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WHY SHOULD YOU USE A GO BACKEND IN FLUTTER? Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.

Stellar Digital first made its debut in 2015.The company primarily works in application development, digital marketing, and web design. Stellar Digital's goal is to provide solutions to all growing businesses through their wide range of digital services.  About Stellar Digital Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved. • To provide utmost satisfaction to our clients through quality • Mobile • Web app • Digital solutions in affordable prices.  • Consecutively modernize • Develop unique application services • Soar the future prospect of business. • 100% client contentment • Best service delivery on time is our priority.

An open-source UI software development kit is called Flutter by Google. Using a single codebase, it is used to develop cross-platform applications for Linux, macOS,Windows, Android, iOS, and the web. Flutter's initial release, code-named "Sky," worked with the Android operating system.At the Dart developer summit in 2015, it was first made public.


IS FLUTTER? Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.

The framework's initial stable release, Flutter 1.0, was made available on December 4th of that year at the Flutter Live event.Version 2.10 of Flutter, the most latest stable version, was released on March 2, 2022.

WHAT IS GO BACKEND? Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.

The first stable version of Go, which provided developers with a strong goroutine, a garbage collector, and an embedded testing environment, was published in 2011.The developer community has found Go to be very popular so far.

typed, built, cross-platform, and blazingly quick. Google initially offered it in 2009. Go is a powerful language that is great for building backends.The goal of Google's developers was to incorporate the best aspects of already-existing languages while also fixing their most frequent problems. Go is a statically typed, high-efficiency language, similar to C++ and Java. Go is similar to C in terms of syntax and performance. It's an easy-to-use language that lets programmers create understandable, manageable code.

Programming language Go, commonly referred to as Golang, is open-source, statically

ADVANTAGES OF GO BACKEND IN FLUTTER Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.

Go-based backends offer several non-technical and unnoticed benefits that Flutter frontends can take use of. Furthermore, you can avoid time-consuming rewrites of the business logic by employing Go modules directly in the Flutter project. Let's look at them now:

• Trends, community and popularity Google has created two open source projects: Go and Flutter.The Google open source community, which contributes code, resources, and free community-based developer support, supports both projects. In 2012 and 2018, respectively, Google published Go v1 and Flutter v1, but by late 2019, both platforms have seen significant growth for cloud-based business apps. Both initiatives have a great reputation, strong community support, and cutting-edge technology that was developed by Google.They are both also growing in popularity quickly.

ADVANTAGES OF GO BACKEND IN FLUTTER Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.


Identicalities in the development environment

Go is the cross-platform programming language that Flutter uses. Both Flutter and Go have features for addressing different technological problems. However, the syntax, developer tools, and third-party libraries of Go and Flutter are very similar.As a result, the productivity of the same full-stack development team can be maintained while working on both backend and frontend projects. Flutter developers can simply begin backend work in Go thanks to its simple syntax.Additionally, all Flutter development tools' operating systems are entirely compatible with Go development tools.You may therefore build up a successful Go programming environment on your Flutter development PC.

ADVANTAGES OF GO BACKEND IN FLUTTER Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.

Flutter uses Go backend logic:

On occasion, frontend applications must directly reuse backend code. If you use React Native for the frontend and Node.js for the backend, you can easily share common business logic by building a JavaScript package.You should think twice before choosing Dart to develop the backend because its server-side support is still in its early stages and is not yet comparable to the Go ecosystem.You might need to recreate the same existing business logic in Dart on the Flutter frontend if you design your backend in C#, Java, or Node.js.The Go mobile project offers a way for platform-specific mobile development environments, such Java and Android, to invoke Go code.

Therefore, it is safe to say that when it comes to high-load enterprise-level projects and even microservices, Go Backend is ideal for Flutter. If you’re looking for app development company for Flutter, then Stellar Digital is the right place to visit. Our App developers carry years of experience of working for various Flutter development projects and they offer the best of services. Reach out at us soon! Conclusion Copyright © 2021 Stellar Digital.All rights reserved.

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