athletics as a test of character, and with the caliber of these seniors, the bar is set very high. “They are just all really intelligent athletes, they’re smart, they’re very mature for their age, and they understand what it takes as a team to better the younger players,” Scioneaux said. “In huddles they give great feedback and it’s probably some of the best feedback we’ve had in many years.” Scioneaux has been the head volleyball coach at St. Martin’s for nine years and has been coaching Bryan for six. After years of coaching Bryan, Scioneaux said she has been a consistently dedicated player. “She’s always been very into volleyball, into the game,” Scioneaux said. “She’s always been interested in learning, growing, and developing as a player. Halle would come in on weekends even just to get extra practice in extra reps.”

The seniors recognize how close this group of girls are this year and hope to leave an impact on their younger teammates. “I want to leave my sense of commitment,” Bryan said. “It’s really helpful when people come to extra help or summer practices even when it’s optional.” Robinson agrees and emphasizes the importance of teamwork. “I would like to pass down being great role models to those that are younger and teaching those who may not be the best at volleyball,” Robinson said. All of the St. Martin’s volleyball seniors are predicted to leave the legacy they hope to. “We have a great group of seniors and they’re leaving a big impact on those younger players,” Scioneaux said. “Those younger players grow and develop at a faster rate because of that impact.” Scioneaux urged students to come show their support for the volleyball team as they head to the playoffs. “They’re working so hard, and I want more people to go see what it is we’re actually doing on the court,” Scioneaux said. “Come support the athletes, the coaching staff, and our athletic program. Come show your school pride!”

THE HALO • Mar. 14, 2021


Cheer team fosters friendships, school spirit

Photo by Emerson Arensman Sophomore Madison Granger leads the crowd in a chant during the football game against Hanson Memorial on Sept. 24. The cheerleaders said the close-knit nature of the team was crucial to its success.

by ALEXIS AKERS Editor-in-Chief “What happens at cheerleading stays at cheerleading,” senior Katie Main said. Main has been attending St. Martin’s since 2008 and joined the Lower School cheer team the next year. She started on the varsity squad her freshman year and has now worked her way up to captain. Main stated that her favorite overall part about being on the cheerleading team is the bonding experience it has been for her. “Without it, I would not have the friendships I have today,” Main said. Junior Jenna Delatte agreed, saying that the team this year is “very close and super uplifting, which makes the experience ten times better.” When people think of school spirit, the cheer team is often the first that comes to mind. From cheering loud and proud at football games to doing dances and stunts at pep rallies, the girls on the cheerleading team can do it all. According to coach Tiffany DuSaules, each aspect of cheerleading has its advantages. Pep rallies are run almost entirely by the cheerleaders, where they can “put together the games and perform for their friends.” Football games are where the girls can encourage their classmates on the football team, as well as lead the entire audience in chants and cheers. Lastly, the summer practices are fun because they are where the team members “create their own personalities as a group,” according to DuSaules. Main adds that the most entertaining part about the summer camps were the theme days they would have, such as twin day.

According to Main, one of the best parts is going to nationals in Orlando. She misses cheering in front of the big crowds and going on the Disney World rides before the competition even begins. Although the team has not been able to compete since her freshman year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Main has high hopes for this year’s competition. Her favorite part about going to nationals, however, is “meeting a ton of different people from a ton of different places and getting to form these special bonds with them.” Delatte also expressed her interest in going to nationals, since she has yet to attend. “I heard so many good things about the trip that I cannot wait to experience it,” Delatte said. While she will attend the the University of Alabama next year, Main said that being a member of the cheerleading team will always be one of her core St. Martin’s memories. “It makes me sentimental to realize that I have finally become the person I’ve looked up to all of my previous years on the team,” Main said. During the school day, Main looks forward to going to cheer practice and working on stunts and dances with her teammates. DuSaules agrees with looking forward to cheerleading, as it “feels like my time to have fun,” and is a break away from the high-stress levels of everyday life. The cheerleaders said the success of the team comes from being confident in yourself and stay true to your self, which is why the team has been so important to Main. “Cheerleading has always been a place that I have been able to call home.”

‘Radium Girls’ brings labor rights to the Solomn Theater

by ISABELLA JAMES Staff Writer

In November, the St. Martin’s theater department put on the play “Radium Girls” this November in the Solomon Theater on campus. The show was directed by Meredith Dieth, director of Performing Arts at St. Martin’s. “Radium Girls’’ is a “true story about these girls who worked in a factory in New Jersey,’’ according to Dieth. The young 15-yearold girls, most of whom were immigrants, worked in a factory where they would paint luminous watches with radium paint. What the company and the young girls didn’t know was that the radium they were using was very poisonous and caused many permanent damages to the workers. Dieth said that the story of the girls working in the factory “says a lot about companies and unions that protect workers, women, and women’s rights.” “Each character has a different and interesting background and stands out in their own way,” Dieth noted. According to Dieth, the theater department starts thinking about what plays to

put on two years in advance and thinks about the actors in each particular senior class. “I choose [the plays] a lot because of what seniors I might have that might showcase them,” Dieth said. It’s a difficult decision on deciding what play to produce, but this year since the theater department has a lot of senior girls, Dieth chose to showcase a play with many female roles. Last school year, the fall and spring plays had to be modified around COVID-19 restrictions. This year, these restrictions have gotten much looser. Unlike last year, the play was a live production. While on stage and being backstage, the actors wore clear masks. “It will not be online and we’re not going to stream it, which is good,” Dieth commented. On a regular day, play practice lasts for two hours after school on Mondays through Thursdays. During tech week, the practices usually go till 7:00 p.m., and during show week the actors may not get home until much later. Actors must find a way to manage practice hours with homework hours each night. Kennedy Derosin, the play’s

Photo by Seema Hijazi The cast of “Radium Girls” act in a scene during the play’s run in November. The play tells the real life story of women who were exposed to radiation poisoning in a factory in the early 20th century. lead actress, says that in order to stay up to date with homework, she usually has to stay up late. “It’s just what I have to do,” Derosin said. The audition process can also be time consuming, according to Derosin. “In an audition, you will usually see the script ahead of time and you prepare for

it and do some character research,” Derosin explained. “You can prepare a certain monologue that you like or a scene.” Dieth usually has actors read certain parts of the script and then casts them in the role that she thinks fits best. Derosin explained that being in her own space and really focusing on her role has

helped the part of Grace Friar. According to Derosin, the best part about doing theater at St. Martin’s is how fun and welcoming everyone is as a whole. “It really helped me come out of my shell especially during freshman year,” Derosin said. “When I found that I was kind of losing myself, theater helped me find myself again.”

6 • NEWS CAMPUS, from page 1 After classes resumed, all students were given a chance to take online classes and receive hard copies of work if they were affected by the hurricane. All faculty that were affected were given a chance to take time to themselves and work things out. The administration also worked on how to communicate with the St. Martin’s community about the lost two weeks. Ford Dieth Jr., Interim Head of School, and the board focused on doing what was best for the community and the school itself. “We had food for people, we had water for people,” Dieth said. “Just having everybody being able to be here, to be together, at various times [...] We met, the division heads met, and we talked very very thoughtfully and intentionally about that.” The actual damage to the school facilities themselves was minor. However, some trees on campus fell, and the walkway in the Lower School and roof shingles were damaged. Administrators and staff members came back to school before anyone else to clean up the school and get the school back to its spirited self. “A week before we were able to open up, [we were here] feeding fish, watering plants, helping with maintenance, talking to our cleaning crew who was cleaning up and doing deep cleanings, and taking down trees and bagging up debri,” Dieth said. “All of those kinds of things just making sure everything was set.” IDA, from page 1 tinuous thread,” Quinet said. In order to get back on track, students were still expected to stay focused on their work even with this setback. Luckily, this hurricane break did not severely affect the academics, and teachers are not too worried about being two weeks behind, according to Cissy Rowley, French teacher. “I think it will take a little longer for us to get back into the routine of school, but I think

Mar. 14, 2021 • THE HALO we will get there,” Rowley said. According to Quinet, the school is a community and has a source of passion that drives the faculty and students, even after a hurricane. “St. Martin’s has always been a team environment with the faculty, the administration, and the students,” Quinet said. “I know we can do this. A lot of schools don’t have that kind of chemistry but we do.” DIETH, from page 1 gave him a business background. “I majored in arts management, which really prepares someone to work in a non-profit or at a non-profit, and so oddly enough many of those things have helped me with this position,” Dieth said. “It also allowed me to continue to sing, and that was a good thing.” Dieth explained that he attended such a small university because he searched for a school that could match his experience at St. Martin’s. “It was also a very small school which I sought out specifically because of my experience at St. Martin’s,” Dieth said. “I liked the smaller classrooms, the individualized instruction.” In his new position, Dieth aims to improve school spirit. Dieth also plans to find a permanent Upper School head. “I see people living ‘Faith, Scholarship, and Service,’ and I just want to promote that,” Dieth said. “I want everybody, I want our whole community to see that. I know what an amazing place this is, and what amazing kids we have, and I just want everybody to feel what I feel. I’ve been feeling it this year.” With his dependable work ethic, Bozeman enthused that he will accomplish this task. “I think we can always count on him,” Bozeman explained. “He will stop whatever he’s doing whenever we need him. I guess I’d say his availability is always there for his teachers, and he really respects our time.” Bozeman looks forward to how Dieth will con-

Photo by Maggie Willoz Juniors and seniors face off in a volleyball match in the Adkerson Gymnasium on Aug. 20. The match was a part of the field day activities for Welcome Week at the beginning of the school year. tinue to uphold an atmosphere conducive to learning. “I think Mr Dieth is gonna bring structure and discipline you know, but in a loving way,” Bozeman said. “I think he gets our school probably more than anyone else could, as a graduate, as a parent, as a leader.” With Dieth’s long history here, he has a deep understanding of St. Martin’s. This year, he truly aspires to set students up for success. “We are in the business of putting kids in the most successful situations possible,” Dieth stated. “Division to division, going to college, and beyond, just like our mission says.” GREENE, from page 2 that it will always get better. You can always push through.” Greene’s friends and teachers

Photo by Samantha Thompson Junior Maddie McDaniel hands tape to junior Harris Huber while hanging their class’ Clue-themed homecoming decorations. The entire Upper School decorated the hallway for homecoming on the afternoon of Oct. 8.

had many positive things to say when asked to describe her, using words such as “dazzling” and “magical”. Greene was also called “extremely clever” and “delightful, a true joy to be around.” Arguably the best description received of Greene was that she is “the true costume queen whom no one can beat.” Some of Greene’s most famous costumes on campus include a banana, an M&M, and even Ray Scioneaux, a science teacher. In addition to her involvement on campus, Greene also has a cat named Everly. “Everly is a two-year-old grayish-brown tabby and goes by either ‘cat’ or ‘kitty,’” Greene said. “Although she is somewhat violent, I love Everly very much and think she deserves her own mention here.” GONZALEZ, from page 3 vorite part about teaching. “They were eager to learn, especially among young people,” Gonzalez said. “There was this thirst for knowledge. They hang on to every single word you say, and they try to maximize their experience.” Gonzalez knows that he has to be flexible and understanding because he works with teenagers and knows that his actions can directly influence their lives. “Working as a teacher, as an educator is different because you cannot afford to and excuse the word, mess up with a child’s mind,” Gonzalez said. “If you neglect that, there’s no coming back, there’s no do over. It’s something that’s gonna brand that kid forever, so you have to try to do your best and it takes time.” Gonzalez described the joy in being able to help a student communicate in a new language, which is one of his favorite things about teaching Spanish. “It’s in the long run, it’s not a short run.” Gonzalez said. “It’s after a period of time to see students who were not able to communicate, now be able to hold a

conversation and being able to express their thoughts and feelings and likes and dislikes and it opens a new world for the speaker and it’s very rewarding as a teacher to have that experience.” Freshman Anisha Mitra weighed in on Gonzalez as a teacher, emphasising how she likes his teaching style so far. “He tries to get everyone involved and the way he teaches is very interactive,” Mitra said. “He wants us to go to him, and he lets us know that he’s always there for us.” Cissy Rowley, world language department chair, explained how, being a native speaker made Gonzalez stand out from other candidates. “Mr. Gonzalez had a very strong resume with a lot of teaching experience, and what was really interesting was that he had immersion teaching experience and that he’s a native speaker from Mexico,” Rowley said. “He’s got a really nice calm demeanor, and it’s been very nice to get to know him.” When he’s not teaching, Gonzalez enjoys reading, journaling and listening to music. “I love bossa nova, and of course I like Mexican folklore music, but I love bossa nova,” Gonzalez said. Although Gonzalez has taught in schools in Mexico and New Orleans alike, he is excited to teach at a school like St. Martin’s that has such a special community. “From the [Head of School] all the way to the students, they are very receptive and very friendly,” Gonzalez said. “I have found that there’s a sense of pride of being part of this community.” REUTER, from page 3 and research within her classes. “It is incredible to have a dedicated faculty together that allows for communication and also input to how each student is educated,” Reuter said. “So I’m very excited about being a part of such a community.”

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