Cathedrallife spring2014 web version

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cathedral life

Seeds of H ope deans’ messages 2 | outreach 3 | ministries 4, 12 | parish life 5 - 8 | schedule of events 9 | cathedral arts 10

St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral • Los Angeles

deans’ messages Seeds of Hope at Easter! by Fr. Mark Kowalewski

“Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain, Wheat that in the dark earth many days has lain; Love lives again, that with the dead has been: Love is come again, like wheat that springeth green.”


e sing this hymn (at left) during the Easter season connecting the death, burial and resurrection of our Risen Lord to seeds planted in the ground in hope finally sprouting green and bearing fruit, to the rebirth of God’s love in our hearts, and to our ultimate resurrection. What we proclaim at Easter is that we are people of hope. Like Jesus who went before us, we too will go to our graves in hope that we will be raised again in the new creation (St. Paul describes this in I Corinthians 15). We are about to engage on a project that should remind us about God’s new creation. You may have already heard about Seeds of Hope, our Diocesan program for congregations to grow food and share food

Draw Near With Faith by Fr. Daniel Ade

“Ye who do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy ways: Draw near with faith...” st. john ’s cathedral life


his invitation to confession before Holy Communion from Rite I in the Book of Common Prayer (at left) has its roots in the English Reformation and the 1548 prayer book. In those days, it literally meant that those who wished to participate in the holy Communion would gather around a free standing communion table in the choir or chancel to participate in the Lord’s supper. This year, during the Sundays of Passiontide through Holy Week and the Easter Vigil we too will have the opportunity to draw near with faith. The fixed seating of pews will be removed and most of our liturgical experience will take place on the floor of the nave. We will gather around the


with those who have little access to fresh fruits and vegetables (see story on page 4). A Parish based committee is exploring a few ideas right now: planting fruit and/or nut trees in movable containers, developing a farmers’ market geared particularly to those who have scarce resources for fresh produce, providing nutritional and menu planning/cooking classes on healthy eating for our Food Pantry guests. We are excited about partnering with other congregations and perhaps sharing produce with one another to help feed people in our communities. We are also blessed to have Tim Alderson available as a resource on the Diocesan level. Tim has rich experience in California agriculture and a passionate vision about this work. We also have a committed group of people from St. John’s who Continued on page 11 central symbols of our faith in a way that will allow us to engage in an intimate way during these most Holy days. We will use our space in a new way that reorients us and allows us to re-imagine our connection with Jesus who came to be with us. We will be close enough to experience the cross brought near on Passion Sunday. What will it be like on Palm Sunday to experience Psalm 118 as we shout Hosanna together in a circle rather than all facing forward? On Maundy Thursday we will intimately be near others as we watch them wash the feet of another or have others wash our feet as the whole community gathers around at tables to celebrate a sign of the heavenly banquet. That same night we will have the sacrament brought near to us, and we will Continued on page 11 spring ,


outreach The Guibord Center Religion Inside Out

The Guibord Center 101 Series:


he Guibord Center – Religion Inside Out has taken the acclaimed 101 Series to a new level of understanding with Sacred Texts in Sacred Places, deepening our appreciation of how sacred texts are revered as an integral part of worship and celebration by many religions and faiths. We have been privileged to visit the Hsi Lai Temple to chant the Buddhist Lotus Sutras, the Hindu Vedanta Temple to learn of the Upanishads, The Sikh Gurdwara to observe the reverence of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and the Baha’i Center to hear the teachings of the Bab and Bah-a-u-llah. With each encounter, all who attended have been met with gracious hospitality and have left the gathering feeling enriched. St. John’s Cathedral will host The Guibord Center for the hauntingly beautiful liturgy of Tenebrae during Holy Week as part of our 101 Series: Sacred Texts in Sacred Places. The name Tenebrae (the Latin word for “darkness” or “shadows”) has for centuries been applied to the ancient monastic night and early morning services (Matins and Lauds) of the three days of Holy Week. It has been revised as one service for use on Wednesday night of Holy Week and is often referred to as the “gateway” to Triduum, the three days of Jesus’ final Journey beginning with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and The Great Easter Vigil conclud-

st. john ’s cathedral life

ing with Easter Sunday. This unique service provides an extended meditation upon, and a prelude to, the events in our Lord’s life between the Last Supper and the Resurrection. Apart from the reading from Lamentations, in which each verse is introduced by a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the most haunting feature in the service is the gradual extinguishing of candles and other lights in the church until only a single candle, considered a symbol of our Beloved Jesus, remains. Beautiful music is interspersed throughout the liturgy deepening the experience. Toward the end of the service this single candle is hidden, typifying the apparent victory of the forces of evil. At the end of the service, a loud noise is made, symbolizing the earthquake at the time of the resurrection (Matthew 28:2), the hidden candle is restored to its place, and by its light all depart in silence. The Tenebrae Service will commence on Wednesday, April 16th, 7– 9pm with introductory remarks, followed by the liturgy, and concluding with light refreshments and a de-briefing of the experience. The liturgy for Tenebrae is rich in its simplicity and powerful in its symbolism. Please rsvp for purposes of the discussions and reception: www.the i



Sacred texts in sacred places at St. John’s for Tenebrae during Holy week

A previous Tenebrae service.

The name Tenebrae (the Latin word for “darkness” or “shadows”) has for centuries been applied to the ancient monastic night and early morning services (Matins and Lauds) of the three days of Holy Week. It has been revised as one service for use on Wednesday night of Holy Week, and is often referred to as the “gateway” to Triduum, the three days of Jesus’ final Journey beginning with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and The Great Easter Vigil concluding with Easter Sunday.

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ministries Seeds of Hope:

Cultivating Wellness

From Deacon Margaret McCauley

excerpted from the los angeles diocese website:

Deacon Speak…


or Tim Alderson, the new executive director of “Seeds of Hope,” coordinating efforts to feed the hungry and undernourished throughout the diocese is a pretty simple equation — lots of churches have available land, lots of people need food — so, he says, “Let’s get to work.” That “three million people, including a quarter of all the children, living in the six-county Diocese of Los Angeles don’t know where their next meal is coming from” is reason enough to get started right away, according to Alderson. “We are all in this together; we can farm the diocese,” said Alderson, a third-generation California farmer. “We can take an agricultural view of our 139 neighborhood congregations, 40 schools and 20 other specialized service institutions, seeing the abundant food-producing potential lying dormant here.” Since Bishop Diocesan Jon Bruno announced this latest Hands in Healing ministry initiative Alderson has visited community gardens from Camp Stevens in Julian to the Abundant Table Farm’s project in Oxnard and lots of places in between. He also has gathered representatives from congregations growing food and launched ambitious efforts to garner a $100,000 grant through a Christian, Jewish and Muslim interfaith farm project. i For complete story go to

st. john ’s cathedral life


mbracing the invitation of our sermon series: “Re-imagining your relationship with God and with one another,” I sought a beginning point, a place to launch myself into this work. My relationship with God and with my fellow sojourners is heartwork. Everything I do in my life enters into the treasury of my heart. I believe that love is the single emotion that is stronger than death. Strengthening a loving heart is a call to develop a compassionate heart. Pablo Casals, the famous Spanish cellist, composer, conductor and activist said, “The capacity to care is what gives life its deepest significance.” For my Lenten journey I turned to working inward through the disciplines of prayer and meditation to re-imagine my relationship with God and with my brothers and sisters. Prayer? Jesus modeled and taught us how to pray. Meditation? Be still and know that I am not God! In the Gospel of Luke the disciples say to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.” I want to consistently strengthen my prayer life. The Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer describes prayer as “responding to God, by thought and by deeds, with or without words.” It also identifies the kinds

Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence. This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: Love others as well as you love yourself. These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.” – Matthew 22: 37-40 (The Message)

of prayer: adoration, praise, thanksgiving, penitence, oblation, intercession, and petition. These kinds of prayer represent aspects of a relationship and they can overlap and run together. My prayer life reflects the various dimensions of my ongoing and continuously unfolding relationship with God. In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he assures us that prayer is an impulse planted deep within us by God’s own Spirit. How unconditionally loving it is to realize that prayer at its deepest and truest, is the activity of the Spirit at work in us even if we do noth- Continued on next page

Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” – Matthew 22: 37-40 (NRSV)


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parish life “This is God’s word on the subject: I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out — plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” – GOD’S DECREE. Jeremiah 29: 11-14 (The Message)

Easter A Season of Celebration

“The forty days of the Easter season, until the ascension, ought to be a time to balance out Lent by taking something up, some new task or

ing on our own. Yet, we are people of the word. And the Word is the risen Christ within me. Prayer is a learned practice. In today’s society, the Adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry and crowds. Psychiatrist Carl Jung once remarked, “Hurry is not of the Devil; it is the Devil.” The scripture refers to meditation as listening to God’s word, reflecting on God’s works, rehearsing God’s deeds and ruminating on God’s Law. There is stress upon changed behavior as a result of our encounter with the living God. The old priest Eli knew how to listen to God and helped the young boy Samuel know the word of the Lord (1Sam. 3:1-18). In the midst of a busy ministry Jesus made a habit of withdrawing to “a lonely place apart” (Matt. 14:13). Jesus was not getting away from people, he was being with God. He sought out st. john ’s cathedral life

venture, something wholesome and fruitful and outgoing and selfgiving. You may be able to do it only for six weeks, just as you may be able to go without beer or tobacco only for the six weeks of Lent. But if you really make a start on it, it might give you a sniff of new possibilities, new hopes, new ventures you never dreamed of. It might bring something of Easter into your innermost life. It might help you wake up in a whole new way. And that’s what Easter is all about.” — from Bishop N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope Christ Rising from the Tomb, Ambrogio Borgognone (c.1510)

God as he stilled himself to listen. In meditation, I seek a familiar friendship with Jesus akin to the reverent intimacy experienced by the disciples in the upper room. In the practice of meditation, I am seeking to create the emotional and spiritual space which allows Christ to construct an inner sanctuary in my heart. I want to detach myself from the hustle, bustle busyness


around me and embrace a deep, meaningful attachment to Jesus. I have found a place and a time to center the attention of my body, my emotions, my mind and my spirit on “the glory of God in the face of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). Meditation and prayer are a way of life ... a commitment to developing a faithful, mature relationship with the triune God. i spring ,


parish life

Holy Week Easter


At St. John’s

Jesus suffered and died and rose from the dead. This has a central impact on what it means to be a Christian.

st. john ’s cathedral life


hristians around the world celebrate the central and most sacred week of the Church year, Holy Week. Many years the Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Holy Week on a different calendar than the Western Church. This year, however, these different ways of calculating the date of Easter have aligned so that all Christians will celebrate these events of our Lord’s life at the same time. So why is it that we celebrate these days as the highlight of the year? While Christmas is the day we celebrate the fact that God became human, Holy Week and Easter present us with the events that are at the core of our faith.


Jesus suffered and died and rose from the dead. That has a central impact on what it means to be a Christian. We all live in a world subject to death and decay. No one and nothing lives forever. On Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, the Church reminds us — “You are dust and to dust you will return.” The mythic story of the Garden of Eden reminds us that we human beings have turned away from our creator and we turn against one another. Jesus not only entered our world, but he shared in our death. Then he took our human nature and brought it into a new creation on Easter morning. Easter represents God’s desire to remake the world, to start the creation all over and the first person to walk through the door of that spring ,


parish life

Opposite page: A crown of thorns is placed on the altar. This page, top left: Palm Sunday procession on W. Adams Blvd. Above: The veneration of the burial icon of Christ during the Good Friday liturgy. Left: Bishop Catherine S. Roskam confirming parishioner Elizabeth Chiaravalle at the Easter Vigil with sponsor Mary Gleason.

new life was Jesus. Now you and I are invited to live as part of the new creation. That’s what baptism and the renewal of our baptismal vows are all about. We are born anew — no longer citizens of a creation careening to oblivion, but sons and daughters of God invited to participate in abundant life — even if the circumstances we are currently in don’t demonstrate that reality. So this week we call Holy is first about remembering — that is, being st. john ’s cathedral life

present to the realities of Jesus’ last week with all the drama our rituals give us. Remember the entry into Jerusalem, remember the upper room and the last supper, remember Calvary and the tomb and the stone rolled away. Yet even more than remembering, we place ourselves in the meaning of these things. We walk with Jesus in the streets of Los Angeles on Palm Sunday, not as a commemoration, but a proclamation that we are citizens of a new creation that Continued on next page



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parish life

Top left: Feet are washed on Maundy Thursday. Top right: The sacrament is censed at the end of the Maundy Thursday service. Above: The community gathered for the Maundy Thursday meal listens to the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John. PHOTOS: PENNY JENNINGS

st. john ’s cathedral life

HOLY WEEK Continued from page 5

lives in hope for a new world transformed. We enter the upper room on Maundy Thursday and wash each other’s feet to practice what we are supposed to do all year long — serve one another. We partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord and revere him present in the Eucharist as a means of touching that new dimension in which he already lives. We go to the cross to remind ourselves that we have already died with Jesus in our Baptism, and though we will also undergo physical death we will enter into the full life of the new creation and finally rise with him as he did on Easter day when in our flesh we will see God. So be part of Holy Week this year — enter into all the days we celebrate, (the full schedule of services can be


found on the next page). Let this be a week long retreat from the busyness of life. Come on Palm Sunday. Be here on Wednesday of Holy Week as we begin to enter into the mystery of our Lord’s death at the Tenebrae service. Come on Maundy Thursday evening and celebrate the meal that not only recalls the Lord’s Supper, but also the banquet of the new creation. Come on Good Friday and venerate the icon of our Lord’s burial knowing in faith that we also will rest in hope of the resurrection. Come to the Great Vigil and witness baptism and renew your own vows before our Bishop like the early church did. Bring all your friends to join you on Easter morning and witness to the joy of the Risen Lord in your heart and life. These great days aren’t about something that happened to someone else they are about the hope of our lives and the life of the world. i spring ,


Holy Week i

2014 i

St. John’s cathedral SUNDAY, APRIL 13

12pm: Solemn Liturgy. An ancient liturgy in which we join with Christ in his dying in hope of rising with him in glory. The Choir sings Victoria’s dramatic setting of the Passion according to St. John. 7pm: Vespers. Remembering Jesus’ descent to the dead, we’ll hear contemplative scripture, read psalms and sing hymns together. Special music, by Mozart and Bach, will be offered by Benjamin Adler, clarinetist, Cynthia Marty, mezzo-soprano, and Ned Tipton, piano.


7:30am: Traditional service, blessing of the palms, and reading of the Passion Gospel. No 9am Service 11am: We focus on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a procession in the streets. Don’t forget your drums and other noisemakers for the procession along W. Adams Blvd.





7pm: We move from the triumphal entry into the shadows of darkness as we anticipate the passion of our Lord. This year we will be joined by guests of the Guibord Center. There will be instruction on the history of the service of Tenebrae at 7pm. Following the service, there will be a reception and then discussion. Included are hymns sung by all, and solos by Cathedral Choir member Cynthia Marty (including Ravel’s moving Kaddish) and clarinetist Benjamin Adler, accompanied by Ned Tipton, piano.

11am: We reflect on the mystery of death and hope of resurrection then leave this very brief (15 minute) service to prepare the church for the celebration of the Easter Feast. 8pm: Easter Vigil. We light the new fire of Easter and move from darkness to light telling the ancient stories of God’s people, then proclaim the Easter message, “Christ is risen!” Bishop Bruno will preside and preach. Bring your bells and other musical instruments.




7pm: We gather as Jesus’ first disciples gathered to begin the great three days by washing one another’s feet, celebrating the Holy Eucharist and joining for a simple meal as a community.


No 7:30am Service. 9am: We begin the day with a joyful family-friendly Mass in the Cathedral garden. The Easter Bunny will make an appearance here and at 11am Mass as well. 11am: The roof comes off with the pageantry of a festival Choral Eucharist with brass. Our Cathedral Choir sings Bairstow’s joyous Sing ye to the Lord, and arrangements of Easter music by our Canon for Music Ministry, Ned Tipton.


8am: A said service of Morning Prayer before the Altar of Repose in the Cathedral Garden (on the Figueroa Street side of the Cathedral building). st. john ’s cathedral life


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cathedral arts



From the Cathedral Arts Guild

by Ned Tipton, Canon for Music Ministry

he second half of our 2013-2014 season has been particularly busy … and very rich! On January 11, we partnered with the J. Paul Getty Museum with Art, Faith & Performance, with lectures on Canterbury Cathedral by Jeffery Weaver, Associate Curator at the Getty; and Fr. Mark on St. John’s. The Cathedral Choir was joined by Flos Campi, a USC-based early music ensemble, offering three medieval carols in praise of St. Thomas à Becket (martyred at Canterbury Cathedral in the year 1170), a brilliantly sonorous setting of the Magnificat by the 15th century English composer, Robert Fayrfax, and Vis ignea, an equally brilliant, recent work on a text by Hildegard von Bingen, by Cathedral

Choir member and USC Master’s student Jason Michael Saunders. In late January- early February we saw six performances of Bernard Pomerance’s The Elephant Man, imaginatively staged in the Cathedral by Patricia McKee. Particularly compelling was actor Mark McClain Wilson’s incarnation of John Merrick. This touching story of Merrick’s earnest and simple belief in God and the goodness of every human being was a moving event for the several hundred people who saw it — and came to St. John’s for the first time. On Saturday, March 1, we sponsored a rare L.A. concert by the Crenshaw Elite Choir, directed by Professor Iris Stevenson McCullough (whose career inspired Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit). The energy and talent of this widelytraveled group brought the audience to its feet many times. The collection taken that evening, Continued on next page



“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Top left: Cast of The Elephant Man. Above: The Cathedral Choir and Flos Campi in performance.

st. john ’s cathedral life


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are beginning to move us forward and will engage those of us in our congregation who already have expressed an interest. Maybe you too would like to participate in this project in some way? To find out more, contact me or Fr. Dan. There will be plenty of opportunities to serve in this ministry. So how does all this relate to the resurrection? St. Paul tells us that Jesus is the “new Adam.” He is

the start of God’s plan for renewing the old creation and that you and I, baptized into the death and resurrection of Christ are already reborn as participants in the new life God has in mind for the future of the whole world. So when we do things like what we envision in the “Seeds of Hope” project, we are living out God’s new creation dream where the fruits of the earth are grown and shared by all people. So what we do is a sort of demonstration project for God’s hope for the new creation. What better

way to symbolize our belief in the resurrection than to actually plant things that will bear fruit. While “Seeds of Hope” is a small project in the greater scheme of things, we are bearing witness to our hope for God’s future in our place and time and in a very practical way. This Easter Season, as we anticipate this project to help grow food and share food, let’s remember that we are sowing seeds of hope for God’s new creation. “Love is come again like wheat that springeth green.” i



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almost $1,800, will be used to help establish a scholarship fund for Crenshaw High School music students. We hope to make this an annual event, in partnership with the Music Department of Crenshaw High School. On Saturday, March 22, our second Jazz Vespers, accompanied by N2K, our Artists-in-Residence, collaborating with three other “top-drawer” jazz musicians, was well-attended — we anticipate adding more chairs the next time! Still to come … Saturday, May 10, 7:30pm, Flos Campi in concert. These exceptionally talented USC-based musicians will present a concert of the early music (Medieval and Renaissance), which sounds particularly well in our lovely building and generous acoustic. Our previously-announced Choir Cabaret has been postponed until the next season. Many thanks to the Board of the Cathedral Arts Guild, our financial sponsors and many other volunteers who have given so much to make this season the best yet! i

of God and open a door to experience God’s transcendence. As the Reformers taught us, we all share in the priesthood of Christ and we hope that experiencing these liturgies more closely and intimately will help us all to draw near in the celebration of these liturgies as God’s Holy people. We will not simply be passive participants but will actively engage our senses — touch, smell taste, hearing, seeing and moving together as we meet Christ in his death and resurrection. i

all dry the altar after it has been stripped and washed — a symbol of the body of our Lord. On Good Friday we all gather around the burial icon of Christ after we have heard the account of his passion and death proclaimed at noon, or gather by candlelight at Vespers in the evening. At the Easter vigil, we gather around the new fire and tell the ancient stories of our faith. Both the altar and the font will be there right in the midst of our community as we baptize a new Christian into the life of Christ, as others are confirmed and as we all renew our vows, then joyfully sing as we celebrate the first mass of Easter. These experiences on the one hand join us more deeply in community as Christ’s body, yet in a more profound way they allow us to draw near with faith to expe- The church ready for the community to draw near rience the immanence with faith before last year’s Easter Vigil.

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ministries The FlipSide St. John’s Young Adult Ministry

Our year in progress by Amanda Whiddon, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator


has been quite a year thus far for the FlipSide. We’ve moved, taken tests, gotten jobs, started our own businesses, begun the ordination process and so much more. As a group, we marveled at the Canterbury

windows at the Getty and played a brand new game to test our Biblical knowledge and sense of humor. We will also be hosting a few Christian Education classes on Sunday afternoons after Easter. Topics include the world of Jesus as presented by John Dominic Crossan and the theology of a good creation. Join the Facebook group or send your email to amanda@stjohns to be kept in the loop. i

“A Game For Good Christians” — a fun board game that tests our Biblical knowledge and sense of humor!

Chairs Update


he chairs committee has met with our consultant, Rhett Judice, and we have determined the style of chair that will replace our current pews in the nave. The chairs are solid wood and of good quality. Members of the congregation will have the opportunity to purchase chairs in memory of loved ones, in thanksgiving, or simply in your own name. The exact amount of each chair will be determined soon, and the ability to join in this opportunity will become available. It is not often that we have the opportunity to participate in a project that will provide a lasting legacy for years to come. At the same time some of the old pews will be restored and placed in the transept near the Baptistery and the fountain cloister courtyard. These pews will bear all the name plates that

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It is not often that we have the opportunity to participate in a project that will provide a lasting legacy for years to come. have been placed on them over the years. This section of seating will both be a testimony to those who have gone before us, but will also provide seating for those who prefer to sit in a pew. Each of the chairs to replace our current seating will have a kneeler as well. These kneelers are removable when the chairs will be stacked or when the chairs are reconfigured to be used for event seating in the nave of the cathedral. We look forward to the flexibility of seating arrangements available for liturgical events, but also the flexibility available for arts events, banquets and other community events. More information on this new transition will be on the way soon. i




the Magazine of St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral

514 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90007-2616 213.747.6285

• The Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno Bishop The Very Rev. Canon Mark Kowalewski Dean The Very Rev. Canon Daniel Ade Dean

On the cover: The congregation gathers around the new fire at the Easter Vigil. Photo: Penny Jennings spring ,


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