Volume 113 Issue 4

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The official student-run newspaper of Sterling College, serving since 1889 • For updates and more info, visit http://stir.sterling.edu

ON THE INSIDE Opinion: Page 6

Halloween 2009

Volume 113 Issue 4

October ends with bang at annual dance

Editorial Weekly Tornado Column “Cup of Joe” Cartoon SGA Column Campus Pulse

Features: Page 7 FSPA Brain Disection Department Relocation Entertainment Feature

Sports: Page 8 Football Volleyball Cross Country Men’s soccer Women’s soccer

THISWEEK Today. 7 p.m. VB @ Friends University Today. 3 p.m. “Running the Race” with Jerrod Adair @ soccer field Today. 9 p.m. “Manna” with Lauren Cox @ Evans prayer room Tomorrow. 6 p.m. Men’s BB @ Peru, NE


Seniors Paul and Samantha Kempf were crowned Homecoming King and Queen before the football game on Oct. 24th. Photo by Chris Latini

Christian author visits SC Author and speaker Josh Riebock came to SC last week for the second time. Reiboch spoke at Wednesday chapel and a special Fuel service Thursday night. Free copies of Riebock’s latest book mY generation were given to students who attended the sessions.

Sterling website infiltrated The main Sterling College website www.sterling.edu as well as www.scit.sterling.edu have been compromised by an outside source and are currently shut down. Students are asked to refrain from using these sites as well as the course schedule, Mabee Library, faculty and Information, SCIT or the Phiz links found on knox.sterling. edu. However, the SC e-mail and LMS server are still working.

Top: Juniors Christina Cheyney and Leah Frees prepare to chop down a tree in their lumberjack costumes. Middle: Juniors Adam Beutler and Caley Chestnut made a memorable entrance as Kanye West and Taylor Swift. Bottom: Sophomore Joni Williams impersonates CJ in her competition winning costume. Photo by Kelly Johnson By GRANT BRINTNALL Senior Staffer

Last Friday marked Sterling College’s first dance of the year, the annual Halloween Dance put on by the Campus Activities Board, and with more than 300 students in attendance, CAB considered the dance a huge success. This year, instead of holding the dance in a barn, the event took place in Upper Wilson. “We decided to hold the dance indoors because of all the dust and the cold weather,” CAB president Aly Kumpula said. “We could control the temperature and because it’s inside, there wouldn’t be dirt everywhere.” Before the dance even started, freshman Joe Ewart took it upon himself to get the spirit of Halloween started a little early. “I left for the dance early because I felt that the campus needed haunting,” Ewart said. “Too many people were

Senior Mike Love shows off his Transformer dance skills at the Halloween dance last Friday night. Love was joined by fellow Transformer Bumblebee, senior Stuart Parman. The duo won the costume competition for their homemade outfits. Photo by Kelly Johnson

dressed as the joker, so I decided to put my own creepy spin on things by going as the crow.” Seniors Stuart Parman and Mike Love won the couple costume contest with their Transformers-inspired outfits. But instead of just going out and buying an Optimus Prime and Bumblebee costume, they decided to make the costumes themselves. “Mike and I started working on our costumes at 2:30 a.m. on Friday,” Parman said. “We labored throughout the night, and when it was all said and done, we had spent a total of 10 hours making them.” More than just working through the night, Parman said constructing the costumes was a very tedious process and they only used a few materials. “Our costumes were made entirely of duct tape, cardboard, and a small amount of bailing wire,” Parman said, “which goes to show you that duct tape still holds the world together.”

The winner of the individual costume competition was freshman Joni Williams, who was dressed as SC’s very own cafeteria lady, CJ. The winners of the group competition were senior Andy Dinh, juniors Tim Dinh and Sam Downe and freshman Samuel Cheyney as Pac Man. Kumpula said she was pretty impressed by the costumes and the number of people who participated. “The single and couple costumes were awesome,” Kumpula said. “However, we were a bit disappointed with the number of groups that competed.” With a large turnout and several inventive costumes, the Halloween dance went just as well as CAB had hoped, but that doesn’t mean it was perfect. “The biggest downfall was that it got really hot halfway through the dance and we needed more water,” Kumpula said. CAB’s next event will be Game Night on Tuesday, Nov. 17th.

Swine flu outbreak attacks SC campus By ROBIN SMART Senior Staffer By now, most Americans know that H1N1, more commonly known as swing flu, is a very contagious influenza virus that can cause severe illness. In the last couple months the Sterling College campus has experienced several cases of swine flu, but the virus is slowing its pace. Some of the areas of campus most strongly hit by H1N1 were the girls’ soccer team and Campbell. The girls had to reschedule a game due to the number of illnesses, and many of the Campbell boys with the virus were actors in the musical, causing them to

miss rehearsals. “I got to go home, which was cool,” sophomore Matt Hastings, Campbell Hall and RA an actor in the musical, said. “I missed like four days of rehearsals, but it really wasn’t that bad.” Even though several actors missed some rehearsals, director Gordon Kling did not let it affect the outcome of the musical. “We had some people out because of sickness, but at least we got through the play successfully,” Kling said. Although only a few cases of the Swine Flu have been reported on campus in the last week, this could be due to students not informing staff

members of their sickness. In order to ensure the health of SC students, Nurse Connie Carey sent out emails, put up informative posters, and made hand sanitizer available almost everywhere on campus. “Connie Carey has done a great job of being proactive,” vice president of Student Life Tina Wohler said. “She made flu kits with ramen, bottled water, crackers and more.” These packets were created to aid sick students who were asked to remain in their room to prevent further spread of the flu. About 80 of the packets have been distributed. According to Wohler, if the virus had ever spread to so

many faculty members and students to the point where the school struggled to function, the administration would have had to discuss possibly closing the school for a while. However, the number of cases has greatly decreased. “Fall Breather might have really helped us from getting it spread further,” Wohler said. With H1N1 shots coming in the near future, as well as Thanksgiving Break, the swine flu scare may be gone in the next month. However, the virus is still around so remember to wash hands frequently and cough and sneeze into the sleeve of the elbow, not the hands.

Sterling Stir



OPINIONS Weekly Tornado


Faith statement asks Campbell territory ‘marked’ with urine too much of faculty Throughout the last few weeks, talk at Sterling College has turned to the possible implementation of a signed faith statement for faculty at the school. While this is something that may indeed make the school appear more Christian on the surface, it is a move that I cannot personally agree with. A written statement of faith, in my mind, is ultimately unfair and dangerous. When looking at potential professors at Sterling College, it is my opinion that the selection of such people should be based on qualification alone. By accepting only those who would be willing to sign a statement of faith, the pool of talent becomes much more shallow and great professors may never get the opportunity to work here. While I understand that this is a Christian institution and that there will inevitably be a crossover between education and religion, what should be most important is always the quality of education. If there is someone who may not agree with every single word of the faith statement, but has all the qualifications, vision and passion necessary to be a great professor, then by all means, please hire this person. The students’ best interests, not the image of the school, should be the deciding factor at all times. To better understand my stance, imagine for a moment a major corporation. At this business a management position opens up. Two people are interviewed for this position, one a Christian and the other an atheist. The Christian is far and away more qualified for the position, but before being hired he is told that he must first sign a document which states that he does not believe in God and that he will go along with the religious beliefs as set by the company. The Christian community, including Sterling College would be up in arms over such a document. And yet, is that really so different from what has been proposed here? By restricting what people can profess to believe and perhaps ultimately what they will teach, Sterling College, in my view will be missing out on a wealth of opportunities and even more seriously will be going against the freedom to hear alternate viewpoints. Thus, while I can certainly understand why some would want a faith statement, I cannot bring myself to support one. Ultimately this should be a school first and a Christian environment second. A faith statement, no matter how good the intention may be, flies directly in the face of that. -- Tim Luisi, Senior Staffer

By RYAN CORWIN Staff writer

Campbell Hall: a dorm with such rich history. If any of you have been to Sterling’s campus in the recent past, you would probably have noticed that Campbell Hall is still the same on the exterior as it has been for the past 12,000 years (roughly). Fortunately, this year’s second floor inhabitants are making some contributions to the overall “aura” of our humble abode. So where might one look to find these renovations? That answer can be found in the second floor lobby and computer lab (and no, there

isn’t new wi-fi). Yes, pride has indeed led some to mark Campbell Hall as their own in the most basic of ways— urinating. Upon being informed of someone’s tinkling troubles which leaked (pun intended) all over our 2nd floor lobby and computer lab, I went through a series of emotions: confusion, laughter, shock and eventually landed on something resembling anger, as well as sympathy for the cleaning staff that are asked to tidy up after all of us. Ultimately, I’ve come to ask myself the following question: what in the heck would provoke someone to pee in

A Cup of Joe

a room that doesn’t have a toilet? Although we are completely surrounded by them, this isn’t a barn and this isn’t a farm—it’s a college dormitory. Fortunately my wandering mind has helped me to formulate a scenario in which this act of nature could have been done with good intentions. This person could have done said actions because they were trying to convince the administration to condemn Campbell and build a nicer dorm. Perhaps a dorm with air conditioning, and updated heaters, and working electric outlets that don’t spark with microwaves plugged in. This seems completely


What do you think about Premium Night in the caf?

“I have yet to use my ticket.” - freshman Matthew McIntyre

Established in 1889

Contact us: http://stir.sterling.edu E-mail: stir1@sterling.edu

The Stir is produced by Sterling College students and printed bi-monthly in and by the Sterling Bulletin, Sterling, Kansas. We seek to serve the Sterling College community with news and information. We work toward goals of honesty and integrity while always seeking the truth. We also work with an understanding of service to a Christian community. Letters to the editor must be signed and legible. Letters are subject to editing for style and spelling and will be printed at the editors’ discretion. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. the Friday before the print date (following Thursday). Opinions presented on the Opinion page do not necessarily represent the views of Sterling College. Address letters to The Stir, SC Box 8, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579. E-mail submissions are accepted and must be sent to stir1@sterling.edu.

Kansas Press Association

Associated Collegiate Press



Sterling Stir Editor-in-Chief...........................................Taylor Libby Senior Staffers.............................................Amy Woods Robin Smart Tim Luisi Cartoonist..........................................Joseph Dardzinski Staff Writers..................................................Erin Dolan Renard Bell Autumn Daniels Godfrey Miheso Chris Halcromb Grant Brintnall Ryan Corwin Photographers..........................................Kelly Johnson Chris Latini Jon Van Veldhuizen Faculty Advisor.........................................Andrew Tash

illogical though. However, if you don’t take care of the shack, why ask for a mansion? I quickly ruled out this theory. Seeing how there really is no possible way for someone to have peed in the lobby and computer lab with any good reason, I feel alright saying the following: let’s grow up people. We all pay $2,500 or more a semester to live in these dorms so let’s take care of them. Furthermore, I sincerely hope that whoever the Campbell hall assailant is will be caught in the act next time, because what’s worse than getting caught with your pants down?


Finding the right campus organization The Catholic AssociaBy MISSY LARSON Director of Campus Activities tion was started by freshman Mike Redondo who wanted to create a fellowship community that supported the Catholic faith and was also open to all other denominations. Dr. Beth Kilday and senior Candice Williams S t e r l i n g C o l l e g e , will head up the Math though small, currently Club, which meets one has twelve campus orga- Thursday every month. nizations. These groups This organization seeks offer a wide range of to create a place where activities including star- math majors and math gazing, coffee nights, lovers can come and have dances, game nights and fun doing the thing they many more. It would be love to do—math. hard for any student to How do you start an say that there is nothing organization on camto do or get involved pus? It is actually quite with at Sterling. simple. If you disagree, then It is wise to first decide it is easy to get a new on an interest for this group started. This se- new organization and mester we have two new then ask around and organizations: the Cath- see if students would olic Student Association be interested in coming and Math Club. to some of your events

or even becoming an officer. If there is general interest, the next step would be to come to the SGA office and pick up an organization start-up guide. In this form, you will be asked to find an adviser for your group, have at least 10 signatures from possible members, appoint four officers and form an organization constitution. Then the proposal for the organization will go before the Student Senate where they will either approve or deny the request. If approved, your new club will be eligible to receive funding and advertising from SGA. So get out there and get involved in something on campus! If there is not a group that interests you, then why not start your own? The choice is yours.

Corrections and Omissions

Although The Stir always strives for journalistic excellence, we recognize that we may occasionally publish false information or leave out important details unintentionally. Corrections and omissions will appear in this space every issue. If you find a mistake, please let us know by emailing Taylor Libby at tlibby01@ sterling.edu or at stir1@sterling.edu.

“I’m not a fan of it actually. It’s not like going out to eat or anything.” - sophomore Katie McFerrin

“It’s alright, they just need to get it more organized.” - junior David Wray

“I feel like it shouldn’t be just steak and shrimp every time; give me a lobster.” - freshman Alex Lawhon-Bush

Sterling Stir




Students play doctor at FSPA event By AUTUMN DANIELS to have an experience that they may not have Staff Writer otherwise had an opEarly last week, portunity to do,” FSPA students gathered in advisor Joseph Conard Thompson to try their said. Although the main hand at playing surevent was the hands-on geon. On Tuesday, Oct. 27th the Future experience of dissecting Science Professionals a sheep or cow brain, of America hosted an it seemed as though event that put scalpels many students wanted in the hands of over to savor the memory. “The funniest thing 30 students who were then asked to remove that I noticed during the the outer covering of event was the amount a freshly preserved of cameras that were in sheep brain and begin the room,” FSPA president Stacey Rosenbergdissecting. “I thought that the er said. “It felt like there event was very suc- was a strobe light in the cessful,” FSPA vice room.” Many of the students president Rachael Svaty said. “We had that attended the event around thirty people were not in the sciparticipate in the brain ence field, and thus the dissection, and many dissection event was of them were not biolo- something very new for gy or chemistry majors many. “My favorite part was which was really fun holding the brain in my and exciting.” Svaty said she really hand and looking at the enjoyed the brain dis- intricacies of it,” freshsection event because it man Leonore Enfield gave students who are said. Even for those who non-biology majors an uncomfortable opportunity to experi- were ence fun science activi- with the idea of dissecting a brain, FSPA’s ties. “For students that event turned out to be are not biology majors, an educational one for it was a great chance all involved.

Top: Freshmen Andrew Gross and Wes Cates examine the brain they have been given to dissect. Students were asked to remove the top layer of skin surrounding the brain before taking a look at the inner workings. Right: Senior Courtney VanRavenswaay and freshman Rachel Gardner pull apart their brain and hold it up for other students to see at the FSPA brain dissection. Photos by Kelly Johnson

Road to the Oscars:

Top 10 film achievements of the year By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer Every year in the world of film there seems to be a dramatic shift between the films showcased in the months before and after October. Before October, the emphasis is placed for

the most part on blockbusters and mindless entertainment. We are now, however, firmly in the midst of what has come to be known as “awards season”, meaning that very soon familiar names like Clint Eastwood and Mor-

gan Freeman (Invictus), Peter Jackson (The Lovely Bones), George Clooney (Up in the Air) and Meryl Streep (It’s Complicated) will fill multiplexes across the country, as they will be vying for attention from the Oscars and Golden Globes.

However, before we look any further at what is coming, let us take a moment to recognize the ten greatest achievements in film thus far this year and hope that these things will not be forgotten as the year moves ahead.

10. Max Records- With a debut performance as impressive as any other in recent memory, the young actor from Where the Wild Things Are should have no problem finding a following as the years go on. 9. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince- For the first time, comparisons to The Lord of the Rings did not seem that far off. I can’t wait to see the conclusion of this series.

8. Liam Neeson- While Neeson has always been a good actor, it was hard to see his

explosively entertaining performance in Taken coming. While he may be an unlikely hero, he absolutely nailed the part and was responsible for some of the most fun anyone will have watching a movie this year.

7. Meryl Streep- With Julie and Julia, Streep took on the challenge of portraying the

hugely successful Julia Child. Far from being intimidated, however, Streep can proudly add one more success to a long line running back to the start of her career. There was no better actress working then, and quite simply there still isn’t.

6. JJ Abrams- Because of his excellent work on television series such as Lost and Alias, it

was obvious that Abrams had potential, but I could not have guessed he could potentially become the next Spielberg. With the release of Star Trek, a blockbuster that smashed all expectations I had for it, it appears that is exactly where he could be headed.

5. Christoph Waltz- Waltz’s villainous turn in Inglorious Basterds was both utterly malicious and terrifyingly charming. Helping to return Tarantino to his spot as one of the greatest working directors, this iconic performance deserves a place in the best supporting actor category at year’s end.

4. District 9- The most well-realized aliens in all of film history can be found in this fresh sci-fi tale made on a budget of just $30 million. This is easily one of the year’s best as well as one of the gutsiest.

3. Joseph Gordon Levitt- With the release of (500) Days of Summer a star was born. Levitt’s multi-faceted performance in this romantic comedy elevated an already great script and was easily one of the more charismatic and exciting performances of this year.

2. Pixar Animation- Without fail this studio produces great movies year after year and 2009 was certainly

no exception. With Up, the studio’s 10th animated feature, the company touched ground hardly trodden on by even the most serious films. Simultaneously the most touching and hilarious film of the year thus far, this is a must-see.

1. Joel and Ethan Coen- Until last week, Up was my favorite film of the year. But, the

Coen brothers have burst onto the scene, delivering the exceptional A Serious Man, which may just be their masterpiece. For perhaps the first time, their film is less about the story than it is about the themes within. Whether you agree or disagree with the Coen’s view of religion, this is a film that will certainly leave you pondering it for a long time afterwards. Ambitious and extremely unique, this is a film that all fans of cinema should love.

Communications department to move in with sciences by first of the year By ERIN DOLAN Staff Writer The communications department is preparing for another bitter sweet move. Recently SC president Dr. Paul Maurer notified the department of its upcoming move, delivering the message that he would like the whole department moved into its new location in Thompson by January 1st. The significance of this move can be traced back through the last eighteen months, as this will be the third move dictated to the communications department. Although the communications department was just recently informed of the move, a reason for the midyear change is still unknown. “It is probably best if I don’t offer comment on this one,” Maurer said. “It contains some sensitive issues that are best handled in a less public forum. I hope you understand that some issues are best handled internally, for the sake of those involved.” Previously, communications professor Andrew Tash was moved

into the art building in order to accommodate the video editing labs, but this new change came as a bit of a surprise and Tash said he felt it sent a less than positive message to the department. “Being moved for the third time in the last 18 months and in the middle of the year might come across to students that the communication/theatre department isn’t very important to the administration,” Tash said. For now, the department is preparing to make its way to its new home at the center of campus.

Sterling Stir




Soccer season concludes

Warrior men tie in final game

Freshman defender Ashley Redinger steals a pass intended for a Friends forward during the game Saturday afternoon. Photo by Kelly Valentine

Women end season with 1-3 loss By GODFREY MIHESO Staff Writer

T h e Sterling College women’s soccer team suffered a 3-1 loss against Friends University last Saturday at home. The Warriors came out on a positive note with at least forty percent of ball possession, but had difficulty finishing. The Falcons had a breakthrough in the early minutes of the game and the Warrior forwards were unable to get past Friends’ goalie. During the second half, the Falcons held possession more than the host and had the majority of shots on goal, scoring twice. With six minutes remaining, Kate Good scored on the Falcons making it 1-3 midway through the second half. Warriors were able to regain possession defensively and work the ball up

Cross country to run KCAC race Saturday

By AMY WOODS Senior Staffer

The cross country team, after spending this week in training, will head to Friends University for the KCAC championship meet held at Lake Afton this Saturday. Assistant coach Ashley Tesone said she was looking forward to the KCAC race on Saturday because it is the culmination of everything the men’s team has worked towards this year. “Our guys’ team have pushed themselves and competed against each other and encouraged each other, the girls too,” Tesone said, “Saturday is going to show what they’ve done since day one.” Runners who qualify at the KCAC meet will go onto the NAIA Championships in Vancouver, Washington on Nov. 21st. The 2009 cross country team has done a number on the school record board, and several freshman overtaking previous record times. Junior Jessica Stuart moved into 15th in school history with a personal record of 21:25 minutes. Freshman Chris Penner jumped to the top of the men’s records with a personal record of 27:52 minutes, freshmen Kevin Burgess is in second with a time of 28:23. Junior Joseph Dardzinski and freshman Devin Roberts hold the seventh and eighth spots respectively, each with a time of 29:06.

the field for several more attempts, but weren’t able to score again. The Warriors ended their season with a 3-13-1 overall record and a 0-81 KCAC record. Although the season didn’t go quite as the team had hoped, it did have a very promising start. “We really started off pretty well but struggled after some key injuries and never could quite get things put back together,” head coach Justin Morris said. In thinking towards the future, Morris said the team will be working more during the pre-season in tying loose ends for next season. “We are a very young team and played like it a lot of times,” Morris said. “I am very confident that we have learned a lot about ourselves and hopefully will be able to turn things around next season.”

Senior midfielder Aaron Baker attempts to block Friends midfielder Gabriel Parham on his way to attack the goal. Photo by Kelly Valentine By Chris halcromb The Sterling Warrior men’s soccer team played Staff Writer an intense game against the Friends University Falcons on Saturday, Oct. 31st with the score ending in a tie 3-3. Junior Godfrey Miheso scored two of SC’s goals, with Cuyler Pritchard scoring the third. Head coach Dave Underwood said he felt the team was both prepared and excited for its game against Friends. “We felt really good going into the game,” Underwood said. “Friends is a very good team that plays hard and well.” Though the team was ready to play, Underwood said Friends is a team that plays to win. “We knew we would have to match their intensity and play really good soccer,” Underwood said. “We felt like we would match up well with them.” Last Saturday’s game was important because a win would have given the team the possibility of going to the playoffs, but defender Sheriff Sanusi said he planned to treat the game just as any other. The Warriors ended their season with an overall record of 5-8-4, and a KCAC record of 2-4-3.

Junior defender Pedraam Abrar leaps for a header in the final game of the season against Friends. Photo by Kelly Valentine

Warrior volleyball builds on winning record By RENARD BELL Staff Writer

On Tuesday, the Sterling Warriors volleyball team defeated Kansas Weslyan 3-1 at home, bringing their record to 18-9 for the season. Last Saturday, the Warriors took McPherson College 3-0 at McPherson. The Warriors volleyball team was at the top of their game keeping the momentum throughout the entire

game last Saturday against McPherson. Freshman setter Adriana Gonzalez led the warriors in assists with 72 assists thus far in the season. “I felt that we were very well prepared mentally and physically because we practice so hard,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez said she was very pleased with how the team played against McPherson and that is was clear practice was paying off.

“I’m extremely glad our hard work in practice transferred into the game on Saturday,” Gonzalez said. “It was a tremendous win for us.” Head coach Jenny Ellis said she thought the season overall was going very well. “We are showing more strength as a team with each match we play,” Ellis said. “To be voted as preseason 10th and currently be 3rd is a

Win over Bethany makes three in a row

great accomplishment for the girls. The Sterling Warriors Volleyball team will compete against Friends University in Wichita at 7:00 p.m. tonight and then will enter the KCAC tournament this weekend. At this point there is no pressure,” Ellis said. “We have exceeded most people’s expectations and win or lose we are very proud of how the 2009 season has been.”


Football 10/24 10/31


SC 28, KW 18 SC 35, Bethany 2

Men’s Soccer 5-8-4 10/21 SC 2, St. Mary 1 10/24 Tabor 2, SC 1 10/28 McPherson 1, SC 0 10/31 Friends 3, SC 3

The Sterling College special teams attacks a lone KWU player on a kick return at the Homecoming game Oct. 24th. The Warriors won 28-18. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen Warrior football continued the winning streak, which is now up to three, with a dominating win over Bethany College last Saturday, 35-2. This moves the team up to fourth in conference standings, with Ottawa, Friends and McPherson ranked first through third respectively. “[We have the] same outlook as always,” head coach Andy Lambert said, “[to] try to get better each day and each week and play our best football as season progresses.” Despite the appearance of the scoreboard, Sterling only led by a touchdown at the half, 7-0. Second half, the offense stepped up tremendously, scored two touchdowns in both the third and fourth quarter. Defensively, the Warriors dominated the Threshers with a total of 66 tackles. Fresh-

By AMY WOODS Senior Staffer

man Lance Murphy led with nine tackles followed by senior Andrew Lott with eight. Every single defensive player had at least one tackle. “Chuck [Lambert] always tells our defense to ‘bend but not break,’” senior Mike Jones said, “but this game we didn’t budge at all.” It wasn’t just the defense that was working hard, the offense also played a tight game. Sophomore Michael Talton had two interceptions for carries of 20 yards. “It helps so much when our offense stays on the field and gives us a long rest,” Jones said. “Offense did a great job figuring out a way to get around their defense too. Once they found a weak spot and got the ball rolling there was no stopping them.” The Warriors next face St. Mary’s at home at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday.

Women’s Soccer 3-13-1 10/21 St. Mary 3, SC 0 10/22 Bethany 2, SC 0 10/24 Tabor 3, SC 3 10/28 McPherson 7, SC 0 10/31 Friends 3, SC 1 Volleyball 18-9 11/03 SC 3, KWU 1 10/22 SC 3, St. Mary 0 10/26 SC 3, Bethel 1 10/28 SC 3, Southwestern 1 10/31 SC 3, McPherson 0

UPNEXT Football 11/07 2:30 p.m. vs. St. Mary Volleyball 11/05 7 p.m. vs. Kansas Wesleyan Cross Country 11/07 KCAC Regionals at Friends

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