Allenspark Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

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continued development, and increasing population, the task may seem overwhelming. However, with the entire community sharing in the urgent job of protecting our area from wildfire, we can make a difference. A proven way to address big problems is to focus on priorities, simplify the job, and then get started. With what you’ve learned from this plan, now is the time for you to pick a project that fits your situation and that you can accomplish. Your efforts are critical to our community’s success. The CWPP working group expects to showcase examples of individual and neighborhood projects that demonstrate successful wildfire protection action. As more people see and understand the benefits of taking action, the momentum to do so throughout the community will increase. Whole neighborhoods can pool together and come up with fire protection projects that fit their situation and comfort level. Because of the plan, grant eligibility is possible so that, for example, groups can hire a consultant to plan their neighborhood project, if a professional’s help is needed to get things started. Sometimes all it takes is a wellinformed neighbor to encourage others to action. This plan mandates nothing! No properties are singled out. However, every private and public ownership in the community will benefit from wildfire protection action. This plan provides information to bring about understanding. It provides recommendations to help people protect themselves, their families, their property, and their neighbors. It is now up to all private property owners!

While managing vegetation to lessen fire danger may be a foreign concept to some, others have already taken that action and are pleased with safe results. Please join that segment of the community taking free-will action. CWPP FUTURE SECTIONS Additional fire-protection related subjects of community interest may be addressed over time, for example, watershed protection initiatives, wildlife habitat enhancement, citizen fire brigade training, sustainable forest restoration, prescribed fire introduction and management, etc. Completion of future plan sections will depend upon other members of the community taking responsibility for additional plan sections. ACTIVITY RECORD OF THE CWPP This plan is meant to be a work in progress, not a one-time document. As actions are completed to protect the community from fire, the Record Section will document accomplishments. Individuals can document plans and accomplishments with the County Clerk and Recorder’s office as a permanent record. Note: SEE sample Activity Record on following page.

Allenspark Community Wildlife Protection Plan | 2009


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