StFX Alumni News - Winter 2021

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PJILA’SI FROM “THE LOVING HEARTS OF A LOYAL PEOPLE” Words of welcome are a fitting start for an Alumni Association president’s last column in the AlumniNews. The words above—Pjila’si from “the loving hearts of a loyal people”—is found on upper-campus, carved in stone in our beautiful new Alumni Plaza. The words were carefully chosen to commemorate the Alumni Association’s 125th anniversary, working together with Elder Kerry Prosper, StFX Knowledge Keeper and respected member of Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation. “Pjila’si” is a welcome in the Mi’kmaq language. From “the loving hearts of a loyal people” is a quote from Dr. Alexander MacDonald Thompson, StFX President, during a celebration of StFX’s 50th anniversary. The speech commemorated that StFX was built on the industriousness of its communities, and that its existence was not inevitable. In 2021, those communities have grown ever more diverse, and partnerships are realizing new depths. That his speech was largely referencing settler peoples of Nova Scotia, and that today, we have reclaimed those words to forge a new welcome from a broader coalition of StFX and community, is

something for which I am deeply grateful to Elder Prosper and Paqtnkek community members. The words are also a reminder the wide StFX community and its continued good work are not inevitable. We can all play a role in ensuring our alma mater is a place for growth, where change can happen, where progress is made. We know it can be this place because we’ve all experienced its impact. And so I challenge you to find a way to commit to our ever-growing loving hearts. StFX has never been, and is not, inevitable. Alumni support deeply matters. Join us at your next chapter event, give back to StFX financially as you can, remind youth and those seeking an academic challenge that adventure awaits in Antigonish. We have something precious to share – a community of welcome, of loving hearts, and loyal people. It has been an honour to serve as Alumni Association president, and to do so as our first open member of the LGBTQ+ community. It gives me such gratitude that our alumni have entrusted the chair to an amazing next president, Katheen Sheridan ’15, only the fourth woman to hold the post.

Marc Rodrigue ’08

Our alumni council continues to be a strength and our local chapter presidents and volunteers remain best in the country. The Alumni Office, under Shanna Hopkins’ leadership, is award-winning. We are an organization for all, and all are welcome. Hail and Health! Marc Rodrigue ’08 President, StFX Alumni Association



The late Dr. Dan Belliveau ’88, StFX Dean of Science and former Alumni Association council member and former president of the London, ON alumni chapter, presented his son Xavier ’21 with his degree this past May. Dr. Belliveau passed away in August. The Dr. Dan Belliveau Bursary has been established for students with financial need in the Bachelor of Science Program.

The past 20 months have not been easy, but we are now learning to live with COVID. Throughout this pandemic, we have had to change the way we do things in our work life and in our everyday life. Because of this, we have been forced to think outside the box, and at times, outside our comfort zone.

As we return to in-person events here at StFX, I cannot help but think of the words spoken by our late Dean of Science, Dr. Dan Belliveau ’88--“Don’t Waste the Pandemic.” Dan rightly encouraged us in his words and actions to take advantage of the things we have learned during COVID, including the ways we had to

Shanna Hopkins ’01

adapt to be more inclusive and intentional in planning our events and communications, and to carry these lessons with us as we move forward. It is his words that will guide us and remind us that out of this difficult time we have all learned very valuable lessons. Thank you, Dan.



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