Steel Notes Magazine July & August 2016

Page 47

Steel Notes Magazine

The rest of the “The Do Over” focuses on Sandler’s Alzheimer’s-inflicted mother; a gay biker; Luis Guzman in the thankless role of Jorge, a club bartender, and we see his sweaty nether- regions; a German Gymnast assassin who loves to attach spark plugs to his nipples; some shootouts; electrocution torture scenes, in short, almost a

“Pineapple Express” redux of bloody tableaux though thankfully not as graphically violent. The issue with “The Do Over” is that it abandons its premise of purposely mistaken identities and living a life of pleasure for semiserious intentions. The psycho-girlfriend is (*spoiler alert*) really Max’s wife, for instance, and Max actually has cancer and so the film becomes a chase picture – Max and Charlie search for the cure located in a USB drive. A certain doctor (one of the corpses) has a wife who may be the clue to finding that drive. Yet “The Do-Over” is overwrought with tired, profane jokes on gays, elderly women with sagging breasts, sexualized women in catfights, and more sex. Then there is cartoonish violence by way of shootouts that would “The Do-Over” has forsaken its premise look more at home in a Robert Rodriguez movie, vehicles barfor a sentimental “family” movie with sereling into the same unlucky person, women thrown against riously overdone plotting over its initial concrete walls and streets, etc. After a while, the fun and the goofball connotations. thrill evaporate. What was a premise of some potential that could’ve evolved into a comedy of errors turns into a harbinger of gay panic excess where Sandler even fellates a gay biker’s fingers. I guess it is not my cup of Puerto Rican coffee.

Steel Notes Magazine


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