Agm minutes 1 march 2015

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OPENING PRAYER The Rector, in the chair, commenced the meeting at 11:45 am with prayer.





42 declarations were received from those attending


It was determined that a quorum was present.


Robyn Couch was appointed Minute Secretary.




It was determined that the minutes of the meeting be read for confirmation at conclusion of meeting (Bev Bingham, Heather Andrews)


The Rector’s very informative and thought provoking annual report for 2014, was presented giving thanks to the many parishioners who work so faithfully to support the ministry of the clergy and the many activities which we provide at St John’s. The report was received with acclamation

apologies were received.

Copies will be available from next Sunday. 7.

The Financial Statements of the wardens for the year ended 31 December 2014 were tabled, and presented by Dudley Johnson Full details of organ fund giving is available for perusal and names of donors will be placed in our Memorial book. The Accounts were received and passed with acclamation. (Dudley Johnson, Don Stephens) Thanks were extended to Sonia Vumbaca our Auditor.


The report from the Wardens for 2014 was received and accepted. The meeting received the reports of the following parish groups, representatives and activities as tabled with acclamation and thanks to all who have submitted reports and participated in activities. o Director of Music o Safe Ministry Representative o Godly Play o Special Religious Education o Youth Group o Playtime o Bible Study o The Op Shop o Mothers’ Union – Branch Treasurer and Secretary’s Reports o Amnesty International Activities o Pastoral Care o Pins’N’Needles o Men’s Group o Caritas o Reception, welcoming, hospitality and administration o Recital/Concerts

o o o o

Publicity Godly Play Singing Mums/Songbirds Organ Fund


The meeting noted Robyn Couch’s appointment as Rector’s Warden


Bev Bingham and Tony Johnson were elected People’s Wardens unopposed


Sonia Gulla-Vumbaca was elected as Honorary Auditor (Dudley Johnson, Bev Bingham)


Parish Council and Nominators (a) It was determined that we have a Parish Council with the powers of a Church Committee (Roger Soltau, Valda Ashover) (b) It was agreed that the Parish council consist of 9 elected members (Bev Bingham, Neridah Byrne) (c) Nominations for members of Parish Council were received for Heather Andrews, Valda Ashover, Lynette Johnson, Mark Ashover, Neralie Cocks, Greg McCann, Neridah Byrne, Dudley Johnson, Alma Ondevilla, Roz Peterson, Peter Robinson< Katherine Ward Special thanks were extended to Parish Councillors. Fr Steven appointed Neridah Byrne, Neralie Cocks and Mark Ashover as his nominees. Remaining nominations were declared elected unopposed. (d) Nominations for Parish nominators were received for Valda Ashover, Henry Bingham, Neridah Byrne, Graeme Couch, Lynette Johnson, who were declared elected unopposed.


Other business – Recommendations Graeme Couch moved the following MOTION :

That this meeting, thankful for rich heritage and resources that we have within the parish, and fellowship with many fine people within the family, recognising the importance of the Parish Council to the Spiritual Wellbeing of the Parish (as well as to its administrative and financial position), and in light of the past consultations and reports on our financial position and ongoing development, submit to the incoming Parish Council the recommendations that: a) In its reflections, consultations, programs and communication with parishioners, The Parish Council continue its good progress (as important as “balancing the budget” and similar concerns are) towards a clear and distinctive focus on the future development of our Parish life including by way of example: 1. Straightforward, easily communicated messages 2. Reflection to all comers (whether IN or presently OUT of the Parish circle) 3. Support and encouragement by all and to all being demonstrated and promoted 4. In the diverse activities in the parish (broadly covering “worship, service, and fellowship” b) That the Parish Council consult with and report to the Parish regularly as a whole, on the progress made and no less frequently than the reports made on our financial position. Motion Passed (Graeme Couch, Cynthia Watts)

The Annual General Meeting of St John’s Dee Why gives thanks to almighty God for the life and witness of Margaret Brownley, Hilary Dowe, Michael Johnston, Helen Myall, Olwyn Rodgers, Barry Stovold, Ted Wenning and commends them to almighty God. We move that their families be informed of these sentiments. (Bev Bingham, Neridah Byrne) The Meeting gave thanks by acclamation to Fr Steven, Deacon Sandra and Deacon Jenny for their continuing ministries and love and care of all Parishioners. C.

MINUTES The minutes were read and confirmed (Heather Andrews, Valda Ashover


CLOSE The Chairman declared the meeting closed with prayer at 1pm Chairman ___________________,

Date ___________________

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