Biophile Issue 20

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diverse and now is the time to honor and unite in the similarities rather than divide and focus on the differences. History undeniably has proven that religions and governments have failed to bring unity and peace to humanity and the Earth. They have instead been the dividers which in many cases have lead to wars and planetary suffering. Forcing one culture onother children of God in all their diversity, to accept another’s images, doctrines and beliefs is in error. It has nothing to do with love andloveis the law that supersedes all other laws. Now is the time for the people to stand up and agree to the Universal Principles and Understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment which are the universal threads that bind all humanity together. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all honoring the Omnipresent Creator in all Creation are basic premise of all advanced civilizations. These universal principles were taught by every master, prophet and sage in every culture and the religious leaders should follow and teach these principles by example. Any belief that divides, separates, and demonizes another is not of God. Any religion that supports over-population beyond the ability of the land and resources to provide is responsible for the poverty, famine, and disease that follows.

Problem 5. Environment Standard Answer: provide major

contracts to clean up air, land and water, restore the destruction to habitat, tax the people.

Solution 3: go to the source, those that are polluting the air, land, water and destroying habitat. Stop making the mess rather than continuously cleaning up the

Problem: War

Standard Answer: use force to eliminate any obstacle that interferes with democracy or overseas corporate business which might affect business at home. Fund and instill dictators, presidents and leaders loyal to the US

Biophile Issue 20


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