Tidings March May 2014

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March - May 2014

View online at www.stmatthias.ie


Email us at stmatthiastidings@gmail.com

William writes…

Dear friends

A Time of Preparation

This edition of Tidings takes us from Lent through the season of Easter. Lent is a time of preparation. We prepare to revisit the events of Holy Week – the climactic end to Jesus’ public ministry in Jerusalem, his betrayal, arrest and execution. In order for us to do this we need to set these events within their wider biblical context and our own journeys of faith. With several of our young people being confirmed at the end of March it is especially appropriate that we take time to revisit the important reference points of our Christian faith.

Critical self-reflection

Preparation is also about critical self-reflection. It is good and right to reflect on our own lives because we won’t grasp adequately why Jesus had to die if we are not aware of our own brokenness, sinfulness and our deep need for the healing love that has become ours in Christ’s atoning sacrifice. And without walking this difficult and painful journey we will never experience the surprising and joy-bringing reality of the resurrection.

Resurrection People

German philosophy gifted us the idea that we all occupy a particular sehepunkte or point of view. For the Christian, the most essential sehepunkte to occupy is the one afforded to us by the resurrection. The resurrection is the bedrock of our Christian faith and is the event that enables us to interpret the events of Holy Week as well as allowing us to have a sure hope for the future – whatever our current circumstances.

Parish Development Plan

Inside Tiding this quarter you will find an up-date of our parish development plan. Alongside this you will be able to revisit the New Testament values that underpin the plan. I am very grateful to the members of the working party who have helped me think these things through. I am especially grateful to Martin Cuppage who has chaired proceedings. Our hope and prayer is that this process will not only ensure we remain faithful to our Christian vocation but also that we may continue to establish the right foundations for our community moving forwards. Many opportunities as well as challenges lie ahead but, with the Apostle Paul, I believe we can say that ‘he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’ (Phil. 1: 6).


In Christ’s love William

A Word from the Curate…

Have you ever wondered about the power and force of Nature? For many, the instinctive reaction is to consider her destructive power. We call to mind Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Erupting Volcanos. Closer to home we recall the many storms of the past winter. But Natures power has of course a positive life giving element. Whether it is after flooding or fire, the buds of new life appear, myriads of life forms are born and the cycle of life continues.

As a worshipping community it is appropriate that we look beyond our 4 walls to see what is happening in other parishes, dioceses or even countries. I can think of nowhere better to start or as I should more correctly say, no more appropriate persons to consider at this time than the Revd. Ted Woods and the Revd. Anne Taylor. As many who read these notes will be aware, Ted is the rector of that little known parish of Rathfarnham ! and has been for the past 21 years. He is no stranger to us in St Matthias’ having faithfully served here as a former rector. Both Ted and Anne have been trusted companions to myself and my family over very many years. After over 45 years in the ordained ministry, Ted is retiring and Anne is moving to take up the post of Vicar in St Peter’s Formby in Liverpool Diocese. I know that you share with me in extending every Blessing to 2 clergy who have done so much for the promotion of the Gospel in every sense of the word, in these Dioceses.

‘While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease’.Genesis 8 v 22.

As we journey towards Easter let us perhaps reflect upon what it is that Christ has destroyed and what life giving power he is ready to give to us. Looking at waves crashing along the sea shore may never be the same again.

During Lent - maybe we could explore just 1 verse of scripture each day and feel its life giving positive effect. Emmanuel is not just for Christmas ! God is with us always and in all our troubles and difficulties. May we all loudly proclaim on Easter morning – Hallelujah



Parish News

Parish Wedding: On 20th September, 2013 Rachel Wallace and Dom Joyce were married by William at St. Matthias. The Reception afterwards was held at Rathsallagh House, Co. Wicklow where celebrations continued long into the night! A great day was had by all. Parish Notice: It is with great sadness that we said goodbye to three members of the parish: Evelyn Dunlop, Rona Felton and Peter Hegarty. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and close friends. We thank God for their friendship and contribution to our common life and we look forward, in faith, to the time when we shall be reunited once again at the Resurrection. Whist Drives We were delighted to have had 8 tables in December 2013. In that year we contributed â‚Ź755 to the Hall funds. Our next Whist Drives are on Thursdays 20th March, 10th April and 8th May. To avoid clashing with other events, we propose to move the whist dates in April and May to the second Thursdays of the month.

There will be no Whist Drives in the summer months June, July and August. We thank all those who kindly donated prizes and food for these events. 4

For information, contact Bill at 01 2824247

Parish News Epiphany Lunch On Sunday 5th January an Epiphany Lunch was held in the lobby of the hall after church. It was a great way to end Christmas and a festive meal was enjoyed by all who attended. A big thank you to everyone who helped make this occasion so successful.


Parish News 55 Club Since the last update, the 55 Club has had two wonderful talks given by fellow parishioners Debbie Wilson and Ciara Beauge and a very enjoyable annual club's Christmas lunch at the Glenview Hotel.

Debbie gave a talk just before Christmas on 6th Nov 13 on 'Some Famous Water Towns in China'. It was very fascinating and informative especially learning about the geography of the areas, their silk embroidery, tea plantations, pearls and sights. Debbie showed us very good photos and took us around the towns that it felt like being actually there sightseeing with her on a tour! Debbie knows China quite well having returned there again and again. She even knows how to speak a bit of Mandarin! We are hoping she can give us more talks on China in some future dates.

Ciara will return for the second time at end Feb to continue her series of nutritional talks for the Club. This time she will talk about 'The Fats of Life'. She will give some very useful facts about fats, good vs bad, and how best to use them. At the end of the talk, Ciara will give a demo on making a nice pesto and olive tapenade which we should all sample with gusto!

Last 13th Dec 13, we had a very good attendance of 28 to our annual Christmas lunch party. We returned to Glenview Hotel and enjoyed as usual excellent meal, service and ambiance. Everybody had a good time.


For the forthcoming months, we have Chris Stillman, another very well-seasoned traveller from our parish, giving a talk entitled "Sicilian Treasures". This is an account of part of a cruise he made with his wife Helen last November, which sailed from Naples to Sardinia then Tunis, Malaga, Cadiz, Madeira and Tenerife. To speak about

all the destinations would take far too long and so Chris will talk mostly about Sicily, its volcano and its historic sites, especially the Monreale Norman cathedral - quite enough wonders for one evening. All are welcome, as always, so please mark this date in your diary. Annual Parish Raffle As everyone knows our raffle takes place at the Fete in June. However tickets have to be printed well in advance and prizes must be organized.

If you can help by donating a prize or sponsoring the printing of the tickets please contact me before the end of March. Thanks to Hill's Garage, Greystones (Richard & Andrew Hill),for sponsoring the printing of the tickets for so many years. Thanks also to a parishioner who donated an item last year that wasn't included in the raffle prizes but was later sold for a healthy sum which went to parish funds.

As "Tidings" won't be published again until June, I'll be asking distributors to get tickets out to people in their areas in early May. Please do your best to sell the tickets when they come in the letter-box. Stubs and money should be returned to me when tickets are sold. Thanks in advance for your help.

Philip Salter, 9 Seafield Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Tel:2824072 or e-mail: philipsalter@eircom.net Save the dates • Easter General Vestry will be held after All Age Worship on 6th April 2014

• Summer Fete will be held on Saturday 7th June

Parish News Book Club At our last meeting in December, we discussed "The Third Policeman" by Flann O'Brien. This is not a simple book, it is a comic Kafkaescue novel exploring the boundary between reality and fiction. Our group thought that maybe two readings could help in evaluating the many conundrums raised in the novel.

Our next book is "The Hungry Stones and Other Stories" by Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. We meet at 7 Shanganagh Terrace on Friday 7th February.

Adele has proposed "The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro for the Book Club meeting in March.

1950s Rock & Roll Social Around 100 people arrived to a decorated church hall looking fantastic and ready to rock and roll the night away. The atmosphere was buzzing. A tasty meal with a choice of two hot dishes was provided, accompanied by plenty of salads and rolls, etc. followed by dessert and tea or coffee.

For a second time, Jhil Quinn’s Band provided an outstanding selection of live music and entertainment. The dancing continued till late and there was a raffle and prizes given for the best dressed man and woman. A fantastic evening was had by all.

A special note of thanks to everyone who helped out and worked so hard to make the evening so enjoyable and successful.

Some good reads are, "1913: The Year Before the Storm" by Florian Illies, a German writer. It is an entertaining cross section of European contemporary history and culture in that year.

"The War that Ended Peace" by Margaret MacMillan. She writes about how Europe abandoned peace for the first World War.

This book was highly recommended in 2013.

"Empire Antarctica: Ice, Silence and Emperor Penguins" by Gavin Francis. A doctor records his experiences during 14 months on a British Base in Antarctica.


St Matthias’ Parish Development Plan Foundation Document - Values & Aspirations History of the Parish The development committee have taken due cognisance of the history of the parish in order to best understand why we are where we are today. This process of understanding the past has also helped to clarify the ‘treasures’ of the parish that need to be kept safe as well as the ‘nettles’ that need to be grasped. This is a time to build on our history and to hold together the treasures of our heritage with the opportunities to explore fresh expressions of church.

Who we are We are a welcoming Anglican church increasingly ambitious to make a contribution to the wider church and community. Our values

A learning church (devoted to the Apostles’ teaching): The earliest church was ‘devoted to the Apostles’ teaching’ (Acts 2: 42). This is the deposit of teaching informed by the Scriptures and, supremely, by eye witness experience of being with Jesus through his ministry, death and resurrection.

A loving church (devoted to the fellowship): The word ‘community’ is taken from the word ‘fellowship’ (koinonia) (Acts 2: 42) and this word has a double perspective: it speaks firstly of community with one another (hospitality, social action and pastoral care) and, secondly, with God (nothing less than a sharing in the Triune life). 8

A worshiping church (devoted to prayer and the breaking of bread): The earliest church were devoted to ‘breaking bread and to prayer’ (Acts 2: 42). This is short hand for the corporate expression of worship in the power of the Spirit.

A missionary church (being generous and sharing our faith): The first church was a growing church: ‘And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved’ (Acts 2: 47b). Mission characterised the earliest Christian community and it must be the same for us too. A well administered church(recognising that good administration (government)is both a spiritual gift and essential for faithful and effective ministry): The book of Acts records the need for deacons to ‘wait at tables’ to free up the Apostles to pray and teach the faith. Elsewhere, administration is listed as a spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12: 28). A commitment to excellent Spirit-inspired administration both facilitates the work of the church and optimises the church’s ability to be creative. Strapline:

St Matthias’ Church ‘Embracing life in all its fullness’ (John 10: 10)

St Matthias’ Parish Development Plan Update January 2014 Background 2 years ago the rector and the Select Vestry delegated to a small group of volunteers the task of coming up with an overall outline ‘Development Plan’ for the Parish. The overall objective of this is to not only put in place better programmes and opportunities for the parish to grow in understand of the Christian Faith but also to develop its overall vibrancy and spiritual community. Hopefully the parish is already seeing some of the benefits of this direction with lots of initiatives now taking place. A physical example is the New Parish Hall (although it has to be said that plans for this were put in place before this plan was initiated!) and the benefits from that are obvious. However there are lots of other things going on in the background which are not so obvious (e.g. all the hard work around bettering and improving our communications) – and hopefully this update will give you more of an overall feel for these as well as show you the exciting direction we are going as a community. Our Foundation Document (please contact mcuppage@focusbusinessadvisers.com for a copy of this) is at the core of all of this and I am outlining these here below to show how our initiatives are structured out of them!

Some Appeals I will, within this update, point out 3 important areas of “Appeal” which will appear in the body of this report below – hopefully I won’t have bored everyone to distraction before you get to them!

Our values & aspirations Just a reminder of our 5 key values taken from the New Testament Church that underpin our parish development:A learning church (devoted to the Apostles’ teaching) A loving church (devoted to the fellowship) A worshiping church (devoted to prayer and the breaking of bread) An outward looking church (being generous and sharing our faith) A well administered church (recognising that good administration (government)is both a spiritual gift and essential for faithful and effective ministry) Values into Action William is careful to remind us that our life and witness needs to be rooted in our Christian faith. The stronger that foundation can become, the more fruitful our work and ministry will be. Consequently, we have developed initiatives and are continuing to do so around our ‘Foundation Values’ and hopefully you will already see some of them shining through what has been done over the last year or so in the parish ranging from our social activity, through improvement in communications to our regular acts of worship guided by William & Niall. In fact a large ‘thank you’ in general needs to be said for all those who have come forward and done work within this framework already, getting involved in projects as well as the individual members of the select vestry (this writer not withstanding!) who have already done Trojan work around our ‘5th Value’! This practical work out of necessity needs to continue but it is vital that the background pillar work (faith – through the values above) needs to be built up further and here are some of the important initiatives going forward: -


St Matthias’ Parish Development Plan A learning church (devoted to the Apostles’ teaching) A Bible Study Group is being developed – and the parish is privileged to be spearheading a diocesan initiative in this area. All are welcome and in this day and age where the bible is less and less a daily part of the school curriculum, this is becoming a very important part of refreshing and grounding our faith. A loving church (devoted to the fellowship) It is my belief that this is already a strong pillar to our parish in that we generally are both welcoming and sociable (Roll on the Rock’n’Roll night!). Moreover there are also a lot of informal visiting groups and pastoral care going on. We would now like to try and formalise this further through creating a Pastoral Visiting Team particularly to reach the more peripheral areas of the parish. This will need people who can naturally do this work well – and will also probably require some formal training.

APPEAL 1 - We do need some volunteers for this program – please either contact myself or William if you are interested in being involved in this ultimately very rewarding work. A worshiping church (devoted to prayer and the breaking of bread) Already both William & Niall have been working hard to improve our weekly worship and hopefully we are all seeing some of the benefits of that already. However there is an important aspect of our worship that does need to be further developed and that is worship outside of our regular services in the church – a space for informal worship. We are exploring how we might set up a home group. A number of people are already involved in the conversation. An outward looking church (being generous and sharing our faith) 10

This is an important development ‘driver’ for the parish as a whole and really can be categorised into 3 separate and distinct areas: On-going ‘Mission’ internally within the parish This is best epitomised by such programmes as our Alpha courses – and I would encourage anyone who hasn’t been on one yet to do so; I personally found them both illuminating and inspiring. Our next one will be targeted outside of my particular ‘target market’ i.e towards a slightly younger generation – however that should not discourage anyone from attending. Overseas Help Again we have a long standing programme in place with our sister parish St Matthias in Gahogo. This needs further support and development! Local Social Action We are looking to develop a programme here and this makes the basis of my second appeal as follows:-

APPEAL 2 – We need 2 things here, please: Ideas as to what that Social Action could be (or areas of need locally) A leader to spearhead and drive forward this initiative. A well administered church (recognising that good administration (government)is both a spiritual gift and essential for faithful and effective ministry) I think we are very blessed with a great team of people on the vestry and I for one am very privileged and inspired to be working with such a great team of talented and giving people who give their time and talents to keeping ‘the show on the road’! There are a number of ongoing projects which are to look forward to – e.g. the development of the grounds, the plans of which were up in the church for all to see before Christmas.

St Matthias’ Parish Development Plan However none of this is achieved without some hard work and of course finance. Our Treasurer Bob Wallace had another article in the last Tidings concerning this but suffice it to say the area of finance is also of prime concern to any Parish Development Plan. We are recommending that Finance for the parish is looked at in 3 areas: Day to Day Running of the Parish Parish Development Worthy Causes I personally find it helpful to link this Parish structure and format for finance around my own personal ‘giving’ plan and suggest that we might all look at this too if you have not already done so. We have been blessed recently with gifts and donations around all of the above, and a big word of thanks needs to be given to those people who have contributed and continue to contribute to the parish, particularly in this hard economic climate. However a prime area for concern for Bob (and none of us want to see a ‘worried’ Bob!) is the funding of day-to-day expenses in the parish. William’s belief is that if we develop the faith of the parish, then everything is possible for a Development Plan such as this including all the financial targets! However there is no doubt that the easier we can fund day-to-day expenses, the easier it is to focus and drive forward a Development Plan such as this. This brings me to my 3rd and final appeal which is essentially linked to Bob’s letter in these Tidings: APPEAL 3 – Again in two parts:For us all to re- look at our personal giving with the above in mind. If you are not already giving to the Parish through the recommended Stewardship methodologies – please consider doing so!

Conclusion I really hope that you as a parish member can embrace some if not all of this plan. We believe as a small team that it is possible, but will actually only be so, if the full team of the parish both embrace it and become part of it. Please feel free to have a chat to me at any stage if you have either any comments or in fact any clarifications I also really hope that this combines the existing strengths and traditions of the parish to date with a strong future target for development in faith for us all going forward – and I know given the membership of this parish, there will be a lot of enjoyment and celebration in that exercise as it happens!

Martin Cuppage

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In aid of 11

Services for March 2014-May 2014 Sunday 2nd March Sunday before Lent

9am................Holy Communion Niall Stratford 10.30am .......All Age Sermon .........William Olhausen

Readings Matthew 7: 21-29 Confirmation Candidates (CC) Sunday 9th March First Sunday in Lent

9am................Holy Communion Billy Marshall 10.30am........Holy Communion Sermon ........William Olhausen Prayers .........Gillian Keogh

Readings Genesis 2: 15-17; 3: 1-7 ....CC Romans 5: 12-19 ................CC Matthew 4: 1-11 .................CC

Sunday 16th March The Second Sunday in Lent

9am................Holy Communion Cecily West 10.30an .........Morning Worship Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers..........TBC

Readings Genesis 12: 1-4a.................CC Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17 ........CC John 3: 1-17 .........................CC 12

Sunday 23rd March The Third Sunday in Lent

9am................Holy Communion William Olhausen 10.30am........Holy Communion Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers..........Jeanne salter

Readings Exodus 17: 1-7....................CC Romans 5: 1-11 ..................CC John 4: 5-42 .........................CC

Sunday 30th March The Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday)

9am................Holy Communion William Olhausen 10.30am........Healing Service Sermon .........William Olhausen Readings Psalm 23 John 9: 1-41..James Malseed

3.30pm..........Confirmation Service Venue TBC Sunday 6th April The Fifth Sunday in Lent

9am................Holy Communion Niall Stratford 10.30am .......All age with Baptism Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers..........Sunday Club

Readings Romans 8: 6-11 ..................Sunday Club John 11: 1-45.......................Sunday Club

Services for March 2014-May 2014 Sunday 13th April Palm Sunday

9am................Holy Communion Niall Stratford 10.30am .......All age Sermon .........William Olhausen

Readings Matthew 21: 1-11...............Sunday Club

7pm ..............Liturgy of the Passion Cecily West Isaiah 50: 4-9a .....................Jane Maxwell Psalm 31: 9-16 Philippians 2: 5-11 ..............Martin Cuppage Matthew 27: 11-54 ............Gillian Keogh Monday 14th April Monday of Holy Week

St Paul’s Glenageary Compline Preacher: Rev Niall Sloan

Tuesday 15th April Tuesday of Holy Week

St Matthias’, Killiney Late Evening Office Preacher: Rev Gary Dowd Wednesday 16th April Wednesday of Holy Week

Holy Trinity, Killiney Tenebrae Preacher: Rev Ása Bjőrk Olafsdőttir

Thursday 17th April Maundy Thursday

Christ Church, Dun Laoghaire Johannine Last Supper Preacher: William Olhausen Friday 18th April - Good Friday

10.30am........All Age Sermon .........William Olhausen 2pm ...............An Hour at the Cross Cecily West 8pm ...............Evening Service Niall Stratford Sunday 20th April The First Sunday of Easter

9am................Holy Communion Niall Stratford 10.30am........Holy Communion Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers .........William Olhausen Readings Colossians 3: 1-4................Scott McConnell Matthew 28: 1-10...............Audrey Tormey Sunday 27th April The Second Sunday of Easter

9am................Holy Communion Billy Marshall 10.30am........Holy Communion Sermon .........Cecily West Prayers..........Jane Maxwell Readings 1 Peter 1: 3-9 .....................Cathy Malseed John 20: 19-31.....................Adele Trapnells


Services for March 2014-May 2014 Sunday 4th May The Third Sunday of Easter

9am................Holy Communion Cecily West 10.30am .......All Age Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers..........Sunday Club

Readings Luke 24: 13-35....................Sunday Club Sunday 11th May The Fourth Sunday of Easter

9am................Holy Communion Billy Marshall 10.30am .......Holy Communion Sermon .........Niall Stratford Prayers..........Tony Quinn Readings Acts 2: 42-47.......................Alistair Doyle John 10: 1-10.......................Roisin McCabe

Sunday 18th May The Fifth Sunday of Easter

9am................Holy Communion Cecily West 10.30am .......Morning Worship Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers..........Cecily West Readings 1 Peter 2: 2-10....................Victor Freeman John 14: 1-14.......................Philip Salter Sunday 25th May The Sixth Sunday of Easter

9am................Holy Communion William Olhausen 10.30am .......Holy Communion Sermon .........William Olhausen Prayers..........Gillian Keogh Readings 1 Peter 3: 13-22 .................Chris Stillman John 14: 15-21.....................Sandra Byrne

INFORMATION FOR OUR READERS If the date you have been scheduled for is not possible please feel to swap with someone else on the rota. Please deal directly with the person concerned and remember to make contact with them in good time!

If you are reading from an Epistle please conclude the reading with the words: This is the Word of the Lord.

If you are reading from the Gospel only use the wording for a Communion service if it is in fact a communion service. Otherwise please conclude the reading with the words:This is the word of the Lord. The congregation need only stand for a Gospel reading if it is Communion.

Finally, whether you are reading or leading prayers please remember to speak slowly, clearly and loudly! Even with a mic’ the volume is not sufficient for all members of the congregation.


Many thanks for your participation in our worship.

Rotas week ending



March 9th

Bev Grant & Cathy Malseed

Sylvia Kinlan

March 2nd

March 16th

March 23rd March 30th

Becky Breach & Sally Anderson Aileen Unger & Orlagh Perrem

Adrienne Bedell

Roisin McCabe & Ann Thielmans

Jackie Hayes

Jeanne Salter & Iris Swift

April 6th

Vanya Kavanagh & Adrienne Bedell

April 20th

Bev Grant & Cathy Malseed

April 13th April 27th May 4th

May 11th May 18th May 25th

Sylvia Kinlan

Becky Breach & Sally Anderson

Adrienne Bedell Jackie Hayes

Sheelagh Wallace


Aileen Unger & Orlagh Perrem

Sheelagh Wallace

Roisin McCabe & Ann Thielmans

Jess Sweetnam

Jeanne Salter & Iris Swift

Vanya Kavanagh & Adrienne Bedell

Jess Sweetnam Gillian Keogh

Becky Breach & Sally Anderson

Gillian Keogh

week ending

Welcome Team

Bell Ringer

March 9th

Victor & Anna Freeman

Richard Hill

March 2nd

March 16th

March 23rd March 30th

Les & Beverley Grant Richard & Mary Hill

Jack & Barbara Rankin

Sam & Georgina Farrar

Les Grant

Chris McCabe John Wallace

Bob Wallace

April 6th

Chris & Helen Stillman

Sam Farrar

April 20th

Peter & Pat Fisher

Philip Salter

April 13th April 27th May 4th

May 11th May 18th May 25th

Philip & Jean Salter

Niall & Daphne Whelan Les & Beverley Grant

Victor & Anna Freeman Richard & Mary Hill

Jack & Barbara Rankin

Alan Doherty Eddie Kinlan

Kim Featherstone Victor Freeman Les Grant

Richard Hill


Parish News Volunteers for Research Researchers at Trinity College Dublin are currently recruiting participants for a study looking at how sharing meals can be good for our mental and physical health. We are looking for 100 adults aged over 60 who are living alone, and who would like to receive a visitor once weekly for 8 weeks during 2014.Your visitor will be fully trained, and Garda-vetted, and aged over 55.Your visitor will bring ingredients for a meal that you will both prepare and enjoy together. We are also looking to recruit individuals aged 55+ who would be willing to participate in our day of training and deliver the intervention in the homes of our participants. We will cover the costs of the meal, so there is no cost associated with participating! If you are interested in finding out more, please email Dr Joanna McHugh, at mchughje@tcd.ie or call 01 896 8414.

www.jump-intots.com 0894039978

Ireland's new and exciting interactive parent & toddler action group with music, movement, toys, puppets, stories, and lots of fun! x x x


Ideal for parents & toddlers: 4mths to 4 years ½ Pay as you go classes, discounts for siblings 75 minute classes include a high energy fun teacher led session, snack & play time, and wind- down story time Taught by two mums highly qualified in the fields of education

Tues. 10am: Rathmichael Parish Church, Shankill Thurs. 10am: Mounttown C. Facility, Dun Laoghaire

and starting the week of Jan 6th:

Wed. 10am: Sandyford C.C., Lambs Cross, Sandyford Fri. DP 6W 0DWWKLD¡V 3DULVK &HQWUH .LOOLQH\

THE CAKE STALL COMMITTEE NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! th June Church FĂŞte June 2014 Church FĂŞte- Saturday - Saturday 87th 2013

The cake stall committee really needs more volunteers. Please telephone Adrienne Bedell @ 086 3416375 if you can help. Alternatively:Please, please, please bake a cake/ scones/ buns/ biscuits or anything you fancy and bring it along with you on the day of the fĂŞte. It is amazing the difference every small contribution can make.


Thank you - hope to see you there! Adrienne.

The Bridge Café, No. 1 Castle St., Bray Fancy a Coffee?

Have you been to The Bridge Café in Bray yet? Highly recommended for all lovers of morning coffee, afternoon tea and delicious home cooking, it is only a hop, skip and jump away from leafy Killiney. Having sampled the cosy surroundings and tasty food there myself I would commend it as an ideal venue for meeting friends and ‘chillaxing’. However there is even more to The Bridge Café than this. Read on!

The Story

The Bridge Café is a not-for-profit social amenity with registered charitable status which operates with a Christian ethos. Rather than try to generate profit, the aim of this local church supported community project is to invest in social action and the community, from the proceeds of the Café Bar activity. Through relationship, the goal is to link people in with relevant local service providers in the areas of addiction, homelessness, poverty, eating disorders, mental health issues and services for the elderly and/or retired, along with other church services such as prayer, counselling or fellowship. Open seven days a week and offering Carvery every Sunday from 12-5.30pm, you can enjoy great food, home-baking and

unique artisan Badger & Dodo coffee! The café also caters for a wide variety of private/corporate events.

Formerly a pub, The Bridge Café was donated to a local church for the purpose of Christian ministry in the Bray area and this challenge was taken up by six local churches who partnered together to serve the local community. The original character of the pub has been retained so that an alternative for people who enjoy the social and food attributes of a pub in an alcoholfree environment be created.

The Bridge Café is part of a growing trend of ‘Paying It Forward’ called ‘Suspended Coffee’, where individuals can pay for their own coffee and a ‘suspended’ coffee and/or meal for someone in need in the community.

For menus/further info. just check out; www.thebridgecafe.ie or Facebook: theBridgeCafeBar Article by Jeanne Salter


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D' ,ŽƵƐĞ͕ ĞĂŶƐŐƌĂŶŐĞ ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ WĂƌŬ͕ ůĂĐŬƌŽĐŬ͕ Ž͘ ƵďůŝŶ͘ dĞů͗ ;ϬϭͿ Ϯϴϱ ϭϭϯϵ &Ădž͗ ;ϬϭͿ Ϯϭϵ ϬϮϰϲ DŽď͗ Ϭϴϳ Ϯϱϱ ϴϲϱϴ tĞď͗ ǁǁǁ͘ƉŚŽĞŶŝdžĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐĂůƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͘ĐŽŵ ŵĂŝů͗ ŝŶĨŽΛƉŚŽĞŶŝdžĞƐ͘ŝĞ



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Funeral Home

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Communications contact details: Tidings Editor:

Alice Gervin - stmatthiastidings@gmail.com

Church of Ireland Gazette:

Donald Maxwell - maxwellj@eircom.net, 01 2852974

Tidings Advertising:

The Church Review:

Maria Waters - stmatthiaskilliney@gmail.com

bob.wallace@hotmail.com, 01 2856892 0878176899,


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Here in Tidings we thoroughly enjoy receiving articles from parishioners to put in our newsletter. If you enjoy writing articles, have an interesting hobby, have would like discovered something of interest that you think to our parishioners to read please feel free to email us on stmatthiastidings@gmail.com. We equally enjoy receiving photos and details of weddings, significant birthdays, wedding anniversaries and baptisms of our parishioners so please send in info of these joyous occasions. Please have the permission of those involved to have these events printed.

Give me a shout, I'lll sort it out.

086 382 3535 19

Parish Contacts Parish Rector:

Rev Dr William Olhausen

(01) 2852228

Parish Curate:

Rev Niall Stratford

(01) 4937535

Select Vestry Hon Secretary:

Roisin McCabe crmd@eircom.net

(087) 0541995

Parish Centre Coordinator:

Tanya Olhausen

(085) 2382375

Tidings Administrator:

Alice Gervin (087) 6810554 Stmatthiastidings@gmail.com

We can also be found on www.stmatthias.ie and http://www.facebook.com/StMatthiasDublin

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