Sterling College Stir

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The official student-run newspaper of Sterling College, serving since 1889 • For updates and more info, visit Volume 113 Issue 8

ON THE INSIDE Opinion: Page 6 Editorial Weekly Tornado “Cup of Joe” Cartoon SGA Column Campus Pulse

Features: Page 7 Senior Directed Show Choir Cabaret AFA Nationals Entertainment Review

Sports: Page 8 Baseball Softball Tennis Track

Photo by Kelly Johnson

Search for new Kilbourn RD begins By RYAN CORWIN Staff Writer With Kilbourn Hall Resident Director John Hackbarth leaving at the end of this semester, Student Life is in the process of looking for a new resident director for Kilbourn, a position that may be difficult to fill. “John has grown into the position,” Vice President of Student Life Tina Wohler said. “He loves the Lord and served Him well in the Kil-

Senior Aubri Brock practices batting on Tuesday afternoon. Brock said the team chose to wear silly outfits to practice in order to relax before beginning conference play yesterday. Photo by Taylor Libby

NEWSBITES CAB hosts Garden Party CAB will host a garden party this evening at 7 p.m. in the Sunken Garden in front of Culberston. The event will feature outdoor games such as Bocce ball, wiffle ball and volleyball. This is an opportunity to enjoy the Spring weather and spend some time outdoors.

Softball Recognition Congratulations to senior Emily Masters and junior MacKenzie Stramel for being named KCAC player and KCAC pitcher of the week.

“The community that John has built in Kilbourn is outstanding, and without him I’m not sure it would be the same great place,” Kilbourn RA sophomore Jordan Steinmen said. “The RD is the glue of the dorm team; he or she sets the pace for what the overall vibe of the dorm is through their leadership both with RAs and kids who live there.” While Sterling College is currently looking for someone with a Masters degree

in student affairs to fill the position, Director of Campus Ministries Jerrod Adair was originally offered the job. Adair decided to turn down the position in order to return to his hometown in Oklahoma and pioneer a church. The residence leadership teams hope to interview potential candidates in the coming weeks so that the new candidate is able to travel with them on their leadership retreat at the end of April.

Coach resigns Dr. Gregory Kerr after one season chosen as new dean

THISWEEK Today. Garden Party @ 7:00 Friday. Baseball @ 1:00 p.m. Musical Cabaret @ 7:30 Saturday. Track & Field @ Sterling Tennis vs KWU @ 9:00 a.m. Baseball vs. Ottawa @ 1:00 Softball vs. Hillsdale @ 1:00 Musical Cabaret @ 7:30

bourn RD position.” Wohler said the administration has multiple criteria they want to see in applicants, among which are a growing Christian commitment, exceptional interpersonal, leadership, and organizational skills and demonstrated personal maturity. As soon as the right person comes along, the position will be filled, Wohler said. However, resident assistants in Kilbourn contend it will be hard to replace Hackbarth.

Jenny Ellis By AMY WOODS Senior Staffer On March 25th, Southern Wesleyan University of Central, South Carolina, announced that former Sterling head volleyball coach Jenny Ellis had assumed responsibilities as head volleyball coach following her resignation at SC after only one season. This came as a bit of a shock after Ellis was named KCAC Coach of the Year for leading the Warriors to a third place conference finish this past fall. Since learning of Ellis’ intent to leave Sterling, the athletic department has begun to search for a new coach. “We are looking for the same qualities that we look for in any hire,” athletic director Andy Lamber said. “A vibrant Christian walk, a fierce competitive spirit in the field of play, an expert in their subject matter, the ability to recruit exceptional student/athletes and an approachable and compassion-

ate personality.” After her abrupt departure, the team was thrown for a loop, but overall, is handling it fairly well. “I have been extremely impressed with the team,” Lambert said. “ They have responded to the shock with a tough-minded determination to move forward and not lose ground that has been made in their program with Jenny as the head coach.” While each member of the team has been dealing individually with the sudden departure of their coach, it has been business as usual. “The team took it rough,” freshman Kelsey Deerinwater said. “We have bounced back in a decent manner. As a team, we still work out three days a week and have open gym practices throughout the week.” Deerinwater received multiple KCAC honors alongside Ellis this season. The team will have a part in choosing their new head coach, in a way similar to the process of hiring Ellis herself. “I know there is a lot of things on my teammates’ minds, as well as my own, about a new coach,” Deerinwater said. “We are just ready to have someone come in and start coaching us and leading us to our own goals individually as well as our team goals.” The athletic deparment hopes to hire a new head volleyball coach as soon as possible.

of academic affairs

Dr. Gregory Kerr By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer After a three-month search, on March 24th Sterling College officially announced the hiring of Dr. Gregory P. Kerr as the new Vice President of Academic Affairs. In a press release, SC president Dr. Paul Maurer said Dr. Kerr stood out among a group of highly qualified candidates. “His academic credentials are impressive, and in his experience as an interim vice president for academic affairs, he implemented numerous positive changes,” Maurer said. “I am delighted and excited that Dr. Kerr will serve with us at Sterling College.” Chosen from a pool of 40

candidates, Kerr’s career has included stints at The University of Minnesota as a post-doctorate research associate, Southwest Virginia Community College as an adjunct professor,and Bluefield College where he served as chair of Bluefield’s division of science and mathematics. Kerr would then serve as the interim Vice President of Academic Affairs from May 2008 to June 2009. According to Maurer, it was a combination of his experience, background, and personal beliefs that led to his selection. “His experience at our kind of institution is what set him apart,” Maurer said, “While we walked him through the process, he really rose above the other candidates.” Kerr will officially begin his career at SC on July 1st, taking over the duties that Dr. Kevin Hill and Dr. Felicia Squires have shared since January. “I think the future of the Sterling College Academics is in good hands,” Hill said. “As rewarding as my short tenure as Co-Interim Dean has been, my heart is in the classroom. I look forward to dedicating more of my time to teaching and working with students.”

Sterling Stir


OPINIONS Weekly Tornado


Easter break filled Spring weather brings romantic opportunity with homework, takes away time with family By CHRIS HALCROMB Staff Writer

As I write this, it is Easter weekend and I am on the road to Grandma’s house where my aunts, uncles, cousins and all sorts of Smart people will gather to talk about how cute the babies are, color eggs, eat, play games and just enjoy each others’ company as we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Will I join my loved ones in this celebration of life? Not unless I want to fail a class or two. This weekend, I have six essays to write and plenty of reading on my plate. Perhaps I am just a poor student and should have been responsible by skipping a couple nights’ sleep to put a bigger dent in my homework load before going home for Easter. My bad, but I know I’m not the only one. It comes as a surprise to me that a Christian college, who emphasizes the miracles of Christ and encourages us to understand the importance of Easter, would hand me such a huge pile of work to complete over these Holy days (most of which, in my opinion, is pointless busy work). Now I realize that the professors are not completely at fault. After all, they must follow and complete certain curriculum. In addition, we have four days off of school, which is truly a gift. However, many professors see extended weekends as great reasons to assign more homework. I see extended weekends as a time to spend with those I love, especially on holiday weekends. I am not blaming this reoccurring situation on anybody in particular but on society as a whole; our values are way out of order. In this season of rebirth, I suggest we rearrange our priorities. Rather than placing work and academic success over everything, let’s try and focus on Christ and family first. This is not a plea to eliminate homework forever; in fact, I quite enjoy learning. This is an appeal to evaluate ourselves and honestly ask what we spend the most time on. Is it work? School? Money? Or is it Christ, family or friends? I think that with a good switcheroo of personal values we will see a huge change for the positive.

It’s that time of year again: spring is here and so is the romantic spring fling. Here in Sterling spring really brings out the romance in all of us. For some reason at

Sterling College relationships start budding just like the flowers in front of Spencer. The springtime brings better weather, with the sun shining down, trees budding leave, and the day seems longer than it really is. Spring brings a special feeling to those in Sterling, it influences them in funny ways and students start to seek out guys or girls to take walks to the C-Mart with, or sit by Sterling Lake, or swing and lay out with a blanket in front of Campbell. The weather outside is so inviting it’s hard not to

A Cup of Joe

try to find someone you can share time with. There is also the spring formal which gets studen t s t h in k i n g wh o would be a good date, or who would be the right person to ask. The way students start to pair like their about to hop onto Noah’s ark is pretty cheesy in my opinion, but I think love is supposed to be a bit cheesy and awkward. I don’t think it would be as fun if it weren’t so sappy, even the way you try to find out if the other person likes you is cheesy. You talk to their friends to find out information,


you look for signs when you hang out, you even analyze your Facebook conversations, but the best way to find out if that other student likes you is just to ask them. People are not direct anymore with their feelings; people try to spare their feelings from being rejected. I understand that it is tough to tell someone how you feel and not know what’s going on in his or her head. Just in case that one person said no, there are about 721 other students attending Sterling so Mr. or Ms. Right isn’t too far away.



We interrupt your life to tell you Tiger Woods just went to the bathroom. Stay tuned for more updates.

What is the best part about Spring?

-- Robin Smart, Senior Staffer

Sterling Stir

“The beautiful colors.” - freshman Jesse Kagarise

Established in 1889 Editor-in-Chief...........................................Taylor Libby Senior Staffers.............................................Amy Woods Robin Smart Tim Luisi Cartoonist..........................................Joseph Dardzinski Staff Writers.................................................. Renard Bell Godfrey Miheso Alyson Kumpala Chris Halcromb Ryan Corwin Photographers..........................................Kelly Johnson Chris Latini Jon Van Veldhuizen Faculty Advisor.........................................Andrew Tash Contact us: E-mail:

The Stir is produced by Sterling College students and printed bi-monthly in and by the Sterling Bulletin, Sterling, Kansas. We seek to serve the Sterling College community with news and information. We work toward goals of honesty and integrity while always seeking the truth. We also work with an understanding of service to a Christian community. Letters to the editor must be signed and legible. Letters are subject to editing for style and spelling and will be printed at the editors’ discretion. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. the Friday before the print date (following Thursday). Opinions presented on the Opinion page do not necessarily represent the views of Sterling College. Address letters to The Stir, SC Box 8, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579. E-mail submissions are accepted and must be sent to

Kansas Press Association

Associated Collegiate Press


Complaints fail to bring about change By MATT EHRESMAN SGA President

I will be the first to admit that Sterling College is not perfect. There are problems with our school, and people make bad decisions. However, over the past few weeks and months, I have noticed way too much unwarranted negativity around our campus. And I think it should stop. This has been a very interesting year to be SGA President. There have been a ton of changes and new policies implemented that I had little

or no say about. I, like most of you, haven’t agreed with every decision. Maybe you thought Inauguration was a waste of money. Maybe you don’t agree with the candidate that was chosen to serve as our next academic dean. Or maybe you’re an RA and are frustrated with the process of finding a new RD for Kilbourn. Or you may not understand our school’s policy for dealing with disciplinary issues, such as drug use. Odds are, you don’t like the cafeteria. Or chapel. Or visitation rules. And you can’t find a place to park. Since I represent the students and their opinions to our administration, I meet with Dr. Maurer and his cabinet very regularly. I think I can safely say that I

know each of them better than most of you. I promise you this much: the people leading this college are Godfearing people doing their best with what they have. I’m not sure what more we could expect. I understand that you may not agree with every decision, and that is perfectly fine. That is one of the main reasons why SGA exists. Please, if you have a concern, do something about it! Find out who your senators are, then talk to them. I speak from experience when I say that most things that initially seem unfair make much more sense when you get the whole story from the person who actually made the decision. Please, don’t just sit around and complain to your friends about how terrible of a place this is. Instead, get up and help us make it better.

“Love is in the air.” - senior Andy Dinh

“The beautiful weather outside.” -freshman Samuel Cheyney

Corrections and Omissions Although The Stir always strives for journalistic excellence, we recognize that we may occasionally publish false information or leave out important details unintentionally. Corrections and omissions will appear in this space every issue. If you find a mistake, please let us know by emailing Taylor Libby at tlibby01@ or at

“Warmer weather.” - admissions counselr Rob McNeal

Sterling Stir



Senior directs all female cast in Steel Magnolias By ROBIN SMART Staff Writer On Friday April 16th and Saturday April 17th, Sterling College will present Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling, the play that inspired the movie. As her senior project, Sara Kanary chose to direct this show in order to create a vision and share the message in a unique way. With a smaller cast the on-stage production differs a great deal from

the film version. “I chose this show because I think it is so applicable to so many people,” Kanary said. “I think anyone can connect to this play, and that includes me.” Although everybody on stage is female, Kanary says males will easily be able to identify with the women’s situations. The plot follows six women through marriage, childbirth, illness and early death, proving that it takes a

heart of steel to survive the trials of life. Junior Ashlen Stamm, sophomores Teryn Frizell and Samantha Davison and freshmen Dani Owen, Jackie Wilkerson and Tillie Wilbeck comprise the cast of Steel Magnolias. Admission to the show is free for Sterling College students and all other tickets cost $5 for adults and $3 for children. The play will begin at 8 p.m. in Culbertson auditorium.

Freshmen Dani Owen and Jackie Wilkerson rehearse a scene in Sara Kanary’s senior show Steel Magnolias. Photo by Kelly Johnson

Forensics team takes roadtrip to Choir presents Wisconsin for national tournament annual Cabaret

By ALYSON KUMPULA Staff Writer Over the past two weeks the Sterling College Debate and Forensics team have been on the road, competing in national tournaments. The weekend of March 27 and 28 the team traveled to Hutchinson Community College to compete in the Novice National tournament. Freshman Vance Stegman was named the novice national champion on After Dinner Speaking. “I was kind of awestruck,” Stegman said. “It was an awesome feeling because that doesn’t happen quite often.” In addition to Stegman, freshman Alex Lawhon-Bush advanced to the final round receiving 4th place in Extemporaneous Speaking. Also, junior Fay Carey and sophomore Melzora Towne took 2nd place in parliamentary debate and freshman Nolan Chaney was awarded 2nd place in LincolnDouglas debate. Coming off of a weekend full of wins, the

By ROBIN SMART Senior Staffer

Members of the forensics team pose with the trophies they recieved from competing in Novice National tournament. Photo by Kelly Johnson team was excited to travel to the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire for the American Forensics Association national tournament. Although none of the seven SC students made it out of the preliminary rounds, head coach Ken Troyer said it is just an honor to get there. “I was not disappointed,” Troyer said. “I am hopeful that all the students that went this year

will be able to return next year.” Junior Sarah Cibolski said the honor of attending was enough for her, even if she didn’t advance to out rounds. “For me, it was just amazing that I was able to see some of the talent that I was among and I learned from those that I saw,” Cibolski said. “It is truly a tournament that is special and an honor to attend.”

Because the team is young and still growing, Troyer said he is excited about where the debate and forensics team will be next year. “This year has been wildly successful and I am very happy about next year,” Troyer said. “We have what looks like a huge incoming freshman class that will close to double the size of the team.”

Lead by music professor Mark Clark, student director Sara Kanary and choreographer Kacie Rogers, about 40 Sterling College students will be participating in the annual Cabaret this Friday and Saturday. Due to a new schedule and some overlapping of the cast and crew of Steel Magnolias, the Cabaret is being held later than usual this year. “It has added some strain, but it should work out,” Kanary said about changing the dates of the show. Students have been rehearsing for their solos, duets, and small ensembles twice a week since Interterm. “Everyone who auditioned is used in some way,” Clark said. As a musical theatre cabaret, the show will include choreographed and staged numbers from various

musicals while MC’s junior Paul Brecht and senior Deric Roach intersperse comedy acts throughout. The theme for this year’s show is ‘Route 66,’ meaning the songs are about the good and bad that come with the journey down life’s road. The featured musicals are chosen based on state affiliation, traveling on Route 66 through the Midwest and ending in Los Angeles. The show includes songs from musicals such as Chicago, Oklahoma, Showboat, Wicked and Singing in the Rain. Although admission is free, there is a suggested donation of $5 for the homemade desserts provided to all audience members. The Cabaret is a fundraiser for a choir tour to Scotland next year, so donations are greatly appreciated. The shows start at 8 p.m. in Upper Wilson on both Friday and Saturday night.

Old Dogs new tricks fail to entertain audience

By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer I wish that there were proper words to describe Old Dogs, the latest “comedy” to be unleashed on the American public by Disney, but like many train wrecks the only thing that can be said about this is that it left me with my mouth agape. Failing to deliver even one solid joke this is a true dog of a film, show-

ing the rapid and horrifying descent of the once great actors Robin Williams and John Travolta, the first being wasted as the straight man and the second looking completely and utterly bewildered unable to even come close to rising above the ludicrous material given to him. As this is a review, I suppose I should try to tell what you the film is about. Basically, following two tired formulas, the film shows two ad executives (Williams and Travolta) who are slowly succumbing to their age. One day Williams’ character learns that he has twins that he did not know about, and where hilarity was supposed to ensue stupidity rules the day as the kids slowly make him go away

from his once comfortable lifestyle and realize that maybe his life before was just a little bit empty (insert cheesy inspirational music here; it’s lazy, but the film did it, so why not?). From the very beginning of this film something felt off: the actors were rushing through their lines, desperation almost evident in their every expression. And it wasn’t just the actors, as the direction of the film also seemed to want to speed the viewer through as quickly as possible, forgetting to emphasize things that could have been important, like the mother of the kids going to jail at the beginning of the film, which gets hardly a passing mention. It doesn’t seem that anyone involved with

the film wanted to be; why then should anyone have wanted to watch it? What’s really unfortunate however, besides the fact that this movie exists, is that this film, if one had no idea what the script had in store, held great promise. Travolta, Williams and even some of the minor characters in the film portrayed by interesting actors like Justin Long and Matt Dillon, have all done great work in the past and have especially excelled in the comedy genre. While some might like this movie, claiming that it has great family values and that it doesn’t have any pretensions of being anything other than a good time, that argument won’t fly with this particular film, as there

is nothing remotely enjoyable about it. Ripping off better films, including a groaninducing “homage” to Chariots of Fire and a few Lord of the Rings references, while also looking to cash-in on the built in audiences of past William’s efforts like Mrs. Doubtfire, this is a lazy effort through and through. It’s hard to say what exactly is wrong with this film, except to say everything. Featuring a compilation of punches to the groin, a gorilla looking for love, and unending stereotypes that make every non-Caucasian character look like a moron, this is not a comedic film. No, this belongs firmly in the horror genre. First and Final Rating: 1/10.

English bulldog puppies, 1 male and 1 female. If you are interested in owning one, contact stevescott111@gmail. com

Sterling Stir



Tennis handed rough loss at Hesston match By Amy Woods Senior Staffer

Sophomore Ellycia Valdez and junior Erin Wilson practice bunting on Tuesday afternoon. The team was preparing for conference play which began yesterday with a game against Ottawa University. Photo by Taylor Libby

SC softball crushes KWU at home By Godfrey Miheso Staff Writer A pair of pitchers on the Warriors softball team dominated throughout a hot Wednesday afternoon doubleheader against Kansas Wesleyan, winning 3-1 and 8-0. Senior Angelene Bigan and freshman LaChelle Bell and Kellie Trinidad manufactured runs while the visitors racked up errors. The Lady Warriors clinched the top spot to win the first



and second games. “When you have two good teams, both pitching well, usually the team that makes the mistake is going to get beat,” head coach Hosea Bell said. “You keep playing and hoping the other team makes the first mistake- which they did,” Bell said. Bell said that LaChelle and Trinidad are among the freshmen who came out to fill for experienced players who are out with injuries. The team gave up no runs and made the one hit needed

NW OK 12, SC 10 NW OK 12, SC 6


SC 6, St. Mary 4 SC 9, St. Mary 4



St. Mary 8, SC 7 SC 8, St. Mary 1


Bethel 30, SC 0

The Sterling Warrior track team took a short jaunt over to Hutchinson Junior College Saturday to compete at the annual Night Relays for another qualifying opportunity to earn the trip to nationals. Senior thrower Jacqueline Holmberg seemed content when talking about the teams results on Saturday. “This past Saturday as a team we did pretty well” Holmberg said. Holmberg has qualified for nationals at Indiana Wesleyan in the hammer throw, which is an eight pound ball which hangs on a three foot wire, with a toss of over 154 feet.



Friends 9, SC 1 Friends 11, SC 2


SC 3, KWU 1 SC 8, KWU 0


Bethany 9, SC 0 Bethany 12, SC 3

UPNEXT Track and Field 04/10 ACCK @ Sterling 04/14 @ Tabor 04/15 KU Relays 04/24 @ Bethel

04/10 @ Kansas Wesleyan 04/12 @ Southwestern 04/15 @ Bethel 04/17 @ McPherson

On Saturday the Sterling College baseball teamed faced off against St. Mary’s University in Leavenworth in the last two games in a series of four. The team split the double header, losing the first 7-8 and winning the second 8-1. At home last Thursday SC picked up both wins against St. Mary’s. Freshman Brandon Ramirez said Saturday’s games were very different from each other, and the Warriors definitely played better in the second. “I thought we fought hard game one but it just seemed as if it was their day at their day at the plate,” Ramirez said. “The first game was

Softball 04/07 @ Ottawa 04/10 @ Hillsdale Baptist 04/13 vs. Tabor 04/17 @ St. Mary’s

Senior Jacquie Holmberg watches the hammer she has just realeased fly through the air. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen

Baseball wins 3 of 4 against St. Mary’s University By renard bell Staff Writer

04/10 @ Ottawa 04/15 @ Friends 04/17 vs. Friends 04/20 @ Fort Hays

The national track meet runs from May 27 through the 29. When talking about nationals Holmberg seemed eager to compete. “I’m really excited to go to nationals again,” Holmberg said. She also has had some experience already at the national level. “ I competed my freshman year at Alfred State and won in Hammer and Discus. So I’m pretty pumped to go again.” Holmberg is ready and has already begun training. “Over the next month, I’ll be working out pretty hard towards nationals, not so much focusing on weekly meets,” Holmberg said.




“We were so happy with the fans turnout; I hope they show same spirit in our two games ahead,” he said. Kansas Wesleyan, having been on top of the game, struggled against the Warriors but it was in vain. “They are a good team, they were throwing a screwball and curveball [pitch] really well,” Bell added. “The one hit they got was on a changeup.” Sterling will be on the road on April 7 to Ottawa Kansas to face off with the Braves.

Warriors punch one more ticket for track and field nationals



for a victory. Junior Neamaci Rosales highlighted that when playing tough teams, it is not a particular play that might cost the game. ”It takes a perfect play to get such big wins when we hit and run out to begin with,” Rosales said. Warriors were at their absolute best in the contests after the first three innings. Coach Bell was so pleased with the fan turnout which gave a huge home advantage to the Warriors.

The Sterling College Warriors were handed a rough defeat last Thursday as they traveled to Hesston College, men losing 1-8 and women, 0-9. “It’s never easy losing 1-8, but it is good to see players compete better at each meet,” head coach Rishawn Austin said. Thursday afternoon, freshman Mike Jaderston defeated his opponent in singles 6-4 in both matches. In doubles, sophomore Jordan Stineman and Jaderston would fall 8-2, and freshmen Daren Casey and sophomore Joe Fuscher lost 8-3. Freshman Danielle Burke would lose by two, 6-8, in her singles match. “Each player is playing the game more strategically and playing better tennis, not just hitting the balls around,” Austin said. “It’s good to see them think through how they’re playing.” The Warriors will next travel to face Kansas Wesleyan on April 10th.

hard, but the second game we came back with fire in our eyes and played very solidly the whole seven innings.” With a current record of 11-18, Sterling College head coach Jared Hamilton said even though the team had a few losses under its belt, he knew what areas needed improvement. “We are struggling with pitching and defense,” Hamilton said. “Hopefully we can get back to the point where we can play a complete game, start to finish.” The Warriors baseball team still has a long way to go and they know exactly what they have to do to get there. “I have confidence that my team will bounce back without a doubt,” junior outfielder Andrew Archbold said.

Senior Brent Adkisson pitches against St. Mary’s at a home game last Saturday. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen “We don’t want to let Coach Hamilton down at all. He’s a great coach and we learn a lot from him.”

The team will host Ottawa University in a double header tomorrow afternoon beginning at 1 p.m.

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