3 minute read


Meet Tiffani Teachey, a force to be reckoned with in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Tiffani is more than just a Senior Mechanical Engineer; she is a passionate STEM advocate, Forbes Business Council speaker, TEDx international speaker, and international bestselling author who's changing the landscape of STEM education for young minds.

Bridging the Gap with Tiffani's Literary Journey

Tiffani's journey is marked by her unwavering commitment to ignite the spark of curiosity in young minds. As the author of "What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z" and the creative mind behind the "STEM Crew Kids Adventures" series, Tiffani is transforming the way children explore the world of STEM Her books serve as windows into the fascinating world of science, engineering, and innovation

But that's not all Tiffani's literary endeavors don't stop there She's also the author of three transformative books on women ' s empowerment and entrepreneurship, where she empowers women to unleash their full potential.

A Multifaceted Advocate and Leader

Tiffani is more than an author; she's a multifaceted advocate for STEM. As the host of the Read It Right Radio Show on WDRBmedia, she spreads her passion for literature and learning. She's also the host of the Engineering Management Institute (EMI) Women in Engineering Podcast, where she champions women in STEM fields.

As the owner of Thrive Edge Publishing and the owner/publishing consultant of Inspired Authors Publishing, Tiffani helps industry and business leaders publish children's books about their field. Her mission is to inspire children to choose the same career path and believe that their dreams are attainable.

A Stellar Academic Journey

Tiffani's educational journey is just as impressive as her advocacy. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management, both from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Currently, she's pursuing her Ph D in Leadership Studies at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

A Heart for Mentorship and Diversity

With over 19 years of engineering experience, Tiffani is deeply invested in nurturing young minds' interest in STEM careers. She hails from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and enjoys not only traveling but also being a dedicated youth mentor

A Media Star and Influencer

Tiffani's influence extends far beyond the pages of her books. She has been featured in various media outlets, including Woman to Woman, SwagHer Magazine, WE Empower, Grit Daily, Influential People, Formidable Women, South Carolina Voyager, Our Black Woman, KidlioMag, Digital Buzz, Sheen Magazine, and EMI as a guest blogger

A Passionate Speaker

Tiffani is not only an author and advocate but also a dynamic speaker. Her STEM talks encompass topics like choosing the right STEM career, inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders, getting girls and women into STEM, and accelerating children's STEM skills

An Award-Winning Inspiration

Tiffani's contributions have not gone unnoticed. She's been recognized as a LinkedIn Top Motivational Speaking Voice and named one of the Top 100 Influential Women in Business by Herpreneurer Magazine. She's received the Distinguished Alumni Award from UNC Charlotte and the College of Engineering Alumni Champion of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Award Her books have also earned recognition from organizations like the Children’s Book Council and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).

Tiffani Teachey's remarkable journey is a testament to the power of passion, education, and mentorship. Her unwavering dedication to inspiring the STEM leaders of tomorrow makes her a true luminary in the world of STEM education

Q: Can you briefly share your journey into STEM and what led you to pursue it?

A. My journey into STEM was not initially a straightforward path. When I was growing up, I had dreams of becoming a lawyer. My parents played a significant role in shaping my aspirations. My mom, a dedicated teacher, and my dad, a determined entrepreneur, instilled in my brother and me the values of education and hard work. They understood the importance of acquiring knowledge and problem-solving skills

One pivotal moment that steered me towards the world of STEM was my participation in the Math & Science Saturday Academy This program exposed me to the wonders of math and science, allowing me to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It was there that I started to realize my potential in these fields.