Volume 113 Issue 3

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The official student-run newspaper of Sterling College, serving since 1889 • For updates and more info, visit http://stir.sterling.edu Volume 113 Issue 3

ON THE INSIDE Opinion: Page 6 Editorial Weekly Tornado Column “Cup of Joe” Cartoon SGA Column Campus Pulse

Features: Page 7 Working: The Musical Accreditation update Debate winning streak Entertainment Feature

Sports: Page 8 Football Volleyball Cross Country Men’s soccer Women’s soccer

Photo illustration by Kelly Johnson

Trustees to discuss faith statement By TAYLOR LIBBY Editor-in-Chief

Junior Whitney Dautel nears the end of the race at the cross country meet at McPherson on Oct. 10th. Dautel was one of only three women to compete on the SC team at this meet. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen

THISWEEK Today. Pajama Thursday Tonight. 7 p.m. Volleyball vs. St. Mary’s @ Sterling Tonight. 8 p.m. Working - Fall Musical Friday. Class color Friday Friday 10:30 a.m. Presidential inauguration Friday. 3 p.m. Pep Rally @ Tennis courts Friday. 8 p.m. Working - Fall Musical Saturday. Homecoming Day

NEWSBITES Gym night cancelled CAB’s gym night, which was scheduled for last Friday, was cancelled due to athletic curfew. CAB intends to reschedule the event later this year over a weekend that doesn’t interfer with the athletic schedule. The next CAB event will be the Halloween dance on Oct. 30th, which is being held in Upper Wilson this year.

For the past several years, Sterling College has had two documents that theologically defined the core values of the institution: our beliefs and our faith. However, in April of last year these two documents were combined into one cohesive document that now functions as the faith statement of the college. This Thursday, at their monthly meeting, the board of trustees will discuss how this statement of faith should be put into action on campus, and the topics for consideration include having trustees, full-time faculty and senior administrators sign the statement of faith. “For schools that have their trustees and full time faculty

sign a state of faith, it provides a central point of unity for the institution,” SC President Dr. Paul Maurer said. “Christian institutions, unlike our secular counterparts, have the capacity to have something that unifies them.” According to Maurer, the decision to create a single statement of faith and then implement it in some way is linked to preserving Sterling’s Christ-centered identity and providing common ground among a diverse faculty. Theology and Ministry professor Dr. Henry Lederle said he would be happy to sign the faith statement and would be happy if every other faculty member would as well. Lederle said, to him, confession is an important aspect of Christian faith. “I think it shows conviction and a willingness to stand

up and speak for what we believe in,” Lederle said. Lederle said he thought the issue of the faith statement was a matter of self-definition and helps to establish how Sterling College felt faith should impact education. On the other hand, there has been opposition to requiring faculty to sign the statement of faith. Behavioral science professor Dr. Arn Froese opposes the potential decision to require faculty to sign a statement of faith and said for him it was a matter of integrity. “When someone presents to me a ‘statement of faith’ and compels me to adopt or reject it, I see a major problem,” Froese said. “It is not truthful for others to state for me and present to the public what I believe.” According to Froese, even

SC to inaugurate 11th president during homecoming weekend In the life of any college, a presidential inauguration is a huge event and at Sterling College, that is no exception. Tomorrow, October 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Dr. Paul Maurer will be officially inaugurated as the 11th president of Sterling College. “The inauguration is a time for the trustees and the alumni, the faculty, the staff, the students, the community to pause, to look back at the history of an institution, to take stock of where the institution is today and most importantly to look forward into the future,” Maurer said. Since last April, a committee made up of board members, students, faculty and administrators have been meeting once a month in order to prepare for the big day. Surrounding the inauguration itself will be several events including a dinner for past, present and potential board of trustee members at the Rolling Hills Country Club in Hutchinson and the dedication of the athletic complex, along with other homecoming activities such as the fall play, pep rally and parade. “I think it’s a really good chance to kind of showcase Sterling to a bunch of people who may not fully understand what all goes on campus,” SGA President Matt Ehresman said. “I think it’s going to be just a really great weekend just to show people how alive and great Sterling College is doing.” With invitations, rental fees, food and the other miscellaneous costs of hosting a large number of guests, it is easy to see how the budget for the inauguration could have grown. While the budgeted amount of By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer

$35,000 is small compared to most schools around the country, and actually represents a 36% budget cut from the original approved cost (more than many departments on campus received), the price tag has caused a stir among students. Fresh off of the heels of across the board budget cuts, rising tuition costs and increasingly tight economic times, some have found it hard to accept the alleged extravagance of the event. “The budget cuts that have been happening on campus weren’t fun and weren’t easy for those of us who had to make decisions,” Ehresman said. “I can’t forecast what will happen in the next couple of weeks, but I trust Doctor Maurer and the inauguration committee in their expectation that this will bring a lot of money back to the college. “ With many of the school’s largest donors, as the board of trustees and other collegiate presidents are expected to attend, Maurer said it was important to do everything possible to make the event stand out. “It is certainly possible to do what I would call a punch and cookie kind of inauguration,” Maurer said. “But when you’re asking people to fly in or drive in or spend a day or a day and a half of their time and come to your campus, you want to be a good host.” Overall, expectations are high for the event and Maurer said he hopes to see a good turnout. “I would really like to see students attend,” Maurer said. “It’s a pretty important moment in the life of a college and I think that any student who chooses to attend will come away thinking that was a very good use of an hour and a half.”

though there has been a general openness with the faith statement, he cannot know how the document will be interpreted in the future. “I don’t want to play the interpretation game,” Froese said, “I want my words to mean what they mean.” For now, the board of trustees is still in discussions about how the faith statement will be implemented at an institutional level, but Maurer made one thing clear: students will never be asked to sign such a statement. The change will not be immediate, but over the next few years Maurer said the statement of faith would start to play a more vital role at Sterling College. “The main intention is unity,” Maurer said, “and to protect the Christian identity of the school.”

SC partners with Global Infusion for mission trips By TAYLOR LIBBY Editor-in-Chief Last week, Jonathan Haward, president of Global Infusion, made several appearances across campus to speak with students about upcoming mission trip opportunities. This year, Sterling College will be sending teams to nine different countries, and eight of those partnerships came through Global Infusion, a foreign missions organization that works to put schools, churches and other groups in touch with overseas contacts. One of the things Haward said made his organization so effective is its long-term partnerships, which allow for a better understanding of the vision of the overseas contacts. “We’re in it for the long term,” Haward said. “When we partner with a contact, we do it for life.” Currently, SC and Global Infusion have partnered on summer mission trips to eight different countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Thailand, India and China. SC will also be sending a group of students to Kenya. For more information, contact Missions director Dr. Henry Lederle.

Sterling Stir


stir.sterling.edu Editorial

Internet withdrawal sign of unhealthy dependence For what seems like a few hundred years, Sterling College has struggled, and is still having problems with, an Internet issue. We all know this. We all hate it. However, I think we can learn something from it about ourselves as individuals as well as a society. When lacking use of the Internet, some people completely shut down. We feel that we have no access to the outside world. Our communication is threatened, and we therefore can do nothing productive. Although the lack of Internet connection limits the amount of time we waste on Facebook and other websites that dictate the world, we instead waste our time with endless attempts to connect. But the truth is, joining different networks, turning the AirPort on and off and switching between online and offline mode can only do so much. Even though we are fully aware that access to the Internet is wishy-washy for everybody on campus, we pretend like the problem is fixed whenever we have the rare opportunity to connect. Professors continue to post assignments and tests online, and we send emails around campus expecting others to reply quickly. Have mercy on our souls. What would we do if the Internet left us forever? We might have to read books instead of blogs, learn how to use a library instead of search engines, talk face-to-face with our friends instead of talking to them online while sitting only three rooms away. Although the Internet has now returned in full force, I think our little Internet hiatus was healthy for the campus. Of course, the Internet is a beautiful thing; it makes our lives easier and, in some ways, more exciting. However, we do not realize what we have until it is gone, and we do not realize how much we depend on something until it is not there anymore. Our culture relies heavily upon the Internet and I wonder, if the Internet disappeared completely, how far would we fall as a society before picking ourselves back up? So instead of spending 20 minutes searching for cool autumn pictures to display as your laptop background, go outside and look at it, feel it, smell it, hear it. Rather than arguing with your roommate through lyrical Facebook statuses, turn around and talk to him or her. The Internet is wonderful, but we are allowing it to overcome us. Check yourself. -- Robin Smart, Senior Staffer

OPINIONS Weekly Tornado

10 ways to turn your frown upside down

By GRANT BRINTNALL Some actually do work Staff writer and others are just plain Everyone has “those dumb. I decided to take days.” You know, “those a shot at playing psychiadays” where you’re re- trist and think of as many ally not feeling so great. little things that I’ve done You feel apathetic, sad, to cheer me up when I’ve mad, down, depressed, felt blue. 1. Put on a brand new lonely, blue, melancholy, gloomy, miserable, blah, pair of socks (and slide woebegone and every around) Seriously, nothing beats other emotional adjective the feeling of fresh cotton in the book. These days tend to hap- on the bottom of your pen quite frequently on feet. 2. Take an hour-long college campuses across the nation for various rea- hot shower Just stand (or sit) there sons: classes, homework, papers, relationships, and let the hot water work homesickness, adjusting, its magic. 3. Listen to some good fitting in, boredom, stressing over anything and ol’ 90’s music Oh yeah, music from everything, etc. I’ve heard a lot of advice our childhood. Goo Goo from a number of differ- Dolls, Semisonic, Eve 6, ent people for how you Linkin’ Park, Backstreet can solve these issues. Boys, *Nsync, LFO, Creed,

A Cup of Joe

Vanilla Ice, Barenaked Ladies, Train, the list is endless. 4. Clean your ears with a Q-Tip Amazing. Seriously, make like Nike and just do it. 5. Go for a nice, long walk or drive Just clear your mind and chill. 6. Have an intense heart-to-heart...with yourself...verbally Alright, as crazy as this sounds, talking to yourself really is great. Just make sure no one is around when you do it (unless you get your kicks from being called a ‘nut-case’). 7. Sing your favorite song as loud as you can in a public place If you can muster up the guts to do this one, you


Do you think the presidential inauguration is necessary?

Established in 1889

Contact us: http://stir.sterling.edu E-mail: stir1@sterling.edu

The Stir is produced by Sterling College students and printed bi-monthly in and by the Sterling Bulletin, Sterling, Kan. We seek to serve the Sterling College community with news and information. We work toward goals of honesty and integrity while always seeking the truth. We also work with an understanding of service to a Christian community. Letters to the editor must be signed and legible. Letters are subject to editing for style and spelling and will be printed at the editors’ discretion. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. the Friday before the print date (following Thursday). Opinions presented on the Opinion page do not necessarily represent the views of Sterling College. Address letters to The Stir, SC Box 8, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579. E-mail submissions are accepted and must be sent to stir1@sterling.edu.

Kansas Press Association

Associated Collegiate Press


Compiled by CHRIS LATINI

Sterling Stir Editor-in-Chief...........................................Taylor Libby Senior Staffers.............................................Amy Woods Robin Smart Tim Luisi Cartoonist..........................................Joseph Dardzinski Staff Writers..................................................Erin Dolan Renard Bell Autumn Daniels Chris Halcromb Grant Brintnall Ryan Corwin Photographers..........................................Kelly Johnson Chris Latini Jon Van Veldhuizen Faculty Advisor.........................................Andrew Tash

will not regret it. You will be so slap-happy when you’re done, it won’t even be funny. 8. Smell a new book (pencils and crayons too) Nothing like the fresh smell of paper being flipped in the general vicinity of my nostrils to get the smile going. 9. Look up funny names in the phone book and laugh at them Fredrick McDoogelburger. Seriously. 10. Have an intense fake sword fight Watch “The Duel” episode of season one of How I Met Your Mother. You’ll see... So, next time you’re having one of “those days,” just pick and choose the right ones for you.


Homecoming weekend hits full force By Megan Rainwater Executive Secretary

Hey everyone! I am sure by now you all know what this weekend is: homecoming! The plethora of activities going on can seem overwhelming at times so here is a breakdown of the weekend’s events. Tonight at 7:00 p.m. the Warrior volleyball team competes against the University of Saint Mary in our very own gym. Then at 8:00 p.m. is the opening of the fall musical Working. This is

probably the best night for students to go because Friday and Saturday nights all the people who have come to town for homecoming and the inauguration go to the play. Friday is the inauguration of Dr. Paul Maurer, our 11th Sterling College President. This will be taking place on Cooper Lawn at 10:30 a.m. After that, you have the rest of the day off. At 3:00 p.m., the pep rally will take place on the tennis courts. This will be a good time to see the royalty candidates in action. Finally, Saturday, the big day! You can start your day off at the pancake feed, hosted by the women’s basketball team at the United Presby-

terian church, starting at 7:30 a.m. From there you can head downtown to watch the Parade at 10:00 a.m. After your busy morning, head over to the homecoming hangout on the tennis courts for lunch and some fun and games. The women’s soccer team plays against Tabor College over on the soccer field starting at 11:00 a.m., followed by the men’s team at 1:00 p.m. Finally, at 1:10 p.m., the 2009 Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned, and the football team will face Kansas Wesleyan University for an exciting homecoming game at 1:30 p.m. Well, I hope you all find something to do this weekend!

“I think we could use all the money we’re spending on that in other places where we need it more.” - junior Whitney Dautel

“I understand that it’s necessary, but I think it is only stressing the entire campus out and taking away from homecoming, which is more important for a small school like ours.” - senior Andy Dinh

Corrections and Omissions

Although The Stir always strives for journalistic excellence, we recognize that we may occasionally publish false information or leave out important details unintentionally. Corrections and omissions will appear in this space every issue. If you find a mistake, please let us know by emailing Taylor Libby at tlibby01@ sterling.edu. Seth Svaty is the pastor at the United Presbyterian Church, not a local businessman as stated in last issue. In the last issue we misspelled Jack DeBoer.

“I think the choir is going to be the best part.” - senior Michelle Sumption

Sterling Stir




A musical about paychecks By ROBIN SMART Senior Staffer For the first production of the 2009-2010 school year, the Sterling College Theatre Department will present the musical Working at 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22nd through Saturday the 24th in Culbertson Auditorium. Based on the best-selling book of the same name by Studs Terkel, Working stems from real interviews with several Chicago workers on what they think of their jobs and how they believe the world views their work. Rather than following a specific plot, Working is a series of episodes in which people talk about their occupations, including an office worker, UPS man, housewife and several more.

Unlike most musicals this production has no evil villain and no romantic love story. Instead, it depicts average people and their everyday lives. Not fitting into the musical stereotype, Working features very real characters, a variety of music and a good message. After over six weeks of rehearsal, the 27 actors and actresses, plus a crew of around 15, director Gordon Kling said he was ready to see the show on stage. “Actors seem to be on top of their game and I am looking forward to getting our first audience on Thursday night,” Kling said. The show also includes a performance by Will Dutton, the son of Dennis and Betsy Dutton. Although the cast

has put in a lot of long hours, it hasn’t all been about work. “I have been in my share of shows and this is one of my favorite casts I have been a part of,” senior Alysha Brintnall said. “It’s very refreshing to know that those you are working with mean business and want the very best for the show.” All seats for this show are reserved, so audience members must buy a ticket from the box office at the Spencer south entrance. Box office hours are from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7 to 8 p.m. each night of the show. Tickets are free for SC students, $8 for adults and $5 for senior citizens, children and nonSC students.

Top: Sophomore Cara Spencer and junior Marcus Mull spend some time exploring the life of store clerks in this year’s fall musical Working. The musical explores several different middleclass jobs. Right: Director Gordon Kling gives his actors and actresses instructions prior to the start of rehearsal. Photos by Kelly Johnson

Debate wins three in a row Sterling continues the accredidation process By TAYLOR LIBBY Editor-in-Chief

Just as athletic teams have been building winloss records for weeks, the Sterling College debate team also has three tournaments, and three wins, under its belt. The parliamentary debate team of juniors David Bowers and Emily Graham won their first debate tournament, Debate on the Plains, at Hutchinson Community College, on Sept. 19th and 20th, their second tournament, the Sunflower Swing, at Bethel College, on Oct. 9th and 10th and their third tournament at Ottawa University this past weekend. The team of juniors Courtney Hensley and Jason Phillips also brought home a trophy last weekend, taking second place in parliamentary debate. “They’re [Bowers and Graham] darn good,” debate and forensics coach Ken Troyer said. “They are able to debate in any number of ways and adapt probably bet-

Juniors David Bowers and Emily Graham show off their third first place trophy of the season following a win at Ottawa. Photo courtesy Ken Troyer ter than any other team they have hit.” Troyer said another factor in the pair’s winning ability is the fact that they are both experienced competitors with several debate rounds already under their belt. Like Troyer, Bowers said he thought his and Graham’s ability to adjust their debating style has made them so successful. “Our ability to make parli make sense to whoever the judge is has been our biggest strength,” Bowers said. Though the debate

season has begun with a winning streak, Troyer said the team has bigger goals than just winning. “We will continue to go to diverse tournaments to prepare for the national tournament,” Troyer said. However, Bowers and Troyer both agreed that winning tournaments all year wouldn’t do any good if the team cannot compete at the national level. “Our goals are ultimately to be the best team in the region,” Bowers said, “and to be competitive at nationals.”

Sterling College will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit December 7-9, 2009, by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Sterling College has been accredited by the Commission since 1957. Its last comprehensive visit for reaccreditation occurred in 2000. The Higher Learning Commission is one of six regional accrediting agencies in the United States. Institutional accreditation involves evaluation of an entire organization. Other agencies provide accreditation for specific programs. Accreditation is voluntary. The Higher Learning Commission, which accredits approximately 1100 institutions of higher education in a nineteen-state region, is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. For the past eighteen months, Sterling College has been engaged in a comprehensive self study of its organization. The study has involved the College’s ability to meet the Commission’s requirements and criteria for reaccreditation. The evaluation team will visit the institution to gather evidence that the self study is thorough and accurate. The team will then recommend to the Commission a continuing status for the College. Following a review process, the Commission itself will take action. The public is invited to submit comments about Sterling College: Public Comment on Sterling College The Higher Learning Commission 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60602 Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Written, signed comments must be received by November 7, 2009. The Commission cannot guarantee that comments received after the due date will be considered. Comments should include the name, address, and telephone number of the submitter. Comments will not be treated as confidential. Note: Individuals with a specific dispute or grievance with an institution should request the separate Policy on Complaints document from the Commission office. The Higher Learning Commission cannot settle disputes between institutions and individuals. Complaints will not be considered third-party comments. -- Gentry Sutton, Director of Institutional Assessment

‘Wild Things’ adventure worth the movie ticket

By TIM LUISI Senior Staffer Abrupt. Violent. Furious. Wild. These are just a few of the words that could be used to describe director Spike Jonze’s (Being John Mal-

kovich) third career effort, Where the Wild Things Are, which premiered last Friday. Far more ambitious than the typical children’s fare, Jonze trades in his characteristic mental somersaults for actual, physical cartwheels. Showing a prowess for action sequences previously hidden by the director, the film is both extremely appealing to the eye and at the same time wracking to the emotions. The film, which shows the world and creatures created by Max, a young child hoping

to escape the frustration of his fragmented home, is based off Maurice Sendack’s cherished children’s book. While I have personally not read the book, I can say that the images must have been fantastic to inspire such intriguing creatures as seen in the film. These wild things were a particularly fascinating and impressive element of the film. Just as Christopher Johnson, the alien featured in District 9 earlier this year, was able to obtain empathy from audiences without even human expression, the ‘wild things’ showcased

here were able to as well. Every one of the bizarre and beautiful designs did not distract from the hurt that each character suffered underneath, but rather highlighted and enhanced it. While much of the film was great, the story may have been too slight to justify a full-blown adaptation. Although the tale was never dull, it did seem to meander along without much purpose at times. Due to the evident talent that Jonze possessed, however, these sequences always managed to jump back on track with great speed.

In short, this is a movie that should be greatly admired. While many children’s films insult the intelligence of the viewers, this is a film that aims much higher than simply serving as a trivial distraction for kids, instead becoming something that should spark their imaginations. With an impressive debut performance from Max Records, the young boy who plays the imaginative Max, an excellent ensemble and inspired direction, this is a film that may stand very tall amongst most others at the end of the year.

Sterling Stir





Football 10/10 10/17


Friends 30, SC 6 SC 47, Tabor 21

Warriors spear the Blue Jays

Men’s Soccer 4-6-3 10/10 Bethel 1 , SC 1 10/12 SC 4, SWU 0 10/14 Ottawa 3, SC 1 10/17 Bethany 2, SC 2 Women’s Soccer 3-9 10/10 Bethel 7, SC 2 10/12 SWU 1, SC 0 10/14 Ottawa 7, SC 0 Volleyball 10/16 10/20

11-7 Tabor 3, SC 1 SC 3, Ottawa 0

UPNEXT Football 10/24 1:30 p.m. vs. KW Men’s Soccer 10/24 1 p.m. vs. Tabor Women’s Soccer 10/24 11 a. m. vs. Tabor Volleyball 10/22 7 p.m. vs Univ. St. Marys 10/26 7 p.m. vs. Bethel College Cross Country 10/24 Mid-States at Southwestern 11/7 KCAC Regionals at Friends

Sophomore running back Andrew Drake rushes past Tabor defenders. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen By GRANT BRINTNALL Staff Writer After coming off a three consecutive game losing streak, the Warrior football team had a lot to prove going into last Saturday’s game against Tabor. In preparing for the game, head coach Andy Lambert said the team continued working toward its usual goals. “Our goals are always the same,” Lambert said. “We focus on the process of playing mistake free and fast.”

The cold afternoon brought the Blue Jays to Smisor Stadium and Sterling started off with a bang, leading the Blue Jays 27-0 at the half. Tabor came back in the second half to score three touchdowns, but that wasn’t enough to stop the Warriors, who scored three touchdowns themselves in the second half. The final score landed Sterling a 47-21 victory, evening out the Warriors record 3-3. Lambert said that he is happy for the win and hopes it’ll move the team in the right di-

Cross country places 2nd, prepares for conference

Freshmen Kevin Burgess and Devin Roberts push through the cold at the McPherson meet on Oct. 10th. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen By AMY WOODS Senior Staffer The Warrior cross country team is nearing the end of the regular season and made a strong showing at the McPherson meet on October 10th. “I was very impressed with our performance at Mac. This is the closest we have ever been to winning a meet,” senior

Ernest Newton said. The men’s team had its best performance of the year and walked away with second place. “The men ran the best race of the year, packed up very close to each other, and gave our team the best shot at winning the meet,” head coach Jack Dillard said. “They did everything they could do, and you can’t ask for anything more

than that.” Though the women have been consistently strong, they did not feature their full team at the McPherson meet. “We ran a skeleton team due to some injuries and training strategy,” Dillard said. Only junior Whitney Dautel and freshmen Sara Doll and Lindsay Rollins ran for the SC women. With the regular season almost over, Dillard said the team was looking forward to the conference meet. “Training is going great, [and we’re] looking to be right where we need to be for KCAC,” Dillard said. The Warriors will run their last regular season meet at Southwestern University on Saturday October 24. The KCAC regional tournament will be on Nov. 7 at Friends University.

Women’s soccer cancels game due to widespread illness Due to an outbreak of the flu, the women’s soccer team had to postpone its game against Bethany College last Saturday. Both teams had players out due to illness. Although a date has not been set for the postponed game, the Warriors are still practicing and will hit the field again this Saturday at 11 a.m. against Tabor.

Junior Emily Gloshen and freshman Ashley Redinger go after the ball during a practice scrimage. Photo by Kelly Johnson

Junior quarterback Keoki Burbank tosses it up for his reciever against Tabor last Saturday. Photo by Jon VanVeldhuizen rection. “The team’s aim is to play great regardless of winning or losing. Winning is obviously important, but the scoreboard is never the team’s final evaluation,” Lambert said. “So while it is good to win, it is much, much better to play great-win, lose or draw.”

The Sterling offense rushed 269 total yards and the defense did their job by holding Tabor to a mere 79 rushing yards. Sterling’s next game is the Homecoming game which will be played against Kansas Wesleyan University this Saturday at 1:30 p.m.

Men’s soccer loses winning record By RENARD BELL Staff Writer The Sterling Warrior men’s soccer team faced off against Ottawa University last Saturday in Ottawa and fell 1-3, giving the team a 4-6-3 record. Head coach Dave Underwood said he is very pleased as to how his team is starting off games but he is also concerned as to how they finish them. “We are very well prepared and in shape, but there are still areas they need to improve on,” Underwood said. Senior defensive player Justin Martens leads the team in scoring this season with five goals, followed closely by freshman midfielder Cuyler Prichard. Cuyler Prichard had two goals against Bethel College on Monday, Oct. 12. Sophomore midfielder Zd- Junior Godfrey Miheso practices kicks in vrako Gerganoff said he was practice. Photo by Kelly Johnson impressed by how well Prichard has adapted to the college and we are proud that he is a part of level and thought he was going to be our team,” Gerganoff said. trouble for SC opponents. The Warriors play at home this Sat“We have a lot of respect for him urday at 1 p.m. against Tabor.

Volleyball drops to Tabor Blue Jays By Chris halcromb Staff Writer

The Sterling Lady Warrior volleyball team played a close and hard game against Tabor’s Lady Blue Jays last Friday, but lost 3-1. Head coach Jenny Ellis said she thought the team gave great effort throughout the whole game. “Overall I was pleased. We faced the number one team in the conference and we played well,” Ellis said. The Blue Jays won the first two games, but when it came to the third game, seniors Bailey Frick and Renee Swisher stepped up and made a couple of great plays. “We played well last,” Swisher said, “after Senior Staci Curry puts one the first game we got our bearings.” In the end the Lady Warriors pulled it out over the net at the Warriors game against against Taand beat Tabor in the third match. Though the Blue Jays won the game, the bor last Friday. Photo by Jon Warriors did pick up one match and senior VanVeldhuizen Staci Curry said she was ready to hit Tabor again later in the season. “We have improved a lot this season and we will get them [Tabor] in the upcoming tournament,” Curry said. “The game went was exciting but unfortunately the Lady Warriors ended up with a loss.” The Warriors will hit Saint Mary’s this evening at 7 p.m.

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