Spring Magazine 2013

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St Mary’s Parish Magazine Volume 4, Issue 1


Spring 2013

When we hear that somebody speaks a foreign language, we often DVN DUH WKH\ Ă XHQW" %HLQJ Ă XHQW PHDQV WKDW WKH ZRUGV Ă RZ HDVLO\ DQG WKH VSHDNHU FDQ H[SUHVV DQ\ LGHD WKDW WKH\ ZDQW %HLQJ Ă XHQW LQ another language is quite an achievement. +RZHYHU HYHQ LI \RX DUH QRW Ă XHQW LI \RX KDYH D EDVLF YRFDEXODU\ D GHWHUPLQDWLRQ to get your ideas across, and are prepared to look a fool, it is amazing how much you can get across to an interested audience. You gain a lot of respect for making the effort! And of course, the more willing you are to ‘have a go’, the better you become over time. When it comes to talking to people about God, even in English, many of us feel tongueWLHG DQG GRQ¡W NQRZ WKH ÂśULJKW¡ ZRUGV WR XVH :H DUH QRW Ă XHQW LQ WKH ODQJXDJH RI IDLWK These are personal things, emotional things, supernatural things. One of the many EHQHĂ€WV RI WDNLQJ SDUW LQ D /HQW JURXS RU D KRPH JURXS LV WKDW ZH EHFRPH PRUH Ă XHQW LQ this language. And this is essential if we are to share the good news of God’s love with RXU QHLJKERXUV DQG WR EH D ÂśWUDQVIRUPLQJ SUHVHQFH¡ LQ RXU VRFLHW\ DV %LVKRS 6WHSKHQ LV calling us to be. 6RPHWLPHV ZKHQ D FRQYHUVDWLRQ WDNHV D IDLWK GLUHFWLRQ DV LW FDQ QDWXUDOO\ GR SHRSOH ask our views on controversial issues. If this happens, there is no shame in saying that we don’t know all the answers, or in saying that the Christian community is not of one PLQG RQ VRPH WRSLFV $OO WKH VDPH RXU SUHDFKLQJ WHDP DW 6W 0DU\¡V LV SODQQLQJ D VHULHV of sermons this summer on the ‘hard questions’ that your neighbours might ask you. After Easter we will be asking you to submit your suggestions for questions to include. 0HDQZKLOH OHW XV HQMR\ (DVWHU DQG FHOHEUDWH WKH KRSH WKDW WKH GHDWK DQG UHVXUUHFWLRQ . of Jesus brings.

Revd. Canon Ian Tarrant, email: rector@stmaryswoodford.org.uk 2

Pic of Ian: Ghene Snowdon


Who am I?

Hello I'm Tina. You may have already met me, but if not please allow me to tell you a bit about myself. I am the lady with the short blonde hair that you may have noticed recently at St Mary’s. I am currently on a placement at St Mary’s and will be with you until near the end of April. I am already a licensed Reader at St Peter & Paul’s in Chingford, but I am also completing my training as an Ordinand at St Mellitus Theological College, and with God’s grace I shall be ordained Deacon in Chelmsford Cathedral in June. After my ordination I shall serve my title post at St Peter & Paul’s as a locally deployed self-supporting minister. I have three grown-up children and six adorable grandchildren. I currently run our children’s ministry at P&P on a Monday and love all craft work, baking and gardening. I have also been a hairdresser in the E4 area for 47 years.

Parish Register

Joined in marriage before God 9th March Colin Purvis & Mickella Lewis 15th March Ashley Gallagher & Emma Benson


7th January - Norah Guppy

Already I have been welcomed at St Mary’s and I have spoken with some of you; but please forgive me if I don’t remember names at the moment!! I would love to know why St Mary’s is special to each of you, so do please come and talk to me so that I may know you better. I look forward to our time together.

Love Tina x

9th January - Alma Shadrack 16th January - Eric Frith 16th January - Ernst Clinging 25th January - Rose Perry 25th January - Dorothy Fairchild 30th January - Alma Sorrell May they rest in peace and rise in glory

Cover: At long last spring is coming! How lovely it is to walk up to St. Mary’s and see the beautiful DUUD\ RI ZRRGODQG à RZHUV LQ WKH FKXUFK\DUG ORYLQJO\ SODQWHG E\ WKH ODWH $QQH 6QRZGRQ $QQH ZRXOG EH VHHQ IUHTXHQWO\ RQ KHU NQHHV VXSSRUWHG E\ -LP ZUDSSHG XS DJDLQVW WKH FROG VHDWHG RQ his mobility scooter. What a legacy they have left us; we give thanks for their vision that continues to give us all so much pleasure.


Events Diary

Auction of promises

Lessons in croquet

-what is that?


n December we held an auction of promises to raise funds for the refurbishment of the Memorial Hall. Many people were new to the idea, but as the promises came in over the weeks leading up to the event, interest grew, and on the day bidding was brisk as people competed for the goods and services on offer. Promises included + homemade produce such as marmalade, jam, cakes and mince pies + dinner parties + artistic creations such as a sketch of a home or a personal portrait + a quarter-peal on St Mary’s bells + domestic services such as babysitting, washing and gardening 4

+ instruction in computing skills, pottery, croquet, ÀVKLQJ DQG WKH RUJDQ + family history research + a personal tour of Westminster Abbey When all promises have been IXOÀOOHG DQG SDLG IRU WKH Memorial Hall appeal fund will have gained over £1,500.

And the winner is...

We hope to repeat the experience in July. What skill or service could you offer? A tour of Westminster Abbey

A406 by Katie Howey

This photo was the winner of the People’s choice vote in the Reg Fowkes Memorial Photo Competition in February.

Future Events SUNDAY 7TH APRIL Seekers fundraising for the Makuntano boys VHH page 20 for more details.

WEDNESDAY 17TH APRIL St Mary's Annual Meeting DIWHU WKH 10am service.

FROM TUES 16TH APRIL Coffee, cake and chat to uncover the basics of the Christian faith at St Mary's.

SATURDAY 18TH MAY Food and Fun Day 11am – 3pm FRPH MRLQ St Mary's for activities around the church grounds.



Good Friday from Mary’s perspective


he song Mary did you know? is usually promoted as a Christmas song and has been released by a number of solo artists. I’ve always liked the song but recently I discovered a new approach to it, on YouTube. For those who are unfamiliar with the lyrics, the song asks Mary whether she knew her new baby son would one day perform many miracles and that he is 'the great I am'. The new version has coupled the song with DQ H[FHUSW RI WKH ÀOP The Passion. Not as strange as it seems. The clip shows Mary following Jesus as he struggles to carry his cross and again as he is nailed to the cross. The images of Jesus are graphic but it was watching Mary’s anguish as a mother 6

helplessly watching her son suffer that also had a great impact on me. Any mother (parent) will understand how you still worry about your children and wish to protect them even though they are adults who have long since left home. Several followers of Jesus, at the time, stayed true to him but no-one grieved more than his mother. She accepted this was his destiny, his purpose, but it was so hard. ,I \RX KDYH ÀYH PLQXWHV WR VSDUH \RX might want to check out YouTube. There are various videos but can I recommend Jesus – Mary Did You Know Video – The Passion (by bminority). Chris Meikle

Sunbathing, pickling, and petrol

Bishop Stephen published a message on YouTube recently. This is what he said‌ Let me tell you what prayer isn’t. Prayer isn’t trying to change God’s mind, prayer isn’t saying if we can get enough signatures on the prayer petition, then we might force God’s hand on this one. Prayer isn’t trying to tune in to an elusive wavelength on the radio, saying we know God must be here VRPHZKHUH ZH¡YH MXVW JRW WR Ă€QG KLP Prayer isn’t even saying things to God; though that’s a good way into prayer. Prayer is what God says to us. Prayer Ă€UVW RI DOO LV DERXW SODFLQJ RXUVHOYHV LQ right relationship with God, so that he can get through to us, that God through his Spirit can speak within us. Prayer is like sunbathing: you place yourself on the beach, you let the sun shine upon you, and you are changed by it. Prayer is like making pickled onions. You get the onions, you get the vinegar, you put the onions in the vinegar, and the onions are changed. Slowly over time they are pickled. Most of all, prayer is about what God is doing in us. 6R SUD\HU LV DOVR OLNH Ă€OOLQJ XS DW WKH petrol station; we mustn’t run on empty, ZH QHHG WLPHV ZKHQ ZH DUH Ă€OOLQJ XS St Paul says, pray all the time. He means make your life a prayer. Let me give you my number one best

GHÀQLWLRQ RI SUD\HU WKRXJK RI FRXUVH DOO GHÀQLWLRQV IDOO VKRUW of the reality. Prayer is the lover coming into the presence of the beloved, and saying, I love you. The great wonderful good news of the Christian faith is that God is the great lover, we are the beloved and in Christ, in prayer, God comes to us to say, I love you Today here in the cathedral we are having a day of prayer for the mission and unity of the church, and goodness knows we have got a few problems at the moment. But these can be addressed, shaped, changed, when we tune into God’s love for us. So let’s make every day a day of prayer. 7



The following prayer was given to Jean Morgans RQ KHU FRQĂ€UPDWLRQ LQ ,W LV EDVHG RQ D WH[W IURP the Song of Solomon:

/RUG IRU WKH IXWXUH WKRXJK XQNQRZQ I cannot be afraid For Thou hast promised all Thine own 7KLQH DOO VXIĂ€FLHQW DLG I cannot always see my way %XW 7KRX DUW HYHU QHDU Thy promise comes to me each day 0\ XQNQRZQ SDWK WR FKHHU And as I place my hand in Thine I hear Thee whisper thou art mine


7KDQN \RX WR -HDQ IRU UHVSRQGLQJ WR RXU UHTXHVW IRU IDYRXULWH prayers. We look forward to receiving more contributions for future editions of the magazine.

Look up and do not weep. Those who have gone into the evermore have left behind their lamps for you to tend; keep them alight, take heart and labour on, for death is not the end.



R R Christ is the morning star who when the darkness of this world is past brings to his saints the promise of the light of life and opens everlasting day.

The Venerable Bede


Come to us, Lord Jesus, come as we search the scriptures and see God’s hidden purpose, come as we walk the lonely road, needing a companion, FRPH ZKHQ OLIH P\VWLÀHV DQG perplexes us, come into our disappointments and unease, come at table when we share our food and hopes, and coming, open our eyes to recognise you.


New Testament Prayer for Everyone

by Tom Wright, ÂŁ9.99 published by SPCK ISBN no. 9780664227975 Compelling translations of all WKH PDMRU SUD\HUV UHFRUGHG in the New Testament with profound insights into the WHDFKLQJ RI -HVXV DQG WKH apostles on the meaning and practice of prayer. “The New Testament not only tells us to pray and invites us to pray. It draws us into prayer. It KHOSV XV WR PDNH SUD\HU QRW MXVW D KDELW EXW WKH GHHS KHDUWEHDW of our lives. It’s like a secret VWUHDP Ă RZLQJ DORQJ XQVHHQ refreshing everything else we do and making things happen in ZD\V ZH FDQŇ‹W XQGHUVWDQG DQG RIWHQ GRQŇ‹W HYHQ H[SHFW EXW which prove themselves real time and again.â€? Penny Freeston




Kenyan O

ur parish contacts with Kenya are mostly with the Mbeere District on the eastern side of Mount Kenya. It contains both our link parish of Muchunguri and the Children’s Home at Makutano. Following Anglican tradition, the Diocese of Mbeere covers exactly the same area as the administrative District of the same name, just as the Redbridge Deanery covers the same area as the Borough. Comparing the two, Mbeere is larger (200 km2 compared to 56) but its population is only 60% of that of Redbridge; almost wholly rural, it has no large towns and only two tarmac roads. In many areas of Kenyan life some colonial customs persist, despite independence since 1963; the educational system is one that has changed. For those following an academic route, we are accustomed to 7 years primary 10


A report by David Littlejohns

education, then 6 years of secondary education and 3 years of tertiary (University) education. This 7-6-3 formula was used in Kenya for over 15 years, but in 1985 was changed to an 8-4-4 system. This is linked to the fact that, in Kenya, the eight years of primary education are state-funded, i.e. ‘Free’. Under pressure from the World Bank and other donors, Ă€QDQFLDO FRQWULEXWLRQV IURP SDUHQWV ZHUH required from the mid-1980’s to 2003, but ending this was one of the most popular political decisions ever made. The number of children in school rose sharply and it took several years to correct the VKRUWDJH RI WHDFKHUV 6LJQLĂ€FDQWO\ LQ a developing country, a considerable obstacle to development was removed. The next step has just been taken by passing the Basic Education Bill. For the

Main: Karaba Boys Secondary School, above left: a standard classroom, right: Kenyan children enjoying their school day

Ă€UVW WLPH WKLV PDNHV SULPDU\ HGXFDWLRQ FRPSXOVRU\ WKRXJK WKLV ZLOO EH GLIĂ€FXOW to enforce among the nomadic, cattleherding tribes of the north. Kenyan primary education being popular, most children receive it. Over the whole country about 85% are enrolled (a

little higher in Mbeere) and about 65% of those complete it. Primary schools abound and in the morning and afternoon almost every road has children along its edge, walking to and from school, each with a distinct school uniform – coloured skirt and blouse for the girls, coloured 11

Education trousers and shirt for the boys. A fair proportion are church schools, with WKH ODQG DQG EXLOGLQJV ÀQDQFHG by the Anglican Church of Kenya or other churches and the teachers paid by the state. Visiting a primary school, you will SUREDEO\ ÀQG FKDON DQG D EODFNERDUG D scattering of textbooks but little blank paper, few writing implements, and a teacher presiding over a lively but very attentive group of 35 to 40 children. The picture on page 11 shows a very basic classroom in a poor area. Anything more will depend on contributions from parents. But then you often are surprised WR ÀQG VRPH TXLWH FKDOOHQJLQJ TXHVWLRQV on the blackboard. Private, fee-charging primary schools are better equipped but only about one in 10 can afford them. A great deal of teaching time has to go into language teaching. At home and on the street the main language will be that of the local tribe, but children need both the national language (Kiswahili) and the language of government and education (English). The school year runs from January to the end of November and an endof-year examination must be passed to progress to the next year; those who fail it must repeat the year, though some will instead drop out. At the end of the eighth year, at the age of 14 or 15, FRPHV WKH .HQ\D &HUWLÀFDWH RI 3ULPDU\ Education (KCPE), the national test that decides who can continue into secondary education. In Mbeere, about a third of the young 12

An outdoor classroom

people will progress to four years of secondary education. This is about half those who complete the primary course, but is in line with the national average. Being less in number and covering fewer years, secondary schools cannot be local, but are singlesex boarding schools. Each child needs

a small metal trunk that contains his personal possessions and travels with him at the beginning and end of term. They will sleep on two-tier bunk beds, usually three or four feet apart in a dormitory. Classes will be slightly smaller and teaching resources a little more generous ² \RX FDQ H[SHFW WR Ă€QG EHWWHU EXLOGLQJV a simple laboratory for science teaching and a few computers, usually connected to the internet. Again, year examinations culminate in a public examination, the .HQ\D &HUWLĂ€FDWH RI 6HFRQGDU\ (GXFDWLRQ (KCSE). Candidates are expected to take at least eight subjects, a typical set being English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and History & Government. Since 2008, it has been Kenyan

Government policy that secondary education should also become statefunded, but the Kenyan economy, like many others, is far from vibrant and it will be many years before this blossoms from policy into reality. The boys from the Makutano Children’s Home usually go to Karaba Boys Secondary School, about 10 miles away – the picture on page 11 shows the Administration building. There, the basic fees, tuition and uniform will come to about ÂŁ625 per year, three times the cost of the items needed for primary education. This is why we have sought to provide some regular income for the Home by educational sponsorship of the boys at Secondary School; at Makutano, WKH Ă€QDQFLDO SUREOHPV RI NHHSLQJ ER\V DW Secondary School were meaning the staff were often going unpaid. (GXFDWLRQ KDV D KLJK SURĂ€OH LQ .HQ\D In a successful school, the headmaster’s study will have an array of silver cups awarded for the best performance in the area. Each District holds a yearly Education Sunday attended by large crowds, with senior national and District Ă€JXUHV SUHVHQW ORFDO 03V PDNLQJ political speeches about education and school principals and teachers listening as the KCPE and KCSE results are dissected. Last June, the hot news in Mbeere on Education Day was that the average score for the KCPE had fallen slightly, but that for the KCSE had risen. The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education talked about the importance of “added valueâ€?. Perhaps we have more in common than I thought. 13


Foodbanks How do we respond in our THE REDBRIDGE FOODBANK is operated through the King’s Church, Granville Road, Ilford. Amidst their à H[LEOH VSDFH IRU ZRUVKLS \RXWK JURXSV etc. they have designed an attractive, cafÊ-style room serving drinks. During WKH ÀYH GDLO\ VHVVLRQV D ZHHN WKDW WKH\ are open, 5 to 6 families come for food and are given enough for three days. There are cups of tea and advice for those who want it supplied by volunteers. St Mary’s has agreed to display and ÀOO D ODUJH SODVWLF FRQWDLQHU VR WKDW WKRVH who want to can supply items such as WLQQHG PHDW ÀVK WLQQHG YHJHWDEOHV GU\ foods and fruit juice. There is a precise food list provided with the container; VRPH ZHHNV WKHUH DUH VSHFLÀF UHTXHVWV In order to receive food, families need to produce a voucher and these are supplied by doctors, social workers, and charities supporting those in poverty. Foodbanks are run by the Trussell Trust all round the country; this is an off-shoot of the Church Urban Fund. Many will remember the sterling work GRQH E\ WKLV )XQG GXULQJ GLIÀFXOW \HDUV for the poor in the l980s. The amount of food given out by foodbanks has gone up 14

six-fold in the past year; as redundancies, EHQHĂ€W FXWV RU GHOD\V ULVLQJ UHQWV DQG heating costs begin to bite. Redbridge itself is one of 5 boroughs in London from the 50 most deprived boroughs in the country. We must surely respond generously to this clear need in our own area and I am sure that we will.

local area?

Emergency Food for local people in crisis

We are collecting non-perishable food for the Redbridge Foodbank. The collection box will be DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ÀUVW 6XQGD\ of each month. Foods needed are: UHT RU SRZGHUHG PLON WHD EDJV LQVWDQW FRIIHH IUXLW MXLFH VRXS VXJDU SDVWD VDXFHV FHUHDOV LQVWDQW PDVK SRWDWR ULFH SDVWD MDP ELVFXLWV DQG VQDFNV Also needed are tinned food – VSRQJH SXGGLQJ WRPDWRHV ULFH SXGGLQJ PHDW ÀVK IUXLW HWF The Foodbank volunteers The box will be put out for your GRQDWLRQV RQ WKH ÀUVW 6XQGD\ RI HDFK month from now on. There will be further information on Redbridge Foodbank on display. Jocelyn Davis, their excellent coordinator, is available for a presentation DQG ÀOP DERXW WKHLU ZRUN Bridget Webb

Please donate generously. Look out for 3 for 2 offers at the supermarkets! 15


Norah Margaret Guppy December 1918 – December 2012


ong-standing church member Norah Guppy died in December, and her funeral was held at St Mary’s. This is her story – thanks to family and friends who contributed their memories. Norah was born on Sunday 29th December 1918. She was a much loved only child but had several cousins on both sides of the family with whom she spent much time. Especially memorable was the weekly visit to Granny Guppy for Saturday tea. Norah regularly attended Gloucester Street Congregational Church in Weymouth, where her family had played an active part for many years. She went to Weymouth Grammar School and received an education which was to stand her in good stead later on in her career. In July 1935 Norah went on a group visit to Paris. As well as sightseeing Norah found time to write almost daily to her parents to tell of her adventures. When Norah left school she worked in a wool shop in Weymouth, and when she moved with her parents to Woodford in 1938 her employer gave her an excellent reference stating Norah to be ‘trustworthy, honest, pleasant and most satisfactory in every way’. In January 1942 Norah enlisted in the ATS – the Auxiliary Territorial Service was the women’s branch of the British 16

Army during the Second World War. She was stationed near Nottingham, where she worked as a clerk and made many friends amongst the other new recruits and local people, then in 1945 she was posted to Banbury. In 1946 Norah returned to civvy street and again worked in a wool and sewing shop. In 1948 she re-opened the 8th Woodford Guide Company which had closed due to the war. Their achievements included winning the shield for handicraft and a Queen’s *XLGH $ZDUG WKH ÀUVW LQ WKH &RPSDQ\ She continued as a Guider until she had to resign to look after her mother; but returned to assist a new Guider in 1975. Meanwhile her professional life was taking off. In December 1949 she commenced her Civil Service career as a temporary Typist Grade 2 in the Inland Revenue, and soon became a Trainee Typist earning £4 6s. per week. Her typing ability was second to none as her ÀQJHUV GHIWO\ PRYHG DFURVV WKH NH\V at very great speeds. Norah gradually worked her way up the ranks, heading the typing pool and eventually becoming the Chief Superintendent of Typists in the Lord Chancellor’s Department. Norah was selected to receive the Silver Jubilee Medal in June 1977 in recognition of her long and devoted service. Norah retired from the Civil Service in 1983. She then had more time to

visit family in Weymouth, Brussels and Wootton Bassett. She enjoyed the hurly burly of family life on these visits, especially at Christmas when she threw herself into all kinds of games. Having come to Woodford before the war, Norah joined the Congregational Church in George Lane, which in due course became a United Reformed Church. Norah was an active member and one of her many tasks for the Church was to edit the monthly Newsletter. She was an elder of the Church, and involved with women’s groups, coffee mornings and so on. When the Church closed about 30 years ago she started to worship at St Mary’s. As recently as two years ago, Norah was still in charge of ordering and distributing Bible Reading Fellowship notes. Norah was a great letter writer and throughout her life kept up many friendships this way. Remaining in the same house that she moved to with her parents before the war, she offered hospitality to friends visiting Woodford. She had a great interest in gardening, and subscribed to a weekly gardening magazine until she moved into

&KXUFKÀHOGV 1XUVLQJ +RPH DERXW a year ago. All who remember Norah will recall her as a woman of energy and character. Amongst her papers was found a poem which she had copied out by hand – a puzzling wistful poem called Remember, by Christina Rossetti. It speaks of remembering the writer when she has gone away, not with sadness, but with a smile. I am sure that all who knew her will indeed remember her with a smile. Ian Tarrant


by Christina Rossetti Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you planned: Only remember me; you understand It will be late to counsel then or pray. Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve: For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, %HWWHU E\ IDU \RX VKRXOG IRUJHW DQG VPLOH Than that you should remember and be sad.



Mystery in the Minster

by Susanna Gregory £8.99 paperback, £4.99 digital edition Publisher Sphere (ISBN 9780751542592) Mystery in the Minster by Susanna Gregory was given to me to read recently. Susanna Gregory (in the rest of life Elizabeth Cruwys) became a Cambridge academic after working IRU VRPH WLPH DV D SROLFH RIÀFHU LQ Leeds. Mystery in the Minster is the seventeenth chronicle of Matthew %DUWKRORPHZ DQ LQYHVWLJDWRU RI murders in 14th century Cambridge. 7KH ERRN ZDV ÀUVW SXEOLVKHG LQ It was selected for the City of York Libraries Big City Read. In the year 1358 the college of Michaelhouse in Cambridge needs money. It seems that a legacy from the Archbishop of York of the SDULVK RI +XQWLQJWRQ ZKLFK LV TXLWH FORVH WR WKH FLW\ ZRXOG SURYLGH the money they needed. There is however another claim to the legacy and so a little group of people is sent from Michaelhouse to York to see if they can obtain the legacy. 7KH\ DUULYH LQ D FLW\ ZKLFK à RRGV (and which of course continues to 18

à RRG QRZDGD\V D EXVWOLQJ FLW\ with lots of merchants creating wealth and as they do so unsettling the establishment around them. A French invasion may be imminent and may be receiving support from ZLWKLQ WKH FLW\ 1RERG\ FDQ ÀQG the codicil naming Michaelhouse DV D EHQHÀFLDU\ DQG VRPH RI WKH Archbishop’s executors have died in mysterious circumstances‌‌ If you like this sort of read you PLJKW HQMR\ WKLV ERRN 7KHUH DUH some interesting local details in the book. Cheryl Corney


Les MisĂŠrables

1RW KDYLQJ VHHQ WKH VWDJH VKRZ nor being especially fond of musical WKHDWUH , ZDV VXUSULVHG WR ÀQG P\VHOI at the local Odeon (I still call it the 0DMHVWLF RQ WKH RSHQLQJ QLJKW RI WKH ÀOPҋV UHOHDVH LQ -DQXDU\ , ZDV HYHQ PRUH VKRFNHG WR ÀQG KRZ PRYHG , ZDV by its spiritual content. I found myself saying to a friend soon afterwards that if anyone was frightened of dying then the last scene in the convent VKRXOG SXW KLV PLQG DW UHVW , DP RI FRXUVH UHIHUULQJ WR WKH GHDWK RI -HDQ 9DOMHDQ WKH UHGHHPHG FRQYLFW ZKR LV ZHOFRPHG RQ KLV MRXUQH\ WR KHDYHQ %RWK WKH ODWH )DQWLQH DSSHDULQJ DQJHOLFDOO\ EHIRUH KLP DQG WKH %LVKRS RI 'LJQH WKH SULHVW ZKR SUHYLRXVO\ forgave him for stealing church silver and subsequently added two FDQGOHVWLFNV WR KLV ERRW\ DUH WKHUH WR Bring Him Home. Having done some UHVHDUFK , QRZ UHDOLVH WKDW , DP QRW alone in believing that the adaptation

for Victor Hugo’s novel for stage and screen expresses great Christian messages of redemption DQG VHOĂ HVV ORYH *HRUJH &DUH\ preaching as Archbishop one Easter 6XQGD\ UHFDOOHG WKH VDLQWO\ ELVKRSŇ‹V IRUJLYHQHVV DV ŇŠWKH Ă€QHVW GHVFULSWLRQ of grace outside the New Testament’. It appears that when the show was reworked in English both the codirector and co-lyricit’s fathers were prominent biblical scholars and may have left their mark. There are 31 references to God in the libretto used LQ WKH Ă€OP 7UHYRU 1XQQ RQH RI WZR directors responsible for the stage YHUVLRQ IHOW WKDW LW ZDV ŇŠSULPDULO\ a musical about God’. Cameron MacIntosh described the bishop as ‘the voice of God throughout the story’. Like many who have repeatedly seen WKH VWDJH VKRZ , FDQQRW ZDLW WR watch Les MisĂŠrables again.

Penny Freeston 19


Family C C

Welcome to our new children's pages reporting on all children's activities at St Mary's

Seekers fund raising for the Makutano boys Sunday 7th April 2013 Seekers are planning a fund raising event for the Makutano Children’s home in Kenya. As you have read recently the boys need money to see them through secondary school. Ideally sponsors are needed to fund each boy’s fees and recently some boys have been sent home from school due to lack of money to cover this. On Sunday 7th April Seekers are planning a morning of fund raising activities to do their bit to help change this situation. The children will be sponsored to walk around the outside of the church during morning service. After the service, there will be a cake and pastry stall and tombola with prizes for children and adults. We will use our store points cards to buy prizes for the stall. Can you HELP with cakes pastries, or toys/prizes for the tombola or by sponsoring the children for their walk? Your support will be very much appreciated Thank you in advance THE SEEKERS TEAM


w 20


CCCC I Imagine: A Child’s Book of Prayers

by Rachel Rivett Published by Lion Hudson Plc Hardback £5.24 (www.eden.co.uk) ISBN 9780745962085 A beautifully illustrated picture book with SUD\HUV LI WKH VXQ LV VKLQLQJ LI WKLQJV DUH KDUG LI LWҋV ZLQWHU GDUN LI OLIH LV VWRUP\ LI ,ҋP IXOO RI MR\ LI ,ҋP VDG LI ,ҋP WRR VK\ WR DVN IRU KHOS LI ,ҋP IXOO RI HQHUJ\ LI , IHHO OLNH JLYLQJ XS LI ,ҋP ZRUULHG LI ,ҋP WLUHG IURP WRR PXFK thinking and if it’s time to sleep: If I open my eyes and ears, my heart and mind, the earth opens like a book and I can read the wisdom there, and imagine...

Joke Time 7KHUHVD OLYLQJ LQ :RRGIRUG GHFLGHV WR post the old family Bible to her brother in 1RUZLFK 7KH SRVW RIĂ€FH HQTXLUHV DV WR whether there is anything breakable in the parcel. ‘Only the Ten Commandments,’ Theresa replies with a smile.

O Lord, if I’m sad, I imagine I’m a seed curled up close in the arms of the earth and know that soon the sun will come out to warm me.

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Come and join our club called ‘The Church Troop’ after church service every Sunday. Come into the crèche and we will play a game‌ And then choose a word of the week, talk about it and do some drama. While the adults are having refreshments ‘IN PEACE’

This is what some of the members said:

'The Club is playful and exciting' – Millie 'Really fun and you learn about God, friendship and kindness' ² -RVLH 'Good and exciting also very interesting' – Elsa Ellodie and Phoebe

Introducing Join Hands

@ St Mary’s Children & Family Events

Ever missed out on a children’s event and wished you’d known about it earlier? Living in London we are fortunate to live in one of the largest Christian communities in the UK. At St Mary’s we are celebrating that vibrant energy by launching an e-bulletin to our families telling them about Christian events local to E18 (and occasionally beyond!). Praise parties Summer fêtes Holiday clubs Messy church Activity days If you have kids under 11 years and want to sign up for a monthly e-bulletin from -RLQ +DQGV VHQG DQ HPDLO WR MRLQKDQGV#VWPDU\VZRRGIRUG RUJ XN RU WDON WR -XOLH 5REHUWV RU DVN DW WKH 3DULVK 2IÀFH $ VQHDN SHHN DW HYHQWV FRPLQJ XS EASTER 23rd March Queen Mary's Gate Easter Egg Hunt 1.30 – 4pm 24th March St Mary’s Stations of the Cross at Seekers 10am 29th March St Mary’s Good Friday activity 11.15am


29th March Trafalgar Square Wintershall Passion Play 12 noon and 3.15pm 2nd April Latchett Evangelical Church (DVWHU 0HVV\ &KXUFK SP latchett.co.uk


CCCC Child's prayer

Troop members from top left: Ellodie, Phoebe, Millie and Josie

Jesus bids shine With a pure, clear light, Like a little candle Burning in the night; In this world of darkness, So we must shine, You in your small corner, And I in mine.


The 1st and 9th Woodford Brownies led the service on Mothering Sunday with UHDGLQJV SUD\HUV DQG D GHPRQVWUDWLRQ RI MXVW KRZ GHPDQGLQJ children can be‌ to show ZKDW D VWHUOLQJ MRE PRWKHUV do. The church was full to WKH EULP DQG IRU D ÀQDOH daffodils were distributed from baskets kindly prepared by the Seekers team.




The Woodford Fellowship of Christian Churches Service of Prayer for Christian Unity


he Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is usually observed from 18th to the 25th January, the octave of St Peter and St Paul. This year’s service was put together by an ecumenical group of women in Southern India. The theme they offered to us all was to act justly in the world. The text was from Micah 6.6-8. Members of nearly all our local churches in Woodford gathered for the service at St Pauls, Woodford Bridge this year. We sang “The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord‌â€?

and “Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!�. We prayed together. We thought of Ruth and Boaz. We thought of Jesus and the Canaanite women, an encounter which showed us that Jesus was not for the chosen people alone. We heard the story of Babel and of the legacy of our diversity. We shared our prayer, our singing and our worship, knowing that we had come from different parts of the church but that we were travelling together. It was a snowy night but the atmosphere of the service was warm. Cheryl Corney

Right on song O

n Advent Sunday the Rector presented Heather Everett with a medal from the Royal Schools of Church Music and a KXJH ERXTXHW RI Ă RZHUV XSRQ KHU UHWLUHPHQW IURP WKH FKRLU 7KH inscription on the medal read: ‘57 years dedicated to the Lord in 6RQJ¡ , ZDV WKH JUDWHIXO EHQHĂ€FLDU\ RI +HDWKHU¡V FRQWULEXWLRQ WR RXU FKRLU LQ P\ Ă€UVW \HDU DV 'LUHFWRU RI 0XVLF DW 6W 0DU\¡V ZKLFK must have been Heather’s 57th. Heather was an especially strong soprano who could rise to the challenge of major solos, which many at St Mary’s remember. Heather could even manage the especially demanding solo in Allegri’s Miserere, which goes up to a top C. On behalf of the choir and everyone at St Mary’s, thank you so much, Heather, for all your unbelievably long years of service to our music. Frederick Stocken 24

St Paul's Church Woodford Bridge

Quotes by famous (and not so famous) people chosen by Chris Meikle

I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details. Albert Einstein


Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Anon

Answers to the last edition’s Historical Christmas Quiz

1843 Queen Elizabeth I Queen Victoria The Illustrated London News Turkey The Chimes Blood Ebenezer Scrooge


:HHGV DUH Ă RZHUV WRR RQFH you get to know them. A. A. Milne


We are not necessarily doubting that God will do his best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be. C.S. Lewis


I fear one day I’ll meet God, he’ll sneeze and I won’t know what to say. Ronnie Shakes 25


Roy Ide

26th September 1929 – 12th November 2012


aturday 12th January saw St Mary’s host a memorial service and interment for Roy Ide. Roy had been a regular worshiper at St Mary’s until mobility issues prevented him actually attending the church, although he remained an active supporter whenever he could. The memorial service was conducted by the Revd Canon Ian Tarrant and Roy’s son-in-law, the Revd John Carr. At the family’s request, Howard Goodall’s arrangement of 7KH /RUG ,V 0\ 6KHSKHUG was sung beautifully by the choir assisted by some of his family and eulogies were given by Lindy Macormac (niece), John Ide and Liz Carr (children). The family wish to thank all the church members who made the memorial service run so smoothly, for the help serving tea DQG FRIIHH DIWHUZDUGV DQG IRU WKH à RZHUV Roy was born and raised in Leyton and attended Leyton Grammar School. Living in Woodford since 1960, Roy and 26

his wife, Pam, developed an extensive network of friends in the area, many of whom were at the service. A keen DIY enthusiast, inherited from his grandfather who built his own house from the ground up, Roy was always willing to lend out his skills to those who needed the ‘odd job’ sorting out. His actual career was less physical, starting out in the Port of London Authority 3/$ DV D 7UDIĂ€F 2IĂ€FHU DQG WKHQ after redundancy, working at the Wolfston Institute as a Database Manager for the National Downs Syndrome Register. As well as his practical skills, Roy was a competent piano player who, in his younger years, supported amateur operatic groups as a rehearsal pianist. His collection of instruments included two baby grand pianos, a banjo, and a trombone. Roy also enjoyed playing bowls and was a regular member of the PLA Bowls Club. Other interests included playing bridge, chess and various other mental challenges in the form of the Daily Telegraph cryptic FURVVZRUG DQG WKHQ WKH WUXO\ GLIĂ€FXOW WHVW



of the Sunday Times Sudoku. After Pam passed away in 1992, Roy continued to keep himself busy as he continued to work on his house and garden and visiting his increasingly expanding family. He travelled to the Holy Land with St. Mary’s church members in 1999 and enjoyed the experience immensely. Roy became ill in April 2012 after complaining of increasing chest pain and breathing GLIÀFXOWLHV GXH WR à XLG FROOHFWLQJ LQ KLV SOHXUDO FDYLW\ 7KLV à XLG EXLOG XS ZDV due to a much more serious condition, mesothelioma (asbestosis) although this was not positively diagnosed until after Roy’s passing. He was a complex character who could appear to be very prickly but he had a good heart and was always happy to help out if the need was there. He was loved by all the family. Roy’s ashes were interred in St Mary’s memorial garden, alongside Pam.

John Ide When the day of Ressurection comes may we keep the feast with hearts and minds made pure, and in the never-ending glory of the life to come, we may enjoy the eternal Easter with the risen Saviour.


I sit on a bench in the churchyard. Over-blown tulips and forget-me-nots spill into the sunshine; high up in the cloudless sky a cherry tree LV Ă RZHULQJ 7LQ\ FDVFDGHV of pink petals drift across the XQ PRZQ JUDVV FDXJKW XS LQ the breeze coming after a long winter. I close my eyes and , DP EDFN LQ .\RWR ZDONLQJ beside the canal that leads to the Silver Pavilion. Cherry trees OLQH WKH 3KLORVRSKHUŇ‹V :DON DQ avenue of blossom so intense that even the light seems pink; EORVVRP Ă RZV WKURXJK WKH ZDWHU DQG Ă XUULHV GHVFHQG like snowfall all around us. Ladies wear kimonos and carry parasols; there are tea gardens and artists capturing the scene in watercolour before it fades: D FHOHEUDWLRQ RI VSULQJ DQ HQG to winter. Penny Freeston 27


Lemon brĂťlĂŠe Cheesecake

5HFHQWO\ P\ GDXJKWHU DQG , HQMR\HG D VOLFH RI OHPRQ EU€OpH FKHHVHFDNH at one of Saffron Walden’s busy ‘olde worlde’ tea shops. Having trawled WKURXJK D IHZ UHFLSH ERRNV , GHFLGHG WR DGDSW :HQG\ /LWWOHMRKQVŇ‹ UHFLSH IRU mascarpone and lime torte from ye olde St. Mary’s Cookbook (2004). O 200g pack ginger snap ELVFXLWV FUXVKHG O J EXWWHU PHOWHG O 500ig. mascarpone cheese O J LFLQJ VXJDU VLIWHG O Ă€QHO\ JUDWHG ]HVW DQG MXLFH of 2 lemons Mix together the crushed biscuits and melted butter and press into the base of a 7 inch loose bottomed cake tin. Place the PDVFDUSRQH LFLQJ VXJDU OHPRQ ]HVW DQG MXLFH LQ D ERZO DQG beat together. Spread over the biscuit base. Chill for 30 minutes. 5HPRYH FDNH WLQ GXVW WKH WRS RI the mixture with icing sugar and use a cook’s blow torch to create WKH EUXOHH Ă€QLVK TIP FROM MARY BERRY: Warm lemon halves in a microwave oven for a minute and you will then be DEOH WR H[WUDFW WKH PD[LPXP DPRXQW RI MXLFH ZLWK WKH PLQLPXP HIIRUW Thank you to Wendy for inspiring me! 28

Penny Freeston

Refreshment Time

Fancy a cuppa & a chat?


ome and join us after the 10am service every Sunday for tea, coffee and a chat. We even have biscuits! There is a gathering in the church and also one upstairs in the Gwinnell room.

What do you think?

Last issue we asked for feedback on when to publish this magazine. Beverley Fuentes suggested an issue before $GYHQW RQH EHIRUH WKH VWDUW RI /HQW something before Summer and then maybe one for Harvest. We did receive some response but do please let us know what you think; when should it come out and what kind of themes and material would you like to see.

Dear Magazine

I think the idea on page 18 of the last edition is excellent! The Christmas edition tends to get short attention due to Christmas’ , The Easter edition gets muddled up with the annual report so to link it to Advent/Lent/ (summer)or Harvest sounds good to me!

Jane Fone

Welcome to Sam McCarthy who has been brave enough to step into Viveca’s VKRHV DV WHFKQLFDO HGLWRU RI WKH PDJD]LQH :LWKRXW PRUH YROXQWHHUV WKH magazine would have fallen by the wayside long ago. So thanks to all involved in ‘keeping the show on the road’ and to everyone for contributing. We must pay credit to Viveca who gave huge amounts of time to this task and for being brave enough to stand down. We are slowly moving away from the ŇŠMRE IRU OLIHŇ‹ FRQFHSW DV ZH UHIUHVK RXU VNLOOV DQG FRQWULEXWLRQV WR FKXUFK OLIH LQ different directions. No one now feels the need to move house to relinquish WKHLU GXWLHV ,Q KLV RU KHU OLIH RQH SOD\V PDQ\ SDUWV HVSHFLDOO\ DW 6W 0DU\Ň‹V COPY DATE FOR THE NEXT MAGAZINE WILL BE 30TH MAY 2013.



Dorothy Fairchild 1918 – 2013


orothy, or Dot as she was sometimes affectionately known,was born and brought up in Leytonstone. She lived there until she met her husband Arthur who was working as a ballroom dance demonstrator. It was hardly surprising that she became an accomplished ballroom dancer her speciality being the foxtrot. They married in wartime and Dorothy subsequently helped Arthur in the running of his retail businesses in the East End; indeed, Arthur affectionately named one of his shops ‘Dorothy’s’ after her. Essentially, however, Dorothy was a housewife and mother. She had 2 children Frank and Gill and they lived in Manor Park. Arthur died in 1975 but it wasn't until 1991 that Dorothy moved to South Woodford. It was then that she started to accompany Gill to worship here at St Mary’s until 8 years ago when her lack of mobility prevented her from coming regularly. She spent the last years of her life EHLQJ ZHOO FDUHG IRU ÀUVWO\ LQ $EEH\ÀHOGV in Fairlight Road and then Birchwood in Clayhall. During this time, we continued to regard her as a member here and

visited her and took holy communion to her so that we never lost touch. Sadly, Dorothy’s son Frank pre-deceased her 5 years ago but she is survived by her daughter Gill, a most supportive and loving daughter and by her 3 grandchildren, Nicholas (who came to 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO DQG ZDV FRQÀUPHG KHUH Paul and Stephen and by 4 greatgrand-children. Chris Winward

God’s promise of resurrection is written not only in books but in every springtime leaf. Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)



BIG thank you to everyone for submitting contributions and photographs to this edition.


3OHDVH NHHS WKHP FRPLQJ DV ZLWKRXW WKHP ZH ZRXOGQŇ‹W KDYH D SDULVK PDJD]LQH $UWLFOHV SUD\HUV ERRN UHYLHZV IDYRXULWH PXVLF UHFLSHV JDUGHQLQJ WLSV HWF :H ZRXOG ORYH VRPH FKLOGUHQ V drawings as well: the choice is yours! Email directly to: magazine@ stmaryswoodford.org.uk or pass to Penny who will type up your handwritten copy! And remember copy date is 30th May 2013. Magazine Team: Penny Freeston, Beverley Fuentes, Cheryl Corney, Ian Tarrant, Sam McCarthy

God the Father, by whose glory Christ was raised from the dead, strengthen us to walk with him in his risen life; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among us and remain with us always. Amen

Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain, wheat that in the dark earth many days has lain; Love lives again, that with the dead has been; Love is come again like wheat that springeth green. J.M.C.Crum

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