SB05MED Programme

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¢π∂£¡∂™ ™À¡∂¢ƒπ√ Sµ04MED EVENT «∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ηٷÛ΢‹: ÌÈ· ‰Ú¿ÛË ÁÈ· ÙË ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ»

( 9-10-11 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ 2005 ™À¡∂¢ƒπ∞∫√ ∫∞π ∂∫¶∞π¢∂À∆π∫√ ∫∂¡∆ƒ√ ∂£¡π∫∏™ ∆ƒ∞¶∂∑∞™ ∆∏™ ∂§§∞¢√™

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ATHENS SB04MED INTERNATIONAL EVENT «Sustainable construction: action for sustainability in the Mediterranean region»


Under the auspices of: ñ the Minister of Development ñ the Mayor of Athens ñ the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece

EVENEMENT INTERNATIONAL SB04MED D’ATHENES «La construction durable: une action pour le développement durable en Méditerranée»


Sous le Haut Patronage: ñ du Ministre de Développement ñ de Mme le Maire d’Athènes ñ de l’Union Centrale des Villes et des Communes de Grèce Co-hosted by:

Supported by:

Local Co-hosts & Supporters: The SB05 Tokyo Organisers ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANISATION

UEHR, Panteion University

Clean-Up Greece Environmental NGO

H ŒÓˆÛË «SD-MED» Â›Ó·È ÌÈ· EÏÏËÓÔ-°·ÏÏÈ΋ Î·È ¢ÈÂıÓ‹˜ ÚˆÙÔ‚Ô˘Ï›·, ÌË ÎÂÚ‰ÔÛÎÔÈÎÔ‡ ¯·Ú·ÎÙ‹Ú·, Ô˘ ÛÙԯ‡ÂÈ ÛÙËÓ ÂÓ›Û¯˘ÛË Ù˘ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›·˜ Ì ·ÓÙÈΛÌÂÓÔ ÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Î·È Î·Ù·Û΢‹ ÛÙË ÏÂοÓË Ù˘ MÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. AÔÙÂÏ› Û‡ÌÚ·ÍË ÚÔÛˆÈÎÔÙ‹ÙˆÓ Î·È Ù¯ÓÔÎÚ·ÙÒÓ ·fi ÙËÓ EÏÏ¿‰·, ÙËÓ °·ÏÏ›· Î·È Û¯ÂÙÈο ¢ÈÂıÓ‹ ¢›ÎÙ˘· Ì ÂÍÂȉ›Î¢ÛË Û ı¤Ì·Ù· ‚ÈÒÛÈÌ˘ ·Ó¿Ù˘Í˘ Î·È ·ÔÎÂÓÙڈ̤Ó˘ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›·˜ ÁÈ· ÙË ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË. ¢›‰ÂÙ·È ¤ÌÊ·ÛË ÛÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ηٷÛ΢‹ ˆ˜ ÔÏÈÙÈ΋ ÁÈ· ÙË ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË ÛÙÔÓ Î·Ù·Û΢·ÛÙÈÎfi ÙÔ̤·, fiÔ˘ Ë EÏÏ¿‰· ¤¯ÂÈ Ó· Âȉ›ÍÂÈ ·ÍÈfiÏÔÁÔ ‰˘Ó·ÌÈÎfi Î·È ‰˘Ó·ÙfiÙËÙ˜ ·Ó¿‰ÂÈÍ‹˜ Ù˘ Û ΤÓÙÚÔ ‰È¿‰ÔÛ˘ Ù¯ÓÔÁÓˆÛ›·˜. H ȉ¤· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ MÂÛÔÁÂȷ΋ ·˘Ù‹ ÚˆÙÔ‚Ô˘Ï›· Û˘Ó¿‰ÂÈ ¿ÏψÛÙ Ì ÙËÓ °·ÏÏÈ΋ ÔÏÈÙÈ΋ Û¯ÂÙÈο Ì ÙËÓ ·Ó¿ÁÎË Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›·˜ ÁÈ· ÙË ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË ÛÙËÓ ÏÂοÓË Ù˘ MÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. L’ Association «SD- MED» est une initiative greco-francaise et internationale, à but non lucratif qui vise au renforcement de la coopération en matière de développement et de construction durables en méditerranée. L’idée de ce partenariat est conforme à la politique Française, suggérée en septembre 2002, lors du Sommet de Johannesburg, sur la nécessité de coopération dans la région pour favoriser l'émergence d'une vision commune pour l'avenir de la Méditerranée. Notre but est de promouvoir le partenariat euro-méditerranéen conçu par l’Union Européenne comme un partenariat économique, un partenariat au service de l'environnement d’une part, pour affronter les déséquilibres écologiques et partager les dilemmes du développement durable, un partenariat au service de l'Homme d’autre part, structuré autour de l'éducation, de la santé, de l'accès à la culture, du logement. Nous mettons l’accent sur la construction durable, considérée pertinente pour favoriser des partenariats structurés autour du développement durable et sa mise en œuvre dans les projets

du bâtiment, de la ville, du territoire. Nous mettons l’accent sur la construction durable et de haute qualité environnementale, puisque la Grèce présente actuellement, au delà de son potentiel propre, l’opportunité de devenir un centre de dissémination d’expertise dans la région méditerranéenne, en matière de construction écologique. Notre ambition est, en outre, de contribuer, autant que possible, à la rédaction de la Stratégie méditerranéenne de Développement durable que préparent le Plan d'action pour la Méditerranée et le Plan bleu. Stella KYVELOU ¶Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ Ù˘ ŒÓˆÛ˘ SD-MED Présidente de l’association SD-MED

«...Chaque pays, en fonction de son histoire, de l’organisation des professions, de ses règlements, développe des méthodes pour avancer sur la route du développement durable. Mais aucune nation ne peut à elle seule trouver toutes les réponses, et cela au plus vite, car la planète ne peut attendre trop longtemps. Il est nécessaire que des échanges et des constructions communes de réponses performantes, se fassent à des niveaux géographiques régionaux, où les contextes culturels, et où les climats, les paysages, les configurations physiques sont proches. «SD-MED» réalise cet objectif pour le bassin méditerranéen. Nous créons ainsi et développons ensemble des systèmes ouverts d’apprentissage du développement durable, qui s’enrichissent mutuellement de l’expérience de chacun.» Dominique BIDOU Président de l’association HQE (France) Président d’Honneur de l’association «SD-MED»

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¶¤ÌÙË 9 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ 2005 9.00-9.30 ÀÔ‰Ô¯‹ - ∂ÁÁÚ·Ê‹ ™˘Ó¤‰ÚˆÓ 9.30-10.40 ÷ÈÚÂÙÈÛÌÔ› ŒÓ·ÚÍË ÙÔ˘ ™˘Ó‰ڛԢ Î·È Ã·ÈÚÂÙÈÛÌfi˜: ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚ˘ ™π√Àº∞™, ÀÔ˘ÚÁfi˜ ∞Ó¿Ù˘Í˘ ÷ÈÚÂÙÈÛÌÔ›: ¡ÙfiÚ· M¶∞∫√°π∞¡¡∏, ¢‹Ì·Ú¯Ô˜ ∞ıËÓ·›ˆÓ ñ ¶. µ∞™π§∂π√À, ∫∂¢∫∂ ñ Kazuo IWAMURA, SB05Tokyo ñ ™Ù¤ÏÏ· ∫Àµ∂§√À (GR) ∂ÏÏËÓÔ-°·ÏÏÈ΋ ŒÓˆÛË SD-MED ñ Dominique BIDOU (FR) °·ÏÏÈ΋ ŒÓˆÛË HQE ñ ∆∂π ∞ı‹Ó·˜: °ÂÒÚÁÈÔ˜ ∫∞§∫∞¡∏™ ñ Nils LARSSON, iiSBE ñ Monique BARBUT, UNEP/DTIE ñ Hirohisa AWANO, √√™∞ ñ Wim BAKENS, CIB ñ §›˙· ™π√§∞, UIA/∂ÏÏËÓÈÎfi ∆Ì‹Ì· ñ David PERIT PACE, UMAR ñ Luis ALVAREZ-UDE, πÛ·ÓÈÎfi GBC ñ ∞.∂ Bruno DELAYE, ¶Ú¤Û‚˘ Ù˘ °·ÏÏ›·˜ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰· Thursday 9 June 2005 9.00-9.30 Welcome - Registration 9.30-10.40 Speeches of Welcome Opening and Speech of Welcome: Mr Dimitris SIOUFAS, Greek Minister of Development Speeches of Welcome: Mrs Dora BAKOYANNI, Mayor of Athens ñ P.VASILEIOU, Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece ñ Kazuo IWAMURA, SB05Tokyo ñ Nils LARSSON, iiSBEñ SD-MED Association: Stella KYVELOU (GR) ñ HQE Association: Dominique BIDOU (FR) ñ TEI of Athens: Georgios KALKANIS ñ Wim BAKENS, CIB ñ Monique BARBUT, UNEP/DTIE ñ Hirohisa AWANO, OECD ñ Lisa SIOLA, UIA/Greek Department ñ David PERIT PACE, UMAR ñ Luis ALVAREZ-UDE, Spanish GBC ñ H.E Bruno DELAYE, French Ambassador to Greece Jeudi 9 Juin 2005 9.00-9.30 Accueil des participants - Enregistrement 9.30-10.40 Salutations Ouverture de la Conférence et Salutation d’accueil: Mr Dimitris SIOUFAS, Ministre de Développement Salutations: Mme Dora BAKOYANNI, Maire d’Athènes ñ P.VASILEIOU, Union Centrale des Villes et des Communes de Grèce ñ Kazuo IWAMURA, SB05Tokyo ñ Nils LARSSON, iiSBE ñ Association SD-MED: Stella KYVELOU (GR) ñ Association HQE: Dominique BIDOU (FR) ñ TEI d’Athènes: Georgios KALKANIS ñ Wim BAKENS, CIB ñ Monique BARBUT, UNEP/DTIE ñ Hirohisa AWANO, OCDE ñ Lisa SIOLA, UIA/Département Grec ñ David PERIT PACE, UMAR ñ Luis ALVAREZ-UDE, GBC Espagnol ñ S.E Bruno DELAYE, Ambassadeur de France en Grèce

¶¤ÌÙË 9 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ 2005 ∫ÂÓÙÚÈ΋ ™˘Ó‰ڛ· I ∞›ıÔ˘Û˜: ∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤Ï˘, ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 10.40-13.30 √È ÂȉÈΤ˜ Û˘Óı‹Î˜ (ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌÈΤ˜, ÎÔÈÓˆÓÈΤ˜, ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ÔÏÈÙÈÛÌÈΤ˜) Ô˘ ηıÔÚ›˙Ô˘Ó ÙÔ˘˜ fiÚÔ˘˜ ·ÛÙÈ΋ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·, ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ Î·È ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ηٷÛ΢‹ ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: Dominique µIDOU (FR, SD-MED), ™Ù¤ÏÏ· KÀµ∂§√À (GR, SD-MED) 10.40-11.00 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.00 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40 12.40-13.00 13.00-13.20 13.20-13.30


∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 1: √ÚÈÛÌÔ›, ÚÔÛÂÁÁ›ÛÂȘ, ÌÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›Â˜, ‰Â›ÎÙ˜ Î·È ÚfiÙ˘· ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎÔ‡ ÎÙÈÚ›Ô˘ Î·È ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ. ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤Ï˘, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-18.30, ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: Justo G∞RCI∞ N∞V∞RRO (ES), Je·n HETZEL (FR) ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 1·: √ÚÈÛÌÔ› Î·È ÚÔÛÂÁÁ›ÛÂȘ. (14.30-16.15) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Justo G∞RCI∞ N∞V∞RRO (ES) 14.30-14.50 14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30-15.50 15.50-16.15 16.15-16.30

L∞RSSON Nils (iiSµE): «∂Óۈ̷ÙÒÓÔÓÙ·˜ ÎÚÈÙ‹ÚÈ· ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÛÙÔ Ú¿ÛÈÓÔ ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ» µLEUS Je·n-M·rie, TIELEM∞N D·vid (µ¤ÏÁÈÔ): «∏ ‰ÈÂÈÛÙËÌÔÓÈ΋ ÚÔÛ¤ÁÁÈÛË ˆ˜ ‰ÔÌÈ΋ ‚¿ÛË Ù˘ ‚ÈÒÛÈÌ˘ ·Ó¿Ù˘Í˘» HETZEL Je·n (°·ÏÏ›·): «10 ¯ÚfiÓÈ· Ú·ÎÙÈÎÒÓ Ù˘ ÌÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›·˜ HQE ÛÙË °·ÏÏ›·» µR∞NG∞NC∞ Luis, M∞TEUS R. (¶ÔÚÙÔÁ·Ï›·): «∂ÎÙ›ÌËÛË Ù˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÛÙȘ ηٷÛ΢·ÛÙÈΤ˜ χÛÂȘ» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 1‚: ªÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›Â˜, ‰Â›ÎÙ˜ Î·È ÚfiÙ˘·. ¶ÚÔÙ˘ÔÔ›ËÛË Ù˘ ·ÓÙÔ¯‹˜ Î·È Ù˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ, ÂıÓÈΤ˜ Î·È ‰ÈÂıÓ›˜ ÂÍÂÏ›ÍÂȘ (ISO,CEN). (16.30-18.30) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Je·n HETZEL (FR)

16.30-16.45 16.45-17.00 17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30


17.45-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30

µIDOU Dominique (°·ÏÏ›·): «H ÚÔÙ˘ÔÔ›ËÛË Ù˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÛÙ· ÎÙ›ÚÈ·: ∂ÍÂÏ›ÍÂȘ ÛÙË °·ÏÏ›· Î·È ‰ÈÂıÓÒ˜» LOLLINI R., MERONI I. (IÙ·Ï›·): «∞Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Î·È ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹ Ì›·˜ ‰È·‰Èηۛ·˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛË Ù˘ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ» µR∞G∞NC∞ Luis, KOUKK∞RI H., M∞TEUS R. (¶ÔÚÙÔÁ·Ï›·, ºÈÓÏ·Ó‰›·): «∞Ú¯¤˜ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎÔ‡ ۯ‰ȷÛÌÔ‡ ÛÙËÓ Î·Ù·Û΢‹» GONZ∞LEZ DI∞Z M·ri· Jesus, G∞RCI∞ N∞V∞RRO Justo (πÛ·Ó›·): «∂ÎÙ›ÌËÛË Ù˘ ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋˜ ηٷӿψÛ˘ ‰È·ÊÔÚÂÙÈÎÒÓ Î·Ù·Û΢·ÛÙÈÎÒÓ Û˘ÛÙËÌ¿ÙˆÓ Î·ÙÔÈÎÈÒÓ Û ÌÈ· ÌÂϤÙË ÂÚ›ÙˆÛ˘ ÛÙËÓ πÛ·Ó›·» HUETE FUERTES Ric·rdo, DUµR∞VCIC ∞L∞IZ∞ ∞rturo (πÛ·Ó›·, µÔÏÈ‚›·): «H ηٷӿψÛË fiÚˆÓ ˆ˜ ‰Â›ÎÙ˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜: ¶ÔÛÔÙÈÎÔÔÈÒÓÙ·˜ ÙËÓ Î·Ù·Ó¿ÏˆÛË ÓÂÚÔ‡ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ Î·Ù·Û΢‹ ηÙÔÈÎÈÒÓ» ª√ƒ√¶√À§√À ∞., et al.: «MÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›Â˜ ÂϤÁ¯Ô˘ ÔÏÈ΋˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜-·ÔÙ›ÌËÛ˘ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈÎÒÓ ÂÈÙÒÛÂˆÓ ÛÙËÓ Î·Ù·Û΢‹» SEDUIKYTE Lina (§ÈıÔ˘·Ó›·): «√ ÚfiÏÔ˜ Ù˘ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ ÙÔ˘ ÂÛˆÙÂÚÈÎÔ‡ ·¤Ú· ÛÙËÓ ÔÈfiÙËÙ· ‰È·‚›ˆÛ˘ Î·È ÛÙË ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË

∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 2: ¶·Ú·‰ÔÛȷΤ˜ Î·È Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓ˜ ηٷÛ΢¤˜: µ¤ÏÙÈÛÙ˜ Ú·ÎÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ·ÛÙÔ¯›Â˜ Û Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÔÔÈË̤ӷ ¤ÚÁ· ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎÒÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. ∞›ıÔ˘Û˜: ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ(2· Î·È 2‚), ¶ÚˆÙ·ÁfiÚ·˜(2Á), ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-19.15 ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: René PESTRE (FR), ¡È΋ٷ˜ Ãπø∆π¡∏™ (GR) ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 2·: ¶·Ú·‰ÔÛȷΤ˜ ηٷÛ΢¤˜, ËÁ‹ ÁÓÒÛ˘ Î·È ÂÌÂÈÚ›·˜ ÁÈ· ÙȘ Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓ˜ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈΤ˜ ηٷÛ΢¤˜. (14.30-16.30) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Ronald ROVERS (iiSBE) 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00 15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.40 15.40-15.50

15.50-16.05 16.05-16.20

MARTIN S., MATEOS L., C∞~ N∞S I. (πÛ·Ó›·): «¶·Ú·‰ÔÛȷο ˘fiÁÂÈ· ÎÂÏ¿ÚÈ·, ¤Ó· ·Ú¿‰ÂÈÁÌ· ‚ÈÒÛÈÌ˘ ηٷÛ΢‹˜ ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ» ∫∞§√°π∞¡¡π¢√À µ. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∏ÏÈÔÚÔÛÙ·Û›· Î·È ÛÎÈ·ÛÌfi˜ ÛÙȘ ÌÂÛÔÁÂȷΤ˜ ηٷÛ΢¤˜» ROVERS Ronald (iiSBE): «ŒÓ· ·Ú¯·›Ô ªÂÛÔÁÂÈ·Îfi ÚfiÙ˘Ô ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ;» °∂øƒ°π∞¢√À ∑ˆ‹ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶·Ú·‰ÔÛȷο Î·È ·Ó·Î˘Îψ̤ӷ ˘ÏÈο ηٷÛ΢‹˜ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·: ∂›Ó·È ÂÊÈÎÙ‹ Ë ¯Ú‹ÛË ÙÔ˘˜;» AMARA Ornella, CARIOTI Attilio, AVANTI Giovanni (πÙ·Ï›·): «¶·ÚÔ˘Û›·ÛË ÙÔ˘ ¶ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ LIFE ENVIRONMENT ‘‘SUN & WIND"» ™π∞∆π∆™∞ ¢‹ÌËÙÚ· (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶·ÚÔ˘Û›·ÛË ÙÔ˘ ¶ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ LIFE ENVIRONMENT ‘‘SUN & WIND": ÂÚ¢ÓÒÓÙ·˜ ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ·ÚÌÔÁ‹ ·Ú·‰ÔÛÈ·ÎÒÓ Ú·ÎÙÈÎÒÓ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ ÛÙË Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓË ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋» HEID∞RI Sh. (IÚ¿Ó): «∆Ô ·ÔÙ¤ÏÂÛÌ· Ù˘ ΛÓËÛ˘ ÙÔ˘ ·¤Ú· ÛÙÔÓ Û¯Â‰È·ÛÌfi ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ Î·È ÛÙËÓ ·ÓıÚÒÈÓË ¿ÓÂÛË» ∫Àµ∂§√À ™Ù¤ÏÏ·, ∑√À§π∞ K., ∫√Àª¶√À¡∏™ º. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∏ ÌÂÛÔÁÂȷ΋ ·ÛÙÈ΋ ÊfiÚÌ· Î·È Ë Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓË ·ÓÙ›ÏË„Ë Ù˘ Û˘Ì·ÁÔ‡˜ fiÏ˘: ÂÓÙ¿ÛÛÔÓÙ·˜ ÙËÓ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋ ÔÈfiÙËÙ· ÛÙÔÓ ·ÛÙÈÎfi ۯ‰ȷÛÌfi»

16.20-16.35 16.35-16.50 16.50-17.00

™π¡√À ª¿Úˆ [∂ÏÏ¿‰·]: «∫˘ÎÏ·‰ÈÎfi Û›ÙÈ: ¤Ó· ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈÎfi ηٷʇÁÈÔ» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 2‚: ¡¤Â˜ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈΤ˜ ηٷÛ΢¤˜: ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ Ú·ÎÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ·ÛÙÔ¯›Â˜. (17.00-19.15) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: ¡È΋ٷ˜ Ãπø∆π¡∏™ (GR)

17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30





18.15-18.30 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00


¢ƒ∞∫√¶√À§√™ ¶. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∂ÌÂÈڛ˜ ·ÔηٿÛÙ·Û˘ fi„ÂˆÓ ÚÔ˜ ÌÈ· ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ηٷÛ΢‹: ·Ú·‰Â›ÁÌ·Ù· ÍÂÓԉԯ›ˆÓ Ù˘ ∞ı‹Ó·˜» ÃÀ™√ª∞§§π¢√À NÈfi‚Ë, £∂√¢√™π√À £Âfi‰ˆÚÔ˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈο ۯ‰ȷṲ̂ÓÔ Î·È Î·Ù·Û΢·Ṳ̂ÓÔ ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ ‰ËÌÔÛ›ˆÓ ˘ËÚÂÛÈÒÓ» °∫π™∞∫∏™ ¡., Ã√À§π∞ƒ∞™ I. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶·ÚÔ˘Û›·ÛË – ÎÚÈÙÈ΋ ·Ó¿Ï˘ÛË Ù˘ ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋˜ ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›·˜ ÂÓfi˜ ÚÔηٷÛ΢·Ṳ̂ÓÔ˘ ÎÙÈÚ›Ô˘ ÂÚÁ·ÛÙËÚ›ˆÓ ÙÔ˘ ∆∂π §¿ÚÈÛ·˜ Î·È Ó¤· ÚfiÙ·ÛË Ì ‚¿ÛË ÙȘ ·Ú¯¤˜ ÙÔ˘ ‚ÈÔÎÏÈÌ·ÙÈÎÔ‡ ۯ‰ȷÛÌÔ‡» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 2Á: ∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ηٷÛ΢‹ Î·È √Ï˘ÌÈ·ÎÔ› ∞ÁÒÓ˜: ÂÌÂÈڛ˜, ۯ‰ȷÛÌÔ› Î·È ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜ (14.30-19.00) ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ¶ÚˆÙ·ÁfiÚ·˜, ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: Dominique BIDOU (FR), ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙ˘ °∂∆πª∏™ (GR)


14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30-15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-19.00


√Ï˘ÌÈ·ÎÔ› ∞ÁÒÓ˜ ÛÙÔÓ ÎfiÛÌÔ» CA~ NAS Jordi (πÛ·Ó›·): «H ÂÌÂÈÚ›· Ù˘ µ·ÚÎÂÏÒÓ˘, √Ï˘Ìȷ΋˜ fiÏ˘ 2000» ∫∞ƒ∆∞§∏™ ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˜ [∂ÏÏ¿‰·]: «∏ ÂÌÂÈÚ›· Ù˘ ∞ı‹Ó·˜, √Ï˘Ìȷ΋˜ fiÏ˘ 2004» DE HEER Jules {°·ÏÏ›·]: «™¯Â‰È·ÛÌÔ› ÙÔ˘ ¶·ÚÈÛÈÔ‡, ˘Ô„‹ÊÈ·˜ fiÏ˘ ÁÈ· ÙÔ˘˜ √Ï˘ÌÈ·ÎÔ‡˜ 2012» ALVAREZ-UDE Luis (πÛ·Ó›·): «™¯Â‰È·ÛÌÔ› Ù˘ ª·‰Ú›Ù˘, ˘Ô„‹ÊÈ·˜ fiÏ˘ ÁÈ· ÙÔ˘˜ √Ï˘ÌÈ·ÎÔ‡˜ 2012» MORO Andrea (πÙ·Ï›·): «™¯Â‰È·ÛÌÔ› Ù˘ fiÏ˘ ÙÔ˘ ∆ÔÚ›ÓÔ ÁÈ· ÙÔ˘˜ ¯ÂÈÌÂÚÈÓÔ‡˜ √Ï˘ÌÈ·ÎÔ‡˜ ∞ÁÒÓ˜ 2006 (∆√R√C)» ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ïfi ∆Ú·¤˙È: «∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ √Ï˘Ìȷ΋ ¶fiÏË: ÌÈ· Ô˘ÙÔ›·; ∫ÔÈÓˆÓÈΤ˜, ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌÈΤ˜, ÔÏÈÙÈÛÙÈΤ˜, ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰ÔÙÈΤ˜ fi„ÂȘ» ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙ˘ °∂∆πª∏™ (GR)

∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 3: ¶ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋ ÔÈfiÙËÙ· Î·È ÎÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·: Ë Û˘ÌÌÂÙÔ¯‹ ÙÔ˘ ¯Ú‹ÛÙË Î·È ÙˆÓ ÎÔÈÓˆÓÈÎÒÓ ÔÌ¿‰ˆÓ ÛÙÔÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ۯ‰ȷÛÌfi. ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ∂ÛÙ›·-∞ıËÓ¿, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-19.15 ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: René PESTRE (FR), Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU (GR) ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 3·: °ÂÓÈΤ˜ ÚÔÛÂÁÁ›ÛÂȘ. (14.30-16.15) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: René PESTRE (FR)

16.30-16.45 16.45-17.00

14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00

15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30

Ãπø∆π¡∏™ ¡È΋ٷ˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∆Ô ·›ÙËÌ· Ù˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ Î·È Ë ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ ˆ˜ ÔÏÈÙÈÛÙÈÎfi ·Ú¿‰ÂÈÁÌ·» BARRIOS PADURA Angela, GARCIA NAVARRO Justo, BARRIOS SEVILLA Jesùs, FERNANDEZ PORTERO Christina, MARINAS LUIS José Carlos (πÛ·Ó›·): «∏ ÔÏÈÙÂȷ΋ Ù·˘ÙfiÙËÙ· ˆ˜ ·Ú¿ÌÂÙÚÔ˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛË Ù˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÛÙËÓ ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ Î·È ÛÙËÓ ÔÏÂÔ‰ÔÌ›·» ∫ø∆™∏ ∞ÁÁÂÏÈ΋ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∞fi ÙËÓ ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Ù˘ Ù¯ÓÔÏÔÁ›·˜ Î·È ÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚ›· ÙÔ˘ ¯ÒÚÔ˘ ÛÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚ›· ÙÔ˘ ÙfiÔ˘» K√À∑∂§∏™ Aı., æπ§√¶√À§√À ∏., æπ§√¶√À§√™ A. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «√ÈÎÔÏÔÁÈΤ˜ ȉÈÔÙ˘›Â˜ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏÈÙÈÛÌÔ‡ ÙÔ˘ ÂÏÏËÓÈÎÔ‡ ·Ú¯ÈÂÏ¿ÁÔ˘˜» WITT Richard (∏ӈ̤ÓÔ µ·Û›ÏÂÈÔ): «∆Ô ÏÈÁfiÙÂÚÔ, ÙÔ Î·Ï‡ÙÂÚÔ: ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌ›· ÙˆÓ Ì¤ÛˆÓ» NGODI Etanislas (∫ÔÓÁÎfi): «∏ ªÂÛfiÁÂÈÔ˜ ÛÙËÓ ·ÊÚÈηÓÈ΋ ÈÛÙÔÚÈÔÁÚ·Ê›·» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 3‚: ∫·Ï¤˜ Ú·ÎÙÈΤ˜ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹˜ Ù˘ ·ÂÈÊÔÚ›·˜ Û ۯÔÏÈο ÎÙ›ÚÈ·, ∆· §‡ÎÂÈ· À„ËÏ‹˜ ¶ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ¶ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ (Lycées HQE) ÛÙË °·ÏÏ›·. ∆Ô Û¯ÔÏÈο ÎÙ›ÚÈ· ÛÙÔ Ï·›ÛÈÔ ÙÔ˘ ¶ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ LIFE-Env «SB-MED». (16.30-19.15) ™˘ÓÙÔÓ›ÛÙÚÈ·: Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU (GR)


17.15- 17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00

18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.15

TOURRE Pierre (°·ÏÏ›·): «§‡ÎÂÈÔ ˘„ËÏ‹˜ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ ÙÔ˘ PIC Saint Loup, ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ SAINT CLEMENT DE RIVIERE (34)» FRANCESE Dora (IÙ·Ï›·): «∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ÌÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁÈ΋ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛË ÁÈ· ÙÔÓ Û¯ÔÏÈÎfi ۯ‰ȷÛÌfi Û‡Ìʈӷ Ì ÙȘ ªÂÛÔÁÂȷΤ˜ ÎÏÈÌ·ÙÔÏÔÁÈΤ˜ Û˘Óı‹Î˜» ∆ƒπ∞¡∆∏ ∂˘ÊÚÔÛ‡ÓË (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∏ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ· ÛÙËÓ ·Ó·Î·Ù·Û΢‹ Û¯ÔÏÈÎÒÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ۯ‰ȷṲ̂ÓË ˆ˜ ¤Ó· ·È¯Ó›‰È ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ¢·ÈÛıËÙÔÔ›ËÛ˘ ÁÈ· Ì·ıËÙ¤˜ Î·È Î·ıËÁËÙ¤˜» GUTIERREZ DE TERAN Anturo, GARCIA Manuel, ANTUNA ROZADO Carmen, (πÛ·Ó›·): «µÈÒÛÈÌ· Û¯ÔÏÈο ÎÙ›ÚÈ· ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Asturias, ÛÙË µfiÚÂÈ· πÛ·Ó›·» PESTRE René (°·ÏÏ›·): «∆Ô §‡ÎÂÈÔ HQE Maryse Bastié ÛÙË Limoges» BOEDEKER Jens (EFEU, °ÂÚÌ·Ó›·): «¶Ú¿ÛÈÓÔ ÛÙÔ˘˜ ·ÓÔȯÙÔ‡˜ ¯ÒÚÔ˘˜: ηϤ˜ Ú·ÎÙÈΤ˜ Ì ÙËÓ Û˘ÌÌÂÙÔ¯‹ ÙÔ˘ ¯Ú‹ÛÙË ÛÙ· Û¯ÔÏÈο ÎÙ›ÚÈ· ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Berlin-Pankow» Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU [∂ÏÏ¿‰·) «™˘ÌÂÚ¿ÛÌ·Ù· ·fi Ù· 4 Ì·ıËÙÈο Û˘Ó¤‰ÚÈ· ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·, ÁÈ· ÙÔ ‚ÈÒÛÈÌÔ Û¯ÔÏ›Ի ELLMER Iris {°ÂÚÌ·Ó›·]: «√ÈÎÔÏÔÁÈÎfi˜ ·Ó·Û¯Â‰È·ÛÌfi˜ Û¯ÔÏÈÎÒÓ ÂχıÂÚˆÓ ¯ÒÚˆÓ ÚÔÛ·ÚÌÔÛÌ¤ÓˆÓ ÛÙȘ ·Ó¿ÁΘ ÙˆÓ ·È‰ÈÒÓ ÛÙÔ µÂÚÔÏ›ÓÔ» ∫Àµ∂§√À ™Ù¤ÏÏ· (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∆Ô ¶ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· LIFE-Environment SB-MED» ª∞ƒ√À§∏ ÃÚÈÛÙ›Ó· (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∆Ô ¶ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· LIFE-Environment Î·È ÙÔ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË

∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 4: µÈÒÛÈÌË ·ÛÙÈ΋ ·Ó¿Ï·ÛË Î·È ·Ó·Á¤ÓÓËÛË, µÈÒÛÈÌË ∞ÛÙÈ΋ ¢È·¯Â›ÚÈÛË. ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ¶˘ı·ÁfiÚ·˜, ∏Ú¿ÎÏÂÈÙÔ˜, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-19.30 ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: §˘‰›· ™∞¶√À¡∞∫∏-¢ƒ∞∫∞∫∏ (GR), Pascal GONTIER (FR) ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 4·: ªÔÓ٤Ϸ ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ ·Ó¿Ù˘Í˘ ÛÙË ÏÂοÓË Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. (14.30-16.30) ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ¶˘ı·ÁfiÚ·˜ ™˘ÓÙÔÓ›ÛÙÚÈ·: §˘‰›· ™∞¶√À¡∞∫∏-¢ƒ∞∫∞∫∏ (GR)

Î·È ·Ó¿Ï·Û˘, £¤Ì·Ù· ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ‰È·¯Â›ÚÈÛ˘. (16.30-19.30) ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ∏Ú¿ÎÏÂÈÙÔ˜ ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Pascal GONTIER (FR) 16.30-16.45

14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00 15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45- 16.00 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30

RUµIO GONZ∞LEZ Francisco Jose (πÛ·Ó›·): «√ÏÔÎÏËڈ̤Ó˜ ÛÙÚ·ÙËÁÈΤ˜ ÁÈ· ÙË ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ›· ‚ÈÒÛÈÌˆÓ ÔÈÎÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯ÒÓ ÛÙË ª·‰Ú›ÙË: ∆Ô ¤ÚÁÔ "Eco-Valle"» ORTELLI Luca (EPFL, ∂Ï‚ÂÙ›·): «∞ÛÙÈΤ˜ Ù·˘ÙfiÙËÙ˜, ™˘Û¯ÂÙ›ÛÂȘ ÌÂٷ͇ Ù˘ Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓ˘ Î·È Ù˘ ·Ú¯·›·˜ fiÏ˘» MENDES DA SILVA J.∞., RAMOS ∞na T. (¶ÔÚÙÔÁ·Ï›·): «√‰ËÁ›Â˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ‰È·‰Èηۛ· Ù˘ ‚ÈÒÛÈÌ˘ ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ ·Ó¿Ï·Û˘ Û ·ÏȤ˜ fiÏÂȘ» ÃÀ™√ª∞§§π¢√À ¡Èfi‚Ë, £∂√¢√™π√À £Âfi‰ˆÚÔ˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «µÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ï·ÛË ÌÈ·˜ ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ Ô‰Ô‡ Û Â˙fi‰ÚÔÌÔ» ∫π∫∏ƒ∞ ª·Ú›·, ¡π∫√§√¶√À§√À ª·ÚȷϤӷ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∂·Ó·ÚÔÛ‰ÈÔÚ›˙ÔÓÙ·˜ ÙËÓ ·ÛÙÈ΋ Ù·˘ÙfiÙËÙ· ÛÙÔ˘˜ ˘·›ıÚÈÔ˘˜ ¯ÒÚÔ˘˜ – ÙÔ ¤ÚÁÔ RUROS» ∞¡∞™∆∞™∞∫∏™ ª·ÓÒÏ˘ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∏ ·Ó¿‰˘ÛË ÙÔ˘ Ê˘ÛÈÎÔ‡, fiÚÔ˜ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ·ÛÙÈÎfi» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 4‚: ¶·Ú·‰Â›ÁÌ·Ù· ¤ÚÁˆÓ Î·È ÂÚÁ·Ï›· ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ ·Ó·Á¤ÓÓËÛ˘

16.45-17.00 17.00-17.15

17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45


AREF Yasser (∞›Á˘ÙÔ˜): «∞ÛÙÈ΋ ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË ÙÔ˘ ¶·Ú·ÏÈ·ÎÔ‡ ªÂÙÒÔ˘ Ù˘ ∞ÏÂÍ¿Ó‰ÚÂÈ·˜» BR∞VI Denis (°·ÏÏ›·): «µÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Î·È ·ÛÙÈ΋ ·Ó·Ó¤ˆÛË: ∆Ô ∂˘Úˆ·˚Îfi ¶ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· CONCERTO ÁÈ· ÙËÓ fiÏË ÙÔ˘ Ajaccio ÛÙËÓ ∫ÔÚÛÈ΋» SANCHEZ OCANA F., ∞ZNAR ∞.J., MONTEVERDE P. R., GARCIA-NAVARRO J. (πÛ·Ó›·): «™‡ÛÙËÌ· ηı·ÚÈÛÌÔ‡ Î·È Â·Ó·¯ÚËÛÈÌÔÔ›ËÛ˘ ÓÂÚÔ‡ ¯Ú‹Û˘ ÁÈ· ¤Ó· ·ÁÚÔÙÈÎfi ÍÂÓÔ‰Ô¯Â›Ô ÛÙËÓ Ê˘ÛÈ΋ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ "C∞µO DE G∞T∞-NIJ∞R"» HETZEL Jean (°·ÏÏ›·): «∂¤ÎÙ·ÛË Ù˘ ÌÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›·˜ HQE ÛÙËÓ ÔÏÂÔ‰ÔÌ›· Î·È ÙË ¯ˆÚÔÙ·Í›·» SILGADO Javier, JUAN JOSE Sendra, NAVARRO Jaime (πÛ·Ó›·): «™˘ÛÙ‹Ì·Ù· Û˘ÏÏÔÁ‹˜ ·ÔÚÚÈÌ¿ÙˆÓ Û ÈÛÙÔÚÈΤ˜ fiÏÂȘ: ∞Ó¿Ï˘ÛË Ù˘ ˘¿Ú¯Ô˘Û·˜ ηٿÛÙ·Û˘ Û ۇÁÎÚÈÛË Ì ¿ÏϘ ·ÛÙÈΤ˜ ˘Ô‰Ô̤˜» GARCIA NAVARRO Justo, DEL RIO MERINO Mercedes, RODRIGUEZ MONTEVERDE Pilar (πÛ·Ó›·): «ÃÚ‹ÛË Î·È ·Ó·Î‡ÎψÛË ·ÔÚÚÈÌÌ¿ÙˆÓ ÔÈÎÔ‰ÔÌÒÓ Î·È Î·Ù‰·Ê›ÛÂˆÓ ÛÙËÓ πÛ·Ó›· (Concrete and Masonry Debris)»



∫∞§∞µƒ√À∑πø∆∏™ I., ∞¶√™∆√§√¶√À§√™ Ã., ¢ƒ∞∫∞∆√™ ¶. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈÎfi˜ ۯ‰ȷÛÌfi˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ·ÛÊ·Ï‹ Â·Ó·¯ÚËÛÈÌÔÔ›ËÛË ÙˆÓ ˘ÁÚÒÓ Ï˘Ì¿ÙˆÓ ‚ÈÔÏÔÁÈÎÒÓ ÛÙ·ıÌÒÓ Û ÎÙÈÚȷο Û˘ÁÎÚÔÙ‹Ì·Ù· Î·È Î·Ù·Û΢¤˜» IZQUIERDO GRACIA Pilar, DEL RIO MERINO Mercedes (πÛ·Ó›·): «∫·ÓÔÓÈÛÌÔ› ÁÈ· Ù· ·ÔÚÚ›ÌÌ·Ù· ηÙ‰¿ÊÈÛ˘ ÛÙËÓ

18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.30

πÛ·Ó›·. ™¯¤‰ÈÔ ‰È·¯Â›ÚÈÛ˘ ÙÔ˘ ¢‹ÌÔ˘ ª·‰Ú›Ù˘» TRABELSI Abdelwahed, KAMOUN Wassim (∆˘ÓËÛ›·): «ªÔÓ٤Ϸ Î·È ¶Úfi‚ÏÂ„Ë ÃˆÚÈο Û˘Û¯ÂÙÈÛÌ¤ÓˆÓ ÌÂÙ·‚ÏËÙÒÓ: ∆Ô ¶·Ú¿‰ÂÈÁÌ· ÙˆÓ ·ÈˆÚÔ‡ÌÂÓˆÓ ÛˆÌ·Ùȉ›ˆÓ» ∞GUI∞R J.,T∞µORD∞ P., ∞ZEVEDO ∞., OLIVEIR∞ R. (¶ÔÚÙÔÁ·Ï›·): «∞ÍÈÔÔ›ËÛË ÙˆÓ MSW ÈÙ¿ÌÂÓ˘ Ù¤ÊÚ·˜ Û ÙÛÈÌÂÓÙÔÎÔÓÈ¿Ì·Ù·» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË

¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 10 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ 2005 ∫ÂÓÙÚÈ΋ ™˘Ó‰ڛ· II ∞›ıÔ˘Û˜: ∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤Ï˘ – ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ ¢È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 10.00-13.00 ¶ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ÛÙÚ·ÙËÁÈΤ˜, ÂÌfi‰È· Î·È ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜ ÛÙËÓ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹ ÙˆÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎÒÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙȘ ¯ÒÚ˜ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: ∞ϤͷӉÚÔ˜ ∆™π∞∆™π∞ª∏™ (GR), Nils LARSSON (iiSBE) 10.00-10.20 10.20-10.40 10.40-11.00 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.00 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40 12.40-13.00

LARSSON Nils (iiSµE): «¢ÈÂıÓ›˜ ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ: Ô ÚfiÏÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ iiSBE» ROVERS Ronald (iiSµE): «¶ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ ‚ÈÒÛÈÌ˘ ηٷÛ΢‹˜ ÛÙËÓ ∂˘ÚÒË Î·È ‰ÈÂıÓÒ˜: ªÈ· ·Ó·ÛÎfiËÛË» SVENNINGSEN Niclas (UNEP, DTIE): «∆Ô ¶ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· ∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎÔ‡ ÎÙÈÚ›Ô˘ Î·È Î·Ù·Û΢‹˜ ÙÔ˘ ¶ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ ¶ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓÙÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ √ÚÁ·ÓÈÛÌÔ‡ ∏ÓˆÌ¤ÓˆÓ ∂ıÓÒÓ» ∂À£Àªπ√¶√À§√™ ∏Ï›·˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÔÈÎÔÏÔÁÈ΋ ‰fiÌËÛË ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·: ¶Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfiÙËÙ· Î·È ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜ ·Ó¿Ù˘Í˘ Ù˘ ·ÁÔÚ¿˜» ™∞¡∆∞ª√Àƒ∏™ ª·Ùı·›Ô˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∂ÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋ ‚·ıÌÔÓfiÌËÛË Î·È Ù·ÍÈÓfiÌËÛË ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙËÓ ¡fiÙÈ· ∂˘ÚÒË ª√ƒ√¶√À§√À ∞ÓÙˆÓ›· (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ Î·È Ì¤ÙÚ· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÚÔÒıËÛË Ù˘ ·ÂÈÊfiÚÔ˘ ηٷÛ΢‹˜ ÛÙËÓ ∂˘Úˆ·˚΋ ŒÓˆÛË Î·È ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·-¢ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ›· Ó¤ˆÓ Â·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÎÒÓ ÚÔÊ›Ï/ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔًوӻ S∞LG∞DO Rafael (πÛ·Ó›·): «∏ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ηٷÛ΢‹ ÛÙËÓ πÛ·Ó›·: ¶ÔÏÈÙÈÎÔ› ۯ‰ȷÛÌÔ›» CA~ NAS Jordi (πÛ·Ó›·): «∆Ô ∫·Ù·ÏˆÓÈÎfi ¶ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· ÁÈ· ÙÔ ∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ∫Ù›ÚÈÔ» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË

∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 5: ¶ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ÛÙÚ·ÙËÁÈΤ˜, ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ÂÌfi‰È· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹ ÙÔ˘ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎÔ‡ ÎÙÈÚ›Ô˘ ÛÙȘ ¯ÒÚ˜ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤Ï˘, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-18.15, ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: Andrea MORO (IT), Richard WITT (UK) ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 5·: ∂ıÓÈΤ˜, ÂÚÈÊÂÚÂȷΤ˜ Î·È ÙÔÈΤ˜ ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ÛÙÚ·ÙËÁÈΤ˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ˘ÈÔı¤ÙËÛË Ù˘ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋˜ ηٷÛ΢‹˜ ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ. (14.30-16.15) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Andrea MORO (IT) 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00


15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 16.00-16.15

FERRES PADRO ∞nn·, PEDRALS PUGES Nuria, CODINA µIGAS Mercè (πÛ·Ó›·): «™¯¤‰ÈÔ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ‰Èη›ˆÌ· ÛÙËÓ Î·ÙÔÈΛ·, ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ ·Ó·Ó¤ˆÛ˘» §∞∑∞ƒ∏ ∂˘ÁÂÓ›· (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «√È ÚÔÎÏ‹ÛÂȘ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹ Ù˘ ¡¤·˜ ∫ÔÈÓÔÙÈ΋˜ √‰ËÁ›·˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋ ·fi‰ÔÛË ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·: ÂÌÂÈڛ˜ Î·È ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜» C∞NTIN Rich·rd, ∞DR∞ Nadine, GU∞RR∞CINO Gér·rd, MOURT∞D∞ Adel, M∞∞M∞RI Fawaz (°·ÏÏ›·, §›‚·ÓÔ˜): «∞ÍÈÔÏfiÁËÛË ÚÔÔÙÈÎÒÓ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹˜ ÌÈ¿˜ ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋˜ ÈÛÙÔÔ›ËÛ˘ Û ÎÙ›ÚÈ· ÙÔ˘ §È‚¿ÓÔ˘» NIMER Osama (¶·Ï·ÈÛÙÈÓȷ΋ ∞Ú¯‹): «∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ Î·È Î·Ù·Û΢‹: ¡¤· ıÂÒÚËÛË ÛÙËÓ ¶·Ï·ÈÛÙ›ÓË» MILUTINOVIC Slobodan (™ÂÚ‚›·): «∏ ÌÂÙ¿‚·ÛË ÛÙËÓ ™ÂÚ‚›· Î·È Ë ÚfiÎÏËÛË Ù˘ ÙÔÈ΋˜ ‚ÈÒÛÈÌ˘ ·Ó¿Ù˘Í˘» G∞RG∞RI Caterina, LUS∞RDI ∞lain (πÙ·Ï›·): «∏ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹ Ù˘ ·Ú¯‹˜ Ù˘ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ Û ÚfiÛÊ·ÙÔ˘˜ ‰È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌÔ‡˜ ‰ËÌfiÛÈˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙËÓ πÙ·Ï›·» ¢√À∫∞™ Ã., ¶∞∆§π∆∑π∞¡∞™ K., ¶∞¶∞¢√¶√À§√À ∞., æ∞ƒƒ∞™ π. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «µÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Ì¤Ûˆ ÙˆÓ Â˘Î·ÈÚÈÒÓ Ô˘ ·Ú¤¯ÂÈ Ô Ì˯·ÓÈÛÌfi˜ CDM (Clean Development Mechanism)

16.15-16.30 16.30-16.45

ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 5‚: ∂Î·›‰Â˘ÛË, ÂÈÌfiÚʈÛË, ¢·ÈÛıËÙÔÔ›ËÛË Î·È ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·. (16.45-18.30) ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Richard WITT (UK)


17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30

S∞NN∞ Daniela, ∏§π√¶√À§√™ ¶ÂÚÈÎÏ‹˜ (°·ÏÏ›·, ∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∆Ô ¤ÚÁÔ ShMILE ÁÈ· ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚÔ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈο ÍÂÓԉԯ›· ÛÙ· ÌÂÛÔÁÂȷο ÓËÛÈ¿ Î·È ÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ, ̤ۈ Ù˘ ·ÓÂ˘Úˆ·˚΋˜ ÚÔÒıËÛ˘ ÙÔ˘ EU eco-l·bel ÁÈ· ÙȘ ˘ËÚÂۛ˜ ÙÔ˘ÚÈÛÙÈ΋˜ ‰È·ÌÔÓ‹˜ (ELT∞S)» ∆ƒπ∞¡∆∏ ∂˘ÊÚÔÛ‡ÓË (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «£¤Ì·Ù· ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ·˜ ÛÙËÓ ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ ÂÎ·›‰Â˘ÛË–Ë ÔÏÔÎÏËڈ̤ÓË ÚÔÛ¤ÁÁÈÛË» ∆∑∞¡∞∫∞∫∏ ∂˘Ù¤ÚË (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∂˘·ÈÛıËÙÔÔ›ËÛË ÙÔ˘ ÎÔÈÓÔ‡ ÚÔ˜ ÌÈ· ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ÚÔÛ¤ÁÁÈÛË ÛÙËÓ Î·Ù·Û΢‹ Î·È ¯Ú‹ÛË ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ» ª∞ƒ∫√°π∞¡¡∞∫∏™ °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∂ÓÂÚÁÂÈ·Îfi˜ ™¯Â‰È·ÛÌfi˜ ∂˘Úˆ·˚ÎÒÓ ∫ÙÈÚÈ·ÎÒÓ ŒÚÁˆÓ–DEVELOP» KHURR∞M Shahid Malik (¶·ÎÈÛÙ¿Ó): «µÈÒÛÈÌË ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Î·È ‰ÈÎÙ˘·Î‹ ÏËÚÔÊÔÚ›·» §À∆ƒ∞™ KÒÛÙ·˜ (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «To ¤ÚÁÔ SAVE "TPF BEST"» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË

∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 6: ∂ÎÙ›ÌËÛË Ù˘ ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ, £ÂÛÌÈΤ˜ Î·È Ù¯ÓÈΤ˜ ·fi„ÂȘ, ÂÚÁ·Ï›· ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛ˘ Ù˘ ·fi‰ÔÛ˘. ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-19.00, ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: ™Ù¤ÏÏ· ∫Àµ∂§√À (GR), ª·Ú›· ∫∞ƒ√°§√À (GR) 14.30-14.50 14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30-15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-17.00

µUH∞GI∞R M.Vincent, YOUSIF Charles (M¿ÏÙ·): «∞ÍÈÔÏfiÁËÛË ÙˆÓ Ì¤ÙÚˆÓ ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋˜ ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ ÛÙÔÓ ÙÔ̤· Ù˘ ηÙÔÈΛ·˜: ªÈ· ÌÂϤÙË ÂÚ›ÙˆÛ˘ ÛÙË ª¿ÏÙ·» ESS∞ Reem, DI∞µ Youssef, MOR∞ND Denis (°·ÏÏ›·): «ªÂϤÙ˜ ÂÓۈ̿وÛ˘ ·‚‚·ÈÔÙ‹ÙˆÓ ÛÙȘ ÌÂıfi‰Ô˘˜ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛ˘ Ù˘ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ» ™∞º√Àƒ∏ °., °π∞ƒª∞ ÃÚ., ª¶π∫∞™ ¢. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶·Ú¿ÌÂÙÚÔÈ Î‡ÎÏÔ˘ ˙ˆ‹˜ ÛÙȘ ÌÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›Â˜ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛ˘ Ù˘ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ» ∆™π∫∞§√À¢∞∫∏ ∫., °π∞ƒª∞ ÃÚ. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¢ÈÂÚ¢ÓÒÓÙ·˜ ÙËÓ Â›ÙˆÛË ÙÔ˘ ·ÛÙÈÎÔ‡ Ï·ÈÛ›Ô˘ ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋ ·fi‰ÔÛË ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ» ∫√ƒø¡∞∫∏ ∂ÈÚ‹ÓË (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «™¯¤‰ÈÔ Î·ÓÔÓÈÛÌÔ‡ ÁÈ· ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷο ·Ô‰ÔÙÈο ÎÙ›ÚÈ· ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ·

17.00-17.20 17.20-17.40 17.40-18.00 18.00-18.20



M∞CI∞S Manuel (πÛ·Ó›·): «VERDE, ¤Ó· ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈÎfi ÂÚÁ·ÏÂ›Ô ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛ˘ ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙËÓ πÛ·Ó›·» ST∞NKEVICIUS V., K∞Rµ∞USK∞ITE Jurate (§ÈıÔ˘·Ó›·): «∞Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Î·ÓÔÓÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ ÚÔ¸Ôı¤ÛÂˆÓ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ Ì›ˆÛË Ù˘ ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋˜ ηٷӿψÛ˘ ÛÙËÓ §ÈıÔ˘·Ó›·» GR∞NQVIST Claes G. (™Ô˘Ë‰›·): «∏ÏÂÎÙÚÔ¯ÚˆÌÈο ¤Í˘Ó· ·Ú¿ı˘Ú· ÁÈ· ÂÛˆÙÂÚÈ΋ ¿ÓÂÛË Î·È ÂÓÂÚÁÂȷ΋ ·Ô‰ÔÙÈÎfiÙËÙ·: ÚfiÛÊ·Ù˜ ÚfiÔ‰ÔÈ» KORTMAN Jaap, SEIJDEL Robin, VERLINDEN Jos, µURGGRAAFF Marjolijn (∫¿Ùˆ ÃÒÚ˜): «DPL, ¤Ó· ÂÚÁ·ÏÂ›Ô ÁÈ· ÙË Ì¤ÙÚËÛË Ù˘ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋˜ ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ Û Â›Â‰Ô ÁÂÈÙÔÓÈ¿˜» °π∞ƒª∞ ÃÚ., ª¶π∫∞™ ¢. (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «¶ÚÔ˜ ÌÈ· ·ÔÙÂÏÂÛÌ·ÙÈ΋ ¯Ú‹ÛË Ì›·˜ ÙÚÔÔÔÈË̤Ó˘ ÂΉԯ‹˜ ÙÔ˘ GµPTool ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛË ·fi‰ÔÛ˘ ÙˆÓ ÎÙÈÚ›ˆÓ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË

∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ 7: ∞ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ¯Ú‹ÛË ÙÔ˘ ÎÙÈÚÈ·ÎÔ‡ ·Ôı¤Ì·ÙÔ˜, ¢ÈÂıÓ›˜ Î·È ÙÔÈΤ˜ ‰È·ÛÙ¿ÛÂȘ, µÈÒÛÈÌË Î·ÙÔÈΛ· – ı¤Ì·Ù· Û˘ÓÙ‹ÚËÛ˘, ∂ÚÁ·Ï›· Î·È Ì¤Û· ·ÍÈÔÏfiÁËÛ˘. ∞›ıÔ˘Û·: ∂ÛÙ›·-∞ıËÓ¿, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 14.30-18.30, ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ¤˜: Hirohisa AWANO (OO™∞), Luis ALVAREZ-UDE (ES) 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00 15.00-15.15

15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00

16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30 16.30-16.45

∞W∞NO Hirohisa (O√™∞): «∏ ‚ÈÒÛÈÌË ¯Ú‹ÛË ÙÔ˘ ÎÙÈÚÈ·ÎÔ‡ ·Ôı¤Ì·ÙÔ˜: ∏ ÌÂϤÙË ÙÔ˘ √√™∞» ROVERS Ronald (iiSBE): «∆· ˘ÊÈÛÙ¿ÌÂÓ· ÎÙ›ÚÈ·, ¤Ó·˜ ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈÎfi˜ fiÚÔ˜ ÚÔ˜ ·ÍÈÔÔ›ËÛË» µ∞RRIOS SEVILL∞ Jesus, µ∞RRIOS P∞DUR∞ ∞ngela, G∞RCI∞ N∞V∞RRO Justo (πÛ·Ó›·): «∏ ‚ȈÛÈÌfiÙËÙ· ÙˆÓ ·Ú·‰ÔÛÈ·ÎÒÓ ˘ÏÈÎÒÓ Î·È Ù¯ÓÈÎÒÓ ÛÙȘ ªÂÛÔÁÂȷΤ˜ fiÏÂȘ» J∞URE Serge (°·ÏÏ›·): «SUNRISE: ¤Ó· ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ Î·ÈÓÔÙfiÌÔ ÂȉÂÈÎÙÈÎfi ¤ÚÁÔ» ∫Àµ∂§√À ™Ù¤ÏÏ·, ¶√£∏∆∞∫∏ Iˆ¿ÓÓ· (∂ÏÏ¿‰·): «∏ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ¯Ú‹ÛË ÙÔ˘ ˘¿Ú¯ÔÓÙÔ˜ ÎÙÈÚÈ·ÎÔ‡ fiÁÎÔ˘ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·: ¶Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfiÙËÙ· Î·È ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜» CUKOVIC IGNJ∞TOVIC Natasa, IGNJ∞TOVIC Dusan (™ÂÚ‚›·, ªÔÓÙÂÓ¤ÁÚÔ): «¢˘Ó·ÙfiÙËÙ˜ ·Ó·‚¿ıÌÈÛ˘ ÙÔ˘ ˘¿Ú¯ÔÓÙÔ˜ ÎÙÈÚÈ·ÎÔ‡ ·Ôı¤Ì·ÙÔ˜ ÛÙÔ µÂÏÈÁÚ¿‰È» ™˘˙‹ÙËÛË ¢È¿ÏÂÈÌÌ· DEBOUVERIE Jacques (°·ÏÏ›·): «∏ ∞ÓÙÈÌÂÙÒÈÛË Ù˘ ·Óı˘ÁÈÂÈÓ‹˜ ηÙÔÈΛ·˜ ÛÙÔ ¶·Ú›ÛÈ:



17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30

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14.30-14.50 14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30

15.30-15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-17.20 17.20-17.40 17.40–18.00 18.00-18.20 18.20-18.40 18.40-19.00

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™¿‚‚·ÙÔ 11 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ 2005 ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ï¿ ∆Ú·¤˙È·, ¶ÚÔÛÎÂÎÏË̤ÓÔÈ ÔÌÈÏËÙ¤˜, ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 9.00-10.45 ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ï‹ ÙÚ¿Â˙· I (∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤Ï˘): ªÂıÔ‰ÔÏÔÁ›Â˜, ÔÏÈÙÈΤ˜ Î·È ÚfiÙ˘· ÁÈ· ÙÔ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈÎfi ÎÙ›ÚÈÔ Î·È ÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ fiÏË ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ.™˘Ó ÓÈÛÙ‹˜: Ronald Rovers Rapporteurs: Dominique Bidou (FR), ™Ù¤ÏÏ· ∫˘‚¤ÏÔ˘ (GR) ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ï‹ ÙÚ¿Â˙· II (¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ): ŒÚÁ· Î·È Û˘ÛÙ‹Ì·Ù· ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋˜ ‰fiÌËÛ˘, Û ÔÈfi ‚·ıÌfi ·Ó·Ù‡ÛÛÔÓÙ·È ÛÙË ªÂÛfiÁÂÈÔ; ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: René Pestre Rapporteurs: Pascal Gontier (FR), ¡È΋ٷ˜ ÃȈٛÓ˘ (GR) ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ï‹ ÙÚ¿Â˙· III (∂ÛÙ›·-∞ıËÓ¿): ∂ÚÁ·Ï›· ∂ÎÙ›ÌËÛ˘ Î·È ·ÍÈÔÏfiÁËÛ˘, ¶Ô˘ ‚ÚÈÛÎfiÌ·ÛÙÂ; ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚ˘ ª›Î·˜ Rapporteurs: Justo Garcia-Navarro {ES}, ¡›ÎÔ˜ ºÈÓÙÈο΢ (GR), ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ï‹ ÙÚ¿Â˙· IV (¶˘ı·ÁfiÚ·˜-∏Ú¿ÎÏÂÈÙÔ˜): √ÈÎÔÓÔÌÈο ̤ÙÚ· Î·È Ì˯·ÓÈÛÌÔ›, ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË Ù˘ ·ÁÔÚ¿˜: Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓË Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfiÙËÙ· Î·È ÚÔÔÙÈΤ˜. ™˘ÓÙÔÓÈÛÙ‹˜: ∏irohisa Awano Rapporteurs: Dominique Sellier (FR), ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ §‡ÙÚ·˜ (GR)

∫ÂÓÙÚÈ΋ ™˘Ó‰ڛ· IIπ ∞›ıÔ˘Û˜: ∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤Ï˘ – ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ ¢È¿ÚÎÂÈ·: 11.15-13.00 K·Ù·ÏËÎÙÈ΋ ™˘Ó‰ڛ·, ™‡ÓıÂÛË ÙˆÓ Û˘ÌÂÚ·ÛÌ¿ÙˆÓ ·fi Ù· ™ÙÚÔÁÁ˘Ï¿ ∆Ú·¤˙È·, ¢È·Ù‡ˆÛË Î·Ù¢ı‡ÓÛÂˆÓ ÁÈ· ÙË Û‡ÓÙ·ÍË Ù˘ «ŒÎıÂÛ˘ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊÔÚÈ΋ ‰fiÌËÛË Î·È Î·Ù·Û΢‹ ÛÙËÓ ÂÚÈÔ¯‹ Ù˘ ªÂÛÔÁ›Ԣ» (Ô˘ ı· ·ÚÔ˘ÛÈ·ÛÙ› ÛÙÔ ∆fiÎÈÔ) 11.15-11.25 Hirohisa AWANO: ¶ÚÔ˜ ÙÔ ¶·ÁÎfiÛÌÈÔ ™˘Ó¤‰ÚÈÔ SB05Tokyo 11.25-13.00 Rapporteurs: Dominique Bidou [FR], ™Ù¤ÏÏ· ∫˘‚¤ÏÔ˘ (GR), Pascal Gontier (FR), ¡È΋ٷ˜ ÃȈٛÓ˘ (GR), Justo Garcia-Navarro (ES), ¡›ÎÔ˜ ºÈÓÙÈο΢ (GR), Dominique Sellier (FR), ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ §‡ÙÚ·˜ (GR) √verall Rapporteurs: ™Ù¤ÏÏ· ∫˘‚¤ÏÔ˘ (GR, SD-MED), Dominique Bidou (FR, SD-MED) ™¯ÔÏÈ·ÛÙ¤˜: Nils Larsson, Kazuo Iwamura [SB05Tokyo]

Thursday 9 June 2005 / Jeudi 9 Juin 2005 Plenary Session I Rooms: Aristotle, Plato duration: 10.40-13.30 Specific conditions (economic, social, environmental and cultural) defining urban sustainability, Sustainable building (SB) and Sustainable Construction (SC) in the Mediterranean region Moderators: Dominique BIDOU (FR, SD-MED), Stella KYVELOU (GR, SD-MED) Languages: Greek, French, English

Séance Plénière I Salles: Aristote, Platon durée: 10.40-13.30 Les conditions spécifiques, économiques, sociales, environnementales et culturelles définissantes l’urbanisme durable, le bâtiment durable et la construction durable dans le Bassin méditerranéen. Modérateurs: Dominique BIDOU (FR, SD-MED), Stella KYVELOU (GR, SD-MED) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 10.40-11.00 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.00 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40 12.40-13.00 13.00-13.20 13.20-13.30

KYVELOU Stella (Greece): «Espace urbain et stratégie de développement durable en Méditerranée: renforcer la coopération vers une vision et une application communes du bâtiment durable» LARSSON Nils (iiSBE): «Regional differences in the meaning of sustainable building» BIDOU Dominique (France): «La Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE), instrument du développement durable» AL ASSAF Safwan (Syria): «Towards better climatic responses in Architectural and Urban Design; an integrated approach in Syria» POUFFARY Stephane (France): «Integration of large solar thermal installations in Mediterranean building: illustration in 7 southern Mediterranean countries» KONES Matti (Israel): «Green building in the desert» FINTIKAKIS Nicos (Greece): «La théorie d’Aristote, source d’inspiration pour une architecture durable» MORO Andrea (Italy): «The approach of sustainable building in Italy» Discussion

Workshop 1: Definitions, approaches, methodologies, indicators and standards of Sustainable Building (SB) and environmental quality (EQ) in buildings. Room: Aristotle, duration: 14.30-18.30, Moderators: Justo GARCIA-NAVARRO (ES), Jean HETZEL (FR), Languages: Greek, French, English

Atelier 1: Les définitions, les approches, les méthodologies, les indicateurs et les normes pour le bâtiment durable et la qualité environnementale des bâtiments. Salle: Aristote, durée: 14.30-18.30, Modérateurs: Justo GARCIA-NAVARRO (ES), Jean HETZEL (FR), Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Workshop 1a: Definitions and approaches. (14.30-16.15) Moderator: Justo GARCIA-NAVARRO (ES) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 1a: Quelles définitions, quelles approches? (14.30-16.15) Modérateur: Justo GARCIA-NAVARRO (ES) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais

Atelier 1b: Les indicateurs, les méthodologies et les normes. La normalisation de la soutenabilité dans les bâtiments, démarches nationales et internationales (ISO, CEN). (16.30-18.30) Modérateur: Jean HETZEL (FR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 16.30- 16.45

14.30- 14.50 14.50- 15.10 15.10- 15.30 15.30- 15.50 15.50- 16.15 16.15-16.30

LARSSON Nils (iiSBE): «Including sustainability issues in green building» BLEUS Jean-Marie, TIELEMAN David (Belgium): «La transdisciplinarité comme base structurelle du développement durable» HETZEL Jean (France): «10 ans de pratiques de la démarche HQE en France» BRANGANCA Luis, MATEUS R. (Portugal): «Sustainability Evaluation of Construction solutions» Discussion Coffee Break / Pause-Café Workshop 1b: Indicators, Methodologies and standards, standardisation of durability and sustainability in buildings, national and international progresses (ISO, CEN). (16.30- 18.30) Moderator: Jean HETZEL (FR) Languages: Greek, French, English

16.45- 17.00 17.00- 17.15 17.15-17.30 17.30- 17.45

17.45-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30

BIDOU Dominique (France): «La normalisation de la soutenabilité dans les bâtiments: Evolutions en France et à l’international» LOLLINI R., MERONI I. (Italy): «Development and application of a procedure for the assessment of the environmental sustainability of buildings» BRAGANCA Luis, KOUKKARI H., MATEUS R. (Portugal, Finland): «Sustainable design principles in construction» GONZALEZ DIAZ Maria Jesus, GARCIA NAVARRO Justo (Spain): «Estimation of energy consumption of different housing construction systems in a case study in Spain» HUETE FUERTES Ricardo, DUBRAVCIC ALAIZA Arturo (Spain, Bolivia): «The consumption of resources as an indicator of sustainability. Quantifying water consumption for the construction of housing» MOROPOULOU A., et al. (Greece): «Methodologies of total quality control –environmental impact assessment in construction» SEDUIKITE Lina (Lithuania): «The role of indoor air quality and its effects on people well-being in sustainable development» Discussion

Workshop 2: Traditional and modern constructions: Best practices and failures in realized SB projects in the Mediterranean region. Rooms: Plato (2a,2b), Protagoras (2c), duration: 14.30-19.15, Moderators: Ronald ROVERS (iiSBE), Nikitas CHIOTINIS (GR), Languages: Greek, French, English

Atelier 2: Les traditions et les constructions modernes: Les bonnes pratiques et les limites dans les projets de bâtiments durables en méditerranée. Salles: Platon (2a,2b), Protagore (2c), durée: 14.30–19.15, Modérateurs: Ronald ROVERS (iiSBE), Nikitas CHIOTINIS (GR), Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Workshop 2a: Traditional construction, as a source of knowledge for modern sustainable construction. (14.30-16.30) Room: Plato Moderator: René PESTRE (FR) Languages: Greek, English Atelier 2a: Les traditions, source de connaissance pour la construction durable moderne. (14.30-16.30)

Salle: Platon Modérateur: René PESTRE (FR) Langues: Grec, Anglais 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00

MARTIN S., MATEOS L., CA~ NAS I. (Spain): «Traditional underground wine cellars, an example of sustainable construction in the Mediterranean area» KALOGIANNIDOU V. (Greece): «Solar protection and shading in Mediterranean constructions»

15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.40 15.40-15.50

15.50-16.05 16.05-16.20 16.20-16.35 16.35-16.50 16.50-17.00

ROVERS Ronald (iiSBE): «An ancient Mediterranean benchmark for sustainable building?» GEORGIADOU Zoe (Greece): «Traditional and recycled construction materials in Greece: is their use feasible?» AMARA Ornella, CARIOTI Attilio, AVANTI Giovanni (Italy): «The ‘SUN & WIND’ Life-Environment Project» SIATITSA Dimitra (Greece): «The ‘SUN & WIND’ Life-Environment project: Searching for the applicability of traditional bioclimatic practices of the Mediterranean in contempory architecture. HEIDARI Sh. (Iran): «Effect of air movement in building design and human comfort» KYVELOU St., ZOULIA K., KOUBOUNIS Ph. (Greece): «La forme urbaine de la ville méditerranéenne et le concept moderne de la cité compacte» SINOU Maro (Greece): «Cycladic house: an environmental shelter» Discussion Coffee Break / Pause-Café Workshop 2b: Modern sustainable construction projects: Best practices and failures. (17.00-19.15) Room: Plato Moderator: Nikitas CHIOTINIS (GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 2b: Les constructions durables modernes: les bonnes pratiques et les limites. (17.00-19.15) Salle: Platon Modérateur: Nikitas CHIOTINIS (GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais

17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00


FISCHER Laurent-Marc (France): «Quelle architecture contemporaine pour le développement durable?» CARPUTI-SUCHODOLSKI Valentina (France): «L’évolution du langage architectural dans la pratique contemporaine de la construction durable: Les choix appropriés» GONTIER Pascal (France): «L’architecture comme composante d’un écosystème urbain: exemple d’une piscine olympique écologique» MIRELLI Giuseppe, RIZZO Gianfranco, ROMANOS Panagiotis, SCACCIANOCE Gianluca (Italy, Greece): «Energy load behaviours of Sicilian hotels: methods for the reduction of the annual consumptions» HETZEL Jean (France): «Mise en œuvre d’une démarche

18.15-18.30 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.15

HQE pour la construction des bâtiments à usage social» DRACOPOULOS P. (Greece): «Experiences of facade rehabilitation towards sustainable construction Some examples of hotel buildings in Athens» CHRISSOMALLIDOU Niobe, THEODOSIOU Theodore (Greece): «Sustainable designed and constructed public service building» GISAKIS N., CHOULIARAS I. (Greece): «Presentation-critical analysis of energy function of a prefabricated building of TEI of Larisa and new proposition of bioclimatic design» Discussion Workshop 2c: Sustainable Olympics: experiences, plans and perspectives in hosting cities (14.30-19.00) Room: Protagoras Moderators: Dominique BIDOU (FR), Panayotis GETIMIS (GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 2c: Jeux Olympiques et construction durable: expérience, plans et perspectives (14.30-19.00) Salle: Protagore Modérateurs: Dominique BIDOU (FR), Panayotis GETIMIS (GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais

14.30-14.50 14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30-15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-19.00

Keynote speaker: «The Sidney Olympic games, the World’s first Green Olympics» CA~ NAS Jordi (Spain): «L’expérience de Barcelone- Ville Olympique 2000» «The Experience of Barcelona, Olympic City 2000» KARTALIS Kostas (Greece): «L’expérience d’Athènes-Ville Olympique 2004» «The Experience of Athens, Olympic City 2004» DE HEER Jules [France]: «Les plans de la Ville de Paris, Ville Olympique candidate 2012» ALVAREZ-UDE Luis (Spain): «The plans of Madrid, Olympic Candidate City 2012 «Les plans de Madrid, Ville Olympique candidate 2012» MORO Andrea (Italy): «The plans of Turin, Winter Olympic City 2006» «Les plans de Turin, Ville Olympique 2006» Coffee Break / Pause-Café Round Table: «Sustainable Olympics, an utopia? Social, environmental, cultural and financial aspects» Moderator: Panayotis GETIMIS (GR)

Workshop 3: Environmental quality and the community, user and social groups’ participation in sustainable planning and design. Room: Estia-Athina, duration: 14.30-19.15, Modaretors: Rene PESTRE (FR), Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU (GR), , Languages: Greek, French, English

Atelier 3: La qualité environnementale et la collectivité, la participation de l’usager et des groupes sociaux. Salle: Estia-Athina, durée: 14.30-19.15, Modérateurs: Rene PESTRE (FR), Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU (GR), Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Workshop 3a: General aspects. (14.30-16.15) Moderator: Rene PESTRE (FR) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 3a: Aspects généraux. (14.30-16.15) Modérateur: Rene PESTRE (FR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais

‘SB-MED’ et les bâtiments scolaires. (16.30-19.15) Modérateur: Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU (GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 16.30-16.45 16.45-17.00

14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00

15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30

CHIOTINIS Nikitas (Greece): «La demande de la durabilité et l’architecture durable comme paradigme culturel» BARRIOS PADURA Angela, GARCIA NAVARRO Justo, BARRIOS SEVILLA Jesùs, FERNANDEZ PORTERO Christina, MARI~ NAS LUIS José Carlos (Spain): «Citizenship as an input in the assessment of sustainability in architecture and urbanism» KOTSI Angeliki (Greece): «From the technology development and the space sustainability to the place sustainability» KOUZELIS Ath., PSILOPOULOU I., PSILOPOULOS A. (Greece): «Particularités écologiques de la civilisation de l’Archipel Grec» WITT Richard (United Kingdom): «The less the better: economy of means» NGODI Etanislas (Congo): «La Méditerranée dans l’historiographie africaine» Discussion Coffee-Break / Pause-Café


17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30

Workshop 3b: Best practices of implementing sustainability in school buildings, Lycées HQE in France. The LIFE-Environment SB-MED Project and the school buildings. (16.30-19.15) Moderator: Carla µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU (GR) Atelier 3b: Les bonnes pratiques dans les bâtiments scolaires, les lycées HQE en France. Le projet LIFE-ENVIRONNEMENT

18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.15

TOURRE Pierre (France): «Lycée à Haute Qualité Environnementale du PIC Saint Loup, SAINT CLEMENT DE RIVIERE (34)» FRANCESE Dora (Italy): «Sustainability evaluation methodology for school design under Mediterranean climate» TRIANTI Eufrosini (Greece): «Sustainability in retrofitting of school buildings designed as an environmental awareness game for students and teachers» GUTIERREZ DE TERAN Anturo, GARCIA GARCIA Manuel, ANTUNA ROZADO Carmen (Spain): «Sustainable school buildings in Asturias, Northern Spain» PESTRE René (France): «Le Lycée HQE Maryse Bastié à Limoges» BOEDEKER Jens (Germany): «Greening open spaces: good practices of user participation in school buildings of Berlin-Pankow» µ∞∂R-ª∞¡OLOPOULOU Carla (Greece): «Outcomes from four youth conferences about “sustainable school” in Greece» ELLMER Iris (Germany): «Ecological redesigning of school open spaces adapted to the needs of children in Berlin» KYVELOY Stella (Greece): «The SB-MED LIFE-Environment Project» MAROULI Cristina (Greece): «The Programme LIFE-Environment and the sustainable building» Discussion

Workshop 4: Sustainable Urban rehabilitation and regeneration, Sustainable Urban management. Rooms: Pythagoras, Heraclitos, duration: 14.30-19.30, Moderators: Lydia SAPOUNAKI-DRAKAKI (GR), Pascal GONTIER (FR), Languages: Greek, French, English

Atelier 4: Réhabilitation urbaine durable, Renouvellement urbain et Développement Durable, Gestion urbaine durable. Salles: Pythagoras, Héraclite, durée: 14.30-19.30, Modérateurs: Lydia SAPOUNAKI-DRAKAKI (GR), Pascal GONTIER (FR), Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Workshop 4a: Which models of urban development in the Mediterranean basin? (14.30-16.30) Room: Pythagoras Moderator: Lydia SAPOUNAKI-DRAKAKI (GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 4a: Quels modèles de développement urbain dans le bassin méditerranéen? (14.30-16.30) Salle: Pythagoras Modérateur: Lydia SAPOUNAKI-DRAKAKI (GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 14.30- 14.45

14.45- 15.00 15.00- 15.15 15.15- 15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45- 16.00 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30

RUBIO GONZALEZ Francisco Jose (Spain): «Integrated strategies for the creation of residential sustainable communities in Madrid: The «Eco-Valle» Operation» ORTELLI Luca (EPFL, Switzerland): «Identités Urbaines, Rapports entre ville contemporaine et ville ancienne» MENDES DA SILVA J.A., RAMOS Ana T. (Portugal): «Directives towards a sustainable urban rehabilitation process in old cities» CHRISSOMALLIDOU Niobe, THEODOSIOU Theodore (Greece): «Sustainable rehabilitation of an urban road to a pedestrian street» KIKIRA Maria, NIKOLOPOULOU Marialena (Greece): «Rediscovering the Urban Realm and Open Spaces – RUROS project» ANASTASAKIS Manolis (Greece): «The emergence of natural, a condition of sustainability for the urban» Discussion Coffee Break / Pause-Café Workshop 4b: Projects and tools of urban rehabilitation and regeneration urban environmental management issues. (16.30-19.30) Room: Heraclitos Moderator: Pascal GONTIER (FR) Languages: Greek, English

Atelier 4b: Opérations de renouvellement urbain durable et de gestion urbaine durable. (16.30-19.30) Salle: Héraclite Modérateur: Pascal GONTIER (FR) Langues: Grec, Anglais 16.30-16.45 16.45-17.00 17.00-17.15

17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00


18.15-18.30 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.30

AREF Yasser (Egypt): «Urban development of Alexandria's Waterfront» BRAVI Denis (France): «Sustainable development and urban renovation: The European Programme CONCERTO for the city of Ajaccio in Corsica» SANCHEZ OCA~ NA F., AZNAR A.J., MONTEVERDE P. R., GARCIA-NAVARRO J. (Spain): «Wastewater depuration and reuse system for a rural tourism hotel in the “CABO DE GATA-NIJAR” natural area» HETZEL Jean (France): «Extension de la démarche HQE aux territoires» SILGADO Javier, JUAN JOSE Sendra, NAVARRO Jaime (Spain): «Waste collection systems in historic centres: Analysis of present situation, related to other urban infrastructures» GARCIA NAVARRO Justo, DEL RIO MERINO Mercedes, RODRIGUEZ MONTEVERDE Pilar (Spain): «Use and recycling of construction and demolition waste in Spain (Concrete and Masonry Debris)» KALAVROUZIOTIS I., APOSTOLOPOULOS Ch., DRAKATOS P. (Greece): «Environmental design for the safe reuse of treated wastewater effluents from W.W.T.P. in building blocks» IZQUIERDO GRACIA Pilar, DEL RIO MERINO Mercedes (Spain): «Legal regulation about construction demolition waste in Spain. Management Plan of the Community of Madrid» TRABELSI Abdelwahed, KAMOUN Wassim (Tunisia): «Modelling and Forecasting Spatially Correlated Variables: The Example of the Pollutant Particles» AGUIAR J., TABORDA P., AZEVEDO A., OLIVEIRA R. (Portugal): «Valorisation of MSW fly ashes in cement mortars» Discussion

Friday 10 June 2005 / Vendredi 10 Juin 2005 Plenary Session II Rooms: Aristotle, Plato duration: 10.00-13.00 Policies and strategies, perspectives and barriers for implementation of SB in the Mediterranean countries. Moderators: Alexandros TSIATSIAMIS (GR), Nils LARSSON (iiSBE) Languages: Greek, French, English

Séance Plénière II Salles: Aristote, Platon durée: 10.00-13.00 Les politiques, les stratégies, les perspectives et les barrières au développement dans le bâtiment durable dans les pays du bassin méditerranéen. Modérateurs: Alexandros TSIATSIAMIS (GR), Nils LARSSON (iiSBE) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 10.00-10.20 10.20-10.40 10.40-11.00 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.00 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40 12.40-13.00

LARSSON Nils (iiSBE): «International policies for sustainable building: the role of iiSBE» ROVERS Ronald (Netherlands, iiSBE): «Sustainable construction policies in Europe and worldwide: an overview» SVENNINGSEN Niclas (UNEP, DTIE): «The UNEP’s Sustainable building and construction Programme» EYTHIMIOPOULOS Helias (Greece): «Policies for ecological construction in Greece: Realities and perspectives of market development» SANTAMOURIS Matheos (Greece): «Energy Rating and Classification of Buildings in Southern Europe» MOROPOULOU A. (Greece): «Policies and measures for the promotion of sustainable construction in Europe and Greece: Creation of new job profiles and activities» SALGADO Rafael (Spain): «The sustainable construction in Spain. Political Workplans» CA~ NAS Jordi (Spain): «The Catalonian Sustainable Building Programme» Discussion

Workshop 5: Policies and strategies, perspectives and barriers for implementation of SB in the Mediterranean countries. Room: Aristotle, duration: 14.30-18.30, Moderators: Andrea MORO (IT), Richard WITT (UK), Languages: Greek, French, English

Atelier 5: Les politiques et les stratégies nationales, les barrières et les perspectives de la construction durable. Salle: Aristote, durée: 14.30-18.30, Modérateurs: Andrea MORO (IT), Richard WITT (UK), Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais

Workshop 5a: National, regional and local policies and strategies for the implementation of SB in the Mediterranean region. (14.30-16.30) Moderator: Andrea MORO (IT) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 5a: Les politiques et les stratégies nationales, régionales et locales dans les pays méditerranéens. (14.30-16.30) Modérateur: Andrea MORO (IT) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00


15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 16.00-16.15

FERRES PADRO Anna, PEDRALS PUGES Nuria, CODINA BIGAS Mercè (Spain): «Plan pour le droit au logement, politiques de rehabilitation et d’épargne d’énergie en Catalogne» LAZARI Eugenia (Greece): «New challenges for the implementation of the European Directive of the energy performance of buildings in Greece: experiences and perspectives» CANTIN Richard, ADRA Nadine, GUARRACINO Gérard, MOURTADA Adel, MAAMARI Fawaz (France, Lebanon): «Evaluation des perspectives d’application d’une certification énergétique dans les bâtiments au Liban» NIMER Osama (Palestinian Authority): «Sustainable Building and Construction "New Concept" in Palestine» MILUTINOVIC Sl. (Serbia): «Transition in Serbia and the Challenge of Local Sustainable Development» GARGARI Caterina, LUSARDI Alain (Italy): «Application of sustainability in recent public buildings competitions in Italy» DOUKAS H., PATLITZIANAS D. K., PAPADOPOULOU A., PSARRAS J.

16.15-16.30 16.30-16.45

(Greece): «Sustainable development through the CDM Opportunities in the Mediterranean Region» Discussion Coffee Break / Pause-Café Workshop 5b: Education, training, sensitisation and communication issues. (16.45-18.30) Moderator: Richard WITT (UK) Languages: Greek, French, English Atelier 5b: Education, formation, sensibilisation, communication. (16.45-18.30) Modérateur: Richard WITT (UK) Langues: Grec,Anglais


17.00-17.15 17.15- 17.30 17.30- 17.45 17.45- 18.00 18.00- 18.15 18.15-18.30

SANNA Daniela, ILIOPOULOS Periklis (France, Greece): «The ShMILE project for more sustainable hotels in the Mediterranean islands and area through the EU-wide promotion of the EU eco-label for tourist accommodation services (ELTAS)» TRIANTI E. (Greece): «Sustainability issues in architectural education-the integrated approach» TZANAKAKI Efterpi (Greece): «Raising public awareness towards a sustainable approach in building construction and use» MARKOYANNAKIS Yorgos (Greece): «Designing Energy Value into European Live Building Projects –DEVELOP» KHURRAM Shahid Malik (Pakistan): «Sustainable Development & Network Information» LYTRAS K. (Greece): «The TPF BEST Project» Discussion

Workshop 6: Performance assessment of buildings, Institutional and technical aspects of Building performance, Performance assessment tools. Room: Plato, duration: 14.30-19.00, Moderators: Stella KYVELOU (GR), Maria KAROGLOU (GR), Languages: Greek, English

Atelier 6: La performance énergétique, Aspects techniques et institutionnels, Instruments et outils d’analyse et d’évaluation de la performance des Bâtiments. Salle: Platon, durée: 14.30-19.00, Modérateurs: Stella KYVELOU (GR), Maria KAROGLOU (GR), Langues: Grec,Anglais 14.30-14.50 14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30- 15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-17.00

BUHAGIAR M.Vincent, YOUSIF Charles (Malta): «A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Energy-Efficient Measures in the Housing Sector: A case study for Malta» ESSA Reem, DIAB Youssef, MORAND Denis (France): «Etudes d’intégration des incertitudes dans les méthodes d’évaluation de la qualité environnementale des bâtiments» SAFOURI G., GIARMA C., BIKAS D. (Greece): «Lifetime parameters in the assessment methodologies for the building environmental performance» TSIKALOUDAKI K., GIARMA Ch. (Greece): «Investigating the Impact of Urban Context on the Environmental Performance Of Buildings» KORONAKI Irini (Greece): «Towards a regulation for energy performance of buildings in Greece» Discussion Coffee Break / Pause-Café

17.00-17.20 17.20- 17.40 17.40-18.00 18.00-18.20 18.20-18.40

18.40- 19.00

MACIAS Manuel (Spain): «VERDE, an environmental assessment tool for buildings in Spain» STANKEVICIUS V., KARBAUSKAITE Jurate (Lithuania): «The development of normative requirements in Lithuania for energy consumption reduction» GRANQVIST Claes G. (Sweden): «Electrochromic smart windows for indoor comfort and energy efficiency: Recent progress» KORTMAN Jaap, SEIJDEL Robin, VERLINDEN Jos, BURGGRAAFF Marjolijn (The Netherlands): «DPL a Tool for measuring the sustainable performance of districts» GIARMA Chr., BIKAS D. (Greece): «Towards the effective use of a modified version of GBPTool for the environmental performance assessment of buildings in Greece» Discussion

Workshop 7: Sustainable Use of building stock (SUBS), General and Regional aspects, Sustainable housing - maintenance issues, Evaluation instruments and tools. Room: Estia-Athina, duration: 14.30-18.30, Moderators: Hirohisa AWANO (OECD), Luis ALVAREZ-UDE (ES), Languages: Greek, English

Atelier 7: Aspects généraux et locaux, Logement durable et maintenance Instruments et outils d’évaluation. Salle: Estia-Athina, durée: 14.30-18.30, Modérateurs: Hirohisa AWANO (OECD), Luis ALVAREZ-UDE (∂S), Langues: Grec,Anglais 14.30-14.45 14.45-15.00 15.00-15.15

15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00

16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30 16.30-16.45

AWANO Hirohisa (OECD): «Sustainable Use of Building Stock: The OECD study» ROVERS Ronald (iiSBE): «Existing buildings, a hidden resource, ready for mining?» BARRIOS SEVILLA Jesus, BARRIOS PADURA Angela, GARCIA NAVARRO Justo (Spain): «Sustainability of traditional materials and techniques in the Mediterranean cities» JAURE Serge (France): «SUNRISE: a large innovative demonstration project» KYVELOU St., POTHITAKI I. (Greece): «L’utilisation durable du parc existant en Grèce: Réalités et perspectives» CUKOVIC IGNJATOVIC Natasa, IGNJATOVIC Dusan (Serbia, Montenegro): «Possibilities for Upgrading the Existing Building Stock in Belgrade» Discussion Coffee Break / Pause-Café DEBOUVERIE Jacques (France): «Le traitement de l'habitat insalubre a Paris: Un choix de développement durable»


17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30

17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-18.30

CSOKNYAI Tamas (Hungary): «Summer thermal comfort and sustainable renovation of residential buildings made with industrial prefabricated technology» BALARAS Kostas, DROUTSA Popi (Greece): «Software for audits and multicriteria evaluation for the refurbishment of apartment buildings – INVESTIMMO» CUKOVIC IGNJATOVIC Natasa, IGNJATOVIC Dusan (Serbia, Montenegro): «Methodology for Sustainable refurbishment of Housing in Belgrade Region» TRIANTIS E., BOUGIATIOTI Fl., OIKONOMOU Ain. (Greece): «Environmental strategies in retrofitting of University buildings» PAPAMANOLIS N. (Greece): «Protection of buildings from environmental impact in Greece» APOSTOLOPOULOS Ch., KALAVROUZIOTIS I. (Greece): «Environmental attack remediative intervention in monuments with reinforced concrete» Discussion

Workshop 8: Financial instruments to achieve energy efficiency, environmental quality and RES in buildings, innovative financial mechanisms, relevant market development. Rooms: Pythagoras, Heraclitos , duration: 14.30-19.00, Moderators: Dominique SELLIER (FR), Kostas LYTRAS (GR), Languages: Greek, French, English

Atelier 8:

14.30-14.50 14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30-15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-16.50 16.50-17.10 17.10-17.30 17.30-17.50

Les instruments financiers et les mécanismes financiers innovants, le développement des marchés. Salles: Pythagoras, Héraclite , durée: 14.30-19.00, Modérateurs: Dominique SELLIER (FR), Kostas LYTRAS (GR), Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Workshop 8a: 17.50-18.10 PATLITZIANAS D. K., SIDERI I., DOUKAS H., PSARRAS J. What instruments and methods of financing energy (Greece): «The contribution of ESCOs to the sustainable efficiency, environmental quality and RES in buildings? development in the Mediterranean Region» What innovative mechanisms in Europe and in the 18.10-18.30 Discussion Mediterranean countries? Examples of energy performance contracting and third part financing schemes. Development Workshop 8b: of the ESCOs market in the region. (14.30-18.30) Integration of renewable energy sources in buildings, Room: Pythagoras Moderator: Dominique SELLIER (FR) Development of solar systems market. (14.30-19.00) Languages: Greek, French, English Room: Heraclitos Moderator: Kostas LYTRAS (GR) Atelier 8a: Languages: Greek, English Comment financer la qualité environnementale? Quels Atelier 8b: mécanismes innovants pour le financement de l’efficience L’intégration des énergies renouvelables aux bâtiments énergétique et de la qualité environnementale? Exemples et le développement du marché: le point fort méditerranéen? des contrats de performance énergétique et de financement (14.30- 19.00) Salle: Héraclite Modérateur: Kostas LYTRAS (GR) par des tiers, Le développement du marché des ESCOs (Energy Langues: Grec, Anglais Service Companies) dans les pays Méditerranéens. (14.30-18.30) Salle: PythagorasModérateur: Dominique SELLIER (FR) 14.30-14.50 PARADISIADIS Iordanis (Greece): «The European Solar Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Thermal Market: Present Situation and Outlook» 14.50-15.10 LAMARIS Panos (Greece): «Solar Cooling in buildings» FOURTOUNIS Petros (Greece): 15.10-15.30 LA GENNUSA M., LO COCO L., RIZZO G., SCACCIANOCE G. «Public-Private partnerships and energy investments» (Spain): «Energy Conservation and renewable energy LYTRAS Konstantinos (Greece): use in the tourist sector: a case study in Sicily» «Energy Performance contracts and energy services: 15.30-15.50 MARKOYANNAKIS Yorgos (Greece): framework and perspectives» «The Greek Market of Thermic Solar Systems» DAGIANTIS Christos (Greece): 15.50-16.10 TRYPANAGNOSTOPOULOS I., CHRISTODOULOU A., SOULIOTIS «EPC/TPF with energy efficiency, measuring and energy M. (Greece): «Integration of solar and wind energy management equipment in buildings» systems in buildings» SYRRAKOU E., SKARPENTZOS N., PAPAEFTHIMIOU S., LEFTHERIOTIS 16.10-16.30 Discussion G., YANOULIS P. (Greece): «Development of electrochromic 16.30-17.00 Coffee Break / Pause-Café devices for energy saving in buildings» 17.00-17.20 FITIKAS M., BOUSGOLITIS Chr., ANDRITSOS N. (Greece): CHAZAPIS Nikos (Greece): «Building systems commissioning» «Geothermal energy applications in buildings» Coffee Break / Pause-Café 17.20-17.40 SVENNINGSEN Niclas (UNEP/DTIE): SELLIER Dominique (France): «The Renewable Energy Financing in the Mediterranean «Instruments financiers peur la promotion de la qualité Region Project (MedREP)» environnementale dans les bâtiments» 17.40-18.00 TZANAKAKI Efterpi, LYTRAS Konstantinos (Greece): LYTRAS Kostas, KYVELOU St. (Greece): «Third party financing «Integration of solar systems in the urban tissue – in rehabilitation of existing public buildings» PRISM-BUST project» MATHAS Evangelos, GIANNAKIDIS Georgios (Greece): 18.00-18.20 LAZARI Eugenia (Greece): «Life cycle cost analysis in building refurbishment– LCC«Integrated building energy design: the experience of CRES» Refurb project» 18.20-18.40 KORONAKI Irini (Greece): «Application of the utilization LAMBROPOULOU Eleni, LAZARI Eugenia (Greece): factor methodology for the performance assessment «Legal and financial framework for the energy refurbishment of cooling requirements in buildings» of post-war dwellings in Europe – FRAMES project» 18.40-19.00 Discussion

Saturday 11 June 2005 / Samedi 11 Juin 2005 Round Tables duration: 9.00-10.45 Round Table I (Aristotle): Methodologies, policies and standards for sustainable building and sustainable city in the Mediterranean. Moderator: Ronald Rovers Rapporteurs: Dominique Bidou(FR), Stella Kyvelou(GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Round table II (Plato): Building and city projects, systems and operations, where are we in the Mediterranean? Moderator: René Pestre Rapporteurs: Pascal Gontier( FR), Nikitas Chiotinis(GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Round table III (Estia-Athina): Assessment and Evaluation Instruments and tools, where are we? Moderator: Dimitris Bikas Rapporteurs: Justo Garcia-Navarro (ES), ¡icos Fintikakis(GR) Languages: Greek, French, English Round table IV (Pythagoras or Heraclitos): Financial instruments and mechanisms, market development: realities and perspectives. Moderator: Hirohisa Awano Rapporteurs: Dominique Sellier(FR), Kostas Lytras(GR) Languages: Greek, French, English

Tables Rondes durée: 9.00-10.45 Table Ronde I (Aristote): Les méthodologies et les politiques pour le bâtiment et la ville durables en méditerranée. Animateur: Ronald Rovers Rapporteurs: Dominique Bidou (FR), Stella Kyvelou(GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Table Ronde II (Platon): Les projets du bâtiment et de la ville, les opérations et les systèmes, où en est-on en méditerranée? Animateur: René Pestre Rapporteurs: Pascal Gontier(FR), Nikitas Chiotinis(GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Table Ronde III (Estia-Athina): Instruments et outils d’analyse et d’évaluation, où en est-on? Animateur: Dimitris Bikas Rapporteurs: Justo Garcia-Navarro (ES), ¡icos Fintikakis(GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Table Ronde IV (Pythagoras ou Héraclite): Les instruments financiers et le développement des marchés, faits et perspectives. Animateur: Hirohisa Awano Rapporteurs: Dominique Sellier(FR), ∫ostas Lytras(GR) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais Plenary Session III Rooms: Aristotle – Plato duration: 11.15-13.00 Closing Plenary Session, Summaries from Round Tables Conclusions to be incorporated into the SBC Mediterranean Report which will be presented in Tokyo Languages: Greek, French, English 11.15-11.25 Hirohisa AWANO: Towards SB05Tokyo 11.25-13.00 Rapporteurs: Dominique Bidou (FR), Stella Kyvelou (GR), Pascal Gontier (FR), Nikitas Chiotinis (GR), Justo Garcia-Navarro (ES), Nicos Fintikakis (GR), Dominique Sellier (FR), Kostas Lytras (GR) Overall Rapporteurs: Stella Kyvelou, Dominique Bidou Discussants: Nils Larsson, Kazuo Iwamura

Séance Plénière III Salle: Aristote-Platon durée: 11.15-13.00 Séance Plénière de clôture, bilan et synthèse des tables rondes Conclusions pour la rédaction du Rapport «SBC» pour le bassin Méditerranéen (qui va être présenté à Tokyo) Langues: Grec, Français, Anglais 11.15-11.25 Hirohisa AWANO: La Conférence SB05Tokyo 11.25-13.00 Rapporteurs: Dominique Bidou (FR), Stella Kyvelou (GR), Pascal Gontier (FR), Nikitas Chiotinis (GR), Justo Garcia-Navarro (ES), Nicos Fintikakis (GR), Dominique Sellier (FR), Kostas Lytras (GR) Rapporteurs Généraux: Stella Kyvelou, Dominique Bidou Commentaire: Nils Larsson, Kazuo Iwamura


∂Ù·›ÚÔÈ / Partners / Partenaires

Association HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale)

International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment

International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction

United Nations Environmental Programme /DTIE

Entretiens Universitaires Réguliers pour The ALEX-MED Institute l’administration en Europe


The International Association Cosmos and Philosophy

The French Associations IFAE, EURASIA, SUDEN, COSMOS 2001 and other organizations and networks of appropriate scope or mission based in other countries of the Mediterranean region.

Local Co-hosts & Supporters


UEHR, Panteion University


Clean-Up Greece Environmental NGO

5, Rue Fratti, Acropole, Athènes, 11742 Grèce, tél-fax: 0030-210-9235310, Fratti 5, Acropolis, Athens 11742, Greece, tel-fax: 0030-210-9235310 e-mail:, url:

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