PHP Web Application Development—Learning PHP Part 5

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PHP Web Application Development—Learning PHP Part 5 As we know that PHP is highly used web development language today and still touching high and showing maturity therefore developers' interest is intact to get some expertise in the PHP web application development field. However, PHP is not difficult to learn but some good approach is beneficial to reduce the learning curve. In due course we have started this series to begins from the scratch so let's see further lesson. We know well that a variable is holding a single data but as opposed to that an array can hold a string or series of the related data. For instance if you have a list of your friends' name and their age and you want to relate names with their ages and want to print that requested age data against the names then you can arrange the array ($friend) using integers as the key where key is the information placed between the[brackets] and that is easily available when you use the loops. Your 2nd array is ($age) depict that you can use a string (text) as the key and the values would be called by the print commend similar to the regular variable does in your PHP web application development. Another thing is that you can apply the same principles to the arrays using as variable. Remember that they are highly case sensitive and you can define them with $ symbol and they should start with a letter or an underscore but never with numbers in your PHP web application development.

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