Spring Newsletter 2023

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Spring 2023 Newsletter


On December 31, 2015, I signed closing papers and wired $1.25 million dollars to purchase 6.25 acres of the former Van Lierop Bulb Farm. When the banker pushed the button to send the money, I thought I’d never do anything so big and so bold again. Getting to that day was so incredibly stressful and yet, as I reflected on all that happened that year, I knew it was miraculous!

Much has happened since that day, and I am regularly reminded to slow down and look at how far we’ve come instead of always striving to do more. I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has come alongside Step By Step to get us to this point. Thank you to our staff, our case managers, our board of directors, our generous donors, the City of Puyallup staff and council, the legislators, our faithful volunteers, consultants, our customers, and our Step By Step moms over the last 26 years.

My husband often asks me when I will be done dreaming about the “next thing”. My answer to him is that I will be done when I have created a model that fully embraces motherhood the way I would want to be embraced. My dreams will feel complete when I no longer hear stories of moms who have lived in 37 foster homes, who regularly heard “you are worthless”, who grew up in drug-fueled homes that never felt safe, and who never experienced genuine love. Until then, I won’t stop dreaming about the “next thing”.

My phrase for 2023 is “Expect Miracles”. Everything has felt a bit harder this year. It’s harder to raise money, it’s harder to run a business, it’s harder to afford to live, and even harder for families to find quality and affordable childcare. On March 24th, we experienced another miracle. I signed closing papers on 6 acres directly west of the entrance to Farm 12 Restaurant. On this land, we will build a real-life farm and work with the Department of Children, Youth and Families to license a naturebased preschool (fully outdoors for children 30 months to 5 years) by fall. This land will stay in agricultural zoning for the foreseeable future. For the indoor Early Learning Center, we will be remodeling the last remaining pole barn on the Germaine Korum site.

We anticipate the total cost of this project (including the purchase of the land) to be around $12 million dollars. Depending on how the state’s capital budget ends up in this legislative session, we believe we are about 75% of the way to our goal. We are expecting miracles as we look to the finish line of this project and begin construction. If you’d like to invest in this vision and help to raise the next generation, we’d love your support!

With Gratitude,


Every February, Step By Step receives scholarship applications from Step By Step moms who have a desire in their hearts to pursue something more. This year, after reviewing all the applications, we were able to provide educational scholarships to four deserving moms. Their applications and personal stories were heartwarming; we wish we could fund them all!

One story that stood out to us was Ayesha’s. Ayesha, a mother to four beautiful children ages 6, 3, 2, and 6 months, wrote, “Throughout my adult journey, I have been met with love, adoration, disappointment, and betrayal. But no matter what, I still manage to push through adversity. One thing I’ve had trouble with in the past is finding and keeping my passion and self-worth.”

Ayesha has worked with several of our case managers including Shannon Schaefer, Becky Hoffman, and now, Dyan Centen. With a supportive and encouraging team, she enrolled in the Medical Assistance program at UEI College and is in the final stages of her externship program. This is her first step in pursuing her dream of becoming a Certified OBGYN/ Midwife.

“My goal is to do my part in dropping the maternal mortality rate in people of color and getting moms back to healthy natural births even after a C-section. I have healing hands and the vision to make my dreams come true. I’m ready to fulfill my person”, said Ayesha.

We are cheering Ayesha on as she takes steps toward pursuing her dreams while also being the best mom she can be to her four children.


Ayesha Williams

Brittney Bondy

Deneeka Smith

Tara Stevents

Special thanks to the Puyallup Kiwanis Foundation and the Allison Foundation for supporting the scholarship progam and making these gifts possible!

“The next step to success is just that, a step. You just have to be willing to take it. Here’s to achieving goals and believing in your dreams enough to give it a shot!”

Pictured: Krista Linden (left) with Brittney Bondy (right) who also received the “Live Your Dream” scholarship from the Soroptimist Seattle South Chapter.


For the past year, volunteer inquiries have increased steadily each week. The amount of support our community has provided to the mission of Step By Step is incredible. Last year, we hosted two volunteer orientations and welcomed over 40 new volunteers to our team! As we look into 2023, we’re thrilled to expand our volunteer team, especially in our Walk with Me Volunteer Group.

Walk With Me (WWM) is made up of individual volunteers who want to provide meaningful support and friendship to encourage and equip moms through direct client contact. The program establishes a network of resources to assist moms as they work to deliver a healthy baby, embrace positive parenting, and establish a safe home and secure their future.

Volunteers work with clients in 1:1 mentorship, meal deliveries, driver’s license preparation, cleaning and organizing homes, and much more! Most importantly, our volunteers provide a sense of community and friendship to those who may feel alone or isolated. Our vision for 2023 is to increase the size of our WWM volunteer group, recognizing the time constraints of our case managers and the importance of the work we do.

If you or someone you know is passionate about working with moms and giving back, we would love to hear from you. For more information, please email: volunteer@stepbystepfamily.org




Here at Step By Step, our case managers are the core of everything we do. They are the ones who go into the homes of women with patience, kindness, and trust that creates lasting bonds with the Step By Step moms and families. They are most often the unsung heroes, rarely hearing or understanding the true impact they have on these women.

One of those case managers is Cheri Jacobsen. She is a Registered Nurse and Certified Lactation Consultant who has been working as a home visiting nurse with Step By Step for 15 years. She builds beautiful relationships with the families she services. She believes in them and many times, that is not something they have ever had before.

Cheri also works with many of the refugee families we service through World Relief (a Christian

Humanitarian Organization). Over the last few years, she has had more clients that are new to this country, new to the language, and new to this culture than most of our case managers. Along with the challenges of moving to a new country, pregnancy brings it’s own set of needs. For example, taking a newborn baby to multiple visits, navigating car seat requirements, and immunization schedules. Cheri walks alongside, and suports them as they settle into their new lives.

Thank you Cheri for your commitment and compassion to the Step By Step moms and their children. We are grateful to you!

Pictured: Rachel Wattam (left), former Step By Step client and current Farm 12 employee alongside her case manager, Cheri Jacobsen, RN, BSN, IBCLC


It’s hard to believe that the first group of moms graduated from Dream Works last October! The graduates remain connected to the community through weekly Peer Support meetings, the Dreams Work Graduate’s Book Club, and social gatherings. It is a joy to watch some of our moms as they take on the challenges of post-secondary education or regular employment while meeting the demands of motherhood.

After evaluating the first Dreams Works session, we made a few significant changes including hiring more life coaches, engaging additional Program Sponsors, and refining our Business Partnerships. We continue to adapt our program to better meet the needs of our moms so they are equipped and ready for employment once they graduate from the program.

On February 2, we held Orientation for the second Dreams Work cohort which is made up of eleven Step By Step moms. Since then, they have received instruction in interview techniques and resume writing. They put their new skills to the test through mock interviews with professionals from Providence Hospital, Advanced Healthcare, The Market at Bonney Lake, a retired human resources veteran, and our own Step By Step team members. At the end of the 16 weeks, we hope to have moms who are not only ready to enter the full-time job market but who have solid interview skills and workforce preparation experience.

By the time this newsletter goes to print, the cohort will be more than halfway through their third week of on-the-job training. They are working at Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits, Farm 12 Restaurant & Events, Fika, The Loveland Greenhouse, and The Market.

Something happens in the human spirit when one becomes a contributor to something greater than themselves. We are seeing it in our Dreams Work participants. It is wonderful to see the effect that working in these environments is having on them. In addition, the comments we’ve received from our Business Partners confirms that the current group is not only learning, but they are making a difference.

Below are a few comments from our business partners regarding the moms work experience.

“She takes instruction very well, asks thorough questions, and has good ideas to work effectively and safely. She easily receives feedback and is willing to do anything ask of her. I planted with her all day Friday, she did a beautiful job and truly enjoyed it as well. We had a great time. Her previous work experiences are obvious and she has a great work ethic and attention to detail.”

“She was assertive, happy and friendly with staff and guests. She took the initiative towards the end of the shift to clear and clean tables on her own. She asked great questions.”

We are excited about the growth we are seeing in the moms and the practical work experience they are gaining each week in the program.

Huge thanks to our Business Partners, Program Sponsors, life coaches, and all the volunteers for making this program possible!


We’ve always had big dreams. We dream of a thriving community. We dream of being a leader in the hospitality industry. We dream of breaking generational cycles. We dream of being a safe place for 200 children to get dirty and play outside in an early learning center. We dream of kids growing food on-site and walking it to the restaurant so our culinary team can cook it for our community. We dream of being a place that encourages and equips people to be all that they’re created to be.

As we’ve been dreaming, we’ve seen the need to rethink our brand. Three years ago, when we were opening Farm 12, we designed a brand that held us up through growing pains and uncertainty. It allowed us to get our feet wet, as we burst through the dirt. But, as always, we’re striving for more.

We are putting down roots and building a sturdy foundation, so people can blossom. We need a brand that will grow with our

In February, we had the opportunity to attend the Puyallup/Sumner Chamber of Commerce “Champions of Commerce Gala”. Farm 12, Step By Step, and Fika were nominated in four categories, and Fika took the win for the “Newsworthy Newcomer” award. This recognition was for a new business that has achieved quick success while generating lots of buzz!

It was fun to have two of the Fika managers and three bakers attend the event. These individuals show up to work at 4 am every day to bake for the community. We are grateful they were recognized, and for all the nominations!

dreams. The bloom icon (which now represents Farm 12) is inspired by the belief that a life rooted in purpose flourishes. Farm 12 and its enterprises are the economic drivers for our biggest dreams, the mission of Step By Step.

We’re still striving for greatness; we’re still striving for more. Nothing about our intentions or our culture has changed. We took the last year to rethink Farm 12’s brand and we’ve taken the last few months to tighten up a little of Step By Step’s brand. Slowly we’ll be incorporating this new branding everywhere, and we wanted you to know why!

NEWSWORTHY NEWCOMER Visit Fika | Open daily from 6 AM to 3 PM


Mental Health Monday is led by Dr. Gretchen Gendreau, a Doctor of Counseling Psychology who has a huge heart for community and reducing the barriers to mental health education. We discuss a variety of subjects including parenting, marriage, generational cycles, family structures, and emotional control.

A loyal participant to Mental Health Monday recently sent us this note. “I’m so incredibly grateful for this! These classes are exactly what I’ve needed to start my week(s) off strong every Monday. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. And special thanks to Dr. Gretchen for her selflessness – providing this class and sharing her knowledge for free.” This is how we hope everyone feels after attending.

We have held two, six-week sessions in our new space, Fika! It has been the perfect space to gather, learn and share with our community. Mental Health Monday

was designed with our Farm 12 employees and Step By Step moms in mind, but it is always open to the public! From married couples to single moms, friends and more, we love seeing everyone who attends.

A big thank you to Gretchen for sharing your wisdom, time, and heart. We look forward to continuing the sessions in the future and hope to see you all there!

Our next series of Mental Health Mondays will start in a few months. We will post the information on our social media channels and through email.

week(s) off strong every Monday”.

“I’m so incredibly grateful for this! These classes are exactly what I’ve needed to start my


Murrey’s Disposal is one of our annual business partners and as such, we love to acknowledge their support and all the things they do for our community. Even though they are a garbage company, their focus is on people, both in their relationships with each other and with the community.

They invest in their people with ongoing education, training and give plenty of opportunities for individuals to receive additional leadership training if they wish to advance in their positions.

Josh Metcalf, District Manager, explains how every single employee goes through leadership training when they onboard. “We introduce them to the concept of servant leadership. It’s the foundation for our culture.”

Josh says this is illustrated on the safety vest of every Murrey’s employee as an upside-down triangle, representing the “few serving many”.

One of their employees recently created a short video that exemplified what Josh describes. The video highlights the people-first culture, that relationships matter, training and growth opportunities that the company provides, community involvement, and lastly that the garbage industry can be fun!

Murrey’s is celebrating 60 years of service in the community and we want to be the first to celebrate this extraordinary accomplishment! Their people-first and servant leadership culture aligns with our own values and beliefs. We are proud and honored to partner with Murrey’s Disposal.

Murrey’s safety vest features an upsidedown triangle that represents the “few serving many” and their people-first culture.


Every year we look forward to greenhouse season and the beauty it brings. Every year it exceeds our expectations!

Event season concluded in the greenhouse at the beginning of February and the greenhouse didn’t skip a beat! We went right into planting season and preparing the greenhouse for another beautiful spring. Step By Step volunteers, led by new Greenhouse Director Katie, are busy cutting, re-potting, planting, watering, growing, and nurturing our one-of-a-kind hanging flower baskets.

This season is very special to us as it is our first season working with one of our Dreams Work mommas. Dreams Work, our new job training program, was able to place a delightful mom with us to learn the ins and outs of production, gardening, and sales.

Growing in the greenhouse is only made possible by our amazing and faithful volunteers. If you volunteer in the greenhouse, please know how much we appreciate you. We love seeing the growth and beauty that these baskets bring for us and our community all summer long.

The greenhouse will be open to the public and for basket pickup at the very end of April/early May. Please stay tuned on our website and social media for a final opening date.


Nothing says Christmas like Santa and snow, and Step by Step’s annual holiday parties last December did not disappoint!

Our host churches rolled out the red carpet to welcome us in out of the cold, and after two years of drive-through parties, families willingly battled snowy weather to attend our traditional in-person Christmas celebration. We shared meals together, visited Santa, decorated cookies, played games, and took family photos for memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you to Northview Community Church in Bothell and

Lighthouse Christian Center in Puyallup for another unforgettable Christmas made possible by an army of volunteers and generous donors. We couldn’t do it without you!

The fun continued all month long, as volunteers helped deliver Christmas gifts from holiday giving trees and donation drives. Thank you to everyone who worked hard and donated generously, including Momentum Chiropractic, Murrey’s Disposal, Car Pros, and Kendall’s DJ and Events. Your generosity made Christmas wishes come true.


Foundation gifts gratefully received this quarter: Big Lots Foundation of The Columbus Foundation, Community Foundation of the North State, Perigee Fund, and The Cafaro Foundation.

Corporate gifts gratefully received this quarter:

Chick-fil-A Puyallup, Korum Automotive, Korum for Kids Foundation, Kroger, Propel Insurance, Puget Sound Energy, Richards Risk Management, The Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse, Umpqua Bank (formerly Columbia Bank), and Walrath Trucking Inc.

Special acknowledgement for gifts received in memory of Tommy Yotsuuye.

If you’d like to become a business partner and be a part of doing incredible work with families, contact Janel at JanelTobar@Stepbystepfamily.org or call (253) 896-0903.



All profits benefit the mission and programs of Step By Step

Mother’s Day Market

Sunday, May 7 | 10 AM - 4 PM

It’s no secret we love motherhood. It’s the sweetest bond - something we spend every day nurturing, supporting and empowering. Join us for two weeks at Farm 12 to celebrate motherhood, enjoy our garden, greenhouse, new menu flavors, and curated vendors at our market. We can’t wait to see you!

During the week of April 28 - May 14, we will be hosting fun things to do with the moms in your lives. Scan the QR code to check out the calendar of events.

Boots & Blooms BBQ

Thursday, August 17 @ 5:30 PM

Dreaming of summer? We are too! Nothing says summer like an outdoor BBQ with friends. We hope you will join us for our 2nd annual Boots & Blooms event. There will be live music, smoked meat, yard games, line dancing lessons, and local auction items. You’ll hear from Step By Step’s founder and CEO, Krista Linden, and have an opportunity to support the mission.

Little Steps, Big Dreams Race

Saturday, September 30th @ 8 AM

Mark your calendars and dust off your tennis shoes for Step by Step’s Little Steps Big Dreams 5k/10k. Whether you run, walk, or stroll, you will not want to miss this fun family-friendly event! Watch our Facebook page for upcoming details on our first ever running club as well.

(253) 896-0903

Tax ID: 91-1871945



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