Stir Issue 5

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The official student-run newspaper of Sterling College, serving since 1889 • For updates and more info, visit Volume 113 Issue 5

ON THE INSIDE Opinion: Page 6 Editorial Weekly Tornado Column “Cup of Joe” Cartoon SGA Column Campus Pulse

Features: Page 7 Ultimate frisbee team Game show night Entertainment Review

Photo illustration by Kelly Johnson

Tom Hanks’ performance in Cast Away landed him the top spot in this weeks’ entertainment column.

Sports: Page 8 Football Volleyball Cross Country Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball

THISWEEK Friday. Raya 3.27 Inner-City Mission Trip @ Wichita Friday. 10 a.m. LSP @ Heritage Hall Friday. 5 p.m. Resident Halls close for Thanksgiving Break Friday. 6 p.m. Women’s BB vs MidAmerican Christian Friday. 8 p.m. Men’s BB vs MidAmerica Christian

NEWSBITES Raya Clothing Drive Raya 3.27 is collecting gently used winter clothes for their annual clothing drive. Students are encouraged to raid their closets at home and bring warm clothes to donate to local homeless shelters and ministries. Raya will be going door-todoor to collect items after the Thanksgiving break.

“War Stories” Premieres At 5:15 tonight in Campbell Hall basement, War Stories, starring sophomore Michael Brenton Gordon in his film debut, will have its unofficial premiere at Sterling College. The film competed last week in the Asheville Film Festival in Asheville, NC, and took 3rd place behind 16 to Life and Deadland. This showing is open to all men on campus and there will be a second viewing in January for all students.

Money forces reduction in summer mission trips By ROBIN SMART Senior Staffer

Every year, Sterling College sends teams of students and faculty to various countries for summer mission trips. Originally starting with just one team, the number of trips each summer has steadily increased over the years, eventually building up to eight teams in one summer. For the first time, however, only half as many students have applied for the summer mission trips as expected. Due to the decrease in student interest, SC is only sending out four groups on mission trips for the summer of 2010. The teams will be travelling to Guatemala, Ghana, Thailand and China.

In past years, the missions trip coordinators have had to limit the number of students on each team because it was too large. This year, SC is struggling to fill the teams, even though the number of groups has been halved. According to Dr. Henry Lederle, director of missions, many students’ reason for not applying is the lack of financial support, especially with the current economic situation. “My experience had been that if students commit to doing their best in fundraising and stick with the program, in the end the money always come through,” Lederle said. McCreery resident director Melissa Yarrow, who will be leading the China trip

this year, said she has seen students struggle with the money issue before, and that it almost always works out. “I have seen so many times how God provides financially for the trips, so I earnestly hope that does not prevent someone from applying,” Yarrow said. Along with raising money, students who are planning on going on a mission trip are required to add the onehour Cross Cultural Ministry course to their Spring schedule. “It really is a great class for everyone to take, whether you plan to travel overseas or not,” said Yarrow. Another concern for students is the commitment, especially with summer several months away.

Interterm to return after two-year Mayterm trial run By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer

Following a two-year trial run where Mayterm replaced interterm, interterm will once again be held this January. Interterm represents a period from January 5th through January 21st when Sterling College students will have the option of taking one three-credithour class that meets anywhere from two to four hours a day. According to Troy Peters, Vice President of Academic Affairs, interterm was brought back on the condition that it would be factored in to every student’s tuition. Thus, this was the lone factor in tuition being increased this year at SC. The decision was also based on the recommendation of the student senate, which said students would prefer to have the extra term offered in January, as well as based on similar sentiment from most professors. “I’m thrilled,” Communications professor Ken Troyer said. “I think it’s a great move.” Troyer, like many professors, faced several problems during Mayterm. The largest concerned his 2009 Mayterm public speaking class which contained only one student, severely limiting how he could teach the course. “I had extremely small classes to say the least,” Troyer said. “I just don’t know that I can defend teaching a class with one student in it. Educationally it doesn’t seem very sound because I think that students learn as much

from one another as they would from the textbook or myself.” This was not an isolated occurrence; according to Peters, the enrollment for last year’s Mayterm was only around 65 students. With the switch back to January, however, enrollment has risen dramatically to currently include 439 students. What this means is that instead of a small group of students housed in only two dorms, that the entire campus will be up and running during this time and most professors will also still be around. In addition to increased enrollment, a wider variety of classes are available to students, including the musical theatre trip to New York City that was not financially possible during Mayterm. “We can do it [the musical theatre class] more economically,” Theatre professor Gordon Kling said. “Times Square and the theaters aren’t as jammed in January for obvious reasons: it’s cold, it’s not the high tourist time, flights after Christmas generally are cheaper and hotel rates are down.” While Mayterm may have originally been brought in on a trial basis, according to Peters, interterm is back for good. “We gave it two years,” Peters said. “Would the Mayterm enrollment ever have increased? Who knows. But, historically we have always had between 70-80% of our students enrolled in interterm, so we kind of had those numbers to fall back on.”

Yarrow said after several years of summer mission trips, she understands what a big time commitment it is, but encourages students to take the risk. “My advice after many of college summers: take the leap of faith to go on a trip, and the rest of your summer will work around it,” said Yarrow. “There is one thing I can guarantee: you will never regret the decision to go.” Since there is such a large lack of applicants for the summer missions trips, Lederle encourages students to pray, register for the ministry course, and send in their applications. According to Lederle, applicants should simply put their faith in God and see what happens.

Faith statement decision delayed By TAYLOR LIBBY Editor-in-Chief Though the Board of Trustees was set to vote on the implementation of the new faith statement in their October meeting, such a decision was not reached. “The board decided to defer its decision making until the December meeting,” Sterling College president Paul Maurer said. Several questions were raised during this meeting, including whether or not students should sign the faith statement upon enrollment at SC, however, Maurer said that is a position he would never support. For now, it seems that only the board of trustees, cabinet members and fulltime faculty will be asked to sign the faith statement, though no official decision has been made. “There is a strong majority among faculty that this is a good thing to do,” Maurer said, “and the cabinet was unanimous as it applied to themselves and the college.”

Sterling Stir


Communication issues not limited to department

If you haven’t already heard, earlier this month communications professor and Stir advisor Andrew Tash turned in his letter of resignation from Sterling College. As the editor of the Stir, the departure of our advisor brings up several issues pertaining to the future of the student newspaper here at SC. With an already reduced amount of funding and no actual journalism program to encourage students to be part of the publication, the death of the Stir seems to be drawing ever closer, and yet there hasn’t been a single administrator that has approached me about the fate of the newspaper. Through the Sterling College grapevine of news, gossip and rumors, I was informed that if Tash’s replacement isn’t able to take on print journalism, the administration has considered moving the newspaper under the English department. Now, I cannot vouch for the validity of these potential changes within the communications department, as I have not been directly informed of such considerations for the future. However, as the student in charge of the student newspaper, the fact that my opinion hasn’t been requested seems odd. At such a small school, students are more involved in the on goings of the institution, and yet in the same conversation mentioned previously, I was also told that the reason the administration doesn’t inform students about changes they are making on campus is because we don’t ask. In the course of this year, a new president was inaugurated, professors and staff members resigned, departments were relocated and budgets were cut. All of these things students have a vested interested in, yet the collective student body was not informed or consulted about any of these decisions. As a rather involved student, I see how hard SGA is working to connect with students, the efforts the student senate is making to influence change on the campus and how important it is to students that their voices and ideas are heard. The administration can say students don’t ask about what is happening at SC, but perhaps the real problem is that the administration isn’t listening. On Tuesday, communcations students were given the opportunity to air concerns and offer suggestions for the future of the department, I hope their words aren’t quickly forgotten. -- Taylor Libby, Editor-in-Chief

OPINIONS Weekly Tornado

Student rejects pressure to text, warns others of potential dangers By KELLY JOHNSON Photographer People often wonder how I have survived so long without it. They tell me everyone is doing it and it’s a lot of fun. Plus, it makes everyone so much more connected. However, I argue back that it’s just not worth the risk. There are too many dangers involved in taking part of this activity, I’m just not mature enough to handle it and I’d rather wait before I send my first text message. That’s right Sterling College, I, unlike the rest of my peers, do not have a texting plan on my cell

phone. In fact, my phone doesn’t even receive text messages. I often wonder what life would be like if I had the ability to communicate with the touch of a button. However, the more I dwell on this matter the more I realize that I am almost safer without texting. Of course, we have all heard the old argument that you should not text and drive, but that has almost become common sense for the everyday texter, I hope. The more pressing matter in my opinion is not texting while driving, but rather texting while walking. The phenomenon of

A Cup of Joe

being distracted while walking has taken a massive toll on the bodies of texters, who, distracted by their communication devices, walk straight into trash bins, lampposts and in serious cases the ex boyfriend or girlfriend that could have been avoided if they had been paying attention. Eventually, we’ll begin to see signs that say “Watch out for Pedtextrians!” However I’m skeptical as to how effective that solution will be if all the drivers are too busy texting. While texting on the go has obvious hazards attached to it, there is still a mess of unseen and less


If you could say one thing to the administration, what would it be?

Established in 1889

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The Stir is produced by Sterling College students and printed bi-monthly in and by the Sterling Bulletin, Sterling, Kansas. We seek to serve the Sterling College community with news and information. We work toward goals of honesty and integrity while always seeking the truth. We also work with an understanding of service to a Christian community. Letters to the editor must be signed and legible. Letters are subject to editing for style and spelling and will be printed at the editors’ discretion. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. the Friday before the print date (following Thursday). Opinions presented on the Opinion page do not necessarily represent the views of Sterling College. Address letters to The Stir, SC Box 8, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579. E-mail submissions are accepted and must be sent to

Kansas Press Association

Associated Collegiate Press


Compiled by CHRIS LATINI

Sterling Stir Editor-in-Chief...........................................Taylor Libby Senior Staffers.............................................Amy Woods Robin Smart Tim Luisi Cartoonist..........................................Joseph Dardzinski Staff Writers..................................................Erin Dolan Renard Bell Autumn Daniels Godfrey Miheso Chris Halcromb Grant Brintnall Ryan Corwin Photographers..........................................Kelly Johnson Chris Latini Jon Van Veldhuizen Faculty Advisor.........................................Andrew Tash

obvious dangers that go along with the instant messaging sensation. Impairments such as repetitive strain injuries and the “texter’s thumb” are becoming an increasingly troublesome predicament for avid texters who are already suffering from restless hand syndrome. These are just a few examples on the list of plenty that point to the risks involved with texting. So in a society where nine out of ten people play message tag through their phone, I stand proudly amongst my peers and ask “can you read me now?”


Making the most of Thanksgiving break By DAVID IRELAND Student Chaplain

It’s amazing that we find ourselves at this point in the semester already. As students, faculty and staff alike look towards the upcoming Thanksgiving break, hopes are high for this festive part of the year. One can’t help but daydream about all the wonderful things that lie ahead. In the end, however, what is the point? Is there a reason we do all these things? Surely

there is a better explanation than “because we always have.” For as long as I can remember, the holidays at my house mean racing from place to place meeting as many family members as possible just to spend a couple of hours eating and then bidding one another adieu. Looking back, I do treasure these holiday experiences; however, I feel like there could have been so much more. Today, the way many people celebrate their holidays is self-centered or void of any deeper meaning outside of spending money and gluttony. Growing up in a Christian family, we talked about Jesus at Christmas time and prayed before we ate Thanksgiving

dinner, but did we go as far as to put our thoughts into practice? No. What I’m getting at here is the simple fact that while the holidays seem to be about togetherness, loving each other and giving, most people doesn’t step outside their homes to lend a hand or truly love their neighbor. There are countless opportunities this time of year to make a difference in the lives of those who may have less, or perhaps none at all. This holiday season, don’t get caught up in the craziness of the shopping malls, or the scheduling of get-togethers, but instead take time to help someone out and show the love of Christ in a time that can be so dark for so many.

“I think they should focus more on doing something for the students that will benefit them directly--they need to supply students in every department with the handson experience they need for the things they’re going to do in the future.” -sophomore Teryn Frizell

“I love their commitment; with zeal and patience, Sterling remains the heart of the Great Plains.” - junior Godfrey Miheso

Corrections and Omissions

Although The Stir always strives for journalistic excellence, we recognize that we may occasionally publish false information or leave out important details unintentionally. Corrections and omissions will appear in this space every issue. If you find a mistake, please let us know by emailing Taylor Libby at tlibby01@ or at In our last issue we indicated that the entire communcations department would be relocating to Thompson when in fact it is only professor Andrew Tash and the film labs that will be moved.

“I feel the administration should make sure they are giving equal attention and funds to all the departments.” - sophomore Cara Spencer

Sterling Stir



SC to send ultimate frisbee team to compete at Flatland Freeze Saturday

By GRANT BRINTNALL semester at Kansas State in Manhattan, and has Staff Writer another tournament Most Sterling College coming up this weekend students know about in McPherson. At the first tournathe Campbell Hall ultimate frisbee tradition. ment, the team placed If you are ever walking 9th overall. “If we were in betor driving by Campbell lawn on any given Mon- ter shape, could have day, Wednesday or Fri- finished higher,” team day afternoon you will member junior Paul see the frisbee throwers Brandes said. “We won every game on Sunday in action. While most everyone and only lost to Nebrashas seen people playing ka because they were ultimate frisbee in front our last game on Saturof Campbell, not a lot day. After five games, of people know that SC our legs were wiped.” In order to prepare actually has an ultimate frisbee team that com- for the tournaments the team practices by simupetes in tournaments. The ultimate frisbee lating tournament style team is currently made play in their weekly up of twelve people, games when it gets close though only seven are to tournament time. “If we were going to able to be on the field at a time during the official be an uber-competetournament. The team tive team, we would do has already competed more, such as structured in one tournament this running and weight lift-

ing,” Brandes said. “We aren’t quite at that point yet though.” As great as it is to go out and compete in the tournaments and add a few wins to the team record, to team member junior Adam Beutler, the most important aspect of frisbee is much simpler. “The best part is having a blast with my friends and enjoying the physics of a plastic disc flying through the air,” Beutler said. Like Beutler, Brandes said he enjoyed the sport and the team was comprised of very fun players, but the most enjoyable part of the game was mastering certain techniques. “There are not many experiences I enjoy more than launching a forehand and watching it float perfectly into the

hands of my receiver,” Brandes said. Ultimate frisbee is on the rise and attracting many new players, which is exactly what team member junior Scott McCaulley said he wanted to see happen in the future. McCaulley said new players shouldn’t be intimidated to just join the game any afternoon. “If a person is interested in joining the team all they have to do is come out and play,” McCaulley said. “The games we have out in front of Campbell are more focused on having fun where as for tournaments it is highly competitive which can be more fun for some people.” This weekend the team will travel to McPherson to compete in the Flatland Freeze.

Freshmen Travis Stalnaker reaches for a high pass while freshman Ben Wright attempts to beat him to the catch during a game of frisbee. The team usually plays Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons on Campbell lawn. Photo by Kelly Johnson

Art department plans to Game Show Night fill newly vacated space By RYAN CORWIN Staff Writer In light of recent plans to move the media side of the Communications Department to Thompson Hall for the beginning of the Spring 2010 semester, there is newfound space for the taking in the art building located just south of SC’s main campus. This will be the first time the art building has housed only one department, thus the art department is looking to capitalize on the extra room. “I’ve been told that where the green screen is now is going to be the drawing studio and then the small office on the south side is going to be set up for a photography studio,” ceramics pro-

fessor Joe Jacob said. Although professors are talking about expansions for the art department, senior art education major Megan Derowitsch said she felt there was already adequate work space. “I think there’s plenty of room as far as the students we have now,” she stated. “I haven’t noticed it really being too cramped.” Along with this space comes new insight in regarding the direction of the art department, whose enrollment since 2005 has fluctuated from it’s high of 20 in 2005 to 12 over the 2009 year, and back up to 19 for the spring of 2010. But increased enrollment and extra studios are not the only goals of the art department. “Our goal eventually is to bring everybody

Left: Junior Adam Beutler plays Pat Sajack for the night and invites contestant senior Carl Nolan to spin the wheel. Though Nolan started the game strong, he did not make it to the final round of Wheel of Fortune. Bottom: Senior Seth Swihart, freshman Wes Cates, freshman Andrew Gross, sophomore Ryan Green and freshman Samuel Cheney vie for the attention of sophomore Emily Konrade in the Dating Game. Photos by Chris Latini

[art, communications and theater] under the same umbrella,” art professor William Morse said. “We’re really trying to get the 3D animation off the ground and bridge the 2 continents and bring them together in 1 sphere where we are using special effects and logos and we want to add that to film.” Morse stated that space is the main obstacle that has to be overcome when looking to expand, and with the communications department moving to Thompson, this problem is quickly being solved. “I don’t see any equipment issues at all,” Morse said, “we just need the space so that we’re not congested and cramped.”

Top 10 performances of the 21st century By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer As we reach the close of the 2000’s, I have found myself thinking more and more of what has made up the best of this decade. I have written several lists on this subject, but with this, the top 10 performances of the decade, I have reached my most difficult challenge yet. Although there have been many great performances, these have stayed with me the most. 10. Andy Serkis- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers- His performance is iconic, but what made this work truly impressive was it’s believability. The success of The

Lord of the Rings may well have hinged on this one turn and Serkis hit it out of the park. 9. Meryl Streep- The Devil Wears Prada“That’s all.” 8. Javier Bardem- No Country for Old MenAbsolutely one of the most frightening performances in the history of cinema. 7. Amy AdamsJunebug- Without a doubt this was the funniest and most charming performance this decade. 6. Phillip Seymour Hoffman- Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead- While Capote first launched him into the realm of a leading actor,

it was this role here that, to me, may be the best he has ever given. You want to love him, and yet by the end, you have to hate him. 5. Leonardo DicaprioThe Departed- He had been great before, but this was the first time that I really began to consider him as one of the greatest actors of his generation. 4. Daniel Day LewisGangs of New York- One of the most re-watchable performances ever, he propelled a film that could have been an absolute mess into utterly compelling territory. Bill the Butcher is a performance I will never forget.

3. Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight- One of the greatest villainous performances I have ever seen. So many superlatives have been laid upon this performance, and yet all are absolutely deserved. 2. Kate Winslet- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- So charismatic. So energetic. So original. So unique. This performance, like the film itself, blew my mind. 1. Tom Hanks- Cast Away- When making up this list it was so difficult to decide what should be number one. And yet, the more I thought about it the more one performance stood out. Erase any of the rest

of these performances from their films and for the most part, you’d still have reasonably good films. Take Hanks out of Cast Away, however, and you have nothing but a volleyball. Not only does he carry the majority of the film completely by himself, but when he does return to live among others he is absolutely heart-breaking, delivering what I happen to think of as his finest dramatic work in these later sequences. Both comedic and dramatic, this is a performance that I have often re-watched, and with each new viewing I have loved and admired it even more than before.

Sterling Stir



Warriors drop in KCAC semi-finals

Freshman libero Kelsey Deerinwater makes a pass to the front row for a spike. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen Senior Denyse Inman waits for the referee to signal her to serve at home against Bethany. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen By AMY WOODS Senior Staffer The Lady Warrior Volleyball team advanced to the semi-finals of the KCAC tournament, after beating Bethany College 3-1 on Tuesday November 10th.

On Friday, the Lady Warriors faced Friends University, a team they had lost to previously in both rounds of regular conference play. SC put up a tough fight in four close games, but would fall 1-3.

“The conference tournament was a bitter sweet experience,” said head coach Jenny Ellis. “I was so proud of our girls and how well they played. We were so close to defeating Friends University in the semi final match, but little mistakes on our part hurt us in the end.” Ellis was awarded KCAC

Coach of the Year. In the first match against Friends, the Falcons took the win by two points, 25-23. The Lady Warriors came back strong in the second set, winning by three, 25-22. Friends would take the last two games to get the win, 3-1. Against Bethany the Lady Warriors dominated, win-

ning the first two matches 2523 and 25-21. The Threshers would come back in the third match 25-23, but the Lady Warriors would grab the last match, 25-23 to win 3-1. “I am proud and thankful we gave it our all in the conference,” said freshman Kelsey Deerinwater. Deerinwater was awarded Libero of the Year, Defensive Specialist of the Year and Freshman of the Year by the KCAC. Deerinwater was also named to First Team All Conference, joined by senior Ashley Kraft and freshman Katie Trayser. Freshman Adriana Gonzalez was named to Second Team All Conference, with seniors Staci Curry and Renee Swisher being named Honorable Mentions. The Lady Warriors finished with an overall record of 1911, with a conference record of 13-5.

Men’s basketball starts rough, SC places at KCAC race has high hopes for 2010 season By CHRIS HALCROMB Staff Writer

By RENARD BELL Staff Writer

The Sterling College Warrior men’s basketball team suffered two close back to back losses in last weekend’s tournament. The Warriors played Southwestern Assembly of God in Waxahachie, Texas losing 6068 and Texas Wesleyan in Fort Worth, Texas losing a nail bitter, 68-70. The Sterling Warriors men’s basketball team is now 0-4 so far this season. Starting point guard junior Zach Goodrich had 20 points, 4 assists and 3 steals against South Western Assembly of God and 13 points, 7 assists and 4 rebounds against Texas Wesleyan. “As a team, we had a great

Football finishes with Bethel loss

By GODFREY MIHESO Staff Writer The Sterling College football team battled against Bethel College in North Newton last Saturday and lost 0-30. This was the final game of the season and put the Warriors season record at 6-4. As Bethel’s record was 2-7 going into the game against SC, no one could have imagined a Warrior loss. “If you put the football on the ground as much as we did today, you have no chance against whoever you play,” Lambert said. “This was just a good ol’ fashion beat down.” Though the season ended on a negative note, Lambert said he was very happy with how the rest of the season had played out. “The team handled crisis in a mature way and made vast improvement as the year went on,” Lambert said. “We were blessed by the seniors on the team this year and are thankful for their efforts throughout their careers.”

week of practice and we knew what we were going up against,” Goodrich said. “Both teams were solid competition and we knew we had to play well to win. Unfortunately that wasn’t the outcome, but we played great for the most part.” Despite the season opening loss, head coach Dean Jaderston said he knows the team will get back on track very soon. “It’s early in the season for us,” Jaderston said. “We are working hard to get everybody on the same page and build a chemistry for the team.” With just a few weeks of the season under its belt, Jaderston said the team was still working on a few key things,

and this year’s crop of freshmen has been a place of great improvement. “My freshman players are learning at a very rapid pace; every day in practice they are improving and making us better,” Jaderston said. Both Jaderston and Goodrich agreed the team has a long road ahead, but both believed if the team continued to work hard it could be at the top of the KCAC and a national contender. “Sure we have some tough games ahead of us but we are very confident we will win,” Goodrich said. The Warriors will compete against MidAmerica Christian in the first round of the Warrior Classic tournament tomorrow night at 8 p.m.

The Sterling College cross country team finished its season on Saturday, November 7th with the KCAC championship tournament held at Lake Afton in Wichita. Head Coach Jack Dillard felt very confident in his team going into the meet. “This was the best overall meet I have ever coached,” Dillard said. “From top to bottom, both men and women ran great.” Though no individual runners qualified for the national meet, freshman Chris Penner placed 14th and junior Whitney Dautel grabbed 15th. As a team, the men placed 5th with the women coming in 6th. Junior Ernest Newton said he was pleased with the results from the meet. “It went really good, because it’s the first year we didn’t place last over all.” Newton said.

Warriors picked for KCAC championship By AMY WOODS Senior Staffer The Lady Warriors opened their season 1-1 after a recent trip up to the Midland Lutheran Classic in Fremont, NE over the past weekend. Against Dordt College, the Lady Warriors picked up 63 points to win, 63-56. Sophomore Megan Patrick led the scoring with 20, followed by sophomore Brittany Gasper with 15. Senior Erica Herman and Gasper both had two blocks, and senior Jannica Schultze had three steals. The Lady Warriors would The women’s basketball team scrimages during an evening play again on Saturday practice. The team is currently 1-1 after the Midland Luagainst Midland Lutheran theran Classic in Freemont, NE. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen College, but fell by four, 50-54. this year,” Wiebe said. Patrick again led the scoring with 10, folThe Lady Warriors, who were co-champilowed by sophomore Cathryn Wiebe with 8. ons with Kansas Wesleyan last season, are Wiebe also had 5 steals and led in rebound- again picked to win the KCAC conference ing with 9. championship. They will be back in action “I’ve been waiting for the beginning of this at home for the Warrior Classic on Friday, season since March, and although we miss November 20th at 6 p.m. our seniors from last year, we are ready to “No true success is reached unless we do use what we learned from them on the court it together,” Wiebe said.

Senior Ernest Newton pushes through to the finish line. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen With two runners placing in the top 15 and the men competing as a team, the cross country team has had a banner year, and Dillard said he hopes to expand on this year’s success in the 2010 season. “We want to bring in some solid freshman to add to our talent pool,” Dillard said, “and give our returners the opportunity to get better every day at practice.”

QUICKSTATS Football 11/05 11/14


SC 26, St. Mary 14 Bethel 30, SC 0

Volleyball 11/05 11/10 11/13

19-11 Friends 3, SC 0 SC 3, Bethany 1 Friends 3, SC 1

Men’s Basketball 0-4 11/13 SW 68, SC 60 11/14 TW 70, SC 68 11/17 Pittsburgh Women’s Basketball 1-1 11/13 SC 63, Dordt 56 11/14 Midland 54, SC 50

UPNEXT Volleyball 11/05 7 p.m. vs. Kansas Wesleyan Men’s Basketball 11/20 vs. MidAmerica Christ. 11/21 vs. Langston 11/28 at Hillsdale Baptist Women’s Basketball 11/20 vs. MidAmerica Christ. 11/21 vs. York 11/27 at Doane College

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