St Catherine's News - Spring 2019

Page 44


St Catherine’s News Spring 2019



SCOGA are incredibly fortunate to host nine reunions each year. Hundreds of Old Girls make their way through the Heyington Gates into the glorious Drawing Room of Sherren House to gather together, reconnect, and reminisce about their heady days of being a St Catherine’s school girl. Here is the brilliant presentation given by our 1989 Year Group Representative – Sophie Paterson (Nicholas ’89).

Welcome to all. Well done to all for making such a great effort to rally around and get the old gang back together. It’s amazing that we not only finished school 30 years ago, but most of also started school 42-43 years ago. I don’t think we look that old, do we? 30 years ago we were singing at our final assemblies “lord dismiss us with thy blessing”, “fight the good fight with all they might” and “though I speak of the tongues of men and of angels”. It seems such a long time ago but I certainly don’t feel that old. We are all joined by a very strong bond and given the most wonderful opportunity to start our lives being educated here at St Cath’s. Many of us started way back in Kindy and when I look back at the memories we wrote down for our 20 year reunion – the warm milk, sleeping at lunchtime, the red steps, playing down ball, hopscotch, the monkey bars, kiss chasey, swapping scratch and sniff stickers, hello kitty, lunch orders, trips to Sovereign Hill, the Charlotte’s web week in the library in those sunken steps with Mrs Parton, music with Mrs McKenzie, recorder lessons, skipping to “In Mississippi if you miss a loop you’re out”, Singing in assembly Down by the Sea and Trotting trotting through Jerusalem, getting your reader, swimming in the freezing cold pool and having to powder your swim cap, the International day and singing I’m an Aussie, yes I am, the Easter bonnet parade, the St Pauls

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