February Visionary 2017

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A NOTE FROM SCOTT LATHAM Please help spread the word for folks to know about these opportunities. These groups and classes are open to anyone they might benefit including people you know who do not attend St. Luke’s.


You don’t know them. But when they got married they were viewed as today’s Romeo and Juliet; King Arthur and Guinevere; the “IT” couple. The “TRY-AND-BE-LIKE-THEM” couple. They led worship at churches and spoke at retreats and camps. She wrote a very popular blog and he had a very successful business. They were raising children, biological and adopted, and living a beautiful, fairytale life. Now they are divorced. It shocked everyone. Everyone. Did you know that the number one reason couples divorce is due how they argue. Certain styles of conflicting are toxic and deadly to marital love. Learning how to conflict in a way that resolves issues and also preserves respect and trust is the key to having a marriage that last till “death do us part”. In my opinion, EVERYONE can always use a refresher course on how to argue well. A “Making Marriage Stronger” Grace Group will begin Sunday, February 12th, focused on how to argue and conflict for good resolutions. The class will be from 4:00-5:30 at Southwest campus and nursery will be provided. If you have questions please call Scott at the church office


Do you know how to make a bieroch (a German food)? My mom’s parents came to the United States from Germany so naturally my mom cooked German dishes. As with many recipes, certain things went into making a bieroch and certain things did not. To add an ingredient not in the recipe or to subtract an ingredient from the recipe resulted in not making a bieroch. What are the ingredients couples need to bring to their relationships in order for their marriages to be what God intended marriage to be in the first place? A “SERIOUSLY DATING, ENGAGED, AND NEWLY MARRIED” group will begin Wednesday, February 1st. We will gather at 6:00-7:30pm at Central campus. Focus will be given to Ten Essential Ingredients Necessary For Lifelong Love. All young couples are invited whether they come to St. Luke’s, go to another church, or don’t attend anywhere. If you need more information please call Scott at the church office:


All college students are welcome to the Latham home Tuesday nights at 8:00-9:30pm for a robust, thought-provoking, in-depth bible study. Currently we are studying the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. We will take a break for all the holidays but start back up January 24th. If you need more information please call Scott at the church office


We will spend 1/3 of our lifetime working. Yet there are a staggering number of Americans who are extremely unhappy in their occupations. What does that mean? Why do some people see work as a curse and others treat it like a god? And as Christians, were does work fit into God’s calling on our life to “seek first His Kingdom”? This Grace Group is for all Junior, Senior, or Graduate college students who feel a need to examine and unpack the meaning of work, what the Bible has to say about work, and how we can bring our Faith to the secular workplace with integrity and dignity. We will look at Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Joseph as case studies as well as the meaning of Sabbath and other work related topics. We will meet Wednesday nights, starting January 25th. Our meeting will be 8:00-9:30pm in the fellowship hall at Central campus. If you have any questions please call Scott at the church office


Grace Nights

St. Luke’s Lubbock

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