The Marauder

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Out and About

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The Marauder Page 1

Soccer: The St. Mary girls’ soccer team has had a highly successful season thus far. The team has brought home medals from both the Moose Jaw and Carlton Tournaments. The girls also beat Carlton 3-1 to win the regional gold medal and are preparing themselves for provincials in Swift Current, October 2930. Good luck girls!!

Football: Our Senior team’s last regular game was Fri. Oct 23 in Saskatoon. They are now heading into playoffs. For the Junior team the season is over. Their record was 3-3.

Chamber singing group: Auditions were held and the Chamber Choir will start practicing this week!

Glee: The Glee Club’s rehearsals are now underway! They are practicing for Music Festival and ChorFest after the New Year!

There will soon be school clothing for sale in the office. Be sure to watch for the memo in the daily announcements and buy some St. Mary clothing. Show your school pride and wear your school colours!!

News About the Play This year Upstage Production’s play being performed is called, “In-Laws, Outlaws and Other People Who Should Be Shot”, which will be presented on November 25th-28th in the lecture theatre. We went and talked to Mr. Van about the play to see how everything was going! He told us the play was excellent and everything seems to be right on track. There are going to be fifteen actors and eight crew members in the play this year and when we asked Mr. Van if he was excited for the play and he said, “I always am, It’s always fun and I’m more excited about it being a Christmas theme.” Another question we asked him was if it was difficult to direct and teach a play, his first response was, “No, I’m a professional.” Then, while smiling, he said “When I come into rehearsals, it’s easy because I’m working with a group of people who actually want to do it, and want to be here.” So come to the play in November, as you are always welcome and the Upstage Production crew can’t wait to entertain you. We hope you can all make it! -J.S -J.S

October 2015


ear readers,

After an absence of a couple of years, The Marauder is back and here to stay! Under the direction of Mrs. Bernier and Mrs. Daniel Minier, a team of amateur writers, artists and journalists has assembled to bring you the latest of St Mary’s sports, art and school life. The monthly Marauder will feature current events, advice columns, interviews, serial short stories, artwork, jokes and more, headlined by a seasonal theme. If you have a suggestion for the Marauder’s next issue or would like to participate in its creation, contact Mrs. Bernier or Mrs. Daniel Minier. Happy reading!

Inside This Issue: P.2 Benefits of a Dramatic Life

P.2 Dear Jade Column Pg. 3 Movie and Music Review Pg.4 Spotlight Pg 5 How to Survive… Pg. 6 Horoscopes! Pg. 7 News on Alt– ED

Benefits of a Dramatic Life

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Every year since I have been in high school, I've worried about choosing the right extracurricular activity in which to be involved. Upon entering high school in grade 9, I was interested in a lot of things. These interests included volleyball, anything to do with helping out the environment, and most of all, music. Attending St. Mary's has provided me with many opportunities to expand on music as a hobby, but the one choice that has helped shape my self-esteem and identity the most would be choosing to be involved in St. Mary’s drama program, Upstage Productions. Many look at the drama program and turn away because they have stage fright and acting is not their thing. However what they don't know is that, regardless of your personality, there is always a spot for you to do what you are comfortable with in the drama program. If you are a hands-on type of person, set-building and preparation is probably your forté. in the months before the production, to oversee the progress of the set , is one of the most amazing things to witness. If you like playing music but refuse to be in the spotlight, I suggest you look into the pit band. The pit band consists of mainly high school level musicians, who auditioned for a part. They are crammed into a small space under the stage to create live music for the performers. Being in a small space for so long could push your limits, though some don't have a problem with the tiny space, which is nicknamed the dungeon. It is where many friendships are formed. Even if you veer towards the technical side of things, there's a spot for you! We have a large group of 'techies' who are the heart of our show. Without them, there would be no cool lights, everything would be out of time, the sets would not move, the props wouldn't be in the right place, and it would be pure chaos. The technicians are reliable, and our productions would run off the track if we didn't have them. In conclusion, Upstage Productions is a welcoming community for everyone and anyone, even if you are not new to the school. It is a place to develop your confidence, make new friends, and always do something you love. Watch for upcoming events in the announcements and come and join us! It’s always a blast!

With love, Nova Lena

Dear Jade

Dear Jade,

Dear Jade ,

I’m always too tired to get up for school, which causes me to be late a lot of the time. How can I barely speak to this guy in my English class getting up in the morning become easier? but I have a huge crush on him. What do you -Always Tired think I should do? —Confused

Dear Tired,

Dear Confused, I personally think you should approach this guy and get to know each other. Talk to him about a class related topic or something that’s going on at school. It’s going to take a little while before you get into anything more, but great things take time. If he doesn’t feel the same way, I think you should just let him go. I know it might be hard and that it’s easier said than done, but he is not worth it if he cannot see what a wonderful person you are! Hope this helps!


That all depends on what time you go to bed and how close or far you live from your school. I think you should get a lot of sleep though. If you go to bed earlier, it will be easier for you to get up in the morning. Just try to manage how many hours you sleep in one night and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Remember that you should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep a night and I suggest you prepare your clothes and make your lunch the night before so you can just get up, shower and go. Hope this helps!


Do you need advice on how to deal with something? Just ask Jade! Send your questions to :


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Walking into our classroom is an exploration into colour, peace, love and acceptance. You will see Mr Regel's beautiful fish, prayer flags, many plants, and our ceilings, walls and lights are covered with out art. Mr VanOtterloo donated colour gels which we used to create our own stained glass lights. Our door is always open for anyone to come and visit us.

The Functionally Integrated kids are super excited to be able to reach out to all the staff members offering a beverage service. This happens in period four, just after lunch, during 'siesta' time! We offer many amazing items such as café Americano, organic blueberry tea and Iced Tazo Passion flavoured water as well as many others. This is a free service and all the kids require is a smile. The response has been amazing! We also are exploring different ways to create backgrounds for the personal books we are writing. Our illustrations vary from techniques such as watercolour, chalk and oil pastels, tempra, shaving cream and food colouring, and pretty much everything from the beginning to end of Pintrest. We love our school and showed our support for them with sidewalk chalk inspirational sayings. We also may have accidentally created some body chalk lines, but it was fun. Our most recent venture was a collaboration with Mr Wotherspoon's Christian ethics class. We gathered in the wrestling room with them to discuss bullying, and ways to combat it. Then we created friendship bracelets of blue and white the actually glowed in the dark!

Here is a quote from one of our students: "Our classroom is filled with colours and new things. It makes me feel good. We make good coffee. You should come and see us."

Mrs. Mahlberg and the Fung Shui Kids!

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What’s Your Horoscope? Aries:

You are a natural born leader who’s fearless, so don’t be surprised if this Halloween you have to take charge! Don’t forget to have fun, too, Aries!


You are known for being outgoing, so you’re bound to have a good time. But as mercurial as you are, be sure to control yourself so you don’t ruin your Halloween.



side come out this Halloween, Pisces, whether it be decorating the house or coming up with a sick costume! And enjoy all the candy and chocolates this year, because Halloween only comes one a year.


This Halloween It’s never a dull moment you probably aren’t worried with you, so I know this so much about candy but Halloween you’ll have an more about having a good awesome time! time with friends. But don’t let lies kill your Halloween. Taurus: This Halloween enjoy all the Aquarius: No one could junk food and chilling out ever tell you what to do, with friends. But if things Aquarius, so for Halloween, don’t go as planned do whatever you want to do! remember to keep your That will make the night fun!


Everybody loves a Libra because they’re so pure and fun. You’ll have loads of fun, as long as no one fights or argues.

Virgo: Don’t be shy this Halloween, step out of your comfort zone and try not to over think things and just have fun!

Fierce! Loud! Loved! Those are some words that describe you, so this Halloween you are bound to have a good time with lots of laughs.

Pisces: Let your artistic

Review: How to get away with Murder

How to Get Away with Murder released, what I think, was an amazing first season in 2014. Usually the first season of a TV show can be slightly boring or the acting can seem awkward and forced because it is obvious that the actors are still getting used to working with each other. This show wasn’t like that. This first season was suspenseful, dramatic, funny and horrifying. What more could anyone ask from a TV show? The show is basically about Connor, Asher, Michaela, Laurel, and Wes, a group of five law students. They managed to impress their criminal defense teacher, Annalise Keating, so they were picked to go intern in her law firm. While working at the firm, the five law students get caught up in a murder plot that has a very good chance of destroying their lives. I managed to watch this entire 15-episode season in a day and half, which is not a regular occurrence for me, but I didn’t have the willpower to do anything else, until I had watched every episode. Each episode ends with some shocking new information that leads to more questions. If I were to choose a favourite character in this show, I would pick Connor because I find him to be very clever, witty, and hilarious. I highly recommend that everyone watch this show and that they set aside at least two days to do nothing but watch the first season on Netflix because once they start it, they are not going to want to stop. If they go watch it now, they can easily catch up with the second season because it is only three episodes in and is so far just as amazing as the first season. — ZK



Dear Students,

Capricorn: Have fun this

In this column, I’ll be introducing you to some various types of music and some bands that may be of interest to you. Music is like a person who understands you. This one band I like is called Nirvana, their band was awesome and amazing. Nirvana was an American rock band. They became a band in 1987, so that was twenty-eight years ago. They split up when the lead singer shot himself, but their music is in the Rock and Roll hall of fame. Nirvana establish itself as the part of the Seattle grunge scene. My favourite song of all is, “Come as you are.” So if you’ve never listened to Nirvana, give them a try-maybe you’ll like them too!

You are very imaginative so if you’re planning on watching a scary movie this Halloween, be sure to have friends with you and a ton of junk food.

Halloween by participating in your family traditions, I think it will make your Halloween a little better.

Happy Halloween

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Spotlight on…

How To Survive: High School Page 4

Cross country running at SMHS Leaves crunching beneath your feet, mist on your nose and wind in your hair- just add a pair of bright running shoes and you have cross country running! Although it is exclusively an autumn sport, cross country season runs from late August to midOctober, simultaneously with volleyball, football and soccer seasons. As a result of this, and also because of the mostly unappreciated length of its races, cross-country is often overlooked as one of St Mary’s most challenging sports. Penelope Winchester met with grade 10 cross country runner Jayden Bissky to discuss her participation in St Mary’s cross country team. PW: What exactly do you do in cross country?

JB : We do tempo runs, long runs and sometimes timed runs. Our training is done mostly on hilly and sandy trails. Afterwards, we stretch and sometimes Mrs. Skomorowski brings apples for everyone as a post-workout snack. I’m a junior girl this year so my race distance is four kilometers. Other races range from three to six kilometers with the midget girls running three km and the senior boys running six km. PW: How long have you been running cross country with St Mary? JB: I’ve been running for two years. I started in grade 9 because my math teacher, Mr. Watt, was the cross country coach. PW: What inspired you to start running? JB: I was new to SMHS and I wanted to get involved in as many activities as possible. I also thought it would be a good way to get in shape for speed skating. PW: What do you most appreciate about this sport?

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Organize It’s honestly a godsend when your bags, binders and lockers are organized. Keep your bag organized with anything you feel you’ll need throughout the year: Hand sanitizer, books, headphones, deodorant, stress ball, etc. Your binder should be organized because not only is it satisfying to have the cleanliness, but it will take away stress of disorganization.

Deodorant is not Poison Seriously people, deodorant is not poison. But, not wearing it is. Teenagers sweat like nobody’s business and it reeks. Walking down the hallway by the football room is what hell must smell like. Wear deodorant and you can freely flail about your arms, hug people and not scare them off.

Teachers are People Okay I know, I said the bad word. Teacher. But really, they are people. As a student myself, I know the burdens we deal with like anxiety disorders, trying to find yourself, mental illness and how stressful it all can be, but teachers are susceptible to it as well, and they feel stress just about as much as we do. Yes, they may forget we are people sometimes, but we also forget they are people as well.

Stand your Ground School is such a lovely place where everyone is SO nice. Yes, I am being sarcastic. Every school, every place is going to have a bully. It’s just an awful fact, but it’s not one from which we can hide. If you’re being harassed hold your ground. They only hurt you because they can’t deal with their low self-worth properly. They find that it’s easier to take it out on others. At least tell someone: a teacher, cousin, sibling, parent, a friend, someone. If all else fails, come find me. I have a 1st period spare and don’t mind sassing people.

Sleep I know, I saved the worst for last. Sleep is amazing, but we don’t get enough of it. With part-time jobs, school, homework and stress sleep becomes the least of our worries and we end up sleep-deprived and like angst-ridden zombies. But, seriously, at least sleep for 6 hours every day. If it racks up to that between naps between classes or at home, just get the rest. It can help stimulate your brain properly and help you function in times to come. Less sleep, more risks. That’s honestly all there is to it. —C.S

JB: I like how it pushes you. You can’t just stop- you’ll be alone in the middle of the woods if you do. Also, you’re proving to yourself that you can accomplish the things you put your mind to. My favourite part of cross country is the feeling you get after you run. PW: What differs cross country running from other sports? JB: Because it is an individual sport, you rely solely on yourself. There are no substitutions or timeouts. Once you start, it’s all up to you and you have to finish no matter how hard it gets. PW: What are your goals for the upcoming SHSAA Provincial Championship? JB: I’m hoping to finish in the top 50 for my race and I’d also like to beat my personal best in the four kilometer distance. PW: Would you recommend cross country to other people and why? JB: Yes, because it is super fun and you meet lots of cool people. As I mentioned before, it’s also a great way to stay in shape. PW: Do you take part in sports and activities other than cross country running? JB: Yes, I participate in volleyball, basketball and wrestling. I also play in the jazz band and in the spring musical pit band. Out of school, I speed skate with a club. PW: Finish this statement: ‘’Cross country is running until…’’ JB: (…) you get chocolate milk. (…) your legs give out from underneath you and you fall face-first in the dirt. (…) you push the limit of what you can’t do until you can do it.

The total amount from our Terry Fox Fundraiser is……$2261.26!!!

Thank you to everyone who participated!!!

How To Survive : Early Mornings If you are already a morning person then you shouldn’t need this, but if you dread waking up in the morning and can barely get yourself out of bed then read on to learn how to survive those early mornings. 1. Plan ahead: Be prepared for the following day. Pack everything you need in a bag, pick out your clothes and have everything ready. Know how you are getting to your destination in the morning and how long it takes to get there. 2. Set alarms: If you are the type of person to wake up on the first alarm, I applaud you. Most likely you will ignore it or put your first alarm on snooze, therefore you should have multiple alarms: maybe have them every 5 minutes or 10 minutes to make sure you wake up on time. Make sure your alarms have a loud and annoying ring, and maybe put it on the other side of your room, making you get out of bed to shut it off. 3. Sleep: Get enough sleep! On average you should get 8 hours of sleep. Most people don’t get that much and that is a reason you can’t get up in the morning. Nobody wants to deal with a cranky person in the morning! Get some sleep. 4. Breakfast: Eat a nice, light, healthy breakfast. Maybe have a banana or some oatmeal, with a glass of orange juice or a warm cup of coffee. Going to your destination on an empty stomach will make your day longer and rough. Try to sit down and enjoy a good breakfast. Getting up early isn’t so bad. The process of waking up in the morning can be brutal, but once you are awake and ready for the day, you have a long, fulfilled day ahead of you. Be prepared and make a routine. —-K.S.

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