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When it comes to understanding health and disease at a deep level, genomics and genetics play a critical role. However, the terms can sometimes be confusing, which is why it’s important to differentiate between them and what they signify.



Genetics is the study of genes and their role in inheritance, which is how various conditions and traits are passed down between generations. Genes are also known as the units of heredity, so their study involves understanding how they impact the development of genetic disorders and conditions. On the other hand, genomics involves the study of a person’s genes (in totality) and how they interact with each other and the individual’s environment. It considers that diseases such as diabetes and cancer are caused by more than just individual genes and that environmental factors are at play. Through genomics, the medical science community is continually uncovering new treatments and diagnostic approaches to treat complex diseases.


By itself, genetics is useful in helping individuals to understand how certain conditions develop due to inheritance. This information is useful when screening for genetic conditions and even considering the appropriate treatment approach. For researchers, genomics is helping to uncover the interplay between genetic factors and an individual’s environment in the development of certain diseases.

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