Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils by Anna Riva

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A Collection of Sacred-Magick.Com < The Esoteric Library

ALMOND - Said to attract money when it is added to incense. Use about one drop per spoonful of Fast Luck or Wealthy Way Incense. The ancient Egyptians regarded this fragrance as a sym­ bol of wakefulness, and many moderns dab it over the eye­ brows each morning upon getting out of bed to assure alert­ ness.

ALTAR - Anoint the altar with this at least once a week, and pref­ erably on Sunday. Place some oil in an open dish in any room to lift the vibrations to a greater, purer height so that Holy Spir­ its will find the room a fitting place for abode. AMBER - Very popular in many European countries as a protec­ tion against witches, warlocks, and ill luck. For those who carry a Breastplate of Moses seal for pro­ tection from all harm, anoint it with this oil every seven days to intensify and prolong its effectiveness. AMBERGRIS - This can be used in conjunction with any other oil of your choice - as well as alone for those who may select it as an enchanting personal fragrance. When applied along with another scent it adds strength and power to the intended purpose of the charm. ANCIENT WISDOM - Proverbs 8, Verse 1/ says, "For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.'

ANGEL - Angels, spirits. demons, and goblins may be attracted to the earthly planet when oils they like are used. This odor is pleasing to angels and should be placed near where the invo­ cation is made, saying "Here is thy favorite oil which I have placed before thee to please thee so that thou may see my in­ tentions are sincere and my words are truthful. •


A peaceful oil, pink candles may be dressed with this to attract friends, and white candles anointed with it to calm a troubled home. ANGER - This is used either on oneself, or others, when tempers flare and passions explode to quiet, soothe, and calm. Rub behind the ears and across the forehead for quick results, at the same time composing the mind by repeating slowly from Psalm 36, "In Thy light shall we see light. Continue Thy loving kindness unto them that know Thee, Lend Thy righteousness to the upright in heart.' ANIMAL - This is not intended for any four-footed friends. but could turn a shy miss or timid beau into an aggressive feline or ferocious tiger. Use sparingly as it is highly concentrated. ANISE -

Used by voodooists before and during rituals.

To increase one's clairvoyant abilities, add to the bath water, and anoint the premises and the body before gazing into the crystal ball or shuffling the cards for telling fortunes. ANOINTING - In general, all oils are anointing oils as to anoint simply means to rub over with oil or to apply oil especially for consecration. Some dealers or manufacturers may make up a particu­ lar oil by this name, to be used in magnetizing candles, on the altar or on incense burners, and on other ritual implements. APHRODISIA - Sexy, sexy, sexy ... should be used sparingly, and only when near the person you wish to arouse. To excite great passion in another, secure for yourself a Fifth Pentacle of Venus design (draw one as pictured in the Greater Key of Solomon book or purchase it from an occult supply house), anoint with oil, and place it in the pocket or purse of the one you wish to attract.


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