Steez Magazine Issue 26

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snow skate culture


Grand prize winn

Be on the lookout fo in your region next s

ner of our

or our SFPJ season!

2011/2012 event series

8 P w




80 Stupid Questions






40 Danielle Adams




Julie Bannerton Stewart Smith



Jordan Hoffart P



DeVille Nunes

150 N&B








100 behind the portrait








Finish your last run right.

Gretchen BLeILer | 2X Olympian


Enter for a chance to win a winter getaway for four to Sugarbush Ski Resort including three luxurious nights, complimentary lift tickets and more. Visit myradio929/ to enter and for official rules.


the DL Winter WE SURVIVED THE MAYAN CALENDAR AND IT’S finally snowed across most of the U.S. I guess that means the world isn’t coming to an end just yet and we can shred now. The dust seems to have settled since the big news from Burton hit the fan late this Fall. The announcement outlined a plan to phase out Forum, Foursquare and Special Blend, scale back RED drastically and start pushing helmets under goggle brand Anon. The plan also detailed moving Analog back to Burlington to become a snowboard apparel specific brand, while moving Gravis to Tokyo to focus on Asian markets. Wow...

magazine® LLC



Joe LoVasco HEAD REP

Peter Prudhomme EDITOR


Greg Manning Not a lot going on at the sponsor level. Most notably, Kazu Kokubo is now on Capita and Union. Shuriken Shannon is sporting Ipath’s. New Balance is teaming up with Westlife Distribution and Black Box Distribution to burst into the skate shoe category with it’s new line, New Balance Numeric. More to come.

In contest news, The Dew Tour roled through Breckenridge in mid December. Kaitlyn Farrington took the Superpipe finals for the women and of course Shaun White took the mens. Slopestyle finals went to Jamie Anderson for the women and Mark McMorris for the mens division. Mark also claimed the top spot for the Big Air event. Congrats goes out to, Alec Majerus, for winning this years Tampa Am in early December.

On the events side, there’s plenty goin on as usual this winter. Starting with tradeshows, Agenda NYC returns Jan 23-24, OR runs Jan 23-26 and SIA kicks off in Denver on January 31st. Also, SXSW will go from March 8-17 in Austin, TX again this year. On snow, The Crotched Mountain Block Party will return on Jan 19th, meanwhile the new series on the East, Video Games, kicks off it’s first of 4 stops at Wachusett Mountain on Jan 26th. X Games will take place as usual at Aspen Jan 24-27. We’ll be hosting our 4th annual Mountains of Steez Day on Feb 16th at Granite Gorge and the Arbor Faceoff will make a stop at Cranmore on March 9th. On the skate side, this years Tampa Pro will be held on March 22-24. Look for a new Steez website dropping in early February for more events, news and exclusives.

CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS, Chris Faronea, Brad Torchia, Brian Adams, Ryan Bregante, Jesse Brown, Terry Ratzlaff, Dave Bachinsky, Daniel Muchnik, David Wolowski, Maxwell Santeusanio, Babas, Scott Askins, Brian Hanson, Kyle McCoy, Alexis De Tarade, UZI, Ron Faverty, DeVille Nunes, Derek Bahn, MadKats Productions, Kelly Merlino, Shervin Lainez, T. Couture CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Pat Milbery, Bryan “Butch” Wright, Michael Connolly, Ben Knight, Joe Banda, Taylor Kendall, Sydney Lindberg, Peter Levandowski, Vanessa Bennett, Dave Metty, Jordan Hoffart, Cody Adams, Preston Pollard REPS

Doug Brassill, Chris Gadomski, Stefan Kunze, Doug Setzler, Nick Legere, Dustin Amato, Ryan Brouder, Johnny Miller INTERNS

Michael Connolly, Lauren Georgiades, Jenna Hoy CONTRIBUTORS

Jeff Brockmeyer, Tim Peare, Ashley Rosemeyer, Buddy Bleckley, Dashika THANKS

Ben Werth, Katie Davis, Tommy G, Ian Post, Jame Ward, Justin Melanson, Tom Ryan, Ben Meadows, Ben Knight, Nick Carmer, Georges Dionne, Jerry Bellmore, Snowdogg Carter,


Steez Magazine® LLC 17 Knowlton St. #3 Beverly, MA 01915 607.329.5767

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No reproduction of any content in whole or in part is allowed without the expressed written consent of the publisher and artists. Steez is also not responsible for any injuries occurring from stunts performed in past, present or future issues. Always be safe.

© Steez Magazine® LLC 2013 COVER: Dalek

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Flo Geis, Wall Drop


Russia is actually the land of ice and snow, and could become a perfect place for snowboarding -


c h e c k i n g Russia

...if not for the Russian mentality and the historically constituted economical and political situation in the country. Also, it was pretty stupid to sell Alaska so many years ago… There are lots of people snowboarding and skateboarding here, but not everyone has a chance to go to the mountains. We have plenty of riders mostly doing all kinds of urban stuff and some city/ park riding with a couple of kickers and sometimes even a halfpipe, which is a rare pleasure. Unfortunately, there are only a few good all-terrain riders who can ride slopestyle, backcountry and rails. Usually, they’re only good in one of these disciplines.

The possibilities for freeriding and backcountry are endless, again, if you have money. There are big mountains like, Elbrus, with all kinds of terrain, big glaciers, wild nature and snow all year round. There’s Krasnaya Polyana, with its awesome powder and crazy prices. Kamchatka is a very special place for heli-boarding with its spatial views and volcanoes. It’s really far from Moscow but close to Alaska! Winter is long, snowy, and sometimes very cold, but in central Russia it’s not so bad. The police are a problem. I don’t envy the guys who ride or paint something on the street, especially in the winter…

it was pretty stupid


Evgeniy Konishev, Bozung Flip

TO SELL Alaska


Richard Skandera, nosepress

c h e c k i n g Russia

The culture is still very young but it’s developing every year. Russia has a lot of talented people, musicians and street artists, some of them, in addition to painting walls and canvases are into designing skateboards, clothing, shoes, etc. Graffiti is very popular in Russia, especially train-bombing. In Moscow there’s typically several different exhibi-

tions and events taking place, featuring young local and foreign artists associated with street art, including those related to snowboarding, festivals, picnics and art shows. There are live performances by artists, as well as numerous parties that truly represent the snow and skate culture. There are a lot of great DJ’s performing at snow and skate events too!

The possibilities for freeriding and

are endless 22

Mickey Small Navalikhin


Show & Tell

Julie Bannerton

Let me guess, you were a nerd in school and had no friends, right? I was a bit of a nerd in high school. I was involved in everything; student government, National Honor Society, track, cross country. I was the vice president of my choir and had the lead in the school musical. I was friends with everyone and I was the homecoming queen! So you’re into music too, and used to be in a band? Music is my greatest passion. One thing very few people know about me is that I got my start playing drums for an all girl punk band in Detroit called, The Swamp Kittens. I started singing and writing songs, and that led to an amazing music career. I have been in 5 different bands, with tons of world travel. As much fun as you think it is - it is. As much work you think it is - it’s more. What did you wear on stage? Dressing up to go on stage is one of the most exciting moments. I love creating an image and rockin’ it!

I have worn everything from the most elegant gown to When did you first realize you looked like Marilyn Monroe? People kept telling me I looked like Marilyn Monroe even without makeup! My best friend would tell me I reminded her of Marilyn Monroe, and how we almost share the same birthday. Mine is May 31, and Marilyn’s is June 1. I was discovered by an agent while I was doing a fashion show. I think I really stood out because I was the only model with curves and a smile. What do you think about during a shoot like this? When I am doing a lingerie shoot, I imagine I am eating my favorite chocolate ice cream, and that is what gives me a sensual expression.



Why does every girl think they’re models these days? Modeling is a tough job! I had to have such determination to make it. Most girls have another job to support themselves and model on the side. I just took the leap one day, and said I’ll just have to live on whatever I make modeling. It was scary at first because I never knew when, and if the next job was coming. But it worked out wonderfully because that’s when I really became hungry. I hustle full time. I think that is what sets the real models apart from girls who have just done a little modeling. If you could look like anyone else from history, who would it be? If I could look like anyone else in history it would be Jessica Rabbit, because then I could say, “I’m not bad I’m just drawn that way”.

vinyl and chains!


N O P E B O A R DS . C O M | FA C E B O O K . C O M / N O P E B O A R D S

creative quest W/


Fresh snow. What’s not to love about the moment a snowstorm ceases, and nature is blanketed with a fresh layer of snow. The atmosphere is suddenly silenced, and you begin to experience the feeling of calmness. Allow your imagination to guide you into any direction that satisfies your desire to create, and uniquely stamp your signature into the moment. Typically, I would pick up that shovel, grab my drop-in ramp and a bungee and go build a lip up to a handrail, or maybe a jump over an urban gap. I must have allowed myself to become conditioned over time, to build, shred and repeat the similar style of snowboarding I have been filming for the past 10 years. Well sh*t, there is a fresh 2 feet of snow on the ground and I need to find some pow to slash! This storm, I decided to take a different approach on my quest to create, and search for an opportunity to shred any form of urban pow lines near my house here in Golden, Colorado. I am lucky enough to be nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, which neighbors places like Boulder and Red Rocks Amphitheater, each containing some of the most majestic landscapes on the planet. I decided on this location. It is one of the best places to represent Colorado, and one of the

Photo Chris Faronea

only places in the country that I can think of that’s 20 minutes outside of a major metropolitan city and offers terrain like this. Red Rocks is the mecca of beauty, and it also plays host to some of the top music acts in the universe. Let’s just say my boy, Chris Faronea, his camera, my shovel and our imaginations went on a little nature hike, and came up on this gem of a moment. Thank you Planet Earth for incredible landscapes like Red Rocks to shred. When I began searching around for different rock faces to ride down, or different peaks I could hike, I had a difficult time finding a decent amount of snow coverage, as well as a safe zone. With most of my options, they seemed to be too rocky for any lines to ride, or sketchy enough to not work out. One of the most important things to focus on when shredding urban powder is having a safe run-out. You may find a highly desirable location with a rad backdrop and a picturesque setting, but if there isn’t a suitable exit strategy, you definitely want to pass. Another important factor to safety is treating the situation similar to a backcountry setting, and assess the situational factors like the base layers, before you decide to charge. In this particular setting, I hiked up a massive rock face which contained a solid layer of ice on the base that had built up, because of the amount of heat produced by the sun that was stored up into the rocks before the storm started. Hiking on a base layer of ice is challenging to say the least, and made this line twice as difficult to achieve; which probably was not the greatest idea, but once I developed a strategy of how to keep my grip, I felt comfortable enough to keep charging ahead to my desired drop-in location. With avalanche opportunities as well, being safe is very important.



photographer Brad Torchia pictured Colorado backcountry

equipment Canon 20D Canon 18-55mm

enjoying the adventure 30

My buddy Shannon and I set out to hike from the top of Berthoud Pass to the base of Winter Park Resort, equipped with my trusty Canon 20D and not nearly enough knowledge of the route. Within an hour or so we were above tree line and had completely lost sight of the trail, but were enjoying the adventure nonetheless. (Pro Tip – veering off the trail is the easiest way to sprain your ankle

when hiking, I would recommend against it, unless you’re really looking to challenge yourself.) When we got to this spot we could see the top of the Panoramic chairlift at Winter Park and knew that we were going to get to the resort without a problem. We cracked open a few celebratory PBR’s, and I snapped this photo as we admired

the view to our west. When you’re around views like this every day, the hardest part is to never take them for granted. 31 - Brad Torchia



photographer Buddy Bleckley

pictured Ryan Shea, back tail

equipment Nikon d700 Nikon 50 1.4 2 Einstein strobes 3 Pocketwizards

blessing in disguise Ryan Shea has been putting in work lately, so I knew when he called me for a photo it was going to be a good one. Shea has been getting boards from Foundation for a little while now, is also skating for Patriot Skate shop, and has been giving 110%, killing transitions, and always has a good selection of spots. The combination of drive and talent always guarantees a good photo. The spot is in Woburn, MA near Boardwalk Skate shop. When I first went there a few years ago, everything was overgrown and you would have no idea what kind of skate gold was hiding underneath the brush. I want to thank the dudes at Boardwalk and whoever else helped clean out the area, couldn’t have skated here without the hard work. When Shea started trying the back tail, he was charging at it, almost getting it in a few tries. However, the more he skated, the dirtier and wetter his wheels got from the water or mud or whatever his board was riding through. What seemed to be a potential disaster turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The back tail he locked into perfectly slid for probably 10ft or more, and he rolled away right through the mud and grime at the bottom. Just wait till you see the footage of this, you won’t be disappointed. -Buddy Bleckley



first day of summer Every year, “Go Skateboarding Day” is observed worldwide on the first day of summer to celebrate the skateboard culture. The City of Pittsburgh celebrates the event annually at various places around the city, and this summer, the party was held at Stage AE and sponsored by vitaminwater. The outdoor venue was lined with vendors representing local skate shops and clothing companies. After skaters threw down at the skate contest at Stage AE, the momentum continued at the after party across the street at a pub called The Tilted Kilt.


Most of the skateboarders outside broke up into small crews, and local skateboarder Sean Stumpf and I decided to check a spot across the street. At first, we were trying to feel out the vibes on this 8-stair, but no one was feeling it. A few feet away on a 10 stair was skateboarder Neil Show killing it, and everyone fed off his energy. For once, there weren’t any filmers or photographers there blowing up the spot. It was just riders enjoying the love of skateboarding. There were no worries at all. Even after ripping his shirt in half and breaking his hand, Show still threw down on that stair set, which was no easy feat. The run-up and the landing were gnarly; they were made from unfinished brick and would graze Show’s skin every time he fell.

His energy and determination was captivating. I typically gravitate towards skaters that are going the hardest, in general. Since I was just there to be a spectator, I didn’t have my usual camera setup with me, but decided to take a few shots because who knows. I shot for about an hour while the sun was setting, and tried different angles until I finally got a good one. During the last few minutes of daylight, I showed Sean the photograph and he got stoked on it. Show was still throwing down once the sun set and since I didn’t have any work lights with me, I decided to bounce. It wasn’t until

pictured Neil Show, tre flip

equipment Canon Rebel XSI, Tamron 18-200mm

the autumn that I would find out Show’s name. I was diligent about finding out who the mystery skater in my photograph was all summer long. I finally got a lead from my friend, skateboarder Jordan Valdez, who gave me Show’s name and said they were friends. In November, an unknown number called me out of the blue. It was the rider in my photograph, Neil Show. As we spoke, he told me how stoked he was on my photograph and how

he ollied the spot before I saw him doing a tre flip there in June. Adding to the lore of this spot is the fact that Evan Smith, also threw down on this spot in September of 2011. This photograph brings out the atmosphere that encapsulates skateboarding which is the vibe that even when you are throwing down alone, all eyes are on you. -Ashley Rosemeyer

photographer Ashley Rosemeyer


BCKGRND photographer Timothy Peare pictured Niko Cioffi, closeout sesh equipment Canon 5D Mark II 90mm TS-E

just another night in the streets


This night in particular was one of the coldest nights during my stay in Anchorage. The temps dropped down to a balmy -12 Fahrenheit. This closeout feature is at one of the high schools and can be a bust as we would find out. After setting up the lip and landing as well as the lights, Niko Cioffi, Cam Pierce and Austen Sweetin got a session going. Everybody’s eyelashes and eyebrows were pure white from the cold, it was hilarious. Niko hopped on the rail and was going for a bluntslide 270 out. On one of his attempts, he caught his

tail on the closeout and front flipped to back splat. Niko’s a tough kid and can walk away from most slams. We call him the people’s champ because he never gets it easy but he always gets it. He got back up and stepped to the closeout again and got his trick on the coldest night in Anchorage last winter. Shortly after everyone got their tricks the police rolled through and put an end to our session. We packed up and went home around 5:30 in the a.m. Just another night out in the streets. -Timothy Peare



Alaska to Hollywood I always wanted to skate in Hollywood, but never got the chance until my photographer friend Brian Adams came to town. It was rush hour traffic bumper to bumper, but we made it to Hollywood Blvd around 6:00pm. We looked for spots but we didn’t see too much and the sun was now going down. So, we shot a lifestyle photo as we were heading back to the car. It was dark and we didn’t have any lights, I was a little discouraged that we didn’t get to take any skate shots. As were we walking, Brian spotted a nice ledge that I hadn’t noticed, it was lit up at a car dealership. The ledge wasn’t waxed so I had to nose-slide it a couple times to get it sliding well. I don’t have many back tail photos so I thought this ledge would be perfect! I’m not going to lie; it was a challenge for me because it was dark. The honking of cars and of course random people passing by was a distraction. I stayed focused, fell once and kept on trying until I finally rolled away with a smile. -Preston Pollard


photographer Brian Adams

pictured Preston Pollard, Hollywood tail

equipment Mark 4


24 / SEVEN

Danielle Adams WORDS Cody Adams PHOTO Ryan Bregante

your best move is her warm up

4 40

Little sisters are a lot of work. Just when you think you have them beat at a sport; realization sets in when your best move is her warm up. I’ve had the privilege to see Danielle Adams grow and become something greater than I ever dreamt of becoming. Hanging out with pros and turning her summers into winter, as she travels the country in search of a better understanding of the sport, I can’t help but be extremely proud of her commitment.

Danielle is 21, born and raised in the small town of Evergreen, Colorado. Danielle had her fair share of backyard jib experience. She had immersed herself in urban jibbing to really hone in on her rail riding and become more than just an acrobat in the air. She is taking the initiative to do what she needs to become a well-rounded rider. She fought through some true grit this past season with an injury. We all know injuries plague the soul of a snowboarder. It’s good to see that she has overcome her demons and will be back on the snow this fall to throw down everything she’s got.


D R O P P I N G Winter ‘13 checking


Junction Down Flap Cap Flaps down means serious business $50

Hex Hex Pretty Sweet Solo Wallet Protect your iPhone and look Pretty Sweet $45

Radii 42

Everast It’s got a zipper in the back so you only need to tie them once $130

Everyday Noble Knitted Cap Keeps your head warm, duh $20


Poler The Field Pack Furry camo is way cooler than regular camo $50

Bowery Sock Stripes are the new plaid fools $10

D R O P P I N G Winter ‘13

Capita Defenders of Awesome Fk Who wouldn’t want these chicks on their board? $380

Saavi Design Camo Hooks Binding hooks + park = more fun $55

Vans Revere Boa No need to fear an avalanche, these boots have Recco $270


Skylight Color Block Oversized lens so you can quit running into people $140

Launch V1 Binding Step into these and the straps open up on both sides. Talk about super easy access! (That’s what she said...) $250

Spy Platooon Aloha Goggles I love pinapples and hula dancers $140

Bern Baker EPS Seth Wescott Helmet Even Mainers wear lids, you should too $130


D R O P P I N G Winter ‘13 checking

Radii McKinley Hike McKinley with ‘em $110

Oneoheight Cut and Sew 2.0 Solid fit and dope materials makes one hell of a nice hoody $72


Plutonium SPRAY PAINT Seriously awesome paint! Try it on anything $13ea 46

1 Vulc Keith even wears these. I made that up, but he might. $85

D R O P P I N G Winter ‘13

Virus Stay Warm Compression Crew Wear virus so you won’t catch a cold. Get it? $48

Pro-tec Riot Boa Helmet A Boa helmet is like having a snake wrapped around your head $130 48

Armourdillo Asher Billfold and Belt High quality leather means you’ll save money in the long run and your pants won’t fall down $35 / $45


Growing up riding parks in Southern California, Bryan Iguchi has transformed into one of the most skilled backcountry riders of our time. Known by most as “Guch”, today he not only uses snowboarding, but art as well, to harness his creative energy.

Interviewed By Peter Levandowski Photos Jesse Brown





urrently living in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Bryan is living every snowboarder’s dream. He loves Jackson because of the terrain and the small community. If you recognize the name and face, it could be because Guch took a second-place win in the World Half Pipe Championships in 1992, or an X Games bronze medal in 1997. Or for the young-ins it’s probably the numerous video parts including the likes of Brain Farm’s “That’s It That’s All.” Either way, with the Guch, it’s all for the love of snowboarding! The man is a backcountry legend.


What was your first snowboard? An Avalanche 160 I think. It had a crazy pointed nose and square tail with no kick, super crappy, but I could do a method on it.

me gripped. I remember getting to the top of the mountain and looking around, the view was amazing, I loved it. I could see so far it was like a new perspective on life.

What was the first mountain you were exposed to? Mt. High in Southern California.

What do you love most about snowboarding? Finding and riding new lines.

Tell me about your first thoughts seeing a mountain, and taking your first chair lift ride? I was amazed by the whole program. The lift ride freaked me out, being so high off the ground had

Is that something you look for every time you strap in? No, honestly it seems like most of the time I just want to get my fix so I tend to ride things I’m confident will be good. When we have good weather and


stability, I’ll go out and explore new terrain. You’re an artist too. What got you started in painting and drawing? I wanted to capture or express things I saw or created with my imagination. I guess I passed a lot of the down time at school doodling and working on art projects. Where do you find the inspiration for your art? Mostly from nature I suppose, dramatic landscapes, powerful weather events and wild remote places and the feelings they inspire. Who’s an artist that you look up to and why? Banksy, his creativity and ability to have great success yet have his true identity remain anonymous is something I admire and respect. Do you find art is similar to snowboarding, and how? Yes, they both can make me feel really good or equally frustrated...but I can’t stop trying to do either one. What do you hate about snowboarding? That it doesn’t exist for half of the year! So, what do you do the other half of the year? I spend a lot of time with my wife and son. I work at a sushi bar and skateboard as much as possible. I try and spend a lot of time in the mountains, hiking and backpacking, scoping out lines and new zones to ride. Once in a while I’ll go on a surf trip, or at least get some surfing in while visiting my family in California.


Go through a riding day with us, from start to finish. A typical day of riding for me usually looks like this. Wake predawn, make coffee, check weather and avalanche report while eating, and decide if we should stick to the plan we’ve made the night

before then confirm, or make a plan “B”. A round of text messages to the crew and we’re off. If it has been dumping we’ll head to the resort, get an early tram and ride till satisfied, systematically going through the hit list of our favorite lines based on the snow conditions and coverage. If it hasn’t snowed in a while, I’ll head into the backcountry via tram, boot-pack, skin or sled. In the backcountry things move slower as we break trail, and gather information to assess if things are good to go. Once again, we’ll ride till content and start thinking about the next objective for the season. Arrive home, and start planning another mission based on what we saw and rode. That’s an awesome day. What have you seen within snowboarding that you think has impacted the sport the most, both positive and negative? On the positive side, the evolution of board design and gear. Better snowboards, outerwear, splitboards and mountain approach skis make it easy to get around in the mountains to access good shredding. So, good riding is easier, and free once you buy a setup. The negative is how divided the sport has become, and the public’s perception of what it’s all about. Elaborate on what you feel the public’s perception of snowboarding is? I think the public views it as another competitive sport like gymnastics or figure skating and not a lifestyle. Can you go through the progression of snowboarding as you’ve seen it? The 1990’s, the 2000’s and where you see it headed. 1990: Beginning of skate influence, twin tip boards, and the establishment of snowboard parks. Most modern freestyle tricks were invented or translated from skating. 2000: Add up to three corks to all rotations and machine

like consistency. Future: Unfortunately, I think the divide will continue. On one side you’ll have the resort competition snowboarder, with gymnastic like half-pipe and park routines for the masses to cheer on. On another, you’ll have the street shredder who will continue to search and destroy urban architecture, and never have to leave the city life. At last the free-rider, who will live to ride powder and search for terrain pushing progression in the backcountry. What is the history of snowboarding in your eyes? I think it’s the last step in the evolution of board

sports. It started with the surfing lifestyle, riding waves in the ocean, and the community and culture it created. A tribe following storms and weather, settling communities in distant shores, where the waves were the most plentiful and powerful. Skateboarding took riding boards to the streets and anything built (or dreamt up and built) of concrete and wood, inventing the technical progression of tricks that would eventually be applied to both surfing and snowboarding. Historically, snowboarding’s derived from both. It shares the lifestyle of surfing, following storms, weather and migration patterns to remote wilderness, as well as the relentless technical progression and urban


I think parks have been the key to opening up the progression of our sport

influences of skateboarding. How do you feel about all the exposure park riding is getting these days? I think it’s amazing how it’s evolved, and that they have become standard at most ski areas. I think parks have been the key to opening up the progression of our sport. Do you think riders focus too much on getting footage and going pro, rather than simply enjoying snowboarding? I don’t know, once I watched my first skate video I knew I wanted to be a pro and live that lifestyle. I wanted to get my tricks on film and put together good parts. I’ve realized that the video parts I like to watch are the ones where you can see the rider is having fun and is stoked. I’d rather see a video part of creative riding with good style than a segment with only super big and crazy tech tricks. I guess I believe if you’re having fun doing it, it doesn’t matter if you film it or not.

mountains, and the more you ride and spend time in the mountains, the more you will discover. About yourself? Life? Absolutely, the best feelings of my life have come from spending time with friends, riding mountains. On the same note, the mountains have also taken the lives of a few of them and caused me the deepest pain and sense of loss I’ve known. It’s really hard to explain the effect of knowing something you love so much could kill you. It has inspired endless hours of soul searching, self-examination of my motives, and true convictions of a life dedicated to backcountry riding. At the least, it’s taught me to respect the powerful forces of nature, human nature and the importance of discipline and self-control. In these experiences I have gained a greater appreciation for life. What does snowboarding mean to you? Everything... It’s my life, my dharma so to speak.

56 What do you wanna say to people about snowboarding? It only gets better. Knowledge is freedom in the

How about some last words of advice you can give to everyone? The best rider is the one having the most fun.






Smarty Command Jacket / Reserved Raw Pant



P Terry Ratzlaff



60 P Dave Bachinsky




63 P Daniel Muchnik

R Jason Ross, boardslide



P David Wolowski

R Tristan Sadler, nose press




P Maxwell Santeusanio



P Timothy Peare R Pat Moore, throwing down in AK




70 P Terry Ratzlaff R Austin Julik-Heine




P Babas

R Gabriel De Lery, crail slide





P Maxwell Santeusanio


76 P Scott Askins

R Cody Potter



All the babes got creeped out by me so I started up a Facebook

Corey Duffel Pro Skateboarder

photo: Brian Hanson

The Cramps or the Ramones? Genesis.

Long hair or butch hair chicks? As long as the vajayjay is good I don’t give a sh*t.

What happened to Myspace? All the babes got creeped out by me so I started up a Facebook.

Why do you think most Asian people are skinny? ‘Cause they ain’t eating Dunkin Donuts every morning.

What do you think about skateboard brands branching out into shoes? I’m just glad I’m not a part of it. Have you ever skated a pair of Osiris D3’s? Hell no. I’m not trying to land on the moon. 80

interviewed by: Bryan “Butch” Wright

If you could have a non-related sponsor what would it be? Levi’s.

Have you ever drank a beer? Does O’Douls count? Kidding, I’ve never had a cold one. Favorite late night cartoon network show? InuYasha. Would you pass the Pepsi challenge? You’re g-damn right I would. Coca-Cola baby!


Stevie Bell Pro Snowboarder interviewed by: Michael Connolly photo: Kyle McCoy

Top 3 songs? Tech N9ne – Overtime Wiz Khalifa - Keep One Rolled Young Jeezy - Mr. 17.5 Worst party foul you’ve witnessed? Some chick broke the tap to the keg, ruined the night! Can you play hockey too? Nope. I’m not much of a skater.

Can you still dunk with your boots on? Not sure. I’ll try and send a video.

Last time you ran from the cops? Back in high school, running from parties.

Blonde or Brunette? I don’t really care as long as she’s packing front and back, if you catch my drift.

Worst fear? Sharks.

Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, and it was horrible. It hurt my nuts.

What’s it like being the only black pro snowboarder? It’s amazing, I get mad attention, it’s fun.

What’s your middle name? Micheal.

Worst park feature? A massive jump with nothing in the middle.

Last trick on a mini ramp? Blunt to rock, and I broke my damn skateboard! I’m bummed, it was last night.

It’s amazing, I get mad attention, it’s fun.



Nate Bozung Pro Snowboarder interviewed by: AB photo: Alexis De Tarade

I look up to the clouds

Are you still drinking beer from a measuring cup? Every chance I get, measuring cup is duh malaka. Have you been dying your hair gray? I have had gray hair since I was 16 lol. 31 ‘n’ runnin’ Gandolf steez.

What’s your favorite face tattoo? My face. Are you still over snowboarding? Since I started snowboarding I haven’t stopped and don’t plan to... Sorry if I didn’t film, lol.


In all seriousness, where the hell have you been throughout 2012? I was in NYC, ended up in Medellin, Colombia. Duh shout out to all my paissa amigoz duh marilkaaa. Oh and then to Utah to LA to Miami to NYC to Utah to LA, back to Utah to NYC, back to Cali then back to Utah and then again to NYC, to currently in Barcelona. Oh I went to Andorra too. What can’t Boznuts live without? I can’t live without my weed, duh.

Have you ever considered an accounting job? Bank teller? Hahahahahaha nah I never planned on a 9 to 5 lol, obviously. Are you bringing the scarf back in place of the knit hat? Since when did the scarf ever leave? P.S. snowboard aka ski clothes are the worst f*cking style ever hahaha. Like haha I’m bringing back the JP ‘n’ Jeremy doo rags. Who do you look up to? I look up to the clouds. Name one future goal? Take over the world duhlaka obvi lol...




two mountains, one experience






If you don’t get caught you don’t get in trouble.

Trouble Andrew Musician interviewed by: AB

can get all my music free. But to answer your question, no I have not ever done anything illegal. You’ve toured a bunch, what are some of the crappiest places you’ve been? That’s a tough question ‘cause I like crappy places.

photo: UZI

When was the last time you really got into serious trouble anyway? If you don’t get caught you don’t get in trouble. You’ve got your own custom sunglasses, and you use knife images in your branding. When’s the custom Trouble Switch Blade coming out? Summer 2013 along with the Gucci hand grenade. Have you ever thought of remaking a Neil Diamond song? No but I heard Neil is doing a Trouble Andrew tribute album, can’t wait.


What’s your dream tour bus? G5 Jet. Is Kanye really an ass? Kanye seemed cool to me any time I have met him, he just does and says what he wants. I totally respect him as an artist, dude is punk rock. Don’t you think life is better now because of your torn ACL? Not better but just different, who knows where I would be if I did not stumble upon writing and producing music. It was a great transition for me at the perfect time.

What happened to punk? Punk is still alive, it’s just transformed. I feel the punk DIY spirit a lot, musically it has changed though.

Are you sick of being the default snowboard event performer? Haha nah never. I love any chance I get to come see my shred homies and take part in those events. It’s rad ‘cause that usually is my window to get on snow again, so it’s a win win.

Have you ever downloaded music illegally? No one pays for music online anymore, I really don’t care if people steal my music from the web, I give it all away for free anyway. Go to my page and you

Some spouses play rock, paper, scissors. Do you and Santigold have rap battles to solve arguments? Yeah totally, I’m the freestyle champ though, she don’t wanna battle with me. lol


LNP Pro Snowboarder “Dick Stabber!”

photo: Ron Faverty

Favorite meat? Probably chicken. Beer chicken hahah.

Do bald men make you nervous? Not really, probably the opposite.

One reason to Snow-Blade? Just to wear the most f*cked up gear and go so people wonder what the f*ck you’re doing.

Weirdest thing found in your beard? Probably a toothpick or a fry.

Is Canada real? F*ckin’ Eh it is!

Rate your roundhouse kick from a 1-10. An average 3.

Last trip to the Emergency Room? Last year in December, separated my shoulder.

What is in your pockets right now? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Three things you shouldn’t yell during a knife fight. “This is my dull knife, f*ck!” “Dick Stabber!” “Where’s my f*cking knife!”

interviewed by: Michael Connolly


Will you bleach anything? Nah, not into that at all.

The Living Legend

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tours europe

Per alta WORDS Jordan Hoffart / PHOTOS DeVille Nunes 91

There isn’t a direct English translation for that word, but it means warm, cozy, happy and content all in one. That was the feeling we all got when we landed in the northern Danish town of Aalborg. After getting picked up one by one in a Ford Fiesta, the crew re-grouped at Kim’s Kitchen, where we were immediately “forced” to drink beers, take


shots of a Danish potato liquor called Snaps, be merry and get lit. We don’t remember much of that night, but I do remember waking up in the back seat spooning a board box with hyggelig written across my face. For the next 3 days we skated the city, BBQ’d at local hero Jasper’s house, ate worm pizza, drank from grade-A, hand crafted meat coozies, and slept in the backyard in kiddie tents, with the exception of Steven who chose to pass out on top of the luggage in the garage.

Josh and Steven counted 100 babes before noon

OPENING SPREAD Josh Hawkins, Frontside hurricane. LEFT Josh, Nolan, Brad and Steven; just another night on the town.

Jordan Hoffart, European sized frontside flip.



was weak at 3.2%

From Aalborg, we headed to Svenborg, to drink towers of Tuborg at the bowling alley, with a quick stop at the indoor park for a casual hungover demo. But back to the bowling, holy f*cking sh*t this place was epic. They let us play our own music, and the lanes had one red pin, if it was in the front and you got a strike, ba-boom; free shots for everyone. I’ve never had so much fun bowling before. Later that night, I went for a shotgun via people’s elbow, soaked Josh’s laptop and pissed my pants. Next stop, Copenhagen. Hot chicks, hot dudes, hot dogs and some luke warm beer. We opted to lower our carbon footprint and rented some bikes. Using our chevrolegs ended up being our best bet, as traffic was harsh and we could weave through traffic from spot to spot. In hindsight, it’s hard to ride a bike with a boner and a broken neck. Local trim was ripe for the picking, in fact Josh and Steven counted 100 babes before noon. And we were just getting out of bed. The spots were all sorts of f*cked up sweet, and we ended up having to pass a few of ‘em due to time constraints. One spot in particular was the triangle banks, which we ended up skating all day. Endless line potential, open beer cans, and underage spectators were in abundance; but that kind of thing is chill over there.


After some hazy nights with dill’d Jill (don’t worry about it), it was time to break out to Malmo, Sweden for the 4th Annual Ultra Bowl contest and City Street Festival. Not only did we finally get to sleep in a top tier hotel (minus Terry and DeVille, who chose to camp yet again, guess you can’t cage a wild animal), we were surrounded with great company and ate free gourmet continental breakfast, every morning. The beer was weak at 3.2%, but the Doritos were killing it with exclusive flavors such as ‘sweet chili’, foreign to the US of A.

but the Doritos were killing it

Berlin, Germany I was mid flight to Canada and Josh was sick in bed, but damn this looks sick. F*ck yeah, Steven Reeves channel No. 5 ollie. -Jordan Hoffart 95



Copenhagen, Denmark It took me more tries to make the corner while Steven filmed, than it did for Josh Hawkins to land this ollie. 10 lands later, Steven and I get our sh*t together; f*cking nailed it. -Jordan Hoffart



he showed up looking like he had a pregnancy scare


tours europ

Brad McClain, Stalefish


Despite the flooding dude fest staying at the hotel, Josh beat off the competition and managed to romance the hotel receptionist into the foggy Swedish abyss (known as her place), while the rest of us recited our best “that’s what she said” jokes all night long. While Steven and Brad were busy winning the contest, Josh and I headed to the local DIY Steppen Side for a session full of cuss words and wall rides. After some epic days filled with sick photos and footage, it was time the group pack up their sh*t and get on the road to Germany. However, it seemed that we lost Brad, so we had to Instagram his girlfriend @parkshark to get ahold of him. A few hours later he showed up looking like he had a pregnancy scare and the boys jumped in the van. With a couple quick stops in Münster and Koln, the crew ended up in Berlin, where they shredded a sick DIY that strangely enough, was behind an

already proper skatepark called Skate Hall. Steven gracefully buttf*cked the channel gap, and once again the beers flowed like wine. There were tons of awesome spots in Berlin, we were so bummed we only had one day to skate. But there was no time for sob stories, it was onward to Poland. The crew had the sketchiest driver (picture Ryan Gosling in the movie Drive, but with T-Rex arms), who drove us to the Baltic Games, where we met up with teammate Nolan Monroe. We all cruised to the contest; it ruled. The afterparty was equally as ripping, as the bartenders were serving full bottles of whiskey and everyone was getting messy. It got so messy that Nolan narrowly escaped an ass beating after he told the dude to check out this video of him doing a 23 foot McTwist, but the crew survived and continued to hammer out a few more demos before it was time to head home. Big shout outs to the Powell Peralta crew and all our distributors in Europe that made our trip titties. Suck it.



Dave Metty is a #goon and one of my best #FRENDS. The dude has #Personality to say the very least. Filmed the First #Real skate video. #YMCA skate camp #Man #mid 90’s San Fran #scenester #XGAMES #MEGARAMP #HEADJUDGE #progressive #Woodward #media #mastermind #Humble

WORD & PHOTO Jeff Brockmeyer

Behind the Portrait CAPTIONS Dave Metty

he only way to really get to know somebody is to be with them in person. In the magazine media world, we try to portray the “stars” of skateboarding as best we can through words and images. Many times we are too wrapped up in the actual ‘on the board’ moments and we end up only seeing our favorite stars hucking, chucking, and getting loose on obstacles. There’s so much more to these fellas than how they are on a skateboard that really defines who they are. They are much more than amazing skateboarders. Most of these fellas are also hilarious and amazing characters who would not be on top of the world if it weren’t for their witty senses of humor and their ability to “ad-lib” pretty much anything. That is why we wanted to focus more on the faces and personalities behind the “dudes” who are on top. Being a photographer and Director of Woodward’s Digital Media Department with my pal, Dave Metty, I get to see a lot of crazy sh*t go down to say the least. We get a new group of superstars every week at our Candy Land for skateboarding. Seeing the same tricks over and over and over year after year, and of course new and groundbreaking ones too, it’s really the in between

moments of chilling and causing a ruckus that I am most fond of. I do my best to get a portrait of all the dudes that come through Woodward. Mostly because in 20 years, when I look back on all the shots I have produced, the ones that will really stand out to me are the faces and personalities behind the tricks. We all love the tricks, don’t get me wrong, but who doesn’t love a good portrait of Louie Barletta? The guy is something else. Who cares if he’s amazing on a skateboard, the dude cracks my sh*t up. In this new age of social media and instant digital knowledge, every man and his brother’s mother’s sister’s uncle has an Instagram. I think showing the world our point of view is very important. It lets us all connect, relate and be inspired from all the way around the world in just a matter of seconds. With that said, we have decided to switch up our captions a bit to fit more with these digital times. Dave Metty helped fill in our captions for all of you @instanerds out there.

-Jeff Brockmeyer

TY Evans and Sean Malto TY__EVANS SEAN_MALTO

This one isn’t easy to caption… so I’ll say @crailtap and @TY__EVANS and @SEAN_MALTO your first part with the squad was incredible and Mr. Ty thanks. Look at Ty here and Look at him now. #transformation #congratulations to the two of you…



Andy Macdonald

it’s really the in between moments

#andymac #yellowhelmet #scratchfeetondeck #squeek #squeek mega focused #SOLID #letterinthemail #didit ask him to ride your local vert ramp and give him 2 days to relax… this dude can destroy a ramp at high heights… just ask him to… randy macdoogle a grandiose man #randymacdoogle #positiv

of chilling and causing a ruckus

that I am most fond of


Louie Barletta


Mr. Louie sire is one in a kind universe! #enjoi @enjoi if it’s up it’s down and if it’s comin’ around it’s ok it will all work out… is what I kinda hear as a mantra coming out of this friend. We love you Louie!!!! #skateboarding and friends @woodwardcamp



Joey Brezinski 106

#dogkillsit seriously though #onalllevels #Joeybrezinski technical wizard #flip #manual #flip #anything

Heath Kirchart #whoisheathkirchartanyway #thankyouskateboarding #whatasoul #IndianaJones CONFIRMED #thanksheath #tobevulnerableistobefree


Behind the Portrait

I get to see a lot of crazy sh*t go down to say dwrexx

the least. 108

Derrick Wilson #DGK #DGK ya know! I don’t know the fella but I know that if he’s a part of @steviewilliams world the dude is solid. #smooth #thanksforcomingtocampwoodward #motivated SUPPORT for you son is in the air…. #Getit

power-c you’re up ©2012 glacéau, glacéau®, vitaminwater®, bottle design and label are registered trademarks of glacéau.




SOT Interviewed By Sydney Lindberg / PHOTOS ICY and SOT 112

These guys have been taking Iranian stencil art to the next level since 2008. ICY, 27, and SOT, 21, are two brothers who got their start doing graffiti in Iran, Tabriz to be exact. Their works are about peace, love, war, hope, hate and human rights, and the brothers have now held numerous exhibitions and unofficial street works around the world. The latest was held in New York City, where ICY and SOT now call home. By the way, what would make these two Iranian stencil artists that much more rad? They started out as skaters. I had to give these two foreign punks some American love, and learn more about their struggles, their dreams, and their passion for stencil art.


Stencil is how we You got to be part of the New York street art scene, and even had a gallery show at the Open House Gallery in Manhattan in August titled “Made In Iran.” What was your overall impression of NYC? “Made in Iran” was so special for us because the preparation started a long time ago in Iran. If a male wants to leave Iran, he must finish the 18-month mandatory military service. So, we both went and finished our service so we could travel and exhibit our work outside of Iran. While in military service, our good friends that left Iran who are in a band were living in NY, and introduced us to their manager. Their band is The Yellow Dogs. We had endless Skype calls, and emails with their manager for almost a year until we were able to get our visas and come to the USA. Now we’re living together with The Yellow Dogs in their space in Brooklyn… who would have thought? It’s been amazing how all the people influenced the spots and vice versa. What’s a highlight from that trip? Actually we live in New York now, it’s like a new life. I love the DREAM you did in Williamsburg, with the boy running over it. What inspired that? It’s good to have some good dreams, and that you can maybe make them real. Do you have any major influences? Many of your black and white stencils remind me of Banksy. Banksy, however, based his technique and style on Blek Le Rat, the godfather of Parisian street art, who pioneered both stenciling and the image of the rat. But, the important thing is that Bansky is creating his own ideas like others. 114 We have tried different styles of stencil, but our works right now are mostly black and white. Stencil is how we communicate our visions to the people.

communicate our visions to the people

” What’s the difference between street art here and in Iran? The street art scene in Iran is not much different to what’s going on in our hometown Tabriz. Except, it is more common in Tehran, and is growing there everyday. Therefore, we did most of our street works in Tehran even though it’s all illegal and much more dangerous. But, New York has a large street art scene as well, since graffiti and street art are a part of the

people’s culture. The media plays a role in street art here. Is it dangerous being a street artist in Iran? Yes it is. It’s a much more dangerous place to be a street artist. There aren’t certain rules or laws against street art in Iran. But, if you get arrested, they may accuse you of things you haven’t really done or intended -- like calling you a political criminal. When did you first start on the streets?

It started with our career in skateboarding, especially SOT’s (2005), we used to make small stickers and stencils, and we’d put them up in our spots and gathering places. Is there a connection between street art and skating for you? Yes of course, as we started doing street art while skating. Maybe our career in street art was possible because of skating.




we really love to work on the streets

because that’s where it all started

What’s the skate scene like in Iran? Iran has really good potential for skateboarding. There are many talented kids. Maybe you won’t believe it, but there are girls that really like skateboarding and some of them can do some tricks. Unfortunately, skateboarding is not something like what you see in the US or European countries, so Iran really needs support and motivation in order to have a strong sense of skateboarding. All those skaters who were responsible for the growth of skateboarding have left the country, or are looking for a way to leave. Maybe because the skateboarding lifestyle is not accepted there. No pro skaters or teams have ever been in Iran, and there are many other problems that we are always used to dealing with. So, how can we expect growth for skateboarding in Iran? It needs a ton of support, we hope that all these political and economic problems will be solved one day, and if that is the case, we are sure skateboarding has a future in Iran.


Do you have a favorite place to skate, or a favorite trick? SOT: I like street spots better, gaps and rail tricks.

Is there a certain message you’re trying to get across with your art? Actually, there is no certain message. We try to involve social issues -- sometimes with a touch of sarcasm, and sometimes presenting real issues that surround us in both our daily life and in society on a global scale. What’s the difference between having your art in the street and in the gallery? The main difference is that we really love to work on the streets because that’s where it all started, and what it was about. We’ll do streets as much as we can. Do you prefer one over the other? We definitely prefer streets. Where are you guys headed next? We are taking our “Made in Iran” show that we held in NY back in August to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago in February 2013, and then other cities by fall. Our good friends/roommates, The Yellow Dogs, will be playing at our openings, and then if all goes as planned, we will do all of this in Europe by 2014. We’re always looking for new walls, so let us know if you know of anything.




After Party, Swag, Vendors, Bonfire, Beer Garden, Custom Park

Interviewed By AB Photos Dalek and Derek Bahn






Inte rv ie w

l e k

world-renowned artist.

illustrious career as a

hasn’t done in his

There’s little he

in between.

cars and everything

to skate decks,

and shoes,

from ipods, goggles

featured on everything

His work has been

Monkey” imagery.

his iconic “Space

You may recognize

over a decade now.

on the scene for well

Marshall has been

James “Dalek”


I wanted to stake a claim on something that was a little more engaging to me. -Painting 225

Briefly tell us how you became known as “Dalek,” please? The name comes from Dr. Who. The Dalek’s are cyborgs, hell bent on the annihilation of everything. I watched it quite a bit as a kid. So, when the time came around that I started writing, it seemed like an appropriate name to adopt. 120

It’s been hard to track you down in 2012, what’s been up? I have certainly been laying low as of late. Most of my time is dedicated to working at Hurley, the surf

brand based out of Orange County, CA. I develop art for product, murals, and a number of other things. I am still painting pretty regularly, although it is mostly direct to private collectors, so there hasn’t been much in the public eye I guess over the last year or so. Tell me more about the Hurley relationship? How did it develop? You must enjoy it to be devoting so much time to it. I’ve been working over there as the brand artist for a little over 3 years now. It’s a great relationship,

Over the past year I hadn’t seen as much of his work so I knew he had to be up to something good. Sure enough, he’s been behind the scenes doing big things at Hurley. Fortunately, I had a chance to catch up with the man himself and get to the bottom of his latest endeavors, pick his brain on the future, and dig up a little about his past. Rest assured, his work has evolved but he’s not setting the brush down anytime soon.

they have really given me a lot of room to get involved and develop ideas pretty openly. It started with a singular mural project for a store they were opening in Laguna Beach during summer 2009. After spending a week out there working, there was a great natural flow of ideas between myself and the brand director, Adrian Nyman. He brought me in full-time as an in-house artist to take artist projects and involvement to another level, than the 1-off approach to artist projects. I have

become fully integrated in the brand on all levels, and am continually growing and shifting over there in my roles and development. The education alone that I’ve gotten is worth its weight in gold, much less the great opportunity they have afforded me. You have a background with graffiti and street art, but how exactly did your most iconic imagery, the “Space Monkey” come about? The birth of the space monkey was sort of an evolutionary accident. I was always into doodling random characters. When I started painting graffiti in


You were an assistant for Takashi Murakami for several years. Do you still keep in touch? How did that time influence your work? I worked with Murakami for about 6 months, from fall 2001 to spring 2002. He wasn’t there very often, I hung out with him a few times, super nice



a state of

We are in

the early 90’s I was a bit torn, there weren’t a ton of guys out doing just characters, or focusing more on characters. The idea being at the time, that if you didn’t do letters, you weren’t legit. I really didn’t want to do letters, there were plenty of folks that did it pretty damn well already. I wanted to stake a claim on something that was a little more engaging to me. As I started painting characters, the space monkey sort of developed, and then became the iconic centerpiece to my development.

guy. I haven’t spoken with him in years. We kept in touch for a little while after I left there, but probably not for 9 years or so. You’ve worked extensively in the skate and snow industries, and are a skateboarder yourself. Tell me about some of your favorite projects? It’s so hard to nail down favorite projects, every-

We’ll put in a good word for ya then. Haha. I’ve


the wrong

behind all




Lost souls

thing is sort of a block in the building process. I’d be hard pressed to find one or two moments, or projects that pop out above the rest. They have all been great. I want to do some more snowboard graphics though, I can tell you that much. It’s such a great platform to work on, like, skate decks are cool, but they are too small.

noticed most of your recent work has been pulling away from the Space Monkey theme. Are you trying to distance yourself from it going forward? It has never been about distancing myself from it. It’s been more about finding other ways to build a universe, and a language around it. There just came a point where I was bored by the repetitive nature of it, I wanted to push off and understand


-Wind Runner


laugh at a “fine artist” that believes

Your work is very tight involving a lot of patterns, shapes and lines. It almost resembles a vector quality. Do you have a graphic design background? Any graphic design background is self-taught. I think it’s just what my predisposition is. I like things that are super flat and graphic. There is just a mathematical sensibility to how I view everything.

All art is commercial. I always

A vast array of colors can be seen in most of your work. How do you get the colors so bright, while consistently flat at the same time? Do you use 1-shot enamels or layering? It’s a lot of layering, thin coats of acrylics built up over 4 to 12 coats, depending on the color.

You initially graduated college with a degree in anthropology and sociology, did you have plans of pursuing either of those concentrations down the road? I think I was doing what most kids do when they go to college; shift majors 50 times. There were a ton of things I was interested in, I started as a PoliSci major. I was planning on going into politics, or the C.I.A., something like that, but I got bored and switched to psychology. I’d be a good psychologist, but that also got too boring. Human behavior is pretty fascinating to me, so I shifted to the sociology and anthropology, I guess I thought I’d teach, or something like that. I can see myself teaching at some point in life... Some subject...

A lot of artists seem to be in a struggle with the digital age nowadays; between keeping up with their public image (website posts, social media, shows, fan interaction, etc.) or actually making and producing artwork. Have you felt the effects of this? Yeah. My website is probably not the most up to date, and it gets to a point where I debate the value of a website. Something like Instagram seems like a pretty streamlined way for sharing work and maintaining a portfolio; it’s professional and personal at the same time. Shows are exhausting, it’s why I don’t do so many these days. I am a fan of working and creating. Maintaining an image or keeping in touch are not qualities I excel at, I understand the importance of it to an extent, but I am a firm believer that things fall where they need to. I take on what I can, and focus on what I need to. The rest sorts itself out.

one path superior to another.

some things better in other arenas. It has all developed organically, and will find its way back to the monkeys when it makes sense. I’ve been messing around with it again but, it’s still not quite right on the timing, a few more things to learn I think.

Where are we going as a human race, or should I say, as “space monkeys?” We are in a state of de-evolution. Lost souls looking for answers behind all the wrong curtains. The space monkeys are advanced button pushers. They couldn’t be more human.

A lot of parents push their kids into sports these days. As an artist/parent, do you find yourself encouraging your kids to choose an artistic route? I encourage my sons to pursue whatever they find joy in, I don’t care what it is. I don’t think pushing your children into anything is a wise idea. It’s better to let them choose what they like and don’t like.

You must have had some of those same freedoms then, growing up as a military child and pursuing the arts? I don’t know if you could call them freedoms, or lack of supervision. My parents were definitely pretty mellow. I played a ton of sports, and drew quite a bit as well. They never really pushed me in any direction though. The only time my pops got on me with enlistment papers was after I was out of high school, just sort of dicking around. He was

-Art Piece

pretty much on some “go to college or join the navy”, hence my adventures in anthropology and sociology. They have always been super supportive in any endeavor of mine. No matter how different I was from them, they always respected that. I just hope to pass along the same to my boys, to support them and their passions, no matter what they are. Once an artist becomes widely recognized (like yourself), is it hard to stick to your path and not become too commercial, or is that

just part of the hustle? All art is commercial. I always laugh at a “fine artist” that believes one path superior to another. Making paintings for sale, by definition, is commercial. Galleries are commercial businesses, they are there to make money off of an artist. I stick to my path wherever it takes me. I trust my instincts, if something feels right, I roll with it. My work with Hurley is greatly inspiring, and has helped push me, and inspire me as an artist far greater than any gallery or institution has.






-Middle Office 2



What do you do in your free time? Not much free time these days. Mostly hang out with my kids when they are home. When they aren’t, I’m either traveling or working in the studio. I shoot hoops in the driveway quite a bit in between. What’s next for you? More shows, site work, a book?

I have no idea what’s up next. Part of the beauty of life is not knowing. So we’ll see what comes along. Thanks for your time. Any last shout outs? Anyone and everyone who has ever taken the time to support me and allow me the great opportunity to make art for a living.

now playing


Leek Dollaz Leek Dollaz, is a child of two jazz musicians, his exposure to music is deep and genuine. He can take you from the hood to a 5-star hotel in two lines. Hailing from Hell’s Kitchen NYC, his music embodies the New York Tempo, while lyrically he spins the globe. Recently, he has completed his first mixtape titled: City Behind Me, Volume 1. Be on the lookout for City Behind Me, Volume 2 as well as a full-length album in Spring of 2013.

INTERVIEW BY Peter Levandowski Photos MadKats Productions, Kelly Merlino 129

now playing Leek Dollaz

there is just something unique about Talk to me about Hell’s Kitchen and what it means to you? It’s my place of birth and because of the place it is, the middle of Manhattan, it’s culturally diverse. It’s an urban setting, it has a lot of different elements to it. There are filthy rich people, poor people, a lot of things going on, being the center of New York, which created and shaped who I am as an individual. It allows me to fit into different settings, with different types of people. Musically, it enhances what comes into my mind and what I actually say when I am in the booth. Where else have you lived, and what draws you back here, to Hell’s Kitchen? I’ve lived in CT, MA, VA, and I dunno, I just love New York. I guess I’m a city boy, there is just something unique about the city that I am drawn back to time and time again. Discuss some of the struggles living in the city? The city is expensive, so you find yourself constantly grinding, and always out trying to get money

the city that I am drawn back to time and time 130


to support your lifestyle. Everything is open 24 hours, bars, deli’s, you don’t get much sleep. It’s true what they say the city doesn’t sleep, nor do I, I take naps. Does living in the city inspire you as an artist? Yea, absolutely. It’s motivational, living only a ten minute walk from all the major record labels. I see a lot of successful artists, just in passing, and being close to it, not just TV, ya know, it puts me in the position that makes me feel like I can do it. If they can do it, so can I.

Recently, City Behind Me, Volume 1 was dropped. Give me a little insight into that mixtape... Reason it’s called City Behind Me is because I’m a city boy, I represent New York, and people really support me. I get a lot of love in New York and so what I’m basically saying, is that I have the whole city behind me, supporting me. The mixtape is more like an album, I cover a lot of different topics, stories to songs about love, songs about hooking up with ten females in one week, songs about struggles and hustlin’. It has a wide variety of songs.


now playing Leek Dollaz

Who would people compare you to? I’m a lyrical artist, and I’m not complex to the point where people don’t get it. In some instances I’ve been compared to Jay-Z, which is one of the best comparisons you could ever hear. I appreciate that and embrace it. I don’t compare myself to anyone because I’m original, unique and can stand-alone. Usually I get Jay-Z or Tupac, people with that sort of lyrical edge to them, but are relevant to common people, so people can understand what I’m rappin’ about.


the city

doesn’t sleep, nor do I, I take naps. What do you do for fun? I love traveling; I try to get out of the city as much as I can. I love tropical places. When I’m in the city I like to hang with my GMU team, hang out with some females, go to the club and pop some bottles. I also want to mention that I went on a school trip to Stratton in 4th grade, and was introduced to snowboarding, and I’ve loved it ever since. What did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be in business. I always knew that I didn’t want to work for someone else, my parents never worked for anyone else. I always embraced that lifestyle. I always knew I wanted to be in business and an entrepreneur, but I never really knew what I wanted to do within that. Who has helped you the most with your musical career? I would have to split that in two, my boy LuLu the Paperboy, one of the main GMU members, and my boy LoMuzik. I’ve known LuLu for a long time, but have more recently met LoMuzik, he has been instrumental in how my music has formed and evolved. What’s “GMU” ? GMU: Get your Money Up. It’s pretty much the name of our team, but it’s more of the life we live. It represents striving for success, being adamant about succeeding in everything we do, and doing everything to the best of your ability. It’s about making a statement, and standing for something. We stand for living life to the fullest and being as successful as we can. We don’t sleep. Who is in “GMU”? LoMuzik, LuLu the Paperboy, Simply Don, and then a whole bunch of sub members that are affiliated

with us. We are the main culprits. We just joined forces with 1life1goal, their boss is GS da General, we’re collaborating and are uniting our teams to make us all stronger. Alongside you is your producer LoMuzik. LoMuzik, what is it like working with Leek Dollaz? It’s amazing, we work mad good together. We go together like salt and pepper. I make the beat, and then I may have a concept, and he might write a chorus, and I have him listen to a chorus I’ve made. I’ve worked with a whole bunch of people that don’t wanna change their idea to make the music better. I don’t get mad at that, but basically I don’t feel like we are working together. When Leek and I are in the lab coming up with ideas, we try it, and if it doesn’t sound good, we erase it and go with another idea. It’s crazy how the music we make always comes out official, because we work together, not against each other. Is he easier to work with than other people you’ve worked with? It’s crazy, I have never worked with somebody and got stuff done together how we do. Everything just comes together. A lot of people won’t try new concepts or ideas. There is a lot of give and take between us. We help each other to make better music. We can be honest with each other, saying it’s either good or bad. How do you come up with your beats? What do you think of when you’re creating a beat? My original beats are based on my feelings and my dreams. Everything is based on my feelings, if I’m happy I make a beat that sounds like I’m happy, if I’m angry I make a beat that sounds angry. Sometimes I can’t express my feelings, so I do it through my music. However I feel, is what I’m gonna make.


P Kelly Merlino

now playing Leek Dollaz

I can go in front of my keyboard and say I’m gonna make a party beat. That beat may go left and be a hood gangsta beat, or it could sound like a prince track. Everything I see brings music to my mind. Anything I think about has a beat, and infinite melodies run through my head, I try to translate them into a beat. I feel like the nerd because I play the keyboard, to help master the art of making music. How long does it take you to come up with a beat? It depends, sometimes it just clicks. Most of the time it will take 10-15 minutes. The longest it ever took me to make a beat was probably 45 minutes. I don’t read notes either; it is all done by ear. I have to memorize the keys. So if it’s really fast for 8 bars, I have to memorize every key. Whatever I press, I have to remember what comes next. People don’t know how I do it without reading notes. 134

What kind of equipment do you work with? Fantom x6 keyboard, Akai mpc-2000 and Avid Pro Tools. What rapper would you love to produce for?

Honestly, I won’t single anyone out. I don’t care if you’re nice, wack, if you’re signed or not, I will make beats for anybody. I just want people to hear my music, I don’t care who you are. What are your next steps/goals as a producer? Practice makes perfect. I know I can get better, all I do is think of how much better I’ll be in the future. My goal is to have the whole world hear me. I was told one time, “you’re nice, and you need everyone to hear you.” I have to show the world I’m nice. Keep making better beats and get better equipment. I want to make it. Shout outs? LoMuzik: Uncle Angel (for getting me my first keyboard), Class Act, Monroe and Chelsea Projects, Gutta, My Family I love, and god for creating greatness! Leek Dollaz: to god, myself, my immediate family, all my ladies, and last and least all my haters. You all inspire my greatness.

Hohmeyer peno Rider: Adam Hohmeyer Photo: Shimpeno A Better Way To Do School

now playing

BY Vanessa Bennett PHOTOS Shervin Lainez

lady lamb the beekeeper

The small city of Portland, ME doesn’t always conjure up images of prolific musicians defying industry labels and cultivating notoriety, but Aly Spaltro, better known as Lady Lamb The Beekeeper, proves that appearances can be deceiving. At the ripe old age of 23, she’s put out three full length albums and an EP, and has caused a steady buzz in the indie scene.


now playing Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

as a female musician, you have to prove yourself to everyone, constantly.


Her career began with some life altering decisions, like ditching her acceptance to the Art Institute of Chicago, and donning a moniker that as she puts it, “would help me stand out and give me a stronger identity.” Her passion for music originates from a very common place – emotional turmoil. “When I started out, music was a form of therapy. I’d had a

hard year and it helped me, it took away all of the stress and that expression drives me,” she says. For Spaltro, her albums aren’t just showcases of her troubadour style of play, but “a necessity to understand the feelings that I have, and turn them into something productive.”


now playing Lady Lamb The Beekeeper


While she’s been successful in her endeavor, she’s had her run-ins with the industry. “I’ve been labeled before, but I’ve tried to avoid it by being kind of weird and writing songs that wouldn’t necessarily be considered folk or singer/songwriter material.” She believes that the music industry today seems all too happy to place and superficially categorize musicians, and it’s something she has real beef with, particularly in regard to the ladies. “It baffles me and it’s sad. As a woman, as a female musician, you have to prove yourself to everyone, constantly.” She makes no excuses for her dislike of these perceived gender biases, but also accepts them as motivational influence, “it forces me to work harder, to be a better musician.”

Spaltro’s determination has helped her to make some tough, if not necessary life decisions, including being realistic about the limitations of Northern New England’s musical influence. “There aren’t too many opportunities in Maine for music past a certain point,” she muses, “Portland is very insular. It’s an amazing bubble, but you can’t always get where you need to be and it’s hard to evolve.” The now Brooklyn-based artist has no second guesses about her life choices, “It made so much sense that I didn’t want to go to school, in fact when it came time to go,” says Spaltro, “it was a laughable notion.”

now playing




HOF If you’ve

Interviewed By Joe Banda Photos T. Couture

never heard

Ominous, heavy and technical all rolled into a spliff that would


leave the devil himself wheezing and coughing. HOF takes the


doom stoner metal formula and boots it in the ass. Forming in

on Fire, you’re seriously 142

blowing it.

1998, the Oakland based trio has been shredding ever since with no signs of slowing down. After releasing their 6th studio album, De Vermiis Mysteriis in 2012, HOF has been touring the U.S. extensively. During HOF’s recent trip to Massachusetts, I was lucky enough to sit down and talk with guitarist/vocalist, Matt Pike, for a few minutes before their set at the Middle East Club in Boston.


now playing High on Fire

Welcome to Boston, how was Thanksgiving on the road? Well, we went out to this restaurant, I forget what it was called, ate at an all you can eat meat thing. (Laughter) And uh yeah, I went and saw that Lincoln movie, and when I get out of the movie there’s like a milf mosh pit at the mall. It was Black Friday ya know so, haha, yeah it was pretty... I mean whatever, it’s Thanksgiving on the road. We had a good dinner though, it was cool man, we would have liked to be around our families but, whatever, it is what it is. You guys have a pretty good amount of East Coast shows coming up. Being from Oakland, do you like being across the other side of the country more, or are you more a fan of doing your home strip? Well they are all different, I like being in different places at different times, and ya know traveling’s just… If you don’t love to do it you shouldn’t have this job. So, yeah I love different cultures, different atmospheres, all that. I like being able to wake up somewhere different everyday.


With recent legalizations, are you trying to book more shows in Washington or Colorado? Hahahaha, I haven’t thought about it as much as I think Al Cisneros (Sleep, Asbestosdeath) has been. He’s asked me a bunch of times, he’s all “should we just do a tour of Colorado”, he’s funny like that. Yeah no, we’re gonna hit them the same as we always have, and that’s really cool though, I’m glad for those places. California, it’s basically been legal for a long time, even though it’s not completely legal, it’s just kinda, yeah… it was a try out state or whatever. Alright, you guys are widely credited with the

revival of the doom stoner scene, taking notes from the Black Sabbath school. Was it a conscious decision, to kind of go after that style, or was it something that was just natural from jamming with certain dudes. Um, I don’t know, it was kind of the school I grew up in, punk rock, but I was always leaning towards the metal, and the kind of ‘doomier’ sh*t. I was always a Sabbath fan, and a Pink Floyd fan, and on top of that, a Slayer fan, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Corrosion… So, you know, it all got intermingled and I just put a wide array into the playing styles that HOF does you know? Versus the school I grew

Live music is becoming a rare thing, don’t take it for granted.


now playing High on Fire

up in with, like Asbestosdeath, which was a weird, dirty punk band, and then it turned into Sleep, which was a stoner revival band. Then that turned into High on Fire, which was doomier, and then as we progressed as musicians, HOF gradually got more technical, faster and took on more of the metal, but we still try to keep a lot of the doom. So you know, it’s a mixture of all those different subcultures of music. Yeah, f*ck yeah! It’s such a unique style. Has the writing process changed a lot since ‘98 when you first started or is it kind of still the same? You know a lot of the riffs and a lot of the bass and drum lines have gotten more technical, but a lot of the formulas that we have for putting songs together and a lot of the lyrics, they keep the same vein. They’ve just gotten way more complicated as we’ve gotten older and smarter and more complicated as people you know, that’s kind of the human condition.

boards and Skinner, how did that come about? Well we’re friends with Skinner for one, and the Creature guys are always at our shows in Santa Cruz, it kind of just worked itself out. We thought it would be really cool. I used to skateboard, I have a bad knee and stuff like that, so I haven’t been on that circuit much, but I know a lot of skateboarder’s ya know? I’m friends with Geoff Rowley, and I grew up with Stevie Caballero, people like that, so I’ve always kind of been right there on the skateboard culture thing, and I think HOF kind of falls in that vein. You’re on tour with Lo-Pan, Goatwhore, and Primate. Are you psyched to be on tour with them, is it like a family thing? Yeah it is, like all these guys we’ve toured with before. Lo-Pan, they’re pretty new to us, but yeah Primate and Goatwhore we’ve definitely done a lot of touring with members of both those bands. Yeah, it is a family thing you know, once you’re a part of this weird circuit, everybody goes through all this stuff, and you take care of each other, give each other tours and stuff like that. It’s always a cool thing to keep it musically in the family and whatnot.

I like being able

to wake up somewhere different everyday.


Yeah, speaking of complicated, you have a pretty gnarly setup going on if I’m not mistaken, with your own custom 9 string sort of setup, care to elaborate? I’m personally not a musician; I just know you like to have your specific setup. Could you just give a basic run down of what you’re playing with for all of the guitar savvy folks out there? Yeah, well I do have a 9 string First Act that they made for me, I use that a lot. I’ve been using a Les Paul lately though, I got the Les Paul Supreme. I use Soldano amps, I use Blackstar amps, and I use an array of pedals; Sparrow pedals, Pigtronix, MXR. Dunlop Strings, and I’ve actually been going back and forth between Dunlop and DR’s, but I think I’m switching to Dunlop as far as I know right now. Yeah that’s pretty much it, I just have a lot of stuff that I try to make work you know, so... hahaha. You guys did a collaboration with Creature skate-

Well, that’s pretty much it. I don’t want to keep you too long since you want to see that set. What’s next, are you guys touring? What’s next for HOF? Well if we live past the end of the Mayan calendar, we’ll play a show the day after that. (Laughter). No end of the world show? I think it’s on the 21st, yeah. Last words or thoughts? Thank you for listening, continue to do what you do, please come out and support us, you know support the music scene, and the bands that are with us, and the bands that we will be with. Live music is becoming a rare thing, don’t take it for granted.


So you wanna be a filmer… Words Ben Knight

Being a filmer has its perks. You get to ride for free, party with the pros, and travel to some seriously interesting places. Being a filmer myself, I can vouch for these statements, and can honestly say I’ve had a blast doing it. However, don’t put your life savings down and buy yourself a camera just yet, there are downsides, lots of them.


Don’t expect to get paid right off the bat, or even after years of shooting. It’s not going to happen. No matter how good you are, people are always going to ask you to shoot for free, or trade for shwag (which is one of my favorite things), so a good day job is a must. Try getting a job at a snowboard shop, where you will meet good riders that need footage to boost their marketing potential for sponsors. Go to all the events you can, get to know the best riders and pitch yourself to them. Oh, by the way, learn to work your camera. Some of you guys just shouldn’t be making edits at all. Please, for everyone who takes themselves seriously, stop producing crap. I understand you want to have edits of you and your friends for people to see, but if you haven’t done it and don’t have any intention of making a good edit, just stop. We’ve all seen it, the edit that was shot with no style or creativity. It’s cut terribly, and nothing matches to that gangster beat you’ve got in the background. Some of the stuff I’ve seen out there is just downright insulting. So,

leave it to the pros please. Think outside the box when you shoot, we will all benefit from it. Try getting crazy with angles and camera movement. If it’s a night shoot, throw something colorful over one of your work lights, it’ll give you those extra style points. Watch some major snowboard videos. Don’t just watch, analyze them. Figure out what angles they use, try and replicate some of the better ones yourself. Filming is not just about pointing a camera and shooting, it’s about capturing action in the best way to make that small rail look huge, or how that frontside 360 will look if you slow it down by fifty percent. Get some lifestyle shots and some stuff to make people feel like they are a part of the video, make them want to be part of the video or the culture you are conveying. Think about how you are putting yourself out to people. Do you really want to be seen as just a pot smoking kid who can’t actually ride? I don’t really want to watch a video of a bunch of kids smoking on a chairlift and not doing anything else at all. If you are going to party in your videos, at least ride well enough in the edit to back it up.

So, go grab yourself a camera, get out there and shoot this winter for the love, not for the money. Think about what you are shooting and what you would like to watch. You may just like what you bring home to the editing room (aka your apartment).


The C.I.A. once spent $20 million on a cat equipped with spy gear to spy on the Soviets, but it was hit by a taxi.

a normal ‘urination rate’ is 8-10 times a day.

60% of what someone blabbers about when drunk, is true.

You CAN’T TALK while inhaling through your nose. There are more plastic flamingos 150

in the United States than real ones.

People who talk to themselves are more likely to have a high IQ.

In Florida, a 13 year-old boy was arrested for excessive farting.

More than 80% of people feel better after crying.

12/12/12 was the last repetitive date we will ever see.

SHOP SPOTTING Boston EatS Anna’s Taqueria Harvard Street Pizza Stop Cypress Street

BRANDS Bean, Smokin, Niche, Vans, StepChild, Technine, Drake, Celtek, Habitat, Landyachtz, Bones, Krooked, Indie, JSLV, Bern.

SHRED SPOTS Waltham Skatepark Hyde Park Skatepark Blue Hills Ski Area Ski Bradford Nashoba Valley Ski Area Wachusett

INFO 362 Boylston Street Brookline, MA 02445 617-501-6389




M: By Appt. T - F: 12 - 8 SAT & SUN: 12 - 6

Founded on passion and a drive to promote the local scene, THURO provides the Boston area with top of the line service and an active, professional staff. Offering a range of products from local and well known brands, THURO goods are always tested and up to par with customer standards. From art, clothing and kendamas to your general shredding needs, THURO has everything you want.

The shop makes it their utmost priority to bring the shred culture together at the slopes, on the streets, and in the ocean. THURO does their part to engage the community and foster everything that encompasses a fun, thriving alternative sports environment. Whether it’s setting up trips to mountains, premiering films, building local jib parks, hosting competitions, or hooking people up with deals, the riders are always number one.

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