4 minute read

Tiffani Teachey

A pivotal part of my mission has been making STEM accessible to children and their communities I've taken this message to three different countries in Africa, including Ghana, South Africa, and Botswana. There, I've had the privilege of sharing my STEM books with children, parents, and educators. By doing so, I aim to inspire and educate the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators, fostering a passion for STEM from an early age.

Beyond the African continent, I've had the honor of traveling to Italy, where I served as a featured speaker on STEM education and the process of publishing children's books. This experience provided me with the opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise with a broader international audience, emphasizing the global significance of STEM education and the powerful impact of children's literature in this field

While these accomplishments are a source of pride and motivation, my STEM journey has not been without its challenges As an underrepresented minority in STEM, I've encountered the need to break down stereotypes and address biases, both on a local and international scale Balancing my roles as a mechanical engineer, author, and STEM advocate while pursuing advanced degrees has demanded dedication and effective time management.

Furthermore, motivating young minds to embrace STEM careers has been a continuous challenge. However, through my international experiences and outreach efforts, I remain committed to creating engaging resources and programs to capture the interest of children, parents, and educators around the world.

My STEM journey has been enriched by these experiences and challenges, reinforcing my dedication to promoting STEM education and inspiring the global community to recognize the importance of nurturing young minds in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Q, Can you share the key qualities or principles that have guided your success in STEM?

A My success in STEM has been guided by several key qualities and principles Firstly, an unwavering passion for learning and a genuine enthusiasm for continuous exploration within STEM fields have been at the core of my journey. This has driven my commitment to staying informed about the latest advancements and technologies in my area of expertise.

Perseverance is another essential quality that has proven invaluable STEM often presents complex challenges and setbacks, and the ability to overcome them with determination and resilience has been critical to my achievements It has taught me that failure is a part of the learning process and a stepping stone toward success

Effective communication skills have played a pivotal role in my STEM career. Being able to convey intricate STEM concepts in a clear and understandable manner to diverse audiences, from students to colleagues, is crucial. It's not only about understanding STEM but also about sharing that understanding with others effectively.

Mentorship and networking have also been pivotal. Learning from experienced mentors and building a strong network within STEM communities has provided invaluable guidance and support throughout my journey

Promoting diversity and inclusion within STEM has been a central principle for me Advocating for underrepresented groups and working to foster an environment of equity are essential components of my approach to STEM

Lastly, embracing innovation and creative problem-solving has allowed me to tackle complex STEM issues, providing new solutions and perspectives These qualities and principles continue to serve as the pillars of my success in STEM, shaping my path as an advocate, educator, and mentor in this ever-evolving field.

Q: Do you have any advice for individuals aspiring to enter STEM and maintain their enthusiasm?

A For individuals aspiring to enter STEM and sustain their enthusiasm, there are several key pieces of advice to consider Firstly, it's crucial to choose a STEM field that aligns with your genuine interests and passions STEM can be demanding, and your enthusiasm will serve as a vital motivator to keep you engaged. Additionally, maintaining a mindset of continuous learning is essential. The world of STEM is ever-evolving, and staying curious, reading, and exploring new developments will help you stay enthused about your chosen path.

Setting clear and achievable goals is another valuable practice. Having both short-term and long-term objectives in STEM provides a sense of direction and purpose, keeping your motivation alive. Seek mentorship from experienced professionals in your chosen STEM discipline Mentors can offer guidance, share their own experiences, and help you navigate the challenges that may arise

Building a network within the STEM community is equally important Engage with peers, attend conferences, and connect with professionals to open doors to new opportunities and collaborations, thus fueling your enthusiasm. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles, and share your passion by teaching or mentoring others in STEM. Lastly, remember to celebrate your achievements, regardless of their size, and practice resilience in the face of setbacks. A well-rounded approach, including work-life balance and self-care, will ultimately help you maintain your enthusiasm on your STEM journey

Q: What is next for Tiffani Teachey?

A. In my upcoming ventures, I'm enthusiastic about the opportunities on the horizon. My plan includes furthering my journey as an author by expanding the "The STEM Crew Kids Adventures" series and creating additional STEM-related works. These books are integral to my mission of inspiring and educating young minds about the diverse and exciting career paths available within STEM.

Additionally, I'm committed to promoting STEM education by actively sharing my existing STEM books with a wider audience, encompassing children, parents, and educators The goal is to spark a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the next generation

Public speaking has always been a passion of mine, and I'm excited to embrace more opportunities on both national and international platforms. I will continue to deliver talks emphasizing the importance of STEM education and the transformative power of children's literature in this field.

Travel remains a significant part of my future, allowing me to connect with diverse communities and inspire young individuals worldwide to explore STEM careers

I will also continue my role as the host of the "Read it Right Radio Show" and collaborate as the host of the "Engineering Management Institute (EMI) Women in Engineering Podcast " These platforms are essential for sharing knowledge, insights, and empowering conversations within the STEM community.

Moreover, my commitment to promoting the "STEM CREW Magazine" remains unwavering, serving as a source of inspiration for those looking to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. And, as a publishing consultant for Inspired Authors Publishing, I aspire to encourage professionals aspiring to become children's authors, thereby inspiring kids to explore their career paths through literature With these multifaceted approaches, I look forward to a future filled with opportunities to make a meaningful impact, inspire young minds, and advance the cause of STEM in diverse and engaging ways www.tiffaniteachey.com