St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1968-1969

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SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE WORK THE B.F.U.W. and the I.F.U.W. offer each year for competition amongst members certain Scholarships and Fellowships that enable the holders to undertake research work abroad, mostly for an academic year, or occasionally for a shorter period to complete a piece of work; there is also available each year a Scholarship at Crosby Hall, the B.F.U.W.'s Club House in London. Particulars may be obtained from: The Secretary, British Federation of University Women, Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. 3.



HE College has no known address for the following Members and former undergraduates, and the Secretary of the Association would be grateful for any news. Mrs. Adam (G. M. Irvine) (1926) S. 0. Allison (1925) Mrs. Alpert (M. J. Taylor) (1960) Mrs. Anderson (J. M. Mills) (1952) J. M. P. Anderson (1953) Mrs. Annesley (C. 0. J. Awdry-Nicks) (1922) B. U. M. Armitage (1917) Mrs. Atack (M. F. Houlihan) (1924) A. B. Auden (1959) L. E. Auld (1911) D. R. Bagley (1920) G. M. Barker (1922) N. Barrows (1926) F. E. Bartlett (1964) Mrs. Bawden (L.-A. Davies) (1950) M. P. M. Beasley (1913) E. M. Beer (1935) I. D. Bennett (1900) Mrs. Berrie (W. Knox) (1926) A. H. Bishop (1932) Mrs. Boavista (M. E. H. Campbell) (1939) Mrs. Boone (V. A. G. Smith) (1914) Mrs. Borthwick (R. J. Haswell) (1958) Mrs. Bostock (A. Sissermann) (1940) J. Y. Boydell (1942) J. Bradford (1946) Mrs. Bradley (0. Bonsey) 919) A. Bray (1960) Mrs. Brock (S. M. Abercromby) (1956) Mrs. Brown (P. Hatton) (1926) Mrs. Burgess (M. T. Whitcombe) (1945) H. M. Burridge (1915) 33

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