How to manage my asthma

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3 Key Outcomes: ──── If you take your medication as prescribed, you will have less asthma attacks


Asthma is a health condition that makes it hard to breathe. This is because the airways that go to our lungs swell up due things that can trigger this response. Things that can trigger an asthma attack are cigarette smoke, mold, pets, too much exercise, some kinds of food, and medications

HOW CAN I PREVENT/REDUCE MY ASTHMA ATTACKS? 1) Know early warning signs and symptoms of an asthma attack, such as coughing, shortness of breath, harder to breathe. 2) Take your medications the way the doctor ordered them, ex. inhalers, etc. 3) Trying knowing your triggers and avoid them as

──── You will be able to participate for actively in more activities ──── You will have more energy and feel better! ────

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