Stem Cell Therapy Las Vegas

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Each day these cells go through a degenerative and regenerative process. As older cells die, new cells are born from stem cells with the exceptional capability of being able to create multiple kinds of other cells. However, when cells are injured, the degenerative process exceeds this regenerative process, leading to structures which become poorer, painful and less functional.

Contact Stem cell Therapy Las Vegas for Free Consultancy.

Stem Cell Treatment for Hip Conditions

These nonsurgical stem cell injection processes happen within one day and may offer a viable option for those that are facing surgery or hip replacement. Our patients quickly return to normal activity following their procedure and are able to prevent the painful and prolonged rehabilitation periods that are required following hip surgery to help restore strength, mobility and range-of-motion. Our patients are much less vulnerable to the severe risks associated with traumatic hip surgeries, such as infection and blood clots.

The human body keeps a supply of stem cells available to help repair injured and degenerated tissues at all times, which makes it fairly simple to recover them for therapeutic purposes. As stem cells remain in reserve, in the marrow cavity of the bones, we have found the simplest place to harvest these stem cells is from the back of the hip region (iliac bone). Procedure is done in the office, under ultrasound or x-ray accuracy and guidance. Patients lay face down as the physician thoroughly cleans the area prior to numbing the skin and bone. A special needle is placed into the bone to withdraw marrow blood, which contains the stem cells. NOTE: This procedure isn't like a bone marrow biopsy nor can it be at painful as one. This harvesting process is well tolerated by patients and not considered hard as many patients claim it's not painful. The entire process is done by hand to enable customized design of this stem cell specimen for your particular injury. A preparation of your concentrated platelets are also gathered now for injection into the injury site to release growth factors that"turn on" the stem cells that will later be injected.

These platelets are injected again 3-5 days later to keep the stem cells triggered and encourage extra healing.

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